SIST CWA 17890:2022
(Main)Guide to the implementation of cool surfaces for buildings’ envelope to mitigate the Urban Heat Island effects
Guide to the implementation of cool surfaces for buildings’ envelope to mitigate the Urban Heat Island effects
The document provides the terminology relating to cool materials and a guide to the implementation of cool surfaces for building envelopes to mitigate the urban overheating effects. It concentrates on the application to roofs.
The document will focus on urban areas for local authorities and building/construction owners.
The users of CWA 17890:2022 will be local authorities, urban planners for cities including construction, infrastructures and landscape architects.
In addition, the terminology and characteristics of cool materials will serve as a reference for other applications where the use of cool materials will have a significant contribution to adaptation to climate change as well as quality of life, such as for roads and pavements.
Whilst reflective surfaces can be very beneficial, they are not appropriate or effective in all climates for all buildings or building constructions and some guidance is provided.
Leitfaden für die Implementierung kühler Oberflächen für die Gebäudehülle zur Milderung des Urban Heat Island Effektes
Navodilo za uporabo hladnih površin na ovoju stavb za ublažitev učinkov mestnega toplotnega otoka
Dokument določa terminologijo v zvezi s hladnimi materiali in vključuje navodilo za uporabo hladnih površin na ovoju stavb za ublažitev učinkov pregrevanja v mestih. Osredotoča se na uporabo na strehah.
V tem dokumentu je poudarek na mestnih področjih za lokalne oblasti in lastnike stavb/konstrukcij.
Uporabniki dokumenta CWA 17890:2022 so lokalne oblasti, urbanisti, ki se ukvarjajo z načrtovanjem mest, vključno z gradnjo, ter infrastrukturni in krajinski arhitekti.
Poleg tega so terminologija in lastnosti hladnih materialov uporabne kot referenca za druge vrste uporabe, pri katerih uporaba hladnih materialov pomembno prispeva k prilagajanju podnebnim spremembam in h kakovosti življenja (npr. ceste in pločniki).
Odsevne površine so lahko zelo koristne, vendar niso primerne ali učinkovite v vseh podnebjih za vse stavbe ali konstrukcije, zato je v zvezi s tem podanih nekaj smernic.
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
SIST CWA 17890:2022
Navodilo za uporabo hladnih površin na ovoju stavb za ublažitev učinkov
mestnega toplotnega otoka
Guide to the implementation of cool surfaces for buildings’ envelope to mitigate the
Urban Heat Island effectsLeitfaden für die Implementierung kühler Oberflächen für die Gebäudehülle zur
Milderung des Urban Heat Island Effektes
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CWA 17890:2022
13.020.20 Okoljska ekonomija. Environmental economics.
Trajnostnost Sustainability
91.060.20 Strehe Roofs
SIST CWA 17890:2022 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST CWA 17890:2022
CWA 17890
September 2022
ICS 13.020.20; 91.060.20
English version
Guide to the implementation of cool surfaces for buildings'
envelope to mitigate the Urban Heat Island effects
This CEN Workshop Agreement has been drafted and approved by a Workshop of representatives of interested parties, the
constitution of which is indicated in the foreword of this Workshop Agreement.The formal process followed by the Workshop in the development of this Workshop Agreement has been endorsed by the
National Members of CEN but neither the National Members of CEN nor the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre can be held
accountable for the technical content of this CEN Workshop Agreement or possible conflicts with standards or legislation.
This CEN Workshop Agreement can in no way be held as being an official standard developed by CEN and its Members.
This CEN Workshop Agreement is publicly available as a reference document from the CEN Members National Standard Bodies.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North
Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and United Kingdom.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members.
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SIST CWA 17890:2022
CWA 17890:2022 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
2 Normative references .......................................................................................................................... 7
3 Terms and definitions ......................................................................................................................... 8
4 EU strategic context and benefits to use cool materials ....................................................... 11
4.1 Green deal .............................................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Benefits and opportunities to use cool materials ................................................................... 12
4.2.1 Conditions to integrate cool materials (when and for what kind of project) ............... 12
4.2.2 Benefits to use cool materials ........................................................................................................ 13
4.3 Limitations of the document ........................................................................................................... 18
5 Presentation of cool materials (specifics and potentials to mitigate the Urban Heat
Island effects) ....................................................................................................................................... 20
5.1 Identification of cool materials for a project ............................................................................ 20
5.1.1 Cool roof properties ........................................................................................................................... 20
5.1.2 Residential buildings ......................................................................................................................... 22
5.1.3 Non-Residential Buildings ............................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Cool roof materials ............................................................................................................................. 36
5.3 Installation of cool material and implementation of cool roofs ........................................ 39
5.4 Ageing and durability of cool roofs properties ........................................................................ 40
5.5 Maintenance of cool roof materials .............................................................................................. 42
5.6 Financial impacts along the value chain ..................................................................................... 43
6 From building to district and district to territory implementation ................................. 44
6.1 Performance at building level (inside and outside) of cool roofs ..................................... 44
6.2 Performance at the district level ................................................................................................... 45
6.3 Performance at territory level ....................................................................................................... 45
Annex A (informative) Roadmap for standardization ........................................................................ 47
A.1 Status of CWA ........................................................................................................................................ 47
A.2 Benefits of standardization ............................................................................................................. 47
A.3 Check-list before moving toward standardization ................................................................. 48
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................................... 50
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European foreword
This CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA 17890:2022) has been developed in accordance with the CEN-
CENELEC Guide 29 “CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreements – A rapid prototyping to standardization” and
with the relevant provisions of CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 2. It was approved by a
Workshop of representatives of interested parties on 2022-04-14, the constitution of which was
supported by CEN following the public call for participation made on 2021-07-06. However, this CEN
Workshop Agreement does not necessarily include all relevant stakeholders.The final text of this CEN Workshop Agreement was provided to CEN for publication on 2022-06-29.
The following organizations and individuals developed and approved this CEN Workshop Agreement:
Bernard Gindroz - ChairpersonGiuliana BONVICINI Centro Ceramico
Jonathan BOUVIER LNE - Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais
Emmanuel BOZONNET Université de la Rochelle -
Nigel CHERRY BMI Group and CEN/TC 128
Massimo CUNEGATTI Soprema/ESWA
Mario CUNIAL Industrie Cotto Possagno S.p.A.
Alfonsina DI FUSCO Confindustria ceremica
Elisa DI GIUSEPPE Università Politecnica delle Marche
Paris FOKAIDES Frederick University
Bernard GINDROZ Gindroz Bernard
Maria-José GONZALEZ Afnor
Hans-Juergen HOFMANN Amberger Kaolinwerke Eduard Kick GmbH & Co.KG
Angela HULLIN Amberger Kaolinwerke Eduard Kick GmbH & Co.KG
Alain KOENEN LNE - Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais
Maria KOLOKOTRONI Brunel University London
Evangelia KONTOU KALOMOIRI Thermacote Inc.
Yves MADEC BMI Group
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Niklaus MARGADANT Eternit (Schweiz) AG
Milena MARTARELLI Università Politecnica delle Marche
Heinz MEIER SIKA Services AG/ECRC Certification Board
Stephan MERKLEIN BMI Group
Christiana PANTELI Cleopa GMBH
Rémi PERRIN Soprema
Gloria PIGNATTA University of New South Wales
Agnese SALVATI Brunel University London
Lieven SANDERS Wienerberger
Mattheos SANTAMOURIS University of New South Wales
Hans – Peter SPRINGINSFELD WKO (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich)/ASI
Simona SCHRAMMEL Prospex Institute
Jouko VYORYKKA Dow Europe GmbH
Rupert WOLFFHARDT Holzforschung
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some elements of this document may be subject to patent rights.
CEN-CENELEC policy on patent rights is described in CEN-CENELEC Guide 8 “Guidelines for
Implementation of the Common IPR Policy on Patent”. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying
any or all such patent rights.Although the Workshop parties have made every effort to ensure the reliability and accuracy of technical
and non-technical descriptions, the Workshop is not able to guarantee, explicitly or implicitly, the
correctness of this document. Anyone who applies this CEN Workshop Agreement shall be aware that
neither the Workshop, nor CEN can be held liable for damages or losses of any kind whatsoever. The use
of this CEN Workshop Agreement does not relieve users of their responsibility for their own actions, and
they apply this document at their own risk. The CEN Workshop Agreement should not be construed as
legal advice authoritatively endorsed by CEN/CENELEC.---------------------- Page: 7 ----------------------
SIST CWA 17890:2022
CWA 17890:2022 (E)
By 2050, according to UN projections, the world population is expected to reach ten billion people. Today
half of the population is living in cities and projections show more than 80 % by 2050. Cities are where
80 % of global GDP is produced, but they are also where 70 % of the energy is consumed and 75 % of
waste and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emitted.Abating GHG emissions and increasing energy efficiency are at the heart of our European strategy and
regulatory framework, with a focus on cities and built areas that offer a high potential for improvement
and for meeting the EU Green Deal objectives. Urban Heat Island effect is one important topic both to
mitigate climate change and to adapt. Minimizing these Urban Overheating effects contributes to
reducing energy consumption by lowering energy demand for cooling and ventilation during hot periods,
and thus the related GHG emissions , as well as to bringing better comfort to citizens.
This document presents guidelines about why, when, and how to consider mitigation of Urban Heat
Island effects with cool roofs and cool materials, as well as reference information about characteristic
parameters and how to select appropriate materials.Cool materials are especially of high importance for new buildings and constructions but also for
retrofitting of existing built infrastructures. A cool material is characterised by higher solar reflectance
in comparison to conventional roof materials displaying the same colour and high infrared emittance
values. Cool roofing products can be applied to all types of roofs including those of residential buildings,
apartment blocks, industrial and commercial buildings, hospitals, and offices.The benefits are direct and numerous, such as reducing the cooling energy consumption and even leading
to avoiding the installation of air conditioning, by keeping temperature indexes lower around Renewable
Energy Systems (i.e. Photovoltaic) and thus maintaining higher efficiency and longer life of these pieces
of equipment, by extending the life of the roofing materials, and of course by keeping the surrounding
temperature lower, which impacts the quality of life and health.This document will also contribute to setting common elements of language (terms and definitions) and
raising awareness among decision-makers, urban planners and constructors, both private and public, and
among investment institutions and investors, about the benefit of cool materials, as well as guiding them
towards the selection of appropriate solutions against Urban Heat Island effect with immediate and long-
term multi-benefits.Whilst the guide focuses on cool materials for roofs it is also relevant to other parts of the building
envelope, other construction and built infrastructures, including roads and pavements, by aligning terms
and definitions as well as considerations about characteristics of cool materials.
This document is not intended to address consideration about carbon footprint of materials.
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CWA 17890:2022 (E)
1 Scope
The document provides the terminology relating to cool materials and a guide to the implementation of
cool surfaces for building envelopes to mitigate the urban overheating effects. It concentrates on the
application to roofs.The document will focus on urban areas for local authorities and building/construction owners.
The users of CWA 17890:2022 will be local authorities, urban planners for cities including construction,
infrastructures and landscape architects.In addition, the terminology and characteristics of cool materials will serve as a reference for other
applications where the use of cool materials will have a significant contribution to adaptation to climate
change as well as quality of life, such as for roads and pavements.Whilst reflective surfaces can be very beneficial, they are not appropriate or effective in all climates for
all buildings or building constructions and some guidance is provided.2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 490, Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall claddingEN 492, Fibre cement slates and their fittings for roofing
EN 494, Fibre-cement profiled sheets and fittings — Product specification and test methods
EN 501, Roofing products from metal sheet — Specification for fully supported roofing products of zinc sheet
EN 502, Roofing products from metal sheet — Specification for fully supported roofing products of stainless
steelEN 504, Roofing products from metal sheet — Specification for fully supported roofing products of copper
sheetEN 505, Roofing products from metal sheet —Specification for fully supported roofing products of steel sheet
EN 506, Roofing products of metal sheet — Specification for self-supporting products of copper or zinc sheet
EN 507, Roofing products from metal sheet — Specification for fully supported roofing products of
aluminium sheetEN 508, Roofing and cladding products of metal sheet — Specification for self-supporting products of steel,
aluminium or stainless steel sheetEN 534, Corrugated bitumen sheets — Product specification and test methods
EN 544, Bitumen shingles with mineral and/or synthetic reinforcements
EN 1013, Light transmitting single skin profiled plastic sheets for internal and external roofs, walls and
ceilings — Requirements and test methods---------------------- Page: 9 ----------------------
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EN 14509, Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating panels — Factory made products —
SpecificationsEN 12326-1, Slate and stone for discontinuous roofing and external cladding
EN 1304, Clay roofing tiles and fittings
EN 13956, Flexible sheet for waterproofing — Plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing —
Definitions and characteristicsEN 13707, Flexible sheets for waterproofing — Reinforced bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing —
Definitions and characteristicsEN 15976:2019, Flexible sheets for waterproofing — Determination of emissivity
EN 17190, Flexible sheets for waterproofing — Solar Reflectance Index
ISO 9346, Hygrothermal performance of buildings and building materials — Physical quantities for mass
transfer — VocabularyISO 9050, Glass in building — Determination of light transmittance, solar direct transmittance, total solar
energy transmittance, ultraviolet transmittance and related glazing factorsASTM E903, Standard Test Method for Solar Absorptance, Reflectance, and Transmittance of Materials
Using Integrating SpheresASTM D7897-18, Standard Practice for Laboratory Soiling and Weathering of Roofing Materials to
Simulate Effects of Natural Exposure on Solar Reflectance and Thermal EmittanceASTM E1980-11, Standard Practice for Calculating Solar Reflectance Index of Horizontal and Low-Sloped
Opaque SurfacesISO 14082, Radiative Forcing Management— Guidance for the quantification and reporting of radiative
forcing-based climate footprints and mitigation effortsISO 6707-3:2017, Buildings and civil engineering works — Vocabulary — Part 3: Sustainability terms
ISO 16474-3:2021, Paints and varnishes — Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources — Part 3:
Fluorescent UV lampsISO 16378:2013, Space systems — Measurements of thermo-optical properties of thermal control materials
ISO 22969:2019, Peintures et vernis — Détermination du facteur de réflexion solaire
ISO 9488:1999, Solar energy — VocabularyISO 9229, Thermal insulation — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
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CWA 17890:2022 (E)
cool property
property of a material or product of reflecting solar heat by high solar reflectivity (SR) and by high
infrared emittance (IE) and thus limiting temperature increase3.2
cool materials
cool materials are exposed products with specific properties concerning solar and infrared reflectivity
and emittanceNote 1 to entry: Only passive cool materials are considered in this document.
cool roofs
roofing assemblies where the exterior surface has high solar reflectance and high thermal emittance
3.4heat island effect
tendency of an urban area to be warmer than its non-urban surroundings
Note 1 to entry: For further details see ISO 6707-3:2017.
infrared emittance
emittance in the infrared range at least from 4 μm to 40 μm (with the full thermal range comprised
between 4 and 80 μm)Note 1 to entry: For further details see ISO 16378:2013.
solar radiation
wavelength range, typical values, and power should be specified (to explain that between 2 500 nm and
2 800 nm there’s not much solar power so the measurements with UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometers are
3.7infrared (or thermal) radiation
wavelength range and power should be specified
solar reflectance (SR), also known as albedo
ratio of the reflected global radiant flux to the global solar radiation flux incident on surface in the solar
wavelength range (250 – 2 800 nm)Note 1 to entry: For further details see ISO 22969:2019.
solar reflectivity
ratio of the reflected solar irradiation from the surface to the solar irradiation incident on that surface
Note 1 to entry: For further details see: EN 17190.The terms solar reflectivity and solar reflectance have similar definitions and are commonly used by the
construction sector. For ease of reading, the term solar reflectivity will be preferred in this document.
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thermal emittance
the thermal emittance of a material (usually written ε) is the ratio (proportion) of the heat energy
radiated by a surface relative to the heat energy radiated by a blackbody at the same temperature; it is a
measure of a material's ability to radiate heatNote 1 to entry: Further details see EN 15976:2019.
bituminous roofing sheet
factory made bitumen sheet including any reinforcements, carriers, facings, surface texture and/or
backingNote 1 to entry: The sheet is part of the roof waterproofing system, which ensures the watertightness. Within the
roofing industry it is also called a membrane. An exposed sheet is the roof covering which can be a single sheet
(single ply system) or a build-up of several sheets. These sheets can be mechanically fixed or adhered e.g. torched.
The sheet is built up with inner layers (e.g. reinforcements ...). Both sides of the sheets typically consist of
waterproofing modified bitumen and with additional backing/adhesive or lacquers/surface finish etc. Further
details see EN 13707.3.12
synthetic roofing sheet
factory made plastic and rubber waterproofing sheet, which can be rolled up or folded for easy transport
to the siteNote 1 to entry: The sheet is part of the roof waterproofing system, which ensures the watertightness. Within the
roofing industry it is also called a membrane. An exposed sheet is the roof covering. This is typically a single sheet
(single ply system). These sheets can be mechanically fixed or adhered e.g. glued, self-adhesive etc. The sheet can
be built-up with or without inner layers (e.g. reinforcements, carriers…). Both sides of the sheets consist of
waterproofing polymer/elastomer and with additional backing/adhesive or lacquers/surface finish etc.
Note 2 to entry: Further details see EN 13956.3.13
liquid-applied roof waterproofing kits (LARWK)
the Liquid Applied Roof Waterproofing Kits (LARWK) consist of a material or a combination of materials,
where at least the main component is liquid form, applied on roofs, terraces or balconies.
In addition to providing a waterproofing layer kit with cool properties act as a reflective layer
Note 1 to entry: Within the roofing industry these systems are also referred to as LAM. For further details see
harmonized EAD 030350-00-0402.3.14
roof coatings
liquid coatings applied on roofs
Note 1 to entry: These coatings do not provide a waterproofing function. For further details see harmonized
EAD 030350-00-0402.3.15
tiles and slates
tiles and slates are usually rectangular, flat or profiled elements, which are discontinuously laid as part
of a system to form a weather-tight, air permeable covering on pitched roofs and walls. They are made
from durable, hardwearing material such as ceramic (fired clay), concrete, stone, slate, fibre cement,
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durable timber, metal, or even glass and are available in a variety of colours and finishes. They may be
coated or uncoated.Note 1 to entry: For further details see EN 1304, EN 490, EN 12326-1 and EN 492.
shingles made of bitumen or wood and are fixed in a discontinuous overlapping manner onto a roof
substrate, to ensure weather-tightness. Bitumen shingles are factory made and may be multi-layered,
with or without reinforcement and surface layers. Wood shingles are factory cut, commonly from red
Cedar woodNote 1 to entry: For further details see EN 544.
fully supported metal sheet
fully supported metal sheets are typically of zinc, steel, stainless steel or aluminium. The sheets may be
coated and available in a variety of colours and finishes and they form a substantially airtight roof
covering. Included are prefabricated or semi-formed products (for example metal tiles) and strip or coil
sheeting (for example standing seam construction)Note 1 to entry: For further details see: EN 501, EN 502, EN 504, EN 505 and EN 507.
3.18self-supporting profiled sheeting
self-supporting profiled sheets, typically of copper, zinc, aluminium, steel, fibre cement, bitumen or rigid
plastic. Available in a range of profiles, including sinusoidal, trapezoidal and pressed tile arrays, giving a
substantially airtight roof covering, available in a range of colours and finishes.
Note 1 to entry: For further details see: EN 506, EN 508, EN 494, EN 534 and EN 1013.
3.19double skin metal faced insulating panels
factory made, self-supporting, double skin metal faced insulating sandwich panels, for discontinuous
laying of roofs and walls, giving essentially an airtight finish. They are available in a variety of colours and
finishes.Note 1 to entry: The insulating material forming the core is generally of rigid polyurethane, expanded polystyrene,
extruded polystyrene foam, phenolic foam, cellular glass or mineral wool. For further details see: EN 14509.
3.20radiative forcing
difference between the energy from the sun absorbed by the earth and the energy radiated back into
space. When incoming energy exceeds energy outgoing, the earth’s atmosphere will warm, and global
temperatures rise (from ISO 14082)4 EU strategic context and benefits to use cool materials
4.1 Green deal
The European Green Deal sets out one of the most ambitious road maps for an entire continent, outlining
a series of key initiatives to bring greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.
The European Green Deal supports and promotes a climate-neutral context, with a sustainable economy
by deeply transforming sectors like transport, buildings and construction, manufacturing and energy, as
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well as through policy and legislative proposals – a key part of the Green Deal -, as a major driver to
decarbonize our cities and buildings – ensuring it benefits citizens across the EU while keeping housing
affordable.Cities are, indeed, centres of innovation and growth, and the engines of European economic development.
They host around 75 % of the population and use about 80 % of the energy produced in Europe, with an
expected increasing trend. But cities are also major contributors to climate change, with significant
greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, cities are especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change:
extreme heat waves, flooding, water scarcity and droughts can impact health, infrastructure, local
economies, and quality of life of city habitants. Over the past decades, Europe has seen a 60% increase in
extreme weather patterns [1].Climate change mitigation and adaptation is among the top priorities of the Green Deal, and Cities and
built areas are at the heart of this priority with a high potential in meeting the EU Green Deal objectives.
The European Union Climate Adaptation Strategy [2], adopted on 24 February 2021, sets out how the
European Union can adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change and become climate resilient
by 2050.The capacity to prepare for and respond to climate impacts at the local level is crucial. Urban authorities
have a catalyst role in getting together all actors to co-develop policies and strategies for territorial
development. Urban authorities should play a leadership role to create policies responding to all these
needs.Indeed, vulnerability to the impact of climate change is often a result of inadequate planning or building
design. For example, the covering of soil for housing, roads and car parks (soil sealing) increases the
absorption of energy from the sun and leads to higher urban temperatures - the so-called “urban heat
island effect”. At the same time, natural drainage is decreased, which, particularly during heavy rains, can
lead to urban floods.Through appropriate and resilient urban design, the impacts of climate change can be reduced, for
instance using green infrastructures such as forests, parks, wetlands, cool materials for walls, roofs and
pavement. Such approaches also lead to significant co-benefits, including improved air quality, energy
savings, reduce radiative forcing, support for biodiversity and enhanced quality of life, as well as
employment opportunities.Urban Heat Island effect is thus a major topic, where an appropriate urban design/planning with
consideration of cool materials contributes in a significant manner to meeting climate change and energy
objectives while enhancing the quality of life of all citizens.Cities have also the opportunity to reduce climate change. Indeed, increasing the albedo of urban and
human settlement areas can in turn decrease atmospheric temperature and could potentially offset some
of the anticipated temperature increase caused by global warming.As such, this may be an effective strategy to
Questions, Comments and Discussion
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