Buildings and constructed assets -- Service life planning -- Part 2: Service life prediction procedures

Bâtiments et biens immobiliers construits -- Prévision de la durée de vie -- Partie 2: Procédures pour la prévision de la durée de vie

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STANDARD 15686-2
First edition
Buildings and constructed assets —
Service life planning —
Part 2:
Service life prediction procedures
Bâtiments et biens immobiliers construits — Prévision de la durée de vie —
Partie 2: Procédures pour la prévision de la durée de vie
Reference number
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
ISO 2001

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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope .1
2 Normative references .1
3 Terms and definitions .1
3.1 Service life and performance.1
3.2 Service life forecasting .2
3.3 Environment and environmental characterization.3
3.4 Acts and actors.3
4 Abbreviated terms .3
5 Methodology.4
5.1 Brief description of SLP.4
5.2 Connection to ISO 15686-1 .4
6 Methodological framework .6
6.1 Range of SLP and problem definition.6
6.2 Preparation.7
6.3 Pretesting .9
6.4 Ageing exposure programmes.10
6.5 Analysis and interpretation .12
7 Critical review.13
7.1 General description of critical review.13
7.2 Need and requirements for critical review .13
7.3 Process of critical review.13
8 Reporting.14
Annex A (informative) Guidance on process of SLP.16
© ISO 2001 – All rights reserved iii

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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 15686 may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 15686-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 59, Building construction,
Subcommittee SC 14, Design life.
ISO 15686 consists of the following parts, under the general title Buildings and constructed assets — Service life
� Part 1: General principles
� Part 2: Service life prediction procedures
� Part 3: Performance audits and reviews
� Part 4: Data requirements
� Part 5: Life cycle costing
� Part 6: Life cycle assessment
Annex A of this part of ISO 15686 is for information only.
iv © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
The ISO 15686 series on “Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning” is an essential contribution to
the development of a policy for design life. A major impetus for the preparation of the ISO 15686 series is the
current concern over the industry’s inability to predict costs of ownership and maintenance of buildings. A
secondary objective of service life planning is to reduce the likelihood of obsolescence and/or to maximize the
reuse value of the obsolete building components.
The purpose of this part of ISO 15686 is to describe the principles for service life predictions (SLPs) of building
components, considering various service environments. The SLP methodology is developed to be generic, i.e.
applicable to all types of building components, and is meant to serve as a guide to all kinds of prediction processes.
The methodology may be used in the planning of SLP studies regarding new and innovative components of which
the knowledge of their performance is limited, or be the guiding document in the assessment of already performed
investigations in order to appraise their value as knowledge bases for SLP and reveal where complimentary studies
are necessary.
This part of ISO 15686 is intended primarily for
� manufacturers who may wish to provide data on performance in use of their products,
� test houses, technical approval organizations, etc., and
� those who develop or draft product standards.
While this part of ISO 15686 could be used as a stand-alone document, for an improved understanding of its
context it is recommended to read the other parts of ISO 15686, in particular ISO 15686-1, which is the umbrella
document of the ISO 15686 series.
Data obtained in accordance with the methodology described in this part of ISO 15686 can be used in any context
where appropriate, and specifically to obtain a forecast service life for a specific object via the factor method (or
directly), as described in ISO 15686-1. The factor method aims to find an estimated service life of a component
(ESLC) in the specific planning case, taking all case-specific conditions affecting the service life into consideration.
Accordingly, this part of ISO 15686 interfaces with ISO 15686-1 as a crucial means of attaining the knowledge
necessary for the service life planning process as described in ISO 15686-1.
This part of ISO 15686 will also interface with ISO 15686-4, which will specify in detail the way SLP data are
formatted, stored and presented.
The SLP methodology does not cover estimation of service life limited by obsolescence or other non-measurable or
unpredictable performance states. The methodology also does not cover prediction of the economic service life, but
will yield data needed as input for such evaluations.
Predictions can be based on evidence from previous use, on comparisons with the known service life of similar
components, on tests of degradation in specific conditions or on a combination of these. Ideally a prediction will be
given in terms of the service life as a function of the in-use condition. In any case, the dependence of the service
life on the in-use condition will be quantified in a suitable way. The reliability of the predicted service life of a
component (PSLC) will depend on the evidence it is based on.
© ISO 2001 – All rights reserved v

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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
The methods described in the ISO 15686 series are based on work carried out in many countries. In general terms
they are a development of the current standards on durability published by the Architectural Institute of Japan, the
British Standards Institution and the Canadian Standards Authority. Specifically, this part of ISO 15686 is an
extension and modification of the RILEM recommendation 64, “Systematic Methodology for Service Life
1) 2)
Prediction”, developed by RILEM TC 71-PSL and TC 100-TSL working jointly with CIB W80.
1) The International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures.
2) International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation.
vi © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

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Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning —
Part 2:
Service life prediction procedures
1 Scope
This part of ISO 15686 describes procedures that facilitate service life predictions of building components. It
provides a general framework, principles and requirements for conducting and reporting such studies. This part of
ISO 15686 does not describe the techniques of service life prediction of building components in detail.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of ISO 15686. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 15686 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 6241:1984, Performance standards in building — Principles for their preparation and factors to be considered.
ISO 6707-1:1989, Building and civil engineering — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms.
ISO 15686-1:2000, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 1: General principles.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO 15686, the terms and definitions given in ISO 6707-1 and ISO 15686-1 and the
following apply. The terms are ordered by concepts for the assistance of users of this part of ISO 15686.
3.1 Service life and performance
degradation due to long-term influence of agents related to use
degradation indicator
deficiency which shows when a performance characteristic fails to meet a requirement
EXAMPLE When gloss is a performance characteristic, gloss loss is the corresponding degradation indicator. When mass
(or thickness) is a performance characteristic, mass loss is the corresponding degradation indicator.
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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
terminal critical property
in an established set of critical properties for a building or a part, the critical property that first fails to maintain the
corresponding performance requirement when subjected to exposure in a particular service environment
performance characteristic
quantity that is a measure of a critical property, or a magnitude of that quantity
EXAMPLE A performance characteristic can be the same as the critical property, for instance gloss. On the other hand, if
the critical property is strength, thickness or mass may in certain cases be utilized as a performance characteristic.
3.2 Service life forecasting
accelerated short-term exposure
short-term exposure in which the intensity of the agents is raised above the levels expected in service
ageing exposure
procedure in which a building product is exposed to agents believed or known to cause degradation for the purpose
of service life prediction (or comparison of relative performance)
control sample
sample retained in an environment that is believed or known not to induce degradation for the purpose of
comparison between exposed and non-exposed samples
feedback from practice
inspection of buildings
performance evaluation or assessment of residual service life of building parts in actual buildings
long-term exposure
ageing exposure under in-use conditions and with a duration of the same order as the service life
predicted service life distribution
probability distribution function of the predicted service life
reference sample
sample of known performance which are exposed simultaneously and under identical conditions as a sample under
study for the purpose of comparison
service life prediction
generic methodology which, for a particular or any appropriate performance requirement, facilitates a prediction of
the service life distribution of a building or its parts for the use in a particular or in any appropriate environment
short-term exposure
ageing exposure with a duration considerably shorter than the service life anticipated
NOTE A term sometimes used and related to this type of exposure programme is “predictive service life test”. A predictive
service life test is a combination of a specifically designed short-term exposure and a performance evaluation procedure.
2 © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
3.3 Environment and environmental characterization
agent intensity
measure of the extent to or level at which an agent is present
NOTE In this part of ISO 15686 the term “agent intensity” refers figuratively to any quantity that meets the requirements for
a measure as specified in the definition above, i.e. not only to UV radiation and rain intensity, etc., but also to relative humidity,
SO concentration, freeze-thaw rate and mechanical pressure, etc.
building context
description of a building and its parts in terms of influences from design, service environment and usage
agent dose
mean of the agent intensity during a time period multiplied by the length of this time period
dose-response function
function that relates the dose(s) of a degradation agent to a degradation indicator
in-use condition
environmental condition under normal use
3.4 Acts and actors
commissioned specialist
person or organization capable of conducting a service life prediction study
commissioning client
person or organization that orders the service life prediction study
4 Abbreviated terms
ESLC estimated service life of a component
PSLDC predicted service life distribution of a component
PSLC predicted service life of a component
RSLC reference service life of a component
SLP service life prediction
© ISO 2001 – All rights reserved 3

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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
5 Methodology
5.1 Brief description of SLP
The methodology described is intended to be generic and aims, for a particular or any appropriate set of
performance requirements, to facilitate an SLP of any kind of building components for the use in a particular or
range of in-service environment.
NOTE In practice an SLP is usually restricted to cover a few typical service environments or a single reference environment
complemented by an analysis on the sensitivity of intensity variations of degradation agents.
The term “prediction” of an SLP study refers to one of four ways, or any combinations of these, to assess the
service life, as follows:
� speeding-up of the time dimension (at accelerated short-term exposures);
� interpolation/extrapolation using data of similar components;
� interpolation/extrapolation using data from similar service environments;
� extrapolation in the time dimension (at short-term in-use exposures).
The systematic approach or methodology for SLP of building components described includes the identification of
needed information, the selection or development of test procedures (exposure programmes and evaluation
methods), testing (exposure and evaluation), interpretation of data, and reporting of results. The essential steps in
an SLP process are outlined in Figure 1. The methodology employs an iterative research or decision-making
process which permits improved predictions to be made as the base of knowledge grows, as illustrated by the
outermost loop in Figure 1. It is often not necessary to perform every step, for instance the pretesting procedure
can often be excluded or shortened due to already available knowledge of the component under study. While not
illustrated, sub-loops between steps within a cycle may be necessary. In any case, it is of the greatest importance
to account for all assumptions and judgements made.
Normally the service life for a particular set of performance requirements is not predicted as a single value – a
PSLC. Instead a predicted service life distribution of a component (PSLDC) is determined. The PSLDC is described
by at least two parameters, the expectation value and the standard deviation. For very costly tests, however, the
aim may be limited to find a PSLC only.
5.2 Connection to ISO 15686-1
This part of ISO 15686 refers to ISO 15686-1 and aims, in this context, to describe a tool to achieve a reference
service life of the component (RSLC) as accurately as possible (or, alternatively, to achieve a forecast service life
directly). An RSLC is required when an estimated service life of the component (ESLC) for a specific design object
is to be assessed in accordance with the factor method as described in ISO 15686-1. Thus, the RSLC can be
obtained from the PSLDC as established in accordance with this part of ISO 15686. The condition at which the
PSLDC has been established then becomes the reference condition, which is compared to the specific condition
prevailing at the design object in order to estimate the factors of the factor method.
The choice of the single value RSLC from the distribution established depends on the safety margin required for
the component. For replaceable, non-structural components, in most cases the expectation value (i.e. the mean)
PSLC of the distribution could be employed as the RSLC. However, requirements on scheduled maintenance
plans, interlocking with other replaceable components or other circumstances, may suggest a more conservative
choice. For non-replaceable and/or structural components, for which a safety margin is required, a more, and
frequently a significantly more conservative choice has to be made. In such cases, though, normally the safety
margin is directly or indirectly regulated by standards or codes specifically applicable for the component.
4 © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
Figure 1 — Systematic methodology for SLP of building components
When the SLP utilized to obtain the RSLC for the specific design object has been carried out under various
conditions, the PSLDC obtained under the condition which deviates the least from the specific condition is used for
that purpose. An SLP carried out under various conditions also implies a means to estimate factors of the factor
method, in most cases particularly the one taking into account the difference between the specific and the
reference outdoor environment. This can be accomplished by interpolation/extrapolation techniques.
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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
6 Methodological framework
6.1 Range of SLP and problem definition
6.1.1 General
Initially, the problem to be solved shall be defined and the range of the study established, including identification or
specification of essential data.
NOTE These issues may vary from case to case depending on the aim and ambition of the SLP and on the level of existing
knowledge of the component.
Two extreme ranges are as follows.
a) Specific study: this is intended to focus on a rather specific application of the component tested in terms of
service environment and usage with a specified set of performance requirements. The aim is to establish the
PSLDC (or PSLC) and determine the sensitivity of the PSLDC (or PSLC) on moderate variations from these
b) General study: this is intended to cover a broad application of the component tested in terms of service
environment and usage with an unspecified or a loosely specified set of performance requirements. The aim is
to establish performance-over-time functions for the performance characteristics chosen in the whole range of
6.1.2 Definition of a specific study Identification of service environment and usage
A reference building context (see ISO 6241 and CIB Master List) shall be identified according to the information
given on the specific case. This shall account for the specific use of the component, covering the design
consequences, and comprise a description of the environment, including static and dynamic mechanical stress, at
the site where a building is planned to be located. A description on the effects of occupancy (such as water vapour,
heat or abrasion) and the principles on which the building is operated (e.g. high or low thermal inertia) shall also be
included if appropriate. Quantification of the set of performance requirements
The set of performance characteristics shall be identified and the corresponding requirements quantified according
to critical properties specified.
NOTE This may take the form, for example, of a failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA).
The set of performance requirements shall conform to the information obtained in accordance with
6.1.3 Definition of a general study Specification of ranges of service environment and usage
All types of environments where the component is intended to be used or being within the range of the study shall
be specified, including static and dynamic mechanical stress.
The various types of environments may be grouped into a discrete number of classes, each class being
representative for certain ranges of agent intensities.
Care shall be taken regarding the effect of various usages and positions of the component, as this can strongly
govern the in-use conditions and possible synergistic effects of the degradation agents (see 6.2.3).
6 © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
NOTE The actual in-use condition relevant to materials degradation is the microenvironment, i.e. the prevailing
environmental condition in a layer adjacent to or at a component surface (e.g. pollutant concentration and driving rain), and
within the component (e.g. mechanical stress). Quantification of the set of performance requirements
First, a set of performance characteristics shall be identified from critical properties specified. Next, in order to limit
the performance range to be covered by the service life analysis, the set of the lowest appropriate performance
requirements for the component shall be quantified.
NOTE The set of performance requirements can include specifications on, for example, strength, optical transmission,
acoustical insulation and æsthetical qualities.
The performance requirements shall conform to the information obtained in accordance with
6.1.4 Characterization of the component
The component to be evaluated shall be characterized as thoroughly as relevant in terms of structure, physical
properties and chemical composition.
6.1.5 Critical review considerations
Critical review is a technique to verify whether or not an SLP study has met the requirements in this part of
ISO 15686 of methodology and reporting. Whether, how and by whom the critical review is to be conducted shall
be planned and confirmed when defining the study.
A critical review of an SLP shall be conducted where the results are to be disclosed to the public.
For other applications, for example for company-internal product development, critical review may be omitted.
The process of critical reviewing is described in clause 7.
6.2 Preparation
6.2.1 General
After the range of the study has been defined, in accordance with 6.1, degradation agents, possible degradation
mechanisms and how degradation can be accelerated or induced within ageing exposure programmes shall be
identified and postulated.
6.2.2 Identification of degradation agents and their intensities
The type and intensity distribution of the expected degradation agents based on the knowledge as compiled in
accordance with or shall be identified.
NOTE 1 It can be difficult to quantify the in-use intensity of biological agents and agents originating from the occupancy, but
upper limits within the normal range can usually be established by professional judgement.
One or several reference environments shall be considered, the number depending on the range of the study. A list
of relevant degradation agents is presented in Table 1.
NOTE 2 The agents are classified according to their nature. In general, external to the building the origin of the agents is
either the atmosphere or the ground, whereas internal to the building the origin is related to occupancy or design and
installations. However, although not stated in ISO 6241, an agent acting externally while originating as a design consequence
can also occur, for instance from an incompatible neighbouring component. Furthermore, the influence of agents originating
from the atmosphere to internal degradation should not be disregarded.
© ISO 2001 – All rights reserved 7

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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
Table 1 — Degradation agents affecting the service life of building components
Nature Class
Mechanical agents Gravitation
Forces and imposed or restrained deformations
Kinetic energy
Vibrations and noises
Electromagnetic agents Radiation
Thermal agents Extreme levels or fast alterations of temperature
Chemical agents Water and solvents
Oxidizing agents
Reducing agents
Chemically neutral
Biological agents Vegetable and microbial
Condensed from ISO 6241:1984, Table 4.
SeealsoA.2.1.1to A.2.1.3.
6.2.3 Agents related to occupancy and significance of installation and maintenance practices
Although agents related to occupancy are not often included in ageing exposure programmes, as they can affect
the service life of building components, they shall be evaluated if deemed critical.

SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
Buildings and constructed assets -- Service life planning -- Part 2: Service life prediction
Bâtiments et biens immobiliers construits -- Prévision de la durée de vie -- Partie 2:
Procédures pour la prévision de la durée de vie
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 15686-2:2001
91.010.01 Gradbeništvo na splošno Construction industry in
91.040.01 Stavbe na splošno Buildings in general
SIST ISO 15686-2:2002 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002

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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
STANDARD 15686-2
First edition
Buildings and constructed assets —
Service life planning —
Part 2:
Service life prediction procedures
Bâtiments et biens immobiliers construits — Prévision de la durée de vie —
Partie 2: Procédures pour la prévision de la durée de vie
Reference number
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
ISO 2001

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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
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ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 � CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Printed in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope .1
2 Normative references .1
3 Terms and definitions .1
3.1 Service life and performance.1
3.2 Service life forecasting .2
3.3 Environment and environmental characterization.3
3.4 Acts and actors.3
4 Abbreviated terms .3
5 Methodology.4
5.1 Brief description of SLP.4
5.2 Connection to ISO 15686-1 .4
6 Methodological framework .6
6.1 Range of SLP and problem definition.6
6.2 Preparation.7
6.3 Pretesting .9
6.4 Ageing exposure programmes.10
6.5 Analysis and interpretation .12
7 Critical review.13
7.1 General description of critical review.13
7.2 Need and requirements for critical review .13
7.3 Process of critical review.13
8 Reporting.14
Annex A (informative) Guidance on process of SLP.16
© ISO 2001 – All rights reserved iii

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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 15686 may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 15686-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 59, Building construction,
Subcommittee SC 14, Design life.
ISO 15686 consists of the following parts, under the general title Buildings and constructed assets — Service life
� Part 1: General principles
� Part 2: Service life prediction procedures
� Part 3: Performance audits and reviews
� Part 4: Data requirements
� Part 5: Life cycle costing
� Part 6: Life cycle assessment
Annex A of this part of ISO 15686 is for information only.
iv © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
The ISO 15686 series on “Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning” is an essential contribution to
the development of a policy for design life. A major impetus for the preparation of the ISO 15686 series is the
current concern over the industry’s inability to predict costs of ownership and maintenance of buildings. A
secondary objective of service life planning is to reduce the likelihood of obsolescence and/or to maximize the
reuse value of the obsolete building components.
The purpose of this part of ISO 15686 is to describe the principles for service life predictions (SLPs) of building
components, considering various service environments. The SLP methodology is developed to be generic, i.e.
applicable to all types of building components, and is meant to serve as a guide to all kinds of prediction processes.
The methodology may be used in the planning of SLP studies regarding new and innovative components of which
the knowledge of their performance is limited, or be the guiding document in the assessment of already performed
investigations in order to appraise their value as knowledge bases for SLP and reveal where complimentary studies
are necessary.
This part of ISO 15686 is intended primarily for
� manufacturers who may wish to provide data on performance in use of their products,
� test houses, technical approval organizations, etc., and
� those who develop or draft product standards.
While this part of ISO 15686 could be used as a stand-alone document, for an improved understanding of its
context it is recommended to read the other parts of ISO 15686, in particular ISO 15686-1, which is the umbrella
document of the ISO 15686 series.
Data obtained in accordance with the methodology described in this part of ISO 15686 can be used in any context
where appropriate, and specifically to obtain a forecast service life for a specific object via the factor method (or
directly), as described in ISO 15686-1. The factor method aims to find an estimated service life of a component
(ESLC) in the specific planning case, taking all case-specific conditions affecting the service life into consideration.
Accordingly, this part of ISO 15686 interfaces with ISO 15686-1 as a crucial means of attaining the knowledge
necessary for the service life planning process as described in ISO 15686-1.
This part of ISO 15686 will also interface with ISO 15686-4, which will specify in detail the way SLP data are
formatted, stored and presented.
The SLP methodology does not cover estimation of service life limited by obsolescence or other non-measurable or
unpredictable performance states. The methodology also does not cover prediction of the economic service life, but
will yield data needed as input for such evaluations.
Predictions can be based on evidence from previous use, on comparisons with the known service life of similar
components, on tests of degradation in specific conditions or on a combination of these. Ideally a prediction will be
given in terms of the service life as a function of the in-use condition. In any case, the dependence of the service
life on the in-use condition will be quantified in a suitable way. The reliability of the predicted service life of a
component (PSLC) will depend on the evidence it is based on.
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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
The methods described in the ISO 15686 series are based on work carried out in many countries. In general terms
they are a development of the current standards on durability published by the Architectural Institute of Japan, the
British Standards Institution and the Canadian Standards Authority. Specifically, this part of ISO 15686 is an
extension and modification of the RILEM recommendation 64, “Systematic Methodology for Service Life
1) 2)
Prediction”, developed by RILEM TC 71-PSL and TC 100-TSL working jointly with CIB W80.
1) The International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures.
2) International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation.
vi © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning —
Part 2:
Service life prediction procedures
1 Scope
This part of ISO 15686 describes procedures that facilitate service life predictions of building components. It
provides a general framework, principles and requirements for conducting and reporting such studies. This part of
ISO 15686 does not describe the techniques of service life prediction of building components in detail.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of ISO 15686. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 15686 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 6241:1984, Performance standards in building — Principles for their preparation and factors to be considered.
ISO 6707-1:1989, Building and civil engineering — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms.
ISO 15686-1:2000, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 1: General principles.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO 15686, the terms and definitions given in ISO 6707-1 and ISO 15686-1 and the
following apply. The terms are ordered by concepts for the assistance of users of this part of ISO 15686.
3.1 Service life and performance
degradation due to long-term influence of agents related to use
degradation indicator
deficiency which shows when a performance characteristic fails to meet a requirement
EXAMPLE When gloss is a performance characteristic, gloss loss is the corresponding degradation indicator. When mass
(or thickness) is a performance characteristic, mass loss is the corresponding degradation indicator.
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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
terminal critical property
in an established set of critical properties for a building or a part, the critical property that first fails to maintain the
corresponding performance requirement when subjected to exposure in a particular service environment
performance characteristic
quantity that is a measure of a critical property, or a magnitude of that quantity
EXAMPLE A performance characteristic can be the same as the critical property, for instance gloss. On the other hand, if
the critical property is strength, thickness or mass may in certain cases be utilized as a performance characteristic.
3.2 Service life forecasting
accelerated short-term exposure
short-term exposure in which the intensity of the agents is raised above the levels expected in service
ageing exposure
procedure in which a building product is exposed to agents believed or known to cause degradation for the purpose
of service life prediction (or comparison of relative performance)
control sample
sample retained in an environment that is believed or known not to induce degradation for the purpose of
comparison between exposed and non-exposed samples
feedback from practice
inspection of buildings
performance evaluation or assessment of residual service life of building parts in actual buildings
long-term exposure
ageing exposure under in-use conditions and with a duration of the same order as the service life
predicted service life distribution
probability distribution function of the predicted service life
reference sample
sample of known performance which are exposed simultaneously and under identical conditions as a sample under
study for the purpose of comparison
service life prediction
generic methodology which, for a particular or any appropriate performance requirement, facilitates a prediction of
the service life distribution of a building or its parts for the use in a particular or in any appropriate environment
short-term exposure
ageing exposure with a duration considerably shorter than the service life anticipated
NOTE A term sometimes used and related to this type of exposure programme is “predictive service life test”. A predictive
service life test is a combination of a specifically designed short-term exposure and a performance evaluation procedure.
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ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
3.3 Environment and environmental characterization
agent intensity
measure of the extent to or level at which an agent is present
NOTE In this part of ISO 15686 the term “agent intensity” refers figuratively to any quantity that meets the requirements for
a measure as specified in the definition above, i.e. not only to UV radiation and rain intensity, etc., but also to relative humidity,
SO concentration, freeze-thaw rate and mechanical pressure, etc.
building context
description of a building and its parts in terms of influences from design, service environment and usage
agent dose
mean of the agent intensity during a time period multiplied by the length of this time period
dose-response function
function that relates the dose(s) of a degradation agent to a degradation indicator
in-use condition
environmental condition under normal use
3.4 Acts and actors
commissioned specialist
person or organization capable of conducting a service life prediction study
commissioning client
person or organization that orders the service life prediction study
4 Abbreviated terms
ESLC estimated service life of a component
PSLDC predicted service life distribution of a component
PSLC predicted service life of a component
RSLC reference service life of a component
SLP service life prediction
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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
5 Methodology
5.1 Brief description of SLP
The methodology described is intended to be generic and aims, for a particular or any appropriate set of
performance requirements, to facilitate an SLP of any kind of building components for the use in a particular or
range of in-service environment.
NOTE In practice an SLP is usually restricted to cover a few typical service environments or a single reference environment
complemented by an analysis on the sensitivity of intensity variations of degradation agents.
The term “prediction” of an SLP study refers to one of four ways, or any combinations of these, to assess the
service life, as follows:
� speeding-up of the time dimension (at accelerated short-term exposures);
� interpolation/extrapolation using data of similar components;
� interpolation/extrapolation using data from similar service environments;
� extrapolation in the time dimension (at short-term in-use exposures).
The systematic approach or methodology for SLP of building components described includes the identification of
needed information, the selection or development of test procedures (exposure programmes and evaluation
methods), testing (exposure and evaluation), interpretation of data, and reporting of results. The essential steps in
an SLP process are outlined in Figure 1. The methodology employs an iterative research or decision-making
process which permits improved predictions to be made as the base of knowledge grows, as illustrated by the
outermost loop in Figure 1. It is often not necessary to perform every step, for instance the pretesting procedure
can often be excluded or shortened due to already available knowledge of the component under study. While not
illustrated, sub-loops between steps within a cycle may be necessary. In any case, it is of the greatest importance
to account for all assumptions and judgements made.
Normally the service life for a particular set of performance requirements is not predicted as a single value – a
PSLC. Instead a predicted service life distribution of a component (PSLDC) is determined. The PSLDC is described
by at least two parameters, the expectation value and the standard deviation. For very costly tests, however, the
aim may be limited to find a PSLC only.
5.2 Connection to ISO 15686-1
This part of ISO 15686 refers to ISO 15686-1 and aims, in this context, to describe a tool to achieve a reference
service life of the component (RSLC) as accurately as possible (or, alternatively, to achieve a forecast service life
directly). An RSLC is required when an estimated service life of the component (ESLC) for a specific design object
is to be assessed in accordance with the factor method as described in ISO 15686-1. Thus, the RSLC can be
obtained from the PSLDC as established in accordance with this part of ISO 15686. The condition at which the
PSLDC has been established then becomes the reference condition, which is compared to the specific condition
prevailing at the design object in order to estimate the factors of the factor method.
The choice of the single value RSLC from the distribution established depends on the safety margin required for
the component. For replaceable, non-structural components, in most cases the expectation value (i.e. the mean)
PSLC of the distribution could be employed as the RSLC. However, requirements on scheduled maintenance
plans, interlocking with other replaceable components or other circumstances, may suggest a more conservative
choice. For non-replaceable and/or structural components, for which a safety margin is required, a more, and
frequently a significantly more conservative choice has to be made. In such cases, though, normally the safety
margin is directly or indirectly regulated by standards or codes specifically applicable for the component.
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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
Figure 1 — Systematic methodology for SLP of building components
When the SLP utilized to obtain the RSLC for the specific design object has been carried out under various
conditions, the PSLDC obtained under the condition which deviates the least from the specific condition is used for
that purpose. An SLP carried out under various conditions also implies a means to estimate factors of the factor
method, in most cases particularly the one taking into account the difference between the specific and the
reference outdoor environment. This can be accomplished by interpolation/extrapolation techniques.
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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
6 Methodological framework
6.1 Range of SLP and problem definition
6.1.1 General
Initially, the problem to be solved shall be defined and the range of the study established, including identification or
specification of essential data.
NOTE These issues may vary from case to case depending on the aim and ambition of the SLP and on the level of existing
knowledge of the component.
Two extreme ranges are as follows.
a) Specific study: this is intended to focus on a rather specific application of the component tested in terms of
service environment and usage with a specified set of performance requirements. The aim is to establish the
PSLDC (or PSLC) and determine the sensitivity of the PSLDC (or PSLC) on moderate variations from these
b) General study: this is intended to cover a broad application of the component tested in terms of service
environment and usage with an unspecified or a loosely specified set of performance requirements. The aim is
to establish performance-over-time functions for the performance characteristics chosen in the whole range of
6.1.2 Definition of a specific study Identification of service environment and usage
A reference building context (see ISO 6241 and CIB Master List) shall be identified according to the information
given on the specific case. This shall account for the specific use of the component, covering the design
consequences, and comprise a description of the environment, including static and dynamic mechanical stress, at
the site where a building is planned to be located. A description on the effects of occupancy (such as water vapour,
heat or abrasion) and the principles on which the building is operated (e.g. high or low thermal inertia) shall also be
included if appropriate. Quantification of the set of performance requirements
The set of performance characteristics shall be identified and the corresponding requirements quantified according
to critical properties specified.
NOTE This may take the form, for example, of a failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA).
The set of performance requirements shall conform to the information obtained in accordance with
6.1.3 Definition of a general study Specification of ranges of service environment and usage
All types of environments where the component is intended to be used or being within the range of the study shall
be specified, including static and dynamic mechanical stress.
The various types of environments may be grouped into a discrete number of classes, each class being
representative for certain ranges of agent intensities.
Care shall be taken regarding the effect of various usages and positions of the component, as this can strongly
govern the in-use conditions and possible synergistic effects of the degradation agents (see 6.2.3).
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SIST ISO 15686-2:2002
ISO 15686-2:2001(E)
NOTE The actual in-use condition relevant to materials degradation is the microenvironment, i.e. the prevailing
environmental condition in a layer adjacent to or at a component surface (e.g. pollutant concentration and driving rain), and
within the component (e.g. mechanical stress). Quantification of the set of performance requirements
First, a set of performance characteristics shall be identified from critical properties specified. Next, in order to limit
the performance range to be covered by the service life analysis, the set of the lowest appropriate performance
requirements for the component shall be quantified.
NOTE The set of performance requirements can include specifications on, for example, strength, optical transmission,
acoustical insulation and æsthetical qualities.
The performance requirements shall conform to the information obtained in accordance with
6.1.4 Characterization of the component
The component to be evaluated shall be characterized as thoroughly as relevant in terms of structure, physical
properties and chemical composition.
6.1.5 Critical review considerations
Critical review is a technique to verify whether or not an SLP study has met the requirements in this part of
ISO 15686 of methodology and reporting. Whether, how and by whom the critical review is to be conducted shall
be planned and confirmed when defining the study.
A critical review of an SLP shall be conducted where the results are to be disclosed to the public.
For other applications, for example for company-internal product development, critical review may be omitted.
The process of critical reviewing is described in clause 7.
6.2 Preparation
6.2.1 General
After the range of the study has been defined, in accordance with 6.1, degradation agents, possible degradation
mechanisms and how degradation can be accelerated or induced within ageing exposure programmes shall be
identified and postulated.
6.2.2 Identification of degradation agents and their intensities
The type and intensity distribution of the expected degradation agents based on the knowledge as compiled in
accordance with or shall be identified.
NOTE 1 It can be difficult to quantify the in-use intensity of biological agents and agents originating from the occupancy, but
upper limits within the normal range can usually be established by professional judgement.
One or several reference environments shall be considered, the number depending on the range of the study. A list
of relevant degradation agents is presented in Table 1.
NOTE 2 The agents are classified according to their nature. In general, external to the building the origin of the agents is
either the atmosphere or the ground, whereas internal to the building the origin is related to occupancy or design and
installations. However, although not stated in ISO 6241, an agent acting externally while origina

Première édition
Bâtiments et biens immobiliers
construits — Prévision de la durée de vie —
Partie 2:
Procédures pour la prédiction de la durée
de vie
Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning —
Part 2: Service life prediction procedures
Numéro de référence
ISO 15686-2:2001(F)
ISO 2001

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ISO 15686-2:2001(F)
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ISO 15686-2:2001(F)
Sommaire Page
1 Domaine d'application.1
2Références normatives .1
3.1 Durée de vie et performance .1
3.2 Prévision de la durée de vie .2
3.3 Environnement et caractérisation de l'environnement.3
3.4 Actions et acteurs.3
4Termesabrégés .3
5 Domaine d'application.4
5.1 Description sommaire de la SLP.4
5.2 Liaison avec l'ISO 15686-1.4
6.1 Plage de SLP et définition du problème.6
6.2 Préparation.7
6.3 Essais préliminaires .9
6.4 Programmes d'exposition de vieillissement.10
6.5 Analyse et interprétation.13
7Vérification .14
7.1 Description générale du processus de vérification .14
7.2 Nécessité d'une vérification et moyens nécessaires.14
7.3 Processus de vérification .14
8 Rapport .14
Annexe A (informative) Ligne directrice sur le processus de la prédiction deladurée de vie .17
Bibliographie .25
© ISO 2001 – Tous droits réservés iii

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ISO 15686-2:2001(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiéeaux
comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude aledroit de fairepartie ducomité
technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en
liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission
électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 3.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour
vote. Leur publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités
membres votants.
L’attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments delaprésente partie de l’ISO 15686 peuvent faire
l’objet de droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L’ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de
ne pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
La Norme internationale ISO 15686-2 a étéélaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 59, Construction immobilière,
sous-comité SC 14, Duréedevieprévue lors de la conception.
L'ISO 15686 comprend les parties suivantes, présentées sous le titre général Bâtiments et biens immobiliers
construits — Prévision de la duréedevie:
� Partie 1: Principes généraux
� Partie 2: Procédures pour la prédictiondeladuréedevie
� Partie 3: Audits et revues de performance
� Partie 4: Prescriptions relatives aux données
� Partie 5: Coûtdeladuréede vie
� Partie 6: Évaluation de la duréedevie
L’annexe A de la présente partie de l’ISO 15686 est donnée uniquement à titre d’information.
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ISO 15686-2:2001(F)
La série de Normes internationales ISO 15686, Bâtiments et biens immobiliers construits — Prévision de la durée
de vie, est une contribution essentielle à la mise en place d'une politique de précision de duréedevie. Cette série
ISO 15686 a étéélaborée avec le souci majeur de corriger l'inaptitude des industriels à prédire les coûts de
maîtrise d'ouvrage et de maintenance des bâtiments. La prévision de la durée de vie a pour objectif secondaire de
réduire la probabilité d'obsolescence et/ou de maximiser la valeur de réutilisation des éléments obsolètes d'un
La présente partie de l’ISO 15686 a pour but d'exposer les principes pour les prédictions de la duréede vie (SLPs)
des composants des bâtiments en tenant compte des divers environnements de service. La méthodologie de la
prédiction de durée de vie est mise au point pour être générique, c'est-à-dire applicable à tous les types de
composants des bâtiments et elle est destinée à servir de guide à tous les genres de processus de prédiction. Il est
permis d'utiliser la méthodologie dans le plan des travaux d'études de prédictiondeladurée de vie des nouveaux
composants novateurs dont on connaît peu les performances ou comme guide dans l'évaluation des études déjà
effectuées afin d'estimer leur valeur comme bases de connaissance pour les prédictions de la duréede vie et de
révéler les points nécessitant des études complémentaires.
La présente partie de l’ISO 15686 est principalement destinée
� aux fabricants susceptibles de vouloir fournir des données sur les performances de leurs produits en
� aux laboratoires d'essai, aux organismes d'évaluations techniques, etc., et
� à ceux qui développent ou rédigent des normes de produits.
Bien que la présente partie de l’ISO 15686 puisse être utilisée comme un document isolé, pour une meilleure
compréhension de son contexte, il est recommandé de se reporter aux autres parties, en particulier à
l’ISO 15686-1, qui est le document de base de la série ISO 15686.
Les données obtenues selon la méthodologie décritedans laprésente partie de l’ISO 15686 peuvent être utilisées
dans n'importe quel contexte le cas échéant et, en particulier, pour obtenir une duréedevie prévue pour un objet
particulier par l'intermédiaire de la méthode des facteurs (ou directement) comme décrit dans l’ISO 15686-1. La
méthode des facteurs vise à trouver la duréedevie estimée d'un composant (ESLC) dans le cas précis de la
prévision en tenant compte de toutes les conditions particulières au cas influant sur la duréedevie.En
conséquence, la présente partie de l’ISO 15686 s’articule avec l’ISO 15686-1 comme un moyen crucial pour
obtenir les connaissances nécessaires au processus de prévision de duréedevie comme décrit dans
l’ISO 15686-1.
La présente partie de l’ISO 15686 s'articulera également avec l'ISO 15686-4, qui spécifiera en détail la façon dont
les données de prévision de durée de vie produites doivent être formatées, stockées et présentées.
La méthodologie de prédiction deladurée de vie ne couvre pas l'estimation de la durée de vie limitée par
l'obsolescence ou d'autres états de performances non mesurables ou imprévisibles. Par ailleurs, la méthodologie
ne couvre pas la prédictionde laduréedevie économique mais elle donnera les données d'entréenécessaires
pour ces évaluations.
Des prédictions peuvent reposer sur des preuves tirées d'une utilisation antérieure, sur des comparaisons avec la
durée de vie connue de composants similaires, sur des essais de dégradation dans des conditions particulières ou
une combinaison de ces éléments. De façon idéale, il convient de donner une prédictionentermes deduréede vie
en fonction des conditions d'utilisation. En tout cas, l'influence des conditions d'usage sur la durée de vie doit être
quantifiée d'une manière appropriée. La fiabilité de la duréede vie prédite d'un composant (PSLC) dépendra de la
preuve sur laquelle elle repose.
© ISO 2001 – Tous droits réservés v

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ISO 15686-2:2001(F)
Les méthodes décrites dans la série ISO 15686 sont basées sur les travaux réalisés dans de nombreux pays. En
termes généraux, elles constituent un développement des normes actuelles concernant la durabilité publiées par
l'Institut d'architecture du Japon, l'Institution de normalisation britannique (British Standard Institution) et
l'organisme de normalisation canadien. En particulier, la présentepartiede l’ISO 15686 est une extension et une
modification de la recommandation RILEM 64 «Méthodologie systématique pour la prédictiondeladuréede vie
des matériaux et composants de bâtiment»,développéepar RILEM , TC 71-PSL et TC 100-TSL, travaillant en
commun avec CIB W80.
1) Union internationale des laboratoires d'essai et de recherche pour les matériaux et les structures.
2) Conseil international pour la recherche, les études et la documentation dans la construction.
vi © ISO 2001 – Tous droits réservés

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Bâtiments et biens immobiliers construits — Prévision de la durée
de vie —
Partie 2:
Procédures pour la prédiction de la duréede vie
1 Domaine d'application
La présente partie de l’ISO 15686 décrit les procédures qui facilitent les prédictions de la duréedevie des
composants des bâtiments. Elle fournit un plan type, des principes et des prescriptions générales pour la conduite
de ces études et l'établissement de leur rapport. La présentepartiedel’ISO 15686 ne décrit pas en détail les
techniques de prédictiondeladurée de vie des composants des bâtiments.
2Références normatives
Les documents normatifs suivants contiennent des dispositions qui, par suite de la référence qui y est faite,
constituent des dispositions valables pour la présente partie de l'ISO 15686. Pour les références datées, les
amendements ultérieurs ou les révisions de ces publications ne s’appliquent pas. Toutefois, les parties prenantes
aux accords fondés sur la présente partie de l'ISO 15686 sont invitées à rechercher la possibilité d'appliquer les
éditions les plus récentes des documents normatifs indiqués ci-après. Pour les références non datées, la dernière
édition du document normatif en référence s’applique. Les membres de l'ISO et de la CEI possèdent le registre des
Normes internationales en vigueur.
ISO 6241:1984, Normes de performance dans le bâtiment — Principes d'établissement et facteurs à considérer.
ISO 6707-1:1989, Bâtiment et génie civil — Vocabulaire — Partie 1: Termes généraux.
ISO 15686-1:2000, Bâtiments et biens immobiliers construits — Prévision de la duréede vie — Partie 1: Principes
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins de la présente partie de l'ISO 15686, les termes et définitions donnés dans l’ISO 6707-1 et
l’ISO 15685-1 ainsi que les suivants s'appliquent. Les termes sont classés par concepts afin d'aider les utilisateurs
de la présente partie de l’ISO 15686.
3.1 Durée de vie et performance
dégradation due à l'influence à long terme d'agents liés à l'utilisation
indicateur de dégradation
déficience apparaissant lorsqu'une caractéristique de performance ne répond plus à une prescription
© ISO 2001 – Tous droits réservés 1

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ISO 15686-2:2001(F)
EXEMPLE Si le brillant est une caractéristique de performance, la perte de brillant est alors l'indicateur de dégradation
correspondant. Si la masse (ou l'épaisseur) est une caractéristique de performance, la perte de masse est alors l'indicateur de
dégradation correspondant.
propriété critique déterminante
élément d’un ensemble reconnu de propriétés critiques d'une construction ou d'une de ses parties, dont le défaut
de performance se manifeste en premier en cours de service
caractéristique de performance
quantité constituant la mesure d'une propriété critique ou la grandeur de cette quantité
EXEMPLE Une caractéristique de performance peut être identique à la propriété critique, par exemple le brillant. D'autre
part, si la propriété critique est la résistance, il est permis, dans certains cas, d'utiliser l'épaisseur ou la masse comme
caractéristique de performance.
3.2 Prévision de la duréedevie
exposition accélérée de courte durée
exposition de courte durée pendant laquelle l'intensité desagentsest élevée au-dessus des niveaux prévus en
exposition au vieillissement
mode opératoire suivant lequel un produit de construction est exposéà des agents censés provoquer une
dégradation dans le but d’évaluer la durée de vie (ou de comparer aux performances correspondantes)
échantillons de contrôle
échantillons conservés dans un environnement supposé ne pas induire de dégradation, ou connu comme tel, dans
un but de comparaison entre des échantillons exposés et non exposés
retour d'expérience
inspection des bâtiments
évaluationdelaperformanceouappréciationdeladurée de vie restante des parties de bâtiments existantes
exposition de longue durée
exposition au vieillissement dans des conditions d'utilisation, pour une duréedumême ordre que la duréede vie
distribution de duréedevieprédite
fonction de distribution des probabilités deladuréedevieprédite
échantillons de référence
échantillons ayant des performances connues qui sont exposéssimultanément et dans des conditions identiques à
celles des échantillons en étude pour obtenir des données comparatives
prédiction de la duréede vie
méthodologie générique qui facilite, pour une prescription particulière ou pour une prescription de performance
appropriée, une prédiction de la distribution des durées de vie d'un bâtiment ou de ses parties pour une utilisation
dans un environnement particulier ou dans un environnement quelconque approprié
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exposition de courte durée
exposition de vieillissement d'une durée nettement plus courte que la duréedevieprévue
NOTE Un terme utilisé parfois en rapport avec ce type de programme d'exposition est «essai de duréedevie
prévisionnelle». Un essai de duréede vie prévisionnelle est la combinaison d’une exposition de courte duréespécifiquement
ordonnéeetd’une procédure.
3.3 Environnement et caractérisation de l'environnement
intensité d'un agent
mesurage de la plage ou du niveau d’action d’un agent
NOTE Dans la présente partie de l’ISO 15686, le terme «intensité d'un agent» se rapporte figurativement à une quantité
qui remplit les conditions pour une mesure selon la définition ci-dessus, c'est-à-dire non seulement le rayonnement ultraviolet ,
la forte pluie, etc., mais aussi l'hygrométrie, la concentration de SO , la vitesse de gel-dégel et contrainte, etc.
contexte du bâtiment
description d'un bâtiment et de ses parties en termes d'influences de la conception, de l'environnement en service
et d'usage
dose d'agent
moyenne de l'intensité de l'agent pendant une duréemultipliée par la longueur de cette durée
fonction dose-réponse
fonction qui lie la(les) dose(s) d'un agent de dégradation à un indicateur de dégradation
condition en utilisation
conditions ambiantes en utilisation normale
3.4 Actions et acteurs
spécialiste mandaté
personne ou organisme capable de mener une étude de prédiction de duréedevie
client mandatant
personne ou organisme ordonnant l'étude de prédictiondeduréedevie
4 Termes abrégés
ESLC duréedevieestimée d'un composant
PSLDC distribution des durées de vie prédites d'un composant
PSLC duréedevieprédite d'un composant
RSLC duréedeviederéférence d'un composant
SLP prédictiondeladuréede vie
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ISO 15686-2:2001(F)
5 Domaine d'application
5.1 Description sommaire de la SLP
La méthodologie décrite est destinée àêtre générique et vise à faciliter, pour un ensemble particulier ou un
ensemble quelconque approprié de prescriptions de performances, une prédiction deladurée de vie de n'importe
quel genre de composants de bâtiment destinés àêtre utilisés dans un environnement de service particulier ou
dans une gamme d'environnements de service.
NOTE Dans la pratique, une prédiction de la duréede vie estgénéralement limitée à la couverture de quelques
environnements de service types ou un seul environnement de référence complété par une analyse de la sensibilité des
variations d'intensité des agents de dégradation.
Le terme «prédiction» d'une étude de prédictionde ladurée de vie se rapporte à l'une des quatre manières ou à
une combinaison de celles-ci pour évaluer la duréedevie:
� raccourcissement de la dimension temporelle (à des expositions accélérées de courte durée);
� interpolation/extrapolation à l'aide de données de composants similaires;
� interpolation/extrapolation à l'aide de données provenant d'environnements de service similaires;
� extrapolation de la dimension temporelle (à des expositions de courte durée en utilisation).
L'approche ou méthodologie systématique pour la prédictiondeladurée de vie des composants de bâtiments
comprend l'identification des informations nécessaires, la sélection ou la mise au point de modes opératoires
d'essais (programmes d'exposition et méthodes d'évaluation), essais (exposition et évaluation), interprétation des
données et compte rendu des résultats. La Figure 1 décrit les étapes essentielles d'un processus de prédiction de
la duréedevie. La méthodologie emploie une recherche itérative ou un processus de prise de décision qui permet
d'améliorer les prévisions effectuées au fur et à mesure que la base de connaissance grandit, comme illustré par la
boucle extérieure sur la Figure 1. Il est souvent inutile d'effectuer la totalité des opérations, par exemple le mode
opératoire des essais préliminaires peut être souvent exclu ou raccourci du fait des connaissances déjà acquises
sur le composant à l'étude. Bien que non illustrées, des sous-boucles entre opérations sont susceptibles d'être
nécessaires à l'intérieur d'un cycle. En tout cas, il est de la plus haute importance que toutes les hypothèses et les
jugements soient pris en compte.
Normalement, la duréedevie n’est pas prédite, pour un ensemble particulier de prescriptions de performances,
comme une valeur simple – une PSLC (duréedevie en service prédite d'un composant). Au contraire, une
distribution de duréedevie prédite pour un composant (PSLDC) est déterminée. La PSLDC est décrite par au
moins deux paramètres, la valeur prévisionnelle et l'écart standard. Pour les essais trèsonéreux, toutefois, il est
permis de limiter l'objectif à la seule duréedevieenserviceprédite du composant.
Voir aussi A.1.1.
5.2 Liaison avec l'ISO 15686-1
La présente partie de l’ISO 15686 se réfère à l'ISO 15686-1 et vise à décrire, dans ce contexte, un outil permettant
d'obtenir une duréede vie de référence du composant (RSLC) aussi précise que possible (ou, sinon, à obtenir
directement une duréede vie prévue). Une RSLC est exigée si la duréede vie estimée du composant (ESLC) pour
un objet de conception particulier est àévaluer selon la méthode des facteurs comme décrit dans l'ISO 15686-1.
Ainsi, la RSLC peut être obtenue d'aprèsla PSLDC comme établi conformément à la présente norme. La condition
dans laquelle la PSLDC a étéétablie devient alors la condition de référence qu'il convient de comparer à la
condition particulière régnant au niveau de l'objet de conception afin d'estimer les facteurs de la méthode des
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Figure 1 — Méthodologie systématique pour la prédiction de la durée de vie des composants de bâtiments
Le choix de la valeur unique RSLC dans la distribution établie dépend de la marge de sécurité prescrite pour le
composant. Pour des composants non structuraux remplaçables, on pourrait employer dans la plupart des cas la
valeur prévisionnelle (c'est-à-dire moyenne) PSLC de la distribution comme RSLC. Toutefois, des exigences sur
les plans de maintenance programmée interférant avec d'autres composants remplaçables ou d'autres
circonstances peuvent suggérer un choix plus prudent. Pour des composants non remplaçables et/ou structuraux,
pour lesquels une marge de sécurité est prescrite, un choix plus prudent, et souvent nettement plus prudent, est à
faire. Dans ce cas, pourtant, la marge de sécurité est normalement régie directement ou indirectement par des
normes ou des codes spécifiquement applicables au composant.
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ISO 15686-2:2001(F)
Lorsque la SLP utilisée pour obtenir la RSLC pour l'objet de conception particulier a été réalisée dans différentes
conditions, la PSLDC obtenue dans la condition qui s'écarte le moins de la condition particulière est utilisée à cet
effet. Une SLP réalisée dans différentes conditions implique également un moyen d'estimer les facteurs de la
méthode des facteurs et, dans la majorité des cas, en particulier celui tenant compte de la différence entre
l'environnement particulier et l'environnement extérieur de référence. Le résultat peut être obtenu par des
techniques d'interpolation/extrapolation.
6.1 Plage de SLP et définition du problème
6.1.1 Généralités
Initialement, le problème à traiter doit être défini et la plage de l'étude établie. Cela comprend également
l'identification ou la spécification des données essentielles.
NOTE Ces questions sont susceptibles de varier d'un cas à l'autre en fonction du but et de l'ambition de la SLP et du
niveau des connaissances existantes sur le composant.
Deux domaines extrêmes suivants peuvent être signalés.
a) Étude spécifique. Elle est destinée à se concentrer sur une application plutôt particulière du composant en
essai en termes d'environnement d'utilisation et d'usage avec un ensemble de prescriptions de performances
spécifiées. Son but est de fixer la PSLDC (ou PSLC) et de déterminer la sensibilité de la PSLDC (ou PSLC) à
des variations modérées par rapport à ces hypothèses.
b) Étude générale. Elle est destinée à couvrir une application très large du composant en essai en termes
d'environnement d'utilisation et d'usage avec un ensemble de prescriptions de performances non spécifiées ou
spécifiées de façon vague. Le but est de définir des performances en fonction du temps pour les performances
choisies dans la gamme entière des applications.
6.1.2 Définition d'une étude spécifique Identification de l'environnement de service et de l'usage
Un contexte de bâtiment de référence (voir ISO 6241 et la liste de référence CIB) doit être défini en fonction des
informations données sur le cas particulier. Il doit tenir compte de l'utilisation particulière du composant en couvrant
les conséquences de la conception et comprendre une description de l'environnement, y compris les sollicitations
mécaniques statiques et dynamiques sur le site où un bâtiment est prévu. Une description des effets de
l'occupation (comme la vapeur d'eau, la chaleur ou l'abrasion) et les principes selon lesquels le bâtiment est
exploité (par exemple grande ou petite inertie thermique) doivent être également inclus le cas échéant. Quantification de l'ensemble des prescriptions de performances
L'ensemble des performances doit être identifié et les prescriptions correspondantes quantifiées selon les
propriétés critiques spécifiées.
NOTE Ceci peut prendre, par exemple, la forme d'un certain type de défaillance et d'analyse des effets (FMEA).
L'ensemble des prescriptions de performances doit être conforme aux informations obtenues conformément
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ISO 15686-2:2001(F)
6.1.3 Définition d'une étude générale Spécification des domaines d'environnement de service et d'usage
Tous les types d'environnements où le composant est destinéà être utilisé ou compris dans le domaine de l'étude
doivent être spécifiés, y compris les sollicitations mécaniques statiques dynamiques.
Il est permis de regrouper les différents types d'environnements en un nombre discret de catégories, chacune
d'elles étant représentative de certaines plages d'intensités des agents.
Il faut faire attention aux effets des différents usages et positions du composant car cela régit fortement les
conditions d'utilisation et les effets synergiques éventuels des agents de dégradation (voir 6.2.3).
NOTE La condition d'utilisation effective concernant la dégradation des matériaux est le micro-environnement, c'est-à-dire
la condition d'environnement régnant dans une couche adjacente à une surface du composant ou à son niveau (par exemple la
concentration des polluants et la pluie battante) et à l'intérieur du composant (par exemple les sollicitations mécaniques). Quantification de l'ensemble des prescriptions de performances
Premièrement, un ensemble de performances doit être identifié d'après des propriétés critiques spécifiques.
Ensuite, afin de limiter la gamme des performances à couvrir avec l'analyse de la vie en service, il convient de
quantifier l'ensemble des performances appropriées les plus basses du composant.
NOTE L'ensemble des performances peut comprendre des caractéristiques, par exemple, de résistance, de transmission
optique, d'isolation acoustique et des qualitésesthétiques.
Les prescriptions de performances doivent être conformes aux inf

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