ISO 6594:2006
(Main)Cast iron drainage pipes and fittings — Spigot series
Cast iron drainage pipes and fittings — Spigot series
ISO 6594:2006 specifies the characteristics of cast iron drainage pipes and fittings used for the installation of discharge pipes for waste and sewage, rain water pipe systems, and ventilation pipe systems. The technical specification is applicable to the range of nominal sizes, DN: 40 - 50 - 70 - 75 - 100 - 125 - 150 - 200 - 250 - 300 - 400 - 500 - 600. In addition, ISO 6594:2006 gives the dimensions for the most commonly used pipe and fitting sizes. It also provides control testing and test methods for checking compliance with the technical specification and the dimensional and other requirements.
Tuyaux et raccords salubres en fonte — Série à bouts unis
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Second edition
Cast iron drainage pipes and fittings —
Spigot series
Tuyaux et raccords salubres en fonte — Série à bouts unis
Reference number
ISO 2006
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ii © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Technical specification . 1
3.1 Type of ends and their jointing . 1
3.2 Quality of cast iron . 2
3.3 Quality of pipe and fittings . 2
3.4 Marking . 3
3.5 Range of nominal sizes. 3
3.6 External diameters and tolerances . 3
3.7 Thicknesses and tolerances. 4
3.8 Lengths and tolerances. 4
3.9 Tolerances on angles . 4
3.10 Masses and tolerances. 5
3.11 Protection . 5
4 Dimensions. 5
4.1 Pipe. 5
4.2 Fittings . 6
5 Control testing and test methods . 16
5.1 Testing of castings . 16
5.2 Testing coated products . 17
5.3 Quality control. 17
5.4 Certificate . 18
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 6594 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 5, Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings,
Subcommittee SC 2, Cast iron pipes, fittings and their joints.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 6594:1983), which has been technically revised.
iv © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
The distinctive character of discharge pipelines is that products flow though them in a single direction under
the force of gravity; they are thus laid on a slight slope in the direction of flow. As a result, they include
descending, vertical, oblique or slightly sipping components, but exclude any horizontal or ascending
This International Standard consists of sections covering technical specifications, dimensions, and control and
compliance testing.
The technical specification applies to cast iron drainage pipes and fittings used for the discharge of waste
water, sewage, rainwater and for ventilation. Thirteen of the nominal sizes used in various countries have
been selected.
NOTE The nominal size, DN, is a number which permits classification of the pipes and fittings; it is only loosely
related to the inside diameter.
For the dimensions and masses, only the most commonly used sizes of the various pipes and fittings were
selected. This International Standard does not exclude the use of sizes which may be specified in national
If the nominal masses of finished products (pipes, fittings and accessories) are given in manufacturer's
catalogues, the lower deviation is not permitted to exceed the value specified in 3.10.
The tests and controls provided in the final section are intended to be carried out to check compliance with the
requirements given in the other two sections.
Cast iron drainage pipes and fittings — Spigot series
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the characteristics of cast iron drainage pipes and fittings used for the
installation of:
⎯ discharge pipes for waste and sewage,
⎯ rain water pipe systems, and
⎯ ventilation pipe systems.
The technical specification is applicable to the range of nominal sizes, DN: 40 – 50 – 70 – 75 – 100 – 125 –
150 – 200 – 250 – 300 – 400 – 500 – 600. Where applicable, national standards and/or regulations could
clarify, and possibly restrict, the field of application of the pipes and fittings covered.
In addition, this International Standard gives the dimensions for the most commonly used pipe and fitting sizes.
It also provides control testing and test methods for checking compliance with the technical specification and
the dimensional and other requirements.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 185, Grey cast irons — Classification
3 Technical specification
3.1 Type of ends and their jointing
Cast iron drainage pipes and fittings are of the spigot type without sockets.
The pipes and fittings may be assembled using various types of joints whose characteristics and tolerances
shall be specified in the national standards or, failing these, in manufacturer's catalogues.
In order to achieve satisfactory assembly, each end shall present a free length corresponding at least to the
values of Table 1. See Figure 1.
Table 1 — Minimum free lengths
Minimum free length
Nominal size
40 25
50 25
70 30
75 30
100 35
125 40
150 45
200 56
250 66
300 76
400 76
500 76
600 76
The range of nominal sizes and their classification differ
slightly from one country to another. The use of DN 70 or
DN 75 is subject to national standards or regulations.
Figure 1
3.2 Quality of cast iron
The quality of the type of cast iron used for drainage pipes and fittings shall be at least 150, in accordance
with ISO 185, and have a phosphorous content of less than 0,9 %.
3.3 Quality of pipe and fittings
Drainage pipes and fittings shall be sound and free from surface and other defects which would impair
performance or service life.
When fractured, the castings shall show a fine, grey, close and regular grain. Pipes and fittings with small
imperfections that are unavoidable due to the manufacturing processes and which are not harmful in any way
to their usage shall not be rejected.
Drainage pipes and fittings shall be capable of being cut with the tools normally used for installation.
2 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
3.4 Marking
Drainage pipes and fittings shall carry a durable manufacture's mark.
The pipes shall carry this manufacturer's mark and the indication of the nominal diameter at least once per
metre of length.
Where possible, the fittings shall have their nominal diameter and, if necessary, the angle of deviation, cast on.
The marking shall be effected outside the region of the joint of the spigot (see 3.1).
3.5 Range of nominal sizes
The range of nominal sizes is :
40 – 50 – 70 –75 – 100 – 125 – 150 – 200 – 250 – 300 – 400 – 500 – 600
3.6 External diameters and tolerances
The external diameters of drainage pipes and fittings and the tolerances applicable are given in Table 2.
Table 2 — External diameters and tolerances
External diameter, DE, Tolerance on
of pipe body external diameter,
Nominal size
mm mm
40 48
50 58
70 78
75 83
100 110 ± 2
125 135 ± 2
150 160 ± 2
200 210 ± 2,5
250 274 ± 2,5
300 326 ± 2,5
400 429
500 532
600 635
The range of nominal sizes and their classification differ slightly from one country to
another. The use of DN 70 or DN 75 is subject to national standards or regulations.
1) The range of nominal sizes and their classification differ slightly from one country to another. The use of DN 70 or
DN 75 is subject to national standards or regulations.
3.7 Thicknesses and tolerances
Table 3 gives the minimum and nominal thicknesses of drainage pipes and fittings, spigot series. See Figure 2.
Maximum thicknesses are not specified.
Table 3 — Nominal and minimum thicknesses of pipes and fittings
Pipe Fitting
nom. min. nom. min
40 3,0 2,5 3,7 2,5
50 3,5 3,0 4,2 3,0
70 3,5 3,0 4,2 3,0
75 3,5 3,0 4,2 3,0
100 3,5 3,0 4,2 3,0
125 4,0 3,5 4,7 3,5
150 4,0 3,5 5,3 3,5
200 5,0 4,0 6,0 4,0
250 5,5 4,5 7,0 4,5
300 6,0 5,0 8,0 5,0
400 6,3 5,0 8,3 5,0
500 7,0 5,2 9,0 5,2
600 7,7 5,8 9,7 5,8
The range of nominal sizes and their classification differ slightly from one country to another. The use of DN 70 or DN 75 is subject
to national standards or regulations.
Figure 2
3.8 Lengths and tolerances
The normal manufacturing lengths of the pipes and fittings, and their tolerances, are given in Clause 4.
3.9 Tolerances on angles
The tolerances on the angles of the bends and branches are fixed at ± 2° throughout.
4 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
3.10 Masses and tolerances
The negative tolerance with respect to the mass, if indicated in the manufacturer's catalogue, shall be:
⎯ 15 % for pipes;
⎯ 15 % for fittings.
Positive tolerances are not specified, but components whose mass is greater than indicated shall be accepted,
provided they satisfy all other requirements of this International Standard.
3.11 P
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