Plastics — Vocabulary — Amendment 4: Basic terms in polymer science

Plastiques — Vocabulaire — Amendement 4: Termes fondamentaux relatifs aux polymères

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ISO 472:1988/Amd 4:1993
English language
12 pages
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Second edition
Deuxihme Edition
Plastics - Vocabulary
AMENDMENT 4: Basic terms in polymer science
Plastiques - Vocabulaire
AMENDEMENT 4: Termes fondamentaux relatifs
aux polymeres
Reference number
Numero de refkrence
ISO 472: 1988/Amd.4: 1993( E/F)

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ISO 472:1988/Amd,4:1993(E/F)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation
of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing Inter-
national Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees.
Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has
been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also
take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electro-
technical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated
to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard
requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Amendment 4 to International Standard ISO 472:1988 was prepared by Technical
Committee lSO/rC 61, Hastics, Sub-Committee SC 1, Terminology.
0 ISO 1993
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Internation al Organization for Standardization
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Printed in Switzerland/lmprime en Suisse

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ISO 472:1988/Amd.4:1993(E/F)
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale
d’organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elabo-
ration des Normes internationales est en general confiee aux comites techniques
de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude a Ie droit de faire Partie
du comite technique cr& a cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouverne-
mentales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO participent egalement
aux travaux. L’ISO collabore etroitement avec Ia Commission electrotechnique
internationale (GEI) en ce qui concerne Ia normalisation electrotechnique.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont
soumis aux comites membres pour vote. Leur publication comme Normes
internationales requiert I’approbation de 75 % au moins des comites membres
I votants.
L’Amendement 4 a Ia Norme internationale ISO 472:1988 a etc elabore par Ie
comite technique ISOnC 61, Plastiques, sous-comite SC 1, Terminologie.
. . .

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ISO 472:1988/Amd.4:1993(E/F)
Plastics - Vocabulary Plastiques - Vocabulaire
AMENDMENT 4: Basic terms AMENDEMENT 4: Termes
in polymer science fondamentaux relatifs aux
Terms and definitions Termes et dhfinitions
branch: An oligomeric or polymeric offshoot from a Chaine laterale: Ramification oligomerique ou polymk-
macromolecular chain. rique partant d’une Chaine macromoleculaire.
chain transfer: A Chemical reaction, usually occurring reaction de transfett: Reaction chimique se produisant
during chain polymerization, in which an active macro- generalement au cours du processus de polymerisation
molecule transfers the reactive functional species to en Chaine, dans laquelle une macromolecule active
another molecule and becomes itself inactive. communique I’espece fonctionnelle rkactive 5 une
autre molecule et devient elle-meme inactive.
chain-transfer polymerization: A chain polymerization in polymerisation par reaction de transfett: Polymerisation
en Chaine dans laquelle Ia croissance de Ia Chaine est
which the chain-growth reaction frequently proceeds
habituellement amorcee par un processus de rbaction
through a chain-transfer process.
de transfert.
comb chain: A macromolecule consisting of a main Chaine en tete-a-queue: Macromolecule composee d’une
chain from which, at regular intervals, linear chains, all Chaine principale d’ou partent, a intervalles reguliers,
of comparable length, emanate. des chaines lineaires de longueur comparable.
polymeres en ttpeignew Polymeres dont les molecules
comb polymer: A polymer, the molecules of which are
comportent d es motifs e n peignes.
comb chains.
sbquence configurationnelle: Partie definie d’une macro-
configurational sequence: A defined Portion of a macro-
molecule, comprenant des .motifs configurationnels
molecule comprising configurational units with relative
ayant une configuration relative ou absolue d’un ou
or absolute configuration of one or more types at the
plusieurs types aux divers sites de stereoisomer-ie dans
sites of stereoisomerism in the constitutional units.
les motifs constitutionnels.
sbquence constitutionnelle: Partie definie d’une macro-
constitutional sequence: A defined Portion of a macro-
molecule, comprenant des motifs constitutionnels d’un
molecule comprising constitutional units of one or
ou plusieurs types.
more types.
co-oligomere: Oligomere provenant de plus d’une
co-oligomer: An oligomer derived from more than one
espece de monomere, ou oligomere irregulier dont les
species of m onomer.
molecules proviennent d’une espece de monomere
mais que I’on decide tout de meme de denommer ((CO-
oligomere)), pour des raisons pratiques.

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ISO 472:1988/Amd.4:1993(E/F)
Oligomerization in which a co- co-olig om erisation: Oligomerisati on au cours de la-
oligomer is formed. quelle se forme un co-oligomere.
liaison: Motif constitutionnel reliant deux Parties d’une
crosslink (noun) [cf. also crosslink (Verb) in ISO
macromolecule qui formaient initialement deux mole-
47219881: A constitutional unit connecting two Parts of
cules separees.
a macromolecule that were earlier separate molecules.
Chaine a double rangee; Chaine en 6chelle: Macro-
double-Strand chain; Iadder chain: A macromolecule that
molecule qui peut etre definie par des motifs consti-
tan be described by constitutional units joined so as to
form an uninterrupted sequence of rings through two tutionnels relies par deux atomes de maniere a former
atoms. une sequence ininterrompue d’anneaux.
double-Strand copolymer: A copolymer, the molecules copolyme’re 5 double rangee: Copolyme re dont les
of which are d ouble-stran d chains. molecules com portent des chain es a doubl e rangee.
end group: A constit utional unit with only one groupe terminal: Motif constitutionnel attache par une
attachment to a Portion of a pol ymer C hain. seule li aison a une part ie de Ia Chaine du polymere.
ionic polymerization: A chain polymerization in w

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