CEN/TC 231/WG 1 - Whole-body vibration
Development of methods for measurement and evaluation of whole-body vibration emission at operator´s position(s) of mobile machinery including hand-transmitted vibration from steering elements. Development of methods for measurement and assessment of human exposure to whole-body vibration at the workplace on or in the neighbourhood of machinery.
Whole-body vibration
Development of methods for measurement and evaluation of whole-body vibration emission at operator´s position(s) of mobile machinery including hand-transmitted vibration from steering elements. Development of methods for measurement and assessment of human exposure to whole-body vibration at the workplace on or in the neighbourhood of machinery.
General Information
This European Standard gives guidelines to ensure that manufacturers of machines provide adequate information on application of vibration isolation to reduce the risks arising from vibration generated by their machines. Guidelines are also provided to ensure that users furnish sufficient information regarding their applications to suppliers of machines or, where applicable, to the supplier of the isolation system, to enable the optimum selection and design of vibration isolation.
This European Standard is restricted to source isolation.
Although this standard is primarily intended for the use of new machines, it may be applied to the installation of used machines, too.
This European Standard is addressed to manufacturers and installers of a machine, as a guide to define relevant parameters for the choice and installation of a vibration isolation system to be used with the machine.
NOTE This European Standard may also be applied by users of machines already installed, who use or wish to use vibration isolation to solve a vibration problem caused by the machine.
This European Standard shall not be considered as a manual for the design or installation of an isolation system. Examples of elements of vibration isolation are shown in annex A only for information.
- Standard20 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the determination of whole-body and hand-arm vibration emissions at operator position(s) during testing of mobile machinery. The purpose of this European Standard is to assist technical standardization committees responsible for specific types of machinery in preparing vibration test codes to ensure that such vibration test codes
- are as homogeneous as possible with each individual test code having the same basic structure;
- are in full accordance with basic standards on measurement of vibration emission;
- reflect the latest technical knowledge of methods of determining the vibration emission from the specific family of machinery under consideration;
- provide manufacturers with a standardized method for the determination and declaration of the vibration emission value(s) of their machinery;
- enable the user of the machinery or the member of an inspection body to compare the vibration emission values of different machinery and to verify the vibration emission values provided by the manufacturer.
This European Standard provides requirements for the preparation of vibration test codes, including guidelines for the conditions under which the measurements shall be made (e.g. operating conditions). Information to be included in a typical vibration test code is summarized in annex A.
Vibration test codes based on this European Standard should define measuring procedures which provide accurate and reproducible results which are as far as possible in agreement with values measured under real working conditions. For determination of the magnitude of the vibration to be noted in the instruction handbook, this European Standard requires operating conditions enabling the determination of the 75-percentile of the vibration experienced at the operator's position during the mode of operation causing the highest vibration.
This European Standard applies to sitting and standing positions. It is applicable to all mobile machinery producing
- Standard32 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard provides guidelines for the measurement and evaluation of whole-body vibration at the workplace.
This European Standard describes the precautions to be taken to make representative vibration measurements and to determine the daily exposure time for each operation in order to calculate the daily exposure value standardized to an 8-h reference period. This European Standard provides a means to determine the relevant operations that should be taken into account when determining the vibration exposure.
This European Standard applies to situations where people are exposed to whole-body vibration at the workplace, transmitted through the buttocks for a seated person or through the feet for a standing person.
This European Standard is restricted to the evaluation of exposure to whole-body vibration using quantities derived from frequency-weighted root-mean-square acceleration. The frequency range considered is 0,5 Hz to 80 Hz. Where the vibration includes shocks or impacts, methods in this European Standard may underestimate the severity of the exposure. There is a need to assess the risks arising from exposure to whole-body shocks and high crest factor vibration. Methods for this are beyond the scope of this European Standard.
- Standard24 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report provides best practices and methods available for limiting the effects of mechanical whole-body vibration on operators' positions. The guidelines given outline practical ways in which whole-body vibration hazards associated with mobile machinery can be reduced by machinery design. The Technical Report covers four important aspects of the reduction of the effects arising from exposure to hazardous machinery vibration:
a) identification of main sources and operational modes producing vibration that might be hazardous to health and of additional factors worsening the adverse health effects of vibration on the operators;
b) reduction of vibration magnitudes at source;
c) reduction of transmission of vibration from source to the operator;
d) ergonomic adaptation of operators' position: posture, range of vision.
This Technical Report does not provide universal or detailed technical solutions but only a review of engineering methods available. It is not concerned with hand-arm vibration which is covered by CR 1030-1.
This Technical Report is primarily intended as a guideline for people involved in purchasing, using, supplying, marketing or inspecting mobile machinery. It is also intended to be a guidance for writers of type C standards for specific types of machinery.
- Technical report23 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report outlines practicable measures for the reduction and control of exposure to whole-body vibration at workplaces in order to provide a practical professional aid to workplace managers and health and safety officers. It covers identification and reduction of health risks from exposure to hazardous machinery vibration at the particular workplace, corresponding to Articles 4, 5 and 6 in the EU Directive 2002/44/EC, including
- identification of main sources of whole-body vibration at the workplace,
- formulation of a strategy for minimising and control of vibration exposure and
- implementation of the strategy.
NOTE Although the term vibration covers continuous vibration and transient vibration (shocks), in this Technical Report shocks are referred to in special cases where they require special attention.
This Technical Report is not concerned with hand-arm vibration which is covered by CR 1030-2.
- Technical report39 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Informative annex on testing and evaluation of the performance of seat suspension end-stops.
- Amendment13 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Amendment18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Specifies the test method, the instrumentation requirements, the measuring assessment method and the way to report the test result.
- Standard10 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the determination of whole-body and hand-arm vibration emission at operator's position(s) during testing of mobile machinery. The purpose of this European Standard is to assist technical standardization committees responsible for specific types of machinery in preparing vibration test codes to ensure that such vibration test codes: - enable users to make comparisons and to check the declared vibration emission values; - are as homogeneous as possible with each individual test code having the same basic structure; etc.
- Standard31 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European standard gives guidelines to ensure that manufacturers of machines provide adequate information on application of vibration isolation to reduce the risks arising from vibration generated by their machines. Guidelines are also provided to ensure that users furnish sufficient information regarding their applications to suppliers of machines or, where applicable, to the supplier of the isolation system, to enable the optimum selection and design of vibration isolation. This European Standard is restricted to source isolation. Although this Standard is primarely intended for the use of new machines, it may be applied to the installation of used machines too. This European Standard is addressed to manufacturers and installors of a machine, as a guide to define relevant parameters for the choice and installation of a vibration isolation system to be used with the machine. NOTE: This European Standard may also be applied by users of machines already installed, who use or wish to use vibration isolation to solve a vibration problem caused by the machine. This European Standard shall not be considered as a manual for the design or installation of an isolation system. Examples of elements of vibration isolation are shown in annex A only for information.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard provides guidelines for the measurement and evaluation of whole-body vibration at the workplace.
This European Standard describes the precautions to be taken to make representative vibration measurements and to determine the daily exposure time for each operation in order to calculate the daily exposure value standardized to an 8-h reference period. This European Standard provides a means to determine the relevant operations that should be taken into account when determining the vibration exposure.
This European Standard applies to situations where people are exposed to whole-body vibration at the workplace, transmitted through the buttocks for a seated person or through the feet for a standing person.
This European Standard is restricted to the evaluation of exposure to whole-body vibration using quantities derived from frequency-weighted root-mean-square acceleration. The frequency range considered is 0,5 Hz to 80 Hz. Where the vibration includes shocks or impacts, methods in this European Standard may underestimate the severity of the exposure. There is a need to assess the risks arising from exposure to whole-body shocks and high crest factor vibration. Methods for this are beyond the scope of this European Standard.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the evaluation of vibration emission at operator's place during testing and operation of mobile machinery. It is intended to be used for defining magnitudes of whole-body vibration transmitted from supporting surfaces to the human body in the frequency range 1 Hz to 80 Hz. According to this standard, the magnitudes are stated as r.m.s. values of representative vibration. This European Standard provides requirements for the vibration test codes to be incorporated in the machinery related standards, including the conditions under which the measurements shall be made (e.g. operating conditions). This European Standard applies to sitting and standing positions. It is applicable to all mobile machinery producing periodic or random vibration with or without transients. Only rectilinear vibrations are dealt with in this standard. The purpose of this European Standard is to ensure consistency and compatibility of test and evaluation methods. It does not present limits or recommended vibration values.
- Standard14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day