ISO 5323:1984
(Main)Solid wood parquet and raw parquet blocks — Vocabulary
Solid wood parquet and raw parquet blocks — Vocabulary
Establishes terms and definitions for the purpose of expressing as correctly as possible concepts. These terms and definitions are not restrictive. Included are alphabetical indices in the three ISO languages.
Parquet en bois et frises brutes à parquet — Vocabulaire
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Solid wood parquet and raw parquet blocks - Vocabulary
First edition - 1984-12-15
Parquet en bois et frises brutes 6 parquet - Vocabulaire
Premihe bdition - 1984-12-15
llepeoe HsAatwe - 1984-12-15
Ref. No./Rbf. no :
UDWCDUlY~K 674-42 : 69.025.351.3 : 001.4 ISO5323-1984 (E/F/R)
CCblJlKa No: MC0 5323-1984 (A/O/P)
- Descriptors : wood products, wood floors, parquet strips, parquet blocks, vocabulary. / Descripteurs : produit en bois, placher en bois, lame 2
- I
nnaHKa napKerHafl, QpM3bi napKerHbte.
parquet, frise 3 parquet, vocabulaire. /j$?CKplMlTOpbl : M3p(enMR M3 flpeBeCMHbl, nOflbl )JepeBRHHble,
$s: cnosapkl.
Price based on 12 pages/Prix base sur 12 pages/&Ha paccciMraHa Ha 12 crp.
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IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is nor-
mally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject
for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that
committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with
ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member
bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. They
are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member
bodies voting.
International Standard IS0 5323 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 99, Semi-
of timber.
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration des Normes inter-
nationales est confide aux comites techniques de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une
etude a le droit de faire par-tie du comite technique tree 8 cet effet. Les organisations inter-
nationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO, participent egale-
ment aux travaux.
Les projets de Normes internationales adopt& par les comites techniques sont soumis aux comi-
tes membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par le
Conseil de I’ISO. Les Normes internationales sont approuvees conformement aux procedures de
I’ISO qui requierent I’approbation de 75 % au moins des comites membres votants.
La Norme internationale IS0 5323 a et6 elaboree par le comite
technique ISO/TC 99, Bois semi-
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LICO (MeqyHapOF(HaR OpraHM3aqMR n0 CTaHflapTt43a~WI) RBflReTCR BCeMMpHOti c@efiepaqHeti
Ha4MOHanbHblX OpraHVl3a~ldl n0 CTaH~apTM3a~MM (KOMMTeTOB-WleHOB Hco). AeRTeJlbHOCTb n0
pa3pa60TKe MeAqyHapofiHblx CTaHAapTOB npOBOflMTCR TeXHMqeCKtiMM KOMMTeTaMVl MCO. Kam-
flblti KOMMTeT-qneH, 3WlHTepeCOBaHHblti B AeRTenbHOCTkl, AnR KOTOpOti 6bln CO3flaH TeXHM-
WCKltlti KOMMTeT, MMeeT npaB0 6blTb npefiCTaBneHHblM B 3TOM KOMMTeTe. Mem~yHapo~Hble npa-
BMTenbCTBeHHble M HenpaBMTenbCTBeHHble OpfaHM3a4Ml4, MMelO~lAe CBR3M C MCO, TaKNte llpkl-
HMMatOT yllaCTkle B pa6OTaX.
i-@OeKTbl Me>KJJyHapOflHblX CTaHAapTOB, llpMHflTble TeXHM’deCKMMM KOMMTeTaMM, PaCCblnalOTCR
KOMMTeTaM-‘4neHaM Ha ofp6petiMe llepeA MX yTBepmfieHkleM COBeTOM MC0 B KacleCTBe MexAy-
HapOAHblX CTaHgapTOB. OHM 0~06pRlOTCR B COOTBeTCTBMM C nOpR#KaMVl pa6o-r MCO, Tpe6ytOlqMMM
oAO6peHMR n0 MeHbllleti Mepe 75 O/o KOMMTeTOB-qneHOB, IlpklHl’lMalO~PlX yqaCTl4e B I-OnOCOBaHMM.
MexAyHapOJJH bl r;l CTaHflapT MC0 5323 6bln pa3pa6oTaH TexHM c(eCKMM KOMMTeTOM MCO/TK 99,
nony@a6puKambl u3 dpesecwbl.
0 International Organization for Standardization, 1984 l
0 Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1984 l
@ MemAyHapojqHaR Opratiwsaqwn no CTaHAapTwaqw, 1984 l
Printed in Switzerland/ lmprimi! en SuisselkAaHo B Ueel;lqapMM
. . .
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IS0 53234984 (E/F/R)
MC0 5323-1984 (A/@/P)
Parquet en bois et frises IlapKeT AepesfiHHbik
Solid wood parquet
H Ct)pH3bl IWpKeTHble -
brutes 6 parquet -
and raw parquet
blocks - Vocabulary Vocabulaire CJlOBapb
1 Scope and field Objet et domaine 06’beKT H 06naCTb
of application d’application IlpHMeHeHHFl
HacToRqM1;1 iVk?xplyHapOp,Hbir;i CTaHJJaPT
1.1 This International Standard La presente Norme internationale etablit
une liste de termes et donne leurs defini- YCTaHaBJlMBWT CllMCOK TePMVlHOB M )JaeT
establishes terms and definitions for the
purpose of expressing as correctly as tions, pour exprimer le plus correctement MX 0npeAeneHMfr flnfl 6onee T~~HOTO Bbl-
possible concepts relating to wood par- possible les notions concernant le parquet pam.eHMFl llOHFITMti OTHOCMTWlbHO Repe-
en bois et les frises brutes a parquet. BflHHOl-0 napke-ra l4 @pk130B.
quet flooring and to raw parquet
I.2 The terms and definitions given in Les termes et les definitions don& dans la TepMr4Hbr M onpegenerir4fl, coAepmaqt4ecfl
this International Standard are not presente Norme internationale ne sont pas B HaCTOFIueM ii/kNqyHapOflHOM CTaHflap-
restrictive. limitatifs. Te, He flBflfltOTCf4 OTpaHklWlTTeflbHblMVl.
Termes et d6finitions
2 Terms and definitions TePMHtibl H OI’Ipe~eneHHR
2.1 raw parquet block : A solid frise brute 6 parquet: Piece de bois mas- CfIpkl3a: 3arOTOBKa J@lfl llapKeTHblX nIla-
sif aux faces sensiblement planes et paralle- HOK, M3l-OTOBJleHHaR M3 qWlbHOr;r APeBE?-
piece of wood having flat and reason-
ably parallel faces and rectangular les, de section rectangulaire, obtenue par CMHbl, MMetO~aFl FlJlOCKMe M BOCTaTOqHO
sciage et ayant les dimensions requises
cross-section, obtained by sawing, and napannenbHbie nnacTr4, a Takme npflhnoy-
having the dimensions required for the pour la fabrication des lames 8 parquet. ronbHoe nonepelrHoe ceL(et-iMe, nonyclet+
manufacture of parquet strips. HOe PaCnWIOM, C npMnyCKOM Ha 06pa60TKy.
parement de la frise brute: Meilleure
2.2 face of raw parquet block : The nh4yeean cTopoHa *pkd3bl: HaMnycrwaR
best side of the parquet block. face de la frise. CTOpOHa C@Wl3bl.
2.3 back of raw parquet block: contreparement de frise brute: Face 06OpOTtia~ CTOpOHa Ct)pH3bl: CTOpOHa
The side opposite to the face. opposee au parement. dm43bl, nporr4Bononomtia~ nmuesol;r.
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IS0 5323-1984 (E/F/R)
MC0 5323-1984 (A/@/P)
2.4 mosaic parquet finger: An ele- lamelle ;i parquet mosai’que : Element en nnatiKa M03abwHoro napKeTa : )JeTanb
ment of solid wood of small dimensions bois massif, de petite dimension et de He6OnbWIX pashnepos, perynfipHoti @op-
and regular shape, having flat edges. forme reguliere, a rives plates.
M3rOTOBneHHaFl vl3 MaCCVlBHOrO aepesa.
2.5 parquet strip: A wood element
lame 6 parquet: clement de bois manu- nnaHKa napKeTHa!I: 06pa6OTaHi-m Repe-
with a flat face, having regular facture, 61 parement lisse, d’epaisseur regu- BflHHaH fleTanb c rnaflKol7r niqesoti CTO-
thickness and a constant profile, in- Ii&e et de profil constant, destine, par pOHOI;;I, paBHOMepHOti TOn~VlHOL;1 l4 IlOCTO-
tended to form parquet by assembly assemblage avec d’autres elements sem- fIHHblM llpOC@lneM, KOTOpaFl l-lpw c6opKe
with other similar components. blables, a constituer un parquet. c ApyrI/IMI/I aHanorwHblMi4 fieTanflMi4 co-
cTaBnfleT napKeT.
2.6 integrated tongue: A con- languette prise dans la masse: Partie rpe6eti b : BblcTynaloqafJ HenpepblBHaFl
tinuous protruding part, machined in
saillante continue faconnee dans I’epais- qacTb K~~MKM napKeTHol;i nnaHKi4, Bblxo-
the thickness of an edge and of an end seur d’une rive et d’un bout d’une lame a #IqaFl C COKpaqeHHblMM pa3MepaMlA Ha-
of a parquet strip, having small dimen-
parquet, de dimensions reduites, destinee a pyxy, cnymalqafi Anfl coegMHeHr4fi c co-
sions, intended to be engaged in the entrer dans la rainure d’une lame contigue. ceflHwMM nnaHKaMH.
groove of an adjacent strip.
rpe6eH b
2.7 detachable tongue: An assem- languette rapportee : Element d’assem- uJnOHKa : C6OpOcrHblr;l 3neMeHT npflMo-
bling element of rectangular cross- yronbHor0 ceqeHI/Ifl, npeqHa3HaqeHHblli
blage de section rectangulaire, servant a
section, serving to join two adjacent reunir deux lames a parquet contigues Anfl coeAMHeHvw fl~yx cocefiHl/rx napKeT-
parquet strips provided with grooves pourvues uniquement de rainures. HblX nnaHOK, CHa6xeHHblX TOnbKO fla3aMin.
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IS0 53231984 (E/F/R)
MC0 5323-1984 (A/@/P)
2.8 groove: A continuous slot cut in rainure : Entaille continue pratiquee en rive na3: HenpepblBHaR BbleMKa Ha fjOKOB0~ M
et en bout d’une lame a parquet et destin’ee
the edge and end of a parquet strip, and TOPUeBOfl KpOMKaX IlaptWrHoti nnaHKM,
intended to receive a tongue (either an a recevoir une languette (prise dans la
B KOTOpyD BxO&MT rpe6eHb (wnoHKa)
integrated or a detachable one). masse ou rapportee). anfl COeflMHeHm c coceflHeti nnaHKoL;l.
2.9 wear-layer; wearing area: A joue suphrieure; couche d’usure : Por- CJlOti H3HOCa : %CTb TOJlur,MHbl WpKeTHOti
part of the thickness of a parquet strip tion de I’epaisseur d’une lame a parquet
nnatiw, Haxofiqaflcfl Mexfly nnowo-
situated between the face and the up- comprise entre le parement et le plan sup& t CTbKI JWlqeBOr;i CTOPOHbl M BepXHelil llnO-
per plane of the groove or tongue. rieur de la rainure ou de la languette.
cKocTbto rpe6Hfl ww nasa.
2.10 floor-layer : A part of the joue infbrieure : Portion de l’epaisseur
HHXHHC;;I cnolii: qacTb Tonqwbi napKeT-
thickness of a parquet strip situated be- d’une lame a parquet comprise entre le HOti llJlaHKM MWKfiy llnOCKOCTbl0 06OpOT-
tween the back and the lower plane of contreparement et le plan inferieur de la rai-
HOl;l CTOPOH bl M HM))
the groove or tongue. nure ou de la languette.
rpe6Hfi MnM na3a.
Joue supbrieure
Cnoti M3HOCa
Joue infbrieure
HMXHI& cnoti
2.11 face of parquet strip : The up- parement de la lame ;i parquet: Face nbqesafi cTopot4a napKeTHoA nnaHKb4:
per surface of a parquet strip, intended supkieure d’une lame ZI parquet, destinke 8 BepXHfW CTOpOHa napKeTHol;i nnaHKM,
to remain visible after laying. rester apparente aprhs la pose. npeAHa3HaqeHHafl OCTaTbCFl 3aMeTHOti
nocne yKnaAm4.
2.12 back of parquet strip: The
contreparement de la lame 4 parquet: 060pOTtiaFi CTOpOHa IlapKeTHOil IlJ’IaHKH:
side opposite to the face. Face opposee au parement. nOBePXHOCTb, npoTw3ononoxHaf4 nMqe-
JlMqesafl CTOpOHa
1 Contreparement
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IS0 5323-1984 (E/F/R)
MC0 53234984 (A/O/P)
2.13 tongued and grooved par-
lame a parquet 5 languette et rainure nnaHKa napr
quet strip (type P,, variant A): A (type P,, variante A): Lame a parquet a (Tma fl,, BapHaHT A): naplte-rtiafi nnati-
shaped parquet strip, provided on one profile, dont une rive et un bout sont pour- Ka c rpe6tieM i4 nasohd tia npoumono-
edge and on one end with a tongue
vus de languette et dont la rive et le bout JlOxHblX KPOMKaX L/1 TOpL@X, C BbleMKOti
and, on the opposite edge and end, opposes sont pourvus de rainure, avec ou Mnr4 6es rice t-is tir4xHeM cnoe.
sans evidement dans la joue inferieure.
with a groove, with or without a slot in
the floor-layer.
2.14 tongued and grooved dove- lame a parquet a languette, rainure et nnaHKa napr
tailed parquet strip (type P,, variant queue d’aronde (type PI, variante 6): IlaCTO~KHHblM XBOCTOM (Tklna l-l,, sapb+
Bl: A tongued and grooved parquet Lame a parquet a languette et rainure, aHT 6): IlapKeTtiafl nnawa c rpe6HeM M
strip having a dovetailed floor-layer. ayant la joue inferieure profilee en queue nasorq mdetoqafi Ha t-wtweM cnoe npo-
d’aronde. @lNlb B JlaCTOYKMH XBOCT.
2.15 parquet strip with detachable lame ;i parquet a languette rapportee
nnaHKa naplteTHafi co u4notiKol;i (Tuna ll,):
(type P2) : Lame a parquet dont les rives et
tongue (type P2) : A parquet strip pro- flapltewaf4 nnawa c na30h4 iia 6ottoBblx M
vided with a groove on both edges and les bouts ont une rainure dans laquelle I’ele-
ends, where the joining element - the ment d’assemblage - la languette rappor- JIReTCF1 C6OpOqHblti 3neMeHT-wnotiKa.
detachable tongue - is inserted. tee - est introduit.
2.16 dovetailed parquet strip (type nnaHKa napKerriafr B JlaCTO’lKHH XBOCT
lame a parquet B queue d’aronde (type
P3) : A parquet strip having a dovetailed P3) : Lame a parquet ayant la joue infe- (rb4na I$): flapKeTHafi nnatiKa, MMeroqafl
floor-layer. rieure profilee en queue d’aronde. B HWKHeM CJlOe npOC@lJlb B JlaCTOqKMH
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IS0 5323-1984 (E/F/R)
MC0 5323-1984 (A/@/P)
2.17 “right-handed” parquet strip : lame 8 parquet ((2 droitex Lame a par- nnaHKa napKewafl ,,npaBaC: ilapltewafl
A parquet strip having the end tongue quet dont la languette de bout est situ& a nnaHKa, y ~0~0p0L;I, ecnvl cMoTpeTb Ha nw
on the right side when viewed on the droite de I’observateur regardant cette qeByf0 CTOpOHy, TOpuOB bl ti rpe6eHb Haxo-
lame avec le parement dessus, la languette AMT~H cnpasa, a rpe6eHb Ha 6OKOsOti
face with the side tongue directed
towards the observer. de rive etant tournee vers lui. KpOMKe BllAeH CO CTOpOHbl tia6ntoAato-
2.18 “left-handed” parquet strip:
lame 5 parquet ((ti gauche)): Lame a par- nnatwa napKeTt4afl ,,neBa&‘: llapr
A parquet strip having the end tongue quet dont la languette de bout est situee a l-lflaHKa, y KOTOpOlh, eCnl.4 CMOTpeTb Ha flld-
on the left side when viewed on the face gauche de I’observateur regardant cette UeByIO CTOpOHy, TOplJeBOti rpe6eH b HaXO-
with the side tongue directed towards lame avec le parement dessus, la languette Al/rTcfl cnesa, a rpe6eHb Ha 6oKoBoi;r K~OM-
the observer. de rive etant tournee vers lui. Ke - CO CTOpOH bl Ha6fltO,qafOujero.
2.19 frame block: A piece of wood, lame d’encadrement : Piece en bois, pro-
nnawa flnfi 06paMneww (Ct)pb43): Aepe-
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