Guide on the organizational structure and processes for the assessment of the membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC

This Guide complements, and should be read in conjunction with, the membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC included in CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations Part 1 (IR1), Part 1D.
This Guide supersedes CEN-CENELEC Guide 22:2015 and Guide 22:2018, in line with the decisions of the CEN and CENELEC General Assemblies taken in June 2021 to review the organizational structure and processes for the assessment of the membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC.
This Guide aims to illustrate the organizational model implementing the management of the exercises of peer assessment, external assessment or self-assessment combined with EN ISO 9001 certification of the membership criteria laid down in IR1, Part 1D, as well as their reports and follow-up of actions.
The agreed organizational model aims at building trust and accountability of the CEN-CENELEC system, while ensuring efficient and effective management. Indeed, the implementation of such an assessment system replies to the ambitious goal of “excellence” embedded in the provisions of the membership criteria.
The assessment exercises are handled under the supervision of a recognized super partes body, and independent Chair and by competent assessors, be they independent from the Member assessed (e.g. in case of peer or external assessment) or within the same Member (self-assessment combined with EN ISO 9001 certification).
The blend of competence and independence of judgment of the Chair and assessors and the effective and efficient processes of follow-up actions will ensure the integrity of the CEN-CENELEC assessment system and the recognition of those CEN and CENELEC stakeholders closely linked to, and benefiting from, standardization.

Vodilo o organizacijski strukturi in postopkih za ocenjevanje kriterijev za članstvo CEN in CENELEC

To vodilo dopolnjuje kriterije za članstvo CEN in CENELEC, vključene v notranjih predpisih CEN-CENELEC, 1. del (IR1), del 1D, in naj bi se ga bralo skupaj z njimi.
To vodilo nadomešča vodilo CEN-CENELEC 22:2015 in vodilo 22:2018, v skladu z odločitvami generalnih skupščin CEN in CENELEC, ki so bile sprejete junija 2021 za pregled organizacijske strukture ter postopkov za oceno kriterijev za članstvo CEN in CENELEC.
Namen tega vodila je prikaz organizacijskega modela za vodenje dejavnosti medsebojnega ocenjevanja, zunanjega ocenjevanja ali samoocenjevanja v kombinaciji s certifikatom EN ISO 9001 glede kriterijev za članstvo, določenih v dokumentu IR1, del 1D, ter njihovih poročil in nadaljnjih ukrepov.
Cilj dogovorjenega organizacijskega modela je vzpostavitev zaupanja in odgovornosti v sistemu CEN-CENELEC ter zagotavljanje učinkovitega in uspešnega vodenja. Izvajanje takšnega sistema ocenjevanja je odgovor na ambiciozen cilj »odličnosti«, kot ga predvidevajo določbe kriterijev za članstvo.
Dejavnosti ocenjevanja se izvajajo pod nadzorom pristojnega organa super partes, neodvisnega predsedujočega in pristojnih ocenjevalcev, ne glede na to, ali so neodvisni od člana (npr. v primeru medsebojnega ali zunanjega ocenjevanja), ki se ga ocenjuje, ali delujejo znotraj istega člana (samoocenjevanje v kombinaciji s certifikatom EN ISO 9001).
S kombinacijo usposobljenosti in neodvisne presoje predsedujočega in ocenjevalcev ter učinkovitih in uspešnih nadaljnjih ukrepov bosta zagotovljena celovitost sistema ocenjevanja CEN-CENELEC ter priznavanje deležnikov CEN in CENELEC, ki so tesno povezani s standardizacijo in imajo od nje korist.

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SIST-V CEN/CLC Guide 22:2018
Vodilo o organizacijski strukturi in postopkih za ocenjevanje kriterijev za članstvo
Guide on the organizational structure and processes for the assessment of the
membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/CLC Guide 22:2021
01.120 Standardizacija. Splošna Standardization. General
pravila rules
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Guide on the organizational
structure and processes for the
assessment of the membership
criteria of CEN and CENELEC
Edition 5, 2021-12
(Supersedes CEN-CENELEC Guide 22:2018)

CEN and CENELEC decided to adopt this CEN-CENELEC Guide 22 through CENELEC/AG Decision
AG62/05 and CEN/AG Decision 31/2021 on 2021/11/25.

European Committee for Standardization
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European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
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1040 Brussels – Belgium
CEN-CENELEC Guide 22:2021(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope . 5
2 Governance process . 5
3 Membership Relations and Monitoring Committee (MRMC) . 5
3.1 Mandate . 5
3.2 Composition . 6
3.3 Decisions . 7
3.4 Management . 7
3.5 CCMC support . 7
4 The assessment options . 7
4.1 General . 7
4.2 Self-assessment exercise combined with EN ISO 9001 certification . 7
4.2.1 General and time cycle of the assessment report . ………………………………………………7
4.2.2 Certification EN ISO 9001……. . ……………………………………………………………………….7
4.2.3 Internal assessors' team……. . …………………………………………………………………………8
4.2.4 Membership Relations and Monitoring Committee . ………………………………………………8
4.2.5 Main implementation steps of the self-assessment exercise combined with EN ISO 9001
certification and follow up . …………………………………………………………………………………….8
4.2.6 Working language . ………………………………………………………………………………………9
4.3 Peer assessment exercise . .9
4.3.1 General and time cycle of the peer assessment report . …………………………………………9
4.3.2 Membership Relations and Monitoring Committee . ……………………………………………….9
4.3.3 Chair of the Membership Relations and Monitoring Committee . ………………………………9
4.3.4 The peer assessors . …………………………………………….……………………………………10
4.3.5 Criteria for nomination and selection of peer assessors and remuneration . ………………10
4.3.6 Establishment of the peer assessors’ team for the Member assessment . …………………10
4.3.7 Main implementation steps of the peer assessment and follow-up ……………………………….11
4.3.8 Working language . ……………………………………………………………………………………11
4.3.9 Other complaints on peer assessors . ………………………………………………………………12
4.4 External assessment exercise . 11
4.4.1 General and time cycle of the external assessment report . .………………………12
4.4.2 Membership Relations and Monitoring Committee . ……………………………………………12
4.4.3 The external assessors . ………………………………………………………….12
4.4.4 Establishment of the external assessors’ team and remuneration . …………………………12
4.4.5 Main implementation steps of the external assessment and follow-up …………………….12
4.4.6 Working language …………………………………………………………………………………….14
5 Conformity and non-conformities . 14
5.1 Degree of conformities . 14
5.2 Escalation process in case of non-conformities (peer asessment) . 14
6 Processing of requests from CEN and/or CENELEC Members who change legal status . 17
7 Processing of applications for membership to CEN and CENELEC . 17
CEN-CENELEC Guide 22:2021(E)
Annex A Summary of the organizational model . 19
Annex B Tips for internal assessors on how to get the most from the self-assessment combined with

EN ISO 9001 certification . 20
Annex C Checklist to be used by the assessors during their assessment of the criteria for membership . 22
Annex D Template Member’s Assessment Report (peer, external or self in combination with EN ISO

9001)  . 52
Annex E Template MRMC Chair Assessment Report . 66
Annex F Procedure: “Members’ assessments exercise on membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC” . 67

CEN-CENELEC Guide 22:2021(E)
1 Scope
This Guide complements, and is intended to be read in conjunction with, the membership criteria of CEN
and CENELEC included in the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations Part 1 (IR1), Part 1D.
This Guide supersedes CEN-CENELEC Guide 22:2015 and Guide 22:2018, in line with the decisions of
the CEN and CENELEC General Assemblies taken in June 2021 to review the organizational structure
and processes for the assessment of the membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC.
This Guide aims to illustrate the organizational model implementing the management of the exercises of
peer assessment, external assessment or self-assessment combined with EN ISO 9001 certification of the
membership criteria laid down in IR1, Part 1D, as well as their reports and follow-up of actions.
The agreed organizational model aims at building trust and accountability of the CEN-CENELEC system,
while ensuring efficient and effective management. Indeed, the implementation of such an assessment
system replies to the ambitious goal of “excellence” embedded in the provisions of the membership criteria.
The assessment exercises are handled under the supervision of a recognized super partes body, and
independent Chair and by competent assessors, be they independent from the Member assessed (e.g. in
case of peer or external assessment) or within the same Member (self-assessment combined with
EN ISO 9001 certification).
The blend of competence and independence of judgment of the Chair and assessors and the effective and
efficient processes of follow-up actions will ensure the integrity of the CEN-CENELEC assessment system
and the recognition of those CEN and CENELEC stakeholders closely linked to, and benefiting from,
2 Governance process
The three approved assessment models of “Self-assessment exercise integrated with the EN ISO 9001
certification”, “Peer assessment exercise” and “External assessment exercise” are built around the
following organizational principles:
— the Presidential Committee leads the process, in full collaboration with the CEN and CENELEC
General Assemblies (AGs) and the CEN and CENELEC Board (CAs) in the case of External
assessment exercise;
— the Membership Relations and Monitoring Committee (MRMC) manages the process including
assessment activities, reporting and follow-up actions with the Members;
— a channel of reporting from the MRMC to the AGs through the Presidential Committee raises
awareness of good practices;
— the CEN and CENELEC Boards identify external assessors in case of External assessment;
— a standing team of peer assessors or Members’ internal assessors supports the assessment process.
3 Membership Relations and Monitoring Committee (MRMC)
3.1 Mandate
The MRMC is the core of the system.
The MRMC is mandated by the CEN and CENELEC General Assemblies to:
a) manage the CEN-CENELEC assessment system and ensure the overall quality, coherence and
fairness of the Self-assessment combined with EN ISO 9001 certification, Peer assessment or
External assessment reporting;
CEN-CENELEC Guide 22:2021(E)
b) ensure a smooth and effective management of a coherent self-assessment combined with
EN ISO 9001, Peer assessment or External assessment approach through appropriate processes,
preparation and maintenance of the necessary documents and templates, as well as selection and
training of qualified assessors;
c) seek continuous improvement on the definitions of the criteria for membership based on the
experience acquired;
d) ensure the effective follow-up of the outcomes of the reports on the assessments made and coordinate
and disseminate good practices to the CEN-CENELEC members with a view to facilitating the
exchange of information among the Members through appropriate mechanisms;
e) coordinate the assessment process of those organizations applying for membership in CEN and
f) coordinate the assessment process in case of change of legal status of a Member of CEN and/or
The MRMC reports to the Presidential Committee and, at least once a year, to the General Assemblies.
The MRMC’s main tasks, in accordance with the above mandate, are further detailed in its Terms of
Reference (ToR) as approved by the CEN and CENELEC General Assemblies in October 2012 (CEN/AG
Resolutions 31 and 32/2012 and CLC/AG53_CCMC_12_211/2012_RV).
3.2 Composition
The composition of MRMC is as follows:
— the Chair;
— two members appointed by CEN;
— two members appointed by CENELEC;
— the CEN-CENELEC Director General.
The Chair, who is an impartial person trusted by the whole community, is appointed by the CEN and
CENELEC General Assemblies for a 4-year term and receives some financial compensation for the time
they devote to this activity.
The other members of the Committee are appointed by the respective CEN and CENELEC Governing
Bodies following a call for nomination. They are appointed for a 3-year term and re-eligible for an additional
term of 3 years. They divest themselves from any representation of specific interests of the organization
that nominated them.
The Director General attends the Committee meetings as an observer with an advisory role.
3.3 Decisions
The Committee decides by consensus. The Chair, the CEN and the CENELEC nominated members take
decisions. The ToR specifies those cases of abstention from voting when, for instance, the MRMC’s
decisions concern the national organization from which the representative comes from.
3.4 Management
The MRMC works mainly by electronic means, holding online meetings as appropriate, but at least once a
year holds a physical meeting.
CEN-CENELEC Guide 22:2021(E)
The working language of the Committee is English.
The MRMC Chair and members shall abide to specific confidentiality rules in order to ensure that the
information in the assessment reports of CEN and CENELEC Members is managed with due care within
the MRMC.
3.5 CCMC support
CCMC appoints a member of its staff to be in charge of ensuring the secretariat and the administration of
the MRMC’s work (meetings and flow of information) and assisting the Chair in specifically identified tasks
related to the preparation and follow-up of MRMC meetings.
4 The assessment options
4.1 General
This clause describes the three identified options of assessment approved by the CEN and CENELEC
General Assemblies with their distinctions underlined whenever necessary for the different types of CEN
and CENELEC Members (Article 7.1 of the CEN Statutes and Article 7.2 of the CENELEC Statutes):
o Blue-type Members: NSB/NC from a European Economic Area State
o Red-Type Members: NSB/NC from an EFTA state (not Blue-type Members), or from States that are
officially identified as candidate countries for accession to the EU
o Yellow-Type Members: NSB/NC from a State having an agreement with the EU and demonstrating
regulatory convergence or compatibility with the essential regulations that support the Single Market in
areas that are relevant to CEN and CENELEC activities.
4.2 Self-assessment exercise combined with EN ISO 9001 certification
4.2.1 General and time cycle of the assessment report
Under this option, CEN and CENELEC Members of Blue and Red types organize and conduct their self-
assessment combined with EN ISO 9001 certification and report the findings to the MRMC. The time cycle
of the assessment Report is every 3 years.
The following specific elements should be taken into account.
4.2.2 Certification EN ISO 9001
Members having chosen this option shall have a quality management system in place, which is
EN ISO 9001 certified at their own cost, in addition, the following applies:
— Membership require

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