Pulse techniques and apparatus. Part 1: Pulse terms and definitions

Provides fundamental definitions for general use in time domain pulse technology. It defines terms for pulse phenomena and characteristics which are prerequisite for efficient communication of technical information. It also defines terms for standards for methods of pulse characteristics measurement, for pulse apparatus, and for apparatus which employ pulse techniques.

Technique des impulsions et appareils. Première partie: Termes et définitions concernant les impulsions

Donne les définitions fondamentales d'usage général dans la technologie des impulsions dans le temps. Elle définit les termes relatifs aux phénomènes impulsionnels et aux caractéristiques des impulsions qui sont a priori nécessaires pour assurer une communication efficace des informations techniques et rédiger les normes relatives aux méthodes de mesure des caractéristiques des impulsions, aux appareils à impulsions et aux appareils qui utilisent la technique des impulsions.

Impulzna tehnika in naprave – 1. del: Izrazi in definicije impulzov

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junij 2005
Impulzna tehnika in naprave – 1. del: Izrazi in definicije impulzov
Pulse techniques and apparatus – Part 1: Pulse terms and definitions
ICS 01.040.17; 17.080 Referenčna številka
©  Standard je založil in izdal Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega dokumenta ni dovoljeno

Deuxième édition
Second edition
Techniques des impulsions et
Première partie:
Termes et définitions concernant les impulsions
Pulse techniques and apparatus
Part 1:
Pulse terms and definitions
© IEC 1987 Droits de reproduction réservés — Copyright - all rights reserved
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International Electrotechnical Commission
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469-1 © I E C 1987 - 3 -
1. General 7
1.1 Scope 7
1.2 Object 7
2. General terms 7
Co-ordinate system 7
2.2 Wave, pulse and transition 7
2.3 Waveform, epoch and feature 9
Qualitative adjectives 9
Quantitative adjectives 11
2.6 Time-related definitions 17
2.7 Reference lines and points 17
2.8 Miscellaneous 19
3. The single pulse waveform 21
Major pulse waveform features 21
3.2 Magnitude characteristics and references 21
3.3 Time characteristics and references 23
3.4 Other pulse waveform features 25
The single transition waveform 25
4.1 Step 25
4.2 Ramp 25
5. Complex waveforms 27
5.1 Combinations of pulses and transitions 27
5.2 Waveforms produced by magnitude superposition 27
5.3 Waveforms produced by continuous time superposition of simpler waveforms 27
5.4 Waveforms produced by non-continuous time superposition of simpler waveforms 29
5.5 Waveforms produced by operations on waveforms 31
6. Time relationships between different pulse waveforms 31
7. Distortion, jitter and fluctuation 33
7.1 Distortion 33
7.2 Qualitative distortion terms 33
7.3 Jitter and fluctuation 35
8. Miscellaneous pulse terms 35
8.1 Operations on a pulse 35
8.2 Operations by a pulse 37
8.3 Operations involving the interaction of pulses 39
8.4 Logical operations with pulses 39
469-1 © I E C 1987 5 —
Part 1: Pulse terms and definitions
The formal decisions or agreements of the I E C on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all
the National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international
consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.
2) They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that
In order to promote international unification, the I E C expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt
the text of the I E C recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence
between the I E C recommendations and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated
in the latter.
This standard has been prepared by Sub-Committee 66A: Generators, of I E C Technical Com-
mittee No. 66: Measuring Equipment for Electronic Techniques.
The text of this standard which replaces the first edition is based upon the following documents:
Six Months' Rule Report on Voting
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the Voting
Report indicated in the above table.
The following I E C publications are quoted in this standard:
Publications Nos. 351 (1976): Expression of the Properties of Cathode-ray Oscilloscopes.
469-2 (1987): Pulse Techniques and Apparatus,
Part 2: Pulse Measurement and Analysis, General Considerations.

469-1 © I E C 1987 — 7
Part 1: Pulse terms and definitions
1. General
1.1 Scope
This standard provides fundamental definitions for general use in time domain pulse
technology. It defines terms for pulse phenomena and pulse characteristics which are prerequi-
site to:
– efficient communication of technical information;
– standards for methods of pulse characteristic measurement;

standards for pulse apparatus;
– standards for apparatus which employ pulse techniques.
1.2 Object
Within its scope, the object of this standard is the definition of an internally consistent,
mathematically rigorous and general set of pulse terms which are applicable:
– to hypothetical and practical pulses;
– regardless of the applicable limits of error;
– to a wide range of technologies and disciplines;
– in a measurement situation, regardless of the means of measurement or the means for
waveform evaluation employed.
2. General terms
2.1 Co-ordinate system
Throughout the following, a rectangular Cartesian co-ordinate system is assumed in which,
unless otherwise specified:
– is the independent variable taken along the horizontal axis, increasing in the positive
time (t)
sense from left to right;
– magnitude (m) is the dependent variable taken along the vertical axis, increasing in the
positive sense or polarity from bottom to top;

the following additional symbols are used:
e = base of natural logarithms;
a, b, c, etc. = real parameters which, unless otherwise specified, may have any value
and either sign;
n =
a positive integer.
2.2 Wave, pulse and transition
A modification of the physical state of a medium which propagates in that medium as a
function of time* as a result of one or more disturbances.
* Terms in italic type are defined in this standard.

469-1 © I E C 1987 — 9
wave which departs from a first nominal state, attains a second nominal state and
ultimately returns to the first nominal state.
Throughout the remainder of this standard, "pulse" is included in "wave".
2.2.3 Transition
A portion of a wave or pulse between a first nominal state and a second nominal state.
Throughout the remainder of this standard, "transition" is included in "pulse" and "wave".
2.3 Waveform, epoch and feature
2.3.1 Waveform, pulse waveform, transition waveform
A manifestation or representation (e.g. graph, plot, oscilloscope presentation, equation(s),
table of co-ordinates or statistical data) or a visualization of a wave, pulse or transition.
Throughout the remainder of this standard:
— "pulse waveform" is included in "waveform;"
"transition waveform" is included in "pulse waveform" and "waveform."
Waveform epoch
The span of
time for which waveform data are known or knowable. A waveform epoch
manifested by equations may extend in time from – co to + o0 or, like all waveform
data, may
extend from a first datum time t o, to a second datum time t l (see Figure 1, page 40).
2.3.3 Waveform feature
A specified portion or segment of, or a specified event in, a waveform.
Qualitative adjectives
The adjectives in this sub-clause may be used individually or in combination, or in combi-
nation with adjectives in Sub-clause 2.5, to modify any substantive term in this standard.
Descriptive adjectives Major (minor)
Having or pertaining to greater (lesser) importance, magnitude, time, extent, or the like, than
another similar feature(s). Ideal
Of or pertaining to perfection in, or existing as a perfect exemplar of, a waveform or a
Of or pertaining to a
time, magnitude, waveform, feature or the like, which is used for
comparison with, or evaluation of, other times, magnitudes, waveforms, features or the like.
A reference entity may, or may not, be an ideal entity.
2.4.2 Time-related adjectives Periodic (aperiodic)
Of or pertaining to a series of specified waveforms or features which repeat or recur regularly
(irregularly) in time.
© I EC 1987 — 11 — Coherent (incoherent)
Of or pertaining to two or more repetitive waveforms whose constituent features have (lack)
time correlation.
Synchronous (asynchronous)
Of or pertaining to two or more repetitive waveforms whose sequential constituent features
have (lack)
time correlation.
Magnitude-related adjectives Proximal (distal)
Of or pertaining to a region near to (remote from) a first state or region of origin. Mesial
Of or pertaining to the region between the
proximal and distal regions.
Polarity-related adjectives
Of, having or pertaining to a single polarity.
Of, having or pertaining to both polarities.
Geometrical adjectives Trapezoidal
Having or approaching the shape of a trapezoid.
Having or approaching the shape of a rectangle. Triangular
Having or approaching the shape of a triangle. Sawtooth
Having or approaching the shape of a right-angled triangle (see Figure 2, page 41, wave-
form D).
Having a curved shape characterized by a relatively gradual change in slope.
2.5 Quantitative adjectives
The adjectives in this sub-clause may be used individually or in combination, or in combi-
nation with adjectives in Sub-clause 2.4, to modify any substantive term in this standard.
2.5.1 Integer adjectives
The ordinal integers (i.e. first, second, ., nth, last) or the cardinal integers (i.e. 1, 2, .,
n) may be used as adjectives to identify or distinguish between similar or identical features.
The assignment of integer modifiers should be sequential as a function of time within a
waveform epoch
and/or within features thereof.

469-1 © I EC 1987 13 —
2.5.2 Mathematical adjectives
All definitions in this sub-clause are stated in terms of time (the independent variable) and
magnitude (the dependent variable). Unless otherwise specified, the following terms apply only
to waveform data within a waveform epoch. These adjectives may also be used to describe the
relation(s) between other specified variable pairs (e.g. time and power, time and voltage). Instantaneous
Pertaining to the magnitude at a specified time. Positive (negative) peak
Pertaining to the maximum (minimum) magnitude. Peak-to-peak
Pertaining to the absolute value of the algebraic difference between the positive peak
magnitude and the negative peak magnitude. Root-mean-square (r.m.s.)
Pertaining to the square root of the average of the squares of the values of the
If the magnitude takes on discrete values, m., its root-mean-square value is:
mrms= [()
wherein the time intervals between adjacent values of m. are equal.
If the magnitude is a continuous function of time, m(t), its r.m.s. value is:
1 J m (t) dt lz
The summation or the integral extends over the interval of time for which the r.m.s.
magnitude is desired or, if the function is periodic, over any integral number of periodic
repetitions of the function. Average
Pertaining to the mean of the values of the magnitude. If the magnitude takes on n discrete
values, m., its average value is:

wherein the time intervals between adjacent values of m. are equal.
If the magnitude is a continuous function of time, m(t), its average value is:
) [z m (td
m_ (
The summation or the integral extends over the interval of time for which the average
magnitude is desired or, if the function is periodic, over any integral number of periodic
repetitions of the function.
469-1 © I E C 1987 15 — Average absolute
Pertaining to the mean of the absolute values of the magnitude. If the magnitude takes on
n discrete values, mj, its average absolute value is:
wherein the time intervals between adjacent values of m are equal.
If the magnitude is a continuous function of time, m(t), its average absolute value is:
mt _ ^ 1 )
1 t m (t)dt
t 2 — t,
The summation or the integral extends over the interval of time for which the average
absolute magnitude is desired or, if the function is periodic, over any integral number of
periodic repetitions of the function. Root sum of squares (r.s.s.)
Pertaining to the square root of the arithmetic sum of the squares of the values of the
magnitude. If the magnitude takes on n discrete values, m;, its root sum of squares value is:
mrss =
wherein the time intervals between adjacent values of m. are equal.
If the magnitude is a continuous function of time, m(t), its root sum of squares value is:
C m 2 (t) dt
m rss =
J 1
The summation or the integral extends over the interval of time for which the root sum of
squares magnitude is desired or, if the function is periodic, over any integral number of periodic
repetitions of the function.
2.5.3 Functional adjectives Linear
Pertaining to a time
feature whose magnitude varies as a function of in accordance with the
following relation or its equivalent:
+bt Exponential
Pertaining to a feature whose magnitude varies as a function of time in accordance with
either of the following relations or their equivalents:
m =ae
m= a(1— e-b`)
— 17 —
469-1 © I E C 1987 Gaussian
time in
whose magnitude varies as a function of
Pertaining to a waveform or feature
accordance with the following relation or its equivalent:
m=ae- -`)Z where b>0 Trigonometric
varies as a function of time in
waveform or feature whose magnitude
Pertaining to a
accordance with a specified trigonometric function or by a specified relationship based on
trigonometric functions (e.g. cosine squared).
2.6 Time-related definitions
2.6.1 Instant
of a
specified with respect to the first datum time, to,
Unless otherwise stated, a time
waveform epoch.
2.6.2 In

IEC 62742 ®
Edition 1.0 2021-08
Electrical and electronic installations in ships – Electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) – Ships with a non-metallic hull
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IEC 62742 ®
Edition 1.0 2021-08
Electrical and electronic installations in ships – Electromagnetic

compatibility (EMC) – Ships with a non-metallic hull

ICS 33.100; 47.020.60 ISBN 978-2-8322-1007-5

– 2 – IEC 62742:2021 © IEC 2021
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 General . 9
5 Electromagnetic environment (EME) . 9
5.1 General . 9
5.2 Susceptibility study . 10
5.3 Unintentional radiators installed near VHF antennas . 10
6 Shielding . 10
6.1 General . 10
6.2 Function of shielding . 11
6.3 Ship layout . 11
6.4 Room layout . 11
7 Antenna layout . 13
7.1 General . 13
7.2 Whip antenna . 13
7.2.1 General . 13
7.2.2 Transmitter location . 13
7.2.3 Antenna ground plane. 13
7.3 Loop antenna . 14
8 Earthing and equipotential bonding system . 15
8.1 General . 15
8.2 Earthing systems . 16
8.3 Protective earth . 17
8.4 Earth plate . 18
8.4.1 Material . 18
8.4.2 Location . 18
8.4.3 Dimensioning and construction . 18
8.4.4 Number . 18
8.5 Communication transmitter system . 19
8.6 Dimensions of earth conductors . 20
8.7 Lightning conductor . 20
8.8 Unbalanced systems . 21
9 Cable installation . 21
9.1 Cable routing . 21
9.2 Electrical connection (bonding) of cable shields . 21
9.3 Protection against RF fields . 21
9.4 Protection against induced currents . 22
9.5 Filtering . 22
10 Overvoltage protection . 22
11 Maintenance test and inspection . 22
Annex A (normative) Comparison of IEC 60533:2015, Clause 4 to Clause 8, with this
document . 23

Annex B (informative) Comparison of IEC 60533:2015, Annex A (informative) and
Annex B (informative) with this document . 25
Bibliography . 28

Figure 1 – Principle of single protection layer . 12
Figure 2 – Principle of multiple protection layers . 12
Figure 3 – Unshielded cable penetrating the antenna ground plane . 14
Figure 4 – Radiation pattern of a vertically installed loop antenna (seen from above),
showing the main direction of radiation . 15
Figure 5 – Double-tree earthing system . 16
Figure 6 – Example of an earthing system with shielded spaces . 17
Figure 7 – Antenna ground plane, strap connection of base plate with earth plate. 19
Figure 8 – Antenna ground plane, tape connection of base plate with earth plate . 20

Table A.1 – Connection of this document with IEC 60533:2015 – Allocation, additions
or modifications . 23
Table B.1 – Connection of this document with IEC 60533:2015 – Allocation, additions
or modifications . 25

– 4 – IEC 62742:2021 © IEC 2021

1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote international
co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and
in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports,
Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as "IEC Publication(s)"). Their
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2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all
interested IEC National Committees.
3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
Committees in that sense. While all reasonable efforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IEC
Publications is accurate, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for any
misinterpretation by any end user.
4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications
transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional publications. Any divergence between
any IEC Publication and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated in the latter.
5) IEC itself does not provide any attestation of conformity. Independent certification bodies provide conformity
assessment services and, in some areas, access to IEC marks of conformity. IEC is not responsible for any
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6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts and
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8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
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9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of patent
rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard IEC 62742 has been prepared by Technical committee 18: Electrical
installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units.
The text of this International Standard is based on the following documents:
FDIS Report on voting
18/1725/FDIS 18/1733/RVD
Full information on the voting for its approval can be found in the report on voting indicated in
the above table.
The language used for the development of this International Standard is English.
This document was drafted in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, and developed in
accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and ISO/IEC Directives, IEC Su

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