CEN/TC 301 - Electrically propelled road vehicles
Preparation of road vehicle European Standards answering essentially to European mandates. Since the automotive industry is acting globally, the international level (ISO/TC 22 Road vehicles) shall have top priority for any other standardization projects.
Electrically propelled road vehicles
Preparation of road vehicle European Standards answering essentially to European mandates. Since the automotive industry is acting globally, the international level (ISO/TC 22 Road vehicles) shall have top priority for any other standardization projects.
General Information
This document specifies the physical and data link layer of high-level communication (HLC) between electric vehicles (EV) and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) based on single-pair Ethernet communication. Single-pair Ethernet communication uses differential twisted pair wires that are dedicated and balanced. This document applies to 10BASE-T1S only.
This document covers the overall information exchange between all actors involved in electrical energy exchange. The ISO 15118 series applies to charging between EV and EVSE.
- Draft22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies conformance tests in the form of an abstract test suite (ATS) for a system under test (SUT) implementing an electric-vehicle or supply-equipment communication controller (EVCC or SECC) with support for WLAN-based high-level communication (HLC) according to ISO 15118‑8 and against the background of ISO 15118-1. These conformance tests specify the testing of capabilities and behaviours of an SUT, as well as checking what is observed against the conformance requirements specified in ISO 15118‑8 and against what the implementer states the SUT implementation's capabilities are.
The capability tests within the ATS check that the observable capabilities of the SUT are in accordance with the static conformance requirements defined in ISO 15118‑8. The behaviour tests of the ATS examine an implementation as thoroughly as practical over the full range of dynamic conformance requirements defined in ISO 15118‑8 and within the capabilities of the SUT (see NOTE below).
A test architecture is described in correspondence to the ATS. The abstract test cases in this document are described leveraging this test architecture and are specified in descriptive tabular format for the ISO/OSI physical and data link layers (layers 1 and 2).
In terms of coverage, this document only covers normative sections and requirements in ISO 15118‑8. This document can additionally refer to specific tests for requirements on referenced standards (e.g. IEEE, or industry consortia standards, like WiFi Alliance) as long as they are relevant in terms of conformance for implementations according to ISO 15118‑8. However, it is explicitly not intended to widen the scope of this conformance specification to such external standards, if it is not technically necessary for the purpose of conformance testing for ISO 15118‑8. Furthermore, the conformance tests specified in this document do not include the assessment of performance nor robustness or reliability of an implementation. They cannot provide judgments on the physical realization of abstract service primitives, how a system is implemented, how it provides any requested service, nor the environment of the protocol implementation. Furthermore, the abstract test cases defined in this document only consider the communication protocol and the system's behaviour defined ISO 15118‑8. The power flow between the EVSE and the EV is not considered.
NOTE Practical limitations make it impossible to define an exhaustive test suite, and economic considerations can restrict testing even further. Hence, the purpose of this document is to increase the probability that different implementations are able to interwork. This is achieved by verifying them by means of a protocol test suite, thereby increasing the confidence that each implementation conforms to the protocol specification. However, the specified protocol test suite cannot guarantee conformance to the specification since it detects errors rather than their absence. Thus, conformance to a test suite alone cannot guarantee interworking. Instead, it gives confidence that an implementation has the required capabilities and that its behaviour conforms consistently in representative instances of communication.
- Standard80 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies safety requirements for conductive connection of electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles (referred to as the EVs) to external electric circuits.
NOTE 1 External electric circuits include external electric power supplies and external electric loads.
It does not provide comprehensive safety information for manufacturing, maintenance and repair personnel.
It applies only to on-board charging systems between the plug or vehicle inlet and RESS circuits.
NOTE 2 The requirements when not connected to external electric circuits are specified in the ISO 13063 series.
Requirements for bidirectional energy transfer DC to AC are under consideration and are not part of this document.
NOTE 3 The safety requirements for DC EV supply equipment where protection relies on electrical separation are specified in IEC 61851-25.
NOTE 4 The safety requirements for DC EV supply equipment where protection relies on double or reinforced insulation are specified in IEC TS 61851-3-1 and IEC TS 61851-3-2.
- Standard47 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the communication between the electric vehicle (EV), including battery electric vehicle (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), and the electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). The application layer messages defined in this document are designed to support the electricity power transfer between an EV and an EVSE.
This document defines the communication messages and sequence requirements for bidirectional power transfer.
This document furthermore defines requirements of wireless communication for both conductive charging and wireless charging as well as communication requirements for automatic connection device and information services about charging and control status.
The purpose of this document is to detail the communication between an electric vehicle communication controller (EVCC) and a supply equipment communication controller (SECC). Aspects are specified to detect a vehicle in a communication network and enable an Internet Protocol (IP) based communication between the EVCC and the SECC.
- Standard570 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document applies to roller brake testers (brake test benches) that are designed for roadworthiness tests on categories M2, M3, N2, N3, O3 and O4 vehicles (as defined in Regulation (EU) 2018/858) and that might be also used to test M1, N1 categories.
This document covers fixed-bed roller brake testers with or without inspection pits and whose chassis are inside or outside the building.
This document does not cover mobile roller or plate brake testers.
These roller brake testers are used to take measurements for testing and assessing the efficiencies of the brake systems fitted to vehicles in the above-cited vehicle categories.
The users of the roller brake tester are all kinds of staff that for any reason operate the roller brake testers (e.g. staff working in public transport, vehicle rental, vehicle maintenance, vehicle repair, training, test laboratories and vehicle inspection sectors ...). This document is not applicable to roller brake testers manufactured before the date of its publication.
- Standard48 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document applies only to Dimethyl Ether refuelling connectors hereinafter referred to as devices, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials. Dimethyl Ether refuelling connectors consist of the following components, as applicable:
a) Nozzle (mounted on dispenser side).
b) Receptacle (mounted on vehicle).
This document applies to devices which use Dimethyl Ether as fuel, hereinafter referred to in this document as D15 [see 9.1 c)].
This document applies to devices with standardised mating components.
This document applies to connectors which prevent Dimethyl Ether vehicles from being fuelled by fuel station dispensers for other gaseous fuels.
This document is applicable to: Dimethyl Ether in accordance with ISO 16861.
NOTE All references to pressures (kPa) throughout this document are considered gauge pressures unless otherwise specified.
- Standard28 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document defines the procedures for assessing the performance of test equipment that is used for the on-road measurement of tailpipe emissions of light-duty vehicles, on the basis of a common test procedure that simulates the range of conditions experienced during on-road tests.
This document prescribes:
- the tests to be conducted, and,
- a procedure to determine, for any type of PEMS equipment, an appropriate uncertainty margin to reflect its performance over those conditions.
The key test variables are as follows (but not limited to the ones mentioned):
a) temperature, humidity and pressure and step-wise or gradual changes,
b) acceleration and deceleration (longitudinal and lateral),
c) vibration, inclination and shock tests,
d) instrument positioning on a vehicle,
e) combinations of (1) to (4),
f) cross-interferences,
g) signal-processing, data treatment and time alignment, and
h) calculation methods (excluding the regulatory post-processing of data).
- Standard85 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document includes functional user interface requirements related to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize access to RMI for independent operators.
This document specifies all functional user interface requirements related to a vehicle manufacturer's RMI system. These requirements will reflect the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in ISO 18541‑1.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document provides a general overview and structure of each part of the ISO 18541 series. This document also describes the use cases applicable to the standardized access to automotive RMI. The use cases address real world scenarios (e.g. servicing vehicles) regarding the information access necessary to perform vehicle roadside assistance, inspection, diagnosis, repair and maintenance, including the updating and replacement of electronic control units (ECU).
Furthermore, this document defines requirements for granting access to security-related RMI in Annex A following the SERMI scheme.
The RMI systems used by personnel to perform the services consist of:
— a web-based system, which provides access to RMI needed to perform the service(s);
— contact information for specific RMI;
— a security framework to protect access to security-related RMI (vehicle theft protection measures).
This document is applicable to light passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles.
- Standard49 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document includes technical requirements which are related to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize access to RMI for independent operators.
This document specifies the minimum set of technical requirements related to a vehicle manufacturer's RMI system. These requirements will reflect the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in ISO 18541‑1.
Furthermore, this document defines requirements for granting access to security-related RMI in Annex A following the SERMI scheme.
This document is applicable to light passenger and commercial vehicles as defined in regulation (EC) 715/2007 Article 2 [15].
- Standard41 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies a conformance test for a vehicle manufacturer assessment of self-conformance of the VM RMI system. The conformance test cases follow the use case definition of ISO 18541‑1 and the requirements stated in ISO 18541‑2 and ISO 18541‑3.
The primary, but not exclusive, purpose of this document is to provide information to the VM RMI system provider to build and test the VM RMI system against the conformance test cases. This final step in the development process of the VM RMI system is an enabler for all providers that their VM RMI system meets a high degree of functional requirements expected by the end user.
Furthermore, this document defines in Annex A conformance test cases for the use cases and requirements versions that apply for granting access to security-related RMI following the SERMI scheme.
This document is applicable to light passenger and commercial vehicles as defined in regulation (EC) 715/2007 Article 2 [9].
- Standard93 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Standard specifies the safety requisites requirements and their verification for the design and building of machines (see the definition in point 3.2) for mounting and demounting tyres on the vehicles listed below and identified according to the international categories M1, M2, N1, O1, O2, L4 and L5:
a) cars
b) buses
c) lorries
d) motor-vehicles for specific or special transport
e) mobile homes
f) cargo trailers
g) car trailers
h) motorised quadricycles
i) motor vehicles
j) mopeds
k) agricultural machines (if the wheel/tyre dimensions are compatible with the maximum dimensions indicated in the tyre changer user instructions)
The vehicles listed in points a) to f) must have an overall full-load mass no greater than 3.5 t.
These machines are designed to ensure the tyre is correctly fitted on the wheel in safe conditions. The standard describes how to eliminate or reduce the risks resulting from the foreseen use (or improper but reasonably foreseeable use) of these machines by the operator during normal operation and service. In addition, it specifies the type of information that the manufacturer must supply with regards to safe working procedures.
The Standard describes all the significant hazards (as listed in Table 1) and the danger situations and events relating to these machines.
This Standard does not apply to hazards regarding maintenance or repairs carried out by professional maintenance personnel.
- Standard50 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard50 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document defines the requirements and operation of the on-board vehicle equipment that enables magnetic field wireless power transfer (MF-WPT) for traction battery charging of electric vehicles. It is intended to be used for passenger cars and light duty vehicles.
This document addresses the following aspects for an EV device:
— safety requirements;
— transferred power and power transfer efficiency;
— ground clearance of the EV device;
— functionality with associated off-board systems under various conditions and independent of manufacturer;
— test procedures.
EV devices that fulfil the requirements in this document are intended to operate with supply devices that fulfil the MF-WPT related requirements in the IEC 61980 series.
NOTE 1 Charging of a vehicle in motion is not considered in this edition.
NOTE 2 Bi-directional power transfer is not considered in this edition.
- Standard48 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the requirements of the physical and data link layer of a wireless High Level Communication (HLC) between Electric Vehicles (EV) and the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). The wireless communication technology is used as an alternative to the wired communication technology as defined in ISO 15118‑3.
It covers the overall information exchange between all actors involved in the electrical energy exchange. ISO 15118 (all parts) are applicable for conductive charging as well as Wireless Power Transfer (WPT).
For conductive charging, only EVSEs compliant with "IEC 61851‑1 modes 3 and 4" and supporting HLC are covered by this document. For WPT, charging sites according to IEC 61980 (all parts) and vehicles according to ISO 19363 are covered by this document.
- Standard41 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
20200617 - TC decision to skip FV is missing.
- Amendment7 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document provides specifications for safety, quality and performance requirements for supplementary grip devices, commonly called "SGDs", for type - approved tyres according to the current legislation, intended to be fitted on tyres on vehicles in categories M1, N1, O1, O2 and relevant sub-categories (off road vehicles).
The requirements contained in this document apply to all SGDs, regardless of the material/technology used to build it.
In case there are available standards for the specific technology of the device, they are intended to be used in conjunction with this document.
In case no standard is available for the specific technology, this document applies.
- Standard20 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies electric safety requirements for conductive connection of electrically propelled road vehicles to external electric circuits. External electric circuits include external electric power supplies and external electric loads. This document provides requirements for the charging modes 2, 3, 4, as defined in IEC 61851-1, and reverse power transfer. For mode 4, this document provides requirements regarding the connection to an isolated DC EV charging station according to IEC 61851-23.
NOTE 1 This edition does not provide requirements for mode 1.
NOTE 2 External electric circuits are not part of the vehicle.
This document applies to the on-board sections of vehicle power supply circuits. It applies also to dedicated power supply control functions used for the connection of the vehicle to an external electric circuit.
It does not provide comprehensive safety information for manufacturing, maintenance and repair personnel.
NOTE 3 ISO 6469-3 provides general electrical safety requirements for electrically propelled road vehicles.
NOTE 4 With this edition of this document the limitation of y-capacitance for protection against electric shock under single failure conditions is no longer applicable as a fault protection provision when the vehicle has a conductive DC connection to an external electric circuit.
- Standard49 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document, as a basis for the other parts of the ISO 15118 series, specifies terms and definitions, general requirements and use cases for conductive and wireless HLC between the EVCC and the SECC.
This document is applicable to HLC involved in conductive and wireless power transfer technologies in the context of manual or automatic connection devices.
This document is also applicable to energy transfer either from EV supply equipment to charge the EV battery or from EV battery to EV supply equipment in order to supply energy to home, to loads or to the grid.
This document provides a general overview and a common understanding of aspects influencing identification, association, charge or discharge control and optimisation, payment, load levelling, cybersecurity and privacy. It offers an interoperable EV-EV supply equipment interface to all e-mobility actors beyond SECC.
The ISO 15118 series does not specify the vehicle internal communication between battery and other internal equipment (beside some dedicated message elements related to the energy transfer).
NOTE 1 Electric road vehicles specifically are vehicles in categories M (used for carriage of passengers) and N (used for carriage of goods) (compare ECE/TR ANS/WP.29/78 ev.2). This does not prevent vehicles in other categories from adopting the ISO 15118 series as well.
NOTE 2 This document is destined to orientate the message set of ISO 15118‑2 and ISO 15118‑20[1]. The absence of any particular use case in this document does not imply that it will not be put into practice, with the required messages.
NOTE 3 This document, ISO 15118‑2 and ISO 15118‑20 are designed to work independent of data transfer medium used. However, the ISO 15118 series is made for fitting the specified data link layers in the corresponding documents in this series.
[1] Under preparation. Stage at the time on publication: ISO/DIS 15118-20:2019.
- Standard126 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document lays down harmonized identifiers for power supply for electric road vehicles. The requirements in this standard are to complement the informational needs of users regarding the compatibility between the EV charging stations, the cable assemblies and the vehicles that are placed on the market. The identifier is intended to be visualized at EV charging stations, on vehicles, on cable assemblies, in EV dealerships and in consumer manuals as described in this document.
Power supply for EVs uses vehicle inlets, socket-outlets, connectors and plugs, as mentioned in EN IEC 61851-1:— and EN 62196-1:2014.
This document defines for each harmonized identifier the size, shape, colour and other information of relevance for compatibility recognition, as well as the label location.
The station side identifier gives unmistakable compatibility information with either the plug of the cable assembly in case of a socket outlet configuration, or the vehicle inlet in case of attached cable configuration.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 18243:2017 specifies the test procedures for lithium-ion battery packs and systems used in electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles.
The specified test procedures enable the user of this document to determine the essential characteristics on performance, safety and reliability of lithium-ion battery packs and systems. The user is also supported to compare the test results achieved for different battery packs or systems.
ISO 18243:2017 enables setting up a dedicated test plan for an individual battery pack or system subject to an agreement between customer and supplier. If required, the relevant test procedures and/or test conditions of lithium-ion battery packs and systems are selected from the standard tests provided in this document to configure a dedicated test plan.
NOTE 1 Electrically power-assisted cycles (EPAC) cannot be considered as mopeds. The definition of electrically power-assisted cycles can differ from country to country. An example of definition can be found in the EU Directive 2002/24/EC.
NOTE 2 Testing on cell level is specified in IEC 62660 (all parts).
- Standard46 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 15118-5:2018 specifies conformance tests in the form of an Abstract Test Suite (ATS) for a System Under Test (SUT) implementing an Electric Vehicle or Supply Equipment Communication Controller (EVCC or SECC) with support for PLC-based High Level Communication (HLC) and Basic Signaling according to ISO 15118‑3. These conformance tests specify the testing of capabilities and behaviors of an SUT, as well as checking what is observed against the conformance requirements specified in ISO 15118‑3 and against what the implementer states the SUT implementation's capabilities are.
The capability tests within the ATS check that the observable capabilities of the SUT are in accordance with the static conformance requirements defined in ISO 15118‑3. The behavior tests of the ATS examine an implementation as thoroughly as is practical over the full range of dynamic conformance requirements defined in ISO 15118‑3 and within the capabilities of the SUT (see NOTE 1).
A test architecture is described in correspondence to the ATS. The conformance test cases in this part of the standard are described leveraging this test architecture and are specified in TTCN-3 Core Language for the ISO/OSI Physical and Data Link Layers (Layers 1 and 2). The conformance test cases for the ISO/OSI Network Layer (Layer 3) and above are described in ISO 15118‑4.
In terms of coverage, this document only covers normative sections and requirements in ISO 15118‑3. This document can additionally include specific tests for requirements of referenced standards (e.g. IEEE, or industry consortia standards) as long as they are relevant in terms of conformance for implementations according to ISO 15118‑3. However, it is explicitly not intended to widen the scope of this conformance specification to such external standards, if it is not technically necessary for the purpose of conformance testing for ISO 15118‑3. Furthermore, the conformance tests specified in this document do not include the assessment of performance nor robustness or reliability of an implementation. They cannot provide judgments on the physical realization of abstract service primitives, how a system is implemented, how it provides any requested service, nor the environment of the protocol implementation. Furthermore, the test cases defined in this document only consider the communication protocol and the system's behavior defined ISO 15118‑3. Power flow between the EVSE and the EV is not considered.
NOTE 1 Practical limitations make it impossible to define an exhaustive test suite, and economic considerations can restrict testing even further. Hence, the purpose of this document is to increase the probability that different implementations are able to interwork. This is achieved by verifying them by means of a protocol test suite, thereby increasing the confidence that each implementation conforms to the protocol specification. However, the specified protocol test suite cannot guarantee conformance to the specification since it detects errors rather than their absence. Thus conformance to a test suite alone cannot guarantee interworking. What it does do is give confidence that an implementation has the required capabilities and that its behavior conforms consistently in representative instances of communication.
NOTE 2 This document has some interdependencies to the conformance tests defined in ISO 15118‑4 which result from ISO/OSI cross layer dependencies in the underlying protocol specification (e.g. for
- Standard414 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 15118-4:2018 specifies conformance tests in the form of an Abstract Test Suite (ATS) for a System Under Test (SUT) implementing an EVCC or SECC according to ISO 15118-2. These conformance tests specify the testing of capabilities and behaviors of an SUT as well as checking what is observed against the conformance requirements specified in ISO 15118-2 and against what the supplier states the SUT implementation's capabilities are.
The capability tests within the ATS check that the observable capabilities of the SUT are in accordance with the static conformance requirements defined in ISO 15118-2. The behavior tests of the ATS examine an implementation as thoroughly as is practical over the full range of dynamic conformance requirements defined in ISO 15118-2 and within the capabilities of the SUT (see NOTE).
A test architecture is described in correspondence to the ATS. The conformance test cases in this document are described leveraging this test architecture and are specified in TTCN-3 Core Language for ISO/OSI Network Layer (Layer 3) and above. The conformance test cases for the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) and Physical Layer (Layer 1) are described in ISO 15118-5. Test cases with overlapping scopes are explicitly detailed.
This document does not include specific tests of other standards referenced within ISO 15118-2, e.g. IETF RFCs. Furthermore, the conformance tests specified in this document do not include the assessment of performance nor robustness or reliability of an implementation. They cannot provide judgments on the physical realization of abstract service primitives, how a system is implemented, how it provides any requested service, nor the environment of the protocol implementation. Furthermore, the test cases defined in this document only consider the communication protocol defined ISO 15118-2. Power flow between the EVSE and the EV is not considered.
NOTE 1 Practical limitations make it impossible to define an exhaustive test suite, and economic considerations can restrict testing even further. Hence, the purpose of this document is to increase the probability that different implementations are able to interwork. This is achieved by verifying them by means of a protocol test suite, thereby increasing the confidence that each implementation conforms to the protocol specification. However, the specified protocol test suite cannot guarantee conformance to the specification since it detects errors rather than their absence. Thus conformance to a test suite alone cannot guarantee interworking. What it does do is give confidence that an implementation has the required capabilities and that its behavior conforms consistently in representative instances of communication.
NOTE 2 This document has some interdependencies to the conformance tests defined in ISO 15118-5 which result from ISO/OSI cross layer dependencies in the underlying protocol specification (e.g. for sleep mode)
- Standard1470 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document focus on the access to automotive repair and maintenance information for
— heavy duty motor vehicles as defined in regulation (EC) 595/2009 Article 2;
— engines and after-treatment systems (family) if they are type-approved as a separate technical unit, e.g. according to Directive 2007/46/EC.
This document includes a transposition of the standards ISO 18541-1:2014, ISO 18541-2:2014, ISO 18541-3:2014, and ISO 18541-4:2015 to these vehicle types and systems. The standards ISO 18541-1:2014, ISO 18541-2:2014, ISO 18541-3:2014, and ISO 18541-4:2015 focus on the access to automotive repair and maintenance information for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.
Remote Diagnostic Support is a specific requirement for Access to RMI for heavy duty vehicles. It will be addressed separately in a future standard.
The standardized RMI terminology is contained in a ?Digital Annex' developed and maintained according to the complementary standard ISO 18542.
- Standard57 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 16380:2014 applies to compressed blended fuels vehicle nozzles and receptacles hereinafter referred to as devices, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials. Compressed blended fuels fuelling connection nozzles consist of the following components, as applicable:
a) Receptacle and protective cap (mounted on vehicle);
b) Nozzle (mounted on dispenser side).
ISO 16380:2014 applies to devices which have a service pressure of 20 MPa, 25 MPa, and 35 MPa hereinafter referred to as:
a) size 1: M200, M250, and M350;
b) size 2: N200 and N250.
ISO 16380:2014 refers to service pressures of 20 MPa, 25 MPa, and 35 MPa for size 1 and 20 MPa and 25 MPa for size 2.
ISO 16380:2014 applies to devices with standardised mating components.
ISO 16380:2014 applies to connectors which
a) prevent blended fuels vehicles from being fuelled by dispenser stations with working pressures higher than the vehicle fuel system working pressure,
b) allow blended fuels vehicles to be fuelled by dispenser stations with working pressures equal to or lower than the vehicle fuel system working pressure,
c) allow blended fuels vehicles to be fuelled by dispenser stations for compressed natural gas,
d) allow blended fuels vehicles to be fuelled by compressed natural gas dispenser stations with working pressures equal to or lower than the vehicle fuel system working pressure,
e) prevent blended fuels vehicles size 1 being refuelled on blended fuels dispenser stations equipped with a size 2 nozzle and vice versa,
f) prevent natural gas vehicles from being fuelled by blended fuels station, and dispensers, and
g) prevent pure hydrogen vehicles from being fuelled by blended fuels station dispensers.
ISO 16380:2014 is applicable to mixtures of hydrogen from 2 % to 30 % in volume and compressed natural gas containing:
a) natural gas in accordance with ISO 15403‑1 and ISO 15403‑2;
b) pure hydrogen in accordance with ISO 14687‑1 or ISO/TS 14687‑2.
- Standard61 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 18541-6:2018 contains all elements (definitions, use cases, technical requirements, functional user interfaces requirements and conformance test cases) applicable for the standardized access to repair and maintenance information for two-wheeled and three-wheeled vehicles and quadricycles (L-category vehicles)
The development of this document has been based on ISO 18541‑1, ISO 18541‑2, ISO 18541‑3 and ISO 18541‑4. This document constitutes an adaptation of standardized access to RMI prescriptions for passenger cars to L-category vehicles keeping the objectives and principles of the mandate M/421 from the European commission.
ISO 18541-6:2018 references the usage of a Digital Annex of standardized search terms for RMI. The provision of such a Digital Annex will follow the process described in ISO 18542.
CEN will nominate a Registration Authority according to ISO 18542 for the creation and maintenance of an appropriate Digital Annex.
- Standard167 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard167 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14469:2017 specifies CNG refuelling nozzles and receptacles constructed entirely of new and unused parts and materials, for road vehicles powered by compressed natural gas. A CNG refuelling connector consists of, as applicable, the receptacle and its protective cap (mounted on the vehicle) and the nozzle.
ISO 14469:2017 is applicable only to such devices designed for a service pressure of 20 MPa (200 bar) and 25 MPa (250 bar), to those using CNG according to ISO 15403‑1 and ISO 15403‑2 and having standardized mating components, and to connectors that prevent natural gas vehicles from being fuelled by dispensers with service pressures higher than that of the vehicle, while allowing them to be fuelled by dispensers with service pressures less than or equal to the vehicle fuel system service pressure.
ISO 14469:2017 refers to service pressures of 20 MPa and 25 MPa for:
- size 1: B200 and B250;
- size 2: C200 and C250.
- Standard46 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard46 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 12617:2015 specifies liquefied natural gas (LNG) refuelling nozzles and receptacles constructed entirely of new and unused parts and materials for road vehicles powered by LNG. An LNG refuelling connector consists of, as applicable, the receptacle and its protective cap (mounted on the vehicle) and the nozzle. This International standard is applicable only to such devices designed for a maximum working pressure of 3,4 MPa (34 bar) to those using LNG as vehicle fuel and having standardized mating components.
NOTE All references to pressures given in megapascals and bar (1 bar = 0,1 MPa = 105 Pa; 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2) are to be considered gauge pressures, unless otherwise specified.
- Standard22 pagesSlovenian languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard is intended to provide technical specifications for mechanical seals to enhance the security of digital tachograph system. It applies to the category of vehicles as defined in European Regulation n°165/2014.
NOTE 1 This European Standard is intended primarily to digital tachographs but can be applied to analog tachographs.
NOTE 2 Any type of seals which meet the requirements within this European Standard can be used.
- Standard29 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 15118-3:2015 specifies the requirements of the physical and data link layer for a high-level communication, directly between battery electric vehicles (BEV) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), termed as EV (electric vehicle) [ISO-1], based on a wired communication technology and the fixed electrical charging installation [Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)] used in addition to the basic signalling, as defined in [IEC-1].
It covers the overall information exchange between all actors involved in the electrical energy exchange. ISO 15118 (all parts) is applicable for manually connected conductive charging.
Only "[IEC-1] modes 3 and 4" EVSEs, with a high-level communication module, are covered by this part of ISO 15118.
- Standard88 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 15118-2:2014 specifies the communication between battery electric vehicles (BEV) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) and the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment. The application layer message set defined in ISO 15118-2:2014 is designed to support the energy transfer from an EVSE to an EV. ISO 15118-1 contains additional use case elements describing the bidirectional energy transfer. The implementation of these use cases requires enhancements of the application layer message set defined herein.
The purpose of ISO 15118-2:2014 is to detail the communication between an EV (BEV or a PHEV) and an EVSE. Aspects are specified to detect a vehicle in a communication network and enable an Internet Protocol (IP) based communication between EVCC and SECC.
ISO 15118-2:2014 defines messages, data model, XML/EXI based data representation format, usage of V2GTP, TLS, TCP and IPv6. In addition, it describes how data link layer services can be accessed from a layer 3 perspective. The Data Link Layer and Physical Layer functionality is described in ISO 15118-3.
- Standard351 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard applies to the tyre pressure gauges (TPG) which operate using pressure equipment (devices used in fixed or mobile installations) to inflate the tyres of road using vehicles (M1 and M2 categories) and which may be capable of interacting with vehicles equipped with tyre pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) whereby the TPG may be steered by the TPMS/vehicle.
To set the correct tyre inflation, this European Standard defines requirements and processes for the interoperability of TPG with TPMS/vehicle, through standardized interfaces and data exchange formats allowing advanced information, management and control systems between TPG and TPMS/vehicle. The architecture is open and scalable to support the different levels of interoperability (from full interoperability to fully manual).
This European Standard does not define communication protocols (works specifically made under M/453 European mandate).
This European Standard may be applied to all TPG categories referenced in the revision of EN 12645.
The driver/operator is considered as being responsible for the validation of the parameters and tyre pressure.
This European Standard will be applicable upon development of Infrastructure solution (V2I-I2V communication solutions).
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 18542-2:2014 specifies:
- the technical requirements that must be met by the Terminology Management system (TMS) that will be used to manage and store the 'Agreed RMI Terminology';
- the requirements for the Registration Authority (RA) (i.e. the agency responsible for maintaining and publishing the 'Agreed RMI Terminology').
- Standard37 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard defines metrological and technical requirements and tests of tyre pressure measuring instruments.
Tyre pressure measuring instruments (often referred to as Tyre Pressure Gauges, [TPG]) are for the inspection of pressure and/or inspection of inflation/deflation of tyres of motor vehicles.
It establishes in the context of motor vehicles tyres, the minimum characteristics of the chain of measurement of tyre pressure measuring instruments intended to increase, inspect or adjust the pressure of tyres inflated by air or nitrogen.
These devices, classified in different categories, are hereinafter referred to by generic term, "tyre pressure measuring instruments".
This chain of measurement consists of all the elements between the tyre valve and the display device (connector, hose, control device, measurement components, reservoir, preset device etc.).
They indicate the pressure difference (pe) between the air or the nitrogen in the tyre and the atmosphere.
The field of application established above can be extended to other applications where no specific standard exists.
Because of the influence of tyre pressure on road safety and energy efficiency, periodical reverification is strongly advised.
- Standard36 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 18542 is structured in two parts:
Part 1 defines a framework and a process for agreeing terms;
Part 2 defines the process implementation requirements for a terminology management system and for a Registration Authority with a digital annex.
The basic purpose of ISO 18542 is to facilitate searching of vehicle manufacturer (VM) repair and maintenance information (RMI) websites by independent operators (IOs).
ISO 18542-1:2012 provides a general overview and structure of each part of ISO 18542. It also specifies use cases related to repair and maintenance information (RMI) terminology in order to standardize the access to RMI for IOs.
The provision of the agreed automotive RMI terminology itself is outside the remit of ISO 18542 and therefore outside the scope of ISO 18542-1:2012. Rather, it is foreseen that the agreed automotive RMI terminology will follow a lifecycle beyond the timeframe of ISO 18542. It will be dependent upon the work of a Registration Authority, a Terminology Review Group for its creation and management, and of a digital annex for its publication. For the development of the digital annex, existing standards will be reviewed and elements included where appropriate and practical.
- Standard33 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft179 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 15118-4:2018 specifies conformance tests in the form of an Abstract Test Suite (ATS) for a System Under Test (SUT) implementing an EVCC or SECC according to ISO 15118-2. These conformance tests specify the testing of capabilities and behaviors of an SUT as well as checking what is observed against the conformance requirements specified in ISO 15118-2 and against what the supplier states the SUT implementation's capabilities are.
The capability tests within the ATS check that the observable capabilities of the SUT are in accordance with the static conformance requirements defined in ISO 15118-2. The behavior tests of the ATS examine an implementation as thoroughly as is practical over the full range of dynamic conformance requirements defined in ISO 15118-2 and within the capabilities of the SUT (see NOTE).
A test architecture is described in correspondence to the ATS. The conformance test cases in this document are described leveraging this test architecture and are specified in TTCN-3 Core Language for ISO/OSI Network Layer (Layer 3) and above. The conformance test cases for the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) and Physical Layer (Layer 1) are described in ISO 15118-5. Test cases with overlapping scopes are explicitly detailed.
This document does not include specific tests of other standards referenced within ISO 15118-2, e.g. IETF RFCs. Furthermore, the conformance tests specified in this document do not include the assessment of performance nor robustness or reliability of an implementation. They cannot provide judgments on the physical realization of abstract service primitives, how a system is implemented, how it provides any requested service, nor the environment of the protocol implementation. Furthermore, the test cases defined in this document only consider the communication protocol defined ISO 15118-2. Power flow between the EVSE and the EV is not considered.
NOTE 1 Practical limitations make it impossible to define an exhaustive test suite, and economic considerations can restrict testing even further. Hence, the purpose of this document is to increase the probability that different implementations are able to interwork. This is achieved by verifying them by means of a protocol test suite, thereby increasing the confidence that each implementation conforms to the protocol specification. However, the specified protocol test suite cannot guarantee conformance to the specification since it detects errors rather than their absence. Thus conformance to a test suite alone cannot guarantee interworking. What it does do is give confidence that an implementation has the required capabilities and that its behavior conforms consistently in representative instances of communication.
NOTE 2 This document has some interdependencies to the conformance tests defined in ISO 15118-5 which result from ISO/OSI cross layer dependencies in the underlying protocol specification (e.g. for sleep mode)
- Draft1619 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 18243:2017 specifies the test procedures for lithium-ion battery packs and systems used in electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles.
The specified test procedures enable the user of this document to determine the essential characteristics on performance, safety and reliability of lithium-ion battery packs and systems. The user is also supported to compare the test results achieved for different battery packs or systems.
ISO 18243:2017 enables setting up a dedicated test plan for an individual battery pack or system subject to an agreement between customer and supplier. If required, the relevant test procedures and/or test conditions of lithium-ion battery packs and systems are selected from the standard tests provided in this document to configure a dedicated test plan.
NOTE 1 Electrically power-assisted cycles (EPAC) cannot be considered as mopeds. The definition of electrically power-assisted cycles can differ from country to country. An example of definition can be found in the EU Directive 2002/24/EC.
NOTE 2 Testing on cell level is specified in IEC 62660 (all parts).
- Draft52 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the control of the production (either self monitoring or by a third-party), which is a common part for every manufacturer of every kind of supplementary grip device (SGD).
- Draft6 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document defines the specific test procedures for different type of SGDs: metallic, textile fabric, non-metallic net and hybrid.
- Draft10 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
The document specifies all common test cases to be applied to and correctly handled by EVs (EVCC) and EVSEs (SECC) implementing ISO 15118-20 that are independent of a particular charging type (AC, DC, ACD, WPT charging). The document considers the use cases defined in ISO 15118-1:2019
The test system will comprise:
- A simulated SECC to verify the correct behaviour of a real EVCC
- A simulated EVCC to verify the correct behaviour of a real SECC
The document specifies test cases for all requirements defined in ISO 15118-20, verifying at least the following aspects:
- Charge spot discovery and initialization of communication (TCP / TLS connection establishment).
- Session establishment, session interruption and session re-establishment.
- Authentication process for charging session (e.g. EIM and PNC)
- Service discovery and selection
- Common and charging type independent service implementation
- Termination of charging session
- Error handling
The test cases cover positive tests (according to ISO 15118-20). In addition, error scenarios (e.g., incorrectly formatted requests, invalid content of messages, etc.) as well as tests for timing behaviour are defined which are also handled by EVCC and SECC ensuring interoperability between EVs and EVSEs.
The test cases will be structured according to OSI-layers 3 to 7 depending on their testability from a (non-) functional perspective (e.g., IPv6, TCP, TLS.
The test cases will include standard test case attributes like pre-conditions, test behaviours, expected results to evaluate pass or fail and post-conditions to be applied returning the system under test to a safe state.
- Draft235 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies recommendations for the design of polymeric products used in road vehicles to facilitate separation and recycling after shredding.
This document is not applicable to dismantling of road vehicles and removal of parts and components.
This document is not applicable to elastomers.
- Draft20 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
The standard shall describe the necessary steps and conditions for the measurement of the parameters, which are relevant for rechargeable batteries with internal energy storage used for road vehicles. The parameters shall reflect current industry practice for the applications based on existing international standards. The standard shall consider the most appropriate metric based on application and the objective of the metric to enable comparison of electrical performance between different models/products on the market. It shall in particular take into account the following:
- rated capacity (in Ah);
- rated power (in W);
- internal resistance (in ꭥ);
- energy round trip efficiency (in %).
The measurement tests of the standard shall be relevant for batteries, battery packs, and battery modules intended for the following applications:
- motor vehicles, including M and N categories referred to in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2018/858 of the European Parliament and of the Council with traction battery;
- L-category vehicles referred to in Article 2 of Regulation EU 168/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with traction battery of more than 25kg.
- Draft28 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document describes steps, conditions and protocols for safe maintenance and repair to facilitate remanufacturing, re-use and preparation for repurposing of battery systems, battery packs and battery modules designed for EV applications for alkali-ion (Li-ion, Na-ion), Pb, NiMH and combined chemistries.
This document also includes an informative guidance on design and assembly techniques that facilitate the maintenance, repair, re-use and preparation for repurposing a of EV battery systems, battery packs and battery modules (Annex B).
NOTE Individual cell is replaced when it is allowed and described by the EV battery systems, battery packs and battery modules manufacturer. In this case, battery modules manufacturer provides the necessary instructions for cell replacement.
- Draft27 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
No scope available yet
- Draft1584 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
2019-02-18: WI abandoned to follow ISO (see ISO notification in dataservice 2019-01-31)
- Draft646 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 15118-2:2014 specifies the communication between battery electric vehicles (BEV) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) and the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment. The application layer message set defined in ISO 15118-2:2014 is designed to support the energy transfer from an EVSE to an EV. ISO 15118-1 contains additional use case elements describing the bidirectional energy transfer. The implementation of these use cases requires enhancements of the application layer message set defined herein.
The purpose of ISO 15118-2:2014 is to detail the communication between an EV (BEV or a PHEV) and an EVSE. Aspects are specified to detect a vehicle in a communication network and enable an Internet Protocol (IP) based communication between EVCC and SECC.
ISO 15118-2:2014 defines messages, data model, XML/EXI based data representation format, usage of V2GTP, TLS, TCP and IPv6. In addition, it describes how data link layer services can be accessed from a layer 3 perspective. The Data Link Layer and Physical Layer functionality is described in ISO 15118-3.
- Draft370 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14469-2:2007 applies to compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicle nozzles and receptacles, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials for which there is a demand, in particular for large CNG urban buses of refuelling times equivalent to those of urban buses driven by conventional diesel engines. The proposed connector, size 2, offers a larger cross section than the connector in accordance with ISO 14469-1 and, therefore, permits refuelling of the vehicles within significantly shorter time periods. Studies have shown that the proposed connector, size 2, offers more than twice the mass flow of the connectors specified in ISO 14469-1. CNG fuelling connection nozzles consist of the following components, as applicable:
receptacle and protective cap (mounted on vehicle);
ISO 14469-2:2007 applies only to devices which have a service pressure of 20 MPa.
ISO 14469-2:2007 applies to devices with standardized mating components.
ISO 14469-2:2007 applies to connectors which
prevent natural gas vehicles from being fuelled by dispenser stations with service pressures higher than the vehicle, and
allow natural gas vehicles to be fuelled by dispenser stations with service pressures equal to or lower than the vehicle fuel system service pressure.
ISO 14469-2:2007 is applicable to compressed natural gas in accordance with ISO 15403.
- Draft29 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14469-1:2004 specifies CNG refuelling nozzles and receptacles constructed entirely of new and unused parts and materials, for road vehicles powered by compressed natural gas. A CNG refuelling connector consists of, as applicable, the receptacle and its protective cap (mounted on the vehicle) and the nozzle. ISO 14469-1:2004 is applicable only to such devices designed for a service pressure of 20 MPa (200 bar), identified by the code B200, to those using CNG in accordance with ISO 15403 and having standardized mating components, and to connectors that prevent natural gas vehicles from being fuelled by dispenser stations with service pressures higher than that of the vehicle, while allowing them to be fuelled by stations with service pressures less than or equal to the vehicle fuel system service pressure.
- Draft28 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 18246:2015 specifies safety requirements for conductive connection to an external electric power supply of electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles.
It is not applicable to vehicles not in normal conditions, such as damaged vehicles and vehicles which have mechanical and/or electrical failure.
It applies only to on-board charging systems between the plug or vehicle couplers and RESS circuits.
The safety requirements for vehicles not connected to external power supply are specified in ISO 13063.
NOTE This International Standard does not contain requirements for bidirectional power flow.
It does not provide comprehensive safety information for manufacturing, maintenance and repair personnel.
- Standard42 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 18541-4:2015 specifies a conformance test for a vehicle manufacturer assessment of self-conformance of the VM RMI system. The conformance test cases follow the use case definition of ISO 18541‑1 and the requirements stated in ISO 18541‑2 and ISO 18541‑3.
The primary but not exclusive purpose of this part of ISO 18541 is to provide information to the VM RMI system provider to build and test the VM RMI system against the conformance test cases. This final step in the development process of the VM RMI system is an enabler for all providers that their VM RMI system meets a high degree of functional requirements expected by the end user.
- Standard91 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day