ISO 10077-2:2017 specifies a method and gives reference input data for the calculation of the thermal transmittance of frame profiles and of the linear thermal transmittance of their junction with glazing or opaque panels.
The method can also be used to evaluate the thermal resistance of shutter profiles and the thermal characteristics of roller shutter boxes and similar components (e.g. blinds).
ISO 10077-2:2017 also gives criteria for the validation of numerical methods used for the calculation.
ISO 10077-2:2017 does not include effects of solar radiation, heat transfer caused by air leakage or three-dimensional heat transfer such as pinpoint metallic connections. Thermal bridge effects between the frame and the building structure are not included.
NOTE       Table 1 in the Introduction shows the relative position of ISO 10077-2:2017 within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in ISO 52000-1.

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ISO 12631:2017 specifies a method for calculating the thermal transmittance of curtain walls consisting of glazed and/or opaque panels fitted in, or connected to, frames.
The calculation includes:
-      different types of glazing, e.g. glass or plastic; single or multiple glazing; with or without low emissivity coating; with cavities filled with air or other gases;
-      frames (of any material) with or without thermal breaks;
-      different types of opaque panels clad with metal, glass, ceramics or any other material.
Thermal bridge effects at the rebate or connection between the glazed area, the frame area and the panel area are included in the calculation.
The calculation does not include:
-      effects of solar radiation;
-      heat transfer caused by air leakage;
-      calculation of condensation;
-      effect of shutters;
-      additional heat transfer at the corners and edges of the curtain walling;
-      connections to the main building structure nor through fixing lugs;
-      curtain wall systems with integrated heating.
NOTE       Table 1 in the Introduction shows the relative position of ISO 12631:2017 within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in ISO 52000-1.

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ISO 52022-1:2017 specifies a simplified method based on thermal, solar and light characteristics of the glazing and solar and light characteristics of the solar protection device, to estimate the total solar energy transmittance, direct energy transmittance and the light transmittance of a solar protection device combined to a glazing.

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ISO 52022-3:2017 specifies a detailed method, based on spectral data of the transmittance and reflectance of the constituent materials (solar protection devices and the glazing), to determine the total solar energy transmittance, the total light transmittance and other relevant solar-optical data of the combination. If spectral data are not available, the methodology can be adapted to use integrated data.

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ISO 10077-1:2017 specifies methods for the calculation of the thermal transmittance of windows and pedestrian doors consisting of glazed and/or opaque panels fitted in a frame, with and without shutters.

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  • Standard
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ISO/TR 52022-2:2017 contains information to support the correct understanding and use of ISO 10077‑1, ISO 10077‑2, ISO 12631, ISO 52022‑1 and ISO 52022‑3.
This technical report does not contain any normative provision.

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ISO 12567-1:2010 specifies a method to measure the thermal transmittance of a door or window system. It is applicable to all effects of frames, sashes, shutters, blinds, screens, panels, door leaves and fittings.
It is not applicable to edge effects occurring outside the perimeter of the specimen, energy transfer due to solar radiation on the specimen, effects of air leakage through the specimen, and roof windows and projecting products, where the external face projects beyond the cold side roof surface.

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ISO 12567-2:2005 specifies a method to measure the thermal transmittance of roof windows and projecting windows. It does not include: edge effects occurring outside the perimeter of the specimen, energy transfer due to solar radiation on the specimen and effects of air leakage through the specimen.

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This European Standard specifies a method, based on EN ISO 8990 and EN ISO 12567-1, to measure the overall thermal transmittance of a roller shutter box in a hot box. This includes all effects of geometrical and material characteristics in a test specimen.
Edge effects occurring outside of the perimeter of the specimen are excluded. Furthermore, energy transfer due to solar radiation is not taken into account, and air leakage is excluded.
The method is designed to provide both standardised tests which enable a fair comparison of different products to be made, and specific tests on products for practical application purposes. The former includes window standardised specimen sizes and applied test criteria.
The determination of the overall thermal transmittance is performed for conditions which will correspond to a similar situation of the roller shutter box in practice.
Information on the design of the calibration transfer standard is given in EN ISO 12567-1.

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This European Standard specifies a method, based on EN ISO 8990 and EN ISO 12567-1, to measure the thermal transmittance of frame and sash components of windows and doors, including mullions and transoms.
The thermal bridging effect of window or door components (handles, hinges, closing devices, etc.) is included.
The test procedure is designed to take into account the whole developed area of the frame or sash surface, but excludes the influence of the thermal bridge introduced through the spacer in sealed glazing units.
Edge effects occurring outside of the perimeter of the specimen are excluded. Furthermore, energy transfer due to solar radiation is not taken into account, and air leakage is excluded.
The measurements are performed under defined conditions to facilitate the comparison of measured values.
Information on the design of the calibration transfer standard is given in EN ISO 12567-1.

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This standard specifies a procedure for calculating the thermal transmittance of curtain wall structures.

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ISO 10077-2:2011 specifies a method and gives reference input data for the calculation of the thermal transmittance of frame profiles and of the linear thermal transmittance of their junction with glazing or opaque panels.
The method can also be used to evaluate the thermal resistance of shutter profiles and the thermal characteristics of roller shutter boxes and similar components (e.g. blinds).
ISO 10077-2:2011 also gives criteria for the validation of numerical methods used for the calculation.
ISO 10077-2:2011 does not include effects of solar radiation, heat transfer caused by air leakage or three dimensional heat transfer such as pin point metallic connections. Thermal bridge effects between the frame and the building structure are not included.

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ISO 10077-2:2011 specifies a method and gives reference input data for the calculation of the thermal transmittance of frame profiles and of the linear thermal transmittance of their junction with glazing or opaque panels.
The method can also be used to evaluate the thermal resistance of shutter profiles and the thermal characteristics of roller shutter boxes and similar components (e.g. blinds).
ISO 10077-2:2011 also gives criteria for the validation of numerical methods used for the calculation.
ISO 10077-2:2011 does not include effects of solar radiation, heat transfer caused by air leakage or three‑dimensional heat transfer such as pin point metallic connections. Thermal bridge effects between the frame and the building structure are not included.

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TC - Corrections brought on equations in Annex B.
2013: Originator of XML version: first setup pilot of CCMC in 2012

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This European Standard specifies a simplified method based on the thermal transmittance and total solar energy transmittance of the glazing and on the light transmittance and reflectance of the solar protection device to estimate the total solar energy transmittance of a solar protection device combined with glazing.
The method applies to all types of solar protection devices parallel to the glazing such as louvre, venetian or roller blinds. The position of the solar protection device can be interior, exterior or between single panes in a dual glazing system. It is applicable when the total solar energy transmittance of the glazing is between 0,15 and 0,85. Venetian or louvre blinds are assumed to be adjusted so that there is no direct solar penetration. It is assumed that for external solar protection devices and for integrated solar protection devices, the space between the solar protection devices and the glazing is unventilated and for internal solar protection devices this space is ventilated.
The resulting g-values of the simplified method given here are approximate and their deviation from the exact values lie within the range between +0,10 and -0,02. The results generally tend to lie on the safe side for cooling load estimations. The results are not intended to be used for calculating beneficial solar gains or thermal comfort criteria.
The simplified method is based on the normal incidence of radiation and does not take into account either the angular dependence of transmittance and the reflectance or the differences of spectral distribution. An allowance can be made for this fact when applying the method.

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TC - Modification to Equation B.3
2013: Originator of XML version: first setup pilot of CCMC in 2012

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This document specifies a detailed method, based on the spectral transmission data of the materials, comprising the solar protection devices and the glazing, to determine the total solar energy transmittance and other relevant solar-optical data of the combination. If spectral data are not available the methodology can be adapted to use in-tegrated data.
The method is valid for all types of solar protection devices parallel to the glazing such as louvres, or venetian, or roller blinds. The blind may be located internally, externally, or enclosed between the panes of the glazing. Ventilation of the blind is allowed for in each of these positions in determining the solar energy absorbed by the glazing or blind components, for vertical orientation of the glazing.
The blind component materials may be transparent, translucent or opaque, combined with glazing components with known solar transmittance and reflectance and with known emissivity for thermal radiation.
The method is based on a normal incidence of radiation and does not take into account an angular dependence of transmittance or reflectance of the materials. Diffuse irradiation or radiation diffused by solar protection devices is treated as if it were direct. Louvres or venetian blinds are treated as homogenous materials by equivalent solar optical characteristics, which may depend on the angle of the incidence radiation. For situations outside the scope of this document; ISO 15099 covers a wider range of situations.
The document also gives certain normalised situations, additional assumptions and necessary boundary conditions.

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This European Standard specifies a method for calculating the thermal transmittance of curtain walls consisting of glazed and/or opaque panels fitted in, or connected to, frames.
The calculation includes:
   different types of glazing, e.g. glass or plastic; single or multiple glazing; with or without low emissivity coating; with cavities filled with air or other gases;
   frames (of any material) with or without thermal breaks;
   different types of opaque panels clad with metal, glass, ceramics or any other material.
Thermal bridge effects at the rebate or connection between the glazed area, the frame area and the panel area are included in the calculation.
The calculation does not include:
   effects of solar radiation;
   heat transfer caused by air leakage;
   calculation of condensation;
   effect of shutters;
   additional heat transfer at the corners and edges of the curtain walling;
   connections to the main building structure nor through fixing lugs;
curtain wall systems with integrated heating.

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ISO 10077-2:2003 specifies a method and gives reference input data for the calculation of the thermal transmittance of frame profiles and of the linear thermal transmittance of their junction with glazings or opaque panels.
The method can also be used to evaluate the thermal resistance of shutter profiles and the thermal characteristics of roller shutter boxes.
ISO 10077-2:2003 also gives criteria for the validation of numerical methods used for the calculation. ISO 10077-2:2003 does not include effects of solar radiation, heat transfer caused by air leakage or three-dimensional heat transfer such as pin point metallic connections. Thermal bridge effects between the frame and the building structure are not included.

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This European Standard specifies a method based on ISO 8990 to measure the overall thermal transmittance (U-value) of a window or door in a hot box. This includes all effects of frames, sashes, door leaves and fittings in a test specimen.

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This European Standard specifies a simplified method based on the thermal transmittance and total solar energy transmittance of the glazing and on the light transmittance and reflectance of the solar protection device to estimate the total solar energy transmittance of a solar protection device combined with glazing.
The method applies to all types of solar protection devices parallel to the glazing such as louvre, venetian or roller blinds. The position of the solar protection device can be interior, exterior or between single panes in a dual glazing system. It is applicable when the total solar energy transmittance of the glazing is between 0,15 and 0,85. Venetian or louvre blinds are assumed to be adjusted so that there is no direct solar penetration. It is assumed that for external solar protection devices and for integrated solar protection devices, the space between the solar protection devices and the glazing is unventilated and for internal solar protection devices this space is ventilated.
The resulting g-values of the simplified method given here are approximate and their deviation from the exact values lie within the range between +0,10 and -0,02. The results generally tend to lie on the safe side for cooling load estimations. The results are not intended to be used for calculating beneficial solar gains or thermal comfort criteria.
The simplified method is based on the normal incidence of radiation and does not take into account either the angular dependence of transmittance and the reflectance or the differences of spectral distribution. An allowance can be made for this fact when applying the method.

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This standard specifies methods for the calculation of the thermal transmittance of windows and doors consisting of glazed or opaque panels fitted in a frame, with and without shutters. It allows for: - different types of glazing (glass or plastics; single or multiple glazing; with or without low emissivity coatings; with spaces filled with air or other gases); - various types of frames (wood; plastic; metallic with and without thermal barrier; metallic with pinpoint metallic connections or any combination of materials); - where appropriate, the additional thermal resistance introduced by different types of shutters, depending on their air permeability. Curtain walls and other structural glazings, which are not fitted in a frame, are excluded from this standard. Roof windows are also excluded because of their complex geometrical frame sections. Default values for glazings, frames and shutters are given in the informative annexes. Thermal bridge effects at the rebate or joint between the window or door frame and the rest of the building envelope are excluded from the calculation. The calculation does not include: - effects of solar radiation; - heat transfer caused by air leakage; - calculation of condensation; - ventilation of air spaces in double and coupled windows.

  • Standard
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