ISO 472:1988/Amd 1:1993
(Amendment)Plastics — Vocabulary — Amendment 1: Terms relating to individual macromolecules, their assemblies, dilute polymer solutions and crystalline polymers
Plastics — Vocabulary — Amendment 1: Terms relating to individual macromolecules, their assemblies, dilute polymer solutions and crystalline polymers
Plastiques — Vocabulaire — Amendement 1: Termes relatifs aux diverses macromolécules, à leurs assemblages, aux solutions diluées de polymères et aux polymères cristallins
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Second edition
Deuxikme edition
Plastics -Vocabulary
AMENDMENT 1: Terms relating to individual
macromolecules, their assemblies, dilute polymer
solutions and crystalline polymers
Plastiques - Vocabulaire
AMENDEMENT 1: Termes relatifs aux diverses
macromokcules, 21 leurs assemblages, aux solutions
. .
diluees de polymkres et aux polymkres cristallins
Reference number
Numkro de refkrence
IS0 472:1988/Amd.l:1993(E/F)
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IS0 472:1988/Amd.l:1993(E/F)
Foreword- - - - -
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation
of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing Inter-
national Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees.
Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has
been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also
take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electro-
technical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated
to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard
requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Amendment 1 to International Standard IS0 472:1988 was prepared by Technical
Committee ISO/rC 61, Plastics, Sub-Committee SC 1, Terminology.
0 IS0 1993
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IS0 472:1988/Amd.l:1993(E/F)
L ’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale
3organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I ’ISO). L ’elabo-
ration des Normes internationales est en general confide aux cornit& techniques
de I ’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude a le droit de faire par-tie
du comite technique tree a cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouverne-
mentales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I ’ISO participent egalement
aux travaux. L ’ISO collabore etroitement avec la Commission electrotechnique
internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation electrotechnique.
Les projets de Normes internationales adopt& par les comites techniques sont
soumis aux comites membres pour vote. Leur publication comme Normes
internationales requiet-t I ’approbation de 75 % au moins des comites membres
L ’Amendement 2 a la Norme internationale IS0 472:1988 a ete elabore par le
comite technique lSO/rC 1, Plastiques, sous-comite SC 1, Terminologie.
. . .
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IS0 472:1988/Amd.l:1993(E/F)
Plastics - Vhabulary- Plastiques - Vocabulaire
. ^
AMENDMENT 1: Terms - - AMENDEMENT 1: Termes
relating to individual- - relatifs aux diverses
macromoI6cuIes, 5 leurs
macromolecules, their
assemblages, aux solutions
assemblies, dilute polymer
solutions and crystalline dilkes de polym&res et aux
polymkres cristallins
NOTE 1 Reference numbers [ 1) and [2 ] relate to IUPAC publications, NOTE 1 Les numkros de rkfkrence [I] et (2) se rapportent aux
details of which are given in the bibliography at the end of this publications de I ’IUPAC citkes dans la bibliographie figurant i la fin
Amendment. du p&sent Amendement.
Terms and definitions Termes et dkfinitions
masse molaire apparente; masse mokculaire relative ap-
apparent molar mass; apparent relative molecular mass,
M-m Molar mass calculated from experimental data parente, MW: Masse molaire calculee a park de resultats
without the application of appropriate corrections, such as experimentaux sans appliquer les corrections pertinentes
for finite polymer concentration, association, preferential pour tenir compte, par exemple, de la concentration du
solvation, compositional heterogeneity or constitutional polymer-e fini, des associations, de la solvatation la plus
heterogeneityN appropriee, de I ’heterogeneite du compose ou de celle des
constituants. [I
See also molar mass.
Voir egalement masse molaire.
average degree of polymerization, ;\;(: Any average of the degrk moyen de polymkrisation, Fk: Moyenne du degre
de polymerisation d ’un polymere.[ll
degree of polymerization for a polymer.[ll
See also degree of polymerization.
Voir egalement degr6 de polymkrisation.
co-solubilisation: Dissolution d ’un polymere dans un sol-
co-solvency: The dissolution of a polymer in a solvent
comprising more than one component, each component vant comprenant plusieurs constituants qui, pris isole-
of which by itself is a non-solvent for the polymer.[ll ment, ne peuvent permettre de dissoudre le polymereU
crystalline polymer: A polymer showing crystaIlinity.[21 polymhre cristallin: Polymere ayant une structure cristal-
,dimensional order at structure cristalline: Structure caracterisee par une organi-
crystallinity: The presence of three-
sation tridimensionnelle des molecules.[21
the level of molecular dimensionsJ21
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IS0 472:1988/Amd.l:1993(E/F)
crystallite (polymer): A small crystalline domainJ21 cristallite (polymere) Domaine cristallin de petites dimen-
is a crystalline domain usually limited by well 2 Un cristal (polymkique) constitue un doma ine cristallin g&&a-
2 A (polymer) crystal
defined boundaries. lement limit6 par des frontikres bien dhfinies.
3 The definition is not- identical with that used in classical 3 Cette definition est differente de celle en cristallographie
crystallography. classique.
dendrite: A crystalli ‘ne morph ology produced by -skeletal dendrite: Morphol ie cristal line produite par la crois-
growth, leading to a “tree-ii ke” appearanceJ1 sance du squelette et ayant un aspect arborescent
.- _
. .__
distribution function:.-A normalized function giving the fonction de repartition: Fonction normalisee donnant la
relative amount of a portion of 6 -polymeric substance with quantite relative d ’une portion de substance polymerique
a specific value, or a range of values, of a random variable et faisant intervenir une ou plusieurs variable(s) alea-
or variables.[ll toire ayant une valeur specifique, ou un &entail de
extended-chain crystal: A polymer crystal in which the cristal en chaine en exten #sion: Cristal polymerique dont
chains are in an essentia #IlY fully exte nded co nfo rmatio les chaines sont en g rande partie entiere ment etireesJ21
Flory-Huggins theory: A thermodynamic theory of poly- theorie de Flory-Huggins: Theorie de thermodynamique
mer solutions, first formulated independently by Flory and s ’appliquant aux solutions polymeriques, tout d ’abord for-
by Huggins, in which the thermodynamic quantities of the mulee independamment par Flory et par Huggins, selon
solution are derived from a simple concept of combi- laquelle les caracteristiques thermodynamiques de la solu-
natorial entropy of mixing and a reduced Gibbs-energy tion sont obtenues a partir d ’un simple concept d ’entropie
parameter, the “a parameter (side parameter)W combinatoire du melange et d ’un parametre energetique
de Gibbs reduit, le ((parametre cx (parametre lateral))).[ll
folded-chain crystal: A polymer crystal consisting pre- cristal en chaine repliee: Cristal polymerique principa-
dominantly of chains that traverse the crystal repeatedly lement compose de cha7nes le traversant de part en part
by folding as they emerge at its external surfacesJ21 de maniere repetee en se repliant sur elles-memes aux
emplacements auxquels elles emergent a sa surface
fractionation: A process by means of which macro- fractionnement: Processus par lequel des especes macro-
molecular species differing in some characteristic (chemi- moleculaires differenciees les unes des autres par une
cal composition, relative molecular mass, branching, caracteristique quelconque (composition chimique, masse
moleculaire relative, ramification, stereoregularite, etc.)
stereoregularity, etc.) are separated from each other.[ll
sont separees les unes des autres.[ll
fringed-micelle model: A model for crystallinity in which modele de micelle en bordure: Type de structure cris-
the crystallized segments of a macromolecule belong pre- talline dans lequel les segments cristallises d ’une macro-
dominantly to different crystalsJ21 molecule appart
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