This document specifies the requirements and the test methods for creosotes for industrial wood preservation.
Different grades of creosote are used depending on the desired properties of the treated wood.
WARNING — The use of this document can involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This document cannot address all of the safety implications associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to establish appropriate health and safety practices and assess the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. The warnings to use are covered in Annex C.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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This European Standard specifies and defines test methods for coal tar wash oils. Annex A specifies usage warnings for industrial purposes. The main purposes of these oils are to dissolve hydrocarbon derivatives in coke oven gas to clean greasy metal pieces.

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    8 pages
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This European Standard defines the principal terms concerning derivatives from coal pyrolysis.

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This European Standard defines the methods of tests for the determination of the characteristics of crude tar and crude benzole.

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    13 pages
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This document gives specifications and defines test methods for coal tar fluxing oils. Annex specifies this warning for use for industrial purposes. The main purposes of these oils are to reduce the viscosity of bituminous (carbonaceous) binders used for road construction. They may be used in conjunction with petrochemical feedstocks.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the methods of test required to determine the characteristics for "painting tar" used as industrial and domestic varnish.
Depending on the required application and the desired properties of the end product, different grades of painting tars are available.

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This European Standard specifies the methods of test required to determine the characteristics for "coating tar" used for coating.
Depending on the required application and the desired properties of the end product, different grades of coating tars are available.

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This European Standard specifies the methods of test required to determine the characteristics for viscous  "refractory binders" used as industrial binders.
Depending on the required application and the desired properties of the end product, different grades on refractory binders are available.
Note that carbon binder pitch as described under prEN 14263 can be used for refractory products as well.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the methods of test required to determine the characteristics for "road tars" and their warning to use for the industrial purposes.
Depending on the required application and the desired properties of the end product, different grades of road tars are available.

  • Standard
    9 pages
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This European Standard specifies the methods of test required to determine the characteristics for "impregnating pitch" used for industrial purposes.
Depending on the required application and the desired properties of the end product, different grades of impregnating pitch are available.

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This European Standard specifies the methods of test required to determine the characteristics for "carbon binder pitch" used as industrial purposes.
Depending on the required application and the desired properties of the end product, different grades of carbon binder pitch are available.
NOTE   Carbon binder pitch can also be used as a binder for refractory products.

  • Standard
    6 pages
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This European Standard gives the methods of test required to determine the characteristics for "briquetting pitch" used as industrial purposes.
Depending on the required application and the desired properties of the end product, different grades of briquetting pitches are available.

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This European Standard defines the specifications and the test methods for carbon black feedstock i.e. coal tar, coal tar fractions or coal tar distillates used for the manufacture of carbon black.

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This European Standard gives the specifications of and the test methods for liquid fuels derived from coal tar. The specifications also apply to shale oil, aromatic mineral oils, and lignite tar.
Preheating of liquid fuel oils according to this standard can be necessary for transport, storage, and combustion.
The mixing with fuel oils from other raw materials should be avoided.
This standard does not cover marine fuel applications.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This European Standard gives the specifications and the test methods for creosotes for industrial wood preservation.
Different grades of creosote are used depending on the desired properties of the treated wood.
WARNING - The use of this European Standard may involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This standard cannot address all of the safety implications associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate health and safety practices and assess the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.  The warnings to use are covered in annex C.

  • Standard
    15 pages
    English language
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This EN defines the principal terms concerning coal tar and pitch based binders and related products, coal tar and pitch based products for paints and coating.

  • Standard
    6 pages
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This European Standard defines the principal terms concerning crude tar and crude benzole.

  • Standard
    3 pages
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This European Standard defines the principal terms concerning the more common coal tar based oils.

  • Standard
    4 pages
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