Aromatic natural raw materials — Vocabulary

Matières premières aromatiques d'origine naturelle — Vocabulaire

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ISO 9235:1997
English language
12 pages
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First edition
Premibe edition
1997-04-I 5
Aromatic natural raw materials -
Matihres premhes aromatiques d’origine
- Vocabulaire
Reference number
Numbo de reference
IS0 9235: 1997( E/F)

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IS0 9235:1997(E/F)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are cir-
culated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard IS0 9235 was prepared by Technical Committee
I SO/TC 54, Essential oils.
0 IS0 1997
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@ IS0 IS0 9235:1997(E/F)
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation
mondiale d’organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de
HSO). L’elaboration des Normes internationales est en general confiee aux
comites techniques de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre inter-es& par une
etude a le droit de faire partie du comite technique tree a cet effet. Les
organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernemen-
tales, en liaison avec I’ISO participent egalement aux travaux. L’ISO colla-
bore etroitement avec la Commission electrotechnique internationale (CEI)
en ce qui concerne la normalisation electrotechnique.
Les projets de Normes internationales adopt& par les comites techniques
sont soumis aux comites membres pour vote. Leur publication comme
75 % au moins des co-
Normes internationales requiert I’approbation de
mites membres votants.
La Norme internationale IS0 9235 a ete elaboree par le comite technique
I SOJTC 54, Huiles essentielles.

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IS0 9235:1997(E/F)
Matihes premikres
Aromatic natural raw
materials - Vocabulary aromatiques d’origine
naturelle - Vocabulaire
Domaine d’application
La presente Norme internationale prescrit des termes
This International Standard specifies terms and defi-
et definitions, en anglais et en francais, concernant les
nitions, in English and French, relating to aromatic
mat&es premieres aromatiques d’origine naturelle.
natural raw materials.
Terms and definitions Termes et dbfinitions
NOTE - Dans les definitions suivantes, les termes appar-
NOTE - In the following definitions, the terms appearing
in the alphabetical index are in semi-bold type. Within each tenant a I’index alphabetique figurent en caracteres demi-
gras. Dans chaque definition, il est fait reference au numero
definition, reference is made to the number where they are
ou ils sont definis.
1 Raw materials 1 Matkres premkes
natural raw material matiikre premiere d’origine naturelle
raw material of vegetable, animal or microbiological matiere premiere d’origine vegetale, animale ou
origin, including the products derived from this ma- microbiologique, y compris les produits derives de
terial by enzymatic processes or by traditional pro- cette mat&e premiere obtenus par des voies enzy-
matiques ou des procedes traditionnels de preparation
cedures of preparation (e.g. drying, torrefaction or
fermentation) (par exemple chauffage, torrefaction, fermentation)
1.2 1.2
exudate exsudat
natural raw material (1 .I ) excreted by plants either matihre premihre d’origine naturelle (I. 1) excretee
spontaneously or after wounding par les plantes a la suite d’une agression naturelle ou

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IS0 9235:1997(E/F)
1.2.1 1.2-I
natural oleoresin ol6or6sine naturelle
exsudat (1.2) principalement constitue de composes
exudate (1.2) consisting mainly of volatile and resin-
ous constituents resineux et de composes volatils
EXAMPLES - Pine oleoresin, gurjum. EXEMPLES - Gemme du pin, baume de gurjum.
okorbsine naturelle (1.2.1) caracterisee notamment
natural oleoresin (1.2.1) characterized by the pres-
ence of benzoic and/or cinnamic derivatives par la presence de derives benzo’l’ques et/au cinnami-
EXAMPLES - Peru balsam, Tolu balsam, benzoin,
EXEMPLES - Baume du Perou, baume de Tolu,
benjoin, styrax.
I .2.2 1.2.2
exudate (1.2) consisting mainly of polysaccharides exsudat (1.2) principalement constitue de poly-
EXAMPLES - Gum arabic, tragacanth gum.
EXEMPLES - Gomme arabique, gomme adragante.
I .2.3
gun resin gomme-rksine
exudate (1.2) consisting mainly of resinous constitu- exsudat (1.2) principalement constitue de composes
resineux et de gommes
ents and gums
EXEMPLE - Gomme-laque.
EXAMPLE - Shellac gum.
I .2.4
gum oleoresin
exudate (1.2) consisting mainly of resinous constitu- exsudat (1.2) principalement constitue de composes
resineux, de gommes et de certaines quantites de
ents, gums and certain amounts of volatile constitu-
composes volatils
EXEMPLES - Myrrhe, encens, opopanax,
EXAMPLES - Myrrh, olibanum, opoponax, gal-
2 Produits d&iv&: Produits rksineux
2 Derived products: Resinous materials
produit obtenu a partir d’une olborksine naturelle
product obtained from naturall oleoresins (1.2.1) by
removing as far as possible the volatile constituents (I .2.1), par elimination aussi complete que possible
des composes volatils
EXAMPLE - Rosin.
EXEMPLE - Colophane.

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IS0 9235:1997(E/F)
0 IS0
3 Produits d&iv&: Produits volatils
3 Derived products: Volatile products
essential oil huile essentielle
produit obtenu a partir d’une mat&e premiere
product obtained from vegetable raw material
d’origine &g&ale,
- either by distillation with water or steam, or
- soit par entra’inement a la vapeur d’eau,
- from the epicarp of Citrus fruits by a mechanical
- soit par des procedes mecaniques a partir de I’epi-
process, or
- by dry distillation carpe des Citrus,
- soit par distillation s&he
NOTE - The essential oil is subsequently separated from
NOTE L’huile esse ntielle est ensuite skparke de la
the aqueous phase by physical means.
phase euse pa r des pro&d 6s p hysiques.
huile essentielle obtenue par entrainement &
essential oil obtained by steam distillation
la vapeur d’eau
essential oil (3.1) obtained by distillation with or with-
huile essentielle (3.1) distillee a la vapeur d’eau avec
out water in a still
ou sans presence d’eau dans I’alambic
EXAMPLES - Pepper oil (with water); lavender oil
EXEMPLES - Huile essentielle de poivre (presence
(without water).
d’eau); huile essentielle de lavande (sans presence
cold-pressed essential oil huile essentielle exprim6e & froid
huile essentielle (3.1) obtenue a partir de I’epicarpe
essential oil (3.1) obtained from the epicarp of Citrus
des fruits de Citrus par des procedes mecaniques, a
fruits by mechanical means at room temperature
temperature ambiante
huile essentielle de jus de fruits
essence oil
huile essentielle (3.1) obtenue a partir des jus de
essential oil (3.1) obtained from fruit juices during
fruits pendant leur concentration ou pendant le traite-
concentration or UHT (flash pasteurization) treatment
ment rapide a ultra haute temperature (traitement
3.2 Huiles essentielles obtenues sans
3.2 Essential oils obtained without signifi-
changements significatifs de leur
cant changes in their composition
3.2. I
huile essentielle rectifihe
rectified essential oil
essential oil (3.1) which has been subjected to frac- huile essentielle (3.1) qui a ete soumise a une dis-
tillation fraction&e afin de modifier sa teneur en cer-
tional distillation in order to modify the content of cer-
tains composes
tain constituents
EXAMPLES - EXEMPLES - Huiles essentielles de menthes.
Mint essential oils.

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@ IS0
IS0 9235:1997(E/F)
3.3 Huiles essentielles obtenues avec des
3.3 Essential oils obtained with significant
changes in their composition changements significatifs de leur
“terpene-less” essential oil huile essentielle ~~de%erpenee~~
huile essentielle (3.1) de laquelle les hydrocarbures
essential oil (3.1) from which the monoterpenic
hydrocarbons have been mainly removed monoterpeniques ont ete en grande partie elimines
3.3.2 3.3.2
huile essentielle ~~d6terpenee~~ et
“terpene- and sesquiterpene-less” essential
oil ~~d6sesquiterpenee~~
huile essentielle (3.1) de laquelle les hydrocarbures
essential oil (3.1) from which the mono- and ses-
quiterpenic hydrocarbons have been mainly removed mono- et sesquiterpeniques ont ete en grande partie
3.3.3 3.3.3
huile essentielle privee de MXBB
“x-less” essential oil
essential oil (3.1) from which the component “xl’ has huile essentielle (3.1) de laquelle un constituant ((x)) a
been partly or completely removed ete partiellement ou totalement elimine
EXAMPLES - Essential oil of bergamot with partially EXEMPLES - Huile essentielle de bergamote privee
de bergaptene; huile essentielle de /Wentha arvensis
reduced bergapten content; essential oil of /Wentha
amensis with partially reduced menthol content. partie

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