TThis document specifies a complexometric method for the determination of the calcium content and the magnesium content of liming materials.
It is not applicable to products with a mass fraction less than 2 % magnesium or those with a mass fraction more than 1 % P2O5 and is not applicable to silicate liming materials.

  • Standard
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This document is applicable to liming materials, which contain oxides, hydroxides, carbonates or silicates of the nutrients calcium (Ca) or magnesium (Mg) and the function of which is to correct soil acidity. It is applicable to fertilizing products, which are classified as PFC 2 or the PFC 2 component in PFC 7 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 [3].
NOTE   The methods referred to in this document have not been tested for fertilizing product blends (PFC 7) [3].
This document specifies references to the methods for the determination of the following physical and chemical properties and specific contaminants in liming materials:
-   Determination of the cadmium content;
-   Determination of the chromium VI content;
-   Determination of the mercury content;
-   Determination of the nickel content;
-   Determination of the lead content;
-   Determination of the arsenic content;
-   Determination of the total chromium content;
-   Determination of neutralizing value;
-   Determination of the reactivity;
-   Determination of the grain size/granulometry;
-   Determination of the total CaO content;
-   Determination of the total MgO content.
This document does not specify references to the methods for the determination of the following physical and chemical properties and specific contaminants in liming materials, as they are covered in other European Standards:
-   Determination of the copper and zinc content;
-   Determination of the chloride content;
-   Determination of quantity (indicated by mass or volume);
-   Determination of the phosphonates content.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of the speed and effectiveness of the neutralizing potential of calcium carbonate, calcium magnesium carbonate and calcium magnesium silicate liming materials by potentiometric titration with hydrochloric acid.
For liming materials coarser than 1 mm, it is essential to prepare the sample of a liming material by following exactly the description of Annex A.
This method is applicable only to liming materials with a maximum particle size of 6,3 mm.
The type of liming material can be identified according to EN 14069 and the particle size can be determined according to EN 12948.

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This European Standard defines terms relating to liming materials.
An index of all terms defined in this part of EN 12944, with their French and German equivalents; is given in Annex A.
A general index of all terms defined in all three parts of EN 12944, with their French and German equivalents, is given in Annex B.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of the lime requirement of acid soils to target pH levels at requested time of maintenance as determined by reaction with 0,1 mol/l ammonium acetate pH 5,5.
Due to general soil buffering systems, the method is applicable to all soils which are acid enough to dissociate hydrogen ions from the soil colloid system to depress the pH of the buffer solution.
NOTE 1   The method originates from research in Canada and Norway, see [1] and [2].
NOTE 2   Annex A gives regression equations to predict the maintenance of a range of pH levels at different times after liming in mineral and organic soils in Europe.

  • Technical specification
    12 pages
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This European Standard describes and specifies the requirements of products of natural origin and products from industrial processes of basic and premium quality to be used as liming materials in agriculture for raising the pH of soil (and water).

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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the content of mercury in fertilizers and liming materials after extraction with aqua regia and the detection of mercury by vapour generation (VG) coupled to an atomic absorption spectrometer or an inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer. A limit of quantification of 0,01 mg/kg is to be expected.
NOTE   The term fertilizer is used throughout the body of this European Standard and includes liming materials unless otherwise indicated.

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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the content of arsenic in fertilizers and liming materials using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) after aqua regia dissolution. Limits of quantification are dependent on the sample matrix as well as on the instrument, but can roughly be expected to be 1,5 mg/kg for As.
NOTE   The term fertilizer is used throughout the body of this European Standard and includes liming materials unless otherwise indicated.

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This European Standard specifies two methods for the determination of the neutralizing value (NV) of liming materials.
Method A is applicable to all liming materials except silicate liming materials.
Method B is applicable to all liming materials.
Both methods do not correctly take into account the potential neutralizing value of material containing more than 3 % P2O5. For a more accurate agronomic assessment of products containing more than 3 % P2O5 determine the liming efficiency according to EN 14984.
NOTE   The methods described in ISO 6598 [1] and ISO 7497 [2] can be used for the determination of P2O5 content. Further information on P analyses is given in [3] and [4].

  • Standard
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This document specifies two methods (method A and method B) of measuring the effect of the addition of any material claimed to have a liming effect on the soil, using the same basic principles.
Method A measures the changes to the soil pH resulting from the addition of any material claimed to have a liming effect on a standard soil, measured over a period of one month.
Method B assesses the efficiency of any material claimed to have a liming effect, using a range of defined soils and measured over a period of up to 2,5 years.
The methods are not applicable to mineral products coarser than 6,3 mm for method A or 20 mm for method B, determined according to EN 12948.
NOTE   These methods allow comparison of products under controlled climatic conditions but do not replace field experiments.

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    31 pages
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This European Standard specifies two methods for the determination of the content of soluble chromate in fertilizers and liming materials.
Method A specifies the determination of chromate after extraction with water by photometry. This method can be used to determine Cr(VI)-mass fractions in solids higher than 1 mg/kg.
Method B specifies the determination of chromate by alkaline digestion and ion chromatography with spectrophotometric detection. This method can be used to determine Cr(VI)-mass fractions in solids higher than 0,1 mg/kg.
NOTE 1   In case of reducing or oxidizing fertilizer matrix, no valid Cr(VI) content can be reported.
NOTE 2   The term fertilizer is used throughout the body of this European Standard and includes liming materials unless otherwise indicated.

  • Standard
    19 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the reactivity of calcium carbonate and calcium magnesium carbonate liming materials. It assesses the speed and effectiveness of their neutralising potential by automatic titration with citric acid.
This method is applicable only to liming materials with a maximum particle size of 6,3 mm determined according to EN 12948.
NOTE   For marble dolomite (BET procedure according to ISO 9277 below 500 m2/kg), see EN 14984.

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This Technical Specification specifies a method for the determination of low contents (as < 5 g CaCO3 per kilogram) of carbonate in soil samples. It applies to any type of carbonate liming material, such as limestone, chalk, and dolomite.

  • Technical specification
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This document specifies a method for the determination of the amount of dust in granulated liming materials, both before and after simulated handling conditions.
This method applies to all granulated and screened liming materials.

  • Technical specification
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This European Standard specifies two methods for the determination of the particle size distribution of liming materials.
The dry sieving method (method A) is applicable to all liming materials except wet and paste-like products.
Method A is not applicable, if blinding, caking, electrostatic charges or agglomeration occur after pre drying.
The wet sieving method (method B) is applicable to products which are susceptible to blinding, caking, electrostatic charges or agglomeration after pre drying.
Method B can be used to determine the primary particle size distribution of granulated products.
Method B is not applicable to burnt lime and liming materials containing water-soluble constituents.

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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the break down of granulated calcium and calcium /magnesium carbonates under the influence of water.

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This Technical Specification gives guidance on the parameters that should be taken into account in order to determine the lime requirement of agricultural soils..

  • Technical specification
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the calcium content of silicate liming materials including slags.
NOTE 1   The method has been shown to be suitable for other liming materials too, but there are no precision data available yet.
NOTE 2   The method is also applicable for the determination of the calcium content of mineral fertilizers.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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This document describes and specifies the requirements of products of natural origin and products from industrial processes of basic and fine quality to be used as liming materials in agriculture for raising the pH of soil (and water).

  • Draft
    28 pages
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This document defines terms relating to liming materials.
An index of all terms defined in this part of EN 12944, is given in Annex A in English, French and German.

  • Draft
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EN 16317:2013 will be amended taking into account liming materials in the scope of the method. Clause 10 Precision and Annex A Results of the inter-laboratory test will be amended by addition of the precision data received from the inter-laboratory test performed in 2013 analysing samples of liming materials. The main title of the document will be extended to liming materials to read: Fertilizers and liming materials.

  • Draft
    5 pages
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EN 16318:2013 will be amended taking into account liming materials in the scope of the method. Clause 7 Precision and Annex A Results of the inter-laboratory test will be amended by addition of the precision data received from the inter-laboratory test performed in 2013 analysing samples of liming materials. The main title of the document will be extended to liming materials to read: fertilizers and liming materials.

  • Draft
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EN 16319:2013 will be amended taking into account liming materials in the scope of the method. Clause 10 Pecision and Annex A Results of the inter-laboratory tests will be amended by addition of the precision data received from the inter-laboratory tests performed in 2013 analysing samples of liming materials. The main title of the document will be extended to liming materials to read: Fertilizers and liming materials.

  • Draft
    7 pages
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EN 16320:2013 will be amended taking into account liming materials in the scope of the method. Clause 10 Prcision and Annex A Results of the inter-laboratory test will be amended by addition of the precision data received from the inter-laboratory test performed in 2013 analysing samples of liming materials. The main title of the document will be extended to liming materials to read:: Fertilizers and liming materials.

  • Draft
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This document specifies two methods for the determination of the neutralizing value (NV) of liming materials. Method A is applicable to all liming materials except silicate liming materials. Method B is applicable to all liming materials. Both methods do not correctly take into account the potential neutralizing value of material containing more than 3 % P2O5. Fore a more accurate agronomic assessment of products containing more than 3 % P2O5 the liming efficiency is determined according to EN 14984.

  • Draft
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This European Standard specifies a complexometric method for the determination of the calcium content and the magnesium content of liming materials. It is not applicable to products with a mass fraction less than 2% (m/m)magnesium or those with a mass fraction more than 1% P2O5 and is not applicable to silicate liming materials.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the speed and effectiveness of the neutralising potential of calcium carbonate, calcium magnesium carbonate and calcium magnesium silicate liming materials by potentiometric titration with hydrochloric acid.
This method is applicable only to liming materials with a maximum particle size of 6,3 mm.
NOTE   The type of liming material should be identified according to EN 14069 and the particle size should be determined according to EN 12948.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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This European Standard defines terms relating to liming materials.
An index of all terms defined in this part of EN 12944, with their French and German equivalents, is given in annex A.
A general index of all terms defined in all three parts of EN 12944, with their French and German equivalents, is given in annex B.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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This European Standard describes and specifies the minimum requirements of products of natural origin and products from industrial processes to be used as liming materials in agriculture for raising the pH of soil and water.
NOTE   All other characteristics which are important when assessing their value will vary from country to country, and should always be declared and conform to the relevant national legislation.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This European Standard specifies two methods for the determination of the neutralizing value (NV) of liming materials.
Method A is applicable to all liming materials except silicate liming materials.
Method B is applicable to all liming materials.
Both methods do not correctly take into account the potential neutralizing value of material containing more than 3 % P2O5. For a more accurate agronomic assessment of products containing more than 3 % P2O5 determine the liming efficiency according to EN 14984.
NOTE   The methods described in ISO 6598 [1] and ISO 7497 [2] can be used for the determination of P2O5 content. Further information on P analyses is given in [3] and [4].

  • Standard
    11 pages
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This document specifies two methods (method A and method B) of measuring the effect of the addition of any material claimed to have a liming effect on the soil, using the same basic principles.
Method A measures the changes to the soil pH resulting from the addition of any material claimed to have a liming effect on a standard soil, measured over a period of one month.
Method B assesses the efficiency of any material claimed to have a liming effect, using a range of defined soils and measured over a period of up to 2,5 years.
NOTE   These methods allow comparison of products under controlled climatic conditions but do not replace field experiments. The methods are not applicable to mineral products coarser than 6,3 mm for method A or 20 mm for method B.

  • Standard
    28 pages
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TC - Correction of text to symbol A in 9.1 due to CEN/TC 260/WG 3 resolution BC Ref. Doc. CEN/TC 260 N 1259

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
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This European Standard specifies two methods for the determination of the neutralizing value (NV) of liming materials.
Method A is applicable to all liming materials except silicate liming materials and liming materials with more than 3 % P2O5.
Method B is applicable to all liming materials except products with more than 3 % mass fraction P2O5, and calcined and slaked products of carbonate origin.
NOTE   The methods described in ISO 6598 and ISO 7497 can be used for the determination of P2O5 content.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the speed and effectiveness of the neutralizing potential of calcium carbonate and calcium magnesium carbonate liming materials by potentiometric titration with hydrochloric acid.
This method is applicable only to liming materials with a maximum particle size of 6,3 mm.
NOTE   The type of liming material should be identified according to EN 14069 and the particle size should be determined according to EN 12948.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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This European Standard specifies two methods for the determination of the particle size distribution of liming materials.
The dry sieving method (method A) is applicable to all liming materials except wet and paste-like products.
Method A is not applicable, if blinding, caking, electrostatic charges or agglomeration occur on predrying.
The wet sieving method (method B) is applicable to products which are susceptible to blinding, caking, electrostatic charges or agglomeration on predrying.
Method B can be used to determine the primary particle size distribution of granulated products.
Method B is not applicable to burnt lime and liming materials containing water-soluble constituents.

  • Standard
    11 pages
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This standard specifies a rapid method for the determination of the speed and effectiveness of the neutralizing potential of calcium carbonate and calcium/magnesium carbonate liming materials for fertilization and soil conditioning by potentiometric titration with hydrochloric acid. This method is applicable to liming materials with a maximum particle size of 6,3 mm.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This European Standard specifies two methods for the determination of the neutralizing value (NV) of liming materials.
Method A is applicable for liming materials except silicate liming materials and liming materials with more than 3 % P2O5.
Method B is applicable for all liming materials except those with more than 3 % P2O5.
NOTE   The methods described in ISO 6598 and ISO 7497 can be used for the determination of P2O5 content.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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