IEC 61968-9:2024 specifies the information content of a set of message types that can be used to support many of the business functions related to meter reading and control. Typical uses of the message types include meter reading, controls, events, customer data synchronization and customer switching. Although intended primarily for electrical distribution networks, IEC 61968-9 can be used for other metering applications, including non-electrical metered quantities necessary to support gas and water networks. The purpose of this document is to define a standard for the integration of metering systems (MS), which includes traditional manual systems, and (one or two-way) automated meter reading (AMR) systems, and meter data management (MDM) systems with other enterprise systems and business functions within the scope of IEC 61968. The scope of this document is the exchange of information between metering systems, MDM systems and other systems within the utility enterprise. The specific details of communication protocols those systems employ are outside the scope of this document. Instead, this document will recognize and model the general capabilities that can be potentially provided by advanced and/or legacy meter infrastructures, including two-way communication capabilities such as load control, dynamic pricing, outage detection, distributed energy resource (DER) control signals and on-request read. In this way, this document will not be impacted by the specification, development and/or deployment of next generation meter infrastructures either through the use of standards or proprietary means. The focus of IEC 61968-9 is to define standard messages for the integration of enterprise applications, these messages may be directly or indirectly related to information flows within a broader scope. Examples would include messaging between head end systems and meters or PAN devices. The various components described later in this document will typically fall into either the category of a metering system (MS) head end, an MDM or other enterprise application (e.g. OMS, DRMS, CIS). The capabilities and information provided by a meter reading and meter data management systems are important for a variety of purposes, including (but not limited to) interval data, time-based demand data, time-based energy data (usage and production), outage management, service interruption, service restoration, quality of service monitoring, distribution network analysis, distribution planning, demand response, customer billing and work management. This standard also extends the CIM (Common Information Model) to support the exchange of meter data. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. Please see the foreword of IEC 61968-9 for further details.

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IEC 61970-457:2024 specifies a standard interface for exchanging dynamic model information needed to support the analysis of the steady state stability (small-signal stability) and/or transient stability of a power system or parts of it. The schema(s) for expressing the dynamic model information are derived directly from the CIM, more specifically from IEC 61970-302. The scope of this document includes only the dynamic model information that needs to be exchanged as part of a dynamic study, namely the type, description and parameters of each control equipment associated with a piece of power system equipment included in the steady state solution of a complete power system network model. Therefore, this profile is dependent upon other standard profiles for the equipment as specified in IEC 61970-452: CIM static transmission network model profiles, the topology, the steady state hypothesis and the steady state solution (as specified in IEC 61970-456: Solved power system state profiles) of the power system, which bounds the scope of the exchange. The profile information described by this document needs to be exchanged in conjunction with IEC 61970-452 and IEC 61970-456 profiles’ information to support the data requirements of transient analysis tools. IEC 61970-456 provides a detailed description of how different profile standards can be combined to form various types of power system network model exchanges. This document supports the exchange of the following types of dynamic models: • standard models: a simplified approach to exchange, where models are contained in predefined libraries of classes interconnected in a standard manner that represent dynamic behaviour of elements of the power system. The exchange only indicates the name of the model along with the attributes needed to describe its behaviour. • proprietary user-defined models: an exchange that would provide users the ability to exchange the parameters of a model representing a vendor or user proprietary device where an explicit description of the model is not described in this document. The connections between the proprietary models and standard models are the same as described for the standard models exchange. Recipient of the data exchange will need to contact the sender for the behavioural details of the model. This document builds on IEC 61970-302, CIM for dynamics which defines the descriptions of the standard dynamic models, their function block diagrams, and how they are interconnected and associated with the static network model. This type of model information is assumed to be pre-stored by all software applications hence it is not necessary to be exchanged in real-time or as part of a dynamics model exchange. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2021. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) The majority of issues detected in IEC 61970-302:2018 and fixed in IEC 61970-302:2022 led to update of this document; b) IEEE 421.5-2016 on Excitation systems is fully covered; c) IEEE turbine report from 2013 was considered and as a result a number of gas, steam and hydro turbines/governors are added; d) IEC 61400-27-1:2020 on wind turbines is fully incorporated; e) WECC Inverter-Based Resource (IBR) models, Hybrid STATCOM models and storage models are added; f) The user defined models approach was enhanced in IEC 61970-302:2022 adding a model which enables modelling of a detailed dynamic model. This results in the creation of two additional pr

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IEC 61970-302:2024 specifies a Dynamics package which contains part of the CIM to support the exchange of models between software applications that perform analysis of the steady-state stability (small-signal stability) or transient stability of a power system as defined by IEEE / CIGRE, Definition and classification of power system stability IEEE/CIGRE joint task force on stability terms and definitions. The model descriptions in this document provide specifications for each type of dynamic model as well as the information that needs to be included in dynamic case exchanges between planning/study applications. The scope of the CIM Dynamics package specified in this document includes: • standard models: a simplified approach to describing dynamic models, where models representing dynamic behaviour of elements of the power system are contained in predefined libraries of classes which are interconnected in a standard manner. Only the names of the selected elements of the models along with their attributes are needed to describe dynamic behaviour. • proprietary user-defined models: an approach providing users the ability to define the parameters of a dynamic behaviour model representing a vendor or user proprietary device where an explicit description of the model is not provided by this document. The same libraries and standard interconnections are used for both proprietary user-defined models and standard models. The behavioural details of the model are not documented in this document, only the model parameters. • A model to enable exchange of models’ descriptions. This approach can be used to describe user defined and standard models. • A model to enable exchange of simulation results. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2018. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) The majority of issues detected in IEC 61970-302:2018 are addressed; b) IEEE 421.5-2016 on Excitation systems is fully covered; c) The IEEE turbine report from 2013 was considered and as a result a number of gas, steam and hydro turbines/governors are added; d) IEC 61400-27-1:2020 on wind turbines is fully incorporated; e) WECC Inverter-Based Resource (IBR) models, Hybrid STATCOM models and storage models are added; f) The user defined models are enhanced with a model which enables modelling of detailed dynamic model; g) A model to enable exchange of simulation results is added; h) The work on the HVDC models is not complete. The HVDC dynamics models are a complex domain in which there are no models that are approved or widely recognised on international level, i.e. there are only project-based models. At this stage IEC 61970-302:2022 only specifies some general classes. However, it is recognised that better coverage of HVDC will require a further edition of this document; i) Models from IEEE 1547-2018 "IEEE Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces" are added. j) Statements have been added to certain figures, tables, schemas, and enumerations throughout the document that indicate that they are reproduced with the permission of the UCA International User Group (UCAIug). These items are derived from the CIM.

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IEC 62351-3:2023 specifies how to provide confidentiality, integrity protection, and message level authentication for protocols that make use of TCP/IP as a message transport layer and utilize Transport Layer Security when cyber-security is required. This may relate to SCADA and telecontrol protocols, but also to additional protocols if they meet the requirements in this document. IEC 62351-3 specifies how to secure TCP/IP-based protocols through constraints on the specification of the messages, procedures, and algorithms of Transport Layer Security (TLS) (TLSv1.2 defined in RFC 5246, TLSv1.3 defined in RFC 8446). In the specific clauses, there will be subclauses to note the differences and commonalities in the application depending on the target TLS version. The use and specification of intervening external security devices (e.g., "bump-in-the-wire") are considered out-of-scope. In contrast to previous editions of this document, this edition is self-contained in terms of completely defining a profile of TLS. Hence, it can be applied directly, without the need to specify further TLS parameters, except the port number, over which the communication will be performed. Therefore, this part can be directly utilized from a referencing standard and can be combined with further security measures on other layers. Providing the profiling of TLS without the need for further specifying TLS parameters allows declaring conformity to the described functionality without the need to involve further IEC 62351 documents. This document is intended to be referenced as a normative part of other IEC standards that have the need for providing security for their TCP/IP-based protocol exchanges under similar boundary conditions. However, it is up to the individual protocol security initiatives to decide if this document is to be referenced. The document also defines security events for specific conditions, which support error handling, security audit trails, intrusion detection, and conformance testing. Any action of an organization in response to events to an error condition described in this document are beyond the scope of this document and are expected to be defined by the organization’s security policy. This document reflects the security requirements of the IEC power systems management protocols. Should other standards bring forward new requirements, this document may need to be revised. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2014, Amendment 1:2018 and Amendment 2:2020. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Inclusion of the TLSv1.2 related parameter required in IEC 62351-3 Ed.1.2 to be specified by the referencing standard. This comprises the following parameter: • Mandatory TLSv1.2 cipher suites to be supported. • Specification of session resumption parameters. • Specification of session renegotiation parameters. • Revocation handling using CRL and OCSP. • Handling of security events. b) Inclusion of a TLSv1.3 profile to be applicable for the power system domain in a similar way as for TLSv1.2 session.

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IEC 62351-9:2023 specifies cryptographic key management, primarily focused on the management of long-term keys, which are most often asymmetric key pairs, such as public-key certificates and corresponding private keys. As certificates build the base this document builds a foundation for many IEC 62351 services (see also Annex A). Symmetric key management is also considered but only with respect to session keys for group-based communication as applied in IEC 62351-6. The objective of this document is to define requirements and technologies to achieve interoperability of key management by specifying or limiting key management options to be used. This document assumes that an organization (or group of organizations) has defined a security policy to select the type of keys and cryptographic algorithms that will be utilized, which may have to align with other standards or regulatory requirements. This document therefore specifies only the management techniques for these selected key and cryptography infrastructures. This document assumes that the reader has a basic understanding of cryptography and key management principles. The requirements for the management of pairwise symmetric (session) keys in the context of communication protocols is specified in the parts of IEC 62351 utilizing or specifying pairwise communication such as: • IEC 62351-3 for TLS by profiling the TLS options • IEC 62351-4 for the application layer end-to-end security • IEC TS 62351-5 for the application layer security mechanism for IEC 60870-5-101/104 and IEEE 1815 (DNP3) The requirements for the management of symmetric group keys in the context of power system communication protocols is specified in IEC 62351-6 for utilizing group security to protect GOOSE and SV communication. IEC 62351-9 utilizes GDOI as already IETF specified group-based key management protocol to manage the group security parameter and enhances this protocol to carry the security parameter for GOOSE, SV, and PTP. This document also defines security events for specific conditions which could identify issues which might require error handling. However, the actions of the organisation in response to these error conditions are beyond the scope of this document and are expected to be defined by the organizations security policy. In the future, as public-key cryptography becomes endangered by the evolution of quantum computers, this document will also consider post-quantum cryptography to a certain extent. Note that at this time being no specific measures are provided. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2017. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Certificate components and verification of the certificate components have been added; b) GDOI has been updated to include findings from interop tests; c) GDOI operation considerations have been added; d) GDOI support for PTP (IEEE 1588) support has been added as specified by IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3 Power Profile; e) Cyber security event logging has been added as well as the mapping to IEC 62351-14; f) Annex B with background on utilized cryptographic algorithms and mechanisms has been added.

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This part of IEC 62351 defines the application authentication mechanism (A-profile) specifying messages, procedures and algorithms for securing the operation of all protocols based on or derived from IEC 60870-5: Telecontrol Equipment and Systems - Transmission Protocols. This Standard applies to at least those protocols listed in Table 1. [Table 1] The initial audience for this International Standard is intended to be the members of the working groups developing the protocols listed in Table 1. For the measures described in this standard to take effect, they must be accepted and referenced by the specifications for the protocols themselves. This document is written to enable that process. The working groups in charge of take this standard to the specific protocols listed in Table 1 may choose not to do so. The subsequent audience for this specification is intended to be the developers of products that implement these protocols. Portions of this standard may also be of use to managers and executives in order to understand the purpose and requirements of the work. This document is organized working from the general to the specific, as follows: - Clauses 2 through 4 provide background terms, definitions, and references. - Clause 5 describes the problems this specification is intended to address. - Clause 6 describes the mechanism generically without reference to a specific protocol. - Clauses 7 and 8 describe the mechanism more precisely and are the primary normative part of this specification. - Clause 9 define the interoperability requirements for this authentication mechanism. - Clause 10 describes the requirements for other standards referencing this specification Unless specifically labelled as informative or optional, all clauses of this specification are normative.

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This document describes how IEC 61970-450 (all parts), IEC 61970-600 (all parts) profile specifications are structured and created. Profile specifications describe a subset of the Canonical CIM dedicated to a specific data exchange. The Canonical CIM is described in IEC 61970-300 (all parts) as well as in IEC 61968-11. Rules for creation or extension of Canonical CIM are outside the scope of this document. This document specifies the structure of a profile specification and the rules for selecting subsets of information from the Canonical CIM. It standardizes the operations used to create the profile elements from the Canonical CIM. As Canonical CIM is described in UML the operations are described in terms of UML classes, attributes, and roles. It is possible to map UML to RDFS or OWL, so any of the languages UML, RDFS or OWL can be used to describe the created profiles. Specification of languages (UML, RDFS or OWL) used to describe profiles as well as how profiles are presented and edited in user interfaces are outside the scope of this document. Languages used to describe profiles are specified in other specifications. Relevant specifications are referenced in Clause 2. UML supports adding free text that describes further restrictions on UML constructs, e.g. classes, attribute values, association roles and cardinalities. Languages such as OCL and SHACL are dedicated to describing constraints. OCL is used to describe constraints for object data described in UML while SHACL is used to describe constraints on graph data described by RDFS or OWL. OCL is within the scope of this document, but SHACL is not. This document supports profiles describing data exchanged as CIMXML datasets or messages. The exchange format within the scope is in accordance with IEC 61970-552 but other formats are possible. Tool interoperability and serialisation formats are outside the scope of this document.

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IEC 62325-451-8:2022 specifies a UML package for the HVDC Link scheduling business process and its associated document contextual models, assembly models and XML schemas for use within the European style electricity markets. This part of IEC 62325 is based on the European style market contextual model (IEC 62325-351). The business process covered by this part of IEC 62325 is described in Subclause 5.3. The relevant aggregate core components (ACCs) defined in IEC 62325-351 have been contextualised into aggregated business information entities (ABIEs) to satisfy the requirements of the European style market HVDC Link scheduling business process.

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This part of IEC 61968 specifies the information content of a set of message types that can be used to support many of the business functions related to records and asset management. Typical uses of the message types defined in this document include network extension planning, copying feeder or other network data between systems, network or diagram edits and asset inspection. Message types defined in other parts of IEC 61968 may also be relevant to these use cases.

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1.1 General This International Standard is Part 100 of IEC 61968. It defines how messages may be exchanged between co-operating systems in order to facilitate the transfer of application-specific data. Such application-specific data include but are not limited to the message payloads defined in IEC 61968 (Parts 3-9 and Part 13), IEC 61970 and IEC 62325. 1.2 About This International Standard This International Standard provides normative definitions for: - a set of message archetypes (clause 5); - a set of message exchange patterns that both sending and receiving systems are expected to implement (clause 6); - the exact format of the messages that are to be transmitted over the various integration technologies including a precise description of the information that each message must contain (clause 7); - a set of constraints and conventions to which applications must adhere in order to facilitate message exchange using IEC 61968-100 (clause 8); - the details of how IEC 61968-100 messages should be implemented using various underlying transport mechanisms (clause 9). 1.3 What is not covered by this International Standard Security considerations lie outside the scope of IEC 61968-100. This document defers to the IEC 62351 series for definitions and practices relating to the secure transmission of messages. 1.4 Future Considerations 1.4.1 Choice of Encoding Mechanisms IEC 61968-100:2021 prescribes XML as the normative encoding mechanism for all messages defined by this International Standard. Future editions of IEC 61968-100 may specify additional normative encoding methods including support for IEC 62361-104. The latter defines encodings to facilitate the exchange of information in the form of JSON documents whose semantics are defined by the IEC CIM and whose syntax is defined by an IETF JSON schema. 1.4.2 Choice of Web Service Technologies IEC 61968-100:2021 provides normative definitions for the use of SOAP Web Services (clause 9.2) and Java Messaging Service (clause 9.3) for the transport of messages. Future editions of IEC 61968-100 may specify additional normative web service technologies such as REST.

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IEC 61970-456:2021 belongs to the IEC 61970-450 to IEC 61970-499 series that, taken as a whole, defines at an abstract level the content and exchange mechanisms used for data transmitted between power system analyses applications, control centres and/or control centre components. The purpose of this document is to rigorously define the subset of classes, class attributes, and roles from the CIM necessary to describe the result of state estimation, power flow and other similar applications that produce a steady-state solution of a power network, under a set of use cases which are included informatively in this document. This document is intended for two distinct audiences, data producers and data recipients, and can be read from those two perspectives. From the standpoint of model export software used by a data producer, the document defines how a producer may describe an instance of a network case in order to make it available to some other program. From the standpoint of a consumer, the document defines what that importing software must be able to interpret in order to consume power flow cases. There are many different use cases for which use of this document is expected and they differ in the way that the document will be applied in each case. Implementers are expected to consider what use cases they wish to cover in order to know the extent of different options they must cover. As an example, the profiles defined in this document will be used in some cases to exchange starting conditions rather than solved conditions, so if this is an important use case, it means that a consumer application needs to be able to handle an unsolved state as well as one which has met some solution criteria. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2018. This edition constitutes a technical revision. It is based on the IEC 61970 UML version ‘IEC61970CIM17v40’, dated 2020-08-24. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Updated to support CIM17 (IEC 61970-301:2020+AMD1) and align with IEC 61970‑452:ED4. b) The classes PowerElectronicsConnection, PowerElectronicsUnit and PowerElectronicsWindUnit are added to the Steady State Hypothesis (SSH) profile to match the changes done for Edition 4 of IEC 61970-452 , Core Equipment profile. c) Added relevant terms used in this document. d) Clarified use of Equipment.inService and Equipment.normallyInService.

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1.1 General This part of IEC 61850 specifies a method of exchanging data through any kinds of network, including public networks. Among the various kinds of services specified in IEC 61850-7-2, only the client/server and time synchronization services are considered so far. NOTE Client/server services of GOOSE and SMV models are mapped as well (see Table 1). For the client/server services, the principle is to map the objects and services of the ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface defined in IEC 61850-7-2) to XML messages transported over XMPP. The mapping description includes mainly three aspects: - The usage of the XMPP protocol itself, describing in details which features are really used and how they are used by the mapping (see Clause 6). - How to achieve end-to-end secured communications (see Clause 7). - The description of the XML payloads corresponding to each ACSI service thanks in particular to the XML Schema and XML message examples (starting at Clause 9). NOTE 1 This document does not address the detailed usage of the XMPP protocol. NOTE 2 This document does not address system management services. NOTE 3 For the information of people familiar with the mapping defined in IEC 61850-8-1, the XML messages defined in the present document are derived from those defined in IEC 61850-8-1 but with an XML encoding instead of a binary one. In this way implementing gateways between IEC 61850-8-1 and IEC 61850-8-2 is very straightforward in both directions. However reading IEC 61850-8-1 is not necessary to understand the present document except when it is used in conjunction with one of the GOOSE mappings described in IEC 61850-8-1. 1.2 Namespace name and version This new section is mandatory for any IEC 61850 namespace (as defined by IEC 61850-7-1). The parameters which identify this release of the SCSM_8_2 namespace xmlns="" are: - Namespace Version: 2018 - Namespace Revision: A - Namespace Release: 1 - Namespace release date: 2018-12 Edition Publication date Webstore Namespace Edition 1.0 2018-12 IEC 61850-8-2:2018 IEC 61850-8-2:2018 1.3 Code Component distribution The Code Components included in this IEC standard are also available as electronic machine readable file at: The Code Component(s) included in this IEC standard are potentially subject to maintenance works and users shall select the latest release in the repository located at: The latest version/release of the document will be found by selecting the file IEC 61850-8- 2.2018_ed1.0.XSD.{VersionStateInfo} with the filed VersionStateInfo of the highest value. In case of any differences between the downloadable code mentioned above and the IEC pdf published content, the downloadable code(s) is(are) the valid one; it may be subject to updates. See history files.

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This part of IEC 61970 is a member of the IEC 61970-450 to 499 series that, taken as a whole, defines, at an abstract level, the content and exchange mechanisms used for data transmitted between control centre components. Included in this part of IEC 61970 are the general use cases for exchange of diagram layout data, and guidelines for linking the layout definitions with CIM data. Guidelines for management of schematic definitions through multiple revisions are also included.

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1.1 General This part of IEC 62351 extends the scope of IEC TS 62351-4:2007 [1]1 by specifying a compatibility mode that provides interoperation with implementation based on IEC TS 62351- 4:2007 and by specifying extended capabilities referred to as native mode. This part of IEC 62351 specifies security requirements both at the transport layer and at the application layer. While IEC TS 62351-4:2007 primarily provided some limited support at the application layer for authentication during handshake for the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) based applications, this document also provides support for extended integrity and authentication both for the handshake phase and for the data transfer phase. It provides for shared key management and data transfer encryption at the application layer and it provides security end-to-end (E2E) with zero or more intermediate entities. While IEC TS 62351-4:2007 only provides support for systems based on the MMS, i.e. systems using an Open Systems Interworking (OSI) protocol stack, this document also provides support for application protocols using other protocol stacks, e.g. an Internet protocol suite (see 4.1). This support is extended to protect application protocols using XML encoding. This extended security at the application layer is referred to as E2E-security. In addition to E2E security, this part of IEC 62351 also provides mapping to environmental protocols carrying the security related information. Only OSI and XMPP environments are currently considered. It is intended that this part of IEC 62351 be referenced as a normative part of standards that have a need for using application protocols, e.g., MMS, in a secure manner. It is anticipated that there are implementations, in particular Inter-Control Centre Communications Protocol (ICCP) implementations that are dependent on the IEC TS 62351- 4:2007 specifications of the T-profile and the A-security-profile. The specifications from IEC TS 62351-4:2007 are therefore included in this part of IEC 62351. Implementations supporting these specifications will interwork with implementation based on IEC TS 62351-4:2007. NOTE The A-security-profile is in the strict sense not a profile, but the term is here kept for historical reasons. This document represents a set of mandatory and optional security specifications to be implemented to protect application protocols. The initial audience for this document is the members of the working groups developing or making use of protocols. For the measures described in this part of IEC 62351 to take effect, they shall be accepted and referenced by the specifications for the protocols themselves. The subsequent audience for this document is the developers of products that implement these protocols and the end user that want to specify requirements for its own environment. Portions of this document may also be of use to managers and executives in order to understand the purpose and requirements of the work.

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This document is one of the IEC 61970-450 to 499 series that, taken as a whole, defines at an abstract level the content and exchange mechanisms used for data transmitted between control centres and/or control centre components, such as power systems applications. The purpose of this document is to define the subset of classes, class attributes, and roles from the CIM necessary to execute state estimation and power flow applications. The North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) Data Exchange Working Group (DEWG) Common Power System Modelling group (CPSM) produced the original data requirements, which are shown in Annex E. These requirements are based on prior industry practices for exchanging power system model data for use primarily in planning studies. However, the list of required data has been extended starting with the first edition of this standard to facilitate a model exchange that includes parameters common to breaker-oriented applications. Where necessary this document establishes conventions, shown in Clause 6, with which an XML data file must comply in order to be considered valid for exchange of models. This document is intended for two distinct audiences, data producers and data recipients, and may be read from two perspectives. From the standpoint of model export software used by a data producer, the document describes a minimum subset of CIM classes, attributes, and associations which must be present in an XML formatted data file for model exchange. This standard does not dictate how the network is modelled, however. It only dictates what classes, attributes, and associations are to be used to describe the source model as it exists.

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This part of IEC 61850 defines the IEC 61850 information models to be used in the exchange of information with distributed energy resources (DER) and Distribution Automation (DA) systems. DERs include distribution-connected generation systems, energy storage systems, and controllable loads, as well as facility DER management systems, including aggregated DER, such as plant control systems, facility DER energy management systems (EMS), building EMS, campus EMS, community EMS, microgrid EMS, etc. DA equipment includes equipment used to manage distribution circuits, including automated switches, fault indicators, capacitor banks, voltage regulators, and other power management devices. The IEC 61850 DER information model standard utilizes existing IEC 61850-7-4 logical nodes where possible, while defining DER and DA specific logical nodes to provide the necessary data objects for DER and DA functions, including for the DER interconnection grid codes specified by various countries and regions. Although this document explicitly addresses distribution-connected resources, most of the resource capabilities, operational functions, and architectures are also applicable to transmission-connected resources. [...]

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IEC 62325-503:2018 specifies a standard for a communication platform which every Transmission System Operator (TSO) in Europe can use to exchange reliably and securely documents for the energy market. Consequently a European market participant (TSO, regional supervision centre, distribution utility, power exchange, etc.) could benefit from a single, common, harmonised and secure platform for message exchange with other participants; thus, reducing the cost of building different information technology (IT) platforms to interface with all the parties involved. This edition cancels and replaces IEC TS 62325-503 published in 2014. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Use of ISO/IEC 19464:2014, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) v1.0 specification; b) Splitting of the node described in the IEC TS 62325-503:2014 into a broker that implements the messaging function and a directory; c) Increase of operability and resilience of the communication system with the ability for an endpoint to send and receive messages through several brokers; d) Benefits of standardisation, performance and scalability of the AMQP protocol for transferring messages.

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IEC 61970-600-2:2021 defines the profiles included in the Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES) that are based on IEC 61970-450-series and IEC 61968-13 profiles. This document refers to the IEC 61970-450-series and IEC 61968-13 profiles only in cases where they are identical. If the referenced profile is not yet published, this document includes the profile definition and related constraints’ definitions. In the case where a CGMES profile makes restriction on the referenced profile, the restriction is defined in this document. The equipment boundary profile (EQBD) is the only profile that is not part of IEC 61970-450-series and IEC 61968-13 profiles. This profile is deprecated as modifications have been made to align between EQBP and the equipment profile (EQ). Although the updated EQBD is addressing the requirement that boundary also can be located inside a substation, which will be the case for many Distribution System Operators (DSOs), additional information would need to be exchanged. For instance, system integrity protection schemes, that can be shared by multiple utility would require another way of boundary handling. In this document EQBD is included in CGMES only to create better backwards compatibility with previous version of the CGMES. The machine-readable documentation that supports model driven development of the profiles defined in this part are generated as Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS) according to IEC 61970-501:2006 (with some extension) and IEC 61970-501:ED2 when published.

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IEC 61970-600-1:2021 covers the definition of Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES), defines the main rules and application’s requirements to meet business requirements for assembled and merged model to fit relevant business services. This document does not define the business requirements, business processes nor how applications are implemented. This document defines how relevant Common Information Model (CIM) standards work together so that specific business requirements can be resolved. It also includes extensions to the Common Information Model (CIM). The current extensions are defined in IEC 61970-301:2020 and will be covered in its future Amendment 1, but additional extensions can be defined in other standards in the IEC 61970-600-series. The extensions can be used to define additional profiles or to expand IEC 61970-450-series or IEC 61968-13 profiles. However, primary CGMES includes additional constraints on existing profiles and validation of assembled and merged models that is based on existing profiles. This can be done by making optional attributes and associations mandatory (required). In addition, this document includes the specification of the serialisation that must be supported by referring to an existing standard defined in IEC 61970-550-series, e.g. IEC 61970-552, and making relevant constraints related to it. The goal is to achieve interoperability between applications using CGMES in a high-performance environment with combined minimum effort so that relevant business processes are satisfied. This first edition cancels and replaces IEC TS 61970-600-1 published in 2017. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

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This part of IEC 62351 specifies how to provide confidentiality, integrity protection, and message level authentication for SCADA and telecontrol protocols that make use of TCP/IP as a message transport layer when cyber-security is required. Although there are many possible solutions to secure TCP/IP, the particular scope of this part is to provide security between communicating entities at either end of a TCP/IP connection within the end communicating entities. The use and specification of intervening external security devices (e.g. “bump-in-the-wire”) are considered out-of-scope. This part of IEC 62351 specifies how to secure TCP/IP-based protocols through constraints on the specification of the messages, procedures, and algorithms of Transport Layer Security (TLS) (defined in RFC 5246) so that they are applicable to the telecontrol environment of the IEC. TLS is applied to protect the TCP communication. It is intended that this standard be referenced as a normative part of other IEC standards that have the need for providing security for their TCP/IP-based protocol. However, it is up to the individual protocol security initiatives to decide if this standard is to be referenced. This part of IEC 62351 reflects the security requirements of the IEC power systems management protocols. Should other standards bring forward new requirements, this standard may need to be revised.

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IEC 62325-451-6:2018 specifies a UML package for the market information publication business process and its associated document contextual models, assembly models and XML schemas for use within the European-style electricity markets. This standard is based on the European-style market contextual model (IEC 62325‑351). The relevant aggregate core components (ACCs) defined in IEC 62325-351 have been contextualised into aggregated business information entities (ABIEs) to satisfy the requirements of the European-style market publication business process. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:  
Addition of a new model allowing to publish information about the transmission capacity allocation participants.
Updates allowing to publish information about implicit transmission allocations on third countries borders, to publish outage related to consumption units and to publish information for resource object that can either consume or generate.

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Per the IEC 61968 Interface Reference Model, the Network Operations function defined in this part of IEC 61968 provides utilities with the means to supervise main substation topology (breaker and switch state), feeder topology and control equipment status through SCADA, AMI and other data sources. It also provides the means for handling network connectivity and loading conditions. Finally, it makes it possible for utilities to locate customer telephone complaints and coordinate activities of field crews with respect to planned and unplanned outages. IEC 61968-3 specifies the information content of a set of message payloads that can be used to support many of the business functions related to network operations. Typical uses of the message payloads defined in IEC 61968-3 include data acquisition by external systems, fault isolation, fault restoration, trouble management and coordination of the real-time state of the network. The scope diagram shown in Figure 1 illustrates the possibility of implementing IEC 61968-3 functionality as either a single integrated advanced distribution management system or as a set of separate functions - OMS, DMS and SCADA. Utilities may choose to buy these systems from different vendors and integrate them using the IEC 61968-3 messages. Alternatively, a single vendor could provide two or all of these components as a single integrated system. In the case of more than one system being provided by the same vendor, the vendor may choose to use either extensions of the IEC 61968 messages or a proprietary integration mechanism to provide enhanced functionality over and above what is required/supported by the IEC 61968-3 specification. While this is a possible implementation, Subclause 4.3 defines the scope in terms of business functions that are implemented in common vendor offerings. Annexes in this document detail integration scenarios or use cases, which are informative examples showing typical ways of using the message payloads defined in this document as well as message payloads to be defined in other parts of the IEC 61968 series.

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This part of IEC 62488 applies to power line carrier terminals and networks used to transmit information over power networks including extra high, high and medium voltage (EHV/HV/MV) power lines using both digital and optionally analogue modulation systems in a frequency range between 16 kHz and 1 MHz (see also IEC 62488-1). In many countries, power line carrier (PLC) channels represent a significant part of the utilityowned telecommunication system. A circuit normally routed via a PLC channel can also be routed via a channel using a different transmission medium such as point to point radio, optical fibre or open wire circuit. It is therefore important that the input and output interfaces that are used between terminals in the communication system are standardised. The issues requiring consideration of DPLC and/or APLC devices as parts of a telecommunication network can be found in IEC 62488-1. Figure 1 shows the correspondence between the elements needed to implement PLC systems and the related International Standards.

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IEC 61970-302:2018 specifies a Dynamics package which contains extensions to the CIM to support the exchange of models between software applications that perform analysis of the steady-state stability (small-signal stability) or transient stability of a power system as defined by IEEE/CIGRE Definition and classification of power system stability IEEE/CIGRE joint task force on stability terms and definitions. The model descriptions in this standard provide specifications for each type of dynamic model as well as the information that needs to be included in dynamic case exchanges between planning/study applications.

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IEC 62325-451-7:2021 specifies a UML package for the electricity balancing business process and its associated document contextual models, assembly models and XML schemas for use within the European style electricity markets. This part of IEC 62325 is based on the European style market contextual model (IEC 62325-351). The business process covered by this part of IEC 62325 is described in Clause 5. The relevant aggregate core components (ACCs) defined in IEC 62325-351 have been contextualised into aggregated business information entities (ABIEs) to satisfy the requirements of the European style market publication business process. Note this document contains code components.

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IEC 61970-457:2021 specifies a standard interface for exchanging dynamic model information needed to support the analysis of the steady state stability (small-signal stability) and/or transient stability of a power system or parts of it. The schema(s) for expressing the dynamic model information are derived directly from the CIM, more specifically from IEC 61970-302. The scope of this document includes only the dynamic model information that needs to be exchanged as part of a dynamic study, namely the type, description and parameters of each control equipment associated with a piece of power system equipment included in the steady state solution of a complete power system network model. Therefore, this profile is dependent upon other standard profiles for the equipment as specified in IEC 61970-452, CIM static transmission network model profiles, the topology, the steady state hypothesis and the steady-state solution (as specified in IEC 61970-456, Solved power system state profiles) of the power system, which bounds the scope of the exchange. The profile information described by this document needs to be exchanged in conjunction with IEC 61970-452 and IEC 61970-456 profiles’ information to support the data requirements of transient analysis tools. IEC 61970 456 provides a detailed description of how different profile standards can be combined to form various types of power system network model exchanges. This document supports the exchange of the following types of dynamic models: • standard models: a simplified approach to exchange, where models are contained in predefined libraries of classes interconnected in a standard manner that represent dynamic behaviour of elements of the power system. The exchange only indicates the name of the model along with the attributes needed to describe its behaviour. • proprietary user-defined models: an exchange that would provide users the ability to exchange the parameters of a model representing a vendor or user proprietary device where an explicit description of the model is not described in this document. The connections between the proprietary models and standard models are the same as described for the standard models exchange. Recipient of the data exchange will need to contact the sender for the behavioural details of the model. This document builds on IEC 61970-302, CIM for dynamics which defines the descriptions of the standard dynamic models, their function block diagrams, and how they are interconnected and associated with the static network model. This type of model information is assumed to be pre-stored by all software applications hence it is not necessary to be exchanged in real-time or as part of a dynamics model exchange.

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IEC 61968-13:2021 specifies profiles that can be used to exchange Network Models in a Utility or between a Utility and external applications to the utility. This document provides a list of profiles which allow to model balanced and unbalanced distribution networks in order to conduct network analysis (Power flow calculation). Therefore it leverages already existing profiles (IEC 61970-45x based on IEC 61970-301 (CIM base) or profiles based on IEC 61968­11 CIM extension for Distribution). This document reuses some profiles without any change, or eventually extends them or restricts them. Moreover it proposes other profiles to reflect Distribution needs. Use of CIM in Distribution is not a new topic. This document includes informative parts, as CIM model extensions, which could be integrated in future versions of the IEC CIM Model. These extensions have been used by some utilities for utility internal information exchange use cases and to support information exchanges between different market participants like Transmisstion System Operators (TSO), Distributed System Operators (DSO), Distributed Network Operators (DNO) and Significant Grid Users (SGU) including generators and industry. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2008. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition was pre-tested during 2016 ENTSO-E interoperability tests. The interoperability test report mentions: "Some vendors demonstrated that the transformation between distribution network and CGMES is possible. This is a first step towards the efforts to have closer integration between CGMES and profiles for exchanging distribution data (CDPSM)."

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IEC 61970-456:2018 rigorously defines the subset of classes, class attributes, and roles from the CIM necessary to describe the result of state estimation, power flow and other similar applications that produce a steady-state solution of a power network, under a set of use cases which are included informatively in this standard. This document is intended for two distinct audiences, data producers and data recipients, and may be read from those two perspectives. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - Addition of the Steady State Hypothesis (SSH) profile. - Better description of the relation between different profiles and alignment with the current nomenclature used with profiles, e.g. "data set" and "network part". - Extension of the description of the use cases.

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IEC 62325-301:2018 specifies the common information model (CIM) for energy market communications. The CIM facilitates integration by defining a common language (i.e. semantics) based on the CIM to enable these applications or systems to access public data and exchange information independent of how such information is represented internally. The object classes represented in the CIM are abstract in nature and may be used in a wide variety of applications. The use of the CIM goes far beyond its application in a market management system. This new edition of IEC 62325-301 contains support for demand-side communication within a wholesale market. The IEC 62325-301 additions include support for demand-side resource registration and enrollment of a market participating resource as well as support for deployment and performance evaluation of demand side resources. A new package has been included in this edition of IEC 62325-301 to support environmental (weather) data.

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IEC 62325-451-10:2020 specifies a UML package for the Energy Consumption Data business process and its associated document contextual model, assembly model and XML schema for use within the European style electricity markets. The relevant aggregate core components (ACCs) defined in IEC 62325-351 have been contextualised into aggregated business information entities (ABIEs) to satisfy the requirements of the European style market Energy Consumption Data business process. The contextualised ABIEs have been assembled into the Energy Consumption Data document contextual model. A related assembly model and an XML schema for the exchange of Energy Consumption information between market participants is automatically generated from the assembled document contextual model. The XML schema follows IEC Code Components management and copyright licensing

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IEC 62351-7:2017 defines network and system management (NSM) data object models that are specific to power system operations. These NSM data objects will be used to monitor the health of networks and systems, to detect possible security intrusions, and to manage the performance and reliability of the information infrastructure. The goal is to define a set of abstract objects that will allow the remote monitoring of the health and condition of IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices), RTUs (Remote Terminal Units), DERs (Distributed Energy Resources) systems and other systems that are important to power system operations. This new edition constitutes a technical revision and includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC TS 62351-7 (2010): NSM object data model reviewed and enriched; UML model adopted for NSM objects description; SNMP protocol MIBs translation included as Code Components. The Code Components included in this IEC standard are also available as electronic machine readable file at:

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IEC 62351-6:2020 specifies messages, procedures, and algorithms for securing the operation of all protocols based on or derived from the IEC 61850 series. This document applies to at least those protocols listed below: IEC 61850-8-1 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 8-1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Mappings to MMS (ISO/IEC 9506-1 and ISO/IEC 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3 IEC 61850-8-2 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 8-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Mapping to Extensible Messaging Presence Protocol (XMPP) IEC 61850-9-2 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 9-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3 IEC 61850-6 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in power utility automation systems related to IEDs The initial audience for this document is intended to be the members of the working groups developing or making use of the protocols listed in Table 1. For the measures described in this specification to take effect, they must be accepted and referenced by the specifications for the protocols themselves. This document is written to enable that process. The subsequent audience for this document is intended to be the developers of products that implement these protocols. Portions of this document may also be of use to managers and executives in order to understand the purpose and requirements of the work.

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IEC 61968-5:2020 is the description of a set of functions that are needed for enterprise integration of DERMS functions. These exchanges are most likely between a DERMS and a DMS. However, since this is an enterprise integration standard which may leverage IEC 61968-100:2013 for application integration (using web services or JMS) or other loosely-coupled implementations, there are no technical limitations for systems with which a DERMS might exchange information. Also, it should be noted that a DERMS might communicate with individual DER using a variety of standards and protocols such as IEC 61850, IEEE 2030.5, Distribution Network Protocol (DNP), Sunspec Modbus, or perhaps Open Field Message Bus (OpenFMB). One role of the DERMS is to manage this disparity and complexity of communications on the behalf of the system operator. However, the communication to individual DER is out of scope of this standard. Readers should look to those standards to understand communication to individual DER’s smart inverter. The scope will be limited to the following use case categories: • DER group creation – a mechanism to manage DER in aggregate • DER group maintenance – a mechanism to add, remove, or modify the members and/or aggregated capabilities of a given group of DER • DER group deletion – removing an entire group • DER group status monitoring – a mechanism for quantifying or ascertaining the current capabilities and/or status of a group of DER • DER group forecast – a mechanism for predicting the capabilities and/or status of a group of DER for a given time period in the future • DER group dispatch – a mechanism for requesting that specified capabilities of a group of DER be dispatched to the grid • DER group voltage ramp rate control – a mechanism for requesting that a DER group following a ramp rate curve • DER group connect/disconnect – a mechanism to request that DER either isolate themselves, or reconnect to the grid as needed.

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IEC 61970-452:2017 defines the subset of classes, class attributes, and roles from the CIM necessary to execute state estimation and power flow applications. This standard is intended for two distinct audiences, data producers and data recipients, and may be read from two perspectives. From the standpoint of model export software used by a data producer, the document describes a minimum subset of CIM classes, attributes, and associations which must be present in an XML formatted data file for model exchange. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: the Equipment profile has been split into three separate profiles, CoreEquipment, Operation and ShortCircuit; the HVDC model has been replaced with the new model defined in Edition 6 of 61970‑301.

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IEC 62488-2:2017(E) applies to Amplitude Modulation Single Sideband (AM-SSB) Analogue Power Line Carrier (APLC) Terminals and Systems used to transmit information over power lines (EHV/HV/MV). In particular this document covers basically baseband signals with bandwidths of 4 kHz and 2,5 kHz, or multiples thereof, corresponding to the same high frequency bandwidth/s for single or multi-channel APLC terminals.

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IEC 61970-301:2020 (E) lays down the common information model (CIM), which is an abstract model that represents all the major objects in an electric utility enterprise typically involved in utility operations. By providing a standard way of representing power system resources as object classes and attributes, along with their relationships, the CIM facilitates the integration of network applications developed independently by different vendors, between entire systems running network applications developed independently, or between a system running network applications and other systems concerned with different aspects of power system operations, such as generation or distribution management. SCADA is modeled to the extent necessary to support power system simulation and inter-control centre communication. The CIM facilitates integration by defining a common language (i.e. semantics) based on the CIM to enable these applications or systems to access public data and exchange information independent of how such information is represented internally. This edition reflects the model content version ‘IEC61970CIM17v38’, dated ‘2020-01-21’, and includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Added Feeder modelling; b) Added ICCP configuration modelling; c) Correction of issues found in interoperability testing or use of the standard; d) Improved documentation; e) Updated Annex A with custom extensions; f) Added Annex B Examples of PST transformer modelling; g) Added Annex C HVDC use cases.

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IEC 62351-8: 2020 is to facilitate role-based access control (RBAC) for power system management. RBAC assigns human users, automated systems, and software applications (collectively called "subjects" in this document) to specified "roles", and restricts their access to only those resources, which the security policies identify as necessary for their roles. As electric power systems become more automated and cyber security concerns become more prominent, it is becoming increasingly critical to ensure that access to data (read, write, control, etc.) is restricted. As in many aspects of security, RBAC is not just a technology; it is a way of running a business. RBAC is not a new concept; in fact, it is used by many operating systems to control access to system resources. Specifically, RBAC provides an alternative to the all-or-nothing super-user model in which all subjects have access to all data, including control commands. RBAC is a primary method to meet the security principle of least privilege, which states that no subject should be authorized more permissions than necessary for performing that subject’s task. With RBAC, authorization is separated from authentication. RBAC enables an organization to subdivide super-user capabilities and package them into special user accounts termed roles for assignment to specific individuals according to their associated duties. This subdivision enables security policies to determine who or what systems are permitted access to which data in other systems. RBAC provides thus a means of reallocating system controls as defined by the organization policy. In particular, RBAC can protect sensitive system operations from inadvertent (or deliberate) actions by unauthorized users. Clearly RBAC is not confined to human users though; it applies equally well to automated systems and software applications, i.e., software parts operating independent of user interactions. The following interactions are in scope: – local (direct wired) access to the object by a human user; by a local and automated computer agent, or built-in HMI or panel; – remote (via dial-up or wireless media) access to the object by a human user; – remote (via dial-up or wireless media) access to the object by a remote automated computer agent, e.g. another object at another substation, a distributed energy resource at an end-user’s facility, or a control centre application. While this document defines a set of mandatory roles to be supported, the exchange format for defined specific or custom roles is also in scope of this document. Out of scope for this document are all topics which are not directly related to the definition of roles and access tokens for local and remote access, especially administrative or organizational tasks.

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IEC 62351-9:2017(E) specifies cryptographic key management, namely how to generate, distribute, revoke, and handle public-key certificates and cryptographic keys to protect digital data and its communication. Included in the scope is the handling of asymmetric keys (e.g. private keys and public-key certificates), as well as symmetric keys for groups (GDOI). This document assumes that other standards have already chosen the type of keys and cryptography that will be utilized, since the cryptography algorithms and key materials chosen will be typically mandated by an organization’s own local security policies and by the need to be compliant with other international standards. This document therefore specifies only the management techniques for these selected key and cryptography infrastructures. The objective is to define requirements and technologies to achieve interoperability of key management. The purpose of this document is to guarantee interoperability among different vendors by specifying or limiting key management options to be used. This document assumes that the reader understands cryptography and PKI principles.

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IEC 61968-1:2020 is the first in a series that, taken as a whole, defines interfaces for the major elements of an interface architecture for power system management and associated information exchange. This document identifies and establishes recommendations for standard interfaces based on an Interface Reference Model (IRM). Subsequent clauses of this document are based on each interface identified in the IRM. This set of standards is limited to the definition of interfaces. They provide for interoperability among different computer systems, platforms, and languages. IEC 61968-100 gives recommendations for methods and technologies to be used to implement functionality conforming to these interfaces. As used in IEC 61968, distribution management consists of various distributed application components for the utility to manage electrical distribution networks. These capabilities include monitoring and control of equipment for power delivery, management processes to ensure system reliability, voltage management, demand-side management, outage management, work management, network model management, facilities management, and metering. The IRM is specified in Clause 3. The IRM defines the high-level view of the TC 57 reference architecture and the detailed in the relevant 61968 series, 61970 series or 62325 series. The goal of the IRM is to provide a common relevant context view for TC 57 that covers domains like transmission, distribution, market, generation, consumer, regional reliability operators, and regulators. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) update of IRM section, which has been out of date since the 2nd edition; b) update to IRM model using ArchiMate modelling language; c) addition of missing business functions and business objects; d) alignment with newly released documents from the technical committee; e) alignment with IEC 61968-100; f) update of annexes.

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IEC 62325-451-4:2017(E) specifies a package for the settlement and reconciliation business process and the associated document contextual model, assembly model and XML schema for use within European style markets. Is based on the European style market profile (ESMP) (IEC 62325-351) and provides a uniform layout for the transmission of aggregated data in order to settle the electricity market. The purpose of this document is only to enable the information exchange necessary to carry out the computation of settlement and reconciliation. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - removal of the attributes “quantity” and “secondary quantity” of the class “Point”; - introduction of the classes “Quantity” and "Reason" from IEC 62351-351 UML package.

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