Textiles and textile products — Microplastics from textile sources — Part 3: Measurement of collected material mass released from textile end products by domestic washing method

Textiles et produits textiles — Microplastiques d'origines textiles — Partie 3: Mesurage de la masse de matériaux collectés libérés par les produits finis textiles par la méthode de lavage domestique

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ISO/FDIS 4484-3 - Textiles and textile products — Microplastics from textile sources — Part 3: Measurement of collected material mass released from textile end products by domestic washing method Released:1/16/2023
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3 - Textiles et produits textiles — Microplastiques d'origines textiles — Partie 3: Mesurage de la masse de matériaux collectés libérés par les produits finis textiles par la méthode de lavage domestique Released:2/23/2023
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Standards Content (Sample)

Date: 2021-03
ISO DIS FDIS 4484-3:20212023(E)
ISO/TC 38/SC /WG 34
Secretariat: SAC
Textiles and textile products — Microplastics from textile sources — Part 3:
Measurement of collected material mass released from textile end products by
domestic washing method

Textiles et produits textiles — Microplastiques d'origines textiles — Partie 3: Mesurage de

la masse de matériaux collectés libérés par les produits finis textiles par la méthode de

lavage domestique
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
© ISO 20222023

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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
Contents Page

Foreword ......................................................................................................................................................................... iv

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... v

1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 1

3 Terms and definitions .................................................................................................................................... 1

4 Principle .............................................................................................................................................................. 2

5 Apparatus .......................................................................................................................................................... 2

6 Material and reagent ...................................................................................................................................... 2

7 Test condition ................................................................................................................................................... 3

8 Test specimen preparation .......................................................................................................................... 3

9 Test procedure ................................................................................................................................................. 3

10 Calculation.......................................................................................................................................................... 5

11 Repeatability and producibility ................................................................................................................. 5

12 Test report ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

Annex A (informative) Filter fabric specification and filter bag construction .......................................... 7

Annex B (normative) Requirements of the washing machine to be used in this test ............................. 9

Annex C (informative) Number of empty washing cycles after test washing .......................................... 12

Annex D (informative) Reference detergent ....................................................................................................... 13

Annex E (informative) The condition of the multiple washing cycle test and an example of

the test result ................................................................................................................................................. 14

Annex F (informative) Interlaboratory trial ...................................................................................................... 17

Annex G (informative) Number of test specimens ............................................................................................ 23

Annex H (informative) Collection percentage of the fibre fragments ....................................................... 26

Annex I (informative) Filter aperture size .......................................................................................................... 27

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................. 29

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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards

bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out

through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical

committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International

organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO

collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of

electrotechnical standardization.

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are

described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the

different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the

editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directiveswww.iso.org/directives).

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 38, Textiles, in collaboration with the

European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 248, Textiles and textile

products, in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna

A list of all parts in the ISO 4484 series can be found on the ISO website.

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A

complete listing of these bodies can be found at
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)

Daily washing of textile end products generates fibre fragments which are discharged from washing

machine. The purpose of this test method is to collect materials including fibre fragments which are

discharged from the domestic washing machine through the washing process.

Although there are many types of washing machines used at home, ISO 6330 has been developed for the

domestic washing test method, which specifies the domestic washing machines and test conditions. This

document utilizes one of the standard washing machines in ISO 6330.

In addition, a care label is attached to textile end products in many countries of the world and this care

label specifies washing conditions to use in this document.

Due to the complicated internal structure of washing machines, theits cleaning process of the washing

machines is very important to avoid the effect of contamination of washing machine. This document

proposes the checking method and the requirements of the washing machine to be used in this document.

The identification and quantification of components contained in the collected materials through the

washing process will beis determined by applying ISO 4484-2.

ThisThe information gathered from this document can be utilized by the textile industry for the

development of textile end products to reduce or minimize shedding materials from textile end products

through the washing process.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) draws attention to the fact that it is claimed that

compliance with this document may involve the use of a patent.

ISO takes no position concerning the evidence, validity and scope of this patent right.

The holder of this patent right has assured ISO that he/she is willing to negotiate licences under

reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions with applicants throughout the world. In this

respect, the statement of the holder of this patent right is registered with ISO. Information may be

obtained from the patent database available at www.iso.org/patents.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of

patent rights other than those in the patent database. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any

or all such patent rights.
© ISO 2023 – All rights reserved v
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Textiles and textile products — Microplastics from textile
sources — Part 3: Measurement of collected material mass
released from textile end products by the domestic washing
1 Scope

This document specifies a method for measurement ofmeasuring the collected material mass released

from the outlet hose of a standard washing machine, described in ISO 6330, through the washing process.

NOTE The washing condition of textile end products is indicated by the care labelling according to ISO 3758.

This document is applicable to textile end products which is(including consumer textile products, such

as clothing, such as made of fleece, shirts, trousers, blouse, etc.,.) and home textile end products, (such

as, blankets, rugs, curtains, etc.,.) which are composed of all fibres such as natural fibres, and man-made

fibres, including mixture of the fibres that can be washed in a domestic washing machine.

This document is not applicable to fabrics and cut textile products, and. It does not cover the test for

washing machines and detergents as well.
2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content

constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For

undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 139, Textiles — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
ISO 3696, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods
ISO 3758, Textiles — Care labelling code using symbols

ISO 6330:2021, Textiles — Domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing

3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obphttps://www.iso.org/obp

— IEC Electropedia: available at https://www.electropedia.org/https://www.electropedia.org/

collected material

material collected by the filter attached at the outlet hose of a washing machine through the washing

process, which include fibre fragments and not non-water-soluble materials
empty washing cycle
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
washing cycle without test specimens by using the test washing program
4 Principle

A given mass of textile end products is washed in a domestic washing machine under certain conditions

of temperature and mechanical conditions for a given number of washing cycles. The material shed

through the washing cycles is collected by usingin a filter bag which is attached at the outlet hose of the

washing machine. The collected materials by thein filter bag are transferred to the membrane filter and

the membrane filter with the collected materials are weighed in the weighing bottle. The membrane filter

and weighing bottle are prepared in combination. The mass of the collected materials is calculated by the

subtraction ofsubtracting the original mass of the membrane filter and weighing bottle from the mass

with the collected materials. The mass of collected materials, the ratio of the mass of the collected

materials and the test specimen mass and the ratio of the mass of the collected material and the number

of the test specimen are reported.
5 Apparatus

5.1 Domestic washing machine, specified in ISO 6330, with built-in filters removed. The domestic

washing machine used to thisin document shall be metmeet the requirementrequirements in Annex B.

5.2 Filter bag, woven mesh, with aperture size of (10 ± 4) μm and; the specification for the materials and

the construction is described in Annex A. The aperture size of the filter is determined according to Annex

5.3 Analytical balance, with a resolution of 0,1 mg or better.
5.4 Balance, with a resolution of 1 g or better.
5.5 Oven, capable of maintaining a temperature of (105 ± 3) °C, without fan.
5.6 Cable ties, made of polyamide.

5.7 Polycarbonate membrane filter, approximately 47 mm in diameter with 10 µm aperture size.

Stainless steel filter is also applicable.

5.8 Weighing bottle or dish, made of metal or glass, with a minimum diameter, approximately 47 mm,

with a lid.

5.9 Vacuum filtration device, consisting of sintered filter platform and funnel, with vacuum pump.

5.10 Wash bottle, made of polyethylene or silicon resin, etc., squeezable and with nozzle.

5.11 Tweezers, made of stainless steel or plastics.
5.12 Glass beaker, with a minimum capacity of 1 000 ml.
5.13 Desiccator, with drying agent.
6 Material and reagent
6.1 Water, distilled or grade 3 water according to ISO 3696.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
7 Test condition
7.1 Standard atmosphere for preparation of test specimens and mass measurement

The standard atmosphere for test specimen preparation and mass measurement are at the temperature

of (20 ± 2) °C and the relative humidity of (65 ± 4) % according toin accordance with ISO 139.

7.2 Test atmosphere for washing test
The condition for the washing test is ambient condition.
8 Test specimen preparation

Only one kind of textile end products is applied in this washing test. Different kinds of textile end products

shall not be mixed in the washing test. The number of the test specimens per washing test (S ) is at least

two textile end products. The maximum dry volume of all test specimens per washing test shall be not

more than half of the volume of the washing tub.
The washing test is repeated for three (3) sets.

The number of the test specimens can affect to the test result, which is shown in Annex G as an example.

The test specimens are conditioned according toin accordance with ISO 139. The total mass of the

conditioned test specimens (M )), which is measured by theusing a balance (5.4)), shall be up to 1 g and

reported in the test report.
109 Test procedure
10.19.1 General

The washing machine used in this test shall meet the requirement described in Annex B. Once met the

requirement, the washing machine can be used continuously for the washing test.
For the consecutive washing test, take a procedure from Clause 9.2.

The washing conditions of this test procedure is indicated by the care label attached to the textile end

products according toin accordance with ISO 3758. The details of the washing condition are referred to

ISO 6330.

If the countries use their own care label system or care instruction system, set the washing condition

indicated by their system or if there is no label, run the washing program agreed among the interested

10.29.2 Empty washing cycle before the washing test

Mount the filter bag (5.2) to the outlet hose of the domestic washing machine (5.1) and tie up by cable tie

(5.6). Run one washing cycle of the washing program without test specimens. The washing program is

the same as the washing test as Clause 9.3. After completion of the washing cycle, remove the filter bag

from outlet hose. Measure the mass of the collected materials by following the steps from Clause 9.4 to

9.5 and Clause 10 and report the mass of the collected materials from the empty washing cycle in the test

report. This is an information of the test washing machine condition.
10.39.3 Washing test of the test specimen

Mount the filter bag (5.2) to the outlet hose of the domestic washing machine (5.1) and tie up by cable tie

(5.6). Put the test specimens into the washing tub and run one test washing cycle of the washing program.

The detergent may be used for washing test and the preferable detergent is introduced in Annex D.

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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)

When the multiple numbers of the test washing cycle are required, run the number of the washing cycles

as determined by the interested parties according to Annex E. An example of the results of the multiple

numbers of test washing cycles are shown in Annex E.

After completion of the washing cycle, remove the test specimens from the washing tub.

Then, run 2 empty washing cycles by the same washing program.

The number of empty washing cycles (2 empty washing cycles) after test washing was determined by the

results as shown in Annex C.

After completion of the empty washing cycle, remove the filter bag from outlet hose.

nd rd
For the 2 and 3 sets of the test specimens, run the washing test in Clause 9.3.
10.49.4 Washing of the collected material from the filter bag

Prepare four (4) glass beakers (5.12) containing 1 l of water (6.1) separately. Wash the filter bags of

Clause 9.2 and 9.3 in the glass beakers by turning inside out the filter bags. The solution in the beaker is

the suspension solution of the collected materials.
10.59.5 Measurement of the mass of the collected materials

Prepare four (4) polycarbonate membrane filters (5.7) and four (4) weighing bottles (5.8) in combination

and separately, it is essential to keep each membrane filter/weighing bottle combination consistent

throughout the duration of the test. Measure the mass of the original membrane filter (5.7) and a

weighing bottle (5.8)), respectively, and record them up to 0,1 mg and denoted as (M ).

Membrane filters (5.7) are handled by tweezers (5.11). The membrane filter (5.7) shall be kept in the

weighing bottle (5.8) to prevent contamination from the environment.
Set the membrane filter (5.7) on a vacuum filtration device (5.9).

Filter the suspension solution of Clause 9.4 by the membrane filters on a vacuum filtration device (5.9).

Add 1 l of water (6.1) to the beaker and wash the filter bag again and filter the suspension solution by

the same membrane filter. Repeat this procedure at least twice. Finally, wash the surface of the filter bag

and the inside of the beaker by water (6.1) using a wash bottle (5.10), and this suspension solution is also

filtered by the same membrane filter.

Place the membrane filter with collected materials into the original weighing bottle of Clause 9.5 in

combination and dry for 2 h at (105 ± 3) °C in the oven (5.5). Then place the weighing bottle with the

membrane filter and collected materials in desiccator (5.13) to cool down to the room temperature.

Condition the membrane filter with the collected materials and the weighing bottle under standard

atmospheres in Clause 7.1.

Measure the mass of the conditioned membrane filter with the collected material and the weighing bottle

up to 0,1 mg by the analytical balance (5.3) and record the result as (M ).

At this time, measure of the mass several times at intervals of 1 h or more. The mass is determined as the

weighed value that shows a difference compared to the former and subsequent measurements within

0,1 % of the subsequent value.
1110 Calculation
11.110.1 Calculation for each test run
The mass of the collected materials, C in mg is calculated by the Formula (1).
C = = M – – M (1)
m f2 f1
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)

C is the mass of the collected materials through the test washing process in mg;

M is the mass of the original membrane filter and weighing bottle in mg;

M is the mass of the membrane filter with the collected materials and weighing bottle in mg;.

The mass of the collected material per textile end product (C ) in mg per product is calculated by

Formula (2).
C = = C / / S (2)
mp m n
C is the mass of the collected materials in mg/product;

C is the mass of the collected materials through the test washing process in mg;

S is the number of test specimens for one washing test;.

The mass of the collected materials per the mass of the textile end products, C in mg/kg is calculated

by Formula (3).
C = = (C × × 1 000) / / M (3)
mw m p

C is the mass of the collected materials per mass of textile end products in mg/kg;

C is the mass of the collected materials through the test washing process in mg;

M is the mass of test specimens in g;.
11.210.2 Calculation of average for 3 test runs
Take averages of 3 test runs for C , C and C as the test results.
m mp mw
1211 Repeatability and reproducibility
The interlaboratory test according to this document is showngiven in Annex F.
1312 Test report
The test report shall include the following information:
a) a reference to this document, i.e. ISO 4484-3: 2023;
b) date of the test;
c) type of a washing machine and test conditions;
d) test method (number of washing cycles, etc.);
e) test environment conditions;
f) number of test specimen put into the washing tub;
g) total mass of the test specimens put into the washing tub;
h) the collected mass in the empty washing cycle before test washing;
i) the average mass of the collected materials through the test washing process;
j) the average mass of the collected materials per a textile end product;

k) the average mass of the collected materials per the mass of textile end products;

l) material, fibre, product construction, etc. of specimen tested;
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
m) any deviation from the procedure;
n) any unusual features observed;
o) if detergent is used, report the kind and amount of detergent.
6 © ISO 2023 – All rights reserved
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
Annex A
Filter fabric specification and filter bag construction
A.1 Fabric structure for filter bag

The image of the mesh fabric is shown in the Figure A.1 as an example and the product specification by

manufacturer is as follows:
a) fibre material: 100 % polyamide monofilament yarn;
b) weave structure: 2/2 twill weave;
c) linear density (dtex): warp, 9, weft, 9;
d) number of threads per centimetre (T/cm): warp, 198, weft, 184;
e) mass per unit area (g/m ): 35.
Figure A.1 — Photo of a polyamide monofilament mesh filter as an example
A.2 Filter bag construction

This is an example of the filter bag construction. The other construction of the filter bag can be applied

for the purpose of the collecting the materials from the outlet hose of the washing machine.

a) Shape: Rectangular form.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)

b) Bag dimension in mm: The longer side is approximately 600 mm and the shorter side is

approximately 90 mm which includes bonding allowance approximately 15 mm as shown in

Figure A.2 by dark thicker line.

c) Bonding: The step for the formation of filter bag is shown in Figure A.2. The filter fabric is heat-cut in

rectangular fabric (key 1). The iron-on fusing tape with about 1 cm width is attached in two sides

(key 2). The fabric is folded in two (key 3) and adhered together by iron-on fusing tape (key 4) with

no gaps.
How to use the iron-on fusing tape is given by the manufacturer’s instruction.
Dimensions in millimetres
8 © ISO 2023 – All rights reserved
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
1 fabric cut by heat-cutting
2 position for iron-on fusing tape with about 1 cm in width
3 centre line to be folded
4 finished filter bag shape
Figure A.2 — Example of filter bag construction
A.3 Filter checking

As for reuse ofreusing the filter bag, the filter surface condition should be checked by light microscope

whether there is no damage and no foreign materials. The example of inspection condition is as follows:

1) the magnification: x 40;
2) the number of inspection points: 100;

3) the criteria for reusable: no damage and no foreign materials comparing with new filter bag.

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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
Annex B
Requirements of the washing machine to be used in this test
B.1 General

The domestic washing machines used for this test shall meet the requirement described in this Annex

B.2 Empty washing test procedure

B.2.1 Mount the filter bag (5.2) to the outlet hose of the washing machine (5.1) and tie up by cable tie


B.2.2 Run one empty washing cycle of the washing program which shall be 4N according to ISO 6330:

2021 or equivalent.

B.2.3 After completion of the empty washing cycle, remove the filter bag from the outlet hose.

B.2.4 Wash the collected materials from the filter bag according to Clause 9.4. Measure and calculate

the mass of collected materials (C ) from each empty washing cycle according to Clause 9.5 and Clause


B.2.5 Repeat to run the numbers of the empty washing cycles from Clause B.2.1 to B.2.4 by three (3)

empty washing cycle or more.
B.2.6 Calculate CV (%) using the C values for the consecutive 3 cycles.
B.3 Requirements of the test washing machine to be used for this test

The coefficient of variation CV (%) of the mass of the collected materials is required to be 10 % or less

for three consecutive empty washing cycles, or the C shall be 1,0 mg or less three times in a row. The

flow of the procedure is shown in Figure B.1

Repeat the empty washing cycle until the requirement is achieved. If the washing machine cannot meet

the requirements after numbers of the empty washing cycle, the washing machine is considered as

unsuitable for this washing test.

If the washing machine is heavily soiled, it may be washed with a cleaning agent recommended by the

washing machine manufacturer.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)

Figure B.1 — — Flowchart of checking of the washing machine to be used in this test

B.4 Example of the empty washing test result

The example of the empty washing test result is shown in Table B.1. As shown in Table B.1, the CV (%)

becomes 10 % or less after 5 cleaning washing.
Table B.1 — One example of empty washing test result
12 © ISO 2023 – All rights reserved
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
No. of Total collected Running
of variation
deviation (Data used
cleanings mass (mg) mean
CV (%)
for mean and SD)
1 1,34 -— -— -— —
-— -— -— —
2 1,15
rd st nd rd
1 , 2 , 3
3 0,75 1,080 0,301 27,9
th nd rd th
4 0,84 0,913 0,210 23,0 2 , 3 , 4
rd th th
5 0,75 0,780 0,052 6,7 3 , 4 , 5
© ISO 2023 – All rights reserved 13
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
Annex C
Number of empty washing cycles after test washing
C.1 General

From this test, the number of the empty washing cycles after the test washing cycle of the specimens was

determined. Test specimens are shown in Table C.1.
Table C.1 — Details of test specimens
Specimen name and Mass of
Specimen No. Composition
structure spe

Textiles and textile products —
Secretariat: SAC
Microplastics from textile sources —
Voting begins on:
Part 3:
Voting terminates on:
Measurement of collected material
mass released from textile end
products by domestic washing method
Textiles et produits textiles — Microplastiques d'origines textiles —
Partie 3: Mesurage de la masse de matériaux collectés libérés par les
produits finis textiles par la méthode de lavage domestique
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
Textiles and textile products —
Secretariat: SAC
Microplastics from textile sources —
Voting begins on:
Part 3:
Voting terminates on:
Measurement of collected material
mass released from textile end
products by domestic washing method
Textiles et produits textiles — Microplastiques d'origines textiles —
Partie 3: Mesurage de la masse de matériaux collectés libérés par les
produits finis textiles par la méthode de lavage domestique
© ISO 2023

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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
Contents Page

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iv

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Normative references ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

3 Terms and definitions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

4 Principle ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2

5 Apparatus .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

6 Material and reagent ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

7 Test condition ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................3

7.1 Standard atmosphere for preparation of test specimens and mass measurement .................. 3

7.2 Test atmosphere for washing test ......................................................................................................................................... 3

8 Test specimen preparation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3

9 Test procedure .......................................................................................................................................................................................................3

9.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

9.2 Empty washing cycle before the washing test ........................................................................................................... 3

9.3 Washing test of the test specimen ......... ................................................................................................................................ 4

9.4 Washing of the collected material from the filter bag......................................................................................... 4

9.5 Measurement of the mass of the collected materials ........................................................................................... 4

10 Calculation .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

10.1 Calculation for each test run ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

10.2 Calculation of average for 3 test runs ................................................................................................................................ 5

11 Repeatability and reproducibility ....................................................................................................................................................5

12 Test report .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Annex A (informative) Filter fabric specification and filter bag construction .......................................................7

Annex B (normative) Requirements of the washing machine to be used in this test ......................................9

Annex C (informative) Number of empty washing cycles after test washing ........................................................12

Annex D (informative) Reference detergent ............................................................................................................................................13

Annex E (informative) Condition of the multiple washing cycle test and example of the test

result ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................14

Annex F (informative) Interlaboratory trial ............................................................................................................................................17

Annex G (informative) Number of test specimens .............................................................................................................................22

Annex H (informative) Collection percentage of the fibre fragments ..........................................................................25

Annex I (informative) Filter aperture size .................................................................................................................................................26

Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................28

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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards

bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out

through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical

committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International

organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of

electrotechnical standardization.

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are

described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the

different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the

editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives).

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of

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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and

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the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see


This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 38, Textiles, in collaboration with the

European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 248, Textiles and textile

products, in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna

A list of all parts in the ISO 4484 series can be found on the ISO website.

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A

complete listing of these bodies can be found at www.iso.org/members.html.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)

Daily washing of textile end products generates fibre fragments which are discharged from washing

machine. The purpose of this test method is to collect materials including fibre fragments which are

discharged from the domestic washing machine through the washing process.

Although there are many types of washing machines used at home, ISO 6330 has been developed for

the domestic washing test method, which specifies the domestic washing machines and test conditions.

This document utilizes one of the standard washing machines in ISO 6330.

In addition, a care label is attached to textile end products in many countries of the world and this care

label specifies washing conditions to use in this document.

Due to the complicated internal structure of washing machines, its cleaning process is very important

to avoid contamination. This document proposes the checking method and the requirements of the

washing machine to be used in this document.

The identification and quantification of components contained in the collected materials through the

washing process is determined by applying ISO 4484-2.

The information gathered from this document can be utilized by the textile industry for the development

of textile end products to reduce or minimize shedding materials from textile end products through the

washing process.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) draws attention to the fact that it is claimed

that compliance with this document may involve the use of a patent.

ISO takes no position concerning the evidence, validity and scope of this patent right.

The holder of this patent right has assured ISO that he/she is willing to negotiate licences under

reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions with applicants throughout the world. In

this respect, the statement of the holder of this patent right is registered with ISO. Information may be

obtained from the patent database available at www.iso.org/patents.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of

patent rights other than those in the patent database. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying

any or all such patent rights.
© ISO 2023 – All rights reserved
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Textiles and textile products — Microplastics from textile
sources —
Part 3:
Measurement of collected material mass released from
textile end products by domestic washing method
1 Scope

This document specifies a method for measuring the collected material mass released from the outlet

hose of a standard washing machine, described in ISO 6330, through the washing process.

NOTE The washing condition of textile end products is indicated by the care labelling according to ISO 3758.

This document is applicable to textile end products (including consumer textile products, such as

clothing made of fleece, shirts, trousers, blouse, etc.) and home textile end products (such as, blankets,

rugs, curtains, etc.) which are composed of all fibres such as natural fibres, and man-made fibres,

including mixture of the fibres that can be washed in a domestic washing machine.

This document is not applicable to fabrics and cut textile products. It does not cover the test for washing

machines and detergents as well.
2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content

constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For

undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 139, Textiles — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
ISO 3696, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods
ISO 3758, Textiles — Care labelling code using symbols

ISO 6330:2021, Textiles — Domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing

3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
collected material

material collected by the filter attached at the outlet hose of a washing machine through the washing

process, which include fibre fragments and non-water-soluble materials
© ISO 2023 – All rights reserved
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
empty washing cycle
washing cycle without test specimens by using the test washing program
4 Principle

A given mass of textile end products is washed in a domestic washing machine under certain

temperature and mechanical conditions for a given number of washing cycles. The material shed

through the washing cycles is collected in a filter bag which is attached at the outlet hose of the

washing machine. The collected materials in filter bag are transferred to the membrane filter and the

membrane filter with the collected materials are weighed in the weighing bottle. The membrane filter

and weighing bottle are prepared in combination. The mass of the collected materials is calculated by

the subtracting the original mass of the membrane filter and weighing bottle from the mass with the

collected materials. The mass of collected materials, the ratio of the mass of the collected materials and

the test specimen mass and the ratio of the mass of the collected material and the number of the test

specimen are reported.
5 Apparatus

5.1 Domestic washing machine, specified in ISO 6330, with built-in filters removed. The domestic

washing machine used in document shall meet the requirements in Annex B.

5.2 Filter bag, woven mesh, with aperture size of (10 ± 4) μm; the specification for the materials

and the construction is described in Annex A. The aperture size of the filter is determined according to

Annex I.
5.3 Analytical balance, with a resolution of 0,1 mg or better.
5.4 Balance, with a resolution of 1 g or better.
5.5 Oven, capable of maintaining a temperature of (105 ± 3) °C, without fan.
5.6 Cable ties, made of polyamide.

5.7 Polycarbonate membrane filter, approximately 47 mm in diameter with 10 µm aperture size.

Stainless steel filter is also applicable.

5.8 Weighing bottle or dish, made of metal or glass, with a minimum diameter, approximately

47 mm, with a lid.

5.9 Vacuum filtration device, consisting of sintered filter platform and funnel, with vacuum pump.

5.10 Wash bottle, made of polyethylene or silicon resin, etc., squeezable and with nozzle.

5.11 Tweezers, made of stainless steel or plastics.
5.12 Glass beaker, with a minimum capacity of 1 000 ml.
5.13 Desiccator, with drying agent.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
6 Material and reagent
6.1 Water, distilled or grade 3 water according to ISO 3696.
7 Test condition
7.1 Standard atmosphere for preparation of test specimens and mass measurement

The standard atmosphere for test specimen preparation and mass measurement are at the temperature

of (20 ± 2) °C and the relative humidity of (65 ± 4) % in accordance with ISO 139.

7.2 Test atmosphere for washing test
The condition for the washing test is ambient condition.
8 Test specimen preparation

Only one kind of textile end products is applied in this washing test. Different kinds of textile end

products shall not be mixed in the washing test. The number of the test specimens per washing test (S )

is at least two textile end products. The maximum dry volume of all test specimens per washing test

shall be not more than half of the volume of the washing tub.
The washing test is repeated for three (3) sets.

The number of the test specimens can affect the test result, which is shown in Annex G as an example.

The test specimens are conditioned in accordance with ISO 139. The total mass of the conditioned test

specimens (M ), which is measured using a balance (5.4), shall be up to 1 g and reported in the test

9 Test procedure
9.1 General

The washing machine used in this test shall meet the requirement described in Annex B. Once met the

requirement, the washing machine can be used continuously for the washing test.
For the consecutive washing test, take a procedure from 9.2.

The washing conditions of this test procedure is indicated by the care label attached to the textile end

products in accordance with ISO 3758. The details of the washing condition are referred to ISO 6330.

If the countries use their own care label system or care instruction system, set the washing condition

indicated by their system or if there is no label, run the washing program agreed among the interested

9.2 Empty washing cycle before the washing test

Mount the filter bag (5.2) to the outlet hose of the domestic washing machine (5.1) and tie up by cable

tie (5.6). Run one washing cycle of the washing program without test specimens. The washing program

is the same as the washing test as 9.3. After completion of the washing cycle, remove the filter bag

from outlet hose. Measure the mass of the collected materials by following the steps from 9.4 to 9.5

and Clause 10 and report the mass of the collected materials from the empty washing cycle in the test

report. This is an information of the test washing machine condition.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
9.3 Washing test of the test specimen

Mount the filter bag (5.2) to the outlet hose of the domestic washing machine (5.1) and tie up by cable

tie (5.6). Put the test specimens into the washing tub and run one test washing cycle of the washing


The detergent may be used for washing test and the preferable detergent is introduced in Annex D.

When the multiple numbers of the test washing cycle are required, run the number of the washing

cycles as determined by the interested parties according to Annex E. An example of the results of the

multiple numbers of test washing cycles are shown in Annex E.

After completion of the washing cycle, remove the test specimens from the washing tub.

Then, run 2 empty washing cycles by the same washing program.

The number of empty washing cycles (2 empty washing cycles) after test washing was determined by

the results as shown in Annex C.

After completion of the empty washing cycle, remove the filter bag from outlet hose.

nd rd
For the 2 and 3 sets of the test specimens, run the washing test in 9.3.
9.4 Washing of the collected material from the filter bag

Prepare four (4) glass beakers (5.12) containing 1 l of water (6.1) separately. Wash the filter bags of

9.2 and 9.3 in the glass beakers by turning inside out the filter bags. The solution in the beaker is the

suspension solution of the collected materials.
9.5 Measurement of the mass of the collected materials

Prepare four (4) polycarbonate membrane filters (5.7) and four (4) weighing bottles (5.8) in

combination and separately, it is essential to keep each membrane filter/weighing bottle combination

consistent throughout the duration of the test. Measure the mass of the original membrane filter (5.7)

and a weighing bottle (5.8), respectively, and record them up to 0,1 mg and denoted as (M ).

Membrane filters (5.7) are handled by tweezers (5.11). The membrane filter (5.7) shall be kept in the

weighing bottle (5.8) to prevent contamination from the environment.
Set the membrane filter (5.7) on a vacuum filtration device (5.9).

Filter the suspension solution of 9.4 by the membrane filters on a vacuum filtration device (5.9). Add 1 l

of water (6.1) to the beaker and wash the filter bag again and filter the suspension solution by the same

membrane filter. Repeat this procedure at least twice. Finally, wash the surface of the filter bag and

the inside of the beaker by water (6.1) using a wash bottle (5.10), and this suspension solution is also

filtered by the same membrane filter.

Place the membrane filter with collected materials into the original weighing bottle of 9.5 in combination

and dry for 2 h at (105 ± 3) °C in the oven (5.5). Then place the weighing bottle with the membrane filter

and collected materials in desiccator (5.13) to cool down to the room temperature.

Condition the membrane filter with the collected materials and the weighing bottle under standard

atmospheres in 7.1.

Measure the mass of the conditioned membrane filter with the collected material and the weighing

bottle up to 0,1 mg by the analytical balance (5.3) and record the result as (M ).

At this time, measure of the mass several times at intervals of 1 h or more. The mass is determined

as the weighed value that shows a difference compared to the former and subsequent measurements

within 0,1 % of the subsequent value.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
10 Calculation
10.1 Calculation for each test run
The mass of the collected materials, C in mg is calculated by the Formula (1).
C = M – M (1)
m f2 f1

C is the mass of the collected materials through the test washing process in mg;

M is the mass of the original membrane filter and weighing bottle in mg;

M is the mass of the membrane filter with the collected materials and weighing bottle in mg.

The mass of the collected material per textile end product (C ) in mg per product is calculated by

Formula (2).
C = C / S (2)
mp m n
C is the mass of the collected materials in mg/product;

C is the mass of the collected materials through the test washing process in mg;

S is the number of test specimens for one washing test.

The mass of the collected materials per the mass of the textile end products, C in mg/kg is calculated

by Formula (3).
C = (C × 1 000) / M (3)
mw m p

C is the mass of the collected materials per mass of textile end products in mg/kg;

C is the mass of the collected materials through the test washing process in mg;

M is the mass of test specimens in g.
10.2 Calculation of average for 3 test runs
Take averages of 3 test runs for C , C and C as the test results.
m mp mw
11 Repeatability and reproducibility
The interlaboratory test according to this document is given in Annex F.
12 Test report
The test report shall include the following information:
a) a reference to this document, i.e. ISO 4484-3:2023;
b) date of the test;
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
c) type of a washing machine and test conditions;
d) test method (number of washing cycles, etc.);
e) test environment conditions;
f) number of test specimen put into the washing tub;
g) total mass of the test specimens put into the washing tub;
h) the collected mass in the empty washing cycle before test washing;
i) the average mass of the collected materials through the test washing process;
j) the average mass of the collected materials per a textile end product;

k) the average mass of the collected materials per the mass of textile end products;

l) material, fibre, product construction, etc. of specimen tested;
m) any deviation from the procedure;
n) any unusual features observed;
o) if detergent is used, report the kind and amount of detergent.
© ISO 2023 – All rights reserved
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
Annex A
Filter fabric specification and filter bag construction
A.1 Fabric structure for filter bag

The image of the mesh fabric is shown in the Figure A.1 as an example and the product specification by

manufacturer is as follows:
a) fibre material: 100 % polyamide monofilament yarn;
b) weave structure: 2/2 twill weave;
c) linear density (dtex): warp, 9, weft, 9;
d) number of threads per centimetre (T/cm): warp, 198, weft, 184;
e) mass per unit area (g/m ): 35.
Figure A.1 — Photo of a polyamide monofilament mesh filter as an example
A.2 Filter bag construction

This is an example of the filter bag construction. The other construction of the filter bag can be applied

for the purpose of the collecting the materials from the outlet hose of the washing machine.

a) Shape: Rectangular form.

b) Bag dimension in mm: The longer side is approximately 600 mm and the shorter side is

approximately 90 mm which includes bonding allowance approximately 15 mm as shown in

Figure A.2 by dark thicker line.

c) Bonding: The step for the formation of filter bag is shown in Figure A.2. The filter fabric is heat-

cut in rectangular fabric (key 1). The iron-on fusing tape with about 1 cm width is attached in

two sides (key 2). The fabric is folded in two (key 3) and adhered together by iron-on fusing tape

(key 4) with no gaps.
How to use the iron-on fusing tape is given by the manufacturer’s instruction.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
1 fabric cut by heat-cutting
2 position for iron-on fusing tape with about 1 cm in width
3 centre line to be folded
4 finished filter bag shape
Figure A.2 — Example of filter bag construction
A.3 Filter checking

As for reusing the filter bag, the filter surface condition should be checked by light microscope whether

there is no damage and no foreign materials. The example of inspection condition is as follows:

1) the magnification: x 40;
2) the number of inspection points: 100;

3) the criteria for reusable: no damage and no foreign materials comparing with new filter bag.

© ISO 2023 – All rights reserved

Textiles et produits textiles —
Secrétariat: SAC
Microplastiques d'origines textiles —
Début de vote:
Partie 3:
Vote clos le:
Mesurage de la masse de matériaux
collectés libérés par les produits finis
textiles par la méthode de lavage
Textiles and textile products — Microplastics from textile sources —
Part 3: Measurement of collected material mass released from textile
end products by domestic washing method
Numéro de référence
ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(F)
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(F)
Textiles et produits textiles —
Secrétariat: SAC
Microplastiques d'origines textiles —
Début de vote:
Partie 3:
Vote clos le:
Mesurage de la masse de matériaux
collectés libérés par les produits finis
textiles par la méthode de lavage
Textiles and textile products — Microplastics from textile sources —
Part 3: Measurement of collected material mass released from textile
end products by domestic washing method
© ISO 2023

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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(F)
Sommaire Page

Avant-propos .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................iv

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v

1 Domaine d’application ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Références normatives ..................................................................................................................................................................................1

3 Termes et définitions ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

4 Principe.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

5 Appareillage .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

6 Matériau et réactif ........................................................................................................................................... ...................................................3

7 Condition d’essai .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

7.1 Atmosphère normale pour la préparation des éprouvettes d’essai et le mesurage

de la masse ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

7.2 Atmosphère d’essai pour l’essai de lavage ..................................................................................................................... 3

8 Préparation des éprouvettes d’essai .............................................................................................................................................. 3

9 Mode opératoire d’essai ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3

9.1 Généralités ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

9.2 Cycle de lavage à vide avant l’essai de lavage .............................................................................................................. 4

9.3 Essai de lavage de l’éprouvette d’essai .............................................................................................................................. 4

9.4 Lavage des matériaux collectés par le sac filtrant .................................................................................................. 4

9.5 Mesurage de la masse des matériaux collectés ......................................................................................................... 4

10 Calcul ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

10.1 Calcul pour chaque essai ............................................................................................................................................................... 5

10.2 Calcul de la moyenne des 3 essais ......................................................................................................................................... 5

11 Répétabilité et reproductibilité ........................................................................................................................................................... 6

12 Rapport d’essai ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Annexe A (informative) Spécification de l’étoffe et construction du sac filtrant .................................................7

Annexe B (normative) Exigences concernant la machine à laver à utiliser pour cet essai ........................9

Annexe C (informative) Nombre de cycles de lavage à vide après le lavage d’essai .......................................12

Annexe D (informative) Détergent de référence ..................................................................................................................................13

Annexe E (informative) Condition de l’essai à plusieurs cycles de lavage et exemple de

résultat d’essai ....................................................................................................................................................................................................14

Annexe F (informative) Essai interlaboratoires ...................................................................................................................................17

Annexe G (informative) Nombre d’éprouvettes d’essai ................................................................................................................22

Annexe H (informative) Pourcentage de collecte des fragments de fibre ................................................................25

Annexe I (informative) Ouverture de maille du filtre ....................................................................................................................26

Bibliographie ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................28

© ISO 2023 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(F)

L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d’organismes

nationaux de normalisation (comités membres de l’ISO). L’élaboration des Normes internationales est

en général confiée aux comités techniques de l’ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude

a le droit de faire partie du comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales,

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L’ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (IEC) en ce qui

concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.

Les procédures utilisées pour élaborer le présent document et celles destinées à sa mise à jour sont

décrites dans les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 1. Il convient, en particulier de prendre note des différents

critères d’approbation requis pour les différents types de documents ISO. Le présent document

a été rédigé conformément aux règles de rédaction données dans les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 2

(voir www.iso.org/directives).

L’attention est attirée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l’objet de

droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L’ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable

de ne pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence. Les détails concernant

les références aux droits de propriété intellectuelle ou autres droits analogues identifiés lors de

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brevets reçues par l’ISO (voir www.iso.org/brevets).

Les appellations commerciales éventuellement mentionnées dans le présent document sont données

pour information, par souci de commodité, à l’intention des utilisateurs et ne sauraient constituer un


Pour une explication de la nature volontaire des normes, la signification des termes et expressions

spécifiques de l’ISO liés à l’évaluation de la conformité, ou pour toute information au sujet de l’adhésion

de l’ISO aux principes de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) concernant les obstacles

techniques au commerce (OTC), voir le lien suivant: www.iso.org/iso/fr/avant-propos.

Le présent document a été élaboré par le comité technique ISO/TC 38, Textiles, en collaboration avec le

comité technique CEN/TC 248, Textiles et produits textiles, du Comité européen de normalisation (CEN),

conformément à l’Accord de coopération technique entre l’ISO et le CEN (Accord de Vienne).

Une liste de toutes les parties de la série ISO 4484 se trouve sur le site web de l’ISO.

Il convient que l’utilisateur adresse tout retour d’information ou toute question concernant le présent

document à l’organisme national de normalisation de son pays. Une liste exhaustive desdits organismes

se trouve à l’adresse www.iso.org/fr/members.html.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(F)

Le lavage quotidien des produits finis textiles génère des fragments de fibre qui sont évacués du lave-

linge. La présente méthode d’essai vise à collecter les matériaux incluant des fragments de fibre qui

sont évacués du lave-linge domestique lors du processus de lavage.

Même si les lave-linges utilisés à domicile sont de types très divers, l’ISO 6330 a été élaborée pour

spécifier la méthode d’essai de lavage domestique, laquelle définit les machines à laver domestiques

et les conditions d’essai. Le présent document recourt à l’une des machines à laver normalisées de

l’ISO 6330.

En outre, une étiquette d’entretien est apposée sur les produits finis textiles dans bon nombre de pays

à travers le monde et cette étiquette d’entretien spécifie les conditions de lavage à utiliser dans le cadre

du présent document.

En raison de la structure interne complexe des machines à laver, le processus de nettoyage de la

machine est un aspect très important pour éviter une contamination. Le présent document indique

la méthode de vérification et les exigences concernant la machine à laver à utiliser dans le cadre du

présent document.

L’identification et la quantification de composés contenus dans les matériaux collectés lors du processus

de lavage sont déterminées en appliquant l’ISO 4484-2.

Les informations recueillies à l’aide du présent document peuvent être utilisées par l’industrie textile

dans le cadre du développement de produits finis textiles afin de limiter ou de réduire le plus possible

les pertes de matières des produits finis textiles lors du processus de lavage.

L’Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO) attire l’attention sur le fait qu’il est déclaré que la

conformité avec les dispositions du présent document peut impliquer l’utilisation d’un brevet.

L’ISO ne prend pas position quant à la preuve, à la validité et à la portée de ces droits de propriété.

Le détenteur de ces droits de propriété a donné l’assurance à l’ISO qu’il consent à négocier des licences

avec des demandeurs du monde entier à des termes et conditions raisonnables et non discriminatoires.

À ce propos, la déclaration du détenteur des droits de propriété est enregistrée à l’ISO. Des informations

peuvent être obtenues dans la base de données des droits de propriété, disponible à l’adresse suivante:


L’attention est attirée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l’objet de

droits de propriété autres que ceux figurant dans la base de données des brevets. L’ISO ne saurait être

tenue pour responsable de ne pas avoir identifié de tels droits de brevets.
© ISO 2023 – Tous droits réservés
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Textiles et produits textiles — Microplastiques d'origines
textiles —
Partie 3:
Mesurage de la masse de matériaux collectés libérés
par les produits finis textiles par la méthode de lavage
1 Domaine d’application

Le présent document spécifie une méthode de mesurage de la masse de matériaux collectés libérés en

sortie du tuyau d’évacuation d’une machine à laver normalisée conforme à l’ISO 6330 lors du processus

de lavage.

NOTE Les conditions de lavage des produits finis textiles sont indiquées par l’étiquetage d’entretien

conformément à l’ISO 3758.

Le présent document est applicable aux produits finis textiles (incluant les produits textiles destinés

aux consommateurs, tels que les vêtements molletonnés, chemises, pantalons, chemisiers, etc.) et aux

produits finis textiles domestiques (tels que les couvertures, tapis, rideaux, etc.) confectionnés à partir

de fibres de tous types telles que des fibres naturelles et les fibres chimiques, y compris un mélange des

fibres, qui peuvent être lavés dans un lave-linge domestique.

Le présent document ne s’applique pas aux étoffes et produits textiles découpés. Il ne couvre pas non

plus l’essai des lave-linges et des détergents.
2 Références normatives

Les documents suivants sont cités dans le texte de sorte qu’ils constituent, pour tout ou partie de leur

contenu, des exigences du présent document. Pour les références datées, seule l’édition citée s’applique.

Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du document de référence s’applique (y compris les

éventuels amendements).
ISO 139, Textiles — Atmosphères normales de conditionnement et d'essai

ISO 3696, Eau pour laboratoire à usage analytique — Spécification et méthodes d'essai

ISO 3758, Textiles — Code d’étiquetage d’entretien au moyen de symboles

ISO 6330:2021, Textiles — Méthodes de lavage et de séchage domestiques en vue des essais des textiles

3 Termes et définitions

Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.

L’ISO et l’IEC tiennent à jour des bases de données terminologiques destinées à être utilisées en

normalisation, consultables aux adresses suivantes:

— ISO Online browsing platform: disponible à l’adresse https:// www .iso .org/ obp;

— IEC Electropedia: disponible à l’adresse https:// www .electropedia .org/ .
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(F)
matériaux collectés

matériaux collectés par le filtre fixé au niveau du tuyau d’évacuation d’une machine à laver lors du

processus de lavage, qui incluent des fragments de fibre et autres matériaux non solubles dans l’eau

cycle de lavage à vide

cycle de lavage sans éprouvette d’essai réalisé en utilisant le programme de lavage d’essai

4 Principe

Une masse donnée de produits finis textiles est lavée dans une machine à laver domestique sous

certaines conditions de température et mécaniques pendant un nombre donné de cycles de lavage.

Les matériaux perdus lors des cycles de lavage sont collectés dans un sac filtrant qui est fixé au niveau

du tuyau d’évacuation de la machine à laver. Les matériaux collectés dans le sac filtrant sont transférés

sur une membrane filtrante puis la membrane filtrante avec les matériaux collectés sont pesés dans le

flacon de pesée. La membrane filtrante et le flacon de pesée sont préparés conjointement. La masse des

matériaux collectés est calculée en soustrayant la masse initiale de la membrane filtrante et du flacon

de pesée de la masse relevée en présence des matériaux collectés. La masse des matériaux collectés,

le rapport de la masse des matériaux collectés sur la masse de l’éprouvette d’essai et le rapport de la

masse des matériaux collectés sur le nombre d’éprouvettes d’essai sont consignés.

5 Appareillage

5.1 Machine à laver domestique, spécifiée dans l’ISO 6330, dont les filtres intégrés ont été retirés.

La machine à laver domestique utilisée dans le cadre du présent document doit satisfaire aux exigences

de l’Annexe B.

5.2 Sac filtrant, en tissu, avec une ouverture de maille de (10 ± 4) μm; la spécification concernant

les matériaux et la construction est donnée à l’Annexe A. L’ouverture de maille du sac filtrant est

déterminée conformément à l’Annexe I.
5.3 Balance analytique, d’une résolution de 0,1 mg ou mieux.
5.4 Balance, d’une résolution de 1 g ou mieux.
5.5 Étuve, pouvant maintenir une température de (105 ± 3) °C, sans ventilation.
5.6 Serre-câbles, en polyamide.

5.7 Membrane filtrante en polycarbonate, d’environ 47 mm de diamètre et d’une ouverture de

maille de 10 µm. Un filtre en acier inoxydable est également applicable.

5.8 Flacon ou coupelle de pesée, en métal ou en verre, d’un diamètre minimal d’environ 47 mm,

avec couvercle.

5.9 Dispositif de filtration sous vide, se composant d’une plateforme de filtration à fritté et d’un

entonnoir, avec pompe à vide.

5.10 Pissette, en polyéthylène ou en résine de silicone, etc., compressible et avec buse.

5.11 Brucelles, en acier inoxydable ou en plastique.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(F)
5.12 Bécher en verre, d’une contenance d’au minimum 1 000 ml.
5.13 Dessiccateur, avec agent de dessiccation.
6 Matériau et réactif
6.1 Eau, distillée ou eau de qualité 3 conformément à l’ISO 3696.
7 Condition d’essai

7.1 Atmosphère normale pour la préparation des éprouvettes d’essai et le mesurage de

la masse

La température et l’humidité relative de l’atmosphère normale pour la préparation des éprouvettes

d’essai et le mesurage de la masse sont de (20 ± 2) °C et de (65 ± 4) % HR conformément à l’ISO 139.

7.2 Atmosphère d’essai pour l’essai de lavage
La condition pour l’essai de lavage est la condition ambiante.
8 Préparation des éprouvettes d’essai

Un seul type de produits finis textiles est appliqué pour cet essai de lavage. Il ne faut pas mélanger

différents types de produits finis textiles dans un même essai de lavage. Le nombre d’éprouvettes

d’essai par essai de lavage (S ) est d’au moins deux produits finis textiles. Le volume à sec maximal de

toutes les éprouvettes d’essai par essai de lavage ne doit pas dépasser la moitié du volume du tambour

de lavage.
L’essai de lavage est répété sur trois (3) lots.

Le nombre d’éprouvettes d’essai peut avoir une incidence sur le résultat d’essai comme cela est présenté

à l’Annexe G à titre d’exemple.

Les éprouvettes d’essai sont conditionnées conformément à l’ISO 139. La masse totale des éprouvettes

d’essai conditionnées (M ), qui est mesurée à l’aide d’une balance (5.4), doit être déterminée à 1 g près

et être consignée dans le rapport d’essai.
9 Mode opératoire d’essai
9.1 Généralités

La machine à laver utilisée dans le cadre de cet essai doit satisfaire aux exigences données à l’Annexe B.

Ces exigences satisfaites, la machine à laver peut être utilisée continuellement pour l’essai de lavage.

Pour l’essai de lavage suivant, suivre le mode opératoire à partir de 9.2.

Les conditions de lavage de ce mode opératoire d’essai sont indiquées par l’étiquette d’entretien

apposée sur les produits finis textiles conformément à l’ISO 3758. Les détails des conditions de lavage

sont donnés dans l’ISO 6330.

Si les pays utilisent leur propre système d’étiquette d’entretien ou système d’instructions d’entretien,

appliquer les conditions de lavage indiquées par leur système ou en l’absence d’étiquette, suivre le

programme de lavage fixé d’un commun accord entre les parties intéressées.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(F)
9.2 Cycle de lavage à vide avant l’essai de lavage

Installer le sac filtrant (5.2) sur le tuyau d’évacuation de la machine à laver domestique (5.1) et le fixer

à l’aide d’un serre-câble (5.6). Lancer un seul cycle de lavage du programme de lavage sans éprouvette

d’essai. Le programme de lavage est le même que celui de l’essai de lavage en 9.3. À l’issue du cycle de

lavage, retirer le sac filtrant du tuyau d’évacuation. Mesurer la masse des matériaux collectés en suivant

les étapes de 9.4 à 9.5 et l’Article 10 et consigner la masse des matériaux collectés lors du cycle de lavage

à vide dans le rapport d’essai. Cela donne une indication sur l’état de la machine à laver d’essai.

9.3 Essai de lavage de l’éprouvette d’essai

Installer le sac filtrant (5.2) sur le tuyau d’évacuation de la machine à laver domestique (5.1) et le fixer

à l’aide d’un serre-câble (5.6). Introduire les éprouvettes d’essai dans le tambour de lavage et lancer un

seul cycle de lavage du programme de lavage.

Le détergent peut être utilisé pendant l’essai de lavage et le détergent conseillé est présenté à l’Annexe D.

Lorsque plusieurs cycles de lavage d’essai sont requis, lancer le nombre de cycles de lavage déterminé

par les parties intéressées conformément à l’Annexe E. Un exemple de résultats obtenus avec plusieurs

cycles de lavage est présenté à l’Annexe E.

À l’issue du cycle de lavage, retirer les éprouvettes d’essai du tambour de lavage.

Ensuite, lancer deux cycles de lavage à vide avec le même programme de lavage.

Le nombre de cycles de lavage à vide (deux cycles de lavage à vide) après l’essai de lavage a été déterminé

par les résultats présentés à l’Annexe C.

À l’issue du cycle de lavage à vide, retirer le sac filtrant du tuyau d’évacuation.

e e
Pour les 2 et 3 lots d’éprouvettes d’essai, réaliser l’essai de lavage en 9.3.
9.4 Lavage des matériaux collectés par le sac filtrant

Préparer quatre (4) béchers en verre (5.12) contenant 1 l d’eau (6.1) chacun. Laver les sacs filtrants de

9.2 et 9.3 dans les béchers en verre en retournant les sacs filtrants à l’envers. La solution dans le bécher

est la solution de suspension des matériaux collectés.
9.5 Mesurage de la masse des matériaux collectés

Préparer quatre (4) membranes filtrantes en polycarbonate (5.7) et quatre (4) flacons de pesée (5.8)

conjointement et séparément, il est crucial de conserver la même combinaison de membrane filtrante/

flacon de pesée tout au long de l’essai. Mesurer respectivement la masse de la membrane filtrante de

départ (5.7) et d’un flacon de pesée (5.8), et les enregistrer à 0,1 mg près en tant que (M ).

Les membranes filtrantes (5.7) sont manipulées à l’aide de brucelles (5.11). La membrane filtrante (5.7)

doit être conservée dans le flacon de pesée (5.8) pour éviter une contamination par l’environnement.

Placer la membrane filtrante (5.7) sur un dispositif de filtration sous vide (5.9).

Filtrer la solution de suspension de 9.4 sur les membranes filtrantes sur un dispositif de filtration sous

vide (5.9). Introduire 1 l d’eau (6.1) dans le bécher, y rincer à nouveau le sac filtrant et filtrer la solution

de suspension sur la même membrane filtrante. Répéter ce mode opératoire au moins deux fois. Enfin,

rincer la surface du sac filtrant et l’intérieur du bécher avec de l’eau (6.1) à l’aide d’une pissette (5.10) et

filtrer également cette solution de suspension sur la même membrane filtrante.

Introduire la membrane filtrante avec les matériaux collectés dans le flacon de pesée d’origine de 9.5

qui lui est associé et sécher pendant 2 h à (105 ± 3) °C dans l’étuve (5.5). Introduire ensuite le flacon

de pesée avec la membrane filtrante et les matériaux collectés dans un dessiccateur (5.13) et laisser

refroidir à la température ambiante.
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(F)

Conditionner la membrane filtrante avec les matériaux collectés et le flacon de pesée dans une

atmosphère normale décrite en 7.1.

Mesurer la masse de la membrane filtrante avec les matériaux collectés et du flacon de pesée conditionnés

à 0,1 mg près à l’aide de la balance analytique (5.3) et enregistrer le résultat en tant que (M ).

À cette étape, relever la masse plusieurs fois à intervalles de 1 h ou plus. La masse est déterminée

comme étant la masse pesée dont l’écart avec la précédente et la suivante ne dépasse pas 0,1 % de la

valeur suivante.
10 Calcul
10.1 Calcul pour chaque essai

La masse des matériaux collectés, C , en mg, est calculée à l’aide de la Formule (1):

C = M – M (1)
m f2 f1

C est la masse des matériaux collectés lors du processus de lavage d’essai, en mg;

M est la masse de la membrane filtrante de départ et du flacon de pesée, en mg;

M est la masse de la membrane filtrante avec les matériaux collectés et du flacon de pesée, en mg.

La masse des matériaux collectés par produit fini textile (C ) en mg par produit est calculée l’aide de

la Formule (2):
C = C /S (2)
mp m n
C est la masse des matériaux collectés en mg/produit;

C est la masse des matériaux collectés lors du processus de lavage d’essai, en mg;

S est le nombre d’éprouvettes d’essai pour un essai de lavage.

La masse des matériaux collectés par masse de produits finis textiles, C , en mg/kg, est calculée à

l’aide de la Formule (3):
C = (C × 1 000)/M (3)
mw m p

C est la masse des matériaux collectés par masse de produits finis textiles, en mg/kg;

C est la masse des matériaux collectés lors du processus de lavage d’essai, en mg;

M est la masse des éprouvettes d’essai, en g.
10.2 Calcul de la moyenne des 3 essais
Calculer les moyennes de C , C et C des 3 essais à titre de résultats d’essai.
m mp mw
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ISO/FDIS 4484-3:2023(F)
11 Répétabilité et reproductibilité

L’essai interlaboratoires mené conformément au présent document est présenté à l’Annexe F.

12 Rapport d’essai
Le rapport d’essai doit comprendre les informations suivantes:
a) une référence au présent document, à savoir l’ISO 4484-3:2023;
b) la date de l’essai;
c) le type de machine à laver et les conditions d’essai;
d) la méthode d’essai (nombre de cycles de lavage, etc.);
e) les conditions de l’environnement d’essai;
f) le nombre d’éprouvettes d’essai placées dans le tambour de lavage;
g) la masse totale des éprouvettes d’essai placées dans le tambour de lavage;
h) la masse collectée lors du cycle de lavage à vide avant le lavage d’essai;
i) la masse moyenne des matériaux collectés lors d

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