SIST-TS CEN/TS 17623:2021
(Main)BIM Properties for lighting - Luminaires and sensing devices
BIM Properties for lighting - Luminaires and sensing devices
This document identifies and clarifies lighting properties for digital building design and maintenance.
This document provides all the needed properties to design and to describe luminaires and sensing devices. These properties are intended to be used as mapping properties for property providers and requesters. The mapping of the identifiers enables the exchange of luminaire and sensing device data within different databases.
The unambiguous mapping and description of properties improve the data quality, reduce misinterpretations and the processing time in digital environments. Therefore, the properties listed in this document establish the essential description of luminaires and sensing devices in BIM systems and databases.
The listed properties in this document are used to structure the product data sheet which is complemented with real product information.
BIM Merkmale für die Beleuchtung - Leuchten und Sensoren
No Scope available
BIM Propriétés pour l’éclairage - Luminaires et capteurs
Le présent document identifie et clarifie les propriétés de l’éclairage pour la conception et la maintenance numériques des bâtiments.
Le présent document fournit toutes les propriétés nécessaires à la conception et à la description des luminaires et des capteurs. Ces propriétés sont destinées à être utilisées comme propriétés de mise en correspondance pour les fournisseurs et demandeurs de propriétés. La mise en correspondance des identifiants permet l’échange de données concernant les luminaires et les capteurs entre différentes bases de données.
La mise en correspondance et la description des propriétés, lorsqu’elles sont dépourvues d’ambiguïtés, améliorent la qualité des données, réduisent les erreurs d’interprétation et raccourcissent le temps de traitement dans les environnements numériques. Les propriétés énumérées dans le présent document visent par conséquent à établir la description essentielle des luminaires et des capteurs dans les systèmes et bases de données BIM.
Les propriétés énumérées dans le présent document servent à structurer la fiche technique du produit en la complétant d’informations réelles sur les produits.
BIM-lastnosti za razsvetljavo - Svetilke in senzorji
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
SIST-TS CEN/TS 17623:2021
BIM-lastnosti za razsvetljavo - Svetilke in senzorji
BIM Properties for lighting - Luminaires and sensing devices
BIM Merkmale für die Beleuchtung - Leuchten und Sensoren
BIM Propriétés pour l’éclairage - Luminaires et capteurs
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TS 17623:2021
35.240.67 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in building
gradbeništvu and construction industry
91.160.01 Razsvetljava na splošno Lighting in general
SIST-TS CEN/TS 17623:2021 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST-TS CEN/TS 17623:2021
CEN/TS 17623
May 2021
ICS 35.240.67
English Version
BIM Properties for lighting - Luminaires and sensing
BIM Propriétés pour l'éclairage - Luminaires et BIM Merkmale für die Beleuchtung - Leuchten und
capteurs Sensoren
This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 12 March 2021 for provisional application.
The period of validity of this CEN/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to
submit their comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard.
CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the CEN/TS
available promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in
parallel to the CEN/TS) until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2021 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TS 17623:2021 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
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SIST-TS CEN/TS 17623:2021
CEN/TS 17623:2021 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms and definitions . 5
4 Principle structure . 6
4.1 General. 6
4.2 Detailed description of set of attributes . 7
4.2.1 General. 7
4.2.2 GUID . 7
4.2.3 ID . 7
4.2.4 Name . 7
4.2.5 Description . 7
4.2.6 Symbol . 7
4.2.7 Format, unit . 8
4.2.8 Value set . 8
4.2.9 Examples . 8
4.3 Further IT-related attributes. 8
5 Properties for luminaires and sensing devices. 9
5.1 Mechanical properties . 9
5.2 Electrical properties . 16
5.3 Emergency lighting properties . 27
5.4 Photometric properties . 31
5.5 Sensing device properties . 41
5.6 Mounting and accessory properties . 46
5.7 Marketing properties . 51
5.8 Operations and maintenance properties . 59
Bibliography . 64
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European foreword
This document (CEN/TS 17623:2021) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 169 “Light
and lighting”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to announce this Technical Specification: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of
North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the
United Kingdom.
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CEN/TS 17623:2021 (E)
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a concurrent process that gives engineering and construction
professionals the tools to more efficiently plan, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure.
Within standardization committees much work is being performed to define the fundamental principles
of BIM that will allow this to happen in an effective and consistent manner.
For lighting applications, it is essential that this work is monitored and, where required, input is made
to ensure that the requirements for lighting applications are considered.
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1 Scope
This document identifies and clarifies lighting properties for digital building design and maintenance.
This document provides all the needed properties to design and to describe luminaires and sensing
devices. These properties are intended to be used as mapping properties for property providers and
requesters. The mapping of the identifiers enables the exchange of luminaire and sensing device data
within different databases.
The unambiguous mapping and description of properties improve the data quality, reduce
misinterpretations and the processing time in digital environments. Therefore, the properties listed in
this document establish the essential description of luminaires and sensing devices in BIM systems and
The listed properties in this document are used to structure the product data sheet which is
complemented with real product information.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 12464-1:2011, Light and lighting - Lighting of work places - Part 1: Indoor work places
EN 60598-1, Luminaires - Part 1: General requirements and tests
EN 60598-2-13:2006, Luminaires - Part 2-13: Particular requirements - Ground recessed luminaires
EN 60598-2-22:2014, Luminaires - Part 2-22: Particular requirements - Luminaires for emergency
EN 61231, International lamp coding system (ILCOS) (IEC 61231)
EN ISO 23386, Building information modelling and other digital processes used in construction -
Methodology to describe, author and maintain properties in interconnected data dictionaries (ISO 23386)
ISO 8601-1, Date and time - Representations for information interchange - Part 1: Basic rules
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at
• IEC Electropedia: available at
As impacted by corrigendum EN 60598-2-13:2006/corrigendum Dec. 2006 and amendments
EN 60598-2-13:2006/A1:2012 and EN 60598-2-13:2006/A1:2016.
As impacted by amendment EN 60598-2-22:2014/A1:2020.
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building information modelling
use of a shared digital representation of a built object (including buildings, bridges, roads, process
plants, etc.) to facilitate design, construction and operation processes to form a reliable basis for
Note 1 to entry: The acronym BIM also stands for the shared digital representation of the physical and functional
characteristics of any construction works.
[SOURCE: EN ISO 29481-1:2017, 3.2]
data dictionary
information resource dictionary
database that contains metadata
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, 2121501; modified: Notes to entry removed]
data element for the computer-sensible description of a property, a group of properties, etc.
Note 1 to entry: An attribute describes only one single detail of a property or a group of properties.
EXAMPLE The name of a property, the definition of a group of properties.
[SOURCE: EN ISO 23386:2020, 3.4]
inherent or acquired feature of an item
EXAMPLE Thermal efficiency, diameter, luminous flux.
[SOURCE: EN ISO 23386:2020, 3.17, modified: The example was modified.]
4 Principle structure
4.1 General
The properties for luminaires and sensing devices have been organized in eight tables listed in Clause 5
according to different disciplines. This sub-division is indicative only and not to be taken as exclusive.
— Mechanical properties – ID 01 (Table 1)
— Electrical properties – ID 02 (Table 2)
— Emergency lighting properties – ID 03 (Table 3)
— Photometric properties – ID 04 (Table 4)
— Sensing device properties – ID 05 (Table 5)
— Mounting and accessory properties – ID 06 (Table 6)
— Marketing properties – ID 07 (Table 7)
— Operations and maintenance properties – ID 08 (Table 8)
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4.2 Detailed description of set of attributes
4.2.1 General
The structure of the attributes is according to EN ISO 23386 and enhanced by the property ID.
The properties have no mandatory or optional aspect. All properties are equal in importance and
hierarchy. The use case and the application provide structure and mandatory to the properties.
4.2.2 GUID
In EN ISO 23386 named “Globally unique identifier”.
Identifier given to a product that guarantees its uniqueness throughout its entire life (see
ISO 6707-2:2017, 3.2.46).
This attribute identifies the property unambiguously. A Globally Unique identifier GUID is generated
using an algorithm. This machine-readable code will allow matching across databases, lists and data
In IFC and EN ISO 12006-3 the compressed version of GUID is used. It can be uncompressed to the
standard GUID with open tools.
4.2.3 ID
This attribute identifies the property unambiguously. It is human-readable and corresponds to the
globally unique identifier.
Note The ID always starts with the table number from 4.1 followed by a dash and an individual serial
number with four digits.
4.2.4 Name
In EN ISO 23386 named “Names in language en-EN”.
The name of the property.
4.2.5 Description
In EN ISO 23386 named “Descriptions in language en-EN”.
This attribute is used to provide a plain language description of the property.
For some descriptions the name is enough. To avoid the repeating of the name, just “identical with
name.” is entered.
4.2.6 Symbol
In EN ISO 23386 named “Symbols of the property in a given property group”.
Symbol of a property if existing. Character or combination of characters denoting a property (see the
ISO/IEC 80000 series and the EN 60027 series).
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4.2.7 Format, unit
In EN ISO 23386 named “Digital format”.
Precision is the maximum number of significant digits that can be represented in a format, or the
number of digits that a result is rounded to (see also ISO/IEC 60559).
In EN ISO 23386 named “Units”.
Concept type representing a scale that enables a value to be measured. Properties that do not have a
unit are be designated as not applicable (n.a.).
4.2.8 Value set
In EN ISO 23386 named “List of possible values in language en-EN”.
Collection of acceptable values for a property. Values outside the value set are not permitted. Multiple
values may be possible for some properties.
4.2.9 Examples
In EN ISO 23386 named “Examples in language en-EN”.
A sample for a value of the specific property.
4.3 Further IT-related attributes
Where potential attributes are not specified in 4.2, they may be defined separately within a data-
dictionary. These attributes can be found in EN ISO 23386:
— Definitions in language en-EN: A description of the attribute in order to define it unambiguously.
— Method of measurement: Evaluation of construction products to ensure their suitability
according to requirements in harmonized technical specifications.
— Number of values: This attribute provides information about the number of values to specify. It
may be one value or a table of values (ifcPropertyTableValue in EN ISO 16739-1). In case of a table
value, the number of values represent the number of rows of a 2 columns table.
— Name of the index values: In a table of values, this attribute provides the name of the defining
values (IfcPropertyTableValue in EN ISO 16739-1).
— Data type: Format for expressing the value of the property. This can be understood as the storage
type from a software perspective (see also ISO/IEC 11404:2007, 8.1). Examples: String, Float,
— Status: Status of the property during its life cycle. Example: Active.
— Date of creation: Date of validation of the property creation request. All dates in accordance with
ISO 8601-1. Format=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. Example: 2014-04-30T10:39:53Z.
— Date of activation: Date after when the property can be used.
— Date of last change: Date of validation of the last change request.
— Date of revision
— Date of version
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— Date of deactivation: Date when property becomes obsolete. The property is maintained in the
— Version number: Enables tracking of major changes.
— Revision number: Enables tracking of minor changes. If the version number changes, the revision
number starts again at 1. Examples: new translation, changes of typos.
— Replaces: Identifier of the replaced property (or properties). List of GUIDs.
— Replaced by: Identifier of the replacing property (or properties). List of GUIDs.
— Deprecation explanation: Reason of deprecation. Deprecated may indicate the property will be
removed in the future. This explanation shall be written in international English (EN).
5 Properties for luminaires and sensing devices
5.1 Mechanical properties
1 luminaire
2 length
3 photometric z-axis
4 intensity direction
Figure 1 — Orientation of a luminaire in C plane and gamma angle coordination system
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Table 1 — Mechanical properties
GUID ID Name Description Symbol Format, Value set Examples
2GZ1YB8enFVhDHOKgLc$BU 01–0001 overall Overall diameter of the housing of the luminaire or 1E0, mm n.a.
diameter sensing device.
19Z9XKYDT4p8HR0ZbD$wO_ 01–0002 height Height of the housing of the luminaire or sensing 1E0, mm n.a.
device. Corresponds to z-axis, gamma angle 180° and
180° vertical of the light distribution curve. This
definition is regardless of orientation of luminaires.
See Figure 1.
1uJglYpRnFpQ4tStHaR2Pf 01–0003 length Length of the housing of the luminaire or sensing 1E0, mm n.a.
Length is set parallel to the C90-C270 plane.
Corresponds to y-axis and with 90° horizontal of the
Light Distribution Curve. This definition is regardless
of orientation of luminaires. See Figure 1.
1dPvrZN3vEIB0n0vwYvDcX 01–0004 width Width of the housing of the luminaire or sensing 1E0, mm n.a.
Width is set parallel to the C0-C180 plane.
Corresponds to the x-axis and with 0° horizontal of
the Light Distribution Curve. This definition is
regardless of orientation of luminaires. See Figure 1.
1RPyGAgMf4hRTZ0DogLFnU 01–0005 weight Weight of the luminaire or sensing device. 1E-2, kg n.a.
2A6xVlUTj9QP1G$qb4FiWv 01–0006 cut-out Diameter of the cut-out hole (for recessed or flush 1E0, mm n.a.
diameter mount).
1RIsLltoX1whNaYkaCoHXJ 01–0007 recessed Required minimum installation depth, height of the 1E0, mm n.a.
required depth invisible / hidden mounting part of the luminaire (for
recessed or flush mount).
2VEYAfd7j4FQtJgAb_riA5 01–0008 cutting out Length of the cut-out hole (for recessed or flush 1E0, mm n.a.
length mount).
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GUID ID Name Description Symbol Format, Value set Examples
2pFfNBOuv1Tf_RTQpYktGL 01–0009 cutting out Width of the cut-out hole (for recessed or flush 1E0, mm n.a.
width mount).
1zs4Cj96j3d8TWAeeixJga 01–0010 luminaire Three-dimensional simplified shape of luminaire or n.a. Cylinder,
housing shape sensing device. Cuboid,
3D Cube,
1Zek8UyXfE6gToN8_RDHFg 01–0011 shipping weight Weight of the shipping package of the luminaire or 1E-2, kg n.a.
sensing device.
1i_XY2Awj5RRadNmgPS3yQ 01–0012 shipping height Height of the packed luminaire or sensing device as it 1E0, mm n.a.
is shipped.
10UDC$GOvEHexmf_I8j9xG 01–0013 shipping length Length of the packed luminaire or sensing device as 1E0, mm n.a.
it is shipped.
1ybyhd8TbACg99OxpWMoOg 01–0014 shipping width Width of the packed luminaire or sensing device as it 1E0, mm n.a.
is shipped.
0yvFhm4xvDggZvLzgzhiyq 01–0015 type of Type of packaging. Available types of packaging to be n.a. Carton,
packaging specified by the manufacturers. Pallet,
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GUID ID Name Description Symbol Format, Value set Examples
16XdmXw8T3HOIi0TOcc8LH 01–0016 impact Degree of protection provided by enclosures for n.a. IK00,
protection electrical equipment against external mechanical IK01,
rating IK impacts (see EN 62262 and EN 60068-2-75). IK02,
1LrBLaYtnCARKperF_2Ykh 01–0017 glow wire The glow wire test for fire hazard (see EN 60695-2- 1E0, °C 550°C,
resistance 10) to test electrical products, assemblies or 650°C,
individual components. 750°C,
1284Zyx8D4uR55X2cRsWzu 01–0018 needle flame Method for testing and assessment of the fire hazard n.a. Yes
test of plastic material using a needle flame (see No
EN 60695-11-5).
1PMNxHS2z4tRuwiQxyzRfs 01–0019 number of light Number of plane surfaces with light output. 1E0, n.a. n.a.
1mHV_4yHLEFuxOaIDlNmNn 01–0020 diameter of the Identical with name. 1E0, mm n.a.
luminous area
0WXZRI6CD2KfL4xC1uuLBF 01–0021 height of the To be aligned with z-axis and gamma 180°. 1E0, mm n.a.
luminous area
1auIwSthrFvRTJgX6NfO9Z 01–0022 length of the Length is parallel to the C90-C270 plane. Aligned 1E0, mm n.a.
luminous area with the y-axis and with 90° horizontal.
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GUID ID Name Description Symbol Format, Value set Examples
2SqBhDZKD1hBjGWsV4q_GQ 01–0023 width of the Width is parallel to the C0-C180 plane. Aligned with 1E0, mm n.a.
luminous area the x-axis and with 0° horizontal.
2gBflnlCfCgwR3hT_QVGtQ 01–0024 cable length Cable for power supply. Zero means no cable 1E0, mm n.a.
1oCak0l6v9Bew_SHOfRFnw 01–0025 pliable The luminaire body is flexible. n.a. Yes
3CckyLFxX8KxZVvgilS7Jt 01–0026 ground Specific application class for ground recessed n.a. A1-non- A2
recessed luminaries according to temperature limits, accessible
accessibility dimensions and static load resistance in kN,
class according to EN 60598-2-13:2006.
0f2af0EifB1Qi6xalTs1Xn 01–0029 sealing material Material of the sealing of a luminaire. n.a. n.a.
3jAmXEFTn9oPlBD_oO4BfE 01–0030 silicon-free States whether the luminaire is silicon-free. n.a. Yes
2DJLgonKH2zvtUylGDtoL3 01–0031 halogen-free States whether the product is halogen-free (see n.a. Yes
EN 61249-2-21). No
3IPpBFdz17PB0W0suiESss 01–0032 temperature on Average temperature of light emitting surface of a 1E0, °C n.a.
light aperture luminaire.
30M$RN1TX7$gz0O8$bv0j4 01–0033 operating Range defined by the minimum and maximum 1E0, °C n.a.
temperature operating temperatures at which the luminaire
operates normally as specified by the supplier or
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GUID ID Name Description Symbol Format, Value set Examples
0jRoUrk2nF5QFenmXXlBTS 01–0034 minimum Describes the minimum required distance of the 1E0, mm n.a.
distance luminaire housing to other objects.
3GwYrPlNbAYu8gPAOJZgwc 01–0035 maximum Maximum of possible values for the rotation of the 1E0, ° n.a.
orientation orientation angle (z-axis).
3qn7sE55H1FuwsBozcktbX 01–0036 minimum Minimum possible value for the rotation of the 1E0, ° n.a.
orientation orientation angle (z-axis).
26KAJOVBvF8gIMOZaAOFTV 01–0037 orientation Step width for the orientation angle (z-axis). 1E0, ° n.a.
angle steps
2NmVhTk4TFfvwDNSYyqj$4 01–0038 orientation Default value for the orientation angle (z-axis). 1E0, ° n.a.
angle default
0qiz0v1kLAPBRWAW6wO1PA 01–0039 orientation Selected value for the orientation angle (z-axis). 1E0, ° n.a.
angle selected
05nmPIMs186u1u1s5MSd23 01–0040 maximum tilt Maximum possible value for the rotation of the tilt 1E0, ° n.a.
angle angle (x-axis).
3ZWzCOV090TukLTsY8Vcua 01–0041 minimum tilt Minimum possible value for the rotation of the tilt 1E0, ° n.a.
angle angle (x-axis).
0_oftQZ_jB$e1oGoWeQWoV 01–0042 tilt angle steps Step width for the tilt angle (x-axis). 1E0, ° n.a.
0w56LObA94ivbaiikyEXf2 01–0043 tilt angle Default value for the tilt angle (x-axis). 1E0, ° n.a.
3VHFOwjl13sv6CBYkwU2wh 01–0044 tilt angle Selected value for the tilt angle (x-axis). 1E0, ° n.a.
selected value
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GUID ID Name Description Symbol Format, Value set Examples
3zsZztBEH9sPA24POLsfWn 01–0045 maximum turn Maximum possible value for the rotation of the turn 1E0, ° n.a.
angle angle (y-axis). Turn can also be referred to as ‘twist’
or ‘cant’.
3WFOEtzHjE2gEwIqwNt23B 01–0046 minimum turn Minimum possible value for the rotation of the turn 1E0, ° n.a.
angle angle (y-axis). Turn can also be referred to as ‘twist’
or ‘cant’.
1S1uI1hob0OAsYAUDvnB5e 01–0047 turn angle steps Step width for the turn angle (y-axis). Turn can also 1E0, ° n.a.
be referred to as ‘twist’ or ‘cant’.
0Y3iFNJcH3Xh_0Axe6FRZy 01–0048 turn angle Default value for the turn angle (y-axis). Turn can 1E0, ° n.a.
default also be referred to as ‘twist’ or ‘cant’.
0HKPlHCMXFOOmtqPiFpiwZ 01–0049 turn angle Selected value for the turn angle (y-axis). Turn can 1E0, ° n.a.
selected value also be referred to as ‘twist’ or ‘cant’.
3ejPldyc9Bau0HaTHZMtva 01–0050 3D model file The description of a location of the 3D model file. n.a. n.a. C:\,
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5.2 Electrical properties
Table 2 — Electrical properties
GUID ID Name Description Symbol Format, Value set Examples
2FA0ih18LF_uKt46e5ErIv 02–0001 apparent load Apparent load of the S 1E0, VA n.a.
17a067965CqhDelQ$Y3mcP 02–0002 rated input Input power consumed 1E0, W n.a.
power by the light source(s),
control gear and control
circuit in or associated
with a luminaire
including any standby
power when the
luminaire is turned on.
3LBrQkLDDFheBOxrGk8Zr_ 02–0003 power factor Ratio of the amount of cos φ 1E0, n.a. n.a.
the active power to the
apparent power at
100 % load. See also
IEC 80000-6.
0zjByQSTX24wsxTI25Lzj$ 02–0004 active power Consumption of the 1E-2, W n.a.
power corresponding to 1E0, lm
the dim level of the OR
luminaire. It is 1E0, %
presented as a table of
power (W) related to
the luminous flux
emitted (lm) or the
percentage of dimming
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GUID ID Name Description Symbol Format, Value set Examples
3krkQTVbv0$g9Xj9eYC6nh 02–0005 compensation Identifies the form of n.a. Capacitive,
type compensation used for
power factor correction
and radio interference
0TzE4sMDv1pwfygK1xxjm5 02–0006 standby Power consumption of 1E-2, W n.a.
power switched off luminaire.
All electrical
components including
emergency and lighting
controls components
have to be considered.
Is also known as
parasitic power. See
also EN 15193-1.
2wiaN2gSf0$RFeAF8d_51K 02–0007 power Power consumption of 1E-2, W n.a.
consumption the detector with the
of the controls light switched off and
without motion
detection / presence
detection (idle state).
0G4TAennPD5gzRoG2rlZv_ 02–0008 ILCOS light Light Source type n.a. n.a. IAA/C-40–220/230-E27–60
source type definition according to
ILCOS, EN 61231.
1fBDdf6YP2O8_JFTCLHktp 02–0009 socket A device which n.a. n.a. E27
mechanically supports
and provides electrical
connections for a
compatible electric light
source. See also
EN 60061.
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