ISO 24650:2024
(Main)Road vehicles — Sensors for automated driving under adverse weather conditions — Assessment of the cleaning system efficiency
Road vehicles — Sensors for automated driving under adverse weather conditions — Assessment of the cleaning system efficiency
This document proposes a standard test procedure to assess the efficiency of cleaning systems for sensors. It addresses the following conditions: — dust/mud — frost/snow — mist/rain This document does not propose a preferred cleaning system. This document is intended to be technologically neutral and performance-oriented. Its focus is on the cleaning system, not on sensor detection. The assessment method specified in this document is therefore fully independent from sensor technology and from the data generated by the sensor when in use. This document is entirely focussed on the cleanliness of the front surface of the sensor. This document does not address continuous contamination, such as continuous rain. This is because in these circumstances, the efficiency of the cleaning system can only be assessed from inside the sensor. For non-continuous contamination, this document includes intermittent cleaning, which is considered a succession of cleaning cycles that are launched periodically, as defined in 3.2. The test does not include specific day time/night time conditions. This is because these conditions have no impact on the results and the average clean remains similar. However, more efficient cleaning can be done at night. This document does not cover contamination with insects due to the challenges of ensuring homogeneous application. This document does not provide indicators for sensor performance. This document is limited to the evaluation of the removal of contamination from surfaces. This document does not include evaluation on preventive measures taken in the installation design. The aerodynamic design affects how mud sprayed from a moving vehicle or rain droplets can reach and build-up on the sensor's frontal protection layer. Countermeasure design is beyond the scope of this document.
Véhicules routiers — Capteurs pour la conduite automatisée dans des conditions météorologiques défavorables — Évaluation de l'efficacité du système de nettoyage
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO 24650
First edition
Road vehicles — Sensors for
automated driving under adverse
weather conditions — Assessment
of the cleaning system efficiency
Véhicules routiers — Capteurs pour la conduite automatisée dans
des conditions météorologiques défavorables — Évaluation de
l'efficacité du système de nettoyage
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 2
4 Principle of the cleaning efficiency assessment . 2
5 General testing conditions . 5
5.1 Installation .5
5.2 No-load cleaning cycle .5
5.3 Surface contamination .5
5.4 Environmental conditions .5
5.5 Sensor surface state preparation .6
5.5.1 Pre-cleaning.6
5.5.2 Surface tension . .6
5.6 Lighting conditions .7
5.7 Camera and shooting conditions .7
5.8 Specific situations .7
5.8.1 Sensor surface .7
5.8.2 Cleaning system .7
5.9 Test session .7
6 Dust/mud testing . 7
6.1 Test mixture preparation .7
6.2 Test equipment .8
6.3 Preparation of the equipment .8
6.4 Test procedure .8
7 Frost/ice testing .11
7.1 Frost/ice preparation .11
7.2 Test equipment .11
7.3 Preparation of the equipment .11
7.4 Test procedure .11
8 Mist/rain testing .12
8.1 Water specification . 12
8.2 Test equipment . 12
8.3 Preparation of the equipment . 12
8.4 Test procedure . 13
9 Assessment of the efficiency of the cleaning system .13
9.1 Picture analysis . 13
9.2 Cleaning system efficiency calculation .14
9.3 Specific areas of interest.14
9.4 Expression of results . .14
Annex A (informative) Selected washer fluids .16
Annex B (informative) Examples of standard dusts . 17
Annex C (informative) Examples of picture analysis .18
Annex D (informative) Example of iterative threshold determination . 19
Annex E (informative) Areas of interest depending on sensor type and geometry .20
Bibliography .21
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 35,
Lighting and visibility.
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Vehicles with automated driving systems (ADS) need more sensors, such as radars, lidars and cameras.
These components are located outside the vehicle, which means they are exposed to weather conditions that
can cause contamination on sensitive surfaces. This can affect visibility, which can impair safe driving.
For Level 1 and Level 2 ADS (defined in ISO/SAE PAS 22736), any failure in sensor detection is overcome
by the driver immediately recovering control of the vehicle. From Level 3 onwards, the driver alone cannot
guarantee vehicle safety, and a scenario-based safety evaluation must be performed (see ISO 34502).
Sensor technology is evolving rapidly and becoming more robust. It is therefore difficult to determine
single set of uniform criteria on how clean sensors have to be for automated driving systems to perform as
expected. This can also depend on the role of the given sensor.
Regardless of which sensor is used to determine a vehicle's environment, the front surface of a sensor is kept
clean by a system that maintains visibility performance. Evaluating the cleanliness of the front surface of a
sensor after a cleaning operation determines the efficiency of the cleaning systems.
International Standard ISO 24650:2024(en)
Road vehicles — Sensors for automated driving under
adverse weather conditions — Assessment of the cleaning
system efficiency
1 Scope
This document proposes a standard test procedure to assess the efficiency of cleaning systems
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