Test requirements for accessories for use on power cables of rated voltage from 3,6/6(7,2) kV up to 20,8/36(42) kV - Part 3: Transition joints between cables with impregnated paper insulation and cables with extruded insulation

1.1 General This document specifies performance requirements for type tests for transition joints for use between extruded insulated power cables as specified in HD 620 and impregnated paper insulated power cables as specified in HD 621 or another relevant standard. Once type test for an accessory is successfully completed, it is not necessary to repeat the test, unless changes are made in the materials, design or manufacturing process, which might affect the performance characteristics. Possible extra thermo-mechanical forces due to high current loads from renewable sources of power generation are not covered by these tests (under consideration). Accessories for special applications such as submarine cables, ships cables or hazardous situations (explosive environments, fire resistant cables or seismic conditions) are not included. Test methods are included in EN IEC 61442:- and Annex E. NOTE 1 This document does not invalidate existing approvals of products achieved on the basis of national standards and specifications and/or the demonstration of satisfactory service performance. However, products approved according to such national standards or specifications cannot directly claim approval to this document. NOTE 2 It might be possible, subject to agreement between supplier and purchaser, and/or the relevant conformity assessment body, to demonstrate that conformity to the earlier standard can be used to claim conformity to this document, provided an assessment is made of any additional type testing that might need to be carried out. Any such additional testing that is part of a sequence of testing cannot be done separately. 1.2 Type of accessories The accessories covered by this document are straight and branch transition joints of all designs, suitable for use underground or in air. 1.3 Rated voltage The rated voltages U0/U (Um) of the accessories covered by this document are 3,6/6(7,2) - 3,8/6,6(7,2) - 6/10(12) - 6,35/11(12) - 8,7/15(17,5) - 12/20(24) - 12,7/22(24) - 18/30(36) - 19/33(36) - 20,8/36(42) kV.

Prüfanforderungen für Kabelgarnituren für Starkstromkabel mit einer Nennspannung von 3,6/6(7,2) kV bis 20,8/36(42) kV - Teil 3: Übergangsmuffen für Kabel mit massegetränkter Papierisolierung und für Kabel mit extrudierter Kunststoffisolierung

Exigences relatives aux essais des accessoires des câbles d'énergie pour des tensions assignées de 3,6/6(7,2) kV à 20,8/36(42) kV - Partie 3: Jonctions mixtes entre les câbles isolés au papier imprégné et les câbles à isolation extrudée

Preskusne zahteve za pribor, ki se uporablja na elektroenergetskih kablih z naznačeno napetostjo od 3,6/6(7,2) kV do vključno 20,8/36(42) kV - 3. del: Prehodne spojke med kabli z impregnirano papirno izolacijo in kabli z ekstrudirano izolacijo

Ta dokument določa zahteve glede delovanja za tipske preskuse za prehodne spojke, ki se uporabljajo na elektroenergetskih kablih z ekstrudirano izolacijo, kot je opredeljeno v standardu HD 620, ali kablih, izoliranih z impregniranim papirjem, kot je določeno v standardu HD 621 ali drugem zadevnem standardu.
Ko je tipski test pribora enkrat uspešno opravljen, ga ni treba ponavljati, razen če
je prišlo do sprememb v materialih, zasnovi ali proizvodnem procesu, ki lahko vplivajo na lastnosti delovanja.
V teh preskusih niso zajete morebitne termo-mehanske sile zaradi visokih tokovnih obremenitev obnovljivih virov proizvodnje
električne energije (v obravnavi).
Pribor, namenjen posebni uporabi, na primer podmorski kabli, ladijski kabli ali uporabi v nevarnih razmerah (v eksplozivnih okoljih, ognjeodpornih kablih ali potresnih okoljih), ni vključen.
Te metode so vključene v standardu EN IEC 61442: – in dodatku E.
OPOMBA 1: Ta dokument ne izniči obstoječih odobritev izdelkov, prejetih na podlagi nacionalnih standardov in specifikacij in/ali prikazu zadovoljivega delovanja. Vendar se izdelki, odobreni na podlagi omenjenih nacionalnih standardov ali specifikacij, ne morejo neposredno sklicevati na odobritev tega dokumenta.
OPOMBA 2: Odvisno od dogovora med dobaviteljem in kupcem in/ali ustreznim telesom za ocenjevanje skladnosti je mogoče prikazati, da se lahko skladnost s prejšnjimi standardi uporabi za sklicevanje na skladnost s tem dokumentom, če se predhodno oceni, ali je treba izvesti dodatne tipske preskuse. Dodatnih preskusov, ki so del zaporedja preskusov, ni mogoče izvesti posebej.

General Information

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Technical Committee
Drafting Committee
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6060 - Document made available - Publishing
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST HD 629.2 S2:2006
SIST HD 629.2 S2:2006/A1:2009
Preskusne zahteve za pribor, ki se uporablja na elektroenergetskih kablih z
naznačeno napetostjo od 3,6/6(7,2) kV do vključno 20,8/36(42) kV - 3. del:
Prehodne spojke med kabli z impregnirano papirno izolacijo in kabli z ekstrudirano
Test requirements for accessories for use on power cables of rated voltage from 3,6/6
(7,2) kV up to 20,8/36(42) kV - Part 3: Transition joints between cables with impregnated
paper insulation and cables with extruded insulation
Prüfanforderungen für Kabelgarnituren für Starkstromkabel mit einer 12 Nennspannung
von 3,6/6(7,2) kV bis 20,8/36(42) kV 13 Teil 3: Übergangsmuffen für Kabel mit
massegetränkter Papierisolierung 14 und für Kabel mit extrudierter Kunststoffisolierung
Exigences relatives aux essais des accessoires des câbles d'énergie pour des tensions
assignées de 3,6/6(7,2) kV à 20,8/36(42) kV - Partie 3: Jonctions mixtes entre les câbles
isolés au papier imprégné et les câbles à isolation extrudée
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: HD 629.3 S1:2024
29.035.10 Papirni in kartonski izolacijski Paper and board insulating
materiali materials
29.060.20 Kabli Cables
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


ICS 29.035.10; 29.060.20 Supersedes HD 629.2 S2:2006 (PART); HD 629.2
S2:2006/A1:2008 (PART)
English Version
Test requirements for accessories for use on power cables of
rated voltage from 3,6/6(7,2) kV up to 20,8/36(42) kV - Part 3:
Transition joints between cables with impregnated paper
insulation and cables with extruded insulation
Exigences relatives aux essais des accessoires des câbles Prüfanforderungen für Kabelgarnituren für Starkstromkabel
d'énergie pour des tensions assignées de 3,6/6(7,2) kV à mit einer Nennspannung von 3,6/6(7,2) kV bis 20,8/36(42)
20,8/36(42) kV - Partie 3: Jonctions mixtes entre les câbles kV - Teil 3: Übergangsmuffen für Kabel mit
isolés au papier imprégné et les câbles à isolation extrudée massegetränkter Papierisolierung und für Kabel mit
extrudierter Kunststoffisolierung
This Harmonization Document was approved by CENELEC on 2023-12-11. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the
CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for implementation of this Harmonization Document at national level.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national implementations may be obtained on application to the CEN-
CENELEC Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This Harmonization Document exists in three official versions (English, French, German).
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. HD 629.3 S1:2024 E
Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1.1 General . 6
1.2 Type of accessories . 6
1.3 Rated voltage . 6
5.1 Connectors . 9
5.2 Materials . 9
6.1 Identification . 9
6.1.1 Cables . 9
6.1.2 Connectors . 9
6.1.3 Accessories . 9
6.2 Cable conductor nominal cross section . 10
6.2.1 Paper cable . 10
6.2.2 Polymeric cable . 10
6.2.3 Qualification . 10
6.3 Assembly . 11
6.4 Transition joints . 11
6.5 Test arrangements and number of samples . 11
7.1 General . 12
7.2 Connectors . 12
7.3 Cable constructions . 13
7.4 Extension of compliance to paper to paper cable joints. 14
7.5 Extension of compliance from EPR or HEPR to XLPE/paper transition joints. 14
8.1 General . 14
8.2 Dynamic short circuit performance . 14
9.1 General . 15
9.2 Test reports . 15
9.3 Failures . 15
9.3.1 General . 15
9.3.2 Installation or procedure errors . 15
9.3.3 Cable failure . 16
Annex A (normative) Identification . 22
A.1 Identification of test cable (paper insulated) (see 6.1.1 and 9.2) . 22
A.2 Identification of test cable (extruded insulation) (see 6.1.1 and 9.2) . 23
Annex B (normative) Identification of connector (see 6.1.2 and 9.2) . 24
Annex C (normative) Visual examination . 25
C.1 Method . 25
C.2 Examination sheet . 26
C.3 Special requirements for transition joints submitted to test sequence B3R . 26
Annex D (informative) Test for quality check of insulation of paper insulated cable . 27
D.1 Oil bath test . 27
Annex E (normative) Test sequences B3W (Withstand) and B3R (Robustness) . 28
E.1 General . 28
E.2 Purpose . 28
E.3 General test conditions . 28
E.3.1 Test set-up . 28
E.3.2 Mounting of the transition joints . 28
E.4 AC voltage test . 29
E.5 Combined water and conductor cycling test . 29
E.5.1 General . 29
E.5.2 Principle . 29
E.5.3 Water heating cycles . 29
E.5.4 Conductor heating cycles . 29
E.5.5 Recordings . 30
E.6 Electrical heat cycling test in air . 30
E.7 AC breakdown test on set 1 and set 2 samples (for B3R category only) . 30
E.8 AC voltage test (for B3W category only) . 31
E.9 Visual examination . 31
Annex F (informative) Commonly used types of paper insulated cable designs. 32
Bibliography . 33
Table 1 — Selection of nominal cross sections of extruded insulated cable vs paper insulated cable
conductor nominal cross sections . 10
Table 2 — Compliance and qualification scheme for transition joints . 11
Table 3 — Compliance requirements of connectors for joints. 13
Table 4 — Extension of compliance from tested paper cable to other types of paper cable . 13
Table 5 — Compliance from tested extruded cable insulation to other extruded cable insulation . 14
Table 6 — Transition joints between cables with impregnated paper insulation and cables with extruded
insulation (see Table 9) . 17
Table 7 — Additional tests for compliance extension to other conductor connectors . 19
Table 8 — Summary of test voltages (refer to Clause 7) . 20
Table 9 — Test arrangements for transition joints . 21
Figure E.1 — general diagram of the testing set-up . 28
Figure E.2 — heating cycles (principle) . 30

European foreword
This document (HD 629.3 S1:2024) has been prepared by the CLC/TC 20 “Electric cables”.
The following dates are fixe

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