CLC/TC 216 - Gas detectors (see also SC 31-9)
To standardize general and specific requirements for the construction, safety, performance and testing for electrical apparatus for sensing the presence of gas or vapour and for providing an indication, alarm and/or other output function, the purpose of which is to give a warning of explosion hazard, fire hazard or health hazard. The standardization work of TC 216 concerns domestic gas detectors and those industrial and commercial gas detectors that are not included in the scope of CLC/SC 31-9. To provide information and guidance, as appropriate, on the selection, installation and operation of such apparatus.
Detektorji plina
To standardize general and specific requirements for the construction, safety, performance and testing for electrical apparatus for sensing the presence of gas or vapour and for providing an indication, alarm and/or other output function, the purpose of which is to give a warning of explosion hazard, fire hazard or health hazard. The standardization work of TC 216 concerns domestic gas detectors and those industrial and commercial gas detectors that are not included in the scope of CLC/SC 31-9. To provide information and guidance, as appropriate, on the selection, installation and operation of such apparatus.
General Information
This document specifies the requirements and test methods concerning, in particular the construction, safety, and fitness for purpose, as well as the capability and marking of a hand-held battery powered pressure and leakage measurement instrument, hereafter referred to as "pressure meters", for gas pipework in buildings, gas pipes of appliances and draught in chimneys. NOTE Areas of application can be supply pressure of gas appliances, nozzle pressure of gas appliances (see relevant instruction manuals of gas appliances) as well as strength test, tightness test and fitness test of gas pipework as defined in EN 1775 (see Annex A) and relevant national standards (see Annex B) for gas pipework in buildings, and draught measurement in chimneys of heating appliances. This document covers pressure meters with the capability of - use with air, natural gas, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), hydrogen and mixtures of natural gas and hydrogen, - measuring pressure in units of bar, mbar, Pa, hPa, kPa, MPa, in H2O, mm H2O, or PSI, - measuring leakage rate in l/h, - withstanding the every-day working environment encountered by installation and service engineers in domestic, commercial, or industrial premises. Such pressure meters might be capable of - being switchable between units by the user, - storing and/or transmitting said measurements to a remote user.
- Standard19 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of electrically operated apparatus for the detection of flammable gases, designed for continuous operation in a fixed installation in household premises. The apparatus can be mains or battery powered. Additional requirements for apparatus to be used in recreational vehicles and similar premises are specified in EN 50194-2. NOTE For caravan holiday homes EN 50194-1 applies. This document specifies four types of apparatus to warn and/or alarm in the event of an escape of town gas, natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Hydrogen and flammable refrigerant gases: — Type A apparatus – provides a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an output signal that can actuate directly or indirectly a shut-off device and/or other ancillary device in the event of an escape of town gas, natural gas (LNG) liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and Hydrogen gases; — Type B apparatus – same as Type A but provides a visual and audible alarm only; — Type C apparatus – provides a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an output signal that can actuate directly or indirectly a shut-off device and/or other ancillary device in the event of an escape of flammable refrigerant gas A2L, A2 or A3 as classified in other International Standards, e.g. ISO 817; — Type D apparatus – intended to be installed where there can be a source of danger to the public, designed for continuous operation in fixed installations in non-classified explosive atmosphere premises (where the requirements for electrical Ex-safety are not requested). Intended for any flammable gases. Typically Type D apparatus are available with analogue or digital output, designed as detection system. These systems are regularly maintained by competent persons and/or have a protection of IP44 or higher. For type D apparatus, EN 60079-29-1 is applied. See Annex C for further clarification on the apparatus types and their application. NOTE Apparatus complying with this document is not considered suitable for installation in potentially explosive atmospheres, in which case the EN 60079 series applies. NOTE Apparatus complying with EN 60079-29-1 will not necessarily comply with this document. This document does not apply to any of the following: — apparatus intended for the detection of dusts or mists in air; — scientific or laboratory-based apparatus used only for analysis or measurement; — apparatus used exclusively for process measurement purposes; — apparatus for medical purposes; — apparatus used for breath alcohol measurement; — apparatus intended for the direct measurement of automotive exhaust gases; — apparatus intended for use in industrial environments.
- Standard37 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document serves as a guide on the selection, installation, use and maintenance of apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide, intended for continuous operation in a fixed installation in domestic premises, caravans and boats. This guide is intended to cover any type of domestic or residential accommodation, including leisure accommodation vehicles such as touring and static caravans, and motor homes; and recreational craft such as canal barges. Some static caravans are used as permanent dwellings; in such cases EN 50291 1 is appropriate. For all other types of caravan, EN 50291 2 is appropriate. This guide is read in conjunction with EN 50291 1 and EN 50291 2 together with any additional relevant national or local regulations. This document refers to the installation of two types of apparatus: a) Type A apparatus, to provide a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an output signal that can be used to actuate directly or indirectly a ventilation or other ancillary device; b) Type B apparatus, to provide a visual and audible alarm only. This document excludes apparatus for the detection of combustible gases (see EN 50244) and for industrial installations or commercial premises.
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of electrically operated refrigerant fixed gas detection equipment in safety applications. This document will not specify requirements for portable locating leak detectors for refrigerant application as already covered by EN 14624:2012. This document is applicable to equipment whose primary purpose is to provide an indication, alarm and/or other output function to warn of the presence of refrigerant gases in an industrial or commercial environment and, in some cases, to initiate automatic or manual protective actions. It is applicable to equipment in which the sensor automatically generates an electrical signal when gas is present. This standard does not apply to gas detection equipment: — for non-refrigerant application; — used for air pollution monitoring; — sampling systems, which are not integral part of the gas detection equipment; — open path gas detection; — residential applications; — process control; — for applications in mines; — portable locating leak detectors for refrigerant application.
- Standard20 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of electrically operated carbon monoxide gas detection apparatus, designed for continuous operation in a fixed installation in recreational vehicles and similar premises including recreational craft. NOTE For caravan holiday homes EN 50291-1 applies. This European Standard specifies apparatus designed to operate in the event of an escape of carbon monoxide and to provide a visual and audible alarms only (Type B of EN 50291-1), or to provide visual and audible alarms and an executive action in the form of an output signal that can actuate directly or indirectly a shut-off device and/or other ancillary device (Type A of EN 50291-1). This European Standard excludes apparatus - for the detection of combustible gases, other than carbon monoxide itself (see EN 50194 1), - for the detection of CO in industrial installations (see EN 45544-1, EN 45544-2 and EN 45544-3) or commercial premises, - for CO measurement for smoke and fire detection.
- Standard11 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies test methods and performance requirements for electrical apparatus for the detection of
combustible gases designed for continuous operation in a fixed installation in recreational vehicles and similar
NOTE 1 For caravan holiday homes EN 50194-1 applies.
This document specifies apparatus designed to operate in the event of an escape of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
and/or petrol (gasoline) vapour and to provide a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an
output signal that can actuate directly or indirectly a shut-off device and/or other ancillary device (Type A of
EN 50194-1).
The document excludes apparatus for the detection of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide (see EN 50291).
Apparatus complying with this document is not considered suitable for industrial or commercial installations for
which EN 60079-29-1 apply.
NOTE 2 Apparatus tested in accordance with EN 60079-29-1 will not necessarily comply with this standard.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of electrically operated carbon monoxide gas detection apparatus, designed for continuous operation in domestic premises. The objective is to detect defective fossil fuel or solid fuel appliances so that they can be repaired or replaced. The function of the standard is not to monitor low levels of CO for health purposes. (Annex F gives recommendations for units displaying low (warning) CO concentrations). The apparatus may be mains-powered or battery-powered. Such apparatus is intended to warn of an acute level of CO, enabling the occupant to react before being exposed to significant risk. Additional requirements for apparatus to be used in recreational vehicles and similar premises are specified in EN 50291-2. NOTE 1 For caravan holiday homes EN 50291-1 applies. This European Standard specifies two types of apparatus, these are: - type A - to provide a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of a transmittable output signal that can be used to actuate directly or indirectly a ventilation or other ancillary device; - type B - to provide a visual and audible alarm only. NOTE 2 Both type A and type B apparatus can be interconnected. This European Standard excludes apparatus for: - the detection of combustible gases, other than carbon monoxide itself (see EN 50194-1); - the detection of CO in industrial installations (see EN 45544-1, EN 45544-2 and EN 45544-3) or commercial premises; - CO measurement for smoke and fire detection; - CO measurement in carparks and tunnels. NOTE 3 See EN 50545-1.
- Standard40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard – translation42 pagesSlovenian languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
TC - in order to correct in-text citations
- Corrigendum1 pageEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Revise NO/NO2 air velocity test so that it can be performed.
- Amendment4 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification provides guidance on the selection, use and maintenance of portable electrical apparatus conforming to EN 50379-1 [4] and EN 50379-2 [5] or EN 50379-3 [6] to: a) measure combustion flue gas parameters of appliances in domestic premises burning 1st, 2nd or 3rd family gases of the following description: 1) Type A, Type B and Type C gas-fired appliances, except those appliances where the appliance instructions (or design, see, prohibit combustion sampling, and, 2) all gas-fired appliances for which the appliance manufacturer has provided a purpose-designed combustion sampling point or specific sampling instructions, b) use as a diagnostic instrument to assist an operative: 1) in confirming satisfactory combustion at the time of commissioning, in accordance with appliance instructions or national or local regulations or standards; 2) in confirming satisfactory combustion at the time of servicing in accordance with national or local regulations or standards or following servicing in accordance with appliance instructions; 3) in confirming satisfactory combustion following maintenance, in accordance with appliance instructions or national or local regulations or standards. NOTE 1 Type A, Type B and Type C classification of gas-fired appliances are defined in 3.1.2 and more fully in CEN/TR 1749 [2]. NOTE 2 Existing national or local regulations or standards conflicting with the guidance in this Technical Specification have precedence over this guidance. NOTE 3 It is not the intention of this Technical Specification to suggest that portable electrical combustion flue gas analysers are to be used as a substitute for normal service and maintenance carried out in accordance with the gas appliance instructions. Clause 9 describes how analysers can be used in conjunction with the appliance instructions. NOTE 4 EN 50379-)1 [4] specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of portable spot reading apparatus designed to check the combustion performance of appliances in domestic premises using commercially available fuels. NOTE 5 EN 50379-2 [5] is for apparatus intended to be used for statutory measurements. In several European countries, legal requirements exist for the performance of heating appliances (see EN 50379-1:2012, informative Annex A [4]). Legal consequences resulting from performance measurements makes for strict requirements for the apparatus used (see EN 50379-1:2012, normative Annexes B and C [4]). NOTE 6 EN 50379-3 [6] is for apparatus intended to be used for non-statutory applications, which allows for reduced performance requirements for the portable electrical apparatus. NOTE 7 This Technical Specification deals with the determination of levels of combustion gases carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and/or oxygen (O2) in combustion products from gas-fired appliances. Combustion products from gas-fired appliances will contain nitrogen oxides (NOX), predominantly nitrogen monoxide (nitric oxide, NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). This Technical Specification does not deal with the measurement of combustion products such as NOX and aldehydes.
- Technical specification28 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This draft European Standard provides information on the selection, installation, use and maintenance of apparatus for the detection of combustible gas designed for continuous operation in a fixed installation in domestic premises as described in the EN 50194 series. This guide should be read in conjunction with any additional relevant national or local regulations. The draft European Standard refers to the installation of two types of apparatus designed to operate in the event of an escape of town gas, natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas: - Type A apparatus - to provide a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an output signal that may actuate directly or indirectly a shut-off device and/or other ancillary device; - Type B apparatus - to provide visual and audible alarms only. This guide is not applicable to the use of apparatus: - for the detection of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, see EN 50292; - for industrial or commercial premises, see EN 60079-29-2.
- Standard16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers apparatus designed for checking the performance of heating appliances by measuring flue gas parameters of gas fired heating appliances for domestic residential and commercial applications. The apparatus may consist of different functional modules which may be tested separately for complying with this standard, and will be combined in different ways according to the different applications. Part 1 of EN 50379 specifies the general requirements and is supplemented by the requirements in EN 50379 2 and/or EN 50379 3. This European Standard specifies the performance requirements of portable spot reading apparatus designed to detect specific combustion flue gas parameters, such as concentration of gaseous compounds, temperature and/or pressure, to be used to decide if maintenance for the appliance is required and for adjusting the appliance during maintenance. This European Standard excludes apparatus for – checking appliances using fuels other than gas, – continuous emission, safety monitoring and control, and – use in vessels with an international load line. NOTE 1 When this apparatus is used in industrial premises, national regulations should be observed. NOTE 2 Apparatus may contain functional modules which are not covered by this standard e.g. measurement of smoke spot number (see EN 267:2009+A1:2011, Annex A) and/or measurement of indoor ambient air (see EN 50543).
- Standard11 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard11 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers apparatus for measuring gas concentrations and other combustion parameters, as used in the installation and maintenance of heating appliances. Such apparatus may be used for testing the performance of appliances for different types of fuels, either by the installer, maintenance engineer or inspector. The apparatus may consist of different functional modules, which may be tested separately for complying with this standard and will be combined in different ways according to the different applications. This part of EN 50379 specifies the general requirements and is supplemented by the requirements in EN 50379 2 and/or EN 50379 3. This European Standard specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of portable spot reading apparatus designed to give an assessment of specific combustion flue gas parameters, such as concentration of gaseous compounds, temperature and/or pressure, to check the combustion performance of heating appliances for domestic residential and commercial applications, using commercially available fuels. This European Standard excludes apparatus for – continuous emission, safety monitoring and control, and – use in vessels with an international load line. NOTE 1 When this apparatus is used in industrial premises national regulations may apply. NOTE 2 Apparatus may contain functional modules which are not covered by this standard e.g. measurement of smoke spot number (see EN 267:2009+A1:2011, Annex A) and/or measurement of indoor ambient air (see EN 50543).
- Standard36 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard36 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers apparatus designed to measure flue gas parameters of heating appliances for domestic residential and commercial applications using commercially available fuels in compliance with metrological specification. The apparatus may consist of different functional modules that may be tested separately for complying with this standard and will be combined in different ways according to the different applications. Part 1 of EN 50379 specifies the general requirements and is supplemented by the requirements in EN 50379 2 and/or EN 50379 3. This European Standard specifies the performance requirements of portable spot reading apparatus designed to give a measurement of specific combustion flue gas parameters such as concentration of gaseous compounds, temperature and/or pressure to be used for testing the compliance with national regulations for the above mentioned appliances. This European Standard excludes apparatus for – continuous emission, safety monitoring and control, and – use in vessels with an international load line. NOTE 1 When this apparatus is used in industrial premises, national regulations should be observed. NOTE 2 Apparatus may contain functional modules that are not covered by this standard e.g. measurement of smoke spot number (see EN 267:2009+A1:2011, Annex A) and/or measurement of indoor ambient air (see EN 50543).
- Standard11 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard11 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard applies to apparatus for the detection and/or the measurement of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) intended to control a ventilation system and/or to give an indication, alarm or any other signal to warn of a toxic hazard. These three gases are generically called “target gases” for the purpose of this European Standard. National and local regulations might not require detection of NO or NO2 and might require detection of other gases or vapours. This European Standard includes requirements for remote gas sensors (RGS) to be used in car parks and tunnels and requirements for the control unit (CU) to be used in car parks. This European Standard specifies general requirements for construction and testing and describes the test methods that apply to fixed apparatus for the detection and/or the measurement of the concentration of the target gases in car parks and tunnels. This European Standard may also be applied to similar applications where the concentration of the target gases could lead to a risk to health, for example loading areas for trucks and underground bus stations. This European Standard also applies when an apparatus manufacturer makes any claims regarding superior performance that exceeds these minimum requirements. This European Standard applies to apparatus, including the sampling system if applicable. This European Standard does not specify requirements for apparatus to be installed in hazardous areas. This European Standard does not apply for applications already covered by the following standards: – domestic premises, covered by EN 50291-1; – boats, craft, caravans or mobile homes, covered by EN 50291-2; – workplace atmospheres, covered by EN 45544 series; – emissions of heaters, covered by EN 50379 series; – motor vehicles emissions, covered by ISO/PAS 3930; – monitoring of the LEL level of combustible gases, covered by EN 60079-29-1. This European Standard does not apply for the following applications and technologies: – confined spaces not accessible to people; – laboratory or analytical equipment; – apparatus used to control industrial processes; – portable and transportable apparatus; – open path gas detection; – tunnel construction; – monitoring of particulates and dust; – monitoring of combustible gases; – CO monitoring for fire detection.
- Standard31 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements for the construction, testing and performance of electronic portable and transportable apparatus for the detection and measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) and/or carbon monoxide (CO) in indoor ambient air, which includes air entering mechanical ventilation systems in domestic residential, commercial and industrial premises and public buildings. This European Standard includes indoor air quality apparatus with CO and CO2 measuring capabilities. This European Standard excludes: • apparatus used in workplace atmospheres for the direct detection and direct concentration measurement of toxic gases and vapours (i.e. conforming to EN 45544 series); • electronic portable combustion gas analysers (i.e. conforming to EN 50379 series); • apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide in domestic premises (i.e. conforming to EN 50291 series). NOTE 1 Examples of applications are monitoring indoor air quality, measuring CO and/or CO2 concentrations in commercial laundry and kitchen environments, assessing the safe operation of appliances installed in compartments. NOTE 2 When this apparatus is used in industrial premises national regulations may apply.
- Standard14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This guide provides information on the selection, installation, use and maintenance of apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide, intended for continuous operation in a fixed installation in domestic premises, caravans and boats. It is the intent of this guide to cover any type of domestic or residential accommodation, including leisure accommodation vehicles such as touring and static caravans, and motor homes; and recreational craft such as canal barges. It should be read in conjunction with EN 50291-1 and EN 50291-2 together with any additional relevant national or local regulations. The guide refers to the installation of two types of apparatus: Type A apparatus - to provide a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an output signal that can be used to actuate directly or indirectly a ventilation or other ancillary device. Type B apparatus - to provide a visual and audible alarm only. This guide excludes apparatus: • for the detection of combustible gases (see EN 50244); • for industrial installations or commercial premises.
- Standard20 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of electrically operated apparatus for the detection of combustible gases, designed for continuous operation in a fixed installation in domestic premises. The apparatus may be mains or battery powered. Additional requirements for apparatus to be used in recreational vehicles and similar premises are specified in EN 50194-2. NOTE 1 For caravan holiday homes EN 50194-1 applies. This European Standard specifies two types of apparatus to operate in the event of an escape of town gas, natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG): - Type A apparatus - to provide a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an output signal that may actuate directly or indirectly a shut-off device and/or other ancillary device; - Type B apparatus - to provide a visual and audible alarm only. This European Standard excludes apparatus for the detection of toxic hazards of gases such as carbon monoxide (see EN 50291-1 and EN 50291-2). Apparatus complying with this standard is not considered suitable for industrial or commercial installations for which EN 60079-29-1 apply. NOTE 2 Apparatus tested in accordance with EN 60079-29-1 will not necessarily comply with this European Standard.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Corrigendum editing allocated to
- Corrigendum4 pagesGerman languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
To correct the EMC levels in EN 50291-2:2010
- Draft15 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
2016-05-10: WI deleted following the 3-Y timeframe rules.
2015-08-05: Second tolerance allocated by BT (D151/C077)
DOW=DAV + 21 months
2014-06-20: Please include comments from ANEC when preparing the VR and comments.
This revision replaces EN 50291-1:2010/prA (PR=22968 - see TC 216 report of 2012-06-06).
2013-03-14: 9-month tolerance allocated on TC request
- Draft48 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
To correct the EMC levels in EN 50194-2
- Amendment8 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
2012-04-03 - Publication editing allocated to
- Amendment6 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification provides guidance on the selection, use and maintenance of portable electrical apparatus conforming to EN 50379 1 [4] and EN 50379 2 [5] or EN 50379 3 [6] designed to measure combustion flue gas parameters of Type B and Type C gas-fired central heating boilers (hereafter referred to as boilers) using 1st, 2nd or 3rd family gases in domestic premises as a diagnostic instrument to assist an operative: a) in confirming satisfactory combustion at the time of commissioning, in accordance with appliance instructions or national or local regulations or standards; b) in confirming satisfactory combustion at the time of servicing in accordance with national or local regulations or standards or following servicing in accordance with appliance instructions; c) in confirming satisfactory combustion following maintenance, in accordance with appliance instructions or national or local regulations or standards. NOTE 1 Type B and Type C classification of gas-fired appliances are described in CEN/TR 1749 [1]. NOTE 2 Existing national or local regulations or standards conflicting with the guidance in this Technical Specification have precedence over this guidance. NOTE 3 It is not the intention of this Technical Specification to suggest that portable electrical combustion flue gas analysers are to be used as a substitute for normal service and maintenance carried out in accordance with the appliance instructions. Clause 9 describes how analysers can be used in conjunction with the appliance instructions. NOTE 4 EN 50379 1 [4] specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of portable spot reading apparatus designed to check the combustion performance of heating appliances in domestic premises, using commercially available fuels. NOTE 5 EN 50379 2 [5] is for apparatus intended to be used for statutory measurements. In several European countries, legal requirements exist for the performance of heating appliances (see informative Annex A of EN 50379 1:2012 [4]). Legal consequences resulting from performance measurements makes for strict requirements for the apparatus used (see normative Annexes B and C of EN 50379 1:2012 [4]). NOTE 6 EN 50379 3 [6] is for apparatus intended to be used for non-statutory applications, which allows for reduced performance requirements for the portable electrical apparatus. NOTE 7 This Technical Specification deals with the determination of levels of combustion gases such as carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in combustion products from boilers. Combustion products from boilers will contain nitrogen oxides (NOX), predominantly nitrogen monoxide (nitric oxide, NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). This Technical Specification does not deal with the measurement of combustion products such as NOX and aldehydes.
- Technical specification23 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of electrically operated carbon monoxide gas detection apparatus, designed for continuous operation in a fixed installation in recreational vehicles and similar premises including recreational craft. NOTE For caravan holiday homes EN 50291-1 applies. This European Standard specifies apparatus designed to operate in the event of an escape of carbon monoxide and to provide a visual and audible alarms only (Type B of EN 50291-1), or to provide visual and audible alarms and an executive action in the form of an output signal that can actuate directly or indirectly a shut-off device and/or other ancillary device (Type A of EN 50291-1). This European Standard excludes apparatus for the detection of combustible gases, other than carbon monoxide itself (see EN 50194 1), for the detection of CO in industrial installations (see EN 45544-1, EN 45544-2 and EN 45544-3) or commercial premises, for CO measurement for smoke and fire detection
- Standard14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of electrically operated carbon monoxide gas detection apparatus, designed for continuous operation in domestic premises. The apparatus may be mains or battery powered. Such apparatus is intended to warn of an accumulation of CO, enabling the occupant to react before being exposed to significant risk. Additional requirements for apparatus to be used in recreational vehicles and similar premises are specified in EN 50291-2. NOTE For caravan holiday homes EN 50291-1 applies. This European Standard specifies two types of apparatus, these are • type A – to provide a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an output signal that can be used to actuate directly or indirectly a ventilation or other ancillary device, and • type B – to provide a visual and audible alarm only. This European Standard excludes apparatus – for the detection of combustible gases, other than carbon monoxide itself (see EN 50194 1), – for the detection of CO in industrial installations (see EN 45544-1, EN 45544-2 and EN 45544-3) or commercial premises, – for CO measurement for smoke and fire detection.
- Standard22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Clause of EN 50194 is replaced by: This European Standard specifies test methods and performance requirements for electrical apparatus for the detection of combustible gases designed for continuous operation in a fixed installation in recreational vehicles and similar premises. NOTE 1 For caravan holiday homes EN 50194 applies. This standard specifies apparatus designed to operate in the event of an escape of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and/or petrol (gasoline) vapour and to provide a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an output signal that can actuate directly or indirectly a shut-off device and/or other ancillary device (Type A of EN 50194). The standard excludes apparatus for the detection of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide (see EN 50291). Apparatus complying with this standard is not considered suitable for industrial or commercial installations for which EN 61779-1 and EN 61779-4 apply. NOTE 2 Apparatus tested in accordance with the EN 61779 series of standards will not necessarily comply with this standard.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers apparatus for measuring gas concentrations and other combustion parameters, as used in the installation and maintenance of heating appliances. Such apparatus may be used for testing the performance of appliances for different types of fuels, either by the installer, maintenance engineer or inspector. The apparatus may consist of different functional modules, which may be tested separately for complying with this standard and will be combined in different ways according to the different applications. The apparatus shall comply with requirements as specified in EN 50379 2 and/or EN 50379 3. This European Standard specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of portable spot reading apparatus designed to give an assessment of specific combustion flue gas parameters, such as concentration of gaseous compounds, temperature and/or pressure, to check the combustion performance of heating appliances for domestic residential and commercial applications, using commercially available fuels. This standard excludes apparatus for – continuous emission, safety monitoring and control, and – use in vessels with an international load line. NOTE 1 When this apparatus is used in industrial premises national regulations may apply. NOTE 2 Apparatus may contain functional modules which are not covered by this standard e.g. measurement of smoke spot number (see Annex A of EN 267).
- Standard33 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers apparatus designed to measure flue gas parameters of heating appliances for domestic residential and commercial applications using commercially available fuels in compliance with metrological specification. The apparatus may consist of different functional modules that may be tested separately for complying with this standard and will be combined in different ways according to the different applications. The apparatus shall comply with the general requirements as specified in EN 50379 1 and the performance requirements of EN 50379 2. This European Standard specifies the performance requirements of portable spot reading apparatus designed to give a measurement of specific combustion flue gas parameters such as concentration of gaseous compounds, temperature and/or pressure to be used for testing the compliance with national regulations for the above mentioned appliances. This standard excludes apparatus for – continuous emission, safety monitoring and control, and – use in vessels with an international load line. NOTE 1 When this apparatus is used in industrial premises, national regulations shall be observed. NOTE 2 Apparatus may contain functional modules that are not covered by this standard e.g. measurement of smoke spot number (see Annex A of EN 267).
- Standard11 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers apparatus designed for checking the performance of heating appliances by measuring flue gas parameters of gas fired heating appliances for domestic residential and commercial applications. The apparatus may consist of different functional modules which may be tested separately for complying with this standard, and will be combined in different ways according to the different applications. The apparatus shall comply with the general requirements as specified in EN 50379 1 and the performance requirements of EN 50379 3. This European Standard specifies the performance requirements of portable spot reading apparatus designed to detect specific combustion flue gas parameters, such as concentration of gaseous compounds, temperature and/or pressure, to be used to decide if maintenance for the appliance is required and for adjusting the appliance during maintenance. This standard excludes apparatus for – checking appliances using fuels other than gas, – continuous emission, safety monitoring and control, and – use in vessels with an international load line. NOTE 1 When this apparatus is used in industrial premises, national regulations shall be observed. NOTE 2 Apparatus may contain functional modules which are not covered by this standard e.g. measurement of smoke spot number (see Annex A of EN 267).
- Standard10 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of electrically operated gas detection apparatus, designed for fixed installation in domestic premises, to give a warning alarm in the event of a hazardous accumulation of carbon monoxide. For the purposes of this draft standard, domestic premises will encompass recreational vehicles, houseboats, etc. if there is a similar potential hazard to human occupants.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This guide provides information on the selection, installation, use and maintenance of apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide, intended for continuous operation in domestic premises. It should be read in conjunction with EN 50291, together with any additional relevant national or local regulations. The guide refers to the installation of two types of apparatus: Type A apparatus - to provide a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an output signal that can be used to actuate directly or indirectly a ventilation or other ancillary device. Type B apparatus - to provide a visual and audible alarm only. This guide excludes apparatus: • for the detection of combustible gases (see EN 50244); • for industrial installations or commercial premises; • for use in boats, caravans or mobile homes.
- Standard17 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This guide provides information on the selection, installation, use and maintenance of apparatus for the detection of combustible gas designed for continuous operation in a fixed installation in domestic premises as described in EN 50194. This guide should be read in conjunction with any additional relevant national or local regulations. The guide refers to the installation of two types of apparatus designed to operate in the event of an escape of town gas, natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas: Type A apparatus - to provide a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an output signal that may actuate directly or indirectly a shut-off device and/or other ancillary device. Type B apparatus - to provide visual and audible alarm only. This guide is not applicable to the use of apparatus: used in boats, caravans or mobile homes; for the detection of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, see EN 50292; for industrial or commercial premises, see EN 50073.
- Standard13 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Superseded by EN 50194-1:2009
- Standard22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day