SIST IEC 60469-2:2005
(Main)Pulse techniques and apparatus. Part 2: Pulse measurement and analysis, general considerations
Pulse techniques and apparatus. Part 2: Pulse measurement and analysis, general considerations
Gives the definitions and descriptions of the techniques and procedures for time domain pulse measurements. The definitions and descriptions are independent of specific devices, apparatus, instruments or computing devices which may be used in pulse measurements.
Technique des impulsions et appareils. Deuxième partie: Mesure et analyse des impulsions, considérations générales
Définit et décrit les techniques et procédures pour les mesures des impulsions dans le temps. Les définitions et descriptions données sont indépendantes des dispositifs, appareils, instruments spécifiques ou dispositifs de calcul qui peuvent être utilisés pour les mesures des impulsions.
Impulzna tehnika in naprave – 2. del: Merjenje in analiza impulzov, splošna določila
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
junij 2005
Impulzna tehnika in naprave – 2. del: Merjenje in analiza impulzov, splošna
Pulse techniques and apparatus – Part 2: Pulse measurement and analysis,
general considerations
ICS 17.080 Referenčna številka
© Standard je založil in izdal Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega dokumenta ni dovoljeno
Deuxième édition
Second edition
Techniques des impulsions et appareils
Deuxième partie:
Mesure et analyse des impulsions,
considérations générales
Pulse techniques and apparatus
Part 2:
Pulse measurement and analysis,
general considerations
© IEC 1987 Droits de reproduction réservés — Copyright - all rights reserved
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International Electrotechnical Commission
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469-2 © I EC 1987 – 3 –
1. General 7
1.1 Scope 7
1.2 Object 7
2. Definitions 7
2.1 Pulse measurement terms 7
2.2 Statistical terms 9
2.3 Waveform formats 9
2.4 Waveform epoch expansion and contraction
2.5 Reference pulse waveforms
3. Measurement of pulse characteristics 13
3.1 The distinction between waves and waveforms
3.2 Description of the pulse measurement process
15 3.3 Pulse to pulse waveform conversion
4. Pulse waveform analysis
4.1 Generality of pulse waveform analysis
4.2 Waveform epoch determination
4.3 Analysis of the single-pulse waveform
5. Analysis of transition waveforms 25
6. Analysis of complex waveforms
25 6.1 Analysis of combinations of pulses and transitions
6.2 Analysis of waveforms produced by magnitude superposition
27 6.3 Analysis of waveforms produced by pulse trains
6.4 Analysis of waveforms produced by pulse bursts
7. Analysis of time relationships between different waveforms
8. Analysis of pulse waveform distortion
27 9. Analysis of jitter and fluctuation
9.1 Analysis of jitter
9.2 Analysis of fluctuation
469-2 © I E C 1987 – 5 –
Part 2: Pulse measurement and analysis, general considerations
1) The formal decisions or agreements of the I E C on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all the
National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international
consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.
2) ational use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.
They have the form of recommendations for inte rn
3) In order to promote international unification, the I E C expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the text
of the I E C recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence between the
I E C recommendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated in the latter.
This standard has been prepared by Sub-Committee 66A: Generators, of IEC Technical Committee
No. 66 : Measuring Equipment for Electronic Techniques.
The text of this standard is based upon the following documents :
Six Months' Rule Report on Voting
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the Voting Report
indicated in the above table.
The following IEC publication is quoted in this standard:
Publication No. 469-1 (1987): Pulse Techniques and Apparatus, Part 1: Pulse Terms and Definitions.
Other publication quoted:
ISO Standard 3534 (1977): Statistics – Vocabulary and Symbols.
469-2 © I E C 1987 – 7 -
Part 2: Pulse measurement and analysis, general considerations
1. General
1.1 Scope
This standard provides definitions and descriptions of the techniques and procedures for time
domain pulse measurements. The definitions and descriptions provided are independent of
specific devices, apparatus, instruments or computing devices which may be used in pulse
measurements and are necessary for :
– efficient communication of the results of pulse measurements,
– standards for pulse apparatus, and
– standards for apparatus which employs pulse techniques.
1.2 Object
Within its scope, the object of this standard is the definition of terms and the description of
techniques and procedures which are applicable :
– to the determination of the characteristics of practical and hypothetical pulses,
regardless of the applicable limits of error, and
– to a wide range of technologies and disciplines.
2. Definitions
For the definitions of general pulse terms used in this standard reference should be made to
I E C Publication 469-1.
EC Publication 469-1 are given in this standard.
When necessary, the references to clauses of I
2.1 Pulse measurement terms
The pulse measurement terms defined in this sub-clause are applicable to measurement in
general and are not defined in order to draw a distinction between pulse measurement and
measurement in general.
For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply :
2.1.1 Pulse measurement
The assignment of a number and a unit of measurement to a characteristic, property or attribute
of a pulse wherein the number and unit assigned indicate the magnitude of the characteristic which
y comparison of a
is associated with the pulse. Typically, this assignment is accomplished b
transform of the pulse (its pulse waveform) with a scale or reference which is calibrated in the unit
of measurement.
Method of pulse measurement
pulse measurement * comprises:
A method of making a
– the complete specification of the functional characteristics of the devices, apparatus, instru-
ments and auxiliary equipment to be used ;
Terms in italic type are defined in this standard.
469-2 © I EC 1987 — 9 —
the essential adjustments required;
—the procedures to be used in making essential adjustments ;
—the operations to be performed and their sequence ;
—the corrections that will ordinarily need to be made ;
—the procedures for making such corrections ;
—the conditions under which all operations are to be carried out.
2.1.3 Pulse measurement process
A realization of a method of pulse measurement in terms of specific devices, apparatus,
instruments, auxiliary equipment, conditions, operators and observers.
2.1.4 State of statistical control
In a pulse measurement process, that state wherein a degree of consistency among repeated
measurements of a characteristic, property or attribute is attained.
2.1.5 Error
The difference between the result of the application of a pulse measurement process and the true
value of the characteristic, property or attribute being measured.
2.1.6 Dispersion
The degree of mutual disagreement among the results of independent measurements of a pulse
pulse measurement
characteristic, property or attribute yielded by repeated applications of a
The smallest change in the pulse characteristic, property or attribute being measured which can
pulse measurement process.
unambiguously be discerned or detected in a
2.2 Statistical terms
Statistical terms are given in ISO Standard 3534.
2.3 Waveform formats
Waveforms may exist, be recorded or be stored in a variety of formats. Throughout this
standard, it is assumed that :
—waveform formats are in terms of Cartesian co-ordinates or some transform thereof,
—conversion from one waveform format to any other is possible, and
and resolution *
—such waveform format conversions can be made with limits of error, dispersion
pulse measurement process.
which are consistent with the limits of error desired in the
* Throughout the remainder of this standard, the term "limits of error" will be used in place of the phrase "limits of
error, dispersion and resolution".
469-2 © I E C 1987 – 11 –
2.3.1 Pictorial format
A graph, plot or display in which a waveform is presented for observation and/or analysis. Any
of the waveform formats defined in the following sub-clauses may be presented in the pictorial
2.3.2 Equational format
One or more algebraic equations which specify a waveform wherein, typically, a first equation
a second equation specifies the waveform from t i to t2, etc.
specifies the waveform from to to t1 ,
The equational format is typically used to specify hypothetical, ideal or reference waveforms.
2.3.3 Sampled format
A waveform which is a series of sample magnitudes taken sequentially or non-sequentially as a
function of time. It is assumed that non-sequential samples may be rearranged in time sequence to
yield the following sampled formats : Periodically sampled real time format
A finite sequence of magnitudes mo, m l , m2, ., m„ each of which represents the magnitude
respectively, wherein the data may exist
of the wave at times to, to + At, to + 2At, ., to + nAt,
in a pictorial format or as a list of numbers. Periodically sampled equivalent time format
periodically sampled real time format, except that the time co-
A format which is identical to the
ordinate is equivalent to and convertible to real time. Typically, each datum point is derived from
a different measurement on a different wave in a sequence of waves. Aperiodically sampled real time format
periodically sampled real time format, except that the
A format which is identical to the
sampling in real time is not periodic and wherein the data exist as co-ordinate point pairs, t 1 , m l ;
t2,m2;.;t,,,m,,. Aperiodically sampled equivalent time format
A format which is identical to the aperiodically sampled real time format, except that the time
co-ordinate is equivalent to and convertible to real time. Typically, each datum point is derived
from a different measurement on a different wave in a sequence of waves.
2.4 Waveform epoch expansion and contraction
2.4.1 Waveform epoch expansion
A technique for the determination of the characteristics of a transition waveform (or pulse
waveform) wherein the transition waveform epoch (or pulse waveform epoch) is expanded in time
to a pulse waveform epoch (or waveform epoch) for the determination of magnitude and/or time
reference lines. The reference lines determined by analysis of the pulse waveform (or waveform)
are transferred to the transition waveform (or pulse waveform) for the determination of
characteristics (see Figure 1, page 30).
469-2 © I E C 1987 – 13 –
In any waveform epoch expansion procedure, two or more sets of reference lines may exist, and
pulse measurement process shall be specified.
the set of reference lines being used in any
Waveform epoch contraction
A technique for the determination of the characteristics of individual pulse waveforms (or pulse
waveform features) wherein the waveform epoch (or pulse waveform epoch) is contracted in time
to a pulse waveform epoch (or transition waveform epoch) for the determination of time and/or
magnitude characteristics (see Figure 1).
In any waveform epoch contraction procedure, two or more sets of time and/or magnitude
pulse measurement
reference lines may exist and the set of reference lines being used in any
process shall be specified.
Reference pulse waveforms
A reference pulse waveform (see I E C Publication 469-1, Sub-clauses and 2.8.1) may
be specified by any of the waveform formats defined in Sub-clause 2.3. The characteristics of the
devices, apparatus techniques, or algorithms used in producing or deriving a reference pulse
waveform shall be specified.
2.5.1 Defined reference pulse waveform
A reference pulse waveform which is defined without reference to any practical or derived pulse
waveform. Typically, a defined reference pulse waveform is an ideal pulse waveform.
2.5.2 Derived reference pulse waveform
A reference pulse waveform which is derived by a specified procedure or algorithm from the
pulse measurement process (see Figure 2, page 31 for
pulse waveform which is being analysed in a
an example of a derived reference pulse waveform and its algorithm).
Practical reference pulse waveform
A reference pulse waveform which is derived from a pulse which is produced by a device or
3. Measurement of pulse characteristics
The distinction between waves and waveforms
The distinction between waves, pulses and transitions and their respective waveforms is clearly
drawn : the former are modifications of the physical state of a medium, or phenomena, while the
latter are manifestations, respresentations, or visualizations of these phenomena (see I E C
Publication 469-1, Sub-clauses 2.2 and 2.3.1).
Note. —
Throughout the remainder of this standard, the terms "pulse" and "pulse waveform" are used in the following
inclusive sense:
a) "pulse" and "pulse waveform" include "transition" and "transition waveform", respectively, and
b) in so far as is applicable, "pulse" and "pulse waveform" include "wave" and "waveform", respectively.
469-2 © I E C 1987 – 15 –
3.2 Description of the pulse measurement process
The object of any pulse measurement process is the determination, within some limits of error,
either expressed or implied, of the magnitude of a characteristic, property or attribute of a pulse.
Figure 3, page 31, shows the constituent steps of any pulse measurement process where, as
indicated, the process involves two distinct sequential sub-processes :
pulse to pulse waveform conversion, and
pulse waveform analysis.
Thus, the pulse measurement process involves:
– the conversion of a pulse into its transform, its pulse waveform,
– analysis of the pulse waveform to determine the magnitude of a pulse waveform characteris
IEC 60364-5-52 CEI 60364-5-52
(Third edition – 2009)
(Troisième édition – 2009)
Low-voltage electrical installations –
Installations électriques à basse
tension –
Part 5-52: Selection and erection of Partie 5-52 : Choix et mise en œuvre
electrical equipment – des matériels électriques –
Wiring systems Canalisations
Page 56 Page 141
In Table B.52.18, for
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