SIST IEC 60072-1:2001
(Main)Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Frame numbers 56 to 400 and flange numbers 55 to 1080
Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Frame numbers 56 to 400 and flange numbers 55 to 1080
Covers most industrial rotating electrical machines within the dimension range: Foot-mounted: shaft heights 56 mm to 400 mm. Flange-mounted: pitch circle diameter of flange 55 mm to 1080 mm. Gives fixing dimensions, shaft extension dimensions and output powers. Maximum permissible torques for continuous duty on a.c. motors are also listed for various shaft diameters.
Dimensions et séries de puissances des machines électriques tournantes - Partie 1: Désignation des carcasses entre 56 et 400 et des brides entre 55 et 1080
Cette partie couvre un large domaine de machines électriques tournantes pour usages industriels dans la gamme des dimensions suivantes: - Fixation par pattes : hauteur d'axe de 56 mm à 400 mm. - Fixation par flasque-bride : diamètre du cercle des trous dans la bride de 55 mm à 1 080 mm. Elle donne des tableaux de dimensions de fixation, dimensions des bouts d'arbre et puissances. Les valeurs de couples maximales admissibles en service continu pour moteurs à courant alternatif sont indiquées pour les différents diamètres d'arbre.
Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Frame numbers 56 to 400 and flange numbers 55 to 1080
General Information
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Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Frame
numbers 56 to 400 and flange numbers 55 to 1080
Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Frame numbers
56 to 400 and flange numbers 55 to 1080
Dimensions et séries de puissances des machines électriques tournantes - Partie 1:
Désignation des carcasses entre 56 et 400 et des brides entre 55 et 1080
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: IEC 60072-1
29.160.01 Rotacijski stroji na splošno Rotating machinery in
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
Sixième édition
STANDARD Sixth edition
Dimensions et séries de puissances
des machines électriques tournantes
Partie 1:
Désignation des carcasses entre 56 et 400
et des brides entre 55 et 1080
Dimensions and output series for
rotating electrical machines
Part 1:
Frame numbers 56 to 400 and
flange numbers 55 to 1080
© CEI 1991 Droits de reproduction réservés — Copyright — all rights reserved
Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in
utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun pro- any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
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Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Inte rnationale 3, rue de Varembé Genève, Suisse
Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC MemityliapoAHaa 3ne,rpoTexiimecHaR
Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueur
For price, see current catalogue
72-1 © CEI — 3 —
1. Scope 7
2. Letter-symbols for dimensions 7
3. Designation of machines
4. Location of the terminal box
4.1 Machines with feet
4.2 Machines with flange only 11
Position of holes in the mounting flange 11
6. Fixing dimensions
6.1 Foot-mounted machines 11
6.2 Flange-mounted machines 17
Shaft extension, keys and keyways dimensions. Greatest permissible torques on continuous
duty for a.c. motors 19
8. Tolerances for flange-mounted machines 21
8.1 Shaft extension run-out 21
8.2 Concentricity of spigot diameter and perpendicularity of mounting face of flange to
shaft 23
Methods of measurement 23
8.3.1 Shaft extension run-out 23
8.3.2 Concentricity of spigot and shaft 25
8.3.3 Perpendicularity of mounting face of flange to shaft
Tolerances for machines other than flange-mounted machines 25
9. Preferred rated output values
10. Dimensional sketches
A Guide for the selection of dimensions 33
B Reference planes and symbols for mounting dimensions of rotating electrical machines 45
C General requirements on tolerances and limit values for mounting dimensions 89
D Conversion millimetre/inches and kilowatt/horsepower
— 5 —
72-1 © IEC
Part 1: Frame numbers 56 to 400 and flange numbers 55 to 1080
1) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all the
National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international
consensus of opinion on the subjets dealt with.
2) They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.
3) In order to promote international unification, the IEC expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the text of
the IEC recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence between the IEC
recomendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated in the latter.
This part of the International Standard IEC 72 has been prepared by Sub-Committee 2B: Mounting
dimensions and output series, of IEC Technical Committee No. 2 : Rotating machinery.
This sixth edition of IEC 72-1 replaces the fifth edition of IEC 72 (1971) and its Amendments Nos. 1
and 2, issued in 1977 and 1981 respectively.
The text of this part is based on the following documents:
Two Months' Procedure Reports on Voting
Six Months' Rule Reports on Voting
2B(CO)51 2B(CO)56 2B(CO)60
2B(CO)52 2B(CO)57 . — —
2B(CO)68A 2B(CO)71
2B(CO)61 2B(CO)66
2B(CO)62 2B(CO)67 — —
2B(CO)70 2B(CO)73 — —
Full information on the voting for the approval of this can be found in the Voting Reports indicated in
the above table.
Annexes A, B and C have the status of a report; annex is informative.
The following publications are quoted in this part of IEC 72:
IEC 34-1: 1983, Rotating electrical machines — Part 1: Rating and performance.
IEC 34-8: 1972, Rotating electrical machines — Part 8: Terminal markings and direction of rotation machines.
IEC 50(411): 1973 , International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) — Chapter 411: Rotating machines.
Fasteners — Clearance holes for bolts and screws.
ISO 273: 1979,
Driving and driven machines — Shaft heights.
ISO 496: 1973,
Rectangular or square parallel keys and their corresponding keyways (dimensions in millimetres).
ISO/R 773: 1969,
ISO/R 775: 1969, Cylindrical and 1/10 conical shaft ends.
ISO 1101: 1983, Technical drawings — geometrical tolerancing — tolerancing of form, orientation, location and run-out —
Generalities, definitions, symbols, indications on drawings.
ISO 2768: 1973, Permissible machining variations in dimensions without tolerance indication.
72-1 © IEC — 7 —
Part 1: Frame numbers 56 to 400 and flange numbers 55 to 1080
1. Scope
This part of IEC 72 covers the majority of rotating electrical machines for industrial purposes
within the dimension range :
mounted : — shaft-heights: 56 mm to 400 mm
mounted : — pitch circle diameter of flange : 55 mm to 1080 mm
It gives tables of fixing dimensions, shaft extension dimensions and output powers. Maximum
permissible torques for continuous duty on a.c. motors are listed for various shaft diameters.
NOTE — The dimensions for machines with shaft heights 355 mm and 400 mm, given in this standard, are included among
the values given in IEC 72-2.
2. Letter-symbols for dimensions
The symbols defined below are illustrated by the dimensional sketches in clause 10.
A — distance between centre-lines of fixing holes (end view).
AA — width of the end of the foot (end view).
AB — over-all dimension across the feet (end view).
AC — diameter of the machine.
AD —
distance from the centre-line of the machine to extreme outside of the terminal box or other
most salient part mounted on the side of the machine.
B —
distance between the centre-lines of the fixing holes (side view).
BA — length of the foot (side view).
BB —
over-all dimension across the feet (side view).
C —
distance from the shoulder on the shaft at D-end to the centre-line of the mounting holes in
the nearest feet.
CA — distance from the shoulder on the shaft at N-end to the centre-line of the mounting holes in
the nearest feet.
D — diameter of the shaft extension at D-end.
DA —
diameter of the shaft extension at N-end.
E — length of the shaft extension from the shoulder at D-end.
EA — length of the shaft extension from the shoulder at N-end.
F — width of the keyway of the shaft extension at D-end.
FA — width of the keyway of the shaft extension at N-end.
G — distance from the bottom of the keyway to the opposite surface of the shaft extension
at D-end.
GA — distance from the top of the key to the opposite surface of the shaft extension at D-end.
GB — distance from the bottom of the keyway to the opposite surface of the shaft extension
at N-end.
72-1 © IEC — 9 —
GC — distance from the top of the key to the opposite surface of the shaft extension at N-end.
GD —
thickness of the key of the shaft extension at D-end.
GE — depth of the keyway at the crown of the shaft extension at D-end.
GF — thickness of the key of the shaft extension at N-end.
GH — depth of the keyway at the crown of the shaft extension at N-end.
H —
distance from the centre-line of the shaft to the bottom of the feet (basic dimension).
H' — distance from the centre-line of the shaft to the mounting surface — e.g. the bottom of the
feet in the feet-up version.
thickness of the feet.
HA —
HC — distance from the top of the horizontal machine to the bottom of the feet.
HD —
distance from the top of the lifting eye, the terminal box or other most salient part mounted
on the top of the machine to the bottom of the feet.
HE — distance from the mounting surface to the lowest part of the machine in the feet-up version.
K — diameter of the holes or width of the slots in the feet of the machine.
L — overall length of the machine with a single shaft extension.
LA — thickness of the flange.
LB — distance from the mounting surface of the flange to the end of the machine.
LC — overall length of the machine when there is a shaft extension at N-end.
M — pitch circle diameter of the fixing holes.
N —
diameter of the spigot.
P —
outside diameter of the flange, or in the case of a non-circular outline twice the maximum
radial dimension.
R — distance from the mounting surface of the flange to the shoulder on the shaft.
S — diameter of the fixing holes in the mounting flange or nominal diameter of thread.
T —
depth of the spigot.
NOTE — The definition of D-end and N-end of a machine is given in IEC 34-8.
3. Designation of machines
Foot-mounted machines may be designated by the frame number followed immediately by the
diameter of the shaft extension.
Examples: 112 M 28
Flange-mounted machines may be of three different designs:
Flange with free holes (clearances holes), denoted: FF flange;
Flange with tapped holes and with spigot diameter Nsmaller than the pitch circle diameter of the
fixing holes M, denoted: FT flange;
—Flange with tapped holes and with spigot diameter Ngreater than the pitch circle diameter of the
fixing holes M, denoted: FI flange.
These symbols shall form part of the respective flange numbers. Machines having only flange
mounting may be designated by the diameter of the shaft extension immediately followed by the
letters FF, FT or FI and the flange number.
Examples: with free holes: 28FF215
with tapped holes: 28 FT 165
or 28 FI 165 as applied
72-1 ©IEC — 11 —
When a foot-mounted machine is also provided with a flange at the drive end (D-end) the letters
FF, FT or FI and the flange number may be added immediately after the shaft diameter.
Examples: Flange with free holes: 112M28FF215
Flange with tapped holes: 112 M28 FT 165
or 112 M28 FI 165 as applied
4. Location of the terminal box
4.1 Machines with feet
The terminal box on a motor shall be situated with its centre-line within a sector ranging from the
top to 10° below the horizontal centre-line of the motor on the right-hand side, when looking at the
D-end of the motor. No recommendation is decided upon for generators.
It is recommended that unless the terminal box is on the top, motors be so constructed that the
terminal box may be located on the left-hand side by the manufacturer, if requested by the user at
the time when the motor is ordered.
NOTE — Provision should preferably be made so as to enable the cable entry to the terminal box to be in any one of four
directions at right angles.
4.2 Machines with flange onty
No recommendation.
5. Position of holes in the mounting flange
When a flange-mounted machine also has feet, the holes in the flange shall be spaced from the
diameter of the flange perpendicular to the mounting plane of the feet as follows.
45 ° for 4 holes
22,5 ° and 67,5 ° for 8 holes (see clause 10)
6. Fixing dimensions
6.1 Foot-mounted machines
72-1 © IEC - 13 -
Table 1 - Dimensions for machines with shaft-heights from 56 mm to 400 mm
H A B°) C
Bolt or
Nominal Tolerance3^
number '> Nominal Maximum
mm µm µm
mm mm mm mm mm
+ 300 0 M5
56 M 56 - 0,5 90 71 36 5,8
7 + 360 0 M6
63 M 63 - 0,5 100 80 40
90 45 7 + 360 0 M6
71 M 71 - 0,5 112
100 50 10 + 360 0 M8
80 M 80 - 0,5 125
+ 0 M8
90 S 90 - 0,5 140 100 56 10 360
+ 360 0 M8
90 L 90 - 0,5 140 125 56 10
12 + 430 0 M10
100 S 100 - 0,5 160 112 63
63 12 + 430 0 M10
100 L 100 - 0,5 160 140
112 S 112 - 0,5 190 114 70 12 + 430 0
0 M10
112 M 112 - 0,5 190 140 70 12 + 430
+ 0 M10
(112 L) 112 - 0,5 190 159 70 12 430
140 12 + 430 0 M10
132 S 132 - 0,5 216 89
12 + 430 0 M10
132 M 132 - 0,5 216 178 89
89 12 + 430 0 M10
(132 L) 132 - 0,5 216 203
- 0,5 254 178 108 14,5 + 430 0 M12
160 S 160
- 0,5 254 210 108 14,5 + 430 0
160 M 160
+ 0 M12
160 L 160 - 0,5 254 254 108 14,5 430
14,5 + 430 0 M12
180 S 180 - 0,5 279 203 121
14,5 + 430 0 M12
180 M 180 - 0,5 279 241 121
279 121 14,5 + 430 0 M12
180 L 180 - 0,5 279
- 0,5 318 228 133 18,5 + 520 0 M16
200 S 200
200 M 200 - 0,5 318 267 133 18,5 + 520 0
200 L 200 - 0,5 318 305 133 18,5 + 520 0 M16
+ 520 0 M16
225 S 225 - 0,5 356 286 149 18,5
149 18,5 + 520 0 M16
225 M 225 - 0,5 356 311
+ 520 0 M16
(225 L) 225 - 0,5 356 356 149 18,5
- 0,5 406 311 168 24 + 520 0 M20
250 S 250
250 M 250 - 0,5 406 349 168 24 + 520 0
- 0,5 406 406 168 24 + 520 0 M20
(250 L) 250
+ 0 M20
280 S 280 - 1 457 368 190 24 520
24 + 520 0 M20
280 M 280 - 1 457 419 190
+ 520 0 M20
(280 L) 280 - 1 457 457 190 24
406 216 28 + 520 0 M24
315 S 315 - 1 508
508 457 216 28 + 520 0 M24
315 M 315 - 1
508 216 28 + 520 0 M24
(315 L) 315 - 1 508
+ 0 M24
355 S 355 - 1 610 500 254 28 520
355 M 355 - 1 610 560 254 28 + 520 0
+ 0 M24
355 L 355 - 1 610 630 254 28 520
280 35 + 620 0 M30
400 S 400 - 1 686 560
35 + 620 0 M30
400 M 400 - 1 686 630 280
710 280 35 + 620 0 M30
400 L 400 - 1 686
Frame numbers within brackets should be regarded as non-preferred for a.c. induction machines.
2)Open-ended slots are not permitted.
3) These tolerances are those given in coarses series H14 of ISO 2768.
4)Those dimensions are preferred-Additional recommended
IEC 63267-2-1 ®
Edition 1.0 2024-03
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Connector optical
interfaces for enhanced macro bend multimode fibres –
Part 2-1: Connection parameters of physically contacting 50 µm core diameter
fibres – Non-angled
Dispositifs d'interconnexion et composants passifs fibroniques – Interfaces
optiques de connecteurs pour fibres multimodales améliorées en
macrocourbures –
Partie 2-1 : Paramètres de connexion des fibres d'un diamètre de cœur de 50 µm
en contact physique – Sans angle
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IEC 63267-2-1 ®
Edition 1.0 2024-03
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Connector optical
interfaces for enhanced macro bend multimode fibres –
Part 2-1: Connection parameters of physically contacting 50 µm core diameter
fibres – Non-angled
Dispositifs d'interconnexion et composants passifs fibroniques – Interfaces
optiques de connecteurs pour fibres multimodales améliorées en
macrocourbures –
Partie 2-1 : Paramètres de connexion des fibres d'un diamètre de cœur de 50 µm
en contact physique – Sans angle
ICS 33.180.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-8423-0
– 2 – IEC 63267-2-1:2024 © IEC 2024
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms and definitions . 5
4 Attenuation and return loss grades . 6
5 Criteria for a fit within attenuation and return loss grades . 6
5.1 General . 6
5.2 Attenuation grades and criteria . 6
5.3 Return loss grades and criteria . 9
Annex A (informative) Relationship between lateral offset, numerical aperture, and
core diameter to achieve the attenuation grades . 10
Bibliography . 12
Figure 1 – Schematic illustration showing connection zero and connection one . 7
Figure 2 – Graphical representation showing parameter limits and distribution
information for the purpose of attenuation modelling . 8
Figure 3 – Connection C1 attenuation as a function of lateral offset limit . 9
Figure A.1 – Response surface showing relationship between lateral offset, numerical
aperture, and core diameter to achieve 0,6 dB attenuation for 850 nm operation under
a worst case EF launch condition . 10
Figure A.2 – Response surface showing relationship between lateral offset, numerical
aperture, and core diameter to achieve 1,0 dB attenuation for 850 nm operation under
a worst case EF launch condition . 11
Table 1 – Multimode random mate attenuation grades at 850 nm . 6
Table 2 – Multimode return loss grades at 850 nm . 6
Table 3 – Multimode optical fibre properties . 8
Table 4 – Visual requirements for multimode PC polished end faces return loss grade 2
(RL ≥ 20 dB) . 9
Part 2-1: Connection parameters of physically
contacting 50 µm core diameter fibres – Non-angled
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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IEC 63267-2-1 has been prepared by subcommittee 86B: Fibre optic interconnecting devices
and passive components, of IEC technical committee 86: Fibre optics. It is an International
– 4 – IEC 63267-2-1:2024 © IEC 2024
The text of this International Standard is based on the following documents:
Draft Report on voting
86B/4858/FDIS 86B/4877/RVD
Full information on the voting for its approval can be found in the report on voting indicated in
the above table.
The language used for the development of this International Standard is English.
This document was drafted in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, and developed in
accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and ISO/IEC Directives, IEC Supplement, available
at The main document types developed by IEC are
described in greater detail at
A list of all parts of the IEC 63267 series, under the general title Fibre optic interconnecting
devices and passive components – Connector optical interfaces for enhanced macro bend
multimode fibre, can be found on the IEC website.
Future documents in this series will carry the new general title as cited
Questions, Comments and Discussion
Ask us and Technical Secretary will try to provide an answer. You can facilitate discussion about the standard in here.