Fertilizers and soil conditioners — Vocabulary

ISO 8157:2015 defines terms relating to fertilizers and soil conditioners.

Engrais et amendements — Vocabulaire

L'ISO 8157:2015 définit les termes relatifs aux engrais et amendements.

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Second edition
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Fertilizers and soil conditioners —
Engrais et amendements —
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)
ISO 2015

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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)

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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)

Contents Page
Foreword .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions . 1
2.1 General terms . 1
2.2 Terms relating to products . 8
2.3 Terms relating to physical properties .14
2.4 Terms relating to physico-chemical properties .16
2.5 Terms relating to safety .17
2.6 Terms relating to sampling .18
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)

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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 134, Fertilizers and soil conditioners.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 8157:1984), which has been technically
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Fertilizers and soil conditioners — Vocabulary
1 Scope
This International Standard defines terms relating to fertilizers and soil conditioners.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
2.1 General terms
substance containing one or more recognized plant nutrient(s), which is used for its plant nutrient
content and which is designed for use or claimed to have value in promoting plant growth
plant nutrient
chemical element, which is essential for plant growth
fertilizer nutrient
plant nutrient applied in the course of fertilization
Note 1 to entry: Some countries/regions declare/express nutrients in their oxide forms (e.g. CaO) but also in their
elementary forms.
primary nutrient (element)
elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium only
Note 1 to entry: Macronutrient is also used. These include the following plant food: nitrogen (N), available
phosphate (P O ), and soluble potash (K O).
2 5 2
Note 2 to entry: The following definition is recognized by some specific countries/regions: macro nutrient is the
sum of primary and secondary nutrients, such as N, P, K, and Mg, Ca, as well as S (Na, Si).
secondary nutrient (element)
elements calcium, magnesium, and sulfur
Note 1 to entry: Sodium (Na) is one of the secondary nutrients (elements) in some countries/regions.
micronutrient; trace element
element, such as boron, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, and/or chlorine, which are
essential, in relatively small quantities, for plant growth
Note 1 to entry: Nickel (Ni) is also called a micronutrient (element) in some countries/regions, while in Japan,
nickel is classified as harmful element.
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)

beneficial substance or elements
substance or element other than primary, secondary, or micronutrient that can be demonstrated by
scientific research to be beneficial or may be essential to one or more species of plants, when applied
inorganic fertilizer
fertilizer without organic material other than those defined as additives
Note 1 to entry: Calcium cyanamide, urea and its condensation products and chelated and complex micro-
nutrients are, by convention, recognized as inorganic fertilizers.
organic fertilizer
material containing carbon or one or more elements other than hydrogen and oxygen, mainly of plant
and/or animal origin added either directly to the plant or to the soil, specifically, for the nutrition of
plants and that may improve soil structure
organic nitrogenous fertilizer
material of biological origin in which the declarable nitrogen content is organically combined with
carbon and which may contain other elements, but which do not have declarable phosphorus or
potassium contents
synthetic nitrogenous fertilizer
nitrogenous fertilizer in which the nitrogen is combined with carbon by organic synthesis
organo-mineral fertilizer
semi-organic fertilizer
product in which declared nutrients are of both organic and inorganic origin obtained by mixing and/or
chemical combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers
organo-mineral compound fertilizer
organic-inorganic compound fertilizer
compound fertilizer containing an amount of organic fertilizer
slow release fertilizer
fertilizer, of which, by hydrolysis and/or by biodegradation and/or by limited solubility, the nutrients
available to plants is spread over a period of time, when compared to a “reference soluble” product, e.g.
ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and urea
controlled-release fertilizer
fertilizer in which nutrient release is controlled, meeting the stated release rate of nutrient and the
stated release time at a specified temperature
Note 1 to entry: Typical examples are coated fertilizers, such as, polymer coated fertilizer, PSCU.
partly slow release fertilizer
fertilizer obtained by mixing of slow released fertilizers with rapidly available fertilizers
partly controlled release fertilizer
fertilizer obtained by mixing of controlled released fertilizers with rapidly available fertilizers
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)

coated fertilizer
fertilizer, the granules of which are covered with a thin layer of a different material (polymer, sulphur,
and/or other material) in order to improve the behavior and/or modify the characteristics of the fertilizer
stabilized fertilizer
fertilizer product that has been amended with an additive that reduces the rate of transformation of (a)
fertilizer compound(s), extending the time of nutrient availability to the plant by a variety of mechanisms
relative to its un-amended form
Note 1 to entry: Usually refer to nitrogen-stabilized fertilizer.
substance, usually synthetic, which delays or stops the activity of specific groups of micro-organisms
or enzymes
urease inhibitor
substance that inhibits hydrolytic action on urea by the urease enzyme
Note 1 to entry: Primarily targeted to reduce ammonia volatilization.
nitrification inhibitor
substance that inhibits the biological oxidation of ammoniacal nitrogen to nitrite nitrogen, thus, slowing
the formation of nitrate nitrogen
enhanced efficiency reference product
soluble fertilizer product (prior to treatment by chemical reaction, coating, encapsulation, addition of
inhibitors, compaction, occlusion, or by other means) or the corresponding product used for comparison
to substantiate enhanced efficiency claims
soil conditioner
material (could be inorganic or organic) added to soils to improve the physical and/or chemical
properties, and/or the biological activity of soils without a declarable content of nutrients
synthetic soil conditioner
product made by organic synthesis added to the soil to improve the physical and/or chemical properties,
and/or the biological activity of soils without a declarable content of nutrients
inorganic soil conditioner
soil conditioner without organic matter and a declarable content of nutrients, which improves the
physical and/or chemical properties and/or the biological activity of soils
calcium sulfate, with a small amount of phosphates, obtained after extracting phosphoric acid during a
specific wet phosphoric acid process
Note 1 to entry: In this process, phosphate rock powder is reacted with concentrated sulfuric acid.
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)

soil improver
material added to soil in situ whose main function is to maintain or improve its physical and/or chemical
and/or biological properties or the soil activity with the exception of liming materials
Note 1 to entry: The term “soil amendment” is also used in some countries/regions.
liming material
mineral substances and mixtures whose main function is to correct soil acidity containing either oxides,
hydroxides, carbonates, or silicates of the nutrients calcium and/or magnesium
Note 1 to entry: The terms “lime” and “liming soil amendment” are also used, but “liming material” or “agricultural
lime” are preferred.
organic soil improver
natural organic material applied principally to improve the physical properties and biological activity
of soil
semi-organic soil improver
soil conditioner containing substances and elements of both organic and inorganic origin
water soluble fertilizer
fertilizer, virtual completely soluble in water and suitable for fertigation and sprinkling irrigation, etc.
water soluble nutrient
nutrient completely soluble in water
foliar fertilizer
fertilizer designed for application to, and nutrient uptake by, the foliage of a plant
chelated fertilizer
fertilizer in which one or more nutrients are bonded by chelating agents
chelated plant nutrient
product of a chemical reaction between a metal cation that is recognized as a plant nutrient and a
chelating agent
molecular entity in which exists the presence of bonds (or attractive interactions) between two or more
separate binding sites within the same ORGANIC ligand and a single central atom of a metal forming a
five- or six-membered ring
chelating agent
organic molecule having two or more sites that donate electron pairs to a central metal cation and is
large enough to form a five- or six-membered ring structure
EXAMPLE Examples include EDTA, NTA (nitrilotriacetic acid), and IDHA (iminodisuccinic acid).
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)
coordinating complex
molecular entity in which exists the presence of bonds (or attractive interactions) between two or more
components of organic molecular entities and one central metallic atom
Note 1 to entry: When this metal complex is formed because the interaction of two or more separate binding sites
within the same organic ligand and a single central atom forming a five-or six-membered ring, then it becomes a
coordinating agent
sequestering agent
organic molecule having two or more sites that donate electron pairs to a central metal cation, which
form a product of sufficient stability with the cation that does not undergo many of free metal typical
reactions, e.g. precipitation in basic solution
soil fertility
ability of a soil to support and ensure plant growth
any or all aspects of the use of fertilizers and soil conditioners to improve crop growth and soil fertility
Note 1 to entry: The English term “fertilization” has a more restricted meaning than the French term “fertilization”
which covers all the techniques of management of fertilizers and soil conditioners.
process of administering fertilizers, liming materials, and soil improvers to a crop or soil or both
Note 1 to entry: This term embraces broadcasting, spreading/spraying, or dusting, as well as more specific
placement methods including injection into the soil and the combined drilling of seed and fertilizer. It includes
nutrient film techniques, foliar application, and the addition of fertilizers to irrigation water (fertigation).
application of fertilizer dissolved in irrigation water
dose rate
mass or volume of fertilizer or soil conditioner or nutrient applied per unit area of cultivated land or unit
mass of growth medium
solubility of a fertilizer nutrient
mass or volume of a given nutrient which is extracted by a specific medium under specified conditions
Note 1 to entry: Expressed as a percentage by mass or volume of the fertilizer.
solubility of a fertilizer
mass of a fertilizer that will dissolve in a given volume of water at a given temperature (such as kg/m
at 298 K)
fertilizer unit
unit mass of a fertilizer nutrient (in the form of the element or an oxide), generally 1 kg
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)

total primary nutrient
sum of total nitrogen, available phosphorus (P O ), and water-soluble potash (K O) content, expressed
2 5 2
as mass fraction in percent
primary nutrient formula
term used in some countries to express, by numbers, in the order of N-P O -K O, the respective content
2 5 2
of these nutrients in a compound fertilizer
Note 1 to entry: In some countries/regions, the mass fraction is expressed as the percentage of either element or
oxide, in the order of nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium: secondary nutrients and micro-nutrients, the respective
content of these nutrients in a compound fertilizer.
Note 2 to entry: A zero may be used to indicate the absence of an element.
declarable content
content of an element (or an oxide) which, may be given on a label or document associated with fertilizer
or soil conditioner, as applicable to regional regulations
Note 1 to entry: In some regions/countries, the term ‘declarable content’ can also be referred to as ‘nutrient
statement of the nutrient content, or other information, according to regional regulations
statement, symbol, logo, picture, and/or information, that is present on the label or package and identifies
or implies a product and its quality, quantity, characteristic, usage, etc.
permitted deviation of the measured value of a nutrient content from its declared value
Note 1 to entry: The term Investigational Allowance is also used in some countries/regions; please refer to the
country/region’s laws/regulations.
guarantee (of composition)
quantitative and/or qualitative characteristics with which a marketed product shall comply for
contractual or legal requirements
nutrient ratio
ratio by mass of the primary nutrients in the fertilizer, expressed in the form of the element or an oxide,
in the order of nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium
Note 1 to entry: The ratio may be based on nitrogen as unity or on the nutrient with the lowest proportion.
granular fertilizer
solid material formed into particles of a predetermined size and expressed in SGN, D , and UI, size
range, or other specific methods
technique using processes such as agglomeration, crushing into fine particles, accretion or compaction,
to make a granulate fertilizer from fine particles
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)

grain size
dimension which corresponds to the smallest sieve aperture size through which a particle will pass if
presented in the most favourable attitude
granule obtained by solidification of droplets of fertilizers or by crystallization under special conditions
solid substance in the form of very fine particles
powdered fertilizer
fertilizer in the form of fine particles, formed by precipitation, crystallization, or grinding of larger
liquid fertilizer
general term for fertilizers in suspension or solution and for liquefied ammonia
solution fertilizer
liquid fertilizer free of solid particles
suspension fertilizer
two-phase fertilizer in which solid particles are maintained in suspension in the aqueous phase
additive agent
substance added to fertilizer materials to provide bulk, prevent caking, or serve some purpose other
than providing essential plant nutrients
substance added to fertilizer materials to provide bulk other than providing essential plant nutrients
closed receptacle directly in contact with a fertilizer or soil conditioner whereby the fertilizer or soil
conditioner may be transported or stored in unit quantities (for example a bag, bottle, tank, barrel)
any product to be used for the containment, protection, handling, delivery, storage, transport,
and presentation of goods, from raw material to processed goods, from the producer to user or consumer,
including processor, assembler, or other intermediary
packaging (2.1.56) and its contents
big bag
flexible container, holding 250 kg to 1 500 kg
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)

piece of paper or plastic, or a printed area of a package or container, marked with the necessary
information to identify the product and make known its essential characteristics
means a fertilizer distributed in non-packaged form
extent to which fertilizer nutrients can be taken up by plants
non-nutritive trace elements
elements above critical levels which are harmful to ecological systems and/or human health and
regulated with different regional/national classifications, for example As, Cd, Cr(VI), Pb and Hg
Note 1 to entry: In some countries, historically also refer to heavy metal.
- - - - 2- -
Note 2 to entry: In some countries, F , Cl , Br , I , NO , SCN may be also referred.
2.2 Terms relating to products
NOTE Nutrition content should meet the law/regulation of each country/region.
2.2.1 Nitrogen product
aqueous ammonia
solution containing water and ammonia in any proportion
Note 1 to entry: This is usually qualified by a reference to nitrogen content.
calcium nitrate
chemically obtained product containing calcium nitrate as its essential ingredient
calcium ammonium nitrate
nitrogen fertilizer consisting of a hydrated double salt of calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate with
water of crystallization, with the chemical formula of 5Ca(NO ) .NH NO .10H O
3 2 4 3 2
Note 1 to entry: In some countries/regions, it is also called calcium nitrate.
calcium cyanamide
chemically obtained product containing calcium cyanamide as its essential ingredient
ammonium sulfate
sulfate of ammonia
chemically obtained product containing ammonium sulfate as its essential ingredient
ammonium chloride
chemically obtained product containing ammonium chloride as its essential ingredient
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)
ammonium sulfated nitrate
chemically obtained product containing ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate as its essential
ammonium nitrate
chemically obtained product containing ammonium nitrate as its essential ingredient, which may contain
fillers such as ground limestone, calcium sulfate, ground dolomite, magnesium sulfate, and kieserite
white crystalline, or granular, solid synthesized from ammonia and carbon dioxide under high
temperature and pressure by a number of processes
urea ammonium nitrate fertilizer solution
solution of urea and ammonium nitrate in water used as fertilizer
urea-ammonium mixed nitrogen fertilizer
solid straight nitrogen fertilizer containing ureic nitrogen and ammoniacal nitrogen only
sulfur coated urea
coated controlled release fertilizer consisting of urea particles coated with sulfur
Note 1 to entry: The product is usually further coated with a sealant and, if necessary, a conditioner to avoid
tackiness from the sealant.
chemical compound or mixture of compounds consisting of repeating structural units created through
polymer coated urea
coated controlled release fertilizer consisting of urea particles coated with a polymer
Note 1 to entry: It is a source of controlled release nitrogen.
polymer sulfur coated urea
coated slow release fertilizer consisting of urea particles coated with a polymer and sulfur
2.2.2 Phosphorus product
single superphosphate
product obtained by reaction of ground mineral phosphate with sulphuric acid and containing
monocalcium phosphate as an essential ingredient, as well as calcium sulfate
dicalcium phosphate
product obtained by precipitation of solubilized phosphoric acid from mineral phosphates or bones and
containing dicalcium phosphate dihydrate as its essential ingredient
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)
triple superphosphate
product obtained by reaction of ground mineral phosphate with phosphoric acid and containing
monocalcium phosphate as its essential ingredient
fused calcium-magnesium phosphate (fertilizer)
vitreous aluminosilicate containing phosphate, which is formed by phosphate rock and rock containing
magnesium and silicon through hot melting, quenching, drying, and grinding in a blast or electric furnace
2.2.3 Potash product
potassium magnesium sulfate
sulfate of potash magnesia
potassium salt containing water-soluble potash principally as sulfates and sulfate of magnesium
Note 1 to entry: Typically, a naturally occurring soluble mineral that is a double salt of potassium sulfate and
magnesium sulfate.
potassium chloride
muriate of potash
product obtained from crude potassium salts or brines containing potassium chloride as its essential
potassium sulfate
sulfate of potash
product obtained chemically from sulfuric acid, sulfates, and potassium salts or from naturally occurring
minerals containing potassium sulfate as its essential ingredient
2.2.4 NP product
monoammonium phosphate
product composed of ammonium phosphates, principally monoammonium phosphate, resulting from
the ammoniation of phosphoric acid
diammonium phosphate
product composed of ammonium phosphates, principally diammonium phosphate, resulting from the
ammoniation of phosphoric acid
compound fertilizer derived from the digestion of phosphate rock with nitric acid
2.2.5 NK product
potassium nitrate
nitrate of potash
chiefly the potassium salt of nitric acid, product obtained chemically or naturally from nitric acid,
nitrates and potassium chloride
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)

2.2.6 PK product
monopotassium phosphate
monopotassium salt of phosphoric acid
dipotassium phosphate
dipotassium salt of phosphoric acid
2.2.7 NPK product
compound fertilizer
fertilizer having a declarable content of at least two of the primary plant nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus,
and potassium), obtained chemically or by blending, or both, including NP, NK, PK, and NPK product
complex fertilizer
compound fertilizer, obtained by chemical reaction, having a declarable content of at least two of the
primary nutrients, including NP, NK, PK, and NPK product
blend fertilizer
fertilizer obtained by dry or liquid mixing of several components, with no chemical reaction
bulk blend
blended fertilizer transported or supplied in bulk
potassium nitrophosphate
fertilizer obtained by adding potassium salt after the reaction of ground mineral phosphate with nitric
2.2.8 Miscellaneous products
mineral residue remaining after the destruction of organic material by burning
Note 1 to entry: Such residues may be used as fertilizers, for example, plant ash and animal ash, containing mainly
potassium salts and phosphates.
dried blood
blood meal
blood which has been dried and to which no other material has been added
hard tissue forming the skeletal structure of animals and containing salts of calcium, chiefly phosphate
and carbonate
bone meal
degreased bone which may be degelatinized and has been ground or crushed to pass a sieve of specified
aperture size
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ISO 8157:2015(E/F)
group of hydrated aluminium silicates of microcrystalline structure (most often in parallel plates)
Note 1 to entry: This group of minerals has colloidal properties.
organic soil improver obtained by decomposition of a mixture consisting principally of various vegetable
residues, occasionally with organic materials of animal origin, and having a limited mineral content
semi-solid excrements of animals used as fertilizers and/or soil conditioners
fish guano
material consisting essentially of fresh by-products of the fishing industry and produced by grinding
and composting
product obtained by drying and grinding, or otherwise treating, fish or fish waste and to which no
addition has been made
growing medium
material, other than soils in situ, in wh

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