Radiological protection — Radiological monitoring for emergency workers and population following nuclear/radiological incidents — General principles

This document presents general principles for preparedness to conduct individual contamination screening, triage, monitoring and assessing radiation doses received by people exposed during and/or in the aftermath of a nuclear or major radiological incident. The document mainly focuses on the early response phase, which requires rapid actions to be undertaken for achieving the goals in support of, and according to, national or international guidelines on emergency response. It addresses general requirements for — members of the public, this includes adults, vulnerable populations (such as children and pregnant women) and people with special needs (such as the elderly and disabled), and — emergency workers. This document provides general procedures for screening, triage and monitoring these two categories of people. It deals with individual monitoring for potential external contamination, internal and external exposures and dose assessment. It also gives principles for organizing and managing a population screening centre and for registering and reporting the results of individual monitoring. This document is applicable to most exposure situations following a nuclear or major radiological incident affecting a large number of people, including: — significant release of radioactive materials (e.g. from a facility or nuclear power plant, during transportation); — radiological dispersal device (RDD); — improvised nuclear device (IND); — nuclear weapon. Radiological incidents for which there is no release of radioactive material in the environment but only external exposures (e.g. linked to a Radiation Exposure Device (RED)) are outside the scope of this document[1]. However, some information given by this document may be of interest for this type of event. The aim of the document is to ensure that the appropriate parties are prepared in advance. This document advises how to obtain and collect data quickly and accurately in order to inform decision makers. It does not specify the parties or individuals who are responsible for undertaking the actions. This document is intended to give guidance to those in charge of monitoring and assessing doses received by populations in emergency exposure situations involving a large number of people potentially subject to internal/external contamination (and subsequent radiation doses). It can also serve as guidance to regulatory bodies. [1] Incidents resulting from RED exposure are excluded from consideration in this document because they do not result in contamination that would be detected by a portal monitor or handheld device. Identification of victims with only potential external exposure are determined by means such as evaluation of clinical signs and symptoms, biodosimetry, EPR, etc.

Radioprotection — Surveillance radiologique des membres des équipes d'intervention et de la population après des incidents nucléaires/radiologiques — Principes généraux

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ISO 24434:2024 - Radiological protection — Radiological monitoring for emergency workers and population following nuclear/radiological incidents — General principles Released:18. 01. 2024
English language
82 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

ISO 24434
First edition
Radiological protection —
Radiological monitoring for
emergency workers and population
following nuclear/radiological
incidents — General principles
Radioprotection — Surveillance radiologique des intervenants
en situation d'urgence et de la population après des incidents
nucléaires/radiologiques — Principes généraux
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
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ISO copyright office
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Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .vi
Introduction .vii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 2
3 Terms and definitions . 2
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms.10
4.1 Symbols .10
4.2 Abbreviated terms .11
5 Collecting Information about the incident .12
5.1 General . 12
5.2 Description of the incident . 12
5.3 Source term identification and magnitude . 13
5.4 Weather conditions and modelling results . 13
5.5 Potential exposure pathways .14
5.6 Affected population and demographic information .14
6 Organizing and managing a population screening centre . 14
6.1 Selecting the site .14
6.1.1 General considerations .14
6.2 Staffing and organization .16
6.2.1 General .16
6.2.2 Modules of a population screening centre.17
6.3 Scalability and sustainability .18
6.4 Practical considerations .18
6.5 Population with special needs .19
6.5.1 Main considerations .19
6.5.2 Other considerations .19
6.6 Services (medical and psychological, security and safety, communication,
transportation) .19
6.6.1 Medical .19
6.6.2 Mental health (psychosocial) . 20
6.6.3 Security and safety . 20
7 Screening and monitoring for potential external contamination .21
7.1 Purpose .21
7.2 Radiation detection equipment .21
7.3 Contamination screening during initial sorting . 22
7.4 Contamination screening station. 22
7.4.1 General . 22
7.4.2 Contamination screening station location . 22
7.4.3 Contamination screening station staffing . 22
7.4.4 Contamination screening station personal protective equipment (PPE) . 22
7.5 Decontamination station . 23
7.5.1 General . 23
7.5.2 Decontamination station location . 23
7.5.3 Decontamination station staffing . 23
7.5.4 Decontamination station personal protective equipment . 23
7.5.5 Clothing and personal belongings . 23
7.5.6 Partial-body decontamination .24
7.6 Post-decontamination screening .24
7.6.1 General .24
7.6.2 Factors affecting the criteria for determining if decontamination is warranted .24
8 Assessing and monitoring internal exposure .25
8.1 Overview . 25

8.2 Sample collection . . . 25
8.3 Monitoring for potential internal contamination. 25
8.3.1 General . 25
8.3.2 Monitoring for radionuclides emitting predominantly non-penetrating radiation . 26
8.3.3 Penetrating radiation .27
8.3.4 Radionuclide mixture .27
8.4 Method for dose assessment . 28
8.4.1 General . 28
8.4.2 Initial dose assessment . 29
8.4.3 Detailed internal dose assessment. 30
9 Assessing and monitoring external exposure .30
9.1 General . 30
9.2 Assessing external exposure .31
9.2.1 Subjects .31
9.2.2 Guidance .31
9.2.3 Measurement devices .31
9.3 Assessing external exposure for workers . 33
9.3.1 Subjects . 33
9.3.2 Procedure . 33
9.3.3 Measurements .

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