IEC 63563-7:2025 defines methods for ensuring that the power transfer proceeds without heating metal objects in the magnetic field of a Power Transmitter. Although the Power Transmitter may optionally use any of these methods, some of them require assistance by the Power Receiver.

  • Standard
    51 pages
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IEC 63563-8:2025 provides guidelines for detecting the presence of a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag or Near Field Communication (NFC) card within the operating range of the Power Transmitter and preventing damage to the tag or card.

  • Standard
    31 pages
    English language
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IEC 63563-6:2025 defines the messaging between a Power Transmitter and a Power Receiver. The primary purpose of this messaging is to set up and control the power transfer. As a secondary purpose, it provides a transport mechanism for higher-level applications such as Authentication. The communications protocol comprises both the required order and timing relations of successive messages.

  • Standard
    141 pages
    English language
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IEC 63563-9:2025 defines the architecture and application-level messaging for the Authentication of a Power Transmitter Product by a Power Receiver to ensure that the Power Transmitter Product is both Qi certified and the product of a registered manufacturer.

  • Standard
    93 pages
    English language
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IEC 63563-4:2025 comprises guidelines and requirements for Power Receiver design, including circuitry, power consumption, operating power levels, power transfer efficiency, and standby power.

  • Standard
    58 pages
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IEC 63563-3:2025 identifies basic physical design requirements and guidelines for Power Transmitter and Power Receiver Products, including product and system dimensions, alignment of the products, surface temperature rise, and indications to the user.

  • Standard
    17 pages
    English language
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IEC 63563-11:2025 describes Magnetic power profile (MPP) which is a protocol extension that provides additional messages, new power states/modes, new power transfer contract elements, and aims to provide the following functionalities:
• Operating Frequency Negotiation
• Cloaking (Power Pause)
• Generic Information Exchange
• Simultaneous Data Stream Transactions
• Fast PTx to PRx communication
• Maximum Power and Power Control Profiles Determination
• Extended Power Negotiation
• Extended PTx/PRx Identification and Capabilities
• Extended Control Error Packets and Received Power Packets
• Power Transmitter Battery Level Reporting
• Ecosystem Scalability
MPP extension allows devices to operate under Restricted mode (no PTx communication) at 360kHz without performing any explicit negotiation with the Power Transmitter. This flexibility enables devices with limited resources (e.g., devices with no FSK support) to take advantage of the frequency change feature.

  • Standard
    108 pages
    English language
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IEC 63563-10:2025 defines MPP (Magnetic Power Profile), an extension to Qi v1.3 BPP (Baseline Power Profile). Manufacturers can use this specification to implement PTx and/or PRx that are interoperable.

  • Standard
    166 pages
    English language
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IEC 63563-1:2025 introduces the Qi Specification, which applies to flat surface devices such as mobile phones and tablets that use up to 15 W of power

  • Standard
    18 pages
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IEC 63563-5:2025 defines the low-level (physical layer and the data link layer) formats of data bits, data bytes, and data packets. In addition, it provides requirements and guidelines for load modulation and frequency-shift keying.

  • Standard
    25 pages
    English language
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IEC 63563-2:2025 provides glossary of definitions, acronyms, and symbols for the the Qi Specification, which applies to flat surface devices such as mobile phones and tablets that use up to 15 W of power

  • Standard
    17 pages
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IEC 63245-2:2022 specifies a reference model for spatial wireless power transfer based on multiple magnetic resonances (SWPT-MMR), which is a type of non-radiative wireless power transfer (WPT). The document contains an overview of SWPT-MMR and a reference model.

  • Standard
    29 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62980:2022 defines procedures for transferring power to non-powered IoT devices using the existing ISM band communication infrastructure and RF WPT and a protocol for a two-way, long-distance wireless network in which IoT devices and APs communicate using backscatter modulation of ISM-band signals. Three components are required for two-way, long-distance wireless communication using backscatter modulation of ISM-band signals:
• an STA that transmits wireless power and data packets to SSNs by forming ISM-band signal channels between HIE-APs,
• a battery-free SSN that changes the sensitivity of the channel signals received from the STA using backscatter modulation, and
• an HIE-AP that practically decodes the channel signals whose sensitivity was changed by the SSN.
In this document, the procedures for CW-type RF WPT using communication among these three components are specified based on application of the CSI or RSSI detection method of ISM-band communication.
This document proposes a convergence communication protocol than can deploy sensors, which can operate at low power (dozens of microwatts or less) without batteries, collect energy, and perform communication, to transmit power to SSNs using RF WPT based on parasitic communication. This method can be applied to application service areas such as domestic IoT, the micro-sensor industry, and industries related to environmental monitoring in the future.

  • Standard
    88 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63254:2022 defines the specification and the control protocol of the D2DWC module for the use of wireless power TX and RX functions by a single device. The related antenna physical design examples for sharing information are presented in Annex A.
This document proposes the D2DWC module circuit requirement, which consists of the D2DWC main AP, D2DWC IC, the EMT/WPT antenna unit and the PMIC unit. In Clause 5, the register information and message protocols for WPT control are defined in order to implement the WPT TX function.
In this document, the interface and protocol in the wireless power process of the mobile device can be used in accordance with the corresponding wireless power transfer standard. Any wireless power transfer standard working within the 100 kHz to 350 kHz frequency range can be included in the scope of this document.
This document can be used for mobile wireless power transfer in mobile phones and other mobile devices, IoT devices, micro-sensor industries and related application fields.

  • Standard
    62 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63245-1:2021 specifies requirements for spatial wireless power transfer based on multiple magnetic resonances (SWPT-MMR), which is a non-radiative wireless power transfer (WPT). This document contains two categories of requirements: general requirements and functional requirements. The general requirements cover charging procedures and charging zones. The functional requirements cover each component of a SWPT-MMR system, such as transmitter coils.

  • Standard
    32 pages
    English and French language
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IEC TR 63239:2020 presents the surveyed technologies, product development trends, international standards, and regulation trends of RF beam WPT. This report can be used for the research and analysis of projects that apply small-output remote WPT to mobile devices, such as smartphones, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and ultra-small sensors.

  • Technical report
    22 pages
    English language
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IEC 63006:2019 specifies terminology and definitions related to wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies below 30 MHz to promote global harmonization of wireless power transfer terminology.
This document does not address terminology of wireless power transfer outside the scope of IEC TC 100 (Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment), such as human exposure or safety.

  • Standard
    29 pages
    English and French language
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IEC TR 63231:2019 describes the technical background of current energy efficiency efforts related to wireless power transfer (WPT) technology and commercially available products related to related to audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment. This Technical Report examines use cases, standardization efforts of other standards development organizations (SDOs) and known national regulations. This document concludes with observations and recommendations for the potential future technical standards development activities within the scope of TC 100.

  • Technical report
    14 pages
    English language
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IEC 62827-2:2017, defines a wireless power management protocol for wireless power transfer to multiple devices in a wireless power management system. Various functions of wireless power management systems are justified. The wireless power management frames and messages that work between the management block of a power source and the management block or the coupler block of a device, or the coupler block of a power source, are defined as well to execute various functions. Also, the procedures for each functionality are described based on its frames and messages.

  • Standard
    51 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    109 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63028:2017 defines technical requirements, behaviors and interfaces used for ensuring interoperability for flexibly coupled wireless power transfer (WPT) systems for AirFuel Resonant WPT. This document is based on AirFuel Wireless Power Transfer System Baseline System Specification (BSS) v1.3.

  • Standard
    95 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    203 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62827-3:2016 specifies methods and procedures to form groups for a spatial wireless power-transfer system. The group of spatial wireless power-transfer systems that include multiple power sources provides power transfer to receiving devices based on magnetic resonance technology. In order to achieve efficient power transfer to multiple receiving devices, this document also specifies methods and procedures to set, share, and control the conditions of power transfer between multiple power sources and receiving devices.

  • Standard
    21 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    42 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62827-1:2016 specifies common components of management for multiple sources and devices in a wireless power transfer system, and justifies various functions for wireless power transfer. This part of IEC 62827 defines the reference models for possible configurations of a wireless power transfer system. The models are specified in additional parts in more detail. This standard is applied to a wireless power transfer system for audio, video and multimedia equipment.

  • Standard
    25 pages
    English and French language
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IEC/TR 62869:2013(E) addresses activities and considerations related to wireless power transfer for audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment. It combines public information, contributions by experts and completed IEC TC 100 WPT survey responses and reviews global market conditions. The TR describes a range of WPT technical approaches with the aid of a system reference model, outlines the impacts on WPT of applicable regulation and surveys standards development organization (SDO) and private industry consortium-led activities in support of WPT technical standards development. The TR concludes with observations and recommendations for potential future technical standards development activities that lie within scope of IEC TC 100.

  • Technical report
    51 pages
    English language
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IEC PAS 63095-2:2017(E) comprises reference designs for Power Class 0 Base Stations and Mobile Devices. Power Class 0 is the WPC designation for flat-surface devices, such as chargers, mobile phones, tablets, cameras, and battery packs, in the Baseline Power Profile (≤ 5 W) and Extended Power Profile (≤ 15 W).

  • Technical specification
    309 pages
    English language
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IEC PAS 63095-1:2017(E) defines the interface between a Power Transmitter and a Power Receiver, i.e. Power Class 0 Base Stations and Mobile Devices. Power Class 0 is the WPC designation for flat-surface devices, such as chargers, mobile phones, tablets, cameras, and battery packs, in the Baseline Power Profile (≤ 5 W) and Extended Power Profile (≤ 15 W)

  • Technical specification
    160 pages
    English language
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