This document provides a general overview and structure of each part of the ISO 18541 series. This document also describes the use cases applicable to the standardized access to automotive RMI. The use cases address real world scenarios (e.g. servicing vehicles) regarding the information access necessary to perform vehicle roadside assistance, inspection, diagnosis, repair and maintenance, including the updating and replacement of electronic control units (ECU).
Furthermore, this document defines requirements for granting access to security-related RMI in Annex A following the SERMI scheme.
The RMI systems used by personnel to perform the services consist of:
—    a web-based system, which provides access to RMI needed to perform the service(s);
—    contact information for specific RMI;
—    a security framework to protect access to security-related RMI (vehicle theft protection measures).
This document is applicable to light passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles.

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This document specifies a conformance test for a vehicle manufacturer assessment of self-conformance of the VM RMI system. The conformance test cases follow the use case definition of ISO 18541‑1 and the requirements stated in ISO 18541‑2 and ISO 18541‑3.
The primary, but not exclusive, purpose of this document is to provide information to the VM RMI system provider to build and test the VM RMI system against the conformance test cases. This final step in the development process of the VM RMI system is an enabler for all providers that their VM RMI system meets a high degree of functional requirements expected by the end user.
Furthermore, this document defines in Annex A conformance test cases for the use cases and requirements versions that apply for granting access to security-related RMI following the SERMI scheme.
This document is applicable to light passenger and commercial vehicles as defined in regulation (EC) 715/2007 Article 2 [9].

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This document includes technical requirements which are related to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize access to RMI for independent operators.
This document specifies the minimum set of technical requirements related to a vehicle manufacturer's RMI system. These requirements will reflect the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in ISO 18541‑1.
Furthermore, this document defines requirements for granting access to security-related RMI in Annex A following the SERMI scheme.
This document is applicable to light passenger and commercial vehicles as defined in regulation (EC) 715/2007 Article 2 [15].

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This document includes functional user interface requirements related to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize access to RMI for independent operators.
This document specifies all functional user interface requirements related to a vehicle manufacturer's RMI system. These requirements will reflect the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in ISO 18541‑1.

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This document focus on the access to automotive repair and maintenance information for
—          heavy duty motor vehicles as defined in regulation (EC) 595/2009 Article 2;
—          engines and after-treatment systems (family) if they are type-approved as a separate technical unit, e.g. according to Directive 2007/46/EC.
This document includes a transposition of the standards ISO 18541-1:2014, ISO 18541-2:2014, ISO 18541-3:2014, and ISO 18541-4:2015 to these vehicle types and systems. The standards ISO 18541-1:2014, ISO 18541-2:2014, ISO 18541-3:2014, and ISO 18541-4:2015 focus on the access to automotive repair and maintenance information for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.
Remote Diagnostic Support is a specific requirement for Access to RMI for heavy duty vehicles. It will be addressed separately in a future standard.
The standardized RMI terminology is contained in a ?Digital Annex' developed and maintained according to the complementary standard ISO 18542.

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ISO 18542-2:2014 specifies:
- the technical requirements that must be met by the Terminology Management system (TMS) that will be used to manage and store the 'Agreed RMI Terminology';
- the requirements for the Registration Authority (RA) (i.e. the agency responsible for maintaining and publishing the 'Agreed RMI Terminology').

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ISO 18542 is structured in two parts:
Part 1 defines a framework and a process for agreeing terms;
Part 2 defines the process implementation requirements for a terminology management system and for a Registration Authority with a digital annex.
The basic purpose of ISO 18542 is to facilitate searching of vehicle manufacturer (VM) repair and maintenance information (RMI) websites by independent operators (IOs).
ISO 18542-1:2012 provides a general overview and structure of each part of ISO 18542. It also specifies use cases related to repair and maintenance information (RMI) terminology in order to standardize the access to RMI for IOs.
The provision of the agreed automotive RMI terminology itself is outside the remit of ISO 18542 and therefore outside the scope of ISO 18542-1:2012. Rather, it is foreseen that the agreed automotive RMI terminology will follow a lifecycle beyond the timeframe of ISO 18542. It will be dependent upon the work of a Registration Authority, a Terminology Review Group for its creation and management, and of a digital annex for its publication. For the development of the digital annex, existing standards will be reviewed and elements included where appropriate and practical.

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ISO 18541-4:2015 specifies a conformance test for a vehicle manufacturer assessment of self-conformance of the VM RMI system. The conformance test cases follow the use case definition of ISO 18541‑1 and the requirements stated in ISO 18541‑2 and ISO 18541‑3.
The primary but not exclusive purpose of this part of ISO 18541 is to provide information to the VM RMI system provider to build and test the VM RMI system against the conformance test cases. This final step in the development process of the VM RMI system is an enabler for all providers that their VM RMI system meets a high degree of functional requirements expected by the end user.

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ISO 18541-2:2014 includes technical requirements which are related to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize access to RMI for independent operators.
ISO 18541-2:2014 specifies the minimum set of technical requirements related to a vehicle manufacturer's RMI system. These requirements will reflect the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in ISO 18541‑1.

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ISO 18541-3:2014 includes functional user interface requirements related to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize access to RMI for independent operators.
ISO 18541-3:2014 specifies all functional user interface requirements related to a vehicle manufacturer's RMI system. These requirements will reflect the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in ISO 18541‑1.

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ISO 18541-1:2014 provides a general overview and structure of each part of ISO 18541. It also specifies use cases related to repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize the access to RMI for independent operators.
ISO 18541-1:2014 also describes the use cases applicable to the standardized access to automotive RMI. The use cases address real world scenarios (e.g. servicing vehicles) in regard to the information access necessary to perform vehicle roadside assistance, inspection, diagnosis, repair and maintenance, including the updating and replacement of Electronic Control Units (ECU).
ISO 18541-1:2014 provides an overview of the entire standard and how it applies to the automotive industry.
ISO 18541-1:2014 is applicable to light passenger and commercial vehicles as defined in regulation (EC) 715/2007 Article 2.

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    48 pages
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