Pumps - Methods of qualification and verification of the Energy Efficiency Index for rotodynamic pump units - Part 2: Testing and calculation of Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) of single pump units

This document specifies methods and procedures for testing, calculating and determining the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) of rotodynamic glanded single pump units for pumping clean water, including where integrated in other products.
The pump types and sizes covered by this document are described in the normative Annex A.

Pumpen - Methoden zur Qualifikation und Verifikation des Energieeffizienzindexes für Kreiselpumpen - Teil 2: Prüfung und Berechnung des Energieeffizienzindexes (EEI) einzelner Pumpenaggregate

Dieses Dokument legt Methoden und Verfahren für die Prüfung, Berechnung und Bestimmung des Energieeffizienzindex (EEI) von Trockenläufer-Kreiselpumpenaggregaten zum Pumpen von sauberem Wasser fest, auch wenn sie in andere Produkte integriert sind.
Die von diesem Dokument behandelten Pumpentypen und -größen werden im normativen Anhang A aufgeführt.

Pompes - Méthodes de qualification et de vérification de l'indice de rendement énergétique des groupes motopompes rotodynamiques - Partie 2 : Essais et calcul de l'indice de rendement énergétique (EEI) des groupes motopompes simples

Le présent document spécifie des méthodes et procédures d'essai, de calcul et de détermination de l'indice de rendement énergétique (EEI) des groupes motopompes à eau rotodynamiques dotés d'un dispositif d'étanchéité utilisés pour le pompage d'eau propre, y compris dans des versions intégrées à d'autres produits.
Les types et tailles de pompes couverts par le présent document sont décrits dans l'Annexe A normative.

Črpalke - Metode za kvalifikacijo in verifikacijo indeksa energijske učinkovitosti centrifugalnih črpalk - 2. del: Preskušanje in računanje indeksa energijske učinkovitosti (IEE) enodelnih črpalk

Ta evropski standard določa metode in postopke za preskušanje, računanje in določanje indeksa energijske učinkovitosti (EEI) centrifugalnih tesnilnih enodelnih črpalk za črpanje čiste vode, vključno z vgrajenimi črpalkami v ostalih proizvodih.
Vrste in velikosti črpalk, zajetih v tem standardu, so opisane v normativnem dodatku A.

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Standards Content (Sample)

Črpalke - Metode za kvalifikacijo in verifikacijo indeksa energijske učinkovitosti
centrifugalnih črpalk - 2. del: Preskušanje in računanje indeksa energijske
učinkovitosti (IEE) enodelnih črpalk
Pumps - Methods of qualification and verification of the Energy Efficiency Index for
rotodynamic pumps units - Part 2: Testing and calculation of energy Efficiency Index
(EEI) of single pump units
Pumpen - Methoden zur Qualifikation und Verifikation des Energieeffizienzindexes für
Kreiselpumpen - Teil 2: Prüfung und Berechnung des Energieeffizienzindexes (EEI)
einzelner Pumpenaggregate
Pompes - Méthodes de qualification et de vérification de l'indice de rendement
énergétique des groupes motopompes rotodynamiques - Partie 2 : Essais et calcul de
l'indice de rendement énergétique (EEI) des groupes motopompes simples
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 17038-2:2019
23.080 Črpalke Pumps
27.015 Energijska učinkovitost. Energy efficiency. Energy
Ohranjanje energije na conservation in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 17038-2
May 2019
ICS 23.080
English Version
Pumps - Methods of qualification and verification of the
Energy Efficiency Index for rotodynamic pump units - Part
2: Testing and calculation of Energy Efficiency Index (EEI)
of single pump units
Pompes - Méthodes de qualification et de vérification Pumpen - Methoden zur Qualifikation und Verifikation
de l'indice de rendement énergétique des groupes des Energieeffizienzindexes für Kreiselpumpen - Teil 2:
motopompes rotodynamiques - Partie 2 : Essais et Prüfung und Berechnung des Energieeffizienzindexes
calcul de l'indice de rendement énergétique (EEI) des (EEI) einzelner Pumpenaggregate
groupes motopompes simples
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 15 July 2018.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
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Turkey and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 17038-2:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Reference flow-time profiles and reference pressure control curves . 8
4.1 General . 8
4.2 Reference flow-time profiles . 9
4.3 Reference pressure control curves . 10
5 Determination of average electric power input P by test . 10
5.1 General . 10
5.1.1 Test requirements . 10
5.1.2 Test conditions . 10
5.1.3 Measuring instrumentation . 11
5.2 Calculation of load points . 12
5.2.1 General . 12
5.2.2 Determination of Q and H . 12
100 % 100 %
5.3 Calculation of P . 14
5.3.1 General . 14
5.3.2 Pump units evaluated with the reference flow-time profile for constant flow
operation . 14
5.3.3 Pump units evaluated with the reference flow-time profile for variable flow
operation . 14
5.3.4 Procedures for testing and evaluation of pump units with special pump types . 15
6 Determination of the Energy Efficiency Index of pump units by the means of a semi-
analytical model . 16
6.1 General . 16
6.2 The semi analytical model of the pump . 17
6.3 Pump units in fixed speed operation . 19
6.3.1 General . 19
6.3.2 The model of the electric motor. 20
6.3.3 Interaction of pump and motor . 21
6.3.4 Determination of Q from Q . 22
100 % BEP
6.3.5 Determination of the P -value . 23
6.4 Pump units with a Power Drive System (PDS). 24
6.4.1 General . 24
6.4.2 The model of the Power Drive System (PDS) . 26
6.4.3 Interaction between pump and PDS . 29
6.4.4 Determination of Q and H from Q and H . 30
100 % 100 % BEP BEP
6.4.5 Determination of P and P for pump units with PDS . 31
1,avg,v 1,avg,c
7 Determination of reference electric power input P . 32
8 Calculation of Energy Efficiency index (EEI) . 35
Annex A (normative) Scope . 36
Annex B (informative) Determination of additional supporting points for semi-analytical
model based on empirical correlations . 39
B.1 General . 39
B.2 Additional supporting points for end-suction pumps (pump types ESOB, ESCC and
ESCCi) . 41
B.2.1 Additional supporting points at Q/Q = 0,25 . 41
B.2.2 Additional supporting points at Q/Q = 0,1. 41
B.3 Additional supporting points for vertical multistage pump (MS-V) . 42
B.3.1 Additional supporting points at Q/Q = 0,25 . 42
B.3.2 Additional supporting points at Q/Q = 0,1. 42
B.4 Maximum model uncertainties . 42
Annex C (normative) Synthesis of the PDS supporting points from separate data for motor
and CDM . 46
C.1 General . 46
C.2 Determination of the losses P at the 3-supporting points needed for the PDS
model . 49
C.3 Determination of the losses P at the 3 supporting points needed for the PDS
model . 50
Annex D (informative) Uncertainties and tolerances of EEI-values . 52
D.1 General remarks . 52
D.2 The measurement uncertainty of the EEI-value determined by test . 52
D.3 The uncertainty of the EEI-value determined by the application of models . 55
D.3.1 General . 55
D.3.2 Operation mode: Fixed speed . 55
D.3.3 Operation mode: Variable speed . 56
D.4 The total tolerance of the mean EEI-value . 58
D.4.1 Determination of the mean EEI-value by testing only one pump unit . 58
D.4.2 Determination of the mean EEI-value by testing a sample of M pump units of the
same type series . 60
D.4.3 Determination of the mean EEI-value by application of the semi-analytical model . 60
Annex E (informative) Mathematical solution of polynomial formulae of 3rd degree . 63
Annex F (normative) CDM model fall back values for Semi Analytical Model . 65
Bibliography . 66

European foreword
This document (EN 17038-2:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 197 “Pumps”,
the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by pu

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