Agricultural machinery, tractors, and earth-moving machinery — Safety of electrical and electronic components and systems operating at 32 V to 75 V DC and 21 V to 50 V AC

This document primarily specifies both general design requirements and guidelines for protection of operators and bystanders against electric shock and electrically induced fire, for voltage classes A2 (32 V DC to 60 V DC and 21 V AC to 30 V AC) and B1 (60 V DC to 75 V DC and 30 V AC to 50 V AC), including waveforms synthesized by power electronic converters. This document is limited to addressing hazards that are not as commonly found in 12 V DC and 24 V DC systems, including those related to higher power converters and drive motors. NOTE 1 Although protection against electrically induced fire hazards is addressed sparingly, conformance to content of this document has the impact of reducing the occurrence and hazards associated with fire. This document is applicable to electric systems used on: — tractors, self-propelled ride-on machines, interchangeable towed machinery, semi-mounted implements, and mounted implements used in or with agriculture and forestry; and — earth-moving machinery (EMM) as defined in ISO 6165 and attachments. For mobile machinery with multiple rated voltages, with at least one system rated greater than VC-B1, this document addresses the risks associated with the interactions between VC-A2 and VC-B1 systems and those systems which are nearby and rated greater than VC-B1. NOTE 2 Electrical safety requirements for greater than VC-B1 are described in ISO 16230-1 for agricultural machines and ISO 14990 series for earth-moving machines. NOTE 3 Although 12 V DC and 24 V DC systems are generally below the limits of this document, meeting appropriate requirements of this document ensures that proper protection exists between the covered systems and lower voltage systems. This document is applicable to mobile machinery that are either externally powered or self-powered or both. Alternative safety requirements can be necessary for special equipment or components such as underground mining equipment. This document does not address the additional risks for mobile machinery operating in potentially explosive atmospheres. This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations, or hazardous events relevant within its scope (see Annex A), when the mobile machinery is used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer. It specifies appropriate technical measures for eliminating or reducing risks arising from significant hazards, hazardous situations, or hazardous events during commissioning, operation, and maintenance. This document is not applicable to mobile machinery manufactured before the date of its publication.

Matériel agricole, tracteurs et engins de terrassement — Sécurité des composants et systèmes électriques et électroniques fonctionnant sous 32 V à 75 V DC et 21 V à 50 V AC

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ISO 23285:2025 - Agricultural machinery, tractors, and earth-moving machinery — Safety of electrical and electronic components and systems operating at 32 V to 75 V DC and 21 V to 50 V AC Released:26. 02. 2025
English language
54 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

ISO 23285
First edition
Agricultural machinery, tractors, and
earth-moving machinery — Safety of
electrical and electronic components
and systems operating at 32 V to 75
V DC and 21 V to 50 V AC
Matériel agricole, tracteurs et engins de terrassement —
Sécurité des composants et systèmes électriques et électroniques
fonctionnant sous 32 V à 75 V DC et 21 V à 50 V AC
Reference number
© ISO 2025
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .vi
Introduction .vii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 2
3.1 Terms and definitions .2
3.2 Abbreviated terms .8
4 General requirements . 9
4.1 V-model . .9
4.2 Voltages .9
4.3 Environmental and operational requirements.9
4.4 Components and devices .10
5 Protection against electric shock hazards . 10
5.1 Overview .10
5.2 General .10
5.2.1 Fundamental requirements .10
5.2.2 Determination of shock protection requirements .10
5.3 Protective measures . .11
5.4 Basic protection . 12
5.4.1 General . 12
5.4.2 Basic insulation . 12
5.4.3 Enclosures or barriers . 12
5.4.4 Limitation of touch current or capacitive discharge energy . 13
5.4.5 Limitation of voltage . 13
5.5 Fault protection .14
5.5.1 General .14
5.5.2 PEPB . . 15
5.5.3 Automatic disconnection of power supply . 20
5.5.4 Supplementary insulation . 20
5.5.5 Basic protection between circuits . 20
5.6 Enhanced protection . 20
5.6.1 General . 20
5.6.2 Reinforced insulation and protective separation between circuit .21
5.6.3 Protection by means of protective impedance and limited capacitive discharge
energy .21
5.7 Equipment protective combinations . 22
5.8 Separation of VC-A2- and VC-B1-systems from VC-B2 (and higher) systems . 22
5.9 Protection against residual voltages . 23
5.9.1 Basic protection . 23
5.9.2 Protection by power supply disruption . 23
5.10 Connector human contact .24
5.10.1 General .24
5.10.2 Mated non-enclosed connectors .24
5.10.3 Non-mated, non-enclosed connectors .24
5.10.4 Enclosed connectors . 25
5.10.5 Tractor implement plug/socket combinations (or similar mobile machinery
implement and attachment combinations) . 25
5.11 Water depth . 25
6 Wiring practices .26
6.1 Conductor and cable runs . 26
6.2 Colour . 26
6.3 Cable protection inside an enclosure . 26
6.4 Power supply voltage differences . 26

7 Overcurrent protection (OCP) .27
7.1 Overview .27
7.2 General .27
7.2.1 Transformers .27
7.2.2 Power converters .27
7.2.3 OCP implementation .27
7.2.4 Rating and setting of OCP . 28
7.2.5 Placement of OCP. 28
7.2.6 Protection via engine shutoff . 28
7.3 Chassis faults/residual currents . 28
8 Disconnection and connection .28
8.1 General disconnecting devices . 28
8.2 Specifics of disconnecting . 28
8.2.1 VC-B1 . 28
8.2.2 Power converter disconnects . 29
8.2.3 Manually actuated disconnecting devices. 29
8.2.4 Disconnecting multiple power supplies. 30
8.3 Prevention of unintended start-up .

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