IEC 61231:2010/AMD1:2013
(Amendment)Amendment 1 - International lamp coding system (ILCOS)
Amendment 1 - International lamp coding system (ILCOS)
This specification covers material having a nominal thickness from 0,05 mm to 0,15 mm, supplied either in the form of sheets or rolls.[
]The contents of the corrigendum of August 1995 have been included in this copy.
Amendement 1 - Système international de codification des lampes (ILCOS)
Cette spécification couvre les matériaux ayant une épaisseur nominale de 0,05 à 0,15 mm. Il peut être fourni sous forme de feuilles ou de rouleaux.[
]Le contenu du corrigendum d'août 1995 a été pris en considération dans cet exemplaire.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
IEC 61231 ®
Edition 1.0 2013-06
International lamp coding system (ILCOS)
Système international de codification des lampes (ILCOS)
IEC 61231:2010/A1:2013
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IEC 61231 ®
Edition 1.0 2013-06
International lamp coding system (ILCOS)
Système international de codification des lampes (ILCOS)
ICS 29.140 ISBN 978-2-83220-895-3
– 2 – 61231 Amend.1 © IEC:2013
This amendment has been prepared by subcommittee 34A: Lamps, of IEC technical
committee 34: Lamps and related equipment.
The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:
FDIS Report on voting
34A/1663/FDIS 34A/1680/RVD
Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report
on voting indicated in the above table.
The committee has decided that the contents of this amendment and the base publication will
remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under
"" in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the
publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
61231 Amend.1 © IEC:2013 – 3 –
This proposal serves:
a) the implementation of the low frequency square wave operation in ILCOS (International
Lamp Coding System):
ILCOS L – wattage – lamp voltage range/starting device/current wave form and frequency –
lamp cap – dimensions
b) the implementation of lamps for use in high-pressure mercury equipment under In
order to distinguish this, other lamps are listed as normal lamps under
c) further editorial changes as being presented with PRESCO(RTK)198 and agreed by
Replace entries 5.1 and 5.8 by the following new entries:
5.1 Incandescent lamps – tungsten filament lamps
5.8 LED modules and lamps
2 Normative references
Replace the last reference by the following new reference:
IEC/TR 62732, Three-digit code for designation of colour rendering and correlated colour
4.1 Letter section
Replace the entries for I, S, L, Q and D by the following new entries:
I Incandescent lamps – tungsten filament lamps
S High-pressure sodium vapour lamps
L Low-pressure sodium vapour lamps
Q High-pressure mercury vapour lamps
D LED modules and lamps
4.2 Figure section
Replace the last sentence by the following new sentence:
The sequence and the specific content of the blocks is determined for each lamp category
and described in 5.1 to 5.9.
– 4 – 61231 Amend.1 © IEC:2013
5.1 Tungsten filament lamps
Replace the title of 5.1 by the following new title:
5.1 Incandescent lamps – tungsten filament lamps
5.1.1 ILCOS L for tungsten filament lamps
Replace the title of 5.1.1 with the following new title:
5.1.1 ILCOS L for incandescent lamps – tungsten filament lamps
Replace, in the flow diagram, the existing first line:
Tungsten filament lamps
with the following new line:
Incandescent lamps – tungsten filament lamps
as follows:
Incandescent lamps – tungsten filament lamps
Non-reflector lamps Reflector lamps
Large lamps Compact bulb lamps Other non-reflector lamps
(bulb diameter usually (bulb diameter usually (lamps outside the scope
of IEC 60432-1)
> 45 mm) ≤ 45 mm)
Pear-shaped, mushroom or Candle, round bulb or lamps
lamps with other shapes with other shapes intended
intended for use in the same for use in the same luminaire
Replace, in the list of bulb shapes, the second item:
– B candle (bulged)
with the following new item:
– B bulged (candle)
Replace, the introductory sentence "An example with a modifier is" and its list item, by the
following new introductory sentence and list:
Some examples with modifiers are:
61231 Amend.1 © IEC:2013 – 5 –
– BA bulged (candle) with angular tip
– BF bulged (candle) with flutes twisted.
Replace in the list of examples, the item:
IBBA/C Clear candle lamps with angular tip
by the following new item:
IBBA/C Bulged clear (candle) lamps with angular tip
5.1.2 ILCOS LE for tungsten filament lamps
Replace the title of 5.1.2 by the following new title:
5.1.2 ILCOS LE for incandescent lamps – tungsten filament lamps
5.1.3 ILCOS D for tungsten filament lamps
Replace the title of 5.1.3 with the following new title:
5.1.3 ILCOS D for incandescent lamps – tungsten filament lamps
Replace, in the list of examples, the item:
IBB/W-40---35 White candle lamp, 40 W, nominal diameter 35 mm, rest not specified
by the following new item:
IBB/W-40---35 White bulged (candle) lamp, 40 W, nominal diameter 35 mm, rest not specified
5.2.1 ILCOS L for tungsten halogen lamps
Replace the existing 4th paragraph:
The bulb shape can be indicated after the third or fourth letter as described for tungsten
filament lamps.
by the following new text:
The bulb shape can be indicated after the third or fourth letter as described for incandescent
lamps – tungsten filament lamps.
Replace the existing 5th paragraph:
– 6 – 61231 Amend.1 © IEC:2013
If it is necessary to indicate the bulb finish, special colours or other technical details, this can
be done after one or two slashes as described for tungsten filament lamps (see 5.1.1).
by the following new text:
If it is necessary to indicate the bulb finish, special colours or other technical details, this can
be done after one or two slashes as described for incandescent lamps – tungsten filament
lamps (see 5.1.1).
Replace the list of examples with the following new list:
HSGST Single-ended general purpose halogen lamp, self-shielded, tubular shaped
HDG Double-ended general purpose halogen lamp
HRG Dichroic reflector general purpose halogen lamp
HMGS Metal reflector general purpose halogen lamp, self-shielded
5.3.1 ILCOS L for fluorescent lamps
Replace the existing 4th paragraph:
For FB lamps the shape can be indicated as described for tungsten filament lamps (see
5.1.1). A last letter can be added to indicate:
by the following new text:
For FB lamps the shape can be indicated as described for incandescent lamps – tungsten
filament lamps (see 5.1.1). A last letter can be added to indicate:
Replace the existing 5th paragraph:
Colours or other bulb finishes can be indicated after a slash, as described for tungsten
filament lamps (see 5.1.1).
by the following new text:
Colours or other bulb finishes can be indicated after a slash, as described for incandescent
lamps – tungsten filament lamps (see 5.1.1).
Replace the existing introductory sentence of the 6th paragraph:
Further technical details can be given after a second slash as follows:
by the following new introductory sentence:
Further technical details can be given after a double slash as follows:
5.3.3 ILCOS D for fluorescent lamps
Replace the dashed item "- Wattage …R = 20-39" :
by the following new dashed item:
61231 Amend.1 © IEC:2013 – 7 –
– Wattage: The block specifying wattage can be extended by a slash to give information
concerning the colour rendering index and colour temperature as described in IEC/TR
Replace the existing second example:
FD-36/30/1B-E-G13 Same lamp as …………group 1B (R =80-89)
abbreviated: FD-36/30/1B
by the following new example:
FD-36/830-E-G13 Same lamp as above, but with indication of colour properties,
colour temperature 3 000 K, colour rendering (Ra) = 80-89
abbreviated: FD-36/830
5.4.1 ILCOS L for high-pressure sodium lamps
Replace the title of 5.4.1 by the following new title:
5.4.1 ILCOS L for high-pressure sodium vapour lamps
5.4.2 ILCOS LE for high-pressure sodium lamps
Replace the title and the text of 5.4.2 by the following:
5.4.2 ILCOS LE for high-pressure sodium vapour lamps
Not applicable for high-pressure sodium vapour lamps.
5.4.3 ILCOS D for high-pressure sodium lamps
Replace the title of 5.4.3 by the following new title:
5.4.3 ILCOS D for high-pressure sodium vapour lamps
Replace the list of examples by the following new list:
ST-150-H/E-E40-53/211 High-pressure sodium vapour lamp, tubular clear, 150 W,
voltage range 70 V-180 V, external starting device, cap E40,
maximum diameter 53 mm, maximum overall length 211 mm
abbreviated: ST-150 (usually with external starting device, and with the dimensions
as given)
SEM-150-H/E-E40-91/227 High-pressure sodium vapour lamp, elliptical diffuse coated
bulb, colour improved, 150 W, voltage range 70 V-180 V,
external starting device, cap E40, maximum diameter 91 mm,
maximum overall length 227 mm
abbreviated: SEM-150
– 8 – 61231 Amend.1 © IEC:2013
SEQ-210-H-E40-91/227 High-pressure sodium vapour lamp, elliptical diffuse coated
bulb, for use in high-pressure mercury equipment, 210 W,
voltage range 70 V-180 V, cap E40, maximum diameter
91 mm, maximum overall length 227 mm
abbreviated: SEQ-210
5.5.1 ILCOS L for low-pressure sodium lamps
Replace the title of 5.5.1 by the following new title:
5.5.1 ILCOS L for low-pressure sodium vapour lamps
5.5.2 ILCOS LE for low-pressure sodium lamps
Replace the title and text of 5.5.2 by the following:
5.5.2 ILCOS LE for low-pressure sodium vapour lamps
Not applicable for low-pressure sodium vapour lamps.
5.5.3 ILCOS D for low-pressure sodium lamps
Replace the title of 5.5.3 by the following new title:
5.5.3 ILCOS D for low-pressure sodium vapour lamps
Replace the list of ex
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