(Main)Additive manufacturing of metals — Non-destructive testing and evaluation — Defect detection in parts
Additive manufacturing of metals — Non-destructive testing and evaluation — Defect detection in parts
Fabrication additive de métaux — Essais et évaluation non destructifs — Détection de défauts dans les pièces
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ISO/DTRTR 52905:20222023(E) Style Definition: Heading 1: Indent: Left: 0 pt, First
line: 0 pt, Tab stops: Not at 21.6 ptISO/TC 261
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at 18 pt
Date: 2022-12-262023-xx
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Secretariat: DIN
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Additive manufacturing of metals — Non-destructive testing and evaluation —
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Defect detection in parts
Style Definition: ANNEX
Style Definition: AMEND Terms Heading: Font: Bold
Fabrication additive de métaux — Essais et évaluation non destructifs — Détection de
défauts dans les piècesStyle Definition: AMEND Heading 1 Unnumbered:
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ISO/DTRTR 52905:20222023(E)
© ISO/ASTM 20222023
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no
part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without
prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s
member body in the country of the requester. In the United States, such requests should be sent to
ASTM International.ISO copyright office ASTM International
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, USA
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ISO/DTRTR 52905:20222023(E)
Contents ...
Foreword ......................................................................................................................................................................... vi
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................. vii
1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references .......................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions .......................................................................................................................................... 2
4 NDT potential for authentication and/or identification ......................................................................... 3
5 List of abbreviated terms .................................................................................................................................... 3
6 Typical flaws/defects in AM ............................................................................................................................... 4
6.1 Flaw origins/causes ........................................................................................................................................ 4
6.2 Flaw/defects classification .......................................................................................................................... 5
Formatted6.3 Defect classification strategies for AM .................................................................................................. 13
7 NDT standards review ................................................................................................................................ 14 ...
7.1 Post-process NDT standards .................................................................................................................... 14
7.1.1 ISO review ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
7.2 In-process NDT review ............................................................................................................................... 16
8 Standard selection structure for AM ..................................................................................................... 19
9 NDT techniques potential for AM only defects .................................................................................. 20
10 AM artefacts .................................................................................................................................................... 27
10.1 Design ............................................................................................................................................................... 27
Formatted10.1.1 Star artefact .................................................................................................................................................... 27
...10.1.2 À la carte artefact ......................................................................................................................................... 34
10.2 Manufacturing ............................................................................................................................................... 36
10.2.1 Star artefact .................................................................................................................................................... 36
Formatted10.2.2 À la carte artefact ......................................................................................................................................... 37
11 NDT method trials and validation using star artefact ..................................................................... 38 ...
11.1 — Experimental trials ................................................................................................................................. 38
11.1.1 X-ray Computed Tomography – XCT (MTC & GE & EWI) ................................................................ 39
11.1.2 — Neutron Imaging — NI and Synchrotron radiation — SX (HZB & ESRF) ............................. 44
Formatted11.1.3 — Thermography Testing — TT (University of Bath) ..................................................................... 53 ...
11.1.4 — Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy methods — RUS ................................................................. 60
11.1.5 — Ultrasonic testing — UT and Phase Array UT — PAUT (EWI & NIST & LNE) ..................... 75
11.1.6 — Residual stress — RS (ILL) ................................................................................................................... 81
12 — Defect built validation star artefact (Cut-off MTC) ..................................................................... 86
12.1 Summary of Procedure by XCT ................................................................................................................ 86
12.1.1 Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................ 87
12.1.2 Significance of Data/Interpretation of Results .................................................................................. 88
12.2 Summary of Procedure by Metallography ........................................................................................... 91
Formatted12.2.1 Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................ 92 ...
12.2.2 Significance of Data/Interpretation of Results .................................................................................. 92
12.3 Comments/Observations ........................................................................................................................... 94
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ISO/DTRTR 52905:20222023(E)
13 NDT trials for à la carte artefact .............................................................................................................. 95
Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto13.1 Summary of Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 95
Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto13.2 Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................ 95
Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto13.3 Significance of Data/Interpretation of Results .................................................................................. 95
13.4 Comments/Observations ........................................................................................................................... 97
Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto14 Summary of the trials findings by material ........................................................................................ 97
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoFormatted: No underline, Font color: Auto
15 Main Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................ 104
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoAnnex A (informative) Causes and effects of defects in wire DED and PBF process ........................ 107
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoAnnex B (informative) Review of existing NDT standards for welding or casting for
application of post build AM flaws ....................................................................................................... 109
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoAnnex C (informative) Star artefacts using during the trials ................................................................... 114 Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoAnnex D (informative) Summary of star artefact manufacturing and NDT technologies for
trials ................................................................................................................................................................ 116
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoAnnex E (informative) XCT parameters and XCT set up used for inspection and validation ....... 118 Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoE.1 Scan parameters for systems at EWI, MTC and GE ......................................................................... 118
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoE.2 Scan set ups ................................................................................................................................................... 120
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoE.2.1.1 MTC .................................................................................................................................................................. 120
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoE.2.1.2 GE-UK .............................................................................................................................................................. 121
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoE.3 Scan results ................................................................................................................................................... 122
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoE.3.1.1 MTC .................................................................................................................................................................. 122
E.3.1.2 EWI ................................................................................................................................................................... 126
E.3.1.3 GE...................................................................................................................................................................... 127
E.3.1.4 MTC .................................................................................................................................................................. 129
E.3.1.5 EWI ................................................................................................................................................................... 129
E.3.1.6 GE...................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Annex F (informative) Parameters and set up for Neutron Image (NI) and Synchrotron (Sx)
Formatted: No underline, Font color: Autoinspection ...................................................................................................................................................... 134
F.1 Scan parameters for CONRAD 2 and ID -19 ....................................................................................... 134
F.2 Ti6Al4V Samples ......................................................................................................................................... 135
F.3 Scan set up ..................................................................................................................................................... 136
Annex G (informative) Set up for PT and SHT thermography inspection ............................................ 138
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoG.1 Settings for PT and SHT thermography methods ........................................................................... 138
G.2 PT and SHT thermography results ....................................................................................................... 140
Annex H (informative) Ultrasonic test .............................................................................................................. 141
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoH.1 Scan parameters for CUT and PAUT-FMCV/TFM test .................................................................... 141
H.2 Results/Examples analysis ..................................................................................................................... 141
H.2.1 PAUT in Stainless Steel stars S1 and S2 design ................................................................................ 141
H.2.2 CUT in Aluminium star version S1 ....................................................................................................... 145
Formatted: English (United States)iv © ISO 2022/ASTM International 2023 – All rights reserved
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ISO/DTRTR 52905:20222023(E)
H.2.3 PAUT in Aluminium stars S1 and S2 design ...................................................................................... 149
H.2.4 PAUT-FMC/TFM .......................................................................................................................................... 154
Annex I (informative) Residual stress characterisation of Ti6Al4V by Neutron diffraction ........ 158
Formatted: No underline, Font color: AutoI.1 Scan parameters for SALSA ..................................................................................................................... 158
I.2 Scan set up ..................................................................................................................................................... 159
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................... 160
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© ISO 2022/ASTM International 2023 – All rights reserved v
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ISO/DTRTR 52905:20222023(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
Formatted: English (United States)standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally
Formatted: Adjust space between Latin and Asian text,carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a
Adjust space between Asian text and numberstechnical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee.
International organizations, governmental and non--governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in
Formatted: English (United States)the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.Formatted: English (United States)
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
Formatted: English (United States)different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see 2 (see English (United States)
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Formatted: English (United States)Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.Formatted: English (United States)
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’sISO's adherence to the
Formatted: English (United States)World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see English (United States)
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 261, Additive manufacturing, in cooperation
Formatted: Font: Italicwith ASTM Committee F42, Additive Manufacturing Technologiesmanufacturing technologies, on the
Formatted: Font: Italicbasis of a partnership agreement between ISO and ASTM International with the aim to create a common
set of ISO/ASTM standards on Additive Manufacturing.additive manufacturing, in collaboration with the
European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 438, Additive
manufacturing, in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN
(Vienna Agreement).Formatted: English (United States)
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at English (United States)
vi © ISO 2022/ASTM International 2023 – All rights reserved
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ISO/DTRTR 52905:20222023(E)
In response to the urgent need for standards for Additive Manufacturing (AM), this document initially
indicates Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) methods with potential to detect defects and determine
residual strain distribution that are generated in AM processes. A number of these methods were
verified. The strategy adopted was to review existing NDT standards for matured manufacturing
processes which are similar to AM, namely casting and welding. This potentially reduces the number of
standards required to comprehensively cover the defects in AM. For identified AM unique defects, this
document proposes a two-level NDT approach: a star artefact as an Initial Quality Indicator (IQI) and à
la carte artefact where an example shows the specific steps to follow for the very specific unique AM
part to be built, paving the way for a structured and comprehensive framework.Most metal inspection methods in NDT use ultrasound or X-rays, but these techniques cannot always
cope with the complicated shapes typically produced by AM. In most circumstances X-ray computed
tomography (CT) is a more suitable method, but it also has limitations and room for improvement or
adaptation to AM, on top of being a costly method both in time and money.This document includes post-process non-destructive testing of additive manufacturing (AM) of
metallic parts with a comprehensive approach. It covers several sectors and a similar framework can be
applied to other materials (e.g. ceramics, polymers, etc.). In-process NDT and metrology standards are
referenced as they are being developed. This document presents current standards capability to detect
which of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) flaw types and which flaws require new standards, using a
standard selection tool. NDT methods with the highest potential will be tested.Formatted: English (United States)
© ISO 2022/ASTM International 2023 – All rights reserved vii
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Additive manufacturing — Non-Destructive Testing and
Evaluation — Standard Guideline for Defect Detection in Metallic
1 Scope
This document categorises Additive Manufacturingadditive manufacturing (AM) defects in DED and
PBF laser and electron category of processes, provides a review of relevant current NDT standards,
Formatted: Pattern: Cleardetails NDT methods that are specific to AM and complex 3D geometries and outlines existing
Formatted: Pattern: Clearnon-destructive testing techniques that are applicable to some AM types of defects.
Formatted: Pattern: ClearThis document is aimed at users and producers of AM processes and it applies, in particular, to the
Formatted: Pattern: Clearfollowing:
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
— Safetysafety critical AM applications;
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
— Assuredassured confidence in AM;
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
— Reversereverse engineered products manufactured by AM; Formatted: Pattern: Clear
Formatted: Pattern: Clear— Testtest bodies wishing to compare requested and actual geometries.
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
2 Normative references
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
There are no normative references in this document.
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For Formatted: Pattern: Clear
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Formatted: Pattern: ClearISO 11484, Steel products — Employer's qualification system for non-destructive testing (NDT) personnel
Formatted: Pattern: ClearFormatted: Pattern: Clear
ISO/ASTM 52900, Additive manufacturing — General principles — Fundamentals and vocabulary
Formatted: Pattern: ClearASTM E1316, Terminology for Nondestructive Testing
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
EN 1330-2, Non-destructive testing — Terminology — Part 2: Terms common to the non-destructive
testing methodsFormatted: Pattern: Clear
Formatted: English (United States)
Formatted: Adjust space between Latin and Asian text,
3 Terms and definitions
Adjust space between Asian text and numbers, Tab
stops: Not at 19.85 pt + 39.7 pt + 59.55 pt + 79.4 pt
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/ASTM 52900, ASTM E1316,
+ 99.25 pt + 119.05 pt + 138.9 pt + 158.75 pt +EN 1330-2, ISO 11484, and the following apply.
178.6 pt + 198.45 pt
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
Formatted: English (United States)— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
Formatted: Hyperlink, English (United States)Formatted: English (United States)
© ISO 2022/ASTM International 2023 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO/DTRTR 52905:20222023(E)
— IEC Electropedia: available at
Formatted: English (United States)Formatted: Hyperlink, English (United States)
flaw type
identifiable features that defines a specific flaw
Note 1 to entry: defect term, this word is used when a flaw that does not meet specified acceptance criteria and is
rejectable.Note 2 to entry: flawFlaw term, an imperfection or discontinuity that is not necessarily rejectable
3.2lack of fusion
type of process-induced porosity, in which the powder or wire feedstock is not fully melted or fused
onto the previously deposited substrateNote 1 to entry: In PBF, this type of flaw can be an empty cavity, or contain unmelted or partially fused powder,
referred to as unconsolidated powder.Note 2 to entry: LOF typically occurs in the bulk, making its detection difficult.
Note 3 to entry: Like voids, LOF can occur on the build layer plane (layer/horizontal LOF) or across multiple build
layers (cross layer/vertical LOF).3.3
unconsolidated powder
unmelted powder that due to process failure was not melted and became trapped internally
3.4layer shift
see stop/start for PBF laser/E beam. In addition, in E beam when it is disturbed by a
magnetic field a layer or a number of layers are shifted away from the other build layers.
Note 1 to entry: see stop/start for PBF laser/E beam.3.5
trapped powder
unmelted powder that is not intended for the part but is trapped within internal part cavities
presence of small voids in a part making it less than fully dense
Note 1 to entry: Porosity may be quantified as a ratio, expressed as a percentage of the volume of voids to the total
volume of the part.[SOURCE: ISO/ASTM 52900:2019, 3.11.8]
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
Formatted: Pattern: Clear
type of porosity characterised by a circular depression formed due to instability of the vapor cavity
Formatted: Pattern: Clearduring processing
Formatted: English (United States)
2 © ISO 2022/ASTM International 2023 – All rights reserved
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ISO/DTRTR 52905:20222023(E)
Note 1 to entry: Keyhole porosity is created when the energy density is sufficiently high to cause a deep melt pool
resulting in hydrodynamic instability of the surrounding liquid metal and subsequent collapse, leaving a void at
the root of the keyhole.Note 2 to entry: Like generic voids and gas porosity, keyhole porosity causes a part to be less than fully dense.
94 NDT potential for authentication and/or identificationSome of the NDT methods in this technical report have the additional potential to extract authentication
and/or identification apparatus or design embedded in the design of the AM part. Such a potential
clearly depends on the material(s), geometry and process elected to fabricate the part, however the
design information and AM data file can embed in its geometry or texture ad-hoc devices that
potentially could be extracted by NDT techniques. ISO/TC 292 Security and Resilience specifies and
maintains a number of standards supporting such devices within the ISO referential, and are fully
applicable to AM digital information. The specific requirements of design techniques, materials,
processes, NDT modalities and applications, however, still require careful evaluation, selection and
classification.105 List of abbreviated terms
— AM Additive Manufacturingadditive manufacturing
Deleted Cells
— BAE British Aerospace and Engineering Systems
— EB-PBF Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusionelectron beam powder bed fusion
— ESFR European Synchrotron Research Facility
— EWI Edison Welding Institute
— FMC Full Matrix Capturefull matrix capture
— GE-PD General Electric Powder Divisiongeneral electric powder division
— HZB Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin
— ILL Institute Laue-Langevin
— IR Infraredinfrared
— IRT Infrared Thermographyinfrared thermography
— J & J Johnson & Johnson
— LNE Laboratoire National De Métrologie ET D'essais
— PBF-LB Laser Powder Bed Fusionlaser powder bed fusion
— DED-LB Laser Directed Energy Depositionlaser directed energy deposition
— MTC The Manufacturing Technology Centre
— ND Neutron Diffractionneutron diffraction
— NDE Nonnon-destructive evaluation
— NDT Nondestructive Testingnon-destructive testing
— NI Neutronneutron Imaging
— NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
Formatted: English (United States)
© ISO 2022/ASTM International 2023 – All rights reserved 3
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ISO/DTRTR 52905:20222023(E)
— NLA No
REPORT 52905
ISO/TC 261
Additive manufacturing of metals —
Secretariat: DIN
Non-destructive testing and evaluation
Voting begins on:
2023-02-02 — Defect detection in parts
Voting terminates on:
Fabrication additive de métaux — Essais et évaluation non destructifs
— Détection de défauts dans les pièces
Reference number
ISO/DTR 52905:2023(E)
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO/DTR 52905:2023(E)
ISO/TC 261
Additive manufacturing of metals —
Secretariat: DIN
Non-destructive testing and evaluation
Voting begins on:
— Defect detection in parts
Voting terminates on:
Fabrication additive de métaux — Essais et évaluation non destructifs
— Détection de défauts dans les pièces
© ISO/ASTM International 2023
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester. In the United States, such requests should be sent to ASTM International.
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, USA
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11 Phone: +610 832 9634
Fax: +610 832 9635
Reference number
Email: Email:
ISO/ASTM DTR 52905:2023(E)
Website: Website:
Published in Switzerland
© ISO 2023 – All rights reserved
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ISO/ASTM DTR 52905:2023(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 NDT potential for authentication and/or identification ............................................................................................ 2
5 List of abbreviated terms ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
6 Typical flaws/defects in AM .....................................................................................................................................................................4
6.1 Flaw origins/causes ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2 Flaw/defects classification .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.3 Defect classification strategies for AM ..........................................................................................................................12
7 NDT standards review ................................................................................................................................................................................13
7.1 Post-process NDT standards ................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.1.1 ISO review ............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
7.2 In-process NDT review .................................................................................................................................................................15
8 Standard selection structure for AM ...........................................................................................................................................18
9 NDT techniques potential for AM only defects .................................................................................................................19
10 AM artefacts ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................28
10.1 Design ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................28
10.1.1 Star artefact .........................................................................................................................................................................28
10.1.2 À la carte artefact ...........................................................................................................................................................34
10.2 Manufacturing .....................................................................................................................................................................................36
10.2.1 Star artefact ......................................................................................................................................................................... 36
10.2.2 À la carte artefact ........................................................................................................................................................... 37
11 NDT method trials and validation using star artefact .............................................................................................38
11.1 Experimental trials .........................................................................................................................................................................38
11.1.1 X-ray Computed Tomography – XCT (MTC & GE & EWI) .............................................................39
11.1.2 Neutron Imaging — NI and Synchrotron radiation — SX (HZB & ESRF) ..................... 42
11.1.3 Thermography Testing — TT (University of Bath) ..........................................................................50
11.1.4 Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy methods — RUS .................................................................... 59
11.1.5 Ultrasonic testing — UT and Phase Array UT — PAUT (EWI and NIST andLNE) .............................................................................................................................................................................................74
11.1.6 Residual stress — RS (ILL) ..................................................................................................................................... 79
12 Defect built validation star artefact (Cut-off MTC) ......................................................................................................84
12.1 Summary of procedure by XCT .............................................................................................................................................84
12.1.1 Apparatus ..............................................................................................................................................................................85
12.1.2 Significance of data/interpretation of results ......................................................................................86
12.2 Summary of procedure by metallography ..................................................................................................................89
12.2.1 Apparatus ..............................................................................................................................................................................90
12.2.2 Significance of Data/Interpretation of Results ....................................................................................90
12.3 Comments/observations ............................................................................................................................................................92
13 NDT trials for à la carte artefact ......................................................................................................................................................92
13.1 Summary of procedure ................................................................................................................................................................ 92
13.2 Apparatus ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 93
13.3 Significance of data/interpretation of results......................................................................................................... 93
13.4 Comments/observations ............................................................................................................................................................96
14 Summary of the trials findings by material .........................................................................................................................96
15 Main conclusions........................................................................................................................................................................................... 101
iii© ISO/ASTM International 2023 – All rights reserved
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ISO/ASTM DTR 52905:2023(E)
Annex A (informative) Causes and effects of defects in wire DED and PBF process .................................. 103
Annex B (informative) Review of existing NDT standards for welding or casting for
application of post build AM flaws ............................................................................................................................................. 105
Annex C (informative) Star artefacts using during the trials .............................................................................................110
Annex D (informative) Summary of star artefact manufacturing and NDT technologies for
trials ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 115
Annex E (informative) XCT parameters and XCT set up used for inspection and validation ............117
Annex F (informative) Parameters and set up for Neutron Image (NI) and Synchrotron (Sx)
inspection ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 134
Annex G (informative) Set up for PT and SHT thermography inspection ............................................................. 140
Annex H (informative) Ultrasonic test ........................................................................................................................................................ 143
Annex I (informative) Residual stress characterisation of Ti6Al4V by Neutron diffraction............154
Bibliography ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 156
© ISO/ASTM International 2023 – All rights reserved---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
ISO/ASTM DTR 52905:2023(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and nongovernmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to
the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 261, Additive manufacturing, in cooperation with
ASTM Committee F42, Additive manufacturing technologies, on the basis of a partnership agreement
between ISO and ASTM International with the aim to create a common set of ISO/ASTM standards
on additive manufacturing, in collaboration with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
Technical Committee CEN/TC 438, Additive manufacturing, in accordance with the Agreement on
technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at© ISO/ASTM International 2023 – All rights reserved
---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
ISO/ASTM DTR 52905:2023(E)
In response to the urgent need for standards for Additive Manufacturing (AM), this document initially
indicates NonDestructive Testing (NDT) methods with potential to detect defects and determine
residual strain distribution that are generated in AM processes. A number of these methods were
verified. The strategy adopted was to review existing NDT standards for matured manufacturing
processes which are similar to AM, namely casting and welding. This potentially reduces the number of
standards required to comprehensively cover the defects in AM. For identified AM unique defects, this
document proposes a two-level NDT approach: a star artefact as an Initial Quality Indicator (IQI) and
à la carte artefact where an example shows the specific steps to follow for the very specific unique AM
part to be built, paving the way for a structured and comprehensive framework.Most metal inspection methods in NDT use ultrasound or X-rays, but these techniques cannot always
cope with the complicated shapes typically produced by AM. In most circumstances X-ray computed
tomography (CT) is a more suitable method, but it also has limitations and room for improvement or
adaptation to AM, on top of being a costly method both in time and money.This document includes postprocess nondestructive testing of additive manufacturing (AM) of
metallic parts with a comprehensive approach. It covers several sectors and a similar framework can
be applied to other materials (e.g. ceramics, polymers, etc.). In-process NDT and metrology standards
are referenced as they are being developed. This document presents current standards capability to
detect which of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) flaw types and which flaws require new standards,
using a standard selection tool. NDT methods with the highest potential will be tested.
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Additive manufacturing of metals — Non-destructive
testing and evaluation — Defect detection in parts
1 Scope
This document categorises additive manufacturing (AM) defects in DED and PBF laser and electron
category of processes, provides a review of relevant current NDT standards, details NDT methods that
are specific to AM and complex 3D geometries and outlines existing non-destructive testing techniques
that are applicable to some AM types of defects.This document is aimed at users and producers of AM processes and it applies, in particular, to the
following:— safety critical AM applications;
— assured confidence in AM;
— reverse engineered products manufactured by AM;
— test bodies wishing to compare requested and actual geometries.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 11484, Steel products — Employer's qualification system for non-destructive testing (NDT) personnel
ISO/ASTM 52900, Additive manufacturing — General principles — Fundamentals and vocabulary
ASTM E1316, Terminology for Nondestructive TestingEN 13302, Non-destructive testing — Terminology — Part 2: Terms common to the non-destructive
testing methods3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/ASTM 52900, ASTM E1316,
EN 1330-2, ISO 11484, and the following apply.ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
flaw type
identifiable features that defines a specific flaw
Note 1 to entry: defect term, this word is used when a flaw that does not meet specified acceptance criteria and
is rejectable.Note 2 to entry: Flaw term, an imperfection or discontinuity that is not necessarily rejectable
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ISO/ASTM DTR 52905:2023(E)
lack of fusion
type of process-induced porosity, in which the powder or wire feedstock is not fully melted or fused
onto the previously deposited substrateNote 1 to entry: In PBF, this type of flaw can be an empty cavity, or contain unmelted or partially fused powder,
referred to as unconsolidated powder.Note 2 to entry: LOF typically occurs in the bulk, making its detection difficult.
Note 3 to entry: Like voids, LOF can occur on the build layer plane (layer/horizontal LOF) or across multiple build
layers (cross layer/vertical LOF).3.3
unconsolidated powder
unmelted powder that due to process failure was not melted and became trapped internally
3.4layer shift
when it is disturbed by a magnetic field a layer or a number of layers are shifted away from
the other build layersNote 1 to entry: see stop/start for PBF laser/E beam.
trapped powder
unmelted powder that is not intended for the part but is trapped within internal part cavities
presence of small voids in a part making it less than fully dense
Note 1 to entry: Porosity may be quantified as a ratio, expressed as a percentage of the volume of voids to the
total volume of the part.[SOURCE: ISO/ASTM 52900:2019, 3.11.8]
4 NDT potential for authentication and/or identification
Some of the NDT methods in this technical report have the additional potential to extract authentication
and/or identification apparatus or design embedded in the design of the AM part. Such a potential clearly
depends on the material(s), geometry and process elected to fabricate the part, however the design
information and AM data file can embed in its geometry or texture ad-hoc devices that potentially could
be extracted by NDT techniques. ISO/TC 292 specifies and maintains a number of standards supporting
such devices within the ISO referential, and are fully applicable to AM digital information. The specific
requirements of design techniques, materials, processes, NDT modalities and applications, however,
still require careful evaluation, selection and classification.5 List of abbreviated terms
AM additive manufacturing
BAE British Aerospace and Engineering Systems
EBPBF electron beam powder bed fusion
ESFR European Synchrotron Research Facility
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EWI Edison Welding Institute
FMC full matrix capture
GEPD general electric powder division
HZB Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin
ILL Institute LaueLangevin
IR infrared
IRT infrared thermography
J & J Johnson & Johnson
LNE Laboratoire National De Métrologie ET D'essais
PBFLB laser powder bed fusion
DEDLB laser directed energy deposition
MTC The Manufacturing Technology Centre
ND neutron diffraction
NDE nondestructive evaluation
NDT nondestructive testing
NI neutron Imaging
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NLA nonlinear acoustic testing
NLR nonlinear Resonance testing
PAUT phase array ultrasound Testing
PCRT process compensated resonance testing
PT pulse thermography
RAM resonance acoustic method
ROI Region of interest
SX X-ray synchrotron
SHT step heating thermography
TFM total focusing method
TMS the modal shop
UoB university of bath
XCT X-ray computed tomography
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6 Typical flaws/defects in AM
6.1 Flaw origins/causes
The causes of defects across different types of AM processes can be quite different, but the defects that
they generate can be remarkably similar. Detecting the defects also does not depend on the cause, and
in general only the size and geometry (and potentially morphology) of the defect matters for detection.
The causes and effects of a number of AM flaws have been reported in the European project
[21]AMAZE . Table A.1 and Table A.2 give explanations of the mechanisms by which these flaws are
generated and those mechanisms are linked to the process parameters selected and the resulting
processing conditions, see ISO 11484.Understanding the conditions under which flaws are generated
and simplifying the terminology used to describe these flaws will hopefully aid the drive for quality
improvement required for widespread implementation of the technology.The flowchart displayed in Figure 1 gives an idea of the complexity of flaw generation within the
PBF process. As can be seen, the generation of one flaw type can result in an anomalous processing
condition, which in turn generates a second flaw. For example, the presence of a thick layer or low laser
(or electron beam) power can lead to undermelting, which in turn can lead to unconsolidated powder.
Coupled with the tendency of the power source to decrease the surface energy of unconsolidated
powder under the action of surface tension, ensuing ball formation may arise due to shrinkage and
worsened wetting, leading to pitting, an uneven build surface, or an increase in surface roughness, see
EN 13302.Therefore, even when there are multiple causes, a single flaw type or conditions can be generated
(excessive surface roughness) causing failure by a single failure mode (surface cracking leading to
reduced fatigue properties). Alternatively, it is also conceivable that a single flaw type or condition can
cause failure by several different failure modes.6.2 Flaw/defects classification
Post-built AM flaws have been identified based on a report from the FP7 European AMAZE project.
Potential flaws in directed energy deposition (DED) and powder bed fusion (PBF) are listed in Table 1
and Table 2 respectively. A brief description for each flaw type is also given in the tables.
Due to the similarity in manufacturing, defects from welding and casting bear some resemblance to
defects from AM processes such as PBF and DED. Defects in post-built PBF and DED parts are identified
and listed in EN 1330-2, ASTM E1316 and References [22]. As noted in Table 1 and Table 2, both
technologies have common defects such as porosity, inclusions, undercuts, geometry, LOF, and a rough
surface texture. However, the mechanisms for PBF and DED defect generation are very different, and
more importantly, the relative abundance of each defect type will be very different due to the melting
and solidification mechanisms involved (and the significantly higher thermal gradients present in DED).
DED involves imparting a momentum into the melt pool rather than melting the powder that is already
present. The important difference between the two methods is that of timescales.© ISO/ASTM International 2023 – All rights reserved
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machine: inputs/choices
AM part: resulting defect/flaw
process: resulting condition
common type of failure
Figure 1 — Causes, mode of failures and defect formation in PBF AM (see ISO/ASTM 52900)
In PBF, there is a balance of timescales between melting and re-solidification. If the melt rate is too
low, then the melt pool can become unstable and break into multiple pools. If the melt rate is too high,
powder partially melts in front of the melt pool, which can cause defects or heat affected zones. In DED,
this balance is not relevant, but the powder (or wire) that is fed into the melt pool can melt sufficiently
quickly. The issue of adding cold material (with a given momentum) to a melt pool is not well understood,
but has a large effect on the Marangoni convection direction and thermal gradients present. It is likely
that the melt pool depth will be much shallower (which may reduce powder surrounding the melt pool)
and that the thermal gradients less severe (which cause a flatter melt pool), though this depends on the
wetting between substrate (which has no surrounding powder) and the melt pool. This difference in
the melt pool dynamics impacts its shape.This has two important consequences, grain growth and bubble dynamics. Internal defects are
attributable to cracking, pores, or lack of material. Cracking has many causes, but is generally related
to the grain boundary (apart from solidification cracking). Note that the issue of “spattering” that is
believed to be prominent in DED (or indeed welding) is still a significant issue in PBF. For L-PBF the
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ISO/ASTM DTR 52905:2023(E)
issue is that of ablation at the surface of the melt pool caused by the large thermal gradients. For EB-
PBF the problem occurs from two mechanisms; ablation and charging of the powder.Table 1 — Typical flaws in directed energy deposition
Flaw type Description
Poor surface The surface roughness on the part does not meet the target specification for the part.
finish Measurement of the surface roughness is considered outofscope for NDT however, visual
examination can be included.Porosity Typically spherical in shape and contains gas. Porosities can grow in a line to form a cha
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