IEC 62896:2024 applies to hybrid insulators for AC and DC applications greater than 1 000 V AC and 1 500 V DC consisting of a load-bearing insulating solid or hollow core consisting of ceramic or glass, a housing (defined geometry, outside the insulating core) made of polymeric material and end fittings permanently attached to the insulating core. Hybrid insulators covered by this document are intended for use as suspension/tension long rod and cap and pin type insulators, line post insulators, station post insulators and hollow core insulators for apparatus. The object of this document is to: - define the terms used; - prescribe test methods; - prescribe acceptance criteria This document does not include requirements dealing with the choice of insulators for specific operating conditions. This first edition cancels and replaces the IEC TS 62896 published in 2015. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - modifications of terms and definitions; - modifications of tests procedures included in IEC TR 62039 and IEC 62217 (Hydrophobicity transfer test); - harmonization of Table 1 (Tests to be carried out after design and type changes) with other product standards and IEC 62217.

  • Standard
    23 pages
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IEC 60437:2023 specifies the procedure for a radio interference (RI) test carried out in a laboratory on clean and dry insulators at a frequency of 0,5 MHz or 1 MHz or, alternatively, at other frequencies between 0,5 MHz and 2 MHz. This document applies to insulators for use on AC or DC overhead power lines and overhead traction lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 1997. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 1997. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Composite station post and composite hollow core station post insulators have been included; b) All paragraphs of Samples test were actualized; c) Sample test fast procedure was introduced.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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This International Standard applies to composite hollow core station post insulators consisting of a load-bearing insulating tube (core) made of resin impregnated fibres, insulating filler material (solid, liquid, gaseous - pressurized or unpressurized), a housing (outside the insulating tube) made of polymeric material (for example silicone or ethylene-propylene) and fixing devices at the ends of the insulating tube. Composite hollow core station post insulators as defined in this standard are intended for general use in substations in both, outdoor and indoor environments, operating with a rated AC voltage greater than 1 000 V a.c. and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz or for use in direct current systems with a rated voltage greater than 1 500 V.d.c. The object of this standard is: to define the terms used; to prescribe test methods; to prescribe acceptance criteria. All the tests in this standard, apart from the thermal-mechanical test, are performed at normal ambient temperature. This standard does not prescribe tests that are characteristic of the apparatus of which the composite hollow core station post insulator ultimately may form a part (e.g. disconnector switch, reactor support, HVDC valves).

  • Standard
    34 pages
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This International Standard applies to composite hollow insulators consisting of a load-bearing insulating tube made of resin impregnated fibres, a housing (outside the insulating tube) made of elastomeric material (for example silicone or ethylene-propylene) and metal fixing devices at the ends of the insulating tube. Composite hollow insulators as defined in this standard are intended for general use (unpressurized) or for use with a permanent gas pressure (pressurized). They are intended for use in both outdoor and indoor electrical equipment operating on alternating current with a rated voltage greater than 1 000 V a.c. and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz or for use in direct current equipment with a rated voltage greater than 1 500 V d.c. The object of this standard is: - to define the terms used; - to prescribe test methods; - to prescribe acceptance criteria. Hollow insulators are integrated into electrical equipment which is electrically type tested as required by the applicable equipment standard. So, it is not the object of this standard to prescribe dielectric type tests because the withstand voltages and flashover behaviour are not characteristics of the hollow insulator itself but of the apparatus of which it ultimately forms a part. All the tests in this standard, apart from the thermal-mechanical test, are performed at normal ambient temperature. This standard does not prescribe tests that may be characteristic of the apparatus of which the hollow insulator ultimately forms a part. Composite hollow insulators are intended for use in electrical equipment, such as, but not limited to: - HV circuit-breakers, - switch-disconnectors, - disconnectors, - station posts, - disconnecting circuit breakers, - earthing switches, - instrument- and power transformers, - bushings, - cable terminations. Additional testing defined by the relevant IEC equipment standard may be required.

  • Standard
    53 pages
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This part of IEC 60383 applies to insulators of ceramic material or glass for use on a.c. overhead power lines and overhead traction lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. It also applies to insulators for use on d.c. overhead electric traction lines. This part applies to string insulator units, rigid overhead line insulators and to insulators of similar design when used in substations. lt does not apply to insulators forming parts of electrical apparatus or to parts used in their construction or to post insulators which are covered by IEC 60168: Tests on indoor and outdoor post insulators of ceramic material or glass for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1 000 V. Tests on insulator strings and insulator sets (for example, wet switching impulse voltage) are dealt with in part 2 of IEC 60383. The object of this part is: - to define the terms used - to define insulator characteristics and to prescribe the conditions under which the specified values of these characteristics shall be verified - to prescribe test methods - to prescribe acceptance criteria. This part does not include requirements dealing with the choice of insulators for specific operating conditions. Specific requirements on the use of coatings on ceramic or glass insulators are described in the informative Annex C. NOTE A guide for the choice of insulators under polluted conditions has been published, see IEC 60815-1 and -2. Numerical values for insulator characteristics are specified in IEC 60305, IEC 60433 and IEC 60720.

  • Standard
    66 pages
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This part of IEC 61952 is applicable to composite line post insulators for AC overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. It also applies to line post insulators of similar design used in substations or on electric traction lines. This document applies to line post insulators of composite type, generally with metallic couplings, with and without a base plate. It also applies to such insulators when used in complex structures. It does not apply to hollow insulators adapted for use as line post insulators. The object of this document is to specify the main dimensions of the couplings to be used on the composite line post insulators in order to permit the assembly of insulators or fittings supplied by different manufacturers and to allow, whenever practical, interchangeability with existing installations. It also specifies a standard designation system for composite line post insulators.

  • Standard
    35 pages
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  • Addendum – translation
    8 pages
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  • Amendment
    8 pages
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IEC 60433:2021 is applicable to string insulator units of the long rod type with insulating parts of ceramic material intended for use in AC overhead power lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. It is also applicable to insulators of similar design, used in substations. This document is applicable to ceramic string insulator units of the long rod type, either with a clevis end fitting at both ends for coupling with a tongue, or with a socket end fitting at both ends for coupling with a pin ball. The object of this document is to prescribe specified values for electrical and mechanical characteristics, and for the principal dimensions of ceramic string insulator units of the long rod type. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 1998. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - wording in Scope changed from "should" to "are intended to"; - new normative references added; - title of Clause 4 amended, new Note 4 added; - Table 1 expanded to include more specified mechanical failing loads.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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IEC 60305:2021 applies to string insulator units of the cap and pin type with insulating parts of ceramic material or glass, intended for AC overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. It also applies to insulators of similar design used in substations. This document applies to string insulator units of the cap and pin type either with ball and socket couplings or with clevis and tongue couplings. This document applies to string insulator units for use on overhead lines in clean areas and polluted areas. For use in areas characterized by very heavy pollution levels and for other particular or extreme environmental conditions, it may be necessary for certain dimensions to be changed and insulator units having different creepage distances, spacing and forms may be preferred (for example, flat profile, hemispherical etc.). Insulators for use on DC systems may also need different dimensions. In any case, it is applicable that the standardized mechanical characteristics of this document and coupling sizes are retained. This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 1995. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - wording in Scope changed from "it is recommended" to "it is applicable"; - new normative references added; - electromechanical or mechanical failing load in Clause 4 specified; - new figures added showing profiles.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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IEC 60120:2020 define the dimensions of a series of standard ball and socket couplings using the standard locking devices (see IEC 60372) in order to permit the assembly of insulators or metal fittings supplied by different manufacturers. This document applies to string insulator units of the cap and pin and long rod types and their associated metal fittings. For the pin ball and the socket, dimensions apply to the finished product after any surface treatment. Extreme positions of the pin ball in the socket are given in annex. Typical examples of gauges for checking the dimensions of pin balls and sockets are given in REF _Ref22908296 \r \hannex.

  • Standard
    40 pages
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IEC 60372:2020 is applicable to locking devices used with ball and socket couplings of string insulator units and used with the corresponding metal fittings standardized in IEC 60120, when they are supplied separately.The object of this document is - to define the shapes and some standard dimensions for locking devices, - to define the test methods for locking devices, - to state the acceptance conditions for supply, - to give other dimensions for guidance of manufacturing only. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 1984. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a. Two new designated size of couplings, 36 and 40, were introduced; b. the relevant content of the 28B W-clip was deleted; c. Annex A is informative, Annex B is normative, Annex C is informative.

  • Standard
    22 pages
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IEC 60471:2020 applies to string insulator units of the cap and pin type and also of the long rod type as well as the fittings used with such insulators. The object of this document is to define the dimensions of a series of clevis and tongue couplings to permit the assembly of insulators or fittings supplied by different manufacturers. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 1977. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - there are no new clevis and tongue couplings; - For the dimensions of the existing designated size of couplings that characterize the same location, the effective number of the size is unified.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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IEC 62772:2016 applies to composite hollow core station post insulators consisting of a load-bearing insulating tube (core) made of resin impregnated fibres an insulating filler material (e.g. solid, liquid, foam, gaseous pressurized or unpressurized), a housing (outside the insulating tube) made of polymeric material (for example silicone or ethylene-propylene) and metal fixing devices at the ends of the insulating tube. Composite hollow core station post insulators as defined in this standard are intended for general use in substations in both, outdoor and indoor environments, operating with a rated AC voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz or for use in direct current systems with a rated voltage greater than 1 500 V. The object of this standard is: - to define the terms used; - to prescribe test methods; - to prescribe acceptance criteria. All the tests in this standard, apart from the thermal-mechanical test, are performed at normal ambient temperature. This standard does not prescribe tests that may be characteristic of the apparatus of which the composite hollow core station post insulator ultimately may form a part.

  • Standard
    25 pages
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Prescribes specified values for the mechanical characteristics of the composite string insulator units. Defines the main dimensions of the couplings to be used on the composite string insulator units in order to permit the assembly of insulators of fittings supplied by different manufacturers and to allow, whenever practical, interchangeability with existing installations. It also defines a standard designation system for composite string insulator units.

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    25 pages
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  • Standard
    27 pages
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  • Standard – translation
    25 pages
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IEC 62231-1:2015 specifies main dimensions and values for mechanical and electrical characteristics of composite station post insulators.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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IEC - Corrected version

  • Corrigendum
    3 pages
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  • Corrigendum
    3 pages
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IEC 60507:2013 is applicable for the determination of the power frequency withstand characteristics of ceramic and glass insulators to be used outdoors and exposed to polluted atmospheres, on a.c. systems with the highest voltage of the system greater than 1 000 V. These tests are not directly applicable to polymeric insulators, to greased insulators or to special types of insulators (insulators with semiconducting glaze or covered with any organic insulating material). The object of this International Standard is to prescribe procedures for artificial pollution tests applicable to insulators for overhead lines, substations and traction lines and to bushings. It may also be applied to hollow insulators with suitable precautions to avoid internal flashover. In applying these procedures to apparatus incorporating hollow insulators, the relevant technical committees should consider their effect on any internal equipment and the special precautions which may be necessary. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Corrections and the addition of explanatory material; b) The addition of Clause 4.3.2 on atmospheric correction; c) The change of the upper limit of conductivity of water to 0.1 S/m; and d) The extension to UHV voltages.

  • Standard
    41 pages
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  • Standard
    41 pages
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IEC 62217:2012 is applicable to polymeric insulators whose insulating body consists of one or various organic materials. Polymeric insulators covered by this standard include both solid core and hollow insulators. They are intended for use on HV overhead lines and in indoor and outdoor equipment. The object of this standard is: - to define the common terms used for polymeric insulators; - to prescribe common test methods for design tests on polymeric insulators; - to prescribe acceptance or failure criteria, if applicable. These tests, criteria and recommendations are intended to ensure a satisfactory life-time under normal operating and environmental conditions. This standard shall only be applied in conjunction with the relevant product standard. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2005. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes a significant technical change with respect to the previous edition. The first edition of IEC 62217 (2005) included two other alternative tracking and erosion tests (a 5 000 hour multi-stress test and a tracking wheel test) which were based on tests developed by CIGRE and utilities. These tests are no longer given as normative alternatives following the results of a study/questionnaire by TC 36 on the relative merits of all three tracking and erosion tests. The 5 000 hour multi-stress test and a tracking wheel test are described in IEC/TR 62730 (2012).

  • Standard
    29 pages
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  • Standard
    29 pages
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  • Standard – translation
    29 pages
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IEC 61467:2008 applies to insulator strings and sets comprising string insulator units of ceramic material, glass or composite material for use on a.c. overhead lines and traction lines with a nominal voltage above 1 000 V and a frequency between 15 Hz and 100 Hz. This standard also applies to insulator strings or sets of similar design used in substations. This standard establishes a standard test procedure for power arc tests on insulator sets. It also establishes a standard test procedure for power arc tests on short strings. This standard does not apply to insulator sets mounted on non-metallic poles or towers. This edition cancels and replaces IEC/TR 61467, which was published as a technical report in 1997. It constitutes a technical revision and now has the status of an International Standard.

  • Standard
    43 pages
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  • Standard
    44 pages
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  • Standard – translation
    45 pages
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IEC/TR 62662:2010(E) presents an analysis of the risk of influencing factors for brittle fracture of composite insulators that are mostly loaded in the tensile mode (suspension and tension insulators). Guidance is given to reduce the risk of in-service brittle fractures.

  • Technical report
    20 pages
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IEC 61109:2008 applies to composite suspension/tension insulators consisting of a load-bearing cylindrical insulating solid core consisting of fibres - usually glass - in a resin-based matrix, a housing (outside the insulating core) made of polymeric material and end fittings permanently attached to the insulating core. The main technical changes with respect to the previous edition are - removal of tests procedures now given in IEC 62217; - inclusion of clauses on tolerances, environmental conditions, transport, storage and installation; - general improvement of the description of tests and addition of a new Annex C on non-standard loads.

  • Standard
    32 pages
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  • Standard
    32 pages
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  • Standard – translation
    33 pages
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IEC 61952:2008 applies to composite line post insulators consisting of a load-bearing, cylindrical, insulating solid core made up of fibres - usually glass - in a resin-based matrix, a housing (outside the insulating core) made of elastomer material (e.g. silicone or ethylene-propylene) and end fittings permanently attached to the insulating core. The object of this standard is to - define the terms used, - prescribe test methods, - prescribe acceptance or failure criteria. This standard does not include requirements dealing with the choice of insulators for specific operating conditions. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - removal of tests procedures now given in IEC 62217; - inclusion of clauses on tolerances, environmental conditions, transport, storage and installation; - changes in the parameters determining the need to repeat design and type tests; and - modification of the specification of load application in bending tests to simplify testing.

  • Standard
    30 pages
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This International Standard applies to composite hollow insulators consisting of a load-bearing insulating tube made of resin impregnated fibres, a housing (outside the insulating tube) made of elastomeric material (for example silicone or ethylene-propylene) and metal fixing devices at the ends of the insulating tube. The object of this standard is: To define the terms used; to prescribe test methods; and to prescribe acceptance criteria.

  • Standard
    44 pages
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This International Standard applies to composite station post insulators consisting of a load bearing cylindrical insulating solid core made of resin impregnated fibres, a housing (outside the insulating solid core) made of elastomer material (e.g. silicone or ethylene-propylene) and end fittings attached to the insulating core. Composite station post insulators covered by this standard are subjected to cantilever, torsion, tension and compression loads. They are intended for substations with a.c. voltages greater than 1 000 V up to 245 kV.

  • Standard
    39 pages
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Deals with impulse puncture testing in air of ceramic and glass insulator units of class B: cap and pin, pin type (including pin-post type) and class B long rod insulators. May be applied also in tests on Class B insulators of other materials (e.g. polymers and composites). However, it may be useful to consider the possible need to adjust the test procedure accordingly.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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Applicable to ceramic and glass hollow insulators intended for general use in electrical equipment and ceramic hollow insulators intended for use with a permanent gas pressure in switchgear and controlgear. These insulators are intended for indoor and outdoor use in electrical equipment, operating on alternating current with a rated voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz or for use in direct-current equipment with a rated voltage of greater than 1 500 V.

  • Standard
    54 pages
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EN following parallel vote

  • Addendum – translation
    6 pages
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  • Amendment
    5 pages
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Applicable to post insulators of organic material for indoor service in electrical installations or equipment operating in air at atmospheric pressure on alternating current with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V up, but not including, 300 kV, as defined by range I of EN 60071-1, and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. Composite insulators are not covered by this standard. The object of this standard is - to define the terms used, - define electrical and mechanical characteristics of post insulators of organic material and to prescribe the conditions under which the specified values of these characteristics are verified, - to prescribe methods of testing, - to prescribe acceptance criteria. This standard does not give numerical values for insulator characteristics, nor does it deal with a choice of insulators for specific operating conditions. HD 578 S1 specifies numerical values for electrical and mechanical characteristics and gives the dimensions necessary for interchangeability of post insulators.

  • Standard
    30 pages
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Is applicable to composite string insulators with a specified mechanical load (SML) of 40 kN and 70 kN for a.c. overhead distribution lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. It also applies to insulators of similar design used in substations or on electric traction lines.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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    1 day
  • Standard – translation
    10 pages
    Slovenian language
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Specifies the procedure for a radio interference (RI) test carried out in a laboratory on clean and dry insulators at a frequency of 0,5 MHz or 1 MHz or, alternatively, at other frequencies between 0,5 MHz and 2 MHz.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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Applies to insulators of ceramic material or glass for use on a.c. overhead power lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. Also applies to insulators for use on d.c. overhead electric traction lines and applies to string insulator units, rigid overhead line insulators and to insulators of similar design when used in substations.

  • Standard
    62 pages
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Is applicable to string insulator units of ceramic material or glass for use on d.c. overhead power lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V. This standard specifies: -the characteristics of insulators; -the conditions under which the specified values of these characteristics shall be verified; -acceptance criteria

  • Standard
    52 pages
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Applies to insulator strings and insulator sets comprising string insulator units of ceramic material or glass for use on a.c. overhead power lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. This part of EN 60383 also applies to insulator strings and insulator sets for use on d.c. overhead electric traction lines. This part of EN 60383 also applies to insulator strings and insulator sets of similar design when used in substations.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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Applies to post insulators and post insulator units of ceramic material or glass for indoor and outdoor service in electrical installations or equipment operating on alternating current with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. Notes: -May also be regarded as a provisional standard for insulators for use on d.c. systems, see IEC 60438. -When considering hollow insulators, see HD 329. -Tests on indoor post insulators of organic material will be covered by a future publication: Tests on indoor post insulators of organic material for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1 000 V up to but not including 300 kV. -For artificial pollution and radio-interference tests, see EN 60437 and 60507. -For numerical values for insulator characteristics and for selection of insulators for specific operating conditions, see EN 60273.

  • Standard
    49 pages
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Applies to post insulators and post insulator units of ceramic material or glass intended for indoor or outdoor service, and to post insulators of organic material intended for indoor service in electrical installations or equipment operating on alternating current systems with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. It may also be regarded as a provisional standard for insulators for use on direct current systems.

  • Standardization document
    44 pages
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IEC 61109:2025 applies to composite insulators for overhead lines consisting of a load-bearing cylindrical insulating solid core consisting of fibres - usually glass - in a resin-based matrix, a housing (surrounding the insulating core) made of polymeric material and metal end fittings permanently attached to the insulating core. Composite insulators covered by this document are intended for use as suspension/tension line insulators, but these insulators could occasionally be subjected to compression or bending, for example when used as interphase-spacers. Guidance on such loads is outlined in Annex C. The object of this document is to: - define the terms used, - specify test methods, - specify acceptance criteria. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2008. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - extension of this document to apply both to AC and DC systems; - modifications of Clause 3, Terms, definitions and abbreviations; - removal of Clause 7, Hybrid insulators, from this document; - modifications of tests procedures recently included in IEC 62217 (hydrophobicity transfer test, stress corrosion, water diffusion test on the core with housing); - modifications on environmental conditions; - modifications on classification of tests and include the relevance of the interfaces; - clarification and modification of the parameters determining the need to repeat design and type tests; - revision of Table 1; - revision of electrical type tests; - revision of re-testing procedure of sample test; - addition of a new Annex D on electric field control for AC; - addition of a new Annex E on typical sketch for composite insulators assembly; - addition of a new Annex F on mechanical evaluation of the adhesion between core and housing; - addition of a new Annex G on applicability of design- and type tests for DC applications.

  • Draft
    49 pages
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IEC 62223:2009 specifies terms defined in standards that fall under the scope of technical committee TC 36: Insulators. It covers terms that can be found in IEC 60050-471 as well as terms not appropriate for inclusion in IEC 60050-471 but used widely in the standards of IEC TC 36. IEC 60050-471 is not intended to cover all the terms used in the various IEC standards but provides rather a general purpose vocabulary giving the basic terms and reference terms to be used by all technical committees. This glossary is intended to harmonize terms not listed in IEC 60050-471 but used in the publications of committee TC 36.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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This International Standard is applicable to polymeric insulators whose insulating body consists of one or various organic materials. Polymeric insulators covered by this standard include both solid core and hollow insulators. They are intended for use on overhead lines and in indoor and outdoor equipment with a rated voltage greater than 1 000 V.

  • Standard
    35 pages
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Applicable to locking devices used with ball and socket couplings of string insulator units and used with the corresponding metal fittings standardized in EN 60120. -Defines the shapes and some standard dimensions for locking devices as well as the test methods for locking devices; -States the acceptance conditions for supply and gives other dimensions for guidance of manufacturing only. Replaces EN 60372-1 (1977) and 60372-2 (1976).

  • Standard
    27 pages
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Prescribes specified values for the electrical and mechanical characteristics and for the principal dimensions of string insulator units of the long rod type with insulating parts of ceramic material intended for a.c. overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz. It is also applicable to insulators of similar design, used in substations. Applies also to string insulator units: -of the long rod type either with a clevis at both ends for coupling with a tongue, or with a socket at both ends for coupling with a pin ball -with external metal fittings -for use on overhead lines situated in slightly polluted areas, and the creepage distances given in Tables I and II have been established accordingly -and insulators of similar design, used in substations. This standard may be regarded as a provisional standard for insulators for d.c. overhead lines. Note -For general definitions and methods of tests see EN 60383. -For dimensions of clevis and tongue couplings of string insulator units, see IEC 60471. -For dimensions of ball and socket couplings of string insulator units, see EN 60120.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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Prescribes specified values for the mechanical characteristics of the composite string insulator units. Defines the main dimensions of the couplings to be used on the composite string insulator units in order to permit the assembly of insulators of fittings supplied by different manufacturers and to allow, whenever practical, interchangeability with existing installations. It also defines a standard designation system for composite string insulator units.

  • Standard
    25 pages
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Applies to string insulator units of the cap and pin type with insulating parts of ceramic material or glass, intended for a.c. overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz and to insulators of similar design used in substations.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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Is applicable for the determination of the power frequency withstand characteristics of ceramic and glass insulators to be used outdoors and exposed to polluted atmospheres, on a.c. systems with the highest voltage of the system ranging from 1 000 V up to 765 kV. These tests are not directly applicable to greased insulators or to special types of insulators (insulators with conductive glaze or covered with any organic insulating material).

  • Standard
    35 pages
    English language
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Applies to string insulator units of the cap and pin and long rod types and their associated metal fittings for overhead lines. Includes six standard sizes designated by the nominal pin diameters which form the basis of the standard. Defines each standard size by the dimensions of the pin ball, of the socket and the hook-on 'Go' gauge. States dimensions of twin-balled pins for coupling of two sockets. Tabulates clearance and locking conditions. Appendices give information on extreme positions of the pin ball in the socket as well as on gauges for checking dimensions.

  • Standardization document
    29 pages
    English language
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