Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 2: Faults and switching

IEC/TR 60919-2:2008 provides guidance on the transient performance and fault protection requirements of high voltage direct current (HVDC) systems. It concerns the transient performance related to faults and switching for two-terminal HVDC systems utilizing 12-pulse converter units comprised of three-phase bridge (double way) connections but it does not cover multi-terminal HVDC transmission systems. However, certain aspects of parallel converters and parallel lines, if part of a two-terminal system, are discussed. The converters are assumed to use thyristor valves as the bridge arms, with gapless metal oxide arresters for insulation co-ordination and to have power flow capability in both directions. Diode valves are not considered in this report. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1991, and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following main changes with respect to the previous edition: it concerns only line-commutated converters;isignificant changes have been made to the control system technology; some environmental constraints, for example audible noise limits, have been added; the capacitor coupled converters (CCC) and controlled series capacitor converters (CSCC) have been included.

Fonctionnement des systèmes à courant continu haute tension (CCHT) munis de convertisseurs commutés par le réseau - Partie 2: Défauts et manoeuvres

La CEI/TR 60919-2:2008 fournit des indications générales sur les performances de fonctionnement transitoire et sur les exigences de protection contre les défauts pour les systèmes à courant continu haute tension (CCHT). Il se rapporte au fonctionnement transitoire lié aux défauts et manoeuvres dans le cas des systèmes CCHT à deux extrémités, utilisant des convertisseurs à 12 impulsions comprenant des ponts de Graetz hexaphasés mais ne couvre pas les systèmes de transmission CCHT multiterminaux. Cependant, certains aspects liés à la mise en parallèle de convertisseurs et de lignes, s'ils relèvent d'un système à deux extrémités, seront également abordés. Les convertisseurs sont supposés utiliser des valves à thyristors dans les bras de pont, avec des parafoudres à oxyde métallique sans éclateur pour la coordination de l'isolement, et permettre le transport d'énergie dans les deux sens. Les valves à diode ne sont pas prises en considération dans le présent rapport. Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition, parue en 1991, et constitue une révision technique. Elle contient les changements fondamentaux suivants par rapport à l'édition précédente: elle ne concerne que les convertisseurs commutés par le réseau; des changements significatifs ont été effectués pour la technologie du système de contrôle; certaines limites environnementales ont été introduites, par exemple les niveaux de bruit audible maximaux; les convertisseurs connectés au travers de condensateurs (CCC) et les convertisseurs à condensateurs en série contrôles (CCSC) ont été ajoutés.

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Technical report
IEC TR 60919-2:2008+AMD1:2015+AMD2:2020 CSV - Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 2: Faults and switching Released:4/27/2020 Isbn:9782832282632
English language
130 pages
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Technical report
IEC TR 60919-2:2008 - Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 2: Faults and switching
English and French language
129 pages
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sale 15% off
Technical report
IEC TR 60919-2:2008+AMD1:2015 CSV - Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems withline-commutated converters - Part 2: Faults and switching Released:6/19/2015 Isbn:9782832227626
English and French language
265 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

IEC TR 60919-2 ®
Edition 2.2 2020-04
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-
commutated converters –
Part 2: Faults and switching
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from
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IEC Central Office Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
3, rue de Varembé
CH-1211 Geneva 20
About the IEC
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes
International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.

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IEC Just Published -
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IEC Customer Service Centre - entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC
If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR.

need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service

IEC TR 60919-2 ®
Edition 2.2 2020-04
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-

commutated converters –
Part 2: Faults and switching
ICS 29.200; 29.240.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-8263-2

IEC TR 60919-2 ®
Edition 2.2 2020-04
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-
commutated converters –
Part 2: Faults and switching
– 2 – IEC TR 60919-2:2008+AMD1:2015
+AMD2:2020 CSV  IEC 2020
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 9
3 Outline of HVDC transient performance specifications . 9
3.1 Transient performance specifications . 9
3.2 General comment . 10
4 Switching transients without faults . 10
4.1 General . 10
4.2 Energization and de-energization of a.c. side equipment . 10
4.3 Load rejection . 12
4.4 Start-up and shut-down of converter units . 13
4.5 Operation of d.c. breakers and d.c. switches . 13
5 AC system faults . 16
5.1 General . 16
5.2 Fault categories . 16
5.3 Specification matters affecting transient performance . 16
5.3.1 Effective a.c. system impedance . 16
5.3.2 Power transfer during faults . 17
5.3.3 Recovery following fault clearing . 17
5.3.4 Reactive power consumption during fault and post-fault recovery
periods . 18
5.3.5 Load rejection due to a.c. faults . 18
5.3.6 Switching of reactive power equipment . 19
5.3.7 Effects of harmonic voltages and current during faults . 19
5.3.8 Shift in control modes of operation . 20
5.3.9 Power modulation on the HVDC system . 20
5.3.10 Emergency power reductions . 20
5.4 Specification impact on control strategy . 20
6 AC filters, reactive power equipment and a.c. bus faults . 22
6.1 General . 22
6.2 Transient overvoltages in filter banks . 22
6.3 Transient overcurrents in filter and capacitor banks . 23
6.4 Capacitor unbalance protection . 23
6.5 Examples of protection of filters and capacitor banks . 24
6.6 Shunt reactor protection . 25
6.7 AC bus protection . 25
7 Converter unit faults . 27
7.1 General . 27
7.2 Short circuits . 27
7.3 Failure of converter unit to perform its intended function . 29
7.3.1 General . 29
7.3.2 Rectifier operation . 29
7.3.3 Inverter operation . 29
7.4 Converter unit protection . 30
7.4.1 Converter differential protection . 30
7.4.2 Overcurrent protection . 30

+AMD2:2020 CSV  IEC 2020
7.4.3 AC overvoltage protection . 30
7.4.4 Protection against large delay angle operation . 30
7.4.5 Commutation failure protection . 30
7.4.6 Thyristor valve protections . 30
7.4.7 Transformer protection . 30
7.4.8 Transformer tap-changer unbalance protection . 31
7.4.9 AC connection earth fault protection . 31
7.5 Additional protection aspects of series connected converter units . 31
7.6 Additional protection aspects of parallel connected converter units . 31
8 DC reactor, d.c. filter and other d.c. equipment faults . 34
8.1 General . 34
8.2 Fault types . 34
8.3 Protection zones . 34
8.4 Neutral protection . 35
8.4.1 General . 35
8.4.2 Neutral fault detection . 35
8.4.3 Neutral bus fault isolation . 35
8.4.4 Bipolar neutral bus faults . 35
8.5 DC reactor protection . 36
8.6 DC harmonic filter protection . 36
8.6.1 General . 36
8.6.2 Filter bank fault protection . 36
8.6.3 DC filter capacitor unit protection. 37
8.7 DC harmonic protection . 37
8.8 DC overvoltage protection . 37
8.9 DC side switching protection . 37
9 DC line faults . 40
9.1 Overhead line faults . 40
9.2 Cable faults . 41
9.3 DC fault characteristics . 41
9.4 Functional d.c. fault detection requirements . 41
9.5 Protective sequence . 42
9.5.1 Overhead line faults . 42
9.5.2 Faults in cable systems . 42
9.5.3 Faults in an overhead line/cable system . 42
9.5.4 Faults in one of a system of parallel-connected cables . 42
9.5.5 Fault in a system of parallel overhead lines . 43
9.6 Fault protection schemes . 43
9.7 Open circuit on the d.c. side . 43
9.8 Power line cross protection . 44
10 Earth electrode line faults . 44
10.1 General . 44
10.2 Specific requirements – Earth electrode line . 44
10.3 Electrode line supervision . 45
11 Metallic return conductor faults . 45
11.1 Conductor for the return circuit . 45
11.2 Metallic return faults . 45
11.3 Fault detection – Metallic return .

IEC/TR 60919-2
Edition 2.0 2008-11
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-
commutated converters –
Part 2: Faults and switching
Fonctionnement des systèmes à courant continu haute tension (CCHT) munis
de convertisseurs commutés par le réseau –
Partie 2: Défauts et manœuvres

IEC/TR 60919-2:2008
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or
IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester.
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IEC Central Office
3, rue de Varembé
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IEC/TR 60919-2
Edition 2.0 2008-11
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-
commutated converters –
Part 2: Faults and switching
Fonctionnement des systèmes à courant continu haute tension (CCHT) munis
de convertisseurs commutés par le réseau –
Partie 2: Défauts et manœuvres

ICS 29.200; 29.240.99 ISBN 978-2-88910-331-7
– 2 – TR 60919-2 © IEC:2008
1 Scope.8
2 Normative references .9
3 Outline of HVDC transient performance specifications .9
3.1 Transient performance specifications .9
3.2 General comment .10
4 Switching transients without faults.10
4.1 General .10
4.2 Energization and de-energization of a.c. side equipment .10
4.3 Load rejection .12
4.4 Start-up and shut-down of converter units .13
4.5 Operation of d.c. breakers and d.c. switches .13
5 AC system faults .15
5.1 General .15
5.2 Fault categories .16
5.3 Specification matters affecting transient performance.16
5.3.1 Effective a.c. system impedance.16
5.3.2 Power transfer during faults.16
5.3.3 Recovery following fault clearing .17
5.3.4 Reactive power consumption during fault and post-fault recovery
periods .18
5.3.5 Load rejection due to a.c. faults.18
5.3.6 Switching of reactive power equipment .19
5.3.7 Effects of harmonic voltages and current during faults .19
5.3.8 Shift in control modes of operation .19
5.3.9 Power modulation on the HVDC system.20
5.3.10 Emergency power reductions.20
5.4 Specification impact on control strategy .20
6 AC filters, reactive power equipment and a.c. bus faults .21
6.1 General .21
6.2 Transient overvoltages in filter banks .21
6.3 Transient overcurrents in filter and capacitor banks.22
6.4 Capacitor unbalance protection .23
6.5 Examples of protection of filters and capacitor banks .23
6.6 Shunt reactor protection .24
6.7 AC bus protection.24
7 Converter unit faults .27
7.1 General .27
7.2 Short circuits .27
7.3 Failure of converter unit to perform its intended function .28
7.3.1 General .28
7.3.2 Rectifier operation .28
7.3.3 Inverter operation .29
7.4 Converter unit protection .29
7.4.1 Converter differential protection.29
7.4.2 Overcurrent protection.29

TR 60919-2 © IEC:2008 – 3 –
7.4.3 AC overvoltage protection .29
7.4.4 Protection against large delay angle operation .29
7.4.5 Commutation failure protection .30
7.4.6 Thyristor valve protections.30
7.4.7 Transformer protection .30
7.4.8 Transformer tap-changer unbalance protection.30
7.4.9 AC connection earth fault protection .30
7.5 Additional protection aspects of series connected converter units .30
7.6 Additional protection aspects of parallel connected converter units .31
8 DC reactor, d.c. filter and other d.c. equipment faults .33
8.1 General .33
8.2 Fault types .34
8.3 Protection zones .34
8.4 Neutral protection.34
8.4.1 General .34
8.4.2 Neutral fault detection .34
8.4.3 Neutral bus fault isolation .35
8.4.4 Bipolar neutral bus faults .35
8.5 DC reactor protection .35
8.6 DC harmonic filter protection .35
8.6.1 General .35
8.6.2 Filter bank fault protection .36
8.6.3 DC filter capacitor unit protection.36
8.7 DC harmonic protection.36
8.8 DC overvoltage protection .36
8.9 DC side switching protection .37
9 DC line faults.38
9.1 Overhead line faults .38
9.2 Cable faults .39
9.3 DC fault characteristics .39
9.4 Functional d.c. fault detection requirements .40
9.5 Protective sequence.40
9.5.1 Overhead line faults .40
9.5.2 Faults in cable systems .40
9.5.3 Faults in an overhead

IEC TR 60919-2 ®
Edition 2.1 2015-06
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-
commutated converters –
Part 2: Faults and switching
Fonctionnement des systèmes à courant continu haute tension (CCHT) munis
de convertisseurs commutés par le réseau –
Partie 2: Défauts et manoeuvres

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IEC TR 60919-2 ®
Edition 2.1 2015-06
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-

commutated converters –
Part 2: Faults and switching
Fonctionnement des systèmes à courant continu haute tension (CCHT) munis

de convertisseurs commutés par le réseau –

Partie 2: Défauts et manoeuvres

ICS 29.200; 29.240.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-2762-6

IEC TR 60919-2 ®
Edition 2.1 2015-06
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-
commutated converters –
Part 2: Faults and switching
Fonctionnement des systèmes à courant continu haute tension (CCHT) munis
de convertisseurs commutés par le réseau –
Partie 2: Défauts et manoeuvres

– 2 – IEC TR 60919-2:2008
+AMD1:2015 CSV  IEC 2015
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 9
3 Outline of HVDC transient performance specifications . 9
3.1 Transient performance specifications . 9
3.2 General comment . 10
4 Switching transients without faults . 10
4.1 General . 10
4.2 Energization and de-energization of a.c. side equipment . 10
4.3 Load rejection . 12
4.4 Start-up and shut-down of converter units . 13
4.5 Operation of d.c. breakers and d.c. switches . 13
5 AC system faults . 15
5.1 General . 15
5.2 Fault categories . 16
5.3 Specification matters affecting transient performance . 16
5.3.1 Effective a.c. system impedance . 16
5.3.2 Power transfer during faults . 16
5.3.3 Recovery following fault clearing . 17
5.3.4 Reactive power consumption during fault and post-fault recovery
periods . 18
5.3.5 Load rejection due to a.c. faults . 18
5.3.6 Switching of reactive power equipment . 19
5.3.7 Effects of harmonic voltages and current during faults . 19
5.3.8 Shift in control modes of operation . 19
5.3.9 Power modulation on the HVDC system . 20
5.3.10 Emergency power reductions . 20
5.4 Specification impact on control strategy . 20
6 AC filters, reactive power equipment and a.c. bus faults . 22
6.1 General . 22
6.2 Transient overvoltages in filter banks . 22
6.3 Transient overcurrents in filter and capacitor banks . 23
6.4 Capacitor unbalance protection . 23
6.5 Examples of protection of filters and capacitor banks . 24
6.6 Shunt reactor protection . 25
6.7 AC bus protection . 25
7 Converter unit faults . 27
7.1 General . 27
7.2 Short circuits . 27
7.3 Failure of converter unit to perform its intended function . 29
7.3.1 General . 29
7.3.2 Rectifier operation . 29
7.3.3 Inverter operation . 29
7.4 Converter unit protection . 30
7.4.1 Converter differential protection . 30
7.4.2 Overcurrent protection . 30

+AMD1:2015 CSV  IEC 2015
7.4.3 AC overvoltage protection . 30
7.4.4 Protection against large delay angle operation . 30
7.4.5 Commutation failure protection . 30
7.4.6 Thyristor valve protections . 30
7.4.7 Transformer protection . 30
7.4.8 Transformer tap-changer unbalance protection . 31
7.4.9 AC connection earth fault protection . 31
7.5 Additional protection aspects of series connected converter units . 31
7.6 Additional protection aspects of parallel connected converter units . 31
8 DC reactor, d.c. filter and other d.c. equipment faults . 34
8.1 General . 34
8.2 Fault types . 34
8.3 Protection zones . 34
8.4 Neutral protection . 35
8.4.1 General . 35
8.4.2 Neutral fault detection . 35
8.4.3 Neutral bus fault isolation . 35
8.4.4 Bipolar neutral bus faults

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