Method to achieve circular designs of products

This document proposes a method to achieve circular designs of products. It details principles, requirements and guidance associated with the proposed method. This document: • specifies requirements and guidance for integrating circularity into the design and development process of products by an organization and, • supports organizations to develop product design rules to fulfil their chosen circular business targets (e.g. the circular business models chosen by the organization or the legislation requirements). Having life cycle thinking as a core principle, this document provides guidance on how to reduce environmental impacts, and how to deal with challenges such as trade-offs during circular product design, without compromising other product functions including safety. This document focusses on material efficiency. It is not a management system standard. This document can be applied when no product-specific or product group standard exist. Where such documents are developed, this document can be used as reference to ensure consistency and harmonization across the different product areas and supply chains or networks. NOTE For the purpose of this document, the following products are excluded: food, feed, medicinal products for human use, veterinary medicinal products, living plants, animals and microorganisms, products of human origin, products of plants and animals relating directly to their future reproduction.

Verfahren zur Realisierung zirkulärer Produktgestaltung

In diesem Dokument wird ein Verfahren zum Definieren von Designregeln für zirkuläre Produkte vorgeschlagen. Es enthält Grundsätze, Anforderungen und Leitlinien, die mit dem vorgeschlagenen Verfahren verknüpft sind. Dieses Dokument: - legt Anforderungen und Leitlinien für das Integrieren von Zirkularität in den Design- und Entwicklungsprozess von Produkten durch eine Organisation fest. - unterstützt Organisationen beim Entwickeln von Produktdesignregeln zum Erfüllen ihrer gewählten zirkulären Kategorien (z. B. der von der Organisation oder aufgrund der rechtlichen Anforderungen gewählten zirkulären Geschäftsmodelle). Dieses Dokument hat die Lebenswegbetrachtung als zentralen Grundsatz und liefert einen Leitfaden zum Reduzieren von Umweltauswirkungen und zum Umgang mit Herausforderungen wie Zielkonflikten im zirkulären Produktdesign, ohne Funktionen und Sicherheit zu beeinträchtigen. Der Fokus dieses Dokuments liegt auf der Materialeffizienz. Es handelt sich nicht um eine Managementsystemnorm. Dieses Dokument kann angewendet werden, wenn keine produktspezifische Norm oder Produktgruppennorm existiert. Wenn solche Dokumente erarbeitet werden, kann dieses Dokument als Referenz verwendet werden, um Konsistenz und Harmonisierung über verschiedene Produktbereiche und Lieferketten oder netzwerke hinweg sicherzustellen.

Méthode pour réaliser des conceptions circulaires de produits

Le présent document propose une méthode pour définir des règles de conception circulaire des produits. Il décrit les principes, exigences et recommandations associés à la méthode proposée. Le présent document: • spécifie les exigences et recommandations relatives à l'intégration de la circularité dans le processus de conception et de développement des produits par un organisme; • aide les organismes à établir des règles de conception des produits pour satisfaire aux catégories circulaires choisies (par exemple, les modèles d'affaires circulaires choisis par l'organisme ou les exigences de la législation). Le présent document, dont le principe fondamental est la pensée cycle de vie, fournit des recommandations quant à la façon de réduire les impacts environnementaux, et quant à la façon de relever des défis tels que les compromis lors de la conception circulaire des produits, sans compromettre les fonctions et la sécurité. Le présent document se concentre sur l'utilisation rationnelle des matériaux. Il ne s'agit pas d'une norme de système de management. Le présent document peut être appliqué lorsqu'il n'existe aucune norme spécifique au produit ou au groupe de produits. Lorsque de tels documents sont élaborés, le présent document peut servir de référence pour assurer la cohérence et l'harmonisation entre les différents secteurs de produits et les chaînes ou réseaux d'approvisionnement.

Metoda za doseganje krožnega oblikovanja izdelkov

Ta dokument predlaga metodo za opredelitev pravil krožnega oblikovanja izdelkov. Podrobno opisuje načela, zahteve in smernice, povezane s predlagano metodo. Ta dokument:
– določa zahteve in smernice za vključitev krožnosti v proces oblikovanja in razvoja izdelkov s strani organizacije;
– podpira organizacije pri razvoju pravil oblikovanja izdelkov za izpolnitev njihovih izbranih krožnih kategorij (npr. krožnih poslovnih modelov, ki jih je izbrala organizacija, ali zakonodajnih zahtev).
Ker je temeljno načelo tega dokumenta upoštevanje življenjskega cikla, zagotavlja smernice o tem, kako zmanjšati vplive na okolje in kako se soočiti z izzivi, kot so kompromisi med krožnim oblikovanjem izdelkov, ne da bi to vplivalo na funkcije in varnost.
Ta dokument se osredotoča na učinkovitost materialov in ni standard za sistem vodenja.
Ta dokument je mogoče uporabljati, kadar ne obstaja noben standard za izdelek ali skupino izdelkov. Če taki dokumenti obstajajo, je ta dokument mogoče uporabljati kot referenco za zagotavljanje doslednosti in usklajenosti na različnih področjih izdelkov ter v dobavnih verigah ali omrežjih.

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EN 45560:2025
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Standards Content (Sample)

Metoda za doseganje krožnega oblikovanja izdelkov
Method to achieve circular designs of products
Methode zur Gestaltung von zirkulären Produkten
Méthode pour réaliser des conceptions circulaires de produits
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 45560:2024
03.100.99 Drugi standardi v zvezi z Other standards related to
organizacijo in vodenjem company organization and
podjetja management
13.020.60 Življenjski ciklusi izdelkov Product life-cycles
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

ICS 03.100.50; 13.020.20
English Version
Method to achieve circular designs of products
Méthode pour réaliser des conceptions circulaires de Verfahren zur Realisierung zirkulärer Produktgestaltung
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 14 October 2024. CEN and CENELEC members are bound to comply with the
CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard
without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CEN and CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN and CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre
has the same status as the official versions.
CEN and CENELEC members are the national standards bodies and national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
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Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and United Kingdom

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members and for
Ref. No. EN 45560:2024 E
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 6
3.1 Terms and definitions relating to circular product design . 6
3.2 Terms and definitions relating to environment . 8
3.3 Terms and definitions relating to product and resource . 9
3.4 Terms and definitions relating to recycling .10
3.5 Terms and definitions relating to durability .11
3.6 Terms and definitions relating to lifetime extension .12
3.7 Abbreviated terms .13
4 Principles and concepts in support of circular product design .14
4.1 Circular product design core principles .14
4.2 Design principles for narrowing, slowing, and closing material flows .14
4.3 Material value hierarchy .16
4.4 EN 4555X-4556X series of standards and the material value hierarchy .18
5 Transition by an organization towards circularity .20
5.1 Circular economy as part of the vision, mission, and strategy .20
5.2 Circular goals of the organization .20
5.3 Measuring the organization’s transition towards circularity .21
6 Circular product design requirements and guidance .22
6.1 Circular product design implementation process.22
6.2 Circular targets of the organization .23
6.3 Circular product attributes .27
6.4 Building a circular product design matrix .29
6.5 Trade-offs considerations in circular product design .32
6.6 Circular product design requirements .35
7 Communication .45
7.1 Communication of the circular goals of the organization .45
7.2 User information and guidance on circular aspects of the product .45
Annex A (informative) Background information .46
A.1 Considerations of sustainable development goals .46
A.2 Circular product design extends environmentally conscious design .46
Annex B (informative) Strategies contributing to slowing, narrowing and closing material flows
B.1 Examples of strategies for narrowing material flows .48
B.2 Examples of strategies for slowing material flows .49
B.3 Examples of strategies for closing material flows .51
Annex C (informative) Circular product attributes explained .53
C.1 Circular product attribute groups, rationale and objectives .53
Bibliography .56

European foreword
This document [EN 45560:2024] has been prepared by CEN/CLC/JTC 10 “Material efficiency aspects for
products in scope of Ecodesign legislation”.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which this document has to be (dop) 2025–11–30
implemented at national level by publication of
an identical national standard or by
• latest date by which the national standards (dow) 2027–11–30
conflicting with this document have to be
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
CEN/CLC/JTC 10 has the objective to produce generic and horizontal CEN-CENELEC publications covering
aspects such as assessment methods, design rules, dematerialization, digitalization and transfer of information
on a variety of material efficiency topics, in particular (but not limited to):
a) Extending product lifetime;
b) Ability to reuse components or recycle materials from products at end-of-life;
c) Use of reused components and/or recycled materials in products.
This document is intended to be used by organizations applying directly to products but can also be used by
product technical committees when producing horizontal, generic, product-group, or product-specific standards.
It can, therefore, be cited together with product-group or product-specific standards, e.g. developed by product
technical committees.
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national committee. A complete
listing of these bodies can be found on the CENELEC website.

Including coverage of the European Commission defined list of critical raw materials (CRM).
0.1 Background
Climate change, biodiversity loss, resource depletion and the ever-increasing production of waste and pollution
represent major challenges to society today. Circular economy, with its focus on material efficiency and the
promise for longer lifetime of products, minimization of waste and closing the flows for materials is believed to
be an important means to overcome these challenges. When transitioning into a circular economy, design plays
a crucial role. It has been reported that 80 % of a product’s environmental impacts are determined at the product
design phase [1] and design choices can determine whether the efforts to improve circularity will be successful
or not. Circular product design is a key element of developing and implementing circular business models and
transitioning towards a circular economy.
In Europe, the Green Deal [2] launched in 2019 proposes a concerted strategy for a climate-neutral, resource-
efficient and competitive economy. Scaling up the circular economy from front-runners to the mainstream
economic players will make decisive contributions to achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and to decoupling
economic growth from the use of natural resources by using these resources more effectively, while ensuring
long-term competitiveness of and within the EU. This document, focusing on circular product design, supports
achieving the ambition stated in the European Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) [3].
Sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources is addressed by the UN’s sustainable
development goals (SDGs). This document supports these goals, particularly SDG 12, to ensure sustainable
consumption and production patterns (see Annex A for more details).
The main purpose of this document is to develop a systematic way (method) of defining design rules and
activities for the design and development of products such that these are made circular by design within a
circular economy.
This document is intended for organizations designing and developing products that fall under the scope of the
ecodesign legislation [4]. It focusses on optimizing material utilization and efficiency with strategies that enable
narrowing (use less materials), slowing (extend product life, keep quality of products and materials as high as
possible for as long as possible) and closing flows (parts recovery, remanufacture, repurpose and recycling).
0.2 Relation with other horizontal or generic standards
Although there are regulatory requirements for resource efficiency across most geographies, to date, the focus
has been mostly on the energy efficiency of products. Recently standards focusing on the material efficiency
became available, with the publication of the CEN/CLC/JTC 10 EN 4555X-4556X series of standards. These
standards focus on the assessment of different aspects of material efficiency, such as durability of products
(EN 45552 [5]), ability to remanufacture (EN 45553 [6]), ability to be repaired, reused and upgraded
(EN 45554 [7]), recyclability (EN 45555 [8]), proportion of reused components (EN 45556 [9]), recycled content
(EN 45557 [10]), and communication on the use of critical raw materials (CRMs) (EN 45558 [11]) and material
efficiency (EN 45559 [70]). These standards address how to assess ability (how easy or difficult it is) to e.g.
repair, remanufacture or recycle a product. However, these standards do not provide guidance on what aspects
to consider when designing a product. This document intends to fill in such a gap.
The standard EN IEC 62430 (see Clause 2 in this document) assists organizations to incorporate
environmentally conscious design (ECD) into their product design and development process. IEC/TS 63428
[12] links circularity to environmentally conscious design.
ISO 14009 [13] provides guidelines to organizations on how to incorporate circular product design strategies in
the design and development within their environment management system. ISO 14006 [14] provides guidelines
to assist organizations in establishing a systematic and structured approach to the incorporation and
implementation of ecodesign within an environment management system, such as described in ISO 14001 [15].
Assessments of environmental impacts including aspects of material circularity and material cost accounting
are considered in documents such as EN 50693 [16], EN 15804 [17], and ISO 14040 [18], ISO 14044 [19], and
ISO 14051 [20].
IEC 62309 [21] contains guidance and requirements for dependability assessment of products containing
reused parts and it also specifies requirements about declaration and designation of reused parts “qualified-as-

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