ISO 1087:1990
(Main)Terminology — Vocabulary
Terminology — Vocabulary
Terminologie — Vocabulaire
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Premihe Edition
Terminology - Vocabulary
Terminologie - Vocabulaire
Reference number
Numero de refhence
ISO 1087 : 1990 (E/F)
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ISO 1087 : 1990 (E/F)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried outthrough ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 1087 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 37,
Terminolog y fprincipes and co-ordina tion 1.
lt cancels and replaces ISO Recommendation R 1087: 1969, of which it constitutes a
technical revision.
0 ISO 1990
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writing from the publisher./Droits de reproduction reserves. Aucune Partie de cette publication
ne peut etre reproduite ni utilisee sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procede, electroni-
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International Organization for Standardization
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Printed in Switzerland/lmprime en Suisse
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ISO 1087 : 1990 (E/F)
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale
d’organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration
des Normes internationales est en general confiee aux comites techniques de I’ISO.
Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite
technique cree a cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO participent egalement aux travaux. L’ISO col-
labore etroitement avec Ia Commission electrotechnique internationale (GEI) en ce qui
concerne Ia normalisation electrotechnique.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont soumis
aux comites membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes inter-
nationales par Ie Conseil de I’ISO. Les Normes internationales sont approuvees confor-
mement aux procedures de I’ISO qui requierent I’approbation de 75 % au moins des
comites membres votants.
La Norme internationale ISO 1087 a etc elaboree par Ie comite technique ISO/TC 37,
Terminologie fprincipes et coordina tion J.
Elle annule et remplace Ia Recommandation ISO/R 1087: 1969, dont elle constitue une
revision technique.
. . .
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ISO 1087 : 1990 (E/F)
Co-Operation and communication between experts engaged in terminology work
makes it necessary that the technical terms used for the metalanguage of the field “ter-
minology” are based on the same conventions and concepts. This vocabulary was
prepared in Order to make such information accessible to a large number of users. lt is
conceived as a tool for the understanding of terminological Iiterature, particularly of
the other Standards prepared by ISO/TC 37. lt provides a certain number of basic con-
cepts and terms on which an Overall agreement could be reached by the members of
ISO/TC 37.
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ISO 1087 : 1990 (E/F)
La cooperation et Ia communication dans les milieux de Ia terminologie necessitent
I’utilisation d’une metalangue terminologique fondee sur des conventions et des
notions identiques. Le present vocabulaire a etc elabore de facon 6 rendre cette infor-
mation terminologique accessible au plus grand nombre d’usagers. Ce vocabulaire
constitue egalement un outil indispensable pour Ia bonne comprehension de Ia docu-
mentation sur Ia terminologie, notamment des autres normes etablies par I’ISO/TC 37.
On trouvera dans ce vocabulaire les notions fondamentales qui ont fait I’objet d’un
large consensus parmi les membres de I’ISO/TC 37.
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ISO 1087 : 1990 (E/F)
Terminology - Vocabulary Terminologie - Vocabulaire
1 Scope 1 Domaine d’application
This International Standard establishes a basic vocabulary for La presente Norme internationale etablit Ie vocabulaire fonda-
mental de Ia terminologie et de ses applications. Elle est appli-
terminology science and its practical applications. lt is ap-
plicable to terminological activities at national and international cable aux activites terminologiques, au plan national comme au
plan international.
2 Langue et realit6
2 Language and reality
2.1 objet: Element de Ia realite qui peut etre percu ou concu.
2.1 Object: Any part of the perceivable or conceivable I ,
NOTE - Les objets peuvent etre materiels (par exemple: moteur) ou
NOTE - Objects may also be material (e.g. engine) or immaterial (e.g. immaterieis (par exemple : magnetisme).
subject field: Section of human knowledge, the border 2.2 domaine: Partie du savoir dont les limites sont definies
selon un Point de vue particulier.
lines of which are defined from a purpose-related Point of view.
NOTE - En science de Ia terminologie (8.1) et dans ses applications,
NOTE - In terminology science (8.1) and its practical applications the
Ie domaine est determine par I’etablissement de systemes de notions
subject field is determined through the establishment of Systems of
concepts (3.10).
2.3 special language : Linguistic Subsystem, intended for 2.3 langue de spkialite : Sous-Systeme linguistique qui
utilise une terminologie (5.1) et d’autres moyens linguistiques
unambiguous communication in a particular subject field (2.2)
using a terminology (5.1) and other linguistic means. et qui vise Ia non-ambigui’te de Ia communication dans un
domaine (2.2) particulier.
3 Notion
3 Concept
3.1 concept: A unit of thought constituted through abstrac- notion: Unite de pensee constituee par abstraction a
partir des proprietes communes a un ensemble d’objets (2.1).
tion on the basis of properties common to a set of objects (2.1).
- Les notions ne sont pas liees aux langues individuelles. Elles
NOTE - Concepts are not bound to particular languages. They are, NOTE
however, influenced by the social or cultural background. sont cependant influencees par Ie tontexte socioculturel.
3.1.1 notion emprunthe: Notion (3.1) utilisee dans un
3.1.1 borrowed concept: Concept (3.1) used in a given
subject field (2.2) but belonging primarily to another subject domaine (2.2) donne mais qui appartient primitivement a un
autre domaine (2.2).
f ield (2.2).
3.1.2 notion superordonnee: Notion (3.1) qui, dans un sys-
3.1.2 Superordinate concept: Concept (3.1) in a hierar-
teme hierarchique, peut etre subdivisee en un certain nombre
chical System which tan be subdivided into a number of Iower-
de notions (3.1) de niveau inferieur.
ranking concepts (3.1).
NOTE - Ce processus de subdivision s’appelle Subordination.
NOTE - The process by which this is done is called Subordination. generic concept (deprecated term : genus) : notion gherique (terme rejete: genre) i Notion
Superordinate concept (3.1.2) in a generic relation (3.7.1 .l). superordonnee (.3.1.2) dans une relation generique (3.7.1 .l).
NOTE - “Genus” is to be applied only to objects (2.1), and not con- NOTE
- Le terme «genre» s’applique seulement aux objets (2.1) et
cepts (3.1). pas aux notions (3.1).
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ISO 1087 : 1990 (E/F) notion integrante (terme rejete: tout) : Notion
superordonnee (3.1.2) dans une relation partitive (
(2.1) et pas
NOTE - Le terme «taut» s’applique seulement aux objets
aux notions (3.1).
“Whole” is to be applied only to objects (2.11, and not con-
cepts (3. 1.).
3.1.3 notion subordonnee: Notion (3.1) qui, dans un
3.1.3 subordinate concept: Concept (3.1) in a hierarchical
Systeme hierarchique, peut etre regroupee avec au moins une
System which tan be grouped together with at least one more
autre notion (3.1) de meme niveau pour former une notion (3.1)
concepts (3.1) of the same level to form a higher ranking con-
de niveau superieur.
cept (3.1).
NOTE - Ce procede de regroupement s’appelle Superordination.
NOTE - The process by which this is done is called Superordination. notion specifique (terme rejete: espece) : Notion specific concept (deprecated term : species) :
subordonnee (3.1.3) dans une relation generique (
Subordinate concept (3.1.3) in a generic relation (
NOTE - Le terme «espece» s’applique seulement aux objets (2.1) et
NOTE - “Speeies” is to be applied only to objects (2.1), and not con-
pas aux notions (3.
cepts (3.1). 1). notion partitive (terme rejete: Partie) : Notion sub- partitive concept (deprecated term : Part) : Subor-
ordonnee (3.1.3) dans une relation partitive (
dinate concept (3.1.3) in a partitive relation (
seulement aux
NOTE - “Part” is to be applied only to objects (2.11, and not con- NOTE - Le terme «partie» s’applique objets (2.1) et
cepts (3.1). pas aux notions (3.
3.1.4 notion coordonnee: Notion (3.1) qui, dans un
Systeme hierarchique, se situe au meme niveau qu’une ou plu-
sieurs autres notions (3.1).
NOTE - The CO-occu rrence of two or more concepts (3.1) at the NOTE - La cooccurrence de deux ou plusieurs notions (3.1) 2 un
is called Co-Ordination. meme niveau s’appelle Coordination.
same hierarchical level
3.2 chara cteristic : Mental representation of a property of 32 caractere : Representation mentale d’une propriete d’un
an Object (2 .1 ) serving to form and delimit its concept (3.1) (2.1) et qui sert a en delimiter Ia notion (3.1).
One of the characteristics of the concept (3.1) “fish” is: “hav-
L’un des caracteres de Ia notion (3.1) de «poisson» est: «muni
ing fins”. de nageoires».
3.3 type of characteristic: Any category of characteristics 3.3 type de caractere: Toute categorie de caractere (3.2)
(3.2) used as a criterion for the establishment of a generic utilisee comme critere dans I’etablissement d’un Systeme de
System of concepts (3.10). notions (3.10) generique.
1 Characteristics (3.2): being red, black, white, blue 1 Caracteres (3.2): rouge, noir, blanc, bleu
Type of characteristic : colour Type de caractere: couleur
2 Characteristics (3.2) : colour, material, shape 2 Caracteres (3.2): couleur, matiere, forme
Type of characteristic : external aspect Type de caractere: aspect exterieur
intension : Set of characteristics (3.2) which constitutes
34 3.4 comprehension: Ensemble de caracteres (3.2) qui con-
a’concept (3.1). stituent une notion (3.1).
3.5 extension: Totality of all specific concepts ( in-
3.5 extension : Ensemble des notions specifiques (
cluded in a generic concept (
incluses dans une notion generique (
NOTE - “Extension” is not to be used for the enumeration of partitive ne doit pas etre u
NOTE - Le terme «extension» tilise pour designer
concepts ( I’enu mera tion d’un ensemble de notions partitives (
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ISO 1087 : 1990 (E/F)
3.6 class: Totality of all objects (2.1) to which a concept 3.6 classe: Ensemble des objets (2.1) auxquels une notion
(3.1) refers. (3.1) fait reference.
3.7 relation (between concepts) . relation (entre notions)
3.7.1 hierarchical relation : Relation between concepts 3.7.1 relation hikarchique : Relation entre notions (3.7)
(3.7) which is established by division of a Superordinate con-
etablie par Ia division d’une notion superordonnee (3.1.2) en
cept (3.1.2) into subordinate concepts (3.1.3) forming one or notions subordonnees (3.1.3) formant un ou plusieurs niveaux,
more levels, or by the reverse process.
ou par Ie procede inverse.
NOTE - Ce processus introduit egalement des notions coordonnees
NOTE - This process leads also to Co-Ordinate concepts (3.1.4).
3.7.1 .l generic relation : Hierarchical relation (3.7.1) which 3.7.1 .l relation generique: Relation hierarchique (3.7.1)
is based on the partial identity of the intensions (3.4) of generic
fondee sur I’identite partielle de Ia comprehension (3.4) des
(, specific ( and Co-Ordinate concepts (3.1.4). notions considerees, qu’elles soient generiques (3.1.2. l),
specifiques ( ou coordonnees (3.1.4). partitive relation : Hierarchical relation (3.7.1) in relation partitive: Relation hierarchique (3.7.1) dans
which the Superordinate concept (3.1.2) refers to an Object laquelle Ia notion superordonnee (3.1.2) refere a un objet (2.1)
(2.1) as a whole and the subordinate concepts (3.1.3) to Parts considere comme un tout et les notions subordonnees (3.1.3) a
of it.
des objets consideres comme des Parties.
3.7.2 non-hierarchical relation 3.7.2 relation non hikarchique
NOTE - There are other non-hierarchical relations the ones NOTE - II existe d’autres types de relations non hierarchiques que
defined in and celles qui sont definies en et sequential relation : Relation of dependence be- relation sequentielle: Relation de dependance eta-
tween concepts (3.1) referring to objects (2.1) which have a blie entre des notions (3.1) qui referent a des objets (2.1) qui
spatial or temporal contiguity. presentent une contiguite spatiale ou temporelle.
((Cause-effet», «producteur-produit», &apes d’un processus)).
“Cause-eff ect”, “Producer-product”, “Steps of a process”. pragmatic relation : Relation between concepts relation pragmatique: Relation entre notions (3.7)
(3.7) which tan be established on the basis of thematic connec-
basee sur des liens thematiques.
Dans les systemes de notions des lois du divorce de plusieurs
In the Systems of concepts of the divorce laws of several Euro- pays europeens, les maladies suivantes - et seulement celles-
pean countries, the following diseases - and only these - are ci - sont acceptees comme motifs juridiques pour Ia dissolu-
accepted as legal grounds for the dissolution of marriage: tion du mariage:
otifs mhdicaux j UI idiquement
Accepted legal grounds for divorce acceptbs pour Ie divorce
Maladie transmise Alienatior 1 mentale
Venereal disease Incurable insanity
sexuellement incurable
Syphilis ~ ~~~~~
Chancre \
/ depressive
psychosis \
inguinale subaigue
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ISO 1087 : 1990 (E/F)
Degree of coincidence of 3.8 correspondance (entre notions): Degre de coi’nci-
38 concept correspondence :
the in tensions (3.4) of two or more concepts (3.1). dence de Ia comprehension (3.4) de deux ou plusieurs notions
NOTE - Concept correspondence is discovered when comparing the
terminologies (5.1) of different languages, subject fields (2.2), schools NOTE - La correspondance entre notions peut se constater lors de
of thought, etc.
I’etude comparee des terminologies (5.1) de langues differentes, de
domaines (2.2) differents, de differentes ecoles de pensee, etc.
There are four possibilities :
Les cas suivants peuvent se produire:
- complete co-incidence of intensions (3.4);
inclusion of one intension (3.4) in the other;
coi’ncidence totale des comprehensions (3.4);
- overlapping of intensions (3.4);
inclusion d’une comprehension (3.4) dans une autre;
- no co-incidence of intensions (3.4).
- chevauchement des comprehensions (3.4);
absence de coi’ncidence des comprehensions (3.4).
thematically concepts 3.9 champ notionnel: Groupe de notions (3.1) qui ont
39 concept field: Group of
. . entre elles des liens thematiques.
(3 1)
Point de depart de I’eta-
NOTE - lt tan be used as a starting Point for establishing Systems of NOTE - Le champ notionnel peut servir de
blissemen td ‘un Systeme de notions (3.10).
concepts (3.10)
3.10 Systeme de notions: Ensemble structure de notions
3.10 System of concepts: Structured set of concepts (3.1)
established according to the relations (3.7) between them, each (3.1) construit sur Ia base des relations (3.7) etablies entre ces
notions (3.1) et dans lequel chaque notion (3.1) est determinee
concept (3.1) being determined by its Position in this set.
par sa Position dans cet ensemble.
4 Definition 4 Definition
4.1 definition: Statement which describes a concept (3.1) 4.1 definition : Enonce qui decrit une notion (3.1) et qui per-
met de Ia differencier des autres notions (3.1) a l’interieur d’un
and permits its differentiation from other concepts (3.1) within
a System of concepts (3.10). Systeme de notions (3.10).
4.1 .l intensional definition: Definition (4.1) based on the 4.1 .l definition par comprehension : Definition (4.1) basee
intension (3.4) of a concept (3.1). sur Ia comprehension (3.4) d’une notion (3.1).
NOTE - For this purpose it is necessary to state the closest generic NOTE - Ce type de definition comprend Ia mention de Ia notion gene-
concept ( that has already been defined or tan be assumed to rique ( Ia plus proche (deja definie ou supposee connue) et des
be generally known, and to add the restricting characteristics (3.2) that caracteres (3.2) distinctifs delimitant Ia notion (3.1) a definir.
delimit the concept (3.1) to be defined.
lampe 5 incandescence : Lampe electrique dans laquelle un materiau
incandescent lamp: Electric lamp in which a high-melting material is
a Point de fusion eleve est chauffe par un courant electrique de teile
heated by an electric current in such a way that the lamp begins to emit Sorte que Ia lampe commence a emettre de Ia lumiere.
lig ht.
4.1.2 extensional definition: Definition (4.1) based on the 4.1.2 dbfinition par extension : Definition (4.1) basee sur
exhaustive enumeration of the objects (2.1) referred to by the I’enumeration exhaustive des objets (2.1) auxquels une notion
concept (3.1), or of the specific concepts ( at the next (3.1) fait reference ou des notions specifiques ( qui lui
level of abstraction. sont immediatement subordonnees.
NOTE - The first type of extensional definition tan only be for- NOTE - Le Premier type de definition par extension ne peut etre for-
mulated by using names. The second type of extensional definition is mule qu’avec des noms. Le second type de definition par extension
only useful when a concept (3.1) comprises a restricted set of specific n’est utile que pour les notions (3.1) qui comprennent un nombre limite
concepts ( de notions specifiques (3. 1.3.1).
1 Scandinavian country: Denmark, Norway or Sweden. 1 pays scandinave: Le Danemark, Ia Norvege ou Ia Suede.
2 designation (DIN 2330) : Terms, ideogrammes, numbers and
2 designation (DIN 2330) : Termes, ideogrammes, nombres et
notations. notes.
5 Terminology 5 Terminologie
5.1 terminology : Set of terms ( representing the 5.1 terminologie: Ensemble des termes ( qui repre-
System of concepts (3.10) of a particular subject field (2.2). sentent un Systeme de notions (3.10) d’un domaine (2.2) parti-
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ISO 1087 : 1990 (E/F)
5.2 nomenclature: System of terms ( which 5.2 nomenclature : Systeme de termes ( construit
selon des regles de denomination preetablies.
elaborated according to pre-established naming rules.
53 . Representation of a concept 53 . Representation d’une notion
53.1 designation : Any representation of a concept (3.1). 5.3.1 designation : Toute representation d’une notion (3.1).
5.3.1 .l Symbol : Designation (5.3.1) of a concept (3.1) by let- 5.3.1 .l Symbole : Designation (5.3.1) d’une notion (3.1) sous
forme de lettres, de chiffres, de pictogrammes ou d’une combi-
ters, numerals, pictograms or any combination thereof.
naison quelconque de ces elements. term : Designation (5.3.1) of a defined concept (3.1) terme: Designation (5.3.1) au moyen d’une unite Iin-
in a special language by a linguistic expression. guistique d’une notion (3.1) definie dans une langue de spe&-
NOTE - A term may consist of one or more words ( [i.e. sim-
NOTE - Un terme peut etre constitue d’un ou de plusieurs mots
ple term (5.5.51, or complex term (5.5.611 or even contain Symbols
( [terme simple (5.5.5) ou terme complexe (5.5.611 et meme de
Symboles ( name: Designation (5.3.1) of an Object (2.1) by a nom: Designation (5.3.1) d’un objet (2.1) par une
linguistic expression. unite linguistique.
5.4 Relations between terms and concepts 5.4 Relation terme-notion
5.4.1 monosemie: Relation entre designation (5.3.1) et
5.4.1 monosemy : Relation between designation (5.3.1) and
concept (3.1) in which the former designates only one concept notion (3.1) dans laquelle une designation (5.3.1) represente
(3.1). une seule notion (3.1).
5.4.2 mononymy : Relation between designation (5.3.1) and 5.4.2 mononymie: Relation entre designation (5.3.1) et
concept (3.1) in which the concept (3.1) has only one designa- notion (3.1) dans laquelle Ia notion (3.1) n’a qu’une seule desi-
gnation (5.3.1).
tion (5.3.1).
5.4.3 synonymy : Relation between designations (5.3.1) 5.4.3 Synonymie : Relation entre designations (5.3.1) de
meme langue qui representent Ia meme notion (3.1).
representing only one concept (3.1) in one language.
chlorure de sodium; NaCI.
sodium chloride; NaCI.
NOTE - Les termes ( qui sont interchangeables dans tous les
NOTE - Terms ( which are interchangeable in all contexts
contextes ( d’un domaine (2.2) se nomment synonymes
( of a subject field (2.2) are called Synonyms (5.4.3); if they are
(5.4.3); s’ils ne sont interchangeables que dans certains contextes
interchangeable only in some contexts (, they are called quasi-
(, ils sont appeles quasi-synonymes.
5.4.4 polysemie: Relation entre deux ou plusieurs notions
5.4.4 polysemy : Relation between several concepts (3.1)
sharing certain characteristics (3.2) and their common designa- (3.1) qui ont certains caracteres (3.2) communs et qui ont Ia
meme designation (5.3.1).
tion (5.3.1).
bridge : Structure.
fer : metal
bridge: Part of a string instrument.
fer : objet en fer.
bridge : Dental device.
5.4.5 homonymy : Relation between designations (5.3.1) 5.4.5 homonymie : Relation entre designations (5.3.1) et
and concepts (3.1) in which identical designations (5.3.1) repre- notions (3.1) dans laquelle des designations (5.3.1) identiques
sent different concepts (3.1). representent des notions (3.1) differentes.
1 Homonymy tan be subdivided into homophony (the same spoken
1 L’homonymie comprend I’homophonie (meme forme phonique) et
ferm) and homography (the same written form) or both (full homo-
I’homographie (meme forme graphique), ou les deux (homonymie
nymy) q
2 The identification of homonyms is called disambiguation.
2 L’identification des homonymes s’appelle desambiguisation.
bark: Sound made by a dog.
bark: Outside covering of the Sterns of woody plants. moule forme
bark : Sailing vessel. moule mollusque.
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5.4.6 hquivalence : Relation entre designations (5.3.1) de
5.4.6 equivalence : Relation between designations (5.3.1)
representing the same concept (3.1) in different languages. langues differentes qui representent Ia meme notion (3.1).
5.5 Term formation 5.5 Formation des termes
5.5.1 Variante: Chacune des formes existantes d’un terme
5.5.1 variant: One of the different forms of a term (
NOTE - Variants include variants, morphological variants and
les variantes orthographiq ues, morphologiques
syntactical variants. NOTE On distingue
et syn tax iques.
5.5.2 abbreviated term : Term ( resulting from the 5.5.2 terme abrege: Terme ( qui resulte de Ia sup-
omission of any patt of a term ( while designating the Pression d’une Partie d’un terme ( preexistant et qui
same concept (3.1). designe Ia meme notion (3.1).
( abrege provient de Ia forme integrale d’un
NOTE - Esch abbreviated term ( is derived from a full form. NOTE - Un terme
terme (
abrhviation : Terme simple (5.5.5) a brege qui resulte abbreviation : Abbreviated simple term (5.5.5)
resulting from the omission of some of its letters. de Ia su ppression d’une Partie des Ie ttres qui Ie composent. Sigle: Terme complexe (5.5.6) abrege ou nom
( forme des lettres initiales de ses elements (5.5.3).
NOTE - Un Sigle forme une sequence dont Ia prononciation est
alphabetique, syllabique ou les deux.
NOTE - An initialism forms a sequence which may be pronounced
letter by letter, syllabically, or both.
1 radar: Radio detection and ranging.
HLM : Habitation a loyer modique.
2 PTT: Post, telephone and telegraph.
2 OVNI: Objet Volant non
3 UEFA: Union of European Football Associations. acronym : Abbreviated complex term (5.5.6) made acronyme : Terme complexe (5.5.6) abrege forme
up of letters from the full form of a term ( strung
de plusieurs groupes de lettres d’un terme ( et dont Ia
together into a sequence pronounced only syllabically. prononciation est exclusivement syllabique.
ALGOL: algorithmic /anguage. ALGOL.
5.5.3 term element: Component of a term ( which is 5.5.3 Mment (d’un terme): Composant d’un terme
at least a morpheme ( ( constitue au moins d’un morpheme ( word: Smallest linguistic unit conveying a specific mot: Plus petite unite signifiante qui peut exister de
meaning and capable of existing as a separate unit in a facon autonome dans une Phrase.
NOTE - Dans un texte ecrit, Ie mot est delimite
par des blancs ou par
des signes de ponctuation.
NOTE -A written word is marked off by spaces or punctuation marks
before and after. word form : Any possible grammatical representa- forme d’un mot : Toute representation grammaticale
tion of a word ( possible d’un mot (
1 Indicate - indicates.
1 Cheval - chevaux.
2 Foot - feet.
2 Indiquer - indique.
3 Neighbour - neighbour’s.
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ISO 1087 : 1990 WF) forme de base: Forme ( choisie selon les base form : Word form ( Chosen according to
conventions lexicographiques pour representer un mot (
lexicographical conventions for mentioning a word (
1 The base form tan also be applied to terms (
1 La forme de base s’applique egalement aux termes (
2 The identification of the base form of a word ( is called lem-
2 L’identification de Ia forme de base s’appelle lemmatisation.
matization. root: Word element which forms the etymological racine: Element lexical qui constitue I’element de
base etymologique d’une famille de mots ( dans une ou
basis of a family of words ( in one language or in several
languages. plusieurs langues.
1 The root is common to several Sterns ( 1 La racine est commune a plusieurs radicaux (
2 Le sens d’une racine peut varier d’une langue a une autre.
2 The meaning of a root may differ from one language to another. radical: Element lexical qui peut etre utilise seul Stern: Word element which tan be used as a term
( in itself or as the base of a derivative (5.5.4). comme terme ( ou qui peut setvir de base a un derive
1 Depending on the Stage of analysis, the stem ( tan include
1 Selon Ie degre de I’analyse, Ie radical ( peut inclure ou non
or exclude affixes (
les affixes (
2 In linguistics, “Stern” is usually defined differently.
2 En linguistique, «radical» est generalement defini de facon diff&
rente. morpheme: Unite linguistique significative minimale. morpheme: Smallest meaningful unit of a language. affix: Morpheme ( which is neither a stem affixe: Morpheme (, a I’exclusion des radi-
caux ( et des desinences (, qui se fixe au debut
( nor an ending ( but which is attached to the
stem ( in Order to Change its meaning or its lexical
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