IEC 62607-8-4:2024 specifies a measurement protocol to determine the key control characteristic
- activation energy of electronic trap states
for metal-oxide interfacial devices by
- low-frequency-noise spectroscopy
The noise spectra peak temperatures are obtained within a designated temperature range. Activation energies are then calculated based on the frequency dependence of the peak temperatures to analyse the energy levels associated with the electronic trap states. The activation energy is determined by the temperature dependence of the capture time at electron traps under the assumption that it is described by an Arrhenius function.
- In metal-oxide interfacial devices, electrical conductance is observed through an oxide nanolayer sandwiched between metal electrodes.
- The size of the conductive path in metal-oxide interfacial devices is dependent on the current value and is usually nanoscale in diameter, taking the form of a filamentary wire. This evaluation method is useful for analysing the electronic trap states in nanowires and other miniaturized devices that have nanolayers.

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ISO TS 80004-13:2024 This document defines terms for graphene, graphene-related two-dimensional (2D) materials and other 2D materials. It includes related terms for production methods, properties and characterization.
It is intended to facilitate communication between organizations and individuals in research, industry and other interested parties and those who interact with them.

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IEC TS 62607-6-30:2024 establishes a standardized method to determine the chemical key control characteristic
- anion concentration
for powder of graphene-based material by
- ion chromatography.
In this document, the measured anions are fluoride, chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, sulphate, and phosphate. These anions, present in the extraction solution of graphene-based materials, are separated into distinct elution bands on the ion chromatographic separation column and subsequently measured using a conductivity detector. Quantification of these anions is accomplished by establishing a proportional relationship between the measured signal (peak area or peak height) and the concentration of each anion. This is achieved by calibrating the system using a series of standards containing known amounts of each anion. Subsequently, unknown samples are analysed under the same conditions as the standards to determine their anion concentrations.
- Powder of graphene-based material addressed by this document includes graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide and functionalized graphene, graphene, bilayer graphene, trilayer graphene and few-layer graphene.
Note: This document can also be used for other carbonaceous material such as graphite and graphite oxide.
- This document targets graphene-based material manufacturers and downstream users to guide their material design, production and quality control.

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IEC TS 62607-2-6:2024 which is a technical specification, specifies a protocol for determining the key control characteristic
- thermal diffusivity
for vertically-aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT) films grown on solid substrates by
- flash method.
A light pulse from a flash lamp or a laser is irradiated onto the front surface (substrate side) of the VACNT film on solid substrates. Then, the temperature change of the other side of the specimen is monitored in real time after the pulse irradiation. The thermal diffusivity of the VACNT film can be analysed from the time variation of this temperature change.
- This method is applicable for evaluating the thermal transport properties of the VACNT films that can be used as thermal interface materials in electronics assembly.

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IEC TS 62607-9-2:2024, which is a Technical Specification, establishes a standardized method to determine the key control characteristic
• magnetic field distribution
of nanomagnetic materials, structures and devices by the
• magneto-optical indicator film technique.
The magnetic field distribution is derived by utilizing a magneto optical indicator film, which is a thin film of magneto-optic material that is placed on the surface of an object exhibiting a spatially varying magnetic field distribution. The Faraday effect is then employed to measure the magnetic field strength by analysing the rotation of the polarization plane of light passing through the magneto-optic film.
The method is applicable for measuring the stray field distribution of flat nanomagnetic materials, structures and devices.
- The method can especially be used to perform fast quantitative measurements of stray field distributions at the surface of an object.
- The magneto-optic indicator film technique (MOIF) is a fast, non-destructive method, making it an attractive option for materials analysis and testing in the industry.
- MOIF measurements can be done without any sample preparation and do not rely on specific surface properties of the object. It can be applied to the characterization of rough samples as well as of samples with non-magnetic cover layers.
- MOIF can quantitatively measure magnetic field distributions:
• with a one-shot measurement which typically takes a few seconds
• over areas of several square centimetres (over diameters of up to 15 cm with special techniques)
• in a field range from 1 mT to more than 100 mT
• with down to 1 µm spatial resolution
- Although techniques with nano-scale resolution are suitable for analysing the details of magnetic field structure, their ability to characterize larger areas is limited by their scanning area. Therefore, the MOIF technique is an indispensable complementary method that can offer a more comprehensive understanding of material properties.
This document focuses on the calibration procedures, calibrated measurement process, and evaluation of measurement uncertainty to ensure the traceability of quantitative magnetic field measurements obtained through the magneto-optic indicator film technique.

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IEC TS 62607-6-12:2024 establishes a standardized method to determine the key control characteristic
- number of layers
for films consisting of graphene by
- Raman spectroscopy and
- optical reflection.
Criteria for the determination of the number of layers are the G-peak integrated intensity and the optical contrast. Both methods enable to distinguish between graphene and multilayer graphene. However, neither method on its own nor the combination of the two enable a determination of the number of layers in all possible cases (especially regarding all possible stacking angles). But the comparison of the values deduced by each method allows to discriminate whether the determined number of layers is correct and can be specified or not.
- The method is applicable to exfoliated graphene and graphene grown on or transferred to a substrate with a small defect density, low surface contamination (e.g. transfer residue) and number of layers up to 5.
- The method is suitable for the following substrates:
a) glass (soda lime glass or similar with a refractive index between 1,45 and 1,55 at 532 nm);
b) oxidized silicon (SiO2 on silicon, with a SiO2 thickness of 90 nm ± 5 nm).
- The spatial resolution is in the order of 1 µm given by the spot size of the exciting laser.

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IEC TS 62607-6-4:2024 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 113: Nanotechnology for electrotechnical products and systems. It is a Technical Specification.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) changed the document title to better reflect its purpose and application:
old title: Graphene – Surface conductance measurement using resonant cavity
new title: Graphene based materials – Surface conductance: non-contact microwave resonant cavity method.
b) replaced former Figure 1 with new Figure 1 and Figure 2, to better illustrate the method’s fundamentals and its implementation for a non-technical reader.
This part of IEC 62607 establishes a standardized method to determine the key control characteristic
a) surface conductance
for films of graphene and graphene-based materials by the
b) non-contact microwave resonant cavity method
The non-contact microwave resonant cavity method monitors the microwave resonant frequency shifts and changes in the cavity’s quality factor during the insertion of the specimen into the microwave cavity, as a function of the specimen surface area. The empty cavity is an air-filled standard R100 rectangular waveguide operated at one of the resonant frequency modes, typically at 7,5 GHz [4].
1) The method is applicable for graphene materials which are synthesized by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) on metal substrates, epitaxial growth on silicon carbide (SiC), obtained from reduced graphene oxide (rGO), or mechanically exfoliated from graphite [5].
2) This measurement does not explicitly depend on the thickness of the nano-carbon layer. The thickness of the specimen does not need to be known, but it is assumed that the lateral dimensions are uniform over the specimen area.
NOTE In some countries, the R100 standard waveguide is referenced as WR-90.

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IEC TS 62607-8-3:2023 This part of IEC 62607, which is a Technical Specification, specifies a measurement protocol to determine the key control characteristics
- analogue resistance change, and
- resistance fluctuation
for nano-enabled metal-oxide interfacial devices by
- electrical resistance measurement.
Analogue resistance change as a function of applied voltage pulse is measured in metal-oxide interfacial devices. The linearity in the relationship of the variation of conductance and the pulse number is evaluated using the parameter fitting. The parameter of the resistance fluctuation is simultaneously computed in the fitting process.
- This method is applicable for evaluating computing devices composed of the metal-oxide interfacial device, for example, product-sum circuits, which record the learning process as the analogue resistance change.

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IEC TS 62607-7-2:2023 specifies the efficiency testing of photovoltaic cells (excluding multi-junction cells) under indoor light. Although it is primarily intended for nano-enabled photovoltaic cells (organic thin-film, dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC), and Perovskite solar cells), it can also be applied to other types of photovoltaic cells, such as Si, CIGS, GaAs cells, and so on.

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ISO 80004-1:2023 This document defines core terms in the field of nanotechnology. This document is intended to facilitate communication between organizations and individuals in industry and those who interact with them.

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IEC TS 62607-6-8:2023 establishes a method to determine the key control characteristic sheet resistance RS [measured in ohm per square (Ω/sq)], by the in-line four-point probe method, 4PP.
The sheet resistance RS is derived by measurements of four-terminal electrical resistance performed on four electrodes placed on the surface of the planar sample.
The measurement range for RS of the graphene samples with the method described in this document goes from 10−2 Ω/sq to 104 Ω/sq.
The method is applicable for CVD graphene provided it is transferred to quartz substrates or other insulating materials (quartz, SiO2 on Si, as well as graphene grown from silicon carbide.
The method is complementary to the van der Pauw method (IEC 62607-6-7) for what concerns the measurement of the sheet resistance and can be useful when it is not possible to reliably place contacts on the sample boundary.

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IEC TS 62607-6-7:2023 establishes a method to determine the key control characteristics sheet resistance RS [measured in ohm per square (Ω/sq)], by the van der Pauw method, vdP.
The sheet resistance RS is derived by measurements of four-terminal electrical resistance performed on four electrical contacts placed on the boundary of the planar sample and calculated with a mathematical expression involving the two resistance measurements.
The measurement range for RS of the graphene samples with the method described in this document goes from 10−2 Ω/sq to 104 Ω/sq.
The method is applicable for CVD graphene provided it is transferred to quartz substrates or other insulating materials (quartz, SiO2 on Si), as well as graphene grown from silicon carbide.
The method is complementary to the in-line four-point-probe method (4PP, IEC 62607-6-8) for what concerns the measurement of the sheet resistance and can be applied when it is possible to reliably place contacts on the sample boundary, avoiding the sample being scratched by the 4PP.
The outcome of the van der Pauw method is independent of the contact position provided the sample is uniform, which is typically not true for graphene at this stage. This document considers the case of samples with non-strictly uniform conductivity distribution and suggests a way to consider the sample inhomogeneity as a component of the uncertainty on RS.

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IEC TS 62565-5-1:2023, which is a Technical Specification, establishes a blank detail specification (BDS) for nanoporous activated carbon used for electrochemical capacitors.
Numeric values for the key control characteristics are left blank as they will be specified between customer and supplier in the detail specification (DS). In the DS key control characteristics can be added or removed if agreed between customer and supplier.

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IEC TS 62565-1:2023 which is a Technical Specification, defines the system of blank detail specifications for nanomaterials and nano-assemblies as well as final nano-enabled products addressed in the nanomanufacturing value chain.
It defines the concepts of blank detail specification (BDS), detail specification (DS) and key control characteristic (KCC). Furthermore, it provides guidelines how to develop and use product specifications, particularly the IEC 62565 series, in the field of nanotechnology.
This document also provides guidelines regarding the certification and reliability aspects for products specified by a DS and associated KCCs.
NOTE 1 The IEC 62565 series uses an open generic structure that can be flexibly adapted to technical developments. The double indexing of the individual parts allows grouping into technology areas without restriction due to an overly strict hierarchical structure.
NOTE 2 Key elements of the IEC 62565 series are a consensus-based set of key control characteristics (KCCs) with clear definitions and standardized measurement procedures to measure them.

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IEC TS 62607-6-17:2023 establishes a standardized method to determine the key control characteristic order parameter for graphene-based material and layered carbon material by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy.
The order parameter is analysed from two perspectives: z-axis and x-y-axis. In the z-axis the order parameter is derived from the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of peak (002) in the XRD spectrum. In the x-y-axis, it is derived from the FWHM of peak (100) corresponding to diffraction patterns obtained by SAED (selected area electron diffraction) technique, which is routinely performed on most transmission electron microscopes in the world.
The method is applicable for graphene-based material and layered carbon material including graphite, expanded graphite, amorphous carbon, vitreous carbon or glassy carbon, the structures of which are clarified by other characterization techniques.
The method is applicable for differentiating few-layer graphene or reduced graphene oxide from layered carbon material.
Typical application area is quality control in manufacturing to ensure batch-to-batch reproducibility.
NOTE Graphene oxide, one type of graphene-based material, is not within the scope of this document.

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IEC TS 62607-6-2:2023 establishes a standardized method to determine the key control characteristic
- number of layers
for graphene flakes by a combination of
- atomic force microscopy,
- optical transmission, and
- Raman spectroscopy

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IEC TS 62607-6-18:2022(E) establishes a standardized method to determine the chemical key control characteristic
functional groups  for functionalized graphene-based material and graphene oxide by
thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), referred to as TGA-FTIR.  The content of functional groups is derived by changes in mass of the sample as a function of temperature using TGA. Materials evolved during these mass changes are then analysed using coupled FTIR to identify functional groups.
The functional groups determined according to this document will be listed as a key control characteristic in the blank detail specification for graphene IEC 62565-3-1 for graphene powder.
The method is applicable for functionalized graphene powder and graphene oxide that can be pyrolysed and gasified with elevated temperature during TGA.
Typical application areas are quality control for graphene manufacturers, and product selection for downstream users.

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IEC TS 62607-6-5:2022(E) establishes a standardized method to determine the key control characteristics
contact resistance, and
sheet resistance  for graphene-based materials and other two-dimensional materials by a
transmission line measurement.  The method uses test structures applied to the 2D material by photolithographic methods consisting of several metal electrodes with increasing spacing between the electrodes. By a measurement of the voltage drop between different pairs of electrodes, sheet resistance and contact resistance can be calculated.
The method can be applied to any other two-dimensional materials which are subject to electrical metal contact on top of the materials.
The method provides accurate and reproducible results, if the electrical contact formed between the two-dimensional material and the metal electrodes provides ohmic contact property.

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IEC TS 62607-5-4:2022 specifies the measuring method of the band gap energy of a nanomaterial using electron energy loss data of transmission electron microscope.
The method specified in this document is applicable to semiconducting and insulating nanomaterials to estimate the band gap.
The measurement to get reliable data is performed under the consistent conditions of TEM observation and specimen thickness. The applicable measurement range of band gap energy is more than 2 eV.

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IEC TS 62607:2022 establishes a standardized method to determine the key control characteristic
carrier concentration  for semiconducting two-dimensional materials by the
field effect transistor (FET) method.  For semiconducting two-dimensional materials, the carrier concentration is evaluated using a field effect transistor (FET) test by a measurement of the voltage shift obtained from transfer curve upon doping process. The FET test structure consists of three terminals of source, drain, and gate where voltage is applied to induce the transistor action. Transfer curves are obtained by measuring drain current while applying varied gate voltage and constant drain voltage with respect to the source which is grounded.

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IEC TS 62607-2-5:2022 specifies the protocols for determining the mass density of vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTs) by X-ray absorption method. This document outlines experimental procedures, data formats, and some case studies. These protocols are applicable to VACNT films with thickness larger than several tens of micrometres. There are no limitations in materials for substrate.

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IEC TS 62607-6-22:2022 establishes a standardized method to determine the key control characteristic
ash content  of powder and dispersion of graphene-based material by
incineration.  The ash content is derived by residue obtained after incineration under the operating conditions specified in this document, being divided by the mass of the dried test portion.
The method is applicable for graphene, graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide in forms of both dry powder and dispersion. This document can be used as reference for graphite oxide and other modified graphene.
Typical application areas of this method are research, manufacturer and downstream user to guide material processing and quality control.

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IEC TS 62607-6-20:2022 (EN) IEC TS 62607 establishes a standardized method to determine the chemical key control characteristic
- metallic impurity content
for powders of graphene-based materials by
- inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
The metallic impurity content is derived by the signal intensity of measured elements through MS spectrum of ICP-MS.
- The method is applicable for powder of graphene and related materials, including bilayer graphene (2LG), trilayer graphene (3LG), few-layer graphene (FLG), reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and graphene oxide (GO).
– The typical application area is in the microelectronics industry, e.g. conductive pastes, displays, etc., for manufacturers to guide material design, and for downstream users to select suitable products.

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IEC TS 62607-6-21:2022 establishes a standardized method to determine the chemical key control characteristics
- elemental composition, and
- C/O ratio
for powders of graphene-based materials by
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
The elemental composition (species and relative abundance) is derived by the elemental binding energy and integral peak area at corresponding portion of XPS spectrum.
- The elemental composition refers to main elements in graphene powders, typically including carbon (C), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S) , chloride (Cl) and silicon (Si).
- This document is applicable to graphene powders consisting of graphene, bilayer graphene (2LG), trilayer graphene (3LG), few-layer graphene (FLG), graphene nanoplate (GNP), reduced graphene oxide (rGO), graphene oxide (GO), and functionalized graphene powders.
- Typical application areas are the microelectronics and thermal management industries, e.g. batteries, integrated circuits, high-frequency electronics. This document can be used by manufacturers in research and development and by downstream users for product selection.

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IEC 62565-5-2:2022(E) which is a Technical Specification, establishes a blank detail specification that lists the relevant key control characteristics (KCC) including chemical, physical, structural, and electrochemical characteristics of nano-enabled electrode for electrochemical capacitors. Electrodes of both electric double layer capacitors and pseudo capacitors with nano/ nanostructured materials such as nanoporous activated carbon, graphene, carbon nanotube, carbon black, carbon aerogel, carbon nanomaterial coating collector, etc., are included. For other electrodes, this document can be used for reference.
In addition, this document enables the customer to specify requirements in a standardized manner and to verify through standardized methods that the nano-enabled electrode of the electrochemical capacitors meets the required properties.

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IEC TS 62876-3-1:2022(E) establishes a standardized method to determine the
• stability
of films of graphene-based material by a
• temperature and humidity test.
It establishes a general methodology for reliability stress screening (RSS) to qualify the use of graphene-based material in its subsequent product value stage. The intention is to prepare test samples undergoing the same or similar failure mechanisms as the graphene-based material in the final product.

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IEC TS 62607-6-11:2022(EN) establishes a standardized method to determine the key control characteristic
• defect density nD
of graphene films grown by chemical vapour deposition as well as exfoliated graphene flakes by
• Raman spectroscopy

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IEC 62607-6-9:2022(EN) establishes a standardized method to determine the key control characteristic
• sheet resistance
for films of graphene-based materials by
• eddy current method.

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ISO TS 23302:2021 This document specifies requirements and recommendations for the identification of measurands to characterize nano-objects and their agglomerates and aggregates, and to assess specific properties relevant to the performance of materials that contain them. It provides recommendations for relevant measurement.

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IEC TS 62607-6-19:2021(E) establishes a standardized method to determine the chemical key control characteristic
• elemental composition
for powder consisting of graphene-based material by
• CS analyser and ONH analyser.
The method as described in this document determines the content of carbon (C), sulfur (S), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H).
The carbon (C) and sulfur (S) content in graphene powder is derived by the content of converted CO, CO2 and SO2, which is determined by infrared gas detector (IGD) using a non-dispersive infrared adsorption method in CS analyser.
The content of oxygen (O), nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H) in graphene powder is derived by ONH analyser using pyrolysis method. The O content is obtained according to the content of converted CO and CO2, which is determined by IGD using a non-dispersive infrared adsorption method. The N content is obtained according to the content of converted N2, which is determined by a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) method. The H content is obtained by measuring converted H2 or H2O, corresponding to TCD or IGD method.
• The method is applicable for graphene, graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) in powder form.

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IEC TS 62607-9-1:2021(E) establishes a standardized method to characterize spatially varying magnetic fields with a spatial resolution down to 10 nm for flat magnetic specimens by magnetic force microscopy (MFM). MFM primarily detects the stray field component perpendicular to the sample surface. The resolution is achieved by the calibration of the MFM tip using magnetically nanostructured reference materials.

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IEC TS 62607-6-10:2021(E) establishes a standardized method to determine the electrical key control characteristic
– sheet resistance (Rs)
for films of graphene-based materials by
– terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS).
In this technique, a THz pulse is sent to the graphene-based material. The transmitted or reflected THz waveform is measured in the time domain and transformed to the frequency domain by the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Finally, the spectrum is fitted to the Drude model (or another comparable model) to obtain the sheet resistance.
• This non-contact inspection method is non-destructive, fast and robust for the mapping of large areas of graphene films, with no upper sample size limit.
• The method is applicable for statistical process control, comparison of graphene films produced by different vendors, or to obtain information about imperfections on the microscale such as grain boundaries and defects, etc.
• The method is applicable for graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) or other methods on or transferred to dielectric substrates, including but not limited to quartz, silica (SiO2), silicon (Si), sapphire, silicon carbide (SiC) and polymers.
• The minimum spatial resolution is in the order of 300 µm (at 1 THz) given by the diffraction limited spot size of the THz pulse.

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IEC TS 62607-6-6:2021(E) establishes a standardized method to determine the structural key control characteristic
• strain uniformity
for single-layer graphene by
• Raman spectroscopy.
The width of the 2D-peak in the Raman spectrum is analysed to calculate the strain uniformity parameter which is a figure of merit to quantify the influence of nano-scale strain variations on the electronic properties of the layer. The classification will help manufacturers to classify their material quality to provide an upper limit of the electronic performance of the characterized graphene, to decide whether or not the graphene material quality is potentially suitable for various applications.

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ISO TS 22292:2021 This document provides guidance for sample preparation, data acquisition by transmission electron microscopy, data processing, and three-dimensional image reconstruction to measure size and shape parameters of nano-objects on rod-shaped supports. The method is applicable to samples dispersed on or within an electron-transparent rod-shaped support.

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This document defines terms related to the characterization of nano-objects in the field of nanotechnologies.
It is intended to facilitate communication between organizations and individuals in research, industry and other interested parties and those who interact with them.

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  • Technical specification
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IEC TR 63258:2021 is a Technical Report focused on the practical protocol of ellipsometry to evaluate the thickness of nanoscale films. This document does not include any specification of the ellipsometers, but suggests how to minimize the data variation to improve data reproducibility.

  • Technical report
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This document specifies the sequence of methods for characterizing the structural properties of graphene, bilayer graphene and graphene nanoplatelets from powders and liquid dispersions using a range of measurement techniques typically after the isolation of individual flakes on a substrate. The properties covered are the number of layers/thickness, the lateral flake size, the level of disorder, layer alignment and the specific surface area. Suggested measurement protocols, sample preparation routines and data analysis for the characterization of graphene from powders and dispersions are given.

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IEC TS 62607-8-2:2021 There are two types of thermally stimulated current (TSC) measurement methods, classified by the origin of the current. One is generated by the detrapping of charges. The other one is generated by depolarization. The latter is frequently called thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC). This part of IEC 62607 focuses on the latter method, and specifies the measurement procedures to be developed for determining polarization properties of metal-oxide interfacial devices.
IEC TS 62607-8-2:2021 includes:
- outlines of the experimental procedures used to measure TSDC,
- methods of interpretation of results and discussion of data analysis, and
- case studies.

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This document defines terms related to carbon nano-objects in the field of nanotechnologies.
It is intended to facilitate communication between organizations' and individuals' research, industry and other interested parties and those who interact with them. Additional terms and definitions for graphene and two-dimensional materials (2D) materials are provided in ISO/TS 80004-13.
Related carbon nanoscale materials are given in Annex A.

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  • Technical specification
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This document defines terms related to nanomanufacturing processes in the field of nanotechnologies.
All the process terms in this document are relevant to nanomanufacturing, however, many of the listed processes are not exclusively relevant to the nanoscale. Terms that are not exclusive are noted within the definitions. Depending on controllable conditions, such processes can result in material features at the nanoscale or, alternatively, at larger scales.
There are many other terms that name tools, components, materials, systems control methods or metrology methods associated with nanomanufacturing that are beyond the scope of this document.
Terms and definitions from other parts of the ISO/TS 80004 series are reproduced in Clause 3 for context and better understanding.

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  • Technical specification
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IEC TS 62607-6-14:2020 establishes a standardized method to determine the structural key control characteristic
• defect level
for powders consisting of graphene-based material by
• Raman spectroscopy.
The defect level is derived by the intensity ratio of the D+D′ band and 2D band in Raman spectrum, ID+D′/I2D.
• The defect level determined in accordance with this document will be listed as a key control characteristic in the blank detail specification for graphene IEC 62565-3-1 for graphene powder.
• The method is applicable for graphene powder or graphene-based material, e.g. reduced graphene oxide (rGO), bilayer graphene, trilayer graphene and few-layer graphene.
• Typical application areas are quality control and classification for graphene manufacturers, and product selection for downstream users.
• The method described in this document is appropriate if the physical form of graphene is powder.

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IEC TS 62607:2020 establishes a standardized method to determine the structural key control characteristic
– domain size
for films consisting of graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) on copper by
– substrate oxidation.
It provides a fast, facile and reliable method to evaluate graphene domains formed on copper foil or copper film for understanding the effect of the graphene domain size on properties of graphene and enhancing the performance of high speed, flexible, and transparent devices using CVD graphene.
– The domain size determined in accordance with this document will be listed as a key control characteristic in the blank detail specification for graphene IEC 62565-3-1. Domain density is an equivalent measure.
– The domain size as derived by this method is defined as the mean value of size of the domains in the observed area specified by supplier in terms of cm2 or µm2.
– The method is applicable for graphene grown on copper by CVD. The characterization is done on the copper foil before transfer to the final substrate.
– As the method is destructive, the samples cannot be re-launched into the fabrication process.

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IEC 62607:2020, a Technical Specification, provides a method for determining the fluorescence lifetime of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) using the time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) technique. TCSPC is suitable for testing fluorescence lifetime in the range from picoseconds to nanoseconds. This document is only applicable to liquid samples that are stable dispersions of QDs. It is not applicable to solid samples.
This document includes:
– outlines of the experimental procedures,
– data processing, and
– case study.

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IEC TS 62607-6-13:2020 establishes a standardized method to determine the chemical key control characteristic
• oxygen functional group content on graphite oxide, graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide and other types of functionalized graphene by
• Boehm titration method.
In this document, the measured functional groups are carboxyl groups (also in the form of their cyclic anhydrides), lactone groups, hydroxyl groups and reactive carbonyl groups. Oxygen functional groups that exhibit no reactivity such as epoxides cannot be measured
The contents of the corrigendum 1 of October 2020 have been included in this copy.

  • Technical specification
    32 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62607-6-1:2020 establishes a standardized method to determine the electrical key control characteristic
– volume resistivity
for powder consisting of graphene-based material like flakes of graphene, few layer graphene and/or reduced graphene oxide after preparation of a sample in pellet form by
– four probe method
using powder resistivity measurement system.
The volume resistivity is a measure of the quality of powder-type graphene products in terms of electrical property and reflects the density-dependency shown in a pellet of powder-type graphene.
The volume conductivity can directly be derived from the volume resistivity.
Typical application areas are industries that use powder-type graphene products for graphene manufacture, potential developers, and users who produce graphene-based products. As the volume resistivity measured according to this document requires the preparation of a sample in the form of a pellet, this document describes in detail
– an apparatus to prepare consistently a test sample, the pellet,
– the preparation of the pellet starting from powder-type graphene,
– the measurement procedure to measure the volume resistivity (or volume conductivity) of the pellet, and
– the data analysis, the interpretation and reporting of the results.

  • Technical specification
    32 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62607-5-3:2020 specifies sample structures for evaluating a wide range of charge carrier concentration in organic/nano materials. This specification is provided for both capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements in metal/insulator/semiconductor stacking structures and Hall-effect measurements with the van der Pauw configuration. Criteria for choosing measurement methods of charge carrier concentration in organic semiconductor layers are also given in this document.

  • Technical specification
    20 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62607-8-1:2020 There are two types of thermally stimulated current (TSC) measurement methods, classified by the origin of the current. One is generated by the detrapping of charges. The other one is generated by depolarization. IEC TS 62607-8-1:2020 focuses on the former method, and specifies the measurement method to be developed for determining defect states of nano-enabled metal-oxide interfacial devices.
IEC TS 62607-8-1:2020 includes:
– outlines of the experimental procedures used to measure TSC,
– methods of interpretation of results and discussion of data analysis, and
– case studies.

  • Technical specification
    29 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62607-2-4:2020 specifies the test method for determining the resistivity and the contact resistance of an individual CNT and the dependability of the measurement.
This document includes:
– outlines of the experimental procedures used to measure resistance of carbon nanotubes,
– methods of interpretation of results and discussion of data analysis, and
– case studies.

  • Technical specification
    19 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62607-4-8:2020 specifies a test method for the determination of water content in electrode nanomaterials for nano-enabled electrical energy storage devices, using the Karl Fischer coulometric titration method.
This document includes:
- recommendations for sample preparation,
- outlines of the experimental procedures used to measure electrode nanomaterial properties, and
- methods of interpretation of results and discussion of data analysis.
IEC TS 62607-4-8:2020 is not applicable for samples that can react with the main components of Karl Fischer reagent and produce water, or samples that can react with iodine or iodide ion.

  • Technical specification
    17 pages
    English language
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