ISO 2360:1972
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Title missing - Legacy paper document
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Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic basis metals -
Measurement of coating thickness - Eddy current method
First edition - 1972-06-01
Ref. No. IS0 2360-1972 (E)
UDC 669.056 : 531.717 : 621.317.49
Descriptors : nonmetallic coatings, oxide coatings, dimensional measurements, thickness, eddy current tests.
Price based on 3 pages
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IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation
of national standards institutes (IS0 Member Bodies). The work of developing
International Standards is carried out through IS0 Technical Committees. Every
a subject for which a Technical Committee has been set
Member Body interested in
up has the right to be represented on that Committee. International organizations,
ISO, also take part in the work.
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with
Draft International Standards adopted by the Technical Committees are circulated
to the Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as International
Standards by the IS0 Council.
International Standard IS0 2360 was drawn up by Technical Committee
ISOKC 107, Metallic and other non-organic coatings.
It was approved in December 1971 by the Member Bodies of the following
Austria Israel
Egypt, Arab Rep. of Italy
Netherlands Switzerland
New Zealand Thailand
United Kingdom
Hungary Romania
South Africa, Rep. of U.S.S.R.
of the document.
No Member Body expressed disapproval
O International Organization for Standardization. 1972
I Printed in Switzerland
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IS0 2360-1972 (E)
Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic basis metals -
Measurement of coating thickness - Eddy current method
1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION 3.3 Basis metal thickness
For each instrument, there is a critical thickness of the basis
This International Standard specifies the method of
eddy current instruments for the non-destructive metal above which the measurements will not be affected
by an increase in the thickness of the basis metal. Since this
measurement of the thickness of a non-conductive coating
thickness depends on both the measuring frequency of the
on a non-magnetic basis metal.
probe system and the electrical conductivity of the basis
Although this method will apply to measurements of most
metal, its value shall be determined experimentally, if not
oxide coatings produced by anodizing, it will not be
specified by the manufacturer.
applicable to all conversion coatings, some of which are too
In general, for a given measuring frequency, the higher the
thin to be measured by this method (see section 6).
conductivity of the basis metal the smaller is its critical
These instruments work on the principle that a high
thickness. For a given basis metal, the higher the measuring
frequency electromagnetic field generated in the probe
frequency the smaller is the critical thickness of the basis
system of the instrument will produce eddy currents in a
conductor upon which the probe is placed, and that the
3.4 Edge effect
I amplitude of these currents is a function of the thickness of
the non-conductive coating present between the conductor
The method is sensitive to abrupt changes in the surface
I and the probe.
contour of the test specimen. Therefore, measurements
made too near an edge or inside corner will not be valid
unless the instrument is specifically calibrated for such a
3.5 Curvature
IS0 21 78, Non-magnetic metallic and vitreous or porcelain
enamel coatings on magnetic basis metals - Measurement The measurements are affected by the curvature of the test
of coating thickness - Magnetic method. specimen. The influence of curvature varies considerably
with the make and type of instrument, but always becomes
more pronounced as the radius of curvature decreases.
Therefore, measurements made on curved specimens will
not be valid unless the instrument is specifically calibrated
for such a measurement.
3.6 Surface roughness
The following factors may affect the accuracy of a coating
Measurements are influenced by the surface topography of
thickness measurement:
the basis metal and of the coating. Therefore, it is
necessary, on a rough surface, to make a greater number of
3.1 Coating thickness
measurements at different positions to obtain a mean value
Inherent in the method is a measuring uncertainty. For thin that is representative of the average coating thickness.
coatings, this uncertainty is constant and independent of
If the basis metal is rough, it may also be necessary to
the coating thickness, and for a single measurement is not
check the zero of the instrument at several positions on a
less than 0.5 pm;
sample of the uncoated, rough, basis metal. If there is not
For coating thicknesses greater than about 25pm, this an uncoated similar basis metal, the coating of the
specimen shall be stripped with a solution which does not
uncertainty is proportional to the coating thickness.
attack the basis metal.
3.2 Electrical properties of the basis metal
3.7 For
~ ~~ ~
Revêtements non-conducteurs sur métal de base non
magnétique - Mesurage de l'épaisseur - Méthode des
courants de Foucault
Première édition - 1972-06-01
Réf. No : IS0 2360-1972 (F)
CDU 669.056 : 531.717 : 621.317.49
Descripteurs : revêtement non métallique, revêtement d'oxyde, mesure de dimension, épakseur, essai par courants de Foucault.
Prix basé sur 3 pages
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Revêtements non-conducteurs sur métal de base non
magnétique - Mesurage de l'épaisseur - Méthode des
courants de Foucault
3.3 Epaisseur du métal de base
Pour chaque instrument, il existe une épaisseur critique du
La présente Norme Internationale décrit une méthode de
métal de base au-delà de laquelle les mesures ne sont plus
mesurage non destructive de l'épaisseur des revêtements
affectées par un accroissement de cette épaisseur. Cette
non conducteurs sur métal de base non magnétique, au
épaisseur étant fonction de la fréquence de mesurage et de
moyen des courants de Foucault.
la conductivité électrique du métal de base, sa valeur doit
Cette méthode s'applique à quelques revêtements d'oxydes
être déterminée expérimentalement, si elle n'est pas
mais ne s'applique pas aux revêtements de conversion
spécifiée par le fabricant.
chimique trop minces pour être mesurés par cette méthode
En règle générale, pour une fréquence de mesurage donnée,
(voir chapitre 6).
plus la conductivité du métal de base est grande, plus
Les instruments utilisés à cet effet sont basés sur le principe
l'épaisseur critique de celui-ci est faible.
suivant lequel un champ magnétique de haute fréquence
engendré dans le système palpeur de l'instrument produit
3.4 Effet de bord
des courants de Foucault dans un conducteur sur lequel est
placé le palpeur, l'amplitude de ces courants étant une
La méthode est sensible aux brusques variations de forme
fonction de l'épaisseur du revêtement non conducteur
de la surface de l'éprouvette. De ce fait, les mesurages
présent entre le conducteur et le palpeur.
effectués trop près d'une arête ou à l'intérieur d'un angle ne
si l'instrument a été spécialement
seront valables que
étalonné à cet effet.
95 Courbure
IS0 21 78, Revêtements métalliques non magnétiques et
Les mesures sont affectées par la courbure de l'éprouvette.
émaux vitrifiés sur métal de base magnétique - Mesurage de
Cette influence varie considérablement selon la nature et le
l'épaisseur du revêtement - Méthode magnétique.
type de l'instrument, mais elle est d'autant plus prononcée
que le rayon de courbure est plus faible. C'es
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