CEN/TC 181/WG 1 - Flueless space heaters
Safety characteristics, test methods and marking of domestic flueless space heaters, including diffusive catalytic combustion heaters, burning 3d family gas.
Flueless space heaters
Safety characteristics, test methods and marking of domestic flueless space heaters, including diffusive catalytic combustion heaters, burning 3d family gas.
General Information
This document specifies the construction characteristics, performances and marking related to safety and the rational use of energy of portable, flat gas appliances directly supplied at the LPG vapour pressure, incorporating a gas cartridge complying with EN 417:2012, inserted horizontally in the chassis.
NOTE 1 These appliances are referred to in the body of the text as “appliances”.
This document covers appliances for outdoor or in well ventilated areas uses only.
This document does not cover appliances supplied by an external gas source.
For example, the following types of appliances are covered:
a) cooking appliances (stoves, barbecues);
b) heating appliances.
This document specifies the requirements applicable to these appliances or their functional sections whether or not the latter are independent or incorporated into an assembly.
Appliances covered by this document are not connected to a flue for the discharge of products of combustion and are not connected to the mains electricity supply.
This document covers neither appliances supplied with LPG in the liquid phase nor appliance with fixed integral container which could be refilled by the user.
This document does not cover appliances of direct pressure propane category.
Requirements for rational use of energy have been considered for stove burners.
NOTE 2 However, such requirements have not been considered for the other types of appliances because:
- for barbecues, this type of cooking varies according to the type of food and region where the appliance is used;
- for heating appliances, all the heat produced is discharged into the environment.
- Standard49 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies the constructional and performance characteristics, safety specifications and rational use of energy, relevant test methods and marking of burners burning liquefied petroleum gas and designed to heat up vessels of diameter greater than 300 mm, containing liquids or food. This standard overs appliances, generally floor standing, fitted with one or several open burners without enclosure, designed to be used outdoors and operating with the gases corresponding to the categories indicated in 4.
- Standard48 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies constructional and performance characteristics, safety specifications and rational use of energy, relevant test methods and marking of independent stoves, side burners, covered burners, open burners, griddles, radiant grills, burning liquefied petroleum gas, referred to in the body of the text as "appliances".
This document covers appliances, used outdoors and operating with the gases of the third family according to EN 437:2018.
Appliances used in leisure vehicles and boats are outside the field of application of this standard.
Independent stove burners, whose nominal heat input is below 1,16 kW, griddles and radiant grills, are not subject to any special requirement concerning the rational use of energy due to their low rate and their use for short periods of time.
This document does not state all requirements for appliances of other nature incorporating a stove (for example barbecues are not covered by this standard but a side burner of a barbecue is covered by this standard).
This document does not cover regulators that are used with those appliances.
- Corrigendum3 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the construction and performance characteristics related to safety and the rational use of energy of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at the vapour pressure within the gas cartridge or gas cylinder, excepting those where the gas cartridge is inserted horizontally in the chassis.
NOTE These appliances are referred to in the body of the text as "appliances".
This document applies to various types of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at vapour pressure and designed to be used with cartridges as complying with EN 417 or gas cylinders.
This document covers appliances for outdoor or in well ventilated areas uses only.
For example the following types of appliances are covered:
a) cooking appliances (stoves, grills, barbecues...);
This document does not cover barbecues that can be used indoors;
b) lighting appliances;
c) heating appliances;
This document only applies to appliances with a maximum heat input of up to 3 kW (Hs) for outdoor use only;
d) blowtorches;
This document only applies to blowtorches without a flexible hose;
e) laboratory burners.
The requirements apply to these appliances or their functional sections whether or not the latter are independent or incorporated into an assembly.
Appliances covered by this document are not connected to a flue for the discharge of products of combustion and are not connected to the mains electricity supply.
This document covers neither appliances supplied with LPG in the liquid phase nor appliance with fixed integral container which may or may not be refilled by the user
It does not apply to lighters as defined in EN ISO 9994.
It does not apply to gas appliances operating with a valve cartridge which is horizontally integrated into the chassis of the appliance also called "flat portable gas stove".
Requirements for rational use of energy have been included for stove burners.
However, such requirements have not been included for the other types of appliances because:
- for grills and barbecues, this is a type of cooking which is achieved by various means such as radiant elements; in addition this type of cooking varies according to the type of food and region where the appliance is used;
- for lighting appliances, the consumption is insignificant because these appliances have a very low rate and are used only for a few hours in a year;
- for heating appliances, all the heat produced is discharged into the environment;
- for tools such as blowtorches which are not professional tools in regular use, the gas consumption depends very much on the way it is used.
- Standard68 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies constructional and performance characteristics, safety specifications and rational use of energy, relevant test methods and marking of independent stoves, side burners, covered burners, open burners, griddles, radiant grills, burning liquefied petroleum gas, referred to in the body of the text as "appliances".
This document covers appliances, used outdoors and operating with the gases of the third family according to EN 437:2018.
Appliances used in leisure vehicles and boats are outside the field of application of this standard.
Independent stove burners, whose nominal heat input is below 1,16 kW, griddles and radiant grills, are not subject to any special requirement concerning the rational use of energy due to their low rate and their use for short periods of time.
This document does not state all requirements for appliances of other nature incorporating a stove (for example barbecues are not covered by this standard but a side burner of a barbecue is covered by this standard).
This document does not cover regulators that are used with those appliances.
- Standard54 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European standard specifies the design, safety and marking requirements and test methods for flueless patio heaters for outdoor or amply ventilated area use only.
These appliances are for use exclusively with gases of the third family as defined in Clause 4.
This European standard applies to appliances that have a nominal heat input not exceeding 17 kW (based on the gross calorific value), supplied with a maximum inlet pressure of 50 mbar:
- fixed or,
- movable, including those which comprise a housing for a transportable and rechargeable liquefied petroleum gas cylinder.
This European standard does not apply to appliances equipped with a fan for either combustion or circulation of the convection air.
This European standard does not cover LPG containers for liquefied petroleum gas, their associated regulator, tubing and flexible hoses used for gas supply of appliances covered by this European standard. Regulator, tubing and flexible hoses are covered by others standards (EN 16129, EN 16436-1 and prEN 16436-2, etc.) and national regulations.
This European standard does not lay down any specific requirements for the thermal efficiency of this type of appliances, but the requirements relating to combustion, which is a safety matter, ensure that the gas fuel will burn efficiently. However a method to measure the performance is described in informative Annex B.
- Standard44 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies material, construction, inspection and marking requirements for non-refillable metallic gas cartridges with or without a valve for use with portable appliances which comply with the requirements of EN 521.
This European Standard is applicable to cartridges with a total capacity of between 50 ml and 1 000 ml, designed to contain stenched liquefied petroleum gas or stabilized mixtures of liquefied petroleum gas with propadiene and/or methyl acetylene and/or di-methyl-ether or equivalent, where the pressure developed by the contents of the cartridge at 50 °C does not exceed 13,2 bar.
However, stenching of these gases is optional for cartridges with a total capacity not exceeding 150 ml.
This European Standard is not applicable for aerosol dispensers — manufactured, filled, tested and marked in accordance with Directive 2008/47/EEC.
This European Standard does not apply to appliances with an integral gas container which is not interchangeable, or to cartridges for filling such containers (e.g. lighters).
- Standard40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the constructional and performance characteristics, safety specifications, relevant test methods and marking of barbecues burning liquefied petroleum gas, referred to in the body of the text as "appliances".
This European Standard covers barbecues as defined in 3.6 and contact grills as defined in 3.8, used outdoors and operating with the gases indicated in 4.1 according to the categories indicated in 4.2. They are fitted with at least one cooking device.
This European Standard applies to these appliances and their functional sections whether or not the latter are independent or incorporated into an assembly.
This European Standard also applies to appliances designed to be built-in.
This European Standard only applies to type testing.
Appliances supplied with third family gas at pressures greater those defined in 4.2 are outside the field of application of this European Standard.
During the consideration of this text, it was apparent that the concept of thermal efficiency with regard to appliances such as barbecues was not appropriate.
This is because:
- during cooking, there is an additional transfer of heat due to the meat juices falling onto the refractories;
- there is no relation between the item to be cooked and the useful area;
- the barbecue is an outdoor appliance in which the action of the wind is important in relation to efficiency.
In consequence there is no specific requirement covering thermal efficiency for this type of appliance.
This European Standard does not state all applicable requirements for integral equipments of other nature (for example burners covered by EN 484).
- Standard63 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies the requirements, the test methods and the marketing of domestic flueless space heaters, including diffusive catalytic combustion heaters, having a nominal heat input (Hs), not exceeding 4,2 kW burning 3rd family gases at nominal operating pressures not exceeding 50 mbar, referred to in the text as 'appliances'.
- Standard53 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard defines requirements and test methods concerning, in particular, the construction, safety as well as classification and marking of non-domestic flueless space heaters (including greenhouse heaters and diffusive catalytic combustion heaters), having a nominal heat input not exceeding 10 kW (Hs) burning 3rd family gases at nominal operating pressure not exceeding 50 mbar, referred to in the body of the text as 'appliances'. It covers the following types of appliance: a) fixed heaters; b) portable or mobile heaters including those that incorporate a compartment for a transportable refillable LPG cylinder.
- Amendment11 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This amendment is to account for technical comments received after the Formal Vote.
- Amendment6 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard defines, for the purpose of type examination, the requirements, the test methods and the marking of non-domestic flueless space heaters (including greenhouse heaters and diffusive catalytic combustion heaters), having a nominal heat input not exceeding 10 kW (Hs) burning 3rd family gases at nominal operating pressure not exceeding 50 mbar, referred to in the body of the text as 'appliances'.
- Standard72 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard defines, for the purpose of type examination, the construction, the safety characteristics, the test methods and the marking of mobile and portable non-domestic forced convection direct fired air heaters with a rated heat input not exceeding 180 kW (Hs) and burning 3rd family gases, referred to in the body of the text as 'appliances'. This standard covers the following type of mobile and portable non domestic forced convection direct fired air heaters of type A3 (see CR 1749) fitted with an integral burner intended for use in other than residential dwellings: a) low gas pressure appliances operating at pressures up to and including 50 mbar burning commercial butane and/or commercial propane; b) medium gas pressure appliances operating at pressures above 50 mbar and up to 4,0 bar burning commercial butane and/or commercial propane. It does not apply to appliances which are intended to be fixed or permanently installed, or to appliances which incorporate liquid feed burners. Requirements for appliances given in this standard assume that the supply of gas from the gas cylinder will be governed by a pressure regulator. These appliances are not equipped with an appliance governor. Requirements for controls, given herein, relate to controls fitted as part of, or supplied with, particular appliances; they do not necessarily provide a complete specification for controls intended for general use. This Standard does not cover cylinders for liquefied petroleum gases or their associated regulators. There are no specific thermal efficiency requirements appropriate to these types of appliances as: c) all the heat produced by the combustion process is released into the space to be heated; d) the requirements with regard to the combustion performance, which is a safety matter, ensure the effective burning of the fuel gas.
- Standard69 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document applies to household appliances intended for outdoor use capable of working with gases of the second family or second and third family.
The scope of this document is the same as the scope of the product standards developed by the European Technical Committee CEN/TC 181 covering the same type of appliance but limited to the use of liquefied petroleum gases, hereinafter referred to as ‘the product standard’.
NOTE For example, product standards are:
- for an independent cooktop: EN 484;
- for multi-purpose burners with integrated support: EN 497;
- for a barbecue or griddle: EN 498;
- for a patio heater: EN 14543;
- flueless non-domestic space heaters: EN 461;
- ...
This document applies to the manufacturing, testing and marking of appliances prior to their placing on the market and during further assessments. This document is not intended to be used for changing the gas category of an appliance already put on the market.
This document specifies the modifications of the appliances allowed to change the type of gas to be used depending of its gas category.
This document specifies the complementary information and requirement about constructional and performance characteristics, safety specifications and rational use of energy, relevant test methods and marking of household appliances intended for outdoor use capable of operating with second-family gases (defined in EN 437:2021).
This document does not apply to appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at the vapour pressure within the gas cartridge or gas cylinder.
This document does not apply to appliances under the scope of EN 449:2002+A1:2007.
- Draft13 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies constructional and performance characteristics, safety specifications and rational use of energy, relevant test methods and marking of independent stoves, side burners, covered burners, open burners, griddles, radiant grills, burning liquefied petroleum gas, referred to in the body of the text as "appliances".
This document covers appliances, used outdoors and operating with the gases of the third family according to EN 437:2018.
Appliances used in leisure vehicles and boats are outside the field of application of this standard.
Independent stove burners, whose nominal heat input is below 1,16 kW, griddles and radiant grills, are not subject to any special requirement concerning the rational use of energy due to their low rate and their use for short periods of time.
This document does not state all requirements for appliances of other nature incorporating a stove (for example barbecues are not covered by this standard but a side burner of a barbecue is covered by this standard).
This document does not cover regulators that are used with those appliances.
- Draft57 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the construction and performance characteristics related to safety and the rational use of energy of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at the vapour pressure within the gas cartridge or gas cylinder, excepting those where the gas cartridge is inserted horizontally in the chassis.
NOTE These appliances are referred to in the body of the text as "appliances".
This document applies to various types of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at vapour pressure and designed to be used with cartridges as complying with EN 417 or gas cylinders.
This document covers appliances for outdoor or in well ventilated areas uses only.
For example the following types of appliances are covered:
a) cooking appliances (stoves, grills, barbecues...);
This document does not cover barbecues that can be used indoors;
b) lighting appliances;
c) heating appliances;
This document only applies to appliances with a maximum heat input of up to 3 kW (Hs) for outdoor use only;
d) blowtorches;
This document only applies to blowtorches without a flexible hose;
e) laboratory burners.
The requirements apply to these appliances or their functional sections whether or not the latter are independent or incorporated into an assembly.
Appliances covered by this document are not connected to a flue for the discharge of products of combustion and are not connected to the mains electricity supply.
This document covers neither appliances supplied with LPG in the liquid phase nor appliance with fixed integral container which may or may not be refilled by the user
It does not apply to lighters as defined in EN ISO 9994.
It does not apply to gas appliances operating with a valve cartridge which is horizontally integrated into the chassis of the appliance also called "flat portable gas stove".
Requirements for rational use of energy have been included for stove burners.
However, such requirements have not been included for the other types of appliances because:
- for grills and barbecues, this is a type of cooking which is achieved by various means such as radiant elements; in addition this type of cooking varies according to the type of food and region where the appliance is used;
- for lighting appliances, the consumption is insignificant because these appliances have a very low rate and are used only for a few hours in a year;
- for heating appliances, all the heat produced is discharged into the environment;
- for tools such as blowtorches which are not professional tools in regular use, the gas consumption depends very much on the way it is used.
- Draft71 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies the constructional and performance characteristics, safety specifications and rational use of energy, relevant test methods and marking of boiling burners burning liquefied petroleum gas and designed to heat up vessels containing liquids or food, or a heating plate. They are referred to in the body of the text as "appliances". This standard covers appliances, generally floor standing, fitted with one or several burners with a total heat input not exceeding 14 kW, designed to be used outdoors and operating with the gases indicated in 4.1 according to the categories indicated in 4.2. Appliances supplied with third family gas at pressures greater those defined in 4.2 are outside the field of application of this standard. Appliances covered by this standard are not connected to a flue for the products of combustion and are not connected to the mains electrical supply. Appliances with a nominal heat input below 1,16 kW and appliances which are not designed to receive the test vessel described in 7.1.4 in any of their configurations are not subject to any requirement concerning the rational use of energy. This standard applies only to type testing.
- Standard48 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the construction characteristics, performances and marking related to safety and the rational use of energy of portable, flat gas appliances directly supplied at the LPG vapour pressure, incorporating a gas cartridge complying with EN 417:2012, inserted horizontally in the chassis.
NOTE 1 These appliances are referred to in the body of the text as “appliances”.
This document covers appliances for outdoor or in well ventilated areas uses only.
This document does not cover appliances supplied by an external gas source.
For example, the following types of appliances are covered:
a) cooking appliances (stoves, barbecues);
b) heating appliances.
This document specifies the requirements applicable to these appliances or their functional sections whether or not the latter are independent or incorporated into an assembly.
Appliances covered by this document are not connected to a flue for the discharge of products of combustion and are not connected to the mains electricity supply.
This document covers neither appliances supplied with LPG in the liquid phase nor appliance with fixed integral container which could be refilled by the user.
This document does not cover appliances of direct pressure propane category.
Requirements for rational use of energy have been considered for stove burners.
NOTE 2 However, such requirements have not been considered for the other types of appliances because:
- for barbecues, this type of cooking varies according to the type of food and region where the appliance is used;
- for heating appliances, all the heat produced is discharged into the environment.
- Standard48 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the construction and performance characteristics related to safety and the rational use of energy of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at the vapour pressure within the gas cartridge or gas cylinder, excepting those where the gas cartridge is inserted horizontally in the chassis.
NOTE These appliances are referred to in the body of the text as "appliances".
This document applies to various types of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at vapour pressure and designed to be used with cartridges as complying with EN 417 or gas cylinders.
This document covers appliances for outdoor or in well ventilated areas uses only.
For example the following types of appliances are covered:
a) cooking appliances (stoves, grills, barbecues...);
This document does not cover barbecues that can be used indoors;
b) lighting appliances;
c) heating appliances;
This document only applies to appliances with a maximum heat input of up to 3 kW (Hs) for outdoor use only;
d) blowtorches;
This document only applies to blowtorches without a flexible hose;
e) laboratory burners.
The requirements apply to these appliances or their functional sections whether or not the latter are independent or incorporated into an assembly.
Appliances covered by this document are not connected to a flue for the discharge of products of combustion and are not connected to the mains electricity supply.
This document covers neither appliances supplied with LPG in the liquid phase nor appliance with fixed integral container which may or may not be refilled by the user
It does not apply to lighters as defined in EN ISO 9994.
It does not apply to gas appliances operating with a valve cartridge which is horizontally integrated into the chassis of the appliance also called "flat portable gas stove".
Requirements for rational use of energy have been included for stove burners.
However, such requirements have not been included for the other types of appliances because:
- for grills and barbecues, this is a type of cooking which is achieved by various means such as radiant elements; in addition this type of cooking varies according to the type of food and region where the appliance is used;
- for lighting appliances, the consumption is insignificant because these appliances have a very low rate and are used only for a few hours in a year;
- for heating appliances, all the heat produced is discharged into the environment;
- for tools such as blowtorches which are not professional tools in regular use, the gas consumption depends very much on the way it is used.
- Standard68 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the construction and performance characteristics related to safety and the rational use of energy of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at the vapour pressure within the gas container. It also defines test methods and the requirements for marking and the information to be given in the instructions.
NOTE These appliances are referred to in the body of the text as "appliances".
This European Standard applies to various types of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at vapour pressure and designed to be used with (non refillable) cartridges as complying with EN 417 or any types of gas cylinders other than cartridges. For example the following types of appliances are covered:
a) cooking appliances (hotplates, grills, barbecues...).
This European Standard does not cover barbecues that can be used indoors;
b) lighting appliances;
c) heating appliances.
This European Standard only applies to appliances with a maximum heat input of up to 3 kW (Hs) for outdoor use only;
d) blowlamps.
This European Standard only applies to blowlamps without a flexible hose;
e) laboratory burners.
The requirements apply to these appliances or their functional sections whether or not the latter are independent or incorporated into an assembly.
This European Standard only applies to type examination.
Appliances covered by this European Standard are not connected to a flue for the discharge of products of combustion and are not connected to the mains electricity supply.
This European Standard covers neither appliances supplied with LPG in the liquid phase nor those incorporating a fixed gas reservoir which may or may not be refilled by the user. This European Standard does not cover gas containers or flexible hose.
It does not apply to smokers’ lighters covered by EN ISO 9994.
Requirements for rational use of energy have been included for hotplate burners.
However, such requirements have not been included for the
- Standard66 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies constructional and performance characteristics, safety specifications and rational use of energy, relevant test methods and marking of independent hotplates, including those fitted with a grill, burning liquefied petroleum gas, referred to in the body of the text as "appliances". This standard covers independent hotplates, including those fitted with a grill as defined in 3.39, used outdoors and operating with the gases indicated in 4.1 and according to the categories specified in 4.2. This standard applies to these appliances and their functional sections whether or not the latter are independent or incorporated into an assembly. This standard applies only to type testing. Appliances supplied with third family gas at pressures greater those defined in 4.2 are outside the field of application of this standard. Appliances used in leisure vehicles and boats are outside the field of application of this standard. Independent hotplate burners, whose nominal heat input is below 1,16 kW and grills, are not subject to any special requirement concerning the rational use of energy due to their low rate and their use for short periods of time
- Standard49 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European standard specifies the design, safety and marking requirements and test methods for flueless patio heaters for outdoor or amply ventilated area use only.
Although they are not covered by this standard, the requirements of this standard are applicable to appliances that may be used inside habitations which, in addition, shall have a heat input not exceeding 4,2 kW and comply with EN 449.
These appliances are for use exclusively with gases of the third family as defined in Clause 4.
This European standard applies to appliances that have a nominal heat input not exceeding 17 kW (based on the gross calorific value);
- fixed or,
- movable, including those which comprise a housing for a transportable and rechargeable liquefied petroleum gas cylinder.
This European standard does not apply to appliances equipped with a fan for either combustion or circulation of the convection air.
This European standard does not cover LPG containers for liquefied petroleum gas, neither their associated regulator nor tubing and flexible hoses which shall comply with national requirements in force.
This European standard does not lay down any specific requirements for the thermal efficiency of this type of appliances, but the requirements relating to combustion, which is a safety matter, ensure that the gas fuel will burn efficiently. However a method to measure the performance is described in informative Annex C.
This standard does not apply to appliances covered by EN 416-1, EN 419-1, EN 449, EN 461 and EN 521.
This European standard only covers type testing.
Items relating to quality assurance systems, production testing and particularly certificates of conformity of auxiliary equipment are not covered by this European standard.
- Standard40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies the requirements, the test methods and the marketing of domestic flueless space heaters, including diffusive catalytic combustion heaters, having a nominal heat input (Hs), not exceeding 4,2 kW burning 3rd family gases at nominal operating pressures not exceeding 50 mbar, referred to in the text as 'appliances'.
- Standard53 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies, for the purpose of type examination, the requirements, the test methods and the marking of domestic flueless space heaters, including diffusive catalytic combustion heaters, having a nominal heat input (Hs), not exceeding 4,2 kW burning third family gases at nominal operating pressures not exceeding 50 mbar, referred to in the text as 'appliances'. It covers the following types of appliances: a) fixed heaters burning commercial butane and/or commercial propane; b) portable or mobile heaters burning either commercial butane, or, commercial butane and commercial propane including those that incorporate a compartment for a transportable refillable liquefied petroleum gas cylinder. There are no specific thermal efficiency requirements appropriate to these types of appliance as: c) all the heat produced by the combustion process is released into the space to be heated; d) the requirements with regard to the combustion performance, which is a safety matter, ensure the effective burning of the fuel gas. It does not cover appliances incorporating electrically operated gas control systems. Annex A gives the details of the categories of appliances marketed in various countries. Requirements for appliances given in this standard assume the supply of gas from the container will be governed by a pressure regulator having a maximum nominal outlet pressure of 50 mbar. This standard does not cover cylinders for liquefied gas or their associated regulators.
- Standard + National Annex and/or Foreword71 pagesForeword and/or annex in Slovenian language, body of the standard in English languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day