EN 16055:2012
(Main)Leather - Raw bovine hides and skins - Description, presentation and preservation
Leather - Raw bovine hides and skins - Description, presentation and preservation
This European Standard establishes the following for raw bovine hides and skins intended for the manufacture of leather:
- terms and definitions;
- rules for presenting raw hides and skins.
It applies to fresh and cured bovine hides and skins.
It is not the aim of this document to interfere with the normal commercial agreement between the buyer and the hide and skin supplier. This European Standard may be used in case of disagreement between the two parties.
Leder - Rohe Rinderhäute und Kalbfelle - Beschreibung, Darstellung, Konservierung
Diese Europäische Norm legt Folgendes für rohe Rinderrohhäute und Kalbfelle fest, die zur Herstellung von Leder vorgesehen sind:
- Begriffe und Definitionen;
- Richtlinien für die Darstellung von Rohhäuten und Fellen.
Die Norm gilt für frische und konservierte Rinderhäute und Kalbfelle.
Ziel dieser Norm ist es nicht, auf die üblichen Handelsvereinbarungen zwischen dem Käufer und dem Lieferanten von Häuten und Fellen Einfluss zu nehmen. Diese Europäische Norm kann bei Unstimmigkeiten zwischen den beiden Parteien angewendet werden.
Cuir - Peaux brutes de bovins - Description, présentation et conservation
La présente Norme européenne établit pour les peaux brutes de bovins destinées à la tannerie :
- les termes et définitions ;
- les règles de présentation.
Elle s’applique aux peaux de bovins fraîches et conservées.
Le présent document n'a pas pour objectif d'interférer avec les accords commerciaux habituellement conclus
entre l’acheteur et les fournisseurs de peaux de bovins. La présente Norme européenne peut être utilisée en
cas de désaccord entre les deux parties.
Usnje - Surove goveje in telečje kože - Opis, predstavitev in ohranjanje
Ta evropski standard določa izraze, definicije in pravila za predstavitev surovih kož za surove goveje kože, namenjene proizvodnji usnja. Uporablja se za surove in nasoljene goveje kože. Ta dokument ne posega v običajni poslovni dogovor med kupcem in dobaviteljem kož. Ta evropski standard se lahko uporablja v primeru nesoglasja med strankama.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.DQMDQMHLeder - Rohhaut (Rind und Kalb) - Beschreibung, Präsentation, KonservierungCuir - Peaux brutes de bovidés - Description, présentation et conservationLeather - Raw cattle hides and calf skins - Description, presentation and preservation59.140.20Surove kože, kože in kožuhiRaw skins, hides and peltsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 16055:2012SIST EN 16055:2012en,fr,de01-marec-2012SIST EN 16055:2012SLOVENSKI
EN 16055
January 2012 ICS 59.140.20 English Version
Leather - Raw bovine hides and skins - Description, presentation and preservation
Cuire - Peaux brutes de bovins - Description, présentation et conservation
Leder - Rinderrohhäute - Beschreibung, Präsentation und Konservierung This European Standard was approved by CEN on 16 December 2011.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.
Management Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels © 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 16055:2012: ESIST EN 16055:2012
Guidelines to preserve raw bovine hides or skins . 12A.1 Scope . 12A.2 Preservation method . 12A.3 Defects to be avoided and precautions to be taken . 12A.4 Rules for preservation by salting in pile method . 12A.5 Rules for preservation by brining . 13A.6 Rules for preservation by chilling . 14A.6.1 Chilling with ice . 14A.6.2 Chilling by hanging in a cold-storage depot . 14 SIST EN 16055:2012
terms and definitions;
rules for presenting raw hides and skins.
It applies to fresh and cured bovine hides and skins.
It is not the aim of this document to interfere with the normal commercial agreement between the buyer and the hide and skin supplier. This European Standard may be used in case of disagreement between the two parties. 2 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 2.1 Raw bovine hides and skins
2.1.1 calf skin skin from an immature bovine animal 2.1.2 cattle hide hide from an adult bovine animal 2.1.3 bull hide hide of a bovine male (not castrated) 2.1.4 cow hide hide of a female bovine which has borne calves 2.1.5 slink/slunk skin of an stillborn calf 2.1.6 ox hide hide of a castrated bovine male 2.1.7 heifer hide hide of a bovine female which has not borne calves 2.1.8 bovine hide and skin presentation or “hide pattern” refers to the shape standard given to the skin or hide according to its future use SIST EN 16055:2012
1 Head 2 Face 3 Cheek 4 Shoulder 5 Foreshank 6 Butt 7 Belly 8 Bellymiddle 9 Bend 10 Hindshank
8+10: ¾ Shank Figure 1 — Parts of the hide and skin 2.1.10 preservation treatment to protect the hide against putrefaction after flaying until it is put into tannery processing, for example by curing, chilling or drying 2.1.11 trimming process of cutting off unwanted parts from the hide or skin and giving it the agreed standard of shape or “trim” 2.1.12 defect general term for any damage on raw or preserved hide or skin likely to reduce the quality of the leather produced SIST EN 16055:2012
2.2.1 Flaying defects cut mark made on the hide or skin by a knife or flaying tool on the flesh side which has cut into the dermis or skin substance, not completely perforating the hide or skin (see Figure 2) hole flaying damage caused by a knife or flaying tool on the flesh side, completely perforating the hide or skin (see Figure 2) gouge loss in substance of the hide or skin on the flesh side caused by a knife or flaying tool, without completely perforating it badly cut head head cut along a line that is not perpendicular to the longitudinal axis badly shaped shanks shanks cut off along a line which is not perpendicular to the opening cut of the leg or which is too long as defined by the standard; shanks unusable (see Figure 3) improper bleeding incomplete and poor bleeding of the animal at the time of slaughter resulting in coagulated blood remaining in blood-vessels, visible on the flesh side of the skin poor pattern any deviation from the regular shape of hide or skin after cutting and trimming
surface breaks (grain side)
occurs on the hide when hides are removed from the animals with pulling machines SIST EN 16055:2012
Key 1 Cut 2 Hole 3 Surface breaks 4 Wrong opening cut Figure 2 — Example of defects 2.2.2
Defects caused on the hide or skin of the living animal mechanical defects defects caused by brand marks, various scratches (barbed wire, bramble, damage from transport or dragging, marks from cattle comb, rope marks, etc.), goading hits, surgical operations, that can be open or healed (scars)
dung or urine defect dung excrement or urine damage
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