Road vehicles — Traffic accident analysis — Part 1: Vocabulary

This document establishes a vocabulary relating to the investigation and analysis of road traffic accidents and to the application of accident data. It also lists other, commonly used terms in the domain. NOTE Additional terms and definitions, related to configuration aspects of road vehicle collisions, can be found in ISO 6813.

Véhicules routiers — Analyse des accidents de la circulation — Partie 1: Vocabulaire

Le présent document établit le vocabulaire relatif aux enquêtes sur les accidents de la circulation routière et à leur analyse ainsi qu'à l'application des informations sur les accidents. Il donne également d'autres termes communément utilisés dans le domaine. NOTE D'autres termes et définitions concernant les aspects à la configuration des collisions de véhicules routiers sont donnés dans l'ISO 6813.

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ISO 12353-1:2020
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Second edition
Deuxième édition
Road vehicles — Traffic accident
analysis —
Part 1:
Véhicules routiers — Analyse
des accidents de la circulation —
Partie 1:
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ISO 2020
© ISO 2020
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
Normative references . 1
Terms related to classification and inclusion . 1
4 Terms related to accident-descriptive elements and data collection.3
5 Terms related to crash analysis and reconstruction .13
Terms related to aggregate data analysis and interpretation .19
Annex A (informative) Fundamental road terms.21
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 36,
Safety and impact testing.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 12353-1:2002), which has been
technically revised.
The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— Revision of the following terms and/or definitions: 3.8, 3.13, 3.14, 4.1, 4.2.5, 4.2.20, 4.2.21,,,, 4.3.1, 4.3.7,, 4.3.16, 4.3.18, 4.3.22 (old deleted), 4.3.23, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.16,
5.18, 5.22.2, 5.26, 5.27, 5.28, 5.31, 5.34, and 5.40.1;
— Table A.1;
— Removal of A.3;
— Redrawn figures, and;
— Added references in Bibliography.
A list of all parts in the ISO 12353 series can be found on the ISO website.
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The various clauses of this document are based on a model of the accident analysis process as outlined
in Figure 1.
NOTE The numbers in parentheses correspond to clauses in this document.
Figure 1 — Road traffic accident analysis
Road vehicles — Traffic accident analysis —
Part 1:
1 Scope
This document establishes a vocabulary relating to the investigation and analysis of road traffic
accidents and to the application of accident data.
It also lists other, commonly used terms in the domain.
NOTE Additional terms and definitions, related to configuration aspects of road vehicle collisions, can be
found in ISO 6813.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms related to classification and inclusion
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
road vehicle accident
unintended event that involves at least one road vehicle (4.3) in motion and leads to personal injury
(4.4.6) or property damage, or both
accident classification
classification of road vehicle accidents (3.1) according to a predetermined classification system
Note 1 to entry: There is no common and universally useful classification of accident types. Several systems have
proven useful in accident research and analysis, for example:
— accident classification by vehicle type,
— accident classification by injury severity (,
— accident classification by damage severity,
— accident classification by number of vehicles,
— accident classification by first harmful event (5.26), and
— accident classification by location.
Attention is here drawn to some common terms used for accident classification.
Note 2 to entry: See 5.26 for definition of first harmful event.
injury accident
road vehicle accident (3.1) in which at least one road user (4.4) sustains an injury (4.4.6)
fatal accident
injury accident (3.3) in which at least one road user (4.4) sustains a fatal injury (4.4.6)
damage-only accident
property damage accident
road vehicle accident (3.1) in which the only outcome is damage to vehicles, or other property, with no
injury (4.4.6)
on-road accident
road vehicle accident (3.1) in which the first harmful event (5.26) occurs on the road
off-road accident
road vehicle accident (3.1) in which the first harmful event (5.26) occurs off the road
towaway accident
road vehicle accident (3.1) in which at least one vehicle is removed from the scene for reasons of
vehicle damage
single-vehicle accident
road vehicle accident (3.1) in which only one vehicle is involved
multi-vehicle accident
road vehicle accident (3.1) in which more than one vehicle is involved
accident-involved vehicle
vehicle involved in a road vehicle accident (3.1)
injury vehicle
accident-involved vehicle (3.10) in (or on) which at least one vehicle occupant sustains an injury (4.4.6)
fatal vehicle
injury vehicle (3.11) in (or on) which at least one vehicle occupant sustains a fatal injury (4.4.6)
non-injury vehicle
accident-involved vehicle (3.10) in (or on) which no vehicle occupant sustains an injury (4.4.6)
non-fatal vehicle
accident-involved vehicle (3.10) in (or on) which no vehicle occupant sustains a fatal injury (4.4.6)
damaged vehicle
vehicle involved sustaining damage
2 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés

undamaged vehicle
vehicle involved not sustaining damage
towaway vehicle
vehicle involved in a towaway accident (3.7) and removed from the scene for reasons of vehicle damage
non-towaway vehicle
vehicle involved in a towaway accident (3.7) and not removed from the scene for reasons of vehicle damage
inclusion criteria
sampling criteria
principle of evaluation of scope and coverage of an accident investigation (4.1) referring to different aspects
Note 1 to entry: An aspect of an accident investigation could be a road user (4.4), vehicle, injury (4.4.6) or fatality
(, traffic environment or property damage.
sampling unit
combination of inclusion criteria (3.17) used for selection of data
EXAMPLE Injured passenger car drivers (
data source
origin of data in terms of time and type of investigation, type of institution or organization, and type
of record
4 Terms related to accident-descriptive elements and data collection
accident investigation
acquisition and documentation of factual information regarding an accident
Note 1 to entry: An accident investigation can include on-scene elements, elements collected retrospectively, or
both these.
first-level investigation
accident investigation (4.1) conducted by an investigator without specialized knowledge
in-depth investigation
accident investigation (4.1) conducted by an investigator with specialized knowledge
Note 1 to entry: An in-depth investigation covers one or more aspects of an accident in more detail than a first
level investigation.
multidisciplinary investigation
accident investigation (4.1) conducted by a team of investigators with specialized knowledge
encompassing several professional disciplines
self-reported investigation
accident investigation (4.1) based on data submitted by a person involved in an accident
on-scene investigation
accident investigation (4.1) conducted at the accident scene (4.2) with the purpose of collecting on-scene
information before physical evidence (e.g. the vehicles involved) has been removed
accident scene
area of a traffic accident before the vehicles and people involved have left
accident site
geographic location of the accident scene (4.2)
Note 1 to entry: The accident site may be given as exact coordinates [see point of impact (5.23)] or in a less
detailed way.
road category
trafficway category
subdivision of road, with respect to a predetermined set of parameters
Note 1 to entry: A road may be categorized by a description of the following parameters:
— main function (long distance, local, parking lot, etc.);
— size (width, number of lanes, etc.);
— separation level (vertical or horizontal);
— access restrictions (from adjacent areas);
— type of surface;
— design standard;
— road user (4.4) preferences or restrictions (allowed or prohibited traffic).
If this method is not applicable, a definition according to other relevant standards could be accepted, provided
that the reference source is given. For more details, see Annex A.
area adjoining the outer edge of the road
Note 1 to entry: See Figure A.1.
median strip, US
central reservation, GB
dividing strip
area separating two roadways
Note 1 to entry: See Figure A.1.
traffic island
facility in an intersection, gore (see Table A.2), etc., designed to secure a safe and smooth passing of
vehicles or to ensure the safe crossing of pedestrians (4.4.2)
4 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés

bicycle way, GB
bikeway, US
part of a trafficway specifically designated as being open for pedal cycle travel
footpath, GB
pavement, GB
sidewalk, US
paved strip adjacent to the roadway intended for pedestrian (4.4.2) use
kerb, GB
curb, US
stone or concrete edging separating a road from a pavement (4.2.7) or a path
pedestrian crossing, GB
crosswalk, US
part of a road indicated for pedestrian crossing
road alignment
top view (plan view) of road geometry

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