ISO/TS 21152:2024
(Main)Guidance on water conservation techniques of circulating cooling water in thermal power plants
Guidance on water conservation techniques of circulating cooling water in thermal power plants
This document provides technical and management guidance for water conservation of indirect open recirculating cooling water systems in thermal power plants. It is applicable to circulating cooling systems that use surface water, underground water, reclaimed water, and treated domestic sewage from thermal power plant as the make-up water and use physicochemical treatment methods to increase cycles of concentration, thus realizing water conservation and increasing water use efficiency. This document is applicable to recirculating cooling in thermal power plants fuelled by coal, oil, natural gas, and biomass.
Lignes directrices pour les techniques de conservation de l'eau consistant à faire circuler l'eau de refroidissement dans les centrales électriques thermiques
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/TS 21152
First edition
Guidance on water conservation
techniques of circulating cooling
water in thermal power plants
Lignes directrices pour les techniques de conservation de l'eau
consistant à faire circuler l'eau de refroidissement dans les
centrales électriques thermiques
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions .1
3.2 Abbreviated terms .1
4 General . 2
5 Circulating cooling water quality recommendations . 2
5.1 Water quality recommendations of make-up water .2
5.2 Water quality recommendations of circulating cooling water system .2
6 Technical guidance for water conservation of circulating cooling tower . 4
6.1 Basic guidance .4
6.2 Guidance for treatment of circulating cooling with water quality stabilizer.4
6.2.1 General .4
6.2.2 Scale and corrosion inhibition technology .4
6.2.3 Microbial control technology .5
6.3 Technical guidance for increasing cycles of concentration .6
6.3.1 General .6
6.3.2 Lime treatment .6
6.3.3 Weak acid cation resin treatment .7
6.3.4 Membrane treatment .7
6.4 Technical guidance for reducing water loss .8
7 Guidance for managing water conservation of circulating cooling water . 8
7.1 Guidance for detection and measurement instrumentation .8
7.2 Water utilities management .9
Annex A (informative) Dynamic simulation test of scale and corrosion inhibitor .10
Annex B (informative) Make-up water quality recommendations of circulating cooling water .13
Annex C (informative) Scale and corrosion inhibition test of water treatment agents (laboratory
evaluation test) .15
Annex D (informative) Calculation of cycles of concentration .18
Annex E (informative) Carbonate hardness limit selection test and cycles of concentration limit
test . 19
Annex F (informative) Calculation of side-stream filtration volume and side-stream softening
desalination volume .20
Annex G (informative) Calculation of concentration change with time in intermittent dosing .22
Bibliography .23
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 282, Water reuse, Subcommittee SC 4,
Industrial water reuse.
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Water plays an important role in transferring energy, cooling and cleaning in the process of thermal power
generation. According to the statistics of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and China Water Resources
Bulletin, fossil fuel power generation used approximately 189,6 billion cubic metres of freshwater in
2021, accounting for almost 50 % of global energy system freshwater withdrawals and 5 % of total global
freshwater withdrawals. In China, water withdrawal for thermal power generation in 2021 accounted for
approximately 17,7 % of the industrial water withdrawal, of which cooling water in thermal power plants
accounted for approximately 50 %. To save water resources, improve circulating cooling water use efficiency
and help thermal power plants to enhance water conservation, work efficiently and orderly, and thus
improve the economic and social benefits of thermal power plants, it is important to formulate guidance for
the conservation of water used as circulating cooling water in thermal power plants.
The quantity of circulating cooling water used in thermal power plants ranges from tens to hundreds of
thousands of cubic metres based on their operating capacity. The reduction of circulating cooling water
use should consider the water quality, pipe materials, water treatment, chemicals and other factors.
Meanwhile, to achieve water conservation purposes, the use of residual heat of high temperature circulating
water to reduce the temperature of circulating water in the cooling tower should be considered. Cycles of
concentration is an important index for evaluating water conservation of circulating cooling water, while the
amount of make-up water is closely related to the cycles of concentration of circulating cooling water. The
higher the concentration, the better water conservation efficiency. However, with higher concentrations, the
cost and difficulty of water treatment also increase exponentially.
Circulating cooling water quality control index and water conservation processes differ based on the
quality of make-up water. Researchers and engineers should standardize the water conservation process
of circulating cooling water in thermal power plants by fully considering the cycles of concentration and
other relevant influencing factors, to provide standardized technical guidance for the targeted stake holders
(policy makers, managers, technical consultants, designers, operators of water treatment systems, etc.).
Through analysis and research on the circulating cooling water conservation technology in thermal power
plants, this document sets up a scientific and objective technical control index, management guidance and
implementation methods that are helpful to improve the efficiency of circulating cooling water conservation
and the standardization of technical transformation of thermal power plants.
Starting from the perspective of water conservation management and technology, this document provides
acceptable operation control specifications for common processes of circulating cooling water conservation
for most stakeholders, to improve the operation efficiency and management level of circulating cooling
water conservation, which is conducive to guiding the development of specialization, normalization and
standardization of circulating cooling water conservation.
This document establishes the technical guidance and recommendations for circulating cooling water
conservation technology, provides research direction of circulating cooling water conservation technology,
improves the water conservation efficiency, and promotes the transformation of circulating cooling water
conservation technology to higher efficiency, lower energy consumption, environment friendly and resource
saving, in the end realizing sustainable development.
Technical Specification ISO/TS 21152:2024(en)
Guidance on water conservation techniques of circulating
cooling water in thermal power plants
1 Scope
This document provides technical and management guidance for water conservation of indirect open
recirculating cooling water systems in thermal power plants. It is applicable to circulating cooling systems
that use surface water, underground water, reclaimed water, and treated domestic sewage from thermal
power plant as the make-up water and use physicochemical t
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