ISO 2533:1975/Add 2:1997
(Main)Standard Atmosphere — Addendum 2: Extension to - 5000 m and standard atmosphere as a function of altitude in feet
Standard Atmosphere — Addendum 2: Extension to - 5000 m and standard atmosphere as a function of altitude in feet
Atmosphère Type — Additif 2: Extension à - 5000 m, et atmosphère type en fonction de l'altitude, en feet
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Premiere Edition
flepeoe vr3flawe
nOnOflHEHi/lE 2
Standard atmosphere
Extension to - 5000 m and Standard atmosphere as a
function of altitude in feet
Atmosph&e type
Extension a - 5 000 m, et atmosphkre type en
fonction de I’altitude, en feet
CTaHaapTHa%l aTMOCC#Epa
flOl-lOJlHEHVlE 2:
Pacwvipetime fl0 - 5000 M VI CTaHflaPTHaFI aTMOCC#Epa B
*~HK~VII/I 0~ BblcoTbl B clpyTax
Reference number
Numero de rkference
HoMep CCblJlKL ’l
ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R)
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ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(1 EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
Addendum 2 to International Standard ISO 2533:1975 was prepared by
Technical Committee lSO/TC 20, Aircraft and space vehicles, Sub-
committee SC 6, Standard afmosphere, under the technical instruction of
the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Annex A of this addendum is for information only.
0 ISO 1997
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including
photocopying and microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher. / Droits de
reproduction reserves. Sauf prescription differente, aucune Partie de cette publication ne
peut etre reproduite ni utilisee sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procede,
electronique ou mecanique, y compris Ia photocopie et les microfilms, sans I ’accord ecrit de
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International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
x.400 c=ch; a=400net; p=iso; o=isocs; s=central
Printed in Switzerland/lmprime en Suisse
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ISO 2533:1975/Add,2:1997(E/F/R)
L ’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation
mondiale d ’organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de
I ’ISO). L ’elaboration des Normes internationales est en general confiee aux
comites techniques de I ’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une
etude a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique cree a cet effet. Les
organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernemen-
tales, en liaison avec I ’ISO participent egalement aux travaux. L ’ISO colla-
bore etroitement avec Ia Commission electrotechnique internationale (GEI)
en ce qui concerne Ia normalisation electrotechnique.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques
sont soumis aux comites membres pour vote. Leur publication comme
Normes internationales requiert I ’approbation de 75 % au moins des co-
mites membres votants.
L ’Additif 2 a Ia Norme internationale ISO 2533:1975 a etc elabore par Ie
comite technique lSO/TC 20, Ahonautique et espace, sous-comite SC 6,
Atmosph&e type, selon les instructions techniques de I ’Organisation de
I ’aviation civile internationale (ICAO).
L ’annexe A du present Additif est donnee uniquement a titre d ’information.
. . .
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ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R) 0 ISO
VlCO (MemAyHapofltiafi OpraHi43aum no CTaHflapTi43aum) fiBnfleTcfl
BCeMiApHOtl C@eflepauVleti HauVlOHanbHblX OpraHl ’l3a~vltI I-IO CTaHflapTiA3a~VlPl
(KOMMTeTOB-YneHOB idCO>. Pa3padOTKa Me)KflyHapOflHbtx CTaHnapTOB OCy-
~eCTBJlfIeTCfI TeXHM ‘ieCKMMM KOML ’lTeTaMl ’l L/ICo. Ka>Kflbiii KOMHTeT-WeH, 3aPlH-
TepeCOBaHHbltl B /JefITenbHOCT~, flnfi KOTOpOil 6brn CO3flaH TeXHWieCKMi
KOMMTeT, MMeeT npaB0 6blTb IlpeflCTaBneHHblM B 3TOM KOMIlTeTe. MexnyHa-
pOflHble rlpaBPlTenbCTBeHHble M HellpaBPlTenbCTBeHHble OpraHlA3a~VlM, MMelO-
u(He CBR3Ll c KO, TaKme IlplAHMMalOT yqacTi4e B pa6oTax. YTO KacaeTm
cTaHnapTvmqm B o6nacTM 3JleKTpOTeXHMKl4, MC0 pa60TaeT B TeCHOM co-
TpynHWeCTBe c MemflyHapOflHOti 3neKTpOTeXHWieCKOil KoMimHefi (M3K).
npOeKTbl Meqd-tapOflHblX CTaHflapTOB, llpVlHRTble TeXHWieCKMMPl KOMVlTe-
TaMM, paCCblnatOTCfi KOML ’lTeTaM-WeHaM Ha rOnOCOBaHPle. L/lX ony6nmKo-
BaHHe B Ka ’ieCTBe MemflyHapOflHblX CTaHflapTOB Tpe6yeT oflo6peHm no
MeHbLUetl Mepe 75 % KOMMTeTOB-YneHOB, llpL4Hl4MatOllJ~X yraCTiAe B
IononHeHMe 2 K MemflyHapOflHOMy CTatilapaTy IACO 2533: 1975 6bmo
pa3pa60TaHo VlCOAK 20, ABMaqMOHHbIe M
KocMwecme annapaTb/, I-lOflKOMiATeT IlK 6, CTaHflapTHaA’ aTMOCc;bepa, B
COOTBeTCTBlWl C TeXHWeCKMMM yKa3aHMRMl4 MemflyHapoflHoti OpraHH3aL/m
rpamIaHcKoti aBuaum (VlKAO).
ilpw-iomeHi4e A HacTofiuero AononHeHm UaHo TonbKo flna i4H@opMaqm.
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ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R)
Atmosphkre type
Standard atmosphere
Extension to - 5000 m and Extension 5 - 5000 m, et Pacwpewe ~0 - 5000 M VI
atmosphke type en cratiaapniafl amocc#3epa B
Standard atmosphere as a
fonction de I ’altitude, en C#l)/HK~MM BblCOTbl B ct>vaX
function 0% altitude in feet
1 Domaine d ’application 1 06nacTb npVlMeHeHVlSi
1 Scope
Le present Additif contient les t-iacTofiulee AononHeHMe c0flepmu-r
This addendum contains values of
Standard atmosphere (SA) param- valeurs des parametres de l’atmo- 3HaC(eHPlR napaMeTpoB CTaHflapTHOh
sphere type, en fonction de I’alti- aTMOCC@epbl B @yHK~MVl BblCOTbl B
eters as a function of altitude in
metres for the altitude range from tude, en metres, pour les altitudes MeTpaX B BbICOTHOM uVlana3OHe OT
entre -5000 m et +2 000 m, par -5 000 M AO +2 000 M c UaroM
- 5 000 m to + 2 000 m in 50 m
Steps. These values are given in intervalles de 50 m. Ces valeurs 50 M. 3TVI 3HaCleHVIR AaHbl B Ta6nw
sont donnees dans les tableaux 1, 2 uax1,2M3.
tables 1, 2 and 3.
et 3.
OHO coflepmMT TaKme 3HaqeHwi Tex
This addendum also contains values
II contient aussi les memes me napaMeTpoB B @~HKLJWI BblcoTbl B
of the same Parameters as a func-
parametres, en fonction de I’alti- c&-rax, jy-w BblcoT B flLiana3oHe OT
tion of altitude in feet for the alti-
tude range from - 16 500 ft to tude, en feet, pour les altitudes -16500@~ ~0 +262500@~, c
+ 262 500 ft in 200 ft Steps up to entre - 16 500 ft et + 262 500 ft, utaroM 200 Ct)T QO B blCOTbl
par paliers de 200 ft jusqu ’a + 105 000 C@T Vl C LLlarOM 500 C/IT
+ 105 000 ft and in 500 ft Steps
above + 105 000 ft. These values + 105 000 ft, et par paliers de 500 ft CBblUJe + 105 000 @T. 3TM 3HaYeHWl
au-dessus de + 105 000 ft. Ces flaHbl B Ta6nrnuax 4, 5 M 6.
are given in tables 4, 5 and 6.
valeurs sont donnees dans les
tableaux 4, 5 et 6.
2 Calculation of Parameter 2 Calcul des valeurs des 2 PacreT 3t4aret4MM
values napaMeTpOB
The formulae, the values of bound- Les formules, les valeurs des con- IlpM pacre-re 3HareHviti napaMeTpoB
ary conditions and the physical con- ditions limites et les constantes CTaHAapTHOh aTMOCC$Iepbl HaCTO-
stants specified in ISO 2533 and physiques prescrites dans I’ISO 2533 fiuero AononHeHMfi Mcnonb30BaHbl
ISO 2533/Add.l were used to calcu- et dans I’ISO 2533/Add.l ont etc C@OpMyJlbl L ’l 3HaYeHMFl l-paHVNHblX
late the Parameter values given in utilisees pour calculer les valeurs yCJlOBhi L ’l Ct)M3WieCKVlX KOHCTaHT,
---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R)
des parametres donnees dans Ie I-lpLdBefleHHble B
this addendum. The method used KO2533 kl
present Additif. La methode utilisee
MC0 2533/~on. 1. HeoGxonHMoe ~nn
for calculating these values and the
pour Ie calcul de ces valeurs et Ie 3TOti UeflvI llpOrpaMMHOe o6ecne-
necessary Software wer-e devel-
logiciel necessaire ont etc deve-
qeme kl CaM pacreu pa3pa60mibs VI
oped by the Central Aero-Hydro-
loppes par Ie Central Aero-Hydro- !-lpOBefleH bl B &HTpan bHOM aBpO-
dynamic Institute (TSAGI).
dynamic Institute (TSAGI).
R-9. E. ~yKOBcKOr0 Q~AWl).
The parameter values in tables 1, 2
Les valeurs des parametres des
and 3 were calculated on the basis
tableaux 1, 2 et 3 ont etc calculees PacueT 3HareHvG naparvre-rpos B
of the Standard model of the atro-
sur Ia base du modele normalise de
Ta6nwqax i, 2 L/1 3, Ha BblCOTaX OT
posphere extrapolated into the
I’atroposphere extrapole pour les - 5 080 M 00 + 2 000 M, l- ‘lpOBefleH
range - 5 000 m to + 2 000 m.
altitudes entre -5000 m et Ha 6a3e CTaHflapTHOti MOflentd TpOl-lO-
+ 2 000 m.
cc@epbl c ee BKcTpanonflqmeti B yKa-
3aHHbiW Qr4ana30t-i.
3 Revision 3 k?p~CMO-rp
3 Revision
Il a etc convenu que I’Organisation
lt has been agreed that the Inter- 6blno noc-rm-Hya-0 cornaWeiir4e, qT0
de I’aviation civile internationale MexAyriapoflHafi opratiM3aqMfl rpax-
national Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) will be consulted in the (ICAO) sera consultee dans I’even- flaHCKOih amaqm (VKAO) 6yneT
tualite d ’une revision ou d ’un KOHCynbT!ApOBaHa B Cnyqae llepe-
event of any revision or amendment
of this addendum. To this end, amendement du present Additif. A CMOTpa WlM M3MeHeHWI HaCTORLL/erO
cette fin, Ie TSAGI agira en temps jjononHeHwi. j$-rfl ~ToL]~ LdenM lJASl4
TSAGI will act as a liaison body
between ICAO and the Consultative qu ’organe de liaison entre I’ICAO 6yfleT BblROnHFiTb pOnb OpraHa CBfi3Pl
et Ie Comite consultatif pour les MWKfly VKA0 IA KOHCynbTaqvlOHHblM
Committee for Spate Data Systems
systemes de donnees spatiales KOMklTeTOM JJnfI CPlCTefM KOCMWeCKl4X
flaHHblX (CCSDS).
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ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R)
Table ‘I - Temperature (Tand t), pressure (P,, density (p) and acceleration of free fall (g) in terms of
geometrical altitude (h) and geopotential altitude (H) - Altitudes in metres
- Tempkature (Tet t), Pression (p), masse volumique Qp) et acc&ration due h Ia pesanteur (g)
Tableau 1
en fonction de I ’altitude geometrique (h) et de I ’altitude geopotentielle (H) - Altitudes en metres
Ta6nMLqa 1 - ~~Ml ’lep~~pa (T kl t), ~aBJlUWle @), WIOTHOCTb (p) M YCKOpeHPle CW ’lbl TSWCeCTM (g) B C#lyHK~MM
reOMeTpWECKOii (h) M U?OllOTeH~MCIJlbHOti (H) BblCOT - BblCOTbl B MeTpax
Tabla 1 - Temperatura (T y t), presih (p), densidad (p) y aceleracih debida a Ia gravedad (g) en funcih de
Ia altitud geom6trica (h) y Ia altitud geopotential (H) - Altitudes en metros
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ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R)
Table 1
Tableau 1
Ta6mua 1
Tabla 1
Values tn terms of geometrical altitude. Valeurs en fonction de I ’altitude gkomktrique.
3tiaqetiMR k3enwibv-i B @I~HKL~IVI reoMe-rpwiecKoh f3blcoTbl. Valores en funcih de Ia altitud geomktrica.
T t
h H
P P g
m m K “C hPa kg-m-3
M M rila Kl-. M-3 MsC-2
-5 000 -5004 320.676 47.526 1.77762 +3 1.93113 +o 9.8221
-4954 320.350 47.200 1.76015 1.92200 9.0219
-4 950
-4 900 -4904 320.025 46.075 1.75073 1.91450 9.0210
-4 054 319.699 46.549 1.74935 1.90622
-4050 9.8216
-4800 -4004 319.374 46.224 1.74001 1.09790 9.8215
-4 754 319.048 45.098 1.73071
-4 750 1.08976 9.0213
-4 700 318.723 45.573 1.72145 1.00157 9.0212
-4 703
-4650 -4653 318.397 1.71223 1.87340 9.8210
310.072 44.922 1.06527
-4600 -4603 1.70305 9.0209
-4550 -4 553 44.596 1.69391 1.05716 9.0207
-4500 -4 503 317.421 44.271 1.60401 +3 1.04907 +0 9.0205
317.095 43.945
-4450 -4453 1.67575 1.04102 9.8204
-4400 -4403 316.770 43.620 1.66673 1.03299 9.8202
316.444 43.294 1.82499
-4350 -4353 1.65775 9.8201
-4300 -4303 316.119 42.969 1.64801 1.01701 9.0199
-4 253 315.793 1.63991
-4250 42.643 1.00907 9.8198
-4200 -4 203 315.468 42.318 1.63105 1.00115 9.8196
-4 153 315.143 41.993
-4 150 1.62222 1.79325 9.8195
-4 100 -4 103 314.017 1.61344 1.70538 9.8193
314.492 41.342
-4050 -4053 1.60469 1.77754 9.0192
314.166 41.016
-4 000 -4003 1.59598 +3 1.76973 +0 9.0190
-3950 -3952 313.041 40.691 1.58731 1.76194 9.8188
-3900 -3902 313.516
40.366 1.57068 1.75410 9.0187
-3050 313.190 40.040 1.57009 1.74644 9.8 7 85
-3600 -3002 312.065 39.715 1.56154
1.73873 9.8184
-3 752 312.539
-3 750 39.389 1.55302 1.73105 9.8 182
- -3700 -3 702 312.214 39.064 1.72339
1.54454 9.8181
-3650 -3652 311.089
38.739 1.53610 1.71576 9.8 179
-3600 -3602 311.563 30.413 1.52769 9.8 178
-3550 -3552 311.238
30.008 1.51933 1.70058 9.8 176
-3 500 -3 502 310.913 37.763 1.511OO +3
1.69303 +0 9.8175
-3450 -3452 310.507 37.437 1.50271 1.68550 9.8173
-3400 -3402 310.262 37.112 1.49445
1.67800 9.8171
-3 350 -3352 309.936 36.786 1.48623 1.67052 9.8170
-3 300 -3 302 309.611
36.461 1.47805 1.66307 9.8168
-3 250 -3252 309.286 36.136 1.46991 1.65565 9.8167
-3200 -3 202 308.960
35.010 1.46180 1.64825 9.8165
-3 150 -3 152 300.635 35.485
1.45373 1.64080 9.8164
-3 100 -3 102 308.310
35.160 1.44569 1.63353 9.8162
-3 050 -3051 307.985 34.835 1.43769
1.62620 9.0161
-3000 -3001 307.659 34.509 1.42973 +3 1.61891 +0 9.0159
-2950 -2951 307.334 34.104
1.42180 1.61163 9.8158
-2900 -2901 307.009 33.859 1.41391 1.60439
-2 050 -2851 306.683 1.59716
33.533 1.40605 9.8154
-2 000 -2001 306.358 33,208 1.39823 1.58997
-2 750 -2 751 306.033 32.003
1.39045 1.58279 9.8151
-2700 -2 701 305.707 32.557 1.38270 1.57565
-2650 -2651 305.382 32.232 1.37498 9.8148
-2600 -2601 305.057 31.907 1.36730 1.56143 9.0147
-2 550 -2551 304.732 31.502 1.55435 9.8145
-2500 -2501 304.406 31.256
1.35205+3 1.54731 +o 9.8144
-2450 -2451 304.00 1 30.931
1.34447 1.54020 9.0142
-2400 -2401 303.756 9.0141
30.606 1.33693 1.53328
-2 350 -2351 303.43 1 30.281
1.32942 1.52631 9.8139
-2 300 -2301 303.105 1.51936
29.955 1.32195 9.8138
-2250 -2251 302.700 29.630 1.51243 9.8136
-2200 -2201 302.455 1.30711 1.50553 9.8134
-2 150 -2 151 302.130 28.980 1.29974 1.49065 9.8133
-2 100 -2 101 301.005 20.655 1.29240 1.49100 9.0131
-2050 -2051 301.479 20.329 1.40497 9.8130
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@ ISO ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R)
Table 1
Tableau 1
Ta6mqa 1
Tabla 1
Values in terms of geopotential altitude. Valeurs en fonction de I'altitude geopotentielle.
3tiaqetikw f3enwiw-i B~$YHKL_IWI reonoTetiLqvranbt-ioW BblcoTbl. Valores enfuncihdelaaltitudgeopotencial.
h T t
P P g
m m “C hPa kg-m-3 ms-2
M M rfla Kr-M-3 M-C-2
-4 996 320.650
-5000 47.500 1.77687 +3 1.93047 +o 9.022 1
-4 946 320.325
-4950 47.175 1.76743 1.92216 9.0219
-4900 -4 096 320.000
46.050 1.75802 1.91307 9.0210
-4 050 -4 846 319.675 46.525 1.74866 1.90561 9.0216
-4 796 319.350
-4 000 46.200 1.73933 1.09730 9.8215
-4 750 -4 746 319.025 45.075 1.73005 1.00910 9.0213
-4 700 -4 697 310.700 45.550 1.72081 1.001OO 9.0212
-4 650 -4 647 310.375 45.225 1.71160 1.07205 9.0210
-4 600 -4 597 318.050 44.900 1.70244 1.06473 9.8208
-4 550 -4 547 317.725 44.575 1.69332 1.85663 9.0207
-4 500 -4 497 317.400 44.250 1.60423 +3 1.04056 +0 9.8205
-4 450 -4 447 317.075 43.925 1.67519 1.04052 9.0204
-4400 -4 397 316.730 43.600 1.66618 1.83250 9.0202
-4 350 -4 347 316.425 43.275 1.65722 1.02451 9.0201
-4300 -4 297 316.100 42.950 1.64829 1.01655 9.01 W
-4 250 -4 247 315.775 42.625 1.63940 1.80062 9.0190
-4 200 -4 197 315.450 42.300 1.63056 1.80071 9.0196
-4 150 -4 147 315.125 41.975 1.62175 1.79203 9.0195
-4 100 -4 097 314.800 4 1.650 1.61297 1.70497 9.0193
-4 050 -4 047 314.475 4 1.325 1.60424 1.77714 9.0191
-4 000 -3 997 314.750 41.000 1.59555 +3 1.76934 +0 9.0190
-3950 -3 948 313.825 40.675 1.50689 1.76156 9.8100
-3 900 -3 898 313.500 40.350 1.57827 1.75301 9.8107
-3 850 -3 848 313.175 40.025 1.56969 1.74608 9.0105
-3 800 -3 798 312.850 39.700 1.56115 1.73839 9.0104
-3 750 -3 748 312.525 39.375 1.55264 1.73071 9.0102
-3 700 -3 690 312.200 39.050 1.54418 1.72307 9.0101
-3650 -3 648 311.875 38.725 1.53575 1.71544 9.8179
-3 600 -3 598 311.550 38.400 1.52735 1.70785 9.0 178
-3 550 -3 548 311.225 38.075 1.51900 1.70028 9.0176
-3 500 -3 498 310.900 37.750 1.51068 +3 1.69274 +0 9.0175
-3450 -3 448 310.575 37.425 1.50240 1.60522 9.8173
-3400 -3 398 310.250 37.100 1.49415 1.67773 9.0171
-3350 -3 348 309.925 36.775 1.48594 1.67026 9.8170
-3 300 -3 298 309.600 36.450 1.47777 1.66282 9.8168
-3 250 -3 248 309.275 36.125 1.46964 1.65540 9.8167
-3200 -3 198 308.950 35.800 1.46154 1.64001 9.0165
-3 150 -3 148 308.625 35.475 1.45348 1.64065 9.8164
-3 100 -3 098 308.300 35.150 1.44545 1.63331 9.8162
-3 050 -3049 307.975 34.825 1.43746 1.62599 9.8161
-3 000 -2999 307.650 34.500 1.42950+3 1.61870 +0 9.0159
-2950 -2949 307.325 34.175 1.42158 1.61144 9.8150
-2 900 -2 899 307.OOo 33.830 1.41370 1.60420 9.8156
-2850 -2 849 306.675 33.525 1.40505 1.59698 9.8154
-2800 -2 799 306.350 33.200 1.39804 1.58979 9.8153
-2 750 -2 749 306.025 32.075 1.39026 1.58262 9.0151
-2 700 -2 699 305.700 32.550 1.38252 1.57540 9.8130
-2 650 -2 649 305.375 32.225 1.37481 1.56837 9.8140
-2600 -2 599 305.050 31.900 1.36714 1.56120 9.0147
-2 549
-2 550 304.725 31.575 1.35950 1.55421 9.0145
-2 500 -2 499 304.400 31.230 1.35190+3 1.54717 +o 9.0144
-2450 -2 449 304.075 30.925 1.34433 1.54015 9.8142
-2400 -2 399 303.750 30.600 1.33679 1.53316 9.8141
-2 350 -2 349 303.425 30.275 1.32929 1.52619 9.8139
-2300 -2 299 303.100 29.950 1.32183 1.51924 9.0137
-2250 -2 249 302.775 29.625 1.31439 1.51232 9.0136
-2 200 -2 199 302.450 29.300 1.30700 1.50542 9.8134
-2 150 -2 149 302.125 28.975 1.29963 1.49855 9.0133
-2100 -2099 301.000 20.650 1.29230 9.0131
-2 050 -2049 301.475 20.325 1.20500 1.40488 9.8130
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ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R)
Table 1 (continued)
Tableau 1 (Suite)
Ta6nMua 1 (npoAonmewe)
Tabla 1 (continuack5n)
Values in terms of geometrical altitude. Valeurs en fonction de I ’altitude gkomktrique.
3tia~etiw f3enwwti B @YHKL~IM reoMe-rpw-iecKoh BbicoTbi. Valores en funcibn de Ia altitud geometrica.
T t
h H
P P g
K “C hPa kg-m-3 rnd
m m
M M rfla Kl-. M-3 M*C-2
-2 000 -2001 301.154 28.OO4 1.27783 +3 1.47816+0 9.8120
-1 950 -1 951 300.829 27.679 1.27059 1.47130 9.0127
-1 900 -1 901 300.504 27.354 1.26339 1.46462 9.8125
-1 051 300.179 27.029 1.25622 1.45789 9.8124
-1 850
-1 800 -1 801 299.853 26.703 1.24989 1.45118 9.8122
-1 750 299.528 26.378 1.24198 1.44449 9.8121
-1 750
-1 700 -1 700 299.203 26.053 1.23491 1.43783 9.8119
290.878 25.728 1.22787 1.43119 9.0117
-1 650 -1 650
-1 600 298.553 25.403 1.22087 1.42458 9.8116
-1 600
298.227 25.077 1.21390 1.41799 9.8114
-1 550 -1 550
297.902 24.752 1.20696+3 1.41142 +0 9.0113
-1 500 -1 500
-1 450 297.577 24.427 1.2OOQ5 1.40487 9.8111
-1 450
297.252 24.102 1.19317 9.0110
-1 400 -1 400 1.39835
-1 350 296.927 23.777 1.18633 1.39186 9.8108
-1 350
296.602 23.452 1.17952 9.8107
-1 300 -1 300 1.38538
-1 250 296.277 23.127 1.17274 1.37893 9.8105
-1 250
295.95 1 22.801 1.16599
-1 200 -1 200 1.37250 9.8104
-1 150 295.626 22.476 1.15927 1.36610 9.8102
-1 150
295.301 22.151 1.15259 1.35971
-1 100 -1 100 9.8100
294.976 21.826 1.14593 9.8099
-1 050 -1 050 1.35335
-1 000 294.651 21.501 1.13931 +3 1.34702 +0 9.8097
-1 000
294.326 21.176 1.13272
-950 -950 1.34070 9.8096
-900 294.001 20.851 1.12616 1.33441 9.8094
293.676 20.526 1.11963
-850 -850 1.32814 9.8093
-000 -800 293.351 20.201 1.11313 1.32190 9.809 1
-750 293.026 19.876 1.10666 1.31567
-750 9.8090
-700 292.701 19.551 1.10023 1.30947 9.0088
- -700
-650 292.375 19.225
-650 1.09382 1.30330 9.8087
-600 -600 292.050 18.900 1.08744 1.29714 9.8085
-550 -550 291.725 10.575 1.08110 1.29101 9.8083
-500 -500 291.400 18.230 1.07478 +3 1.28490 +0 9.8082
-450 -450 291.075 17.925 1.06849 1.27881 9.8080
-400 -400 290.750 17.600 1.06224 1.27274 9.8079
-350 -350 290.425 17.275 1.05601 1.26670 9.8077
-300 290.100 16.950 1.04981 1.26067 9.8076
-250 -250 289.775 16.625 1.04365 1.25467 9.8074
-200 289.450 16.3bO 1.24870 9.8073
-200 1.03751
-150 -150 289.125 15.975 1.03140 1.24274 9.8071
-100 288.800 9.8070
-100 15.650 1.02532 1.23680
-50 -50 288.475 15.325 1.01927 1.23089 9.8068
0 0 288.150 75.oOO 1.01325+3 1.22500 +o 9.8067
50 50 287.825 14.675 1.00726 1.21913 9.8065
100 100 207.500 14.330 1.00129 1.21328 9.8063
150 150 287.175 14.025 9.95359 +2 1.20746 9.8062
200 '200 286.850 13.700 9.89453 1.20165 9.8060
250 250 286.525 13.375 9.83576 1.19587 9.8059
300 300 286.200 13.030 9.77727 1.19011 9.8057
350 350 205.875 12.725 9.71906 1.18437 9.8056
400 400 285.550 12.400 9.66113 1.17865 9.8054
450 450 205.225 12.075 9.60349 1.17295 9.8053
500 500 11.730
204.900 9.54612 +2 1.16727 +0 9.8051
550 550 204.575 11.425 9.48904
1.16162 9.8030
600 600
284.250 ll.lOO 9.43223 1.15590 9.8048
650 650 283.925 10.775 9.37569
1.15037 9.8046
700 700 283.601 10.451 1.14478
9.31944 9.0045
750 750 283.276 10.126 9.26345 1.13921 9.8043
800 000 202.951 9.20775 9.8042
9.801 1.13365
850 850 282.626 9.476 9.15231 1.12812 9.0040
900 900 282.301 9.151 9.09714 1.12262 9.0039
950 950 201.976 8.826 9.042?9 1.11713 9.8037
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ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R)
Table 1 (continued)
Tableau 1 (Suite)
TaQnwua 1 (npo,gomeme)
Tabla 1 (continuaci&~)
Values in terms of geopotential altitude. Valeurs en fonction de I ’altitude g6opotentielle.
3tiawww f3enwiw-i B C~)~HKL~WI reonoTet-i~ManbHoW f3btcoTbl. Valores en funcih de Ia altitud geopotential.
H h t
P P 8
m K “C
m hPa kg-m-3 m-s-2
M hfl rfla Kr-. M-3 Mf-*
-2 000 -1 999 301.150 28.000 1.27774+3 1.47808+0 9.8128
-1 950 -1 949 300.825 27.675 1.27051 1.47130 9.8127
-1900 -1 899 300.500 27.350 1.26331 1.46455
-1 850 -1 849 300.175 27.025 1.25614 1.45782 9.8124
-1 800 -1 799 299.850 26.700 1.24901 1.45111
-1 750 -1 750 299.525 26.375 1.24191 1.44443
-1 700 -1 700 299.200 26.050 1.23485
1.43777 9.8119
-1 650 -1 650 298.875 25.725 1.22781 1.43114
-1 600 -1 600 298.550 25.400
1.22081 1.42453 9.8116
-1 550 -1 550 298.225 25.075 1.21384 1.41794
-1 500 -1 500 297.900 24.750
1.20691 +3 1.41137+0 9.8113
-1 450 -1 450 297.575 24.425
1.20000 1.40483 9.8111
-1 400 -1 400 297.250 24.100 1.19313
1.39831 9.8110
-1 350 296.925
-1 350 23.775 1.18629 1.39182 9.8108
-1 300 -1 300 296.600 23.450
1.17948 1.38535 9.8107
-1 250 296.275
-1 250 23.125 1.17271 1.37890 9.8105
-1 200 -1 200 295.950 22.800
1.16596 1.37247 9.8104
-1 150 295.625
-1 150 22.475 1.15925 1.36607 9.8102
-1 100 -1 100 295.300 22.150
1.15256 1.35969 9.8100
-1 050 -1 05@ 21.825 1.14591 1.35333 9.8099
-1 000 -1 000 294.650 21.500 1.13929+3 1.34700+0 9.8097
-950 294.325 21.175
-950 1.13270 1.34068 9.8096
-900 -WO 20.850 1.12614 1.33440 9.8094
-850 -850 293.675 20.525 1.11962
1.32813 9.8093
-800 293.350
-800 20.200 1.11312 1.32189 9.8091
-750 -750 293.025 19.875 1.31566
1.10665 9.8090
-700 292.700
-700 19.550 1.10022 1.30946 9.8088
-650 -650 292.375 19.225 1.09381
1.30329 9.8087
-600 292.050 18.900 1.08744 .
-600 1.29713 9.8085
-550 -550 291.725 18.575 1.08109 1.29100
-500 -500 291.400 18.250 1.07478 +3 1.28489 +0 9.8082
-450 291.075 17.925 1.06849
-450 1.27880 9.8080
-400 -400 290.750 17.600 1.06223 1.27274 9.8079
-350 -350 290.425 17.275 1.05601 1.26669
-300 -300 290.100 16.950 1.04981 1.26067
-250 289.775 16.625 1.25467
-250 1.04365 9.8074
-200 -200 289.450 16.3bO 1.03751 1.24869 9.8073
-150 289.125 15.975 1.03140 1.24274
-150 9.8071
-100 288.800 15.650 1.02532 1.23680 9.8070
-50 288.475 15.325 1.01927
-50 1.23089 9.8068
0 288.150 15.000 1.01325 +3 1.22500 +o 9.8067
50 50 287.825 14.675 1.00726 1.21913 9.8065
100 287.500 14.350 1.00129 1.21328 9.8063
150 150 287.175 14.025 9.95359 +2 1.20746 9.8062
200 286.850 13.700 9.89453 1.20165 9.8060
250 286.525 13.375 9.83575 1.19587 9.8059
300 286.200 13.050 9.77725 1.19011 9.8057
350 285.875 12.725 9.71904 1.18436 9.8056
400 285.550 12.400 9.66111 1.17864 9.8054
450 285.225 12.075 9.60345 1.17295 9.8053
284.900 11.750 9.54608 +2 1.16727 +0 9.8051
500 500
11.425 9.48898 1.16161 9.8050
550 550 284.575
284.250 11.100 9.43216 1.15598 9.8048
600 600
10.775 9.37562 1.15036 9.8046
650 650 283.925
700 283.600 10.450 9.31935 1.14477 9.8045
750 283.275 10.125 9.26336 1.13920 9.8043
800 800 282.950 9.800 9.20763 1.13364 9.8042
850 282.625 9.475 9.15218 1.12811 9.8040
900 900 282.300 9.150 9.09700 1.12260 9.8039
950 281.975 8.825 9.04209 1.11711 9.8037
* .*
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ISO 2533: 1975/Add.2: 1997 (E/F/R)
Table 1 (concluded)
Tableau 1 (fh)
Ta6mua 1 (OKOHYCU-M~)
Tabla 1 ifinal)
Values in terms of geometrical altitude. Valeurs en fonction de I ’altitude geomktrique.
3tiaqet-w BenLrlwt-4 B C&HKULIM reoMe-rpwiecKoM Bbico-rbi. Valores en funcibn de Ia altitud geombtrica.
T t
h H
P P g
m m K “C hPa kg-m-3
M M rfla Kl-. M-3 Mf-*
281.651 8.501 1.11166 +o
1000 loo0 8.98763 +2 9.8036
281.326 8.176 8.93327 1.10621
1050 1050 9.8034
281.001 7.851 1.10079
1100 1100 8.87918 9.8033
1150 1150 280.676 8.82536 1 ao9538 9.8031
1200 1200 280.351 7.201 8.77180 1.08999 9.8029
1250 1250 280.027 8.71851 1.08463 9.8028
1300 1300 279.702 6.552 8.66548 1.07928 9.8026
1350 1350 279.377 6.227 8.61271 1.07396 9.8025
1400 1400 279.052 5.902 8.56020 1.06865 9.8023
1450 1450 278.727 5.577 8.50795 1.06337 9.8022
1500 1500 278.402 5.252 8.45597 +2 1.05810+0 9.8020
1550 1550 278.077 4.927 8.40424 1.05286 9.8019
1600 1600 277.753 4.603 8.35277 1.04764 9.8017
1650 1650 277.428 4.278 8.30155 1.04243 9.8016
1700 1700 277.103 3.953 8.25059 1.03725 9.8014
1750 1750 276.778 3.628 8.19989 1.03208 9.8013
1800 1799 276.453 3.303 8.14943 1.02694 9.8011
1850 1 849 276.128 2.979 8.09923 1.02181 9.8009
1900 1899 275.804 2.654 8.04929 1.01671 9.8008
1950 1 949 275.479 2.329 7.99959 1.01162 9.8006
1999 275.154 2.004 7.95014 +2 1.00655 +o 9.8005
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ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R)
Table 1 (conclucfed)
Tableau 1 (fin)
Ta6nMua 1 (oKowmwe)
Tabla 1 (final)
Values in terms of geopotential altitude. Valeurs en fonction de l ’altitude geopotentielle.
Stiaqetikw Benkww B C&~-IKL(~IIM reonoTeki~lrlanbtiol t3blcoTbl. Valores en funci6n de Ia altitud geopotential.
H h T t
P g
m m "C hPa kg-m-3 ms-2
rlla KreM-3 Mf-*
1000 1000 281.650 8.500 8.98746 +2 1.11164+0
1050 1050 281.325 8.175 8.93308 1.10619 9.8034
1100 1100 281.000 7.850 8.87898 1.10076
1 150 1150 280.675 7.525 8.82513 1.09536
1200 280.350 7.200 0.77156 1.08997
1200 9.8029
1250 1250 280.025 6.875 8.71824 1.08460
1300 279.700
1300 6.550 8.66519 1.07925 9.8026
1350 279.375 6.225
1 350 8.61241 1.07393 9.8025
1400 1400 279.050 5.900 8.55988 1.06862 9.8023
1450 278.725
1450 5.575 8.50761 1.06333 9.8022
1500 1500 5.250 8.45560 +2 1.05807 +0 9.8020
1550 1550 278.075 4.925 8.40385 1.05282 9.8019
1 600 1600 4.600 8.35235 1.04759 9.8017
1 650 1650 277.425 4.275 8.30111 1.04239 9.8016
1700 1700 3.950 8.25013 1.03720 9.8014
1 750 1750 276.775 3.625 8.19940 1.03203 9.8013
1800 1 801 3.300 8.14892 1.02688 9.8011
1 850 1 851 276.125 2.975 8.09870 1.02176 9.8009
1 901
1900 275.800 2.650 8.04872 1.01665 9.8008
1 950 1 951 275.475 2.325 7.99900 1 .01156 9.8006
2000 2 001 275.150 2.000 7.94952 +2 1.00649 +o 9.8005
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ISO 2533:1975/Add.2:1997(E/F/R)
(Blank page)
(Page blanche)
(6enafi cTpawua)
(Pagina blanca)
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ISO 2533:1975/Add,2:1997(E/F/R)
- Relations of p/pg, plpo and ,/K, Speed of sound (a), dynamic viscosity (p), kinematic viscosity
Table 2
(v) and thermal conductivity (L) in terms of geometrical altitude (h) and geopotential altitude (H) -
Altitudes in metres
Tableau 2 - Rapports p/po, PIpo et &&-, vitesse du son (a), viscosite dynamique (p), viscosite
cinematique (v) et conductivite thermique (4 en fonction de I ’altitude geometrique (h) et de I ’altitude
geopotentielle (H) - Altitudes en metres
Ta6mua 2 --~TH~~eH~fi p/120, p/po M dx, CKOpOCTb 3ByKa (a), JJL ’lHaMWleCKaA BSl3KOCTb @),
KWieMaTltlYeCKa~ BF13KOCTb (V) id Tt?flIlOflpOBO~HOCTb (;1) B C#Q/HK~Wl reOMeTpVlW?CKOih (h)
M reOflOTeH~WmbHOih (H) BblCOT - BblCOTbl B MeTpax
Tabla 2 - Relaciones p/po, plpo y ,/pIpo I velocidad del sonido (a), viscosidad dinamica (p), viscosidad
cinematica (v) y conductibilidad termica (n) en funcion de Ia altitud geometrica (h) y Ia altitud
geopotential (H) - Altitudes en metros
---------------------- Page: 15 ----------------------
ISO 2533: 1975/Add.2: 1997( E/F/R)
Table 2
Tableau 2
Ta6nHua 2
Tabla 2
Values in terms of geometrical altitude. Valeurs en fonction de I ’altitude geomktrique.
Questions, Comments and Discussion
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