Service Modelling Language

This document specifies constructs for modelling and specifying product-related service systems in general business terms, recognising the service environment and the product lifecycle. The constructs and their meta-model are consistent with the Model Driven Service Engineering Architecture (MDSEA). They are intended for use by business users to address their business concerns and decision-making, and by systems engineers and IT/researchers using a model-driven engineering approach in the design, development and deployment of service systems in Virtual Manufacturing Enterprises (VMEs), business ecosystems and other application areas.

Sprache zur Modellierung von Dienstleistungen

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Langage de Modélisation de Service

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Jezik za storitve modeliranja

Ta specifikacija opredeljuje konstrukte jezika za storitve modeliranja (SML) za virtualna proizvodna podjetja (VME). Za modeliranje storitvenih sistemov ni jezikovnega standarda ISO ali CEN. Obstoječi jeziki za modeliranje storitev se večinoma osredotočajo na storitve, povezane z informacijsko tehnologijo, ali spletne storitve. Večina obstoječih jezikov za modeliranje podjetij ima določen pomen za storitve za virtualna proizvodna podjetja in jih je mogoče ponovno uporabiti za modeliranje dela sistema storitev v tem kontekstu. Vendar je treba koncepte teh jezikov modeliranja povezati in preslikati med seboj, da se zajamejo vse zahteve glede modeliranja za načrtovanje storitvenih sistemov.
Standardiziran jezik za storitve modeliranja (SML) in z njim povezan meta-model sta pomembna za preprečevanje dragega in razdrobljenega razvoja na tem področju. Jezik za storitve modeliranja je osredotočen na modeliranje proizvodnih storitev, ki jih lahko podjetje razvije v podporo svojim izdelkom.  V primerjavi s standardom ISO 19440-2 ima jezik za storitve modeliranja manj konstruktov in preprostejšo strukturo. Jezik za storitve modeliranja se lahko obravnava kot specializacija splošnejšega jezika za modeliranje, predlaganega v standardu ISO 19440-2 .
Modelirni konstrukti iz te tehnične specifikacije dopolnjujejo druge konstrukte ter podpirajo načrtovanje in izvajanje prihodnjih poslovnih sistemov, ki trgu zagotavljajo razširjene izdelke (izdelke + storitve).
Ta tehnična specifikacija določa:
a) arhitekturo načrtovanja storitev na podlagi modelov (MDSEA),
b) nabor konstruktov za jezik za storitve modeliranja za (virtualna) proizvodna
podjetja v okviru arhitekture načrtovanja storitev na podlagi modelov.
Na voljo je pet dodatkov, ki obravnavajo osnovne koncepte modeliranja storitev, jezike za modeliranje storitev, orodja in arhitekturo načrtovanja storitev na podlagi modelov ter industrijske pilotne projekte za potrditev jezika za storitve modeliranja (dodatka D in E).
Arhitektura načrtovanja storitev na podlagi modelov izhaja iz MDA [1] in MDI [2] s potrebnimi prilagoditvami in razširitvami, da zajema modeliranje storitve (in njenega sistema) v najsplošnejših oblikah.
Modelirni jezik, obravnavan v tej tehnični specifikaciji, je določen samo na ravni modeliranja poslovnih storitev (BSM) v okviru arhitekture načrtovanja storitev na podlagi modelov.  Ta specifikacija se uporablja za proizvodna podjetja, vendar se lahko uporablja tudi za druge vrste podjetij. Namenjen je sistemskim inženirjem, informatikom in raziskovalcem, ki se ukvarjajo z razvojem in uvajanjem storitev, povezanih z izdelki, v virtualnih proizvodnih podjetjih in ekosistemih.
Konstrukti, določeni v tem dokumentu, so namenjeni tudi tistim poslovnim uporabnikom, ki se odločajo na podlagi poslovnih in ne tehničnih vprašanj. Zato so v primerjavi z ustreznicami (če obstajajo) v standardu ISO 19440:2 številne podrobnosti poenostavljene ali izpuščene.
Glavna dodana vrednost predlaganega jezika za storitve modeliranja bo trojna:
i) identifikacija jezikovnih konstruktov, potrebnih za opredelitev storitev, ki jih potrebuje poslovni uporabnik;
ii) integracija obstoječih konstruktov jezikov za modeliranje v enovit meta-model;
iii) opredelitev okvira arhitekture načrtovanja storitev na podlagi modelov, ki temelji na MDI/MDA in gosti jezik ter ponuja metode preoblikovanja modela med ravnmi modeliranja.

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Jezik za storitve modeliranja
Service Modelling Language
Sprache zur Modellierung von Dienstleistungen
Langage de Modélisation de Service
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 17859:2022
35.060 Jeziki, ki se uporabljajo v Languages used in
informacijski tehniki in information technology
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 17859
July 2022
ICS 35.240.50
English Version
Service Modelling Language
Langage de Modélisation de Service Sprache zur Modellierung von Dienstleistungen

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 10 July 2022. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 310.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 17859:2022 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviated terms and construct labels . 6
3.1 Terms and definitions . 6
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 7
3.3 Construct labels . 7
4 Service Modelling Architecture and Language . 8
4.1 Overview . 8
4.2 Model Driven Service Engineering Architecture (MDSEA) . 8
4.3 Service modelling language (SML). 10
4.4 Actor construct representing an Organization’s or a Person’s role . 10
4.5 SML Use Case Example . 11
4.6 Service modelling templates. 15
4.6.1 Overview of constructs . 15
4.6.2 Templates and their usages . 16
4.6.3 Ordering of Templates . 17
4.6.4 Modalities of template attributes and class relationships. 17
5 SML Constructs. 17
5.1 Service . 17
5.2 Decision . 19
5.3 Functionality . 19
5.4 Value . 20
5.5 Performance Indicator . 21
5.6 Product . 21
5.7 Process . 22
5.8 Resource . 23
5.9 Service Level Agreement (SLA) . 24
5.10 Organization . 25
5.11 Person . 26
5.12 Service Vendor . 27
5.13 Customer . 27
5.14 User . 28
5.15 Service Provider . 29
5.16 Stakeholder . 30
Annex A (informative) Basic concepts of service modelling at BSM level . 31
Annex B (informative) Service modelling languages, tools and MDSEA . 34
Annex C (informative) Example of a service modelling at BSM level . 37
Annex D (informative) Industry Pilots to in the MSEE and PSYMBIOSYS Project . 41
Annex E (informative) From BSM to TIM and to TSM levels . 43
Bibliography . 45
European foreword
This document (CEN/TR 17859:2022) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 310
“Advanced automation technologies and their applications”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
During its preparation, contributions have been received from the European FP7 Integrated Project
Manufacturing Service Ecosystem (MSEE) and from the H2020 project PYMBIOSYS.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national standards body.
A complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website.
It is generally considered that Manufacturing Enterprises will progressively migrate from traditional
product-centric business to product-based, service-oriented virtual enterprises and ecosystems. This is
a long and complex process that needs to be carefully assessed, prepared and planned. In particular, it
would be necessary for a company that decides to pursue a manufacturing servitization project, to know
clearly where it is (the current position) and where to go (the target position) so that strengths,
weaknesses and needed investments can be identified. Enterprise Modelling offers the basic concepts for
models, methods and tools to support this servitization process.
Benefits for the user result from a coordinated use of a common modelling language in the design and
operation of service system. This leads to considerable quality improvement in the design process and
cost reduction in the system operation.
A standardized Service Modelling Language (SML) is expected to foster the development of more
compatible products in enterprise service modelling and hence reduce problems in the interoperation of
such ICT products. SML will facilitate not only the modelling of services and service systems but will also
support the development of interoperable software among co-operating organizations.
In addition, the SML will have a positive impact on improving interoperability of model based, service-
oriented products, enabling European virtual factories and enterprises to adapt to the future internet
The SML with its associated meta-model reduces costly and fragmented development in this domain. SML
focuses on modelling of manufacturing services that a company can develop to support its products.
The main added value of the proposed SML will be threefold:
i. Identification of the language constructs needed to define services needed by the business user.
ii. Integration of existing modelling languages constructs into one coherent meta-model.
iii. Definition of an MDSEA framework based on MDI/MDA to host the language and offer methods of
model transformation between the modelling levels.
Three categories of enterprises are considered for this SML Technical report:
a) SMEs or large companies active in model based servitization or in the process of designing business
models that include servitization aspects. The benefits of an SML standard are seen in a contribution
to ease enterprise interoperability between organisations without the need of strong
b) National/Regional projects or IT consultancies willing to integrate an SML standard in their
project/domain. This business model together with the MSEE Toolbox (as described in Annex D) will
enable the transfer of MSEE technology to other projects beyond those already existing. Four use
cases deploying the MSEE technology in SMEs of the industry sectors Machine Tools, Observation,
Furniture and Textile elaborated in the European PSYMBIOSYS project are presented in Annex D. The
use cases demonstrate the applicability and the benefits of (SML) standard-based solutions
c) Large industrial enterprises, who need business models aimed at offering IT assets to other large
industrial partners who are looking for standards-based solutions. A standard for language
modelling will ease enterprise interoperability between the partners of such enterprise network and
create measurable value.
This specification applies to manufacturing enterprises but can also apply to other classes of enterprises.
It is intended for use by system engineers, IT and research specialists who are concerned with developing
and deploying product related services in VMEs and Ecosystems. The constructs specified in this
document are also intended to be used by those business users who are making decisions based on
business rather than technical concerns. For this reason, many of the details are simplified or omitted
compared to their equivalents (where they exist) in ISO 19440:2020.
Compared to ISO 19440:2020, SML employs fewer constructs and has a simpler structure. The SML can
be considered as a derivation (but not a formal specialization) of the more general modelling language
proposed in ISO 19440:2020. The modelling constructs of this proposed Technical Report are
complementary to those constructs and support the design and implementation of future enterprise
systems providing extended products (products + services) to the market.
NOTE Where SML constructs have the same name as those in IS19440, their meaning is the same, but their
attributes are simplified (and sometimes rephrased) to include only those relevant to service modelling.
This document specifies a Service Modelling Language defined according to a Model Driven Service
Engineering Architecture (MDSEA), to support the design and implementation of the service system in a
virtual manufacturing enterprise environment. It also specifies a set of constructs for a Service Modelling
Five annexes are provided addressing the basics concepts of service modelling, service modelling
languages, tools and MDSEA, an example of service modelling at BSM level, industrial pilots to validate
the SML and the progression between MDSEA levels.
The MDSEA is derived from [1] with necessary adaptation and extension to cover the modelling of service
(and its system) in its most general forms. The modelling language addressed in this document is
specified only at the Business Service Modelling (BSM) level of MDSEA.
1 Scope
This document specifies constructs for modelling and specifying product-related service systems in

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