Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives — Part 2: Test methods for adhesives

ISO 13007:2013 describes the methods for determining the characteristics for adhesives used in the installation of ceramic tiles. The following test methods are described: determination of open time; determination of slip; determination of shear adhesion strength; determination of tensile adhesion strength; determination of transverse deformation.

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ISO 13007-2:2013 - Ceramic tiles -- Grouts and adhesives
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STANDARD 13007-2
Third edition
Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives —
Part 2:
Test methods for adhesives
Carreaux céramiques — Mortiers de joints et colles —
Partie 2: Méthodes d’essai pour les colles
Reference number
ISO 2013
© ISO 2013
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 General test conditions and procedures . 1
3.1 Sampling . 1
3.2 Test conditions . 1
3.3 Test materials . 2
3.4 Mixing procedures . 2
3.5 Test substrate . 3
3.6 Failure patterns . 3
3.7 Test report . 3
4 Test methods . 4
4.1 Determination of open time . 4
4.2 Determination of slip . 5
4.3 Determination of shear adhesion strength (D, R) . 7
4.4 Determination of tensile adhesion strength (C) . 9
4.5 Determination of transverse deformation .11
Annex A (informative) Concrete test slab .23
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 189, Ceramic tile.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 13007-2:2010), of which it constitutes a
minor revision.
ISO 13007 consists of the following parts, under the general title Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives:
— Part 1: Terms, definitions and specifications for adhesives
— Part 2: Test methods for adhesives
— Part 3: Terms, definitions and specifications for grouts
— Part 4: Test methods for grouts
iv © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives —
Part 2:
Test methods for adhesives
1 Scope
This part of ISO 13007 describes the methods for determining the characteristics for adhesives used in
the installation of ceramic tiles. The following test methods are described:
— determination of open time (4.1);
— determination of slip (4.2);
— determination of shear adhesion strength (4.3);
— determination of tensile adhesion strength (4.4);
— determination of transverse deformation (4.5).
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 13006, Ceramic tiles — Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking
ISO 13007-1, Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives — Part 1: Terms, definitions and specifications for adhesives
3 General test conditions and procedures
3.1 Sampling
A representative sample of at least 2 kg shall be used.
3.2 Test conditions
Standard conditions shall be (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity and the speed of air in the
testing area shall be less than 0,2 m/s. Other test conditions may be specified in Clause 4. The tolerance
in the time of conditioning for all test specimens shall be as shown in Table 1 below.
Table 1 — Allowed tolerance in testing time for all samples requiring conditioning
Sample conditioning time Allowed tolerance for testing
24 h ±0,5 h
7 d ±3 h
14 d ±6 h
21 d ±9 h
28 d ±12 h
NOTE Testing must be performed within the specified time window.
3.3 Test materials
Condition all test materials, including water, for at least 24 h under standard conditions. The adhesive to
be tested shall be within its shelf life, where this is specified.
3.3.1 Ceramic tiles
The tiles shall be checked prior to conditioning to ensure that they are unused, clean, and dry. The type
of tile shall be as specified under the specific test procedures found in Clause 4.
3.4 Mixing procedures
3.4.1 Cementitious adhesives (C)
The amount of water and/or liquid admix required for preparing the adhesive shall be as stated by the
manufacturer in parts by weight, i.e. liquid to dry powder (in cases where a range of values is given, the
average shall be used).
Using a minimum quantity of 2 kg of the powder and the recommended quantity of liquid, prepare the
adhesive in a planetary mixer using the following slow speed settings: (140 ± 5) rotations per minute
and (62 ± 5) rotations per minute planetary movement. See Figures 1 and 2.
Carry out the following procedure.
1) Pour the liquid into the pan.
2) Scatter the dry powder over the liquid.
3) Mix for 30 s.
4) Take out the mixing paddle.
5) Scrape down the paddle and pan within 1 min.
6) Replace the paddle and mix for 1 min.
If required by the adhesive manufacturer’s instructions, let the adhesive mature as specified and then
mix for an additional 15 s.
3.4.2 Dispersion adhesive (D) and reaction resin adhesive (R)
Where ready-to-use dispersion adhesives or reaction resin adhesives are to be used, the manufacturer’s
instructions shall be followed.
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3.5 Test substrate
3.5.1 Concrete test substrate
The mandatory concrete test substrate shall be (40 ± 5) mm thick, have a moisture content of less than
3 3
3 % by mass, and have a surface water absorption in the range of 0,5 cm to 1,5 cm after 4 h of testing.
The cohesive strength as referenced in A.3.3 shall be at least 1,5 N/mm . A method for manufacturing
a suitable concrete test slab and the procedures for measuring the cohesive strength and surface water
absorption is given in informative Annex A.
3.5.2 Other substrates
Other substrates may be used upon agreement if the substrate is recommended for ceramic tile
application by the adhesive manufacturer. To demonstrate compatibility with other optional substrates,
the adhesive shall be applied to the selected substrate in accordance with the open time test method
(see 4.1). When a result of ≥ 0,5 N/mm is achieved or cohesive failure occurs in the substrate, the
requirement is considered satisfied.
3.6 Failure patterns
3.6.1 Adhesion failure (AF-S or AF-T)
Failure occurs at the interface between the adhesive and the substrate (AF-S) [see Figure 3, a)] or between
the tile and the adhesive (AF-T) [see Figure 3, b)]. The test value is equal to the adhesive strength. In some
cases, failure may occur in the adhesive layer between the tile and the pull-head plate (BF) [see Figure 3,
c)]. In this case, the adhesive strength is greater than the test value and the test should be repeated.
3.6.2 Cohesive failure within the adhesive (CF-A)
Failure occurs within the adhesive layer [see Figure 3, d)].
3.6.3 Cohesive failure in the substrate or in the tile (CF-S or CF-T)
Failure occurs within the substrate (CF-S) [see Figure 3, e)] or within the body of the tile (CF-T) [see
Figure 3, f)]. In this case, the strength of the adhesive is greater than the test value.
The modes of failure may be a combination of any of the above. An approximate percentage of each
shall be recorded.
3.7 Test report
3.7.1 General
The test report shall specify the following:
a) a reference to this part of ISO 13007 (i.e. ISO 13007-2:2013);
b) the date of test;
c) the type of adhesive, commercial designation, and manufacturer’s name;
d) the source, date obtained, and complete identification of test sample;
e) the handling and storage of samples before testing;
f) the test conditions;
g) the amount of water or liquid used for preparing the adhesive;
h) any other factor that could have affected the result;
i) the test results (individual and mean values and mode of failure where required).
3.7.2 Test results of cementitious and dispersion adhesives
The test report shall specify the following:
a) open time;
b) slip;
c) shear adhesion strength;
d) adhesion strength;
e) deformation.
3.7.3 Test results of chemical resistance
The test report shall specify the following:
a) test conditions;
b) change in colour and surface appearance during the test;
c) total duration of the test and exposure periods.
4 Test methods
4.1 Determination of open time
4.1.1 General
Open time shall be tested following the general test conditions and procedures given in Clause 3 and the
specific instructions which follow.
4.1.2 Test materials Ceramic tiles, Group BIII porous body tile complying with ISO 13006, with a water absorption of
(15 ± 3) % by mass, facial dimensions of (50 ± 1) mm × (50 ± 1) mm, thickness in the range of 7 mm to
10 mm, and a profile back pattern of less than 0,25 mm deep. Test substrate, conforming to the requirements given in 3.5.1.
4.1.3 Apparatus Test mass, less than 50 mm × 50 mm cross-sectional area and capable of exerting a uniform force
of (20 ± 0,05) N. Pull-head plates, square metallic plates with a dimension of (50 ± 1) mm, a minimum thickness
of 10 mm, and a suitable fitting for connection to the test machine. Test machine, for the direct pull tensile force test, with suitable capacity and sensitivity. The
machine shall be capable of applying the load to the pull-head plate at the rate of (250 ± 50) N/s through
a suitable fitting that does not exert any bending force.
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