Guide dog mobility instructor - Competences

This document provides the reference criteria of essential competences for guide dog mobility instructors in the following general and specific areas:
   professional behaviour and professional ethics;
   interpersonal management and communication competences;
   appreciation of the various forms of visual impairment and their impact on humans;
   methods of orientation and mobility;
   appreciation of the needs of clients with additional requirements;
   dog care and welfare assessment;
   general dog management and training;
   guide dog training;
   client and partnership training and after care.

Einführendes Element - Haupt-Element - Ergänzendes Element

This document provides the reference criteria for guide dog mobility instructor essential competences in the following general and specific areas:
- professional behaviour and professional ethics;
- interpersonal management and communication competences;
- appreciation of the various forms of visual impairment and their impact on humans;
- methods of orientation and mobility;
- appreciation of the needs of clients with additional requirements;
- dog care and welfare assessment;
- general dog management and training;
- guide dog training;
- client and partnership training and after care

Élément introductif - Élément central - Élément complémentaire

Inštruktor mobilnosti psov vodnikov - Kompetence

Ta dokument podaja referenčne kriterije osnovnih kompetenc za inštruktorje mobilnosti psov vodnikov za naslednja splošna in specifična področja: – profesionalno obnašanje in etika; – medsebojni odnosi in komunikacijske kompetence; – upoštevanje različnih oblik okvar vida in njihovega vpliva na ljudi; – metode za orientacijo in mobilnost; – upoštevanje potreb strank z dodatnimi zahtevami; – skrb za pse in ocenjevanje počutja; – splošno vodenje in usposabljanje psov; – usposabljanje psov vodnikov; – usposabljanje stranke, spoznavanje stranke in psa ter nadaljnja nega.

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TS CWA 16520:2014
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Standards Content (Sample)

Inštruktor mobilnosti psov vodnikov - Kompetence
Guide dog mobility instructor - Competences
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CWA 16520:2012
03.100.30 Vodenje ljudi Management of human
11.180.99 'UXJLVWDQGDUGLY]YH]LV Other standards related to
SULSRPRþNL]DLQYDOLGH aids for disabled and
handicapped people
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN  CWA 16520
November 2012
ICS 03.100.30; 11.180.30; 65.020.30
English version
Guide dog mobility instructor - Competences

This CEN Workshop Agreement has been drafted and approved by a Workshop of representatives of interested parties, the
constitution of which is indicated in the foreword of this Workshop Agreement.

The formal process followed by the Workshop in the development of this Workshop Agreement has been endorsed by the
National Members of CEN but neither the National Members of CEN nor the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre can be held
accountable for the technical content of this CEN Workshop Agreement or possible conflicts with standards or legislation.

This CEN Workshop Agreement can in no way be held as being an official standard developed by CEN and its Members.

This CEN Workshop Agreement is publicly available as a reference document from the CEN Members National Standard
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.


Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members.
Ref. No.:CWA 16520:2012 E
Contents Page
Foreword . 3
Introduction . 6
1 Scope . 7
2 Terms and definitions . 7
3 Principle . 8
4 General professional behaviour and ethics of a guide dog mobility
instructor . 8
5 Competences of guide dog mobility instructor . 9
5.1 General competences . 9
5.1.1 Introduction . 9
5.1.2 Interpersonal, management and communication competences . 9
5.1.3 Appreciation of the various forms of visual impairment and their impact on
humans . 9
5.1.4 Methods of orientation and mobility . 10
5.1.5 Appreciation of the needs of clients with additional requirements . 10
5.1.6 Dog care and welfare assessment . 10
5.1.7 General dog management and training . 11
5.2 Specific competences . 11
5.2.1 Introduction . 11
5.2.2 Guide dog training . 11
5.2.3 Client and partnership training and after care . 12
6 Maintenance and improvement of competence . 14
Bibliography . 15

This CEN Workshop Agreement has been drafted and approved by a Workshop of
representatives of interested parties on 2012-09-19, the constitution of which was
supported by CEN following the public call for participation made on 2011-04-12.
A list of the individuals and organizations which supported the technical consensus
represented by the CEN Workshop Agreement is available to purchasers from the CEN-
CENELEC Management Centre. These organizations were drawn from the following
economic sectors guide dog schools, universities, service providers for people with
Below is the list of the organisations which officially took part to the development of this
Belgisch Centrum voor Geleidehonden vzw
Deutscher Blinden und Sehbehindertenverband (DBSV)
German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted
The European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)
Eyes on four paws Foundation
Guide Dogs NSW/ACT
F.F.A.C. – French Federation of Guide Dog Associations
Fundacja na rzecz Osób Niewidomych Labrador Pies Przewodnik
Helppes - Centrum výcviku psů pro postižené o. s. / Helppes - Centre for Assistance Dogs
Ilztaler REHA-Hundeschule
Light into Europe
Norges Blindeforbunds Førerhundskole
Österreichische Schule für Blindenführhunde

Russia Association of the Blind
The Russian School of Guide Dogs Training
Slovak Blind and Partially Sighted Union, Guide Dog Training School
SLO-CANIS - Slovenian Instructors Association – Centre for Guide Dogs and Assistance
The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
University of Lincoln
The formal process followed by the Workshop in the development of the CEN Workshop
Agreement has been endorsed by the National Members of CEN but neither the National
Members of CEN nor the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre can be held accountable for
the technical content of the CEN Workshop Agreement or possible conflict with standards
or legislation. This CEN Workshop Agreement can in no way be held as being an official
standard developed by CEN and its members.
The final review/endorsement round for this CWA was started on 2012-06-26 and was
successfully closed on 2012-08-26.The final text of this CWA was submitted to CEN for
publication on 2012-10-08.
This CEN Workshop Agreement is publicly available as a reference document from the
National Members of CEN: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.
Comments or suggestions from the users of the CEN Workshop Agreement are welcome
and should be addressed to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre.
This CEN Workshop Agreement is the result of the European Project for Guide Dog Mobility
Standards (EU EGDMS, established under the Leonardo da Vinci
lifelong learning programme. European citizens are being denied the benefits of guide dog
ownership as the provision of guide dogs has suffered from fragmentation of delivery, low
investment in training and poor retention of guide dog instructors. Often, the service is
limited by funding which leads to inconsistent criteria resulting in poorly trained and
inadequate dogs. The European project aimed to address this situation by developing and
disseminating a qualifying programme of training for instructors which addressed the
welfare and training of the guide dog as well as the instruction of the client in its safe and
effective use as an aid to independent mobility.
The project brought together a group of partner guide dog schools to develop an agreed set
of competencies for guide dog mobility instructors (GDMI) and the CEN Workshop 65
allowed the involvement of a much wider group of stakeholders to enable more
contributions to be realised.
The methodological approach is based on a modularised learning system largely delivered
in the work place of the employing guide dog organisation and/or its professional partners.
The content will be employer specific and a range of methodologies will be available to suit
need and circumstance. Methodologies can include didactic, e-learning and blended
learning approaches. For example, some didactic learning of the practical application of
disability theories to client training will be necessary, while a framework will be provided for
role play exercises to assist in the practice and development of coaching skills. At the same
time, trainees will also be required to undertake their own research using the Internet.
Trainees will be required to keep reflective portfolios of evidence to demonstrate that they
have completed the required learning.
Some modules will involve role play exercises and trainees will be guided in their learning
through directed reading and exercises to be undertaken in the workplace. Guidance will be
given on role-play exercises that can be undertaken to increase the student’s understanding
and empathy with peers, volunteers and clients, particularly those experiencing loss of
sight. Every opportunity to involve blind and partially sighted people in these role play
exercises should be taken. Discussion among peers and with experienced mentors will be
used to exchange knowledge and experience from the field. Trainees will be guided via
didactic learning in their reading and understanding of factual information and key concepts.
This approach is adopted to increase the confidence of the student in effectively
communicating material to others in addition to delivering, receiving and responding to
feedback in a professional and positive manner.
As the IGDF standards have a proven value over many years, they have provided valuable
direction to the development of this document.
1 Scope
This document provides the reference criteria of essential competences for guide dog
mobility instructors in the following general and specific areas:
 professional behaviour and professional ethics;
 interpersonal management and communication competences;
 appreciation of the various forms of visual impairment and their impact on humans;
 methods of orientation and mobility;
 appreciation of the needs of clients with additional requirements;
 dog care and welfare assessment;
 general dog management and training;
 guide dog training;
 client and partnership training and after care.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
proven ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social and /or methodological abilities,
in work or study situations and in professional and personal development
[SOURCE: EQF- European Qualification Framework ]
guide dog
dog that has been trained by an organisation or individual primarily to provide mobility
assistance to blind or partially sighted people
Note 1 to entry: The International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) provides and oversees benchmark
standards aimed at ensuring dogs are properly trained and behaved.
guide dog mobility instructor (GDMI)
person who has the necessary knowledge and skills to be competent to train a guide dog-
client partnership
1 Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of

the European Qualification Framework for lifelong learning, Official Journal C111 dated 2008-05-06 [1]
Note 1 to entry: The International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) provides and oversees benchmark
standards aimed at ensuring guide dogs-client partnerships are properly trained.
guide dog trainer
person who has the necessary knowledge and skills to be competent to train a guide dog
Note 1 to entry: The International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) provides and oversees benchmark
standards aimed at ensuring dogs are properly trained and behaved.
ability to apply knowledge and use know-how to complete tasks and solve problems
[SOURCE: EQF- European Qualification Framework ]
actual or potential visually impaired guide dog user
3 Principle
This document assumes that the competencies referred to relate to the role of the guide
dog mobility instructor only. That is to say, the roles of early dog training and puppy wal

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