Pyrotechnic articles - Other pyrotechnic articles, category P1 and P2 - Overview of harmonized standards that will be developed by CEN/TC 212/WG 5

This Technical Report gives an overview of harmonized standards which will be proposed to be developed by CEN/TC 212 WG 5, “Other Pyrotechnic Articles”. Under this expression, it must be understood, are all pyrotechnic articles which are not designed and intended for entertainment purposes (“fireworks”), for indoor or outdoor stage use, including film and television productions or similar use (“theatrical pyrotechnic articles”), and for automotive industry (“pyrotechnic articles for vehicles”).
It also gives the interpretation WG5 experts have made of some terms, definitions and requirements of Directive 2007/23/EC in order to assure future harmonized standards will encompass all varieties of “other pyrotechnic articles”, which are presently placed on the European market, in a consistent way and take the benefit of all the practical experience and usages of those articles in the Member States.

Pyrotechnische Gegenstände - Sonstige pyrotechnische Gegenstände, Kategorien P1 und P2 - Überblick über harmonisierte Normen, die von CEN/TC 212/WG 5 erarbeitet werden

Articles pyrotechniques - Autres articles pyrotechniques de catégories P1 et P2 - Vue d'ensemble des normes harmonisées qui seront élaborées par le CEN/TC 212/GT 5

Le présent Rapport Technique donne une vue d’ensemble des normes harmonisées que le Groupe de Travail n°5, « Autres articles pyrotechniques », du Comité Technique CEN/TC 212 proposera de développer. Avec cette expression, il doit être compris qu’il s’agit de tous les articles pyrotechniques qui ne sont pas conçus et prévus à des fins de distraction (« artifices de divertissement »), pour une utilisation sur scène à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur, y compris les productions cinématographiques et télévisuelles ou une utilisation similaire (« articles pyrotechniques pour le spectacle »), et pour l’industrie automobile (« articles pyrotechniques pour véhicules »).
Il donne également l'interprétation que les experts du Groupe de Travail n°5 ont retenu pour certains termes, définitions et exigences de la Directive 2007/23/CE afin d'assurer que les futures normes harmonisées engloberont d'une manière cohérente tous les types « d’autres articles pyrotechniques », qui sont actuellement mis sur le marché européen et tireront bénéfice de toute l'expérience pratique et des utilisations de ces artifices dans les Etats membres.

Pirotehnični izdelki - Drugi pirotehnični izdelki, kategorij P1 in P2 - Pregled harmoniziranih standardov, ki jih pripravlja CEN/TC 212/WG 5

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Standards Content (Sample)

Pyrotechnic articles - Other pyrotechnic articles, category P1 and P2 - Overview of
harmonized standards that will be developed by CEN/TC 212/WG 5
Pyrotechnische Gegenstände - Sonstige pyrotechnische Gegenstände, Kategorien P1
und P2 - Überblick über harmonisierte Normen, die von CEN/TC 212/WG 5 erarbeitet
Articles pyrotechniques - Autres articles pyrotechniques de catégories P1 et P2 - Vue
d'ensemble des normes harmonisées qui seront élaborées par le CEN/TC 212/WG 5
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 15953:2009
71.100.30 Eksplozivi. Pirotehnika Explosives. Pyrotechnics
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 15953
October 2009
ICS 71.100.30
English Version
Pyrotechnic articles - Other pyrotechnic articles, category P1
and P2 - Overview of harmonized standards that will be
developed by CEN/TC 212/WG 5
Articles pyrotechniques - Autres articles pyrotechniques de Pyrotechnische Gegenstände - Sonstige pyrotechnische
catégories P1 et P2 - Vue d'ensemble des normes Gegenstände, Kategorien P1 und P2 - Überblick über
harmonisées qui seront élaborées par le CEN/TC 212/WG harmonisierte Normen, die von CEN/TC 212/WG 5
5 erarbeitet werden
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 17 August 2009. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 212.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2009 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 15953:2009: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
Introduction .4
1 Scope .5
2 Terminology .5
3 Interfaces between Working Groups .7
4 List of Other Pyrotechnic Articles and definitions .9
5 Criteria to determine whether an article belongs to Category P1 or P2 . 11
6 Harmonized Standards . 12
7 Projects to be initiated within WG 5 (List and Mandates) . 14
8 Future Work Program (Objectives, Tasks, Time targets) . 16
Annex A (informative) Definition of Other Pyrotechnic Articles – Complementary Information . 19
Annex B (informative) Field of Use . 21
Annex C (informative) List of "Other Pyrotechnic Articles" and definitions . 22
Annex D (informative) List of Generic Types and definitions . 27
Annex E (informative) Interpretation of "Low Hazard" - Examples . 30
Bibliography . 31

This document (CEN/TR 15953:2009) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 212 “Pyrotechnic
articles”, the secretariat of which is held by NEN.
This document (CEN/TR 15953:2009) has been prepared by Working Group 5 “Other pyrotechnic articles” of
Technical Committee CEN/TC 212 “Pyrotechnic articles”, the convenor and secretary of which are French.
Experts from eleven countries have participated in its elaboration: Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark,
France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands and United Kingdom.
It has been approved by votes of all the members of CEN/TC 212 “Pyrotechnic articles” on August 2009.
Directive 2007/23/EC of May 23 2007 on the placing on the market of pyrotechnic articles, has been
published on June 14 2007 in the Official Journal of the European Community. (Ref. Mandate M 416).
In its Annex 1, Directive 2007/23/EC gives the essential safety requirements (ESR) pyrotechnic articles shall
comply with. In order to facilitate the process of demonstrating compliance with these ESR, harmonized
standards for the design, manufacture and testing of pyrotechnic articles must be developed.
CEN has been mandated by the European Commission (EC) to develop these harmonized standards:
Mandate M 416 describes the work that CEN shall perform.
CEN has entrusted coordination of this work to CEN/TC 212 ‘Pyrotechnic articles’ with the following scope:
“Standardization of fireworks, theatrical pyrotechnic articles, pyrotechnic articles for vehicles and other
pyrotechnic articles, particularly from the point of view of their safe use”.
th th
During its meeting in Delft on October 16 and 17 2007, CEN/TC 212 has decided to share the
corresponding work to be done between several Working Groups. Resolutions have been voted to establish
five Working Groups, one of which is Working Group 5 (CEN/TC 212 / WG 5) in charge of standardization of
“Other Pyrotechnic Articles”.
Because no European standards exist at present for “Other Pyrotechnic Articles”, preliminary work needs to
be performed before a list of standards to be developed by WG 5 can be drawn up. It has been accepted by
CEN/TC 212 and proposed to the European Community a one-year period will be allocated to WG5 to prepare
a CEN Technical Report in which its future work program will be described and an overview of the harmonized
standards it will develop will be given including the reasons why WG 5 has proposed to develop these
Five work sessions have taken place, respectively in NEN – Delft – Netherlands on February 7 2008, in BAM
nd th
– Berlin – Germany on May 22 2008, in NEN – Delft – Netherlands on September 9 2008, in AFNOR –
Paris – France on November 13 2008 and in UNI – Milano – Italy on February 2 2009.
The present document is the final draft of the Technical Report for “Other Pyrotechnic Articles”. It has been
written in close coordination with the other working groups of CEN/TC 212/WG 1 “Fireworks, Categories 1, 2
and 3”, WG 2 “Fireworks, Category 4”, WG 3 “Theatrical Pyrotechnic articles” and WG 4 “Pyrotechnic articles
for vehicles”.
1 Scope
This Technical Report gives an overview of harmonized standards which will be proposed to be developed by
CEN/TC 212 WG 5, “Other Pyrotechnic Articles”. Under this expression, it must be understood, are all
pyrotechnic articles which are not designed and intended for entertainment purposes (“fireworks”), for indoor
or outdoor stage use, including film and television productions or similar use (“theatrical pyrotechnic articles”),
and for automotive industry (“pyrotechnic articles for vehicles”).
It also gives the interpretation WG5 experts have made of some terms, definitions and requirements of
Directive 2007/23/EC in order to assure future harmonized standards will encompass all varieties of “other
pyrotechnic articles”, which are presently placed on the European market, in a consistent way and take the
benefit of all the practical experience and usages of those articles in the Member States.
2 Terminology
2.1 Definition of “Other pyrotechnic articles”
In its Article 2, Directive 2007/23/EC gives a definition of a “pyrotechnic article” as “any article containing
explosive substances or an explosive mixture of substances designed to produce heat, light, sound, gas or
smoke or a combination of such effects through self-sustained exothermic chemical reactions”.
Although heat, light, sound, gas or smoke or combination of such effects are more frequently obtained through
combustive or deflagrating reactions, this definition does not exclude substances or mixture of substances
which exhibit a detonative behaviour.
WG5 experts have considered that no other interpretation of the definition of pyrotechnic articles given by
Directive 2007/23/EC is required.
See Annex A for further information.
2.2 Other terms
Collections of articles: individual item/ article, type, group/family, generic type.
The future harmonized standards for “other pyrotechnic articles” will identify the design parameters and
performance characteristics to be taken into consideration for the corresponding articles to meet the essential
safety requirements of Directive 2007/23/EC. Where appropriate, for each design parameter or performance
characteristic they will state requirements and criteria which shall be complied with.
According to the large variety of other pyrotechnic articles and significant differences they exhibit in design,
functioning and conditions of use, it is clearly noticeable these articles will not have all in common the same
design parameters and performance characteristics. However, collections of articles sharing the same design
parameters and performance characteristics exist. Then WG 5 experts have considered it was necessary to
identify these collections of articles and draw up their list.
The future harmonized standards will state requirements and criteria for each identified homogeneous
collection, which does not mean there may not exist requirements or criteria applicable to several collections
as well as to all pyrotechnic articles whatever their design or behaviour in normal use.
The following terms and definitions will be used hereafter and in the harmonized standard(s) to be developed
by Working Group5:
 Type: sample representative of the production envisaged.
NOTE 1 This definition corresponds to the use of the term ‘type’ in Annex II §2(c) of Directive 2007/23/EC for the
purposes of type-examination.
 Generic type: set of articles with a common, very general, design feature and/or with a common
characteristic effect.
 Subtype: set of articles within a generic type with specific design features.
 Individual item: article within a generic type or subtype for which every possible feature and
characteristic has been fixed.
NOTE 2 Each feature and characteristic will be specified in the technical name or a technical data sheet, as
 Technical name: general description of an individual item.
 Trade name: description of an individual item from a particular supplier.
 Family: set of individual items that will be considered together for the purposes of testing and approval.
NOTE 3 This last definition is fully compliant with Directive 2007/23/EC which states in “Whereas (18)”: “Groups of
pyrotechnic articles that are similar in design, function or behaviour should be assessed by the notified bodies as product
The figure hereafter shows how WG 5 experts intend to organize “other pyrotechnic articles” in “individual
items” (samples of which will be “types”), “families” and “generic types”, starting from the precise design level
to the general design level. Example is given for “smoke generators”.
This will be very useful and efficient to clarify and solve the complexity of their work resulting from the large
variety of design of these “other pyrotechnic articles”. Even for a given kind of pyrotechnic article, developed
for the same type of use, strong variations in design may exist between manufacturers.
At the bottom, “individual items” correspond to the various individual smoke generators in a manufacturer’s
product range, under the brand name “Securix™”, submitted to conformity assessment procedures by the
means of “types”.
In the middle are set up “families” of individual items (e.g. family of “Securix™ Smoke generators”) which may
be considered together for the purposes of testing and certification in compliance with Directive 2007/23/EC.
At the top, the highest level of generalization of the characteristics of types corresponds to “Smoke
generators”, independently from who is the manufacturer and what is the typical design within a product
range. WG5 experts think all types of smoke generators can be put together in a unique collection of groups
because it is highly possible that the essential safety requirements of Directive 2007/23/EC will only imply
design and performance requirements which will be common to every type of smoke generators and none at a
lower level (e.g. that of a family). Then WG 5 harmonized standards will only deal with these “generic types”.
Figure 1 – Generic type, family and item
For some applications it may be useful to take account of “field of use” (See Annex B). However, WG 5
experts have decided to develop future harmonized standards on generic types, not on the field of use.
2.3 Use of blasting agents

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