Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture technology — AIDC application in industrial construction

This document specifies the identification, data, information services, application guidance aspects and applicable requirements of automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technology for different items and their hierarchy in industrial construction during their whole life cycle. This document — provides unique identification for items in industrial construction, — specifies the semantics and data syntax to be used, — specifies the data carriers to be used on items of various categories, substitutes and sizes, — makes recommendations about the metadata of the items, — specifies the application test method and parameters based on the large-scale test and scientific sampling rules, — defines the information services protocol to be used as an interface between business applications and the AIDC system, and — makes guidance for designers, workers, engineers, managers, end users and maintainers about the AIDC application in their daily work.

Technologies de l'information — Technologie d'identification automatique et de capture de données — Application de l'AIDC pour la construction industrielle

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ISO/IEC 8506:2024 - Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture technology — AIDC application in industrial construction Released:13. 09. 2024
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ISO/IEC 8506
First edition
Information technology —
Automatic identification and
data capture technology —
AIDC application in industrial
Technologies de l'information — Technologie d'identification
automatique et de capture de données — Application de l'AIDC
pour la construction industrielle
Reference number
© ISO/IEC 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
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Published in Switzerland
© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 3
4 Abbreviated terms . 4
5 Methodology . 5
5.1 Industrial construction and AIDC .5
5.2 Items in industrial construction .5
5.2.1 General .5
5.2.2 Items categories .6
5.2.3 Hierarchy, relationship and life cycle .6
5.3 Methodology of identification in industrial construction .6
5.3.1 Methodology overview .6
5.3.2 What: Item to be identified .8
5.3.3 Who: Partner responsible for identifying items .9
5.3.4 When: Duration of the identification and the AIDC .9
5.3.5 Where: Place of identification.9
5.3.6 How: Identification, data and information services solutions .9
6 Unique identification framework . 10
6.1 General rules .10
6.1.1 General .10
6.1.2 Standard name level or model level .10
6.1.3 Batch or lot level .10
6.1.4 Serial level (unique identifier item) .10
6.2 Principles of unique identification . .10
6.2.1 Uniqueness principle .10
6.2.2 Stability principle .11
6.3 Unique identification and its data carrier .11
7 Application test .11
8 Metadata .11
9 Information service .12
10 Application guide .12
10.1 General . 12
10.2 Guidance for the designer . 12
10.3 Guidance for the manufacturer . 12
10.4 Guidance for the constructor . 12
10.5 Guidance for the construction engineer . 12
10.6 Guidance for the owners and maintainer . 12
10.7 Guidance for the consumers and the public . 12
Annex A (informative) Background information about industrial construction .13
Annex B (normative) RFID encoding .21
Annex C (informative) Examples of identification in industrial construction .26
Bibliography .30

© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
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© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
Construction has a history that spans the entire human civilization. Traditional construction has lagged
behind due to the interrelated issues of the rising costs, lengthy duration, massive pollution and the shortage
of skilled construction labour. Industrial construction is a rapidly growing sector of construction, has the
potential to be an effective solution for addressing these issues. See Annex A for more details. In the industrial
construction business, mega structures including power plants, skyscrapers, warehouses, factories and
other larger-than-life projects are designed, manufactured, installed and maintained by the industrialized
methods. The methods include standardized design, factory production, assembly-style construction,
integrated decoration and digital management. Industrial construction is an off-site, manufacturing-style
construction method and system which covers all aspects of making a building, including
a) the process of making construction items such as prefabricated components, building parts, connectors
or accessories from raw materials in plants,
b) the assembly, storage and shipment to the building site,
c) the assembly to specifications and building inspections,
d) maintenance,
e) potential demolition,
f) material recovery, and
g) disposal.
Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technology is the main technology for item and
asset automatic identification and data capture since 1970s. In the past 50 years, AIDC and its global
standardization have stimulated the digital transformation and informational management in the retail,
healthcare and logistic industries globally.
The systematic study of AIDC technology application standards for industrialized construction will help to
cope with industry challenges and promote the digital transformation and upgrading of the industry.

© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
International Standard ISO/IEC 8506:2024(en)
Information technology — Automatic identification and
data capture technology — AIDC application in industrial
1 Scope
This document specifies the identificati

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