SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
(Main)Solid mineral fuels -- Vocabulary -- Part 1: Terms relating to coal preparation
Solid mineral fuels -- Vocabulary -- Part 1: Terms relating to coal preparation
Defines, in English, 420 terms commonly employed in coal preparation under the following headlines: general terms, sizing, cleaning, separation of solids from water or air, size reduction, expression of results, blending and homogenization, automatic control.
Combustibles minéraux solides -- Vocabulaire -- Partie 1: Termes relatifs à la préparation du charbon
L'ISO 1213-1:1993 définit des termes communément employés dans la préparation du charbon.
Trdna fosilna goriva - Slovar - 1. del: Strokovni izrazi v tehnologiji premoga
General Information
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Standards Content (Sample)
Second edition
Solid mineral fuels - Vocabulary -
Part 1:
Terms relating to coal preparation
Combustibles minkaux solides - Vocabulaire -
Patiie 7: Termes relatifs 6 Ia pkparation du charbon
Reference number
ISO 1213-1:1993 (E)
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ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide feder-
ation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing
International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical com-
mittees. Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical com-
mittee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee.
International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison
with ISO, also take patt in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the Inter-
national Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circu-
lated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard
requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 1213-1 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/rC 27, Solid mineral fuels, Sub-Committee SC 1, Coal preparation,
terminology and Performance.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 1213-1:1982), of
which it constitutes a technical revision.
ISO 1213 consists of the following Parts, under the general title Solid mineral
fuels - Vocabulary
- Part 7; Terms relating to coal preparation
- Part 2: Terms relating to sampling testing and analysis.
Annex A of this patt of ISO 1213 is for information only.
0 ISO 1993
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by
any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without per-
mission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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ISO 1213~kl993 (E)
This part of ISO 1213 is a glossary consisti ng of a systematic list of terms com-
monly employed in coal preparation.
For terms relating to petrographic analysis, see ISO 7404-1:1984, Methods for
the petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite - Part 7: Glossary of
This patt of ISO 1213 takes into account the distinction between processes or
operations and the methods or machines for carrying them out.
Clause 3 is devoted primarily to coal properties and the principal operations in-
volved in coal preparation, and also includes general terms such as those relat-
ing to capacities and flowsheets.
Clauses 4 to 7 cover the detailed terminol ogy relatin g to sizing, cleaning, sep-
aration of sol ids from wa ter or air, and size reduction.
8 deals with the terms involved in interpreti ng or express ing the resu Its
of coal preparation operations.
Clause 9 includes some miscellaneous terms.
Clause 10 covers terms related to blending and homogenization.
Clause 11 covers terms related to automatic control. Of necessity, it covers only
a limited selection of terms. A list of other International Standards, which
together provide a more comprehensive set of terms, is given in annex A.
Most of the clauses are subdivided, and in each case the first subclause includes
general terms and the remaining subclauses cover groups of related terms. As
far as possible, this logical principle has been carried through into the arrange-
ment of the terms themselves, which are also numbered for ease of reference.
An alphabetical index is also provided, with a numerical Cross-reference.
. . .
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ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
Solid mineral fuels - Vocabulary -
Part 1:
Terms relating to coal preparation
3.1.06 cleaned coal; clean coal: Coal produced by a
1 Scope
cleaning process (wet or dry).
This patt of ISO 1213 defines terms commonly employed
3.1.07 middlings: A product of coal preparation that, be-
in coal preparation
Cause of its ash percentage, is intermediate between coal
and discard.
2 Normative reference
NOTE 1 lt follows therefore that the relative density of middlings is
intermediate between those of coal and discard. Middlings may be
The following Standard contains provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
part of ISO 1213. At the time of publication, the edition in-
3.1.08 true middlings; bone: Middlings so nearly hom-
dicated was valid. All Standards are subject to revision,
ogeneous that their quality cannot readily be improved by
and Parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 1213
crushing and recleaning.
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying
the most recent edition of the Standard indicated below. 3.1.09 false middlings; interbanded middlings: Middlings
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently in which the particles consist of bands of coal and shale,
valid International Standards.
and from which the coal may be liberated by crushing.
ISO 10753:~11, Coal preparation plant - Assessment of the 3.1.10 reject; refuse: The material extracted from the
Iiability to breakdown in water of materials associated feed during cleaning, for retreatment or discard.
with coal seams.
3.1.11 discard; dirt; stone: The material extracted from
the raw coal and finally discarded.
3 General
3.1.12 recirculation: The Operation in which the whole or
part of a product from a process is returned to the feed to
3.1 General coal preparation terms
a process, e.g. the return of the crushed overflow from a
Screen to the Screen feed for rescreening.
3.1.01 coal preparation: Collectively, physical and me-
chanical processes applied to coal to make it suitable for a
3.1.13 ‘Yoreign coal”: Coal received at a preparation plant
particular use.
from a Source other than that to which the plant is at-
3.1.02 run of mine; r.o.m. coal: Coal produced by mining
operations, before screening, crushing or preparation.
3.1.14 imported coal: Coal coming from a foreign
country, or other state within the country.
3.1.03 raw coal: Coal that has received no preparation
other than possibly screening or crushing.
3.1.15 low-grade coal: Combustible material that has
only limited uses owing to undesirable characteristics (e.g.
3.1.04 raw coal feed: Raw coal supplied to a plant or
ash percentage or size).
machine, in which it undergoes some form of preparation.
3.1.16 Segregation: Partial Separation of a material into
3.1.05 coal cleaning: The treatment of raw coal to lower its constituents, occurring as a result of differentes in
particle characteristics such as pattitle size or relative
the quantity of undesirable constituents, through the dif-
ference in either density or surface properties
1) To be published.
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ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
3.2 Cleaning characteristics 3.2.11 actual performante curve: A performante curve
showing the results actually obtained from a coal prep-
3.2.01 washability: The amenability of a coal to improve- aration treatment.
ment in quality by cleaning, generally through its relative
density/ash relationship.
3.2.12 expected Performance curve: A Performance
curve showing the expected results of a coal preparation
3.2.02 float-and-sink analysis: The division of a Sample
into relative density fractions having defined limits, the
amounts of the fractions being expressed as percentages 3.2.13 M-curve; Mayer curve: A vectorial curve, obtained
of the total Sample, commonly with an indication of the by plotting the cumulative ash percentages against their
ash percentage (and other characteristics, if required) sf cumulative yields, used to express the washability of a
coal, plotted on a vectorial diagram in which the projection
each fraction.
of the vector on the Ordinate (vertical axis) represents the
percentage of the product (coal) and the direction of the
3.2.03 washability curve: Any curve obtained from the
vector represents the percentage of a particular con-
results of a float-and-sink analysis permitting the theoreti-
stituent of the product.
cal yield of floats or sinks to be read off.
3.2.14 ash/relative density curve: The curve obtained
NOTE 2 The following are the five main types of washability curves:
from the float-and-sink analysis by plotting the ash per-
centages of successive fractions against the mean relative
- the characteristic ash curve;
density of the fraction.
- the cumulative floats curve;
- the cumulative sinks curve;
3.3 Capacity and throughput
- the densimetric (relative density) curve;
3.3.01 nominal capacity: A notional figure, expressed in
- the near-density curve.
mass per hour, used in the title of a flowsheet and in the
general description of a plant, applying to the plant as a
3.2.04 characteristic ash curve: The curve obtained from
whole and to the specific product under consideration.
the results of a float-and-sink analysis showing, for any
mass percentage of floats (or sinks) the ash percentage of
3.3.02 operational capacities: Figures given on a flow-
the highest density (or lowest density) fraction passing
sheet to indicate quantities per unit time passing various
into these floats (or sink& the mass percentage being
Points in the plant, taking account of fluctuations in the
plotted on the Ordinate (vettical axis) and the ash percent-
rate of supply and composition (as to size and impurity
age on the abscissa (horizontal axis).
3.2.05 cumulative curve: Any curve expressing the re-
3.3.03 design capacity: The rate of feed at which specific
sults of combining successive relative density fractions or
items of plant must operate continuously and give the
size fractions.
guaranteed results on a particular quality of feed.
3.3.04 peak design capacity: A rate of feed in excess of
3.2.06 cumulative floats curve: The curve obtained from
the design capacity that specific items of plant will accept
the results of a float-and-sink analysis by plotting the
for short periods without necessarily fulfilling the perform-
cumulative mass percentage of floats at each relative
ante guarantees given in respect of them.
density against the cumulative ash of the total floats at
that density.
3.3.05 mechanical maximum capacity: The highest rate
of feed at which specific items of equipment, not subject
3.2.07 cumulative sinks curve: The curve obtained from
to Performance guarantees, will function on the type and
the results of a float-and-sink analysis by plotting the
quality of feed for which they are supplied.
cumulative mass percentage of sinks at each relative
density against the cumulative ash of the total sinks at that
3.3.06 feed: Material for treatment supplied to an ap-
pliance or plant.
3.2.08 densimetric curve; relative density curve: The
3.3.07 basic flowsheet: A schematic diagram represent-
curve obtained from the results of a float-and-sink analysis
ing the various preparation process stages in the treat-
by plotting the cumulative mass percentage of floats or
ment of the raw coal.
sinks against the relative density.
3.3.08 process flowsheet: A basic flowsheet indicating
3.2.09 near-density curve; difficulty curve: The curve ob-
the main operational Steps within the plant, the movement
tained from the results of a float-and-sink analysis, or from
of the various materials between the Steps and the final
the densimetric curve, by plotting the mass percentage
products obtained, and often also the average mass flow
within the limits + 0,l of a given relative density against
at various Points in the plant.
that relative density.
3.3.09 equipment flowsheet: A diagram indicating, by
3.2.10 Performance curve: Any curve used to shovv the Standard Symbols, the units of equipment used in the vari-
relationship between properties of coal and results of a ous operational Steps carried out within a coal preparation
specific treatment. plant.
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ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
3.3.10 materials flowsheet: A flowsheet principally con- 4.2 Screening
cerned with solid materials.
4.2.01 screening: The Separation of solid materials of dif-
3.3.11 liquids flowsheet: A flowsheet to in dicate the flow
ferent sizes, by causing part to remain on a surface pro-
of liqu ids throughout a series of operations.
vided with apertures through which the remainder Passes.
3.3.12 weighted flowsheet; capacity flowsheet: A
4.2.02 Screen:
materials flowheet used in the design sf a plant, including
(1) A device for carrying out the Operation of screening.
Statements of the mass flow per hour at principal Points in
the plant.
A commonly used abbreviation for Screen deck or
screening surface, e. g. woven-wire Screen.
4 Sizing
4.2.03 amplitude: The maximum displacement from the
mean Position in an oscillating motion.
4.1 General
NOTE 6 In the case of a Screen having a straight line motion or el-
4.1.01 sizing: Division of a material into products
liptical motion, it is half of the total movement or half of the major
tween nominal size limits. axis of the ellipse. In the case of a circular motion, it is the radius of
the circle.
4.1.02 classification: The Separation sf particles accord-
See also stroke (4.2.04).
ing to their size, density and shape by control of their set-
tling rate through a fluid medium.
4.2.04 stroke; throw: The distance between the extreme
positions of an oscillating or vibrating motion, i.e. the
4.1.03 size analysis: The process or the result of the div-
stroke is equal to twice the amplitude.
ision of a Sample into size fractions, each within defined
limits, the mass or number of particles in each fraction
4.2.05 apet-ture sire: The dimension or dimensions defin-
being expressed as percentages of the total Sample.
ing the opening in the screening surface, qualified as to
the shape of aperture, e.g. “round-hole”, “Square-mesh”,
4. 1.04 sieve analysis: Size analysis i n which the division
iS carri ed out by the use of test sieves.
4.2.06 dry screening: The sc reening of solid materials of
4.1.05 mean size: The weighted averag e parti cle size of
different sizes without the aid of water.
any Sample, batch or consignment of patt ic ulate ma terial.
4.2.07 wet screening: : The screening of solid materials
NOTE 3 Several bases for calculating mean size have been pro-
of different sizes with the aid of water.
posed, giving results that vary widely for the same size distribution.
The method of calculation should, therefore, always be stated when-
ever results are reported.
4.2.08 probability screening: A method of screening that,
by making extended use of the probability of a particle
4.1.06 nominal size; limiting size: The limit or limits of passing through an aperture, allows sizing at fine sizes to
pattitle size used to describe a product of a sizing oper- be performed with relatively large apertures.
4.2.09 desliming: The removal of slimes from coal or a
4.1.07 oversize: Material in a product of size greater than
mixture of coal and water, however accomplished.
the upper nominal size limit; may be expressed as a per-
centage of the product.
4.2.10 fines removal: The removal of fine particles from a
feed material, by either wet or dry methods, to facilitate
4.1.08 undersize: Material in a product of size smaller
treatment or utilization of the remainder.
than the lower nominal size limit; may be expressed as a
percentage of the product.
4.2.11 dedusting: Fines removal by dry methods.
4.1.09 dust: Particles of solid material sufficiently fine to
4.2.12 Screen overflow: That pottion of the feed material
allow Suspension in air. (See also 6.4.)
discharged from the Screen deck without having passed
through the apertures.
4.1.10 fines: Coal h aving a maxi mum particle size
usually less th n4mm , and havi ng no lower limit.
4.2. 13 mispl aced undersize: Particles in a Screen
ove rflow that are s maller than a reference size.
NOTE 4 The upper limit may vary widely. To avoid confu
sion, the
term should a Iways be qualified by stating the nominal size.
4.2.14 Screen underflow: That portion of the feed ma-
terial that has passed through the apertures in a Screen
4.1.11 smalls: Coal having a maximum particle size
usually less tha n 25 mm, and hav ng no lower limit.
4.2.15 misplaced oversize: Particles in
a Screen
NOTE 5 The upper limit may vary widely. To avoid confusion, the
underflow that are larger than a reference size.
term should always be qualified by stating the nominal size.
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ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
4.4.02 primary Screen; raw coal Screen: A Screen used to
4.2.16 misplaced material (screening): Undersize con-
divide coal (usually raw coal) into sizes more suitable for
tained in the Overflow, or oversize contained in the under-
the subsequent cleaning of some or all of them.
4.2.17 near-mesh material; near-size material: Material
4.4.03 dewatering Screen: A Screen used for the separ-
approximating in size to a reference size, usually within
ation of water from solids.
i 25 % of that reference.
4.4.04 desliming Screen: A Screen used for the removal
4.2.18 nominal area (Screen): The total area of the Screen
of slimes from larger particles, usually with the aid of
deck exposed to the flow of the material feed.
water Sprays.
effective area (Screen); working area (deprecated):
4.4.05 slurry Screen: A Screen used to recover and de-
The nominal area less any area occupied by fixings or sup-
water granular products from circulating water in a coal
ports that obstruct the passage of material over or through
preparation plant.
the Screen deck.
4.4.06 rinsing Screen; Spray Screen: A Screen used for the
4.2.20 open area: The ratio of the total area of the aper-
removal of fine solids by spraying, especially dense me-
tures to the total area of the wire cloth, perforated plate or
dium solids present among or adhering to larger particles.
wedge-wire Panel, expressed as a percentage.
4.4.07 sizing Screen(s); grading Screen(s), classifying
4.2.21 sieve
Screen(s) (deprecated): A Screen or set of screens normally
used for dividing a product (e.g. clean coal) into a range of
(1) Generally, a Screen of relatively small area.
(2) Particularly, a Screen used for size analysis.
4.4.08 guard Screen; oversize contra1 Screen: A Screen
used to prevent the entry into a machine of coarse par-
ticles which tan interfere with its Operation.
4.3 Parts of screens
4.4.09 undersize control Screen; breakage Screen
4.3.01 Screen deck; screening surface: A surface pro-
(deprecated): A Screen used for the removal or undersize
vided with apertures of specified size for carrying out the
from a product.
Operation of screening.
4.3.02 Screen plate: A plate provided with apertures of
4.5 Screens according to principle sf construction
specifi ed size and range for use as a Screen deck.
4.5.01 Single-deck Screen: A Screen having one screening
4.3.03 Screen cloth; Screen mesh: A mesh of wires
surface, not necessarily limited to one size or shape of ap-
woven in a consistent manner to form the apertures.
4.3.04 wedge-wire deck; wedge-wire sieve: A Screen
4.5.02 multi-deck Screen: A Screen having two or more
deck, comprising wires of wedge-shaped Cross-section
superimposed screening surfaces mounted rigidly within a
spaced from each other at a fixed dimension, in which the
common frame.
underflow Passes through an apetture of increasing cross-
4.5.03 jigging Screen; reciprocating Screen; s ha ki ng
Screen (deprecated): A Screen to which a combined hori-
4.3.05 loose-rod deck: A screening surface consisting of
zontal and vertical motion is imparted, normally by a
loosely held parallel rods positioned at right angles to the
crankshaft and connecting rod, the Screen deck being hori-
flow of material over the Screen.
zontal or inclined at a small angle.
NOTE 7 Normally, a loose-rod deck is used only on high-speed vi-
4.5.04 resonance Screen: A Screen having a period of os-
brating screens.
cillation at or very close to the natura1 period of oscillation
of the resilient mounting.
4.3.06 relieving deck: A Screen plate having large aper-
tures mounted over the screening deck to reduce the load
4.5.05 vibrating Screen: A Screen oscillated at high Speed
and wear thereon.
by either mechanical or electrical means.
NOTE 9 The amplitude of movement of the vibrating Screen is
4.4 Screens according to purpose
smaller than that of the jigging Screen, and its frequency of oscil-
lation is higher.
4.4.01 run-of-mine Screen: A Screen used for dividing
run-of-mine coal into two or more sizes for further
4.5.06 rotating probability Screen: A device for prob-
treatment or disposal.
ability screening, consisting of a rotating horizontal deck
having radial spokes, the Separation Point being obtained
NOTE 8 A run-of-mine Screen is usually employed to remove the
by varying the rotational Speed.
largest pieces for crushing and readdition to the run-of-mine coal.
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ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
4.5.07 trommel Screen; revolving Screen: A Screen in 5.1.07 middlings elevator: An elevator that removes mid-
which the screening surface is formed into a cylinder or dlings for further treatment or for disposal as an inferior
frustum of a cone, mounted upon a horizontal or near- product.
horizontal rotating shaft, or on revolving rollers.
5.1.08 head tank: A tank or vessel in the water circuit that
4.5.08 roll Screen: A Screen consisting of a number of
is used to maintain the delivery pressure of the water by
horizontal rotating shafts, fitted with elements arranged to constant level to the washing units.
provide screening apertures.
5.1.09 launder: A trough or channel alon which liquids,
4.5.09 bar Screen: A stationary inclined Screen, compris-
or a mixture of liquids and solids, flow.
ing longitudinal bars, spaced at intervals, onto which the
material is fed at the upper end.
5.1.10 pump sump: A tank into which the process water
gravitates and from which it is recirculated by means of a
4.5.10 grizzly: A rugged Screen for roug h sizing at com-
50 mm). pump-
paratively large size (e.g. 1
Prise fixed or moving bars, discs, or
NOTE 10 A grizzly tan com
5.1.11 Suspension: A mixture of solid particles and water
shaped tumblers or rollers.
or air in which the solid particles are completely and indi-
vidually supported.
4.5.11 sieve bend: A device for the sizing of fine particles
suspended in water by means of a stationary cutved
5.1.12 teeter (in); fluidized Suspension (in): The condition
Panel, usually of wedge-wire, the apetture of which is at
of a Suspension of solids in an upward-moving current of
right angles to the flow of feed, whereby the finer particles
water or air, whereby the support given to the particles re-
are removed with the bulk of the water in the underflow.
duces the internal friction between them to such an extent
[See also fixed Screen (6.2.02).]
that the Suspension acquires fluid or partially fluid proper-
4.6 Sizing in a current of air or water
5.1.13 water circuit: The complete System sf pipelines,
4.6.01 air classification: The process of sizing in a current
Pumps, sumps, tanks, launders and accessories used for
of air.
the circulation of water in a washery.
4.6.02 classifier: A device that separates particles, ac-
5.1.14 closed water circuit: A water circuit designed so
cording to their size, shape and density, by physical means
that the only water added is that necessary to replace the
other than screening.
loss on the washery products and that due to atmospheric
4.6.03 cyclone classifier: A device for classification by
centrifugal means of fine particles suspended in a fluid,
whereby the coarser particles are discharged from the
5.1.15 circulating water: The water in the water circuit.
apex of the vessel, and the finer particles are removed
with the bulk of the fluid at the overflow orifice.
5.1.16 make-up water: Water supplied to a plant to re-
place th at lost from the ci rcuit.
5 Cleaning
5.1.17 rinsing water; Spray water: Water used to remove
5.1 General
fine particles from larger sizes.
5.1.01 dry cleaning: The Separation of impurities from
5.1.18 waste water; Surplus water, bleed water
coal by manual or mechanical methods that avoid the use
(deprecated): Excess water allowed to run to waste from
of a liquid.
the water circuit. [See also etfluent (6.1.09 and 6.1.10)].
5.1.02 wet cleaning: The mechanical Separation of im-
5.1.19 pit water; mine water: Water from underground
purities from coal by methods involving the use of a
workings or an open-Cut mine.
5.1.03 washery: A coal preparation plant in which a wet
5.1.20 slimes: Extremely fine particles in Suspension or
ng process is carried out.
ad heri ng to larger particles
reclean; rewash: To re-treat a product
5.1.04 in the same
5.1.21 slurry (coal preparation): Fine particles concen-
or in a
nother plant.
trated in a Portion of the circulating water and water-borne
for treatment or disposal.
5.1.05 washery products: The final products from a
5.1.22 froth flotation: A process for cleaning fine coal in
5.1.06 reject elevator; refuse elevator (deprecated): An which the coal, with the aid of a reagent or reagents, be-
elevator for removing and draining the reject from a wash- Comes attached to air bubbles in a liquid medium and
ing appliance. floats as a froth.
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ISO 1213~kl993 (E)
5.2 Dry cleaning 5.3.09 jig Screen plate; bed plate; grid plate, sieve plate
(deprecated): A perforated plate or grid that supports the
5.2.01 hand cleaning: The removal by hand of impurities
bed of material being treated.
from coal, or coal from impurities.
5.3.10 jig bed: The whole of the material on the jig
Screen plate.
5.3.11 jig cell: One of the individual sections into which
5.2.03 picking belt; picking table: A continuous conveyor the jig below the jig Screen plate is divided by transverse
(e.g. in the form of a rubber belt or of a steel apron, steel
division plates, each being capable of separate control.
plate or link construction) on which raw coal is spread for
hand cleaning and/or hand selection.
5.3.12 jig compat-tments: The sections into which a jig is
divided by transverse division plates that extend above the
5.2.04 picking table, circular: An apparatus used for the
jig Screen plate to form a weir.
same purpose as a picking belt and consisting of a flat
horizontal rotating annular plate.
NOTE 11 Esch compartment usually comprises two or more cells.
5.2.05 pneumatic cleaning: Cleaning by means of an air
5.3.13 hutch: The part of a jig situated below the jig
Screen plate in which the controlled pulsating movement
5.2.06 dry cleaning table: An apparatus in which dry
of the water takes place.
cleaning is achieved by the application of air currents and
agitation to a layer of feed of controlled depth moved
along the surface of the table, usually by a reciprocating
5.3.14 jig feed sill: That part of the jig over which the
feed Passes when it enters the box.
5.2.07 air jig: A machine in which the feed is stratified by
5.3.15 jig centre weir: An adjustable plate situated be-
means of pulsating currents of air and from which the
tween the feed end and the discharge end of a jig and
statified products are separately removed.
serving to regulate the forward movement of material
through the box.
5.3 Jigging
5.3.16 jig discharge sill: That patt of the jig over which
5.3.01 jig; washbox (deprecated): A machine in which the
the cleaned coal Passes out of the box.
feed is stratified in water by means of a vertical pulsating
motion and from which the stratified products are sep-
discharge-end re-
NOTE 12 Usually the disch arge sill is part of the
arately removed.
fuse extraction chamber.
5.3.02 primary jig: In a series of jigs, the first jig, which
5.3.17 air valve: A valve that controls the alternate ad-
receives the feed and from which one product at least is
mission and release of compressed air to each cell of a jig.
given futther treatment.
5.3.18 jig slide valve; jig Piston valve (deprecated): A jig
5.3.03 re-wash jig: A jig to which the product (or a
air valve operated by means of a reciprocating motion.
Portion thereof) of a previous cleaning Operation is fed for
additional treatment.
5.3.19 rotary air A jig air valve that rotates on a
5.3.04 air pulsating jig: A jig in which the pulsating mo-
centra axis.
tion is produced by the intermittent admission of com-
pressed air to the water, either alongside the jig bed, e.g.
5.3.20 jig air cycle: The value-timing cycle determining
Baum, or under the jig bed, e.g. Batac, Tacub.
the periods of air admission and exhaust.
5.3.05 feldspar jig: A jig used to clean coal usually
smaller than 12,5 mm in size, in which the pulsating water 5.3.21 reject extractor: A device used in a jig to remove
is made to pass through a bed of graded feldspar, retained the reject from the compartments of a ji
SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
Trdna fosilna goriva - Slovar - 1. del: Strokovni izrazi v tehnologiji premoga
Solid mineral fuels -- Vocabulary -- Part 1: Terms relating to coal preparation
Combustibles minéraux solides -- Vocabulaire -- Partie 1: Termes relatifs à la préparation
du charbon
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 1213-1:1993
01.040.75 Naftna in sorodna tehnologija Petroleum and related
(Slovarji) technologies (Vocabularies)
73.040 Premogi Coals
75.160.10 Trda goriva Solid fuels
SIST ISO 1213-1:1998 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
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SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
Second edition
Solid mineral fuels - Vocabulary -
Part 1:
Terms relating to coal preparation
Combustibles minkaux solides - Vocabulaire -
Patiie 7: Termes relatifs 6 Ia pkparation du charbon
Reference number
ISO 1213-1:1993 (E)
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SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide feder-
ation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing
International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical com-
mittees. Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical com-
mittee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee.
International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison
with ISO, also take patt in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the Inter-
national Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circu-
lated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard
requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 1213-1 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/rC 27, Solid mineral fuels, Sub-Committee SC 1, Coal preparation,
terminology and Performance.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 1213-1:1982), of
which it constitutes a technical revision.
ISO 1213 consists of the following Parts, under the general title Solid mineral
fuels - Vocabulary
- Part 7; Terms relating to coal preparation
- Part 2: Terms relating to sampling testing and analysis.
Annex A of this patt of ISO 1213 is for information only.
0 ISO 1993
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by
any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without per-
mission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
ISO 1213~kl993 (E)
This part of ISO 1213 is a glossary consisti ng of a systematic list of terms com-
monly employed in coal preparation.
For terms relating to petrographic analysis, see ISO 7404-1:1984, Methods for
the petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite - Part 7: Glossary of
This patt of ISO 1213 takes into account the distinction between processes or
operations and the methods or machines for carrying them out.
Clause 3 is devoted primarily to coal properties and the principal operations in-
volved in coal preparation, and also includes general terms such as those relat-
ing to capacities and flowsheets.
Clauses 4 to 7 cover the detailed terminol ogy relatin g to sizing, cleaning, sep-
aration of sol ids from wa ter or air, and size reduction.
8 deals with the terms involved in interpreti ng or express ing the resu Its
of coal preparation operations.
Clause 9 includes some miscellaneous terms.
Clause 10 covers terms related to blending and homogenization.
Clause 11 covers terms related to automatic control. Of necessity, it covers only
a limited selection of terms. A list of other International Standards, which
together provide a more comprehensive set of terms, is given in annex A.
Most of the clauses are subdivided, and in each case the first subclause includes
general terms and the remaining subclauses cover groups of related terms. As
far as possible, this logical principle has been carried through into the arrange-
ment of the terms themselves, which are also numbered for ease of reference.
An alphabetical index is also provided, with a numerical Cross-reference.
. . .
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SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
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SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
Solid mineral fuels - Vocabulary -
Part 1:
Terms relating to coal preparation
3.1.06 cleaned coal; clean coal: Coal produced by a
1 Scope
cleaning process (wet or dry).
This patt of ISO 1213 defines terms commonly employed
3.1.07 middlings: A product of coal preparation that, be-
in coal preparation
Cause of its ash percentage, is intermediate between coal
and discard.
2 Normative reference
NOTE 1 lt follows therefore that the relative density of middlings is
intermediate between those of coal and discard. Middlings may be
The following Standard contains provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
part of ISO 1213. At the time of publication, the edition in-
3.1.08 true middlings; bone: Middlings so nearly hom-
dicated was valid. All Standards are subject to revision,
ogeneous that their quality cannot readily be improved by
and Parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 1213
crushing and recleaning.
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying
the most recent edition of the Standard indicated below. 3.1.09 false middlings; interbanded middlings: Middlings
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently in which the particles consist of bands of coal and shale,
valid International Standards.
and from which the coal may be liberated by crushing.
ISO 10753:~11, Coal preparation plant - Assessment of the 3.1.10 reject; refuse: The material extracted from the
Iiability to breakdown in water of materials associated feed during cleaning, for retreatment or discard.
with coal seams.
3.1.11 discard; dirt; stone: The material extracted from
the raw coal and finally discarded.
3 General
3.1.12 recirculation: The Operation in which the whole or
part of a product from a process is returned to the feed to
3.1 General coal preparation terms
a process, e.g. the return of the crushed overflow from a
Screen to the Screen feed for rescreening.
3.1.01 coal preparation: Collectively, physical and me-
chanical processes applied to coal to make it suitable for a
3.1.13 ‘Yoreign coal”: Coal received at a preparation plant
particular use.
from a Source other than that to which the plant is at-
3.1.02 run of mine; r.o.m. coal: Coal produced by mining
operations, before screening, crushing or preparation.
3.1.14 imported coal: Coal coming from a foreign
country, or other state within the country.
3.1.03 raw coal: Coal that has received no preparation
other than possibly screening or crushing.
3.1.15 low-grade coal: Combustible material that has
only limited uses owing to undesirable characteristics (e.g.
3.1.04 raw coal feed: Raw coal supplied to a plant or
ash percentage or size).
machine, in which it undergoes some form of preparation.
3.1.16 Segregation: Partial Separation of a material into
3.1.05 coal cleaning: The treatment of raw coal to lower its constituents, occurring as a result of differentes in
particle characteristics such as pattitle size or relative
the quantity of undesirable constituents, through the dif-
ference in either density or surface properties
1) To be published.
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SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
3.2 Cleaning characteristics 3.2.11 actual performante curve: A performante curve
showing the results actually obtained from a coal prep-
3.2.01 washability: The amenability of a coal to improve- aration treatment.
ment in quality by cleaning, generally through its relative
density/ash relationship.
3.2.12 expected Performance curve: A Performance
curve showing the expected results of a coal preparation
3.2.02 float-and-sink analysis: The division of a Sample
into relative density fractions having defined limits, the
amounts of the fractions being expressed as percentages 3.2.13 M-curve; Mayer curve: A vectorial curve, obtained
of the total Sample, commonly with an indication of the by plotting the cumulative ash percentages against their
ash percentage (and other characteristics, if required) sf cumulative yields, used to express the washability of a
coal, plotted on a vectorial diagram in which the projection
each fraction.
of the vector on the Ordinate (vertical axis) represents the
percentage of the product (coal) and the direction of the
3.2.03 washability curve: Any curve obtained from the
vector represents the percentage of a particular con-
results of a float-and-sink analysis permitting the theoreti-
stituent of the product.
cal yield of floats or sinks to be read off.
3.2.14 ash/relative density curve: The curve obtained
NOTE 2 The following are the five main types of washability curves:
from the float-and-sink analysis by plotting the ash per-
centages of successive fractions against the mean relative
- the characteristic ash curve;
density of the fraction.
- the cumulative floats curve;
- the cumulative sinks curve;
3.3 Capacity and throughput
- the densimetric (relative density) curve;
3.3.01 nominal capacity: A notional figure, expressed in
- the near-density curve.
mass per hour, used in the title of a flowsheet and in the
general description of a plant, applying to the plant as a
3.2.04 characteristic ash curve: The curve obtained from
whole and to the specific product under consideration.
the results of a float-and-sink analysis showing, for any
mass percentage of floats (or sinks) the ash percentage of
3.3.02 operational capacities: Figures given on a flow-
the highest density (or lowest density) fraction passing
sheet to indicate quantities per unit time passing various
into these floats (or sink& the mass percentage being
Points in the plant, taking account of fluctuations in the
plotted on the Ordinate (vettical axis) and the ash percent-
rate of supply and composition (as to size and impurity
age on the abscissa (horizontal axis).
3.2.05 cumulative curve: Any curve expressing the re-
3.3.03 design capacity: The rate of feed at which specific
sults of combining successive relative density fractions or
items of plant must operate continuously and give the
size fractions.
guaranteed results on a particular quality of feed.
3.3.04 peak design capacity: A rate of feed in excess of
3.2.06 cumulative floats curve: The curve obtained from
the design capacity that specific items of plant will accept
the results of a float-and-sink analysis by plotting the
for short periods without necessarily fulfilling the perform-
cumulative mass percentage of floats at each relative
ante guarantees given in respect of them.
density against the cumulative ash of the total floats at
that density.
3.3.05 mechanical maximum capacity: The highest rate
of feed at which specific items of equipment, not subject
3.2.07 cumulative sinks curve: The curve obtained from
to Performance guarantees, will function on the type and
the results of a float-and-sink analysis by plotting the
quality of feed for which they are supplied.
cumulative mass percentage of sinks at each relative
density against the cumulative ash of the total sinks at that
3.3.06 feed: Material for treatment supplied to an ap-
pliance or plant.
3.2.08 densimetric curve; relative density curve: The
3.3.07 basic flowsheet: A schematic diagram represent-
curve obtained from the results of a float-and-sink analysis
ing the various preparation process stages in the treat-
by plotting the cumulative mass percentage of floats or
ment of the raw coal.
sinks against the relative density.
3.3.08 process flowsheet: A basic flowsheet indicating
3.2.09 near-density curve; difficulty curve: The curve ob-
the main operational Steps within the plant, the movement
tained from the results of a float-and-sink analysis, or from
of the various materials between the Steps and the final
the densimetric curve, by plotting the mass percentage
products obtained, and often also the average mass flow
within the limits + 0,l of a given relative density against
at various Points in the plant.
that relative density.
3.3.09 equipment flowsheet: A diagram indicating, by
3.2.10 Performance curve: Any curve used to shovv the Standard Symbols, the units of equipment used in the vari-
relationship between properties of coal and results of a ous operational Steps carried out within a coal preparation
specific treatment. plant.
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SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
3.3.10 materials flowsheet: A flowsheet principally con- 4.2 Screening
cerned with solid materials.
4.2.01 screening: The Separation of solid materials of dif-
3.3.11 liquids flowsheet: A flowsheet to in dicate the flow
ferent sizes, by causing part to remain on a surface pro-
of liqu ids throughout a series of operations.
vided with apertures through which the remainder Passes.
3.3.12 weighted flowsheet; capacity flowsheet: A
4.2.02 Screen:
materials flowheet used in the design sf a plant, including
(1) A device for carrying out the Operation of screening.
Statements of the mass flow per hour at principal Points in
the plant.
A commonly used abbreviation for Screen deck or
screening surface, e. g. woven-wire Screen.
4 Sizing
4.2.03 amplitude: The maximum displacement from the
mean Position in an oscillating motion.
4.1 General
NOTE 6 In the case of a Screen having a straight line motion or el-
4.1.01 sizing: Division of a material into products
liptical motion, it is half of the total movement or half of the major
tween nominal size limits. axis of the ellipse. In the case of a circular motion, it is the radius of
the circle.
4.1.02 classification: The Separation sf particles accord-
See also stroke (4.2.04).
ing to their size, density and shape by control of their set-
tling rate through a fluid medium.
4.2.04 stroke; throw: The distance between the extreme
positions of an oscillating or vibrating motion, i.e. the
4.1.03 size analysis: The process or the result of the div-
stroke is equal to twice the amplitude.
ision of a Sample into size fractions, each within defined
limits, the mass or number of particles in each fraction
4.2.05 apet-ture sire: The dimension or dimensions defin-
being expressed as percentages of the total Sample.
ing the opening in the screening surface, qualified as to
the shape of aperture, e.g. “round-hole”, “Square-mesh”,
4. 1.04 sieve analysis: Size analysis i n which the division
iS carri ed out by the use of test sieves.
4.2.06 dry screening: The sc reening of solid materials of
4.1.05 mean size: The weighted averag e parti cle size of
different sizes without the aid of water.
any Sample, batch or consignment of patt ic ulate ma terial.
4.2.07 wet screening: : The screening of solid materials
NOTE 3 Several bases for calculating mean size have been pro-
of different sizes with the aid of water.
posed, giving results that vary widely for the same size distribution.
The method of calculation should, therefore, always be stated when-
ever results are reported.
4.2.08 probability screening: A method of screening that,
by making extended use of the probability of a particle
4.1.06 nominal size; limiting size: The limit or limits of passing through an aperture, allows sizing at fine sizes to
pattitle size used to describe a product of a sizing oper- be performed with relatively large apertures.
4.2.09 desliming: The removal of slimes from coal or a
4.1.07 oversize: Material in a product of size greater than
mixture of coal and water, however accomplished.
the upper nominal size limit; may be expressed as a per-
centage of the product.
4.2.10 fines removal: The removal of fine particles from a
feed material, by either wet or dry methods, to facilitate
4.1.08 undersize: Material in a product of size smaller
treatment or utilization of the remainder.
than the lower nominal size limit; may be expressed as a
percentage of the product.
4.2.11 dedusting: Fines removal by dry methods.
4.1.09 dust: Particles of solid material sufficiently fine to
4.2.12 Screen overflow: That pottion of the feed material
allow Suspension in air. (See also 6.4.)
discharged from the Screen deck without having passed
through the apertures.
4.1.10 fines: Coal h aving a maxi mum particle size
usually less th n4mm , and havi ng no lower limit.
4.2. 13 mispl aced undersize: Particles in a Screen
ove rflow that are s maller than a reference size.
NOTE 4 The upper limit may vary widely. To avoid confu
sion, the
term should a Iways be qualified by stating the nominal size.
4.2.14 Screen underflow: That portion of the feed ma-
terial that has passed through the apertures in a Screen
4.1.11 smalls: Coal having a maximum particle size
usually less tha n 25 mm, and hav ng no lower limit.
4.2.15 misplaced oversize: Particles in
a Screen
NOTE 5 The upper limit may vary widely. To avoid confusion, the
underflow that are larger than a reference size.
term should always be qualified by stating the nominal size.
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SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
4.4.02 primary Screen; raw coal Screen: A Screen used to
4.2.16 misplaced material (screening): Undersize con-
divide coal (usually raw coal) into sizes more suitable for
tained in the Overflow, or oversize contained in the under-
the subsequent cleaning of some or all of them.
4.2.17 near-mesh material; near-size material: Material
4.4.03 dewatering Screen: A Screen used for the separ-
approximating in size to a reference size, usually within
ation of water from solids.
i 25 % of that reference.
4.4.04 desliming Screen: A Screen used for the removal
4.2.18 nominal area (Screen): The total area of the Screen
of slimes from larger particles, usually with the aid of
deck exposed to the flow of the material feed.
water Sprays.
effective area (Screen); working area (deprecated):
4.4.05 slurry Screen: A Screen used to recover and de-
The nominal area less any area occupied by fixings or sup-
water granular products from circulating water in a coal
ports that obstruct the passage of material over or through
preparation plant.
the Screen deck.
4.4.06 rinsing Screen; Spray Screen: A Screen used for the
4.2.20 open area: The ratio of the total area of the aper-
removal of fine solids by spraying, especially dense me-
tures to the total area of the wire cloth, perforated plate or
dium solids present among or adhering to larger particles.
wedge-wire Panel, expressed as a percentage.
4.4.07 sizing Screen(s); grading Screen(s), classifying
4.2.21 sieve
Screen(s) (deprecated): A Screen or set of screens normally
used for dividing a product (e.g. clean coal) into a range of
(1) Generally, a Screen of relatively small area.
(2) Particularly, a Screen used for size analysis.
4.4.08 guard Screen; oversize contra1 Screen: A Screen
used to prevent the entry into a machine of coarse par-
ticles which tan interfere with its Operation.
4.3 Parts of screens
4.4.09 undersize control Screen; breakage Screen
4.3.01 Screen deck; screening surface: A surface pro-
(deprecated): A Screen used for the removal or undersize
vided with apertures of specified size for carrying out the
from a product.
Operation of screening.
4.3.02 Screen plate: A plate provided with apertures of
4.5 Screens according to principle sf construction
specifi ed size and range for use as a Screen deck.
4.5.01 Single-deck Screen: A Screen having one screening
4.3.03 Screen cloth; Screen mesh: A mesh of wires
surface, not necessarily limited to one size or shape of ap-
woven in a consistent manner to form the apertures.
4.3.04 wedge-wire deck; wedge-wire sieve: A Screen
4.5.02 multi-deck Screen: A Screen having two or more
deck, comprising wires of wedge-shaped Cross-section
superimposed screening surfaces mounted rigidly within a
spaced from each other at a fixed dimension, in which the
common frame.
underflow Passes through an apetture of increasing cross-
4.5.03 jigging Screen; reciprocating Screen; s ha ki ng
Screen (deprecated): A Screen to which a combined hori-
4.3.05 loose-rod deck: A screening surface consisting of
zontal and vertical motion is imparted, normally by a
loosely held parallel rods positioned at right angles to the
crankshaft and connecting rod, the Screen deck being hori-
flow of material over the Screen.
zontal or inclined at a small angle.
NOTE 7 Normally, a loose-rod deck is used only on high-speed vi-
4.5.04 resonance Screen: A Screen having a period of os-
brating screens.
cillation at or very close to the natura1 period of oscillation
of the resilient mounting.
4.3.06 relieving deck: A Screen plate having large aper-
tures mounted over the screening deck to reduce the load
4.5.05 vibrating Screen: A Screen oscillated at high Speed
and wear thereon.
by either mechanical or electrical means.
NOTE 9 The amplitude of movement of the vibrating Screen is
4.4 Screens according to purpose
smaller than that of the jigging Screen, and its frequency of oscil-
lation is higher.
4.4.01 run-of-mine Screen: A Screen used for dividing
run-of-mine coal into two or more sizes for further
4.5.06 rotating probability Screen: A device for prob-
treatment or disposal.
ability screening, consisting of a rotating horizontal deck
having radial spokes, the Separation Point being obtained
NOTE 8 A run-of-mine Screen is usually employed to remove the
by varying the rotational Speed.
largest pieces for crushing and readdition to the run-of-mine coal.
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SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
ISO 1213~1:1993 (E)
4.5.07 trommel Screen; revolving Screen: A Screen in 5.1.07 middlings elevator: An elevator that removes mid-
which the screening surface is formed into a cylinder or dlings for further treatment or for disposal as an inferior
frustum of a cone, mounted upon a horizontal or near- product.
horizontal rotating shaft, or on revolving rollers.
5.1.08 head tank: A tank or vessel in the water circuit that
4.5.08 roll Screen: A Screen consisting of a number of
is used to maintain the delivery pressure of the water by
horizontal rotating shafts, fitted with elements arranged to constant level to the washing units.
provide screening apertures.
5.1.09 launder: A trough or channel alon which liquids,
4.5.09 bar Screen: A stationary inclined Screen, compris-
or a mixture of liquids and solids, flow.
ing longitudinal bars, spaced at intervals, onto which the
material is fed at the upper end.
5.1.10 pump sump: A tank into which the process water
gravitates and from which it is recirculated by means of a
4.5.10 grizzly: A rugged Screen for roug h sizing at com-
50 mm). pump-
paratively large size (e.g. 1
Prise fixed or moving bars, discs, or
NOTE 10 A grizzly tan com
5.1.11 Suspension: A mixture of solid particles and water
shaped tumblers or rollers.
or air in which the solid particles are completely and indi-
vidually supported.
4.5.11 sieve bend: A device for the sizing of fine particles
suspended in water by means of a stationary cutved
5.1.12 teeter (in); fluidized Suspension (in): The condition
Panel, usually of wedge-wire, the apetture of which is at
of a Suspension of solids in an upward-moving current of
right angles to the flow of feed, whereby the finer particles
water or air, whereby the support given to the particles re-
are removed with the bulk of the water in the underflow.
duces the internal friction between them to such an extent
[See also fixed Screen (6.2.02).]
that the Suspension acquires fluid or partially fluid proper-
4.6 Sizing in a current of air or water
5.1.13 water circuit: The complete System sf pipelines,
4.6.01 air classification: The process of sizing in a current
Pumps, sumps, tanks, launders and accessories used for
of air.
the circulation of water in a washery.
4.6.02 classifier: A device that separates particles, ac-
5.1.14 closed water circuit: A water circuit designed so
cording to their size, shape and density, by physical means
that the only water added is that necessary to replace the
other than screening.
loss on the washery products and that due to atmospheric
4.6.03 cyclone classifier: A device for classification by
centrifugal means of fine particles suspended in a fluid,
whereby the coarser particles are discharged from the
5.1.15 circulating water: The water in the water circuit.
apex of the vessel, and the finer particles are removed
with the bulk of the fluid at the overflow orifice.
5.1.16 make-up water: Water supplied to a plant to re-
place th at lost from the ci rcuit.
5 Cleaning
5.1.17 rinsing water; Spray water: Water used to remove
5.1 General
fine particles from larger sizes.
5.1.01 dry cleaning: The Separation of impurities from
5.1.18 waste water; Surplus water, bleed water
coal by manual or mechanical methods that avoid the use
(deprecated): Excess water allowed to run to waste from
of a liquid.
the water circuit. [See also etfluent (6.1.09 and 6.1.10)].
5.1.02 wet cleaning: The mechanical Separation of im-
5.1.19 pit water; mine water: Water from underground
purities from coal by methods involving the use of a
workings or an open-Cut mine.
5.1.03 washery: A coal preparation plant in which a wet
5.1.20 slimes: Extremely fine particles in Suspension or
ng process is carried out.
ad heri ng to larger particles
reclean; rewash: To re-treat a product
5.1.04 in the same
5.1.21 slurry (coal preparation): Fine particles concen-
or in a
nother plant.
trated in a Portion of the circulating water and water-borne
for treatment or disposal.
5.1.05 washery products: The final products from a
5.1.22 froth flotation: A process for cleaning fine coal in
5.1.06 reject elevator; refuse elevator (deprecated): An which the coal, with the aid of a reagent or reagents, be-
elevator for removing and draining the reject from a wash- Comes attached to air bubbles in a liquid medium and
ing appliance. floats as a froth.
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SIST ISO 1213-1:1998
ISO 1213~kl993 (E)
5.2 Dry cleaning 5.3.09 jig Screen plate; bed plate; grid plate, sieve plate
(deprecated): A perforated plate or grid that supports the
5.2.01 hand cleaning: The removal by hand of impurities
bed of material being treated.
from coal, or coal from impurities.
5.3.10 jig bed: The whole of the material on the jig
Screen plate.
5.3.11 jig cell: One of the individual sections into which
5.2.03 picking belt; picking table: A continuous conveyor the jig below the jig Screen plate is divided by transverse
(e.g. in the form of a rubber belt or of a steel apron, steel
division plates, each being capable of separate control.
plate or link construction) on which raw coal is spread for
hand cleaning and/or hand selection.
5.3.12 jig compat-tments: The sections into which a jig is
divided by transverse division plates that extend above the
5.2.04 picking table, circular: An apparatus used for the
jig Screen plate to form a weir.
same purpose as a picking belt and consisting of a flat
horizontal rotating annular plate.
NOTE 11 Esch compartment usually comprises two or more cells.
5.2.05 pneumatic cleaning: Cleaning by means of an air
5.3.13 hutch: The part of a jig situated below the jig
Screen plate in which the controlled pulsating movement
5.2.06 dry cleaning table: An apparatus in which dry
of the water takes place.
cleaning is achieved by the application of air currents and
agitation to a layer of feed of controlled depth moved
along the surface of the table, usually by a reciprocating
5.3.14 jig feed sill: That part of the jig over which the
feed Passes when it enters the box.
5.2.07 air jig: A machine in which the feed is stratified by
5.3.15 jig centre weir: An adjustable plate situated be-
means of pulsating currents of air and from which the
tween the feed end and the discharge end of a jig and
statified products are separately removed.
serving to regulate the forward movement of material
through the box.
5.3 Jigging
5.3.16 jig discharge sill: That patt of the jig over which
5.3.01 jig; washbox (deprecated): A machine in which the
the cleaned coal Passes out of the box.
feed is stratified in water by means of a vertical pulsating
motion and from which the stratified products are sep-
discharge-end re-
NOTE 12 Usually the disch arge sill is part of the
arately removed.
fuse extraction chamber.
5.3.02 primary jig: In a series of jigs, the first jig, which
5.3.17 air valve: A valve that controls the alternate ad-
receives the feed and from which
Deuxième édition
Combustibles minéraux solides —
Vocabulaire —
Partie 1:
Termes relatifs à la préparation du
Solid mineral fuels — Vocabulary —
Part 1: Terms relating to coal preparation
Numéro de référence
ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
ISO 1993
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
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© ISO 1993
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée
aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du
comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec
la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI,
Partie 3.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres
pour vote. Leur publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des
comités membres votants.
La Norme internationale ISO 1213-1 a été élaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 27, Combustibles
minéraux solides, sous-comité SC 1, Préparation du charbon: Terminologie et rendement.
Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition (ISO 1213-1:1982), qui a fait l'objet d'une
révision technique.
L'ISO 1213 comprend les parties suivantes, présentées sous le titre général Combustibles minéraux
solides — Vocabulaire:
Partie 1: Termes relatifs à la préparation du charbon
Partie 2: Termes relatifs à l'échantillonnage, l'essai et l'analyse du charbon
L'annexe A de la présente partie de l'ISO 1213 est donnée uniquement à titre d'information.
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
La partie 1 de I'ISO 1213 est un glossaire composé d'une liste systématique de termes communément
employés dans la préparation du charbon.
Pour les termes relatifs à l'analyse pétrographique, voir l'ISO 7404-1:1984, Méthodes d'analyse
pétrographique des charbons bitumineux et de l'anthracite — Partie 1: Glossaire de termes.
La présente partie de I'ISO 1213 tient compte des distinctions entre les différents procédés et opérations ainsi
que celles concernant les méthodes et les machines pour les réaliser.
L'article 3 est consacré essentiellement aux propriétés du charbon et aux principales opérations intervenant
dans la préparation du charbon; il inclut aussi les termes généraux tels que ceux qui ont trait aux capacités et
schémas de flottation.
Les articles 4 à 7 couvrent la terminologie détaillée relative au calibrage, au lavage, à la séparation des
solides de l'eau ou de l'air et à la réduction de calibre.
L'article 8 traite des termes utilisés dans l'interprétation et l'expression des résultats des opérations de
préparation du charbon.
L'article 9 inclut les termes divers.
L'article 10 concerne les termes relatifs au mélange et à l'homogénéisation.
L'article 11 concerne les termes relatifs au contrôle automatique. Pour des raisons pratiques, il ne répertorie
qu'un nombre limité de termes. L'annexe A fournit une liste d'autres Normes internationales qui donnent un
ensemble plus complet de termes.
De nombreux articles sont subdivisés et, dans chaque cas, la première subdivision inclut les termes généraux
et les subdivisions restantes traitent des groupes de termes connexes. Autant que possible, ce principe
logique a été suivi dans la disposition des termes qui sont aussi numérotés pour faciliter la référence. Un
index alphabétique est aussi prévu avec référence croisée.
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Combustibles minéraux solides — Vocabulaire —
Partie 1:
Termes relatifs à la préparation du charbon
1 Domaine d'application
La présente partie de I'ISO 1213 définit des termes communément employés dans la préparation du charbon.
2 Référence normative
La norme suivante contient des dispositions qui, par suite de la référence qui en est faite, constituent des
dispositions valables pour la présente Norme internationale. Au moment de la publication, l’édition indiquée
était en vigueur. Toute norme est sujette à révision et les parties prenantes des accords fondés sur la
présente Norme internationale sont invitées à rechercher la possibilité d'appliquer les éditions les plus
récentes de la norme indiquée ci-après. Les membres de la CEI et de l'ISO possèdent le registre des Normes
internationales en vigueur à un moment donné.
ISO 10753, Ateliers de préparation du charbon — Évaluation de la fiabilité de la fragmentation dans l'eau de
matériaux associés aux gisements de charbon
3 Termes généraux
3.1 Termes généraux de la préparation du charbon
préparation du charbon
ensemble des traitements physiques et mécaniques appliqués au charbon pour le rendre apte à un certain
charbon produit par exploitations minières, avant criblage, concassage ou préparation
charbon brut
charbon n'ayant pas reçu de préparation sauf dans certains cas un criblage ou un concassage
charbon d'alimentation brut
charbon fourni à un atelier ou à une machine, dans lesquels il est soumis à une certaine forme de préparation
épuration du charbon
traitement du charbon destiné à abaisser la quantité de produits indésirables en utilisant la différence soit de
densité, soit de propriétés superficielles
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
charbon épuré
charbon après traitement d'épuration (par voie humide ou sèche)
produit de la préparation du charbon qui, en raison de sa teneur en cendres, se situe entre le charbon et les
NOTE 1 II s'ensuit par conséquent que la densité relative des mixtes est située entre celle du charbon et celle des
rejets. Les mixtes peuvent être retraités.
mixtes vrais
matières à teneur relativement haute en cendres, suffisamment homogènes pour que leur qualité ne puisse
pas facilement être améliorée par un concassage et une épuration
mixtes dans lesquels les morceaux sont constitués de parties de charbon et de schiste à partir desquelles le
charbon peut être obtenu par concassage
produits retirés de l'alimentation au cours de l'épuration en vue d'un retraitement ou de la mise au terril
produit inerte extrait du charbon brut et finalement mis au terril
opération par laquelle la totalité ou une partie d'un produit de traitement est renvoyée à l'alimentation pour le
traitement, par exemple: le retour du flux vers le crible d'alimentation pour un recalibrage
charbon étranger
charbon reçu dans un atelier de préparation et qui provient d'une houillère autre que celle à laquelle l'atelier
de préparation est affecté
charbon importé
charbon provenant d'un pays étranger ou de différentes régions d'un pays
combustible secondaire
produit qui n'a que des emplois limités en raison de ses caractéristiques indésirables (par exemple: teneur en
cendres ou calibre)
séparation partielle d'un produit en constituants, résultant des différences de caractéristiques des particules
telles que leur granulométrie ou leur densité relative
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
3.2 Caractéristiques de l'épuration
possibilité pour un charbon d'améliorer sa qualité par lavage, généralement par le biais de sa relation densité
relative/teneur en cendres
analyse par liqueurs denses
division d'un échantillon en tranches densimétriques comprises entre des limites définies, les proportions des
tranches étant exprimées sous la forme de pourcentages de l'échantillon total, en indiquant habituellement le
pourcentage en cendres (et d'autres caractéristiques si nécessaire) de chaque tranche
courbe de lavabilité
toute courbe obtenue à partir des résultats d'une analyse par liqueurs denses, permettant d'en déduire le
rendement théorique en légers et en lourds
NOTE 2 II y a cinq types principaux de courbes de lavabilité, à savoir:
courbe élémentaire;
courbe des légers;
courbe des lourds;
courbe densimétrique;
courbe des produits de densité voisine de la coupure.
courbe élémentaire
courbe obtenue à partir des résultats d'une analyse par liqueurs denses, montrant pour tout rendement des
légers (lourds) la teneur en cendres de la fraction de la masse volumique la plus élevée passant dans ces
légers (lourds), le pourcentage en masse étant porté en ordonnée (axe vertical) et la teneur en cendres en
abscisse (axe horizontal)
courbe cumulée
toute courbe exprimant les résultats des fractions de densité relative ou granulométrique successives
courbe des légers
courbe obtenue à partir des résultats d'une analyse par liqueurs denses en reportant sur un graphique le
pourcentage en masse cumulé des légers à chaque densité relative en fonction de la teneur en cendres
cumulée de la totalité des légers à cette densité
courbe des lourds
courbe obtenue à partir des résultats d'une analyse par liqueurs denses en reportant sur un graphique le
pourcentage en masse cumulé des lourds à chaque densité relative en fonction de la teneur en cendres
cumulée de la totalité des lourds à cette densité
courbe densimétrique
courbe de densité relative
courbe obtenue à partir des résultats d'une analyse par liqueurs denses en reportant sur un graphique le
pourcentage en masse des légers ou des lourds en fonction de la densité relative
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
courbe des produits de densité voisine de la coupure
courbe de difficulté d'épuration
courbe obtenue à partir des résultats d'une analyse par liqueurs denses ou à partir de la courbe
densimétrique, en reportant le pourcentage en masse cumulé dans les limites comprises entre ± 0,1 d'une
densité relative donnée en fonction de cette densité relative
courbe des résultats
toute courbe employée pour montrer la relation existant entre les propriétés du charbon et les résultats d'un
traitement déterminé
courbe des résultats effectifs
courbe des résultats effectivement obtenus au cours d'un traitement de préparation du charbon
courbe des résultats probables
courbe des résultats prévus d'un traitement de préparation du charbon
courbe M
courbe de Mayer
courbe vectorielle, obtenue en reportant sur un graphique la teneur en cendres cumulée en fonction de son
rendement cumulé, utilisée en premier lieu pour exprimer la lavabilité du charbon, tracée sur un graphique
vectoriel dans lequel la projection du vecteur sur l'axe des ordonnées (axe vertical) représente le pourcentage
du produit (charbon) et le coefficient angulaire du vecteur représente le pourcentage d'un constituant donné
du produit
courbe teneur en cendres/densité relative
courbe obtenue à partir de l'analyse par liqueurs denses, tracée en reportant la teneur en cendres des
tranches densimétriques successives en fonction de la densité relative moyenne de la fraction
3.3 Capacité et débit
capacité nominale
chiffre destiné à donner une notion exprimée en tonnes par heure, utilisé dans le titre du schéma de
traitement et dans les descriptions générales de l'installation, s'appliquant à l'installation dans son ensemble
et au projet en cause
capacités opératoires
valeurs numériques données dans le schéma de traitement, destinées à indiquer les quantités par unité de
temps passant en divers points de l'installation, compte tenu des fluctuations dans le débit d'alimentation et
dans la composition (en ce qui concerne le calibrage et la teneur en impuretés)
capacité du projet
débit d'alimentation auquel des éléments déterminés de l'installation doivent fonctionner continuellement et
donner les résultats garantis sur une qualité définie de l'alimentation
capacité de pointe du projet
débit d'alimentation excédant la capacité du projet qu'absorberont des éléments déterminés de l'installation,
pendant de courtes périodes, sans satisfaire nécessairement aux garanties de résultats fournies en ce qui les
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
capacité mécanique maximale
débit maximal d'alimentation auquel fonctionneront des éléments déterminés de l'équipement, non soumis à
des garanties de résultats, sur le type et la qualité d'alimentation pour lesquels ils ont été fournis
matière destinée à subir un traitement fournie à un appareil ou à un atelier
schéma de traitement
graphique des différentes étapes de traitement du charbon brut
schéma simplifié de traitement
schéma de traitement indiquant les étapes opératoires principales à l'intérieur de l'atelier, le mouvement des
diverses matières entre les étapes et les produits finaux obtenus et souvent aussi le tonnage moyen traité à
différents points de l'atelier
schéma de circulation
graphique indiquant, de préférence par des signes conventionnels, les appareils de I'atelier employés dans
les diverses étapes opératoires parcourues à l'intérieur d'un atelier de charbon
schéma de traitement des matières
schéma de traitement relatif principalement aux matières solides
schéma de circulation des eaux
schéma destiné à indiquer l'écoulement des liquides au cours d'une série d'opérations
schéma de circulation avec bilan pondéral
schéma de traitement utilisé dans la désignation d'un atelier, comprenant une indication de la capacité
maximale en tonnes par heure en divers points de l'atelier
4 Calibrage
4.1 Termes généraux
division de la matière considérée en parties comprises entre des limites de calibres nominales
séparation des particules en fonction de leur calibre, leur masse volumique et leur forme, par contrôle de leur
vitesse de sédimentation dans un (milieu) fluide
analyse granulométrique
opération ou résultat de la division d'un échantillon en fractions calibrées dans des limites définies, les
proportions de ces fractions étant exprimées sous la forme de pourcentage de l'échantillon total
analyse par tamisage
analyse granulométrique dans laquelle la division est obtenue par l'utilisation de tamis
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
calibre moyen
moyenne pondérée des calibres des particules de tout échantillon, lot ou livraison d'un matériau particulaire
NOTE 3 Plusieurs méthodes de calcul du calibre moyen ont été proposées, donnant des résultats qui peuvent être très
différents pour la même distribution de calibre. Par conséquent, il convient de toujours préciser la méthode de calcul
chaque fois que ce terme est employé.
calibre nominal
limite de calibre
limite ou limites de calibres de particules utilisées pour décrire le produit d'une opération de calibrage
déclassés supérieurs
matières contenues dans un produit dont le calibre est supérieur à la limite supérieure de calibre fixée; elles
peuvent être exprimées sous la forme d'un pourcentage du produit
déclassés inférieurs
matières contenues dans un produit dont le calibre est inférieur à la limite inférieure de calibre fixée; elles
peuvent être exprimées sous la forme d'un pourcentage du produit
particules de matières solides suffisamment fines pour rester en suspension dans l'air. (Voir également 6.4.)
charbon contenant un maximum de particules de calibre habituellement inférieur à 4 mm, sans limite
NOTE 4 La limite supérieure peut varier de façon considérable. Pour éviter toute confusion, il convient de toujours
définir le terme en établissant les limites de calibre.
charbon contenant un maximum de particules de calibre habituellement inférieur à 25 mm, sans limite
NOTE 5 La limite supérieure peut varier de façon considérable. Pour éviter toute confusion, il convient de toujours
définir le terme en établissant les limites de calibre.
4.2 Criblage
séparation des particules solides de calibres différents, obtenue en retenant une partie des composants du
charbon sur une surface pourvue d'ouvertures à travers lesquelles passe l'autre partie
(1) Dispositif destiné à l'exécution du criblage
(2) Abréviation habituellement utilisée pour le pont du crible ou la surface criblante, par exemple: tissu criblant
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
déplacement maximal de la position moyenne dans un mouvement oscillatoire
NOTE 6 Dans le cas d'un crible à mouvement linéaire rectiligne ou elliptique, c'est la moitié du déplacement total ou la
moitié de l'axe principal de l'ellipse. Dans le cas d'un mouvement circulaire, c'est le rayon du cercle.
[Voir aussi course (4.2.04).]
distance entre deux positions extrêmes d'un mouvement oscillatoire ou de vibration, par exemple: la course
équivaut à deux fois l'amplitude
ouverture de maille
dimension(s) de l'ouverture dans une surface de criblage habituellement accompagnée d'une indication sur la
forme de l'ouverture, par exemple: «trou rond», «maille carrée», «fente allongée»
criblage par voie sèche
criblage de matières solides de différents calibres sans l'aide de l'eau
criblage par voie humide
criblage de matières solides de différents calibres avec l'aide de l'eau
criblage aléatoire
méthode de calibrage qui, utilisant essentiellement la probabilité de passage d'une particule par une
ouverture, permet le calibrage à de fines granulométries à l'aide d'ouvertures relativement grandes
enlèvement des extra-fins du charbon ou d'un mélange de charbon et d'eau, quelle que soit la façon dont cela
est réalisé
enlèvement des fins
enlèvement, par voie humide ou sèche, des produits fins d'une matière constituant une alimentation, afin de
faciliter le traitement ou l'utilisation du reste
enlèvement des poussiers par voie sèche
refus d'un crible
partie de la matière constituant l'alimentation déversée de la surface du crible, n'étant pas passée à travers
ses ouvertures
déclassés inférieurs
particules du refus d'un crible qui sont plus petites que les calibres nominaux des ouvertures du crible
passant d'un crible
partie de la matière constituant l'alimentation qui est passée à travers les ouvertures de la surface d'un crible
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
déclassés supérieurs
particules dans le passant qui sont plus grandes que le calibre nominal des ouvertures du crible
déclassés (criblage)
déclassés inférieurs dans le refus ou déclassés supérieurs dans le passant
grain limite
produit de dimension à peu près égale à une maille de référence, habituellement à ± 25 % de cette maille de
surface nominale (d'un crible)
surface totale d'un étage de crible exposée à l'écoulement de la matière formant l'alimentation
surface utile (d'un crible)
surface de travail (déconseillé)
surface nominale sous déduction de toute surface occupée par les attaches ou les supports qui font
obstruction au passage de la matière sur ou à travers l'étage du crible
surface de vide
rapport de la surface totale des ouvertures à la surface totale criblante, tôle perforée ou panneau perforé,
exprimé en pourcentage
(1) Sens général: Crible de surface relativement faible
(2) Sens particulier: Crible utilisé au laboratoire en vue d'essais
4.3 Parties des cribles
surface criblante
surface pourvue d'ouvertures d'une dimension spécifiée, destinée à exécuter une opération de criblage
tôle perforée
tôle pourvue d'ouvertures d'une dimension spécifiée, destinée à être employée comme surface criblante
toile de criblage
crible à maille serrée
maille en fil tissé de façon à former des ouvertures
grille à fissures
surface criblante comportant des barreaux métalliques à section transversale trapézoïdale, qui sont espacés
d'une distance fixée; le passant traverse ainsi une ouverture de section transversale croissante
étage à baguette d'un crible
surface criblante constituée d'arbres parallèles maintenus sans être serrés et placés à angle droit dans le
courant de matière au-dessus du crible
NOTE 7 Elle est habituellement employée sur les cribles vibrant à grande vitesse.
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
étage de protection d'un crible
tôle perforée à grandes ouvertures montée sur la surface criblante, afin d'en réduire la charge et l'usure
4.4 Cribles suivant leur fonction
crible à tout-venant
crible employé pour diviser le tout-venant en deux calibres au moins, en vue de son traitement ultérieur ou de
son évacuation
NOTE 8 Il est habituellement employé pour enlever les morceaux les plus gros destinés à être concassés et à être
recyclés ensuite dans le tout-venant.
crible de préclassement
crible du brut
crible employé pour diviser le charbon (habituellement le brut) en calibres convenant mieux à l'épuration
ultérieure de certains (ou de la totalité) de ces calibres
crible d'égouttage
crible employé pour la séparation de l'eau des matières solides
crible de deschlammage
crible employé pour la séparation des schlamms fins des particules plus grosses, habituellement à l'aide
crible à schlamms
crible destiné à récupérer les schlamms grenus dans l'eau de circulation dans un atelier de préparation de
crible de rinçage
crible employé pour enlever par arrosage les matières solides fines et plus particulièrement les solides du
milieu dense présents parmi eux ou adhérant aux particules plus grosses
crible(s) de reclassement
crible(s)-classeur(s) (déconseillé)
crible (ou jeu de cribles) normalement utilisé pour diviser un produit (par exemple: un charbon lavé) en une
certaine gamme de calibres
crible de protection
crible employé pour empêcher l'entrée dans un appareil de particules grenues surclassées pouvant gêner son
crible de contrôle des déclassés trop petits
crible employé pour enlever les déclassés inférieurs d'un produit
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
4.5 Cribles suivant le principe de construction
crible à un seul étage
crible ayant une seule surface de criblage qui n'est pas nécessairement limitée à une seule dimension ou à
une seule forme des ouvertures
crible à plusieurs étages
crible ayant au moins deux surfaces de criblage superposées, montées d'une façon rigide dans une seule
crible à secousses
crible (ou couple de cribles) auquel un mouvement horizontal et vertical combiné est imprimé, normalement
au moyen d'un arbre à excentrique; les étages de criblage sont horizontaux ou inclinés sous un angle faible
crible à résonance
crible à secousses dont la période d'oscillation est égale à la période naturelle d'oscillation de la monture
élastique ou en est très proche
crible vibrant
crible oscillant sous l'effet d'un dispositif mécanique ou magnétique
NOTE 9 L'amplitude du mouvement du crible vibrant est plus faible que celle du crible à secousses et sa vitesse
d'oscillation est plus élevée.
crible rotatif aléatoire
crible pour criblage aléatoire, composé d'un étage horizontal rotatif à rayons radiaux dont le point de
séparation est obtenu en faisant varier la vitesse de rotation
trommel cribleur
crible à tambour
crible dans lequel la surface de criblage est constituée par un cylindre perforé ou par un tronc de cône perforé
monté sur un arbre tournant (horizontal ou presque) ou sur des galets rotatifs
grille à rouleaux
crible consistant en un certain nombre d'arbres horizontaux tournants, pourvus d'éléments disposés de façon
à ménager des ouvertures de criblage
grille fixe
crible incliné, fixe, comportant des barreaux longitudinaux, espacés de certains intervalles, sur lesquels la
matière à cribler est alimentée à l'extrémité supérieure
grille à barreaux
crible rudimentaire destiné à calibrer grossièrement à des calibres relativement élevés (par exemple: 150 mm)
NOTE 10 Il peut comprendre des barreaux fixes ou mobiles, pouvant être des disques, ou bien des cames profilées ou
des rouleaux.
10 © ISO 1993 — Tous droits réservés
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ISO 1213-1:1993(F)
tamis courbe
dispositif de calibrage de particules fines en suspension dans l'eau au moyen d'un panneau courbe immobile,
normalement sous la forme d'une grille à fissures, dont l'ouverture est perpendiculaire au flux d'alimentation,
par lequel les particules les plus fines sont éliminées avec la plus grande partie de l'eau dans le courant
[Voir aussi grille égoutteuse (6.2.02).]
4.6 Calibrage dans un courant d'air ou d'eau
classification pneumatique
procédé de classification par courant d'air
dispositif qui sépare principalement les particules suivant leur calibre, leur forme ou leur densité, à l'aide d'un
moyen technique autre qu'un criblage
hydrocyclone classificateur
dispositif pour calibrer, par voie centrifuge, des particules fines en suspension dans de l'eau. Dans ce cas, les
grains plus gros sont évacués à la pointe du cône du récipient, tandis que les particules plus fines sont
éliminées, avec la plus grande partie de l'eau, par le trop-plein
5 Épuration
5.1 Termes généraux
épuration par voie sèche
séparation d'impuretés du charbon par des méthodes manuelles ou mécaniques ne comportant pas l'emploi
d'un liquide
épuration par voie humide
séparation mécanique d'impuretés du charbon par des méthodes comportant l'emploi d'un liquide
atelier de préparation du charbon dans lequel un procédé d'épuration par voie humide est appliqué
retraiter un produit dans le même appareil de lavage ou un autre
produits d'un lavoir
produits finaux sortant d'un lavoir
noria des rejets
élévateur à godets égoutteurs destiné à évacuer les rejets provenant d'un appareil de la
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