This document specifies general conditions for the analysis of polymers using thermogravimetric techniques. It is applicable to liquids or solids. Solid materials can be in the form of pellets, granules or powders. Fabricated shapes reduced to appropriate specimen size can also be analysed by this method.
This document establishes methods for the investigation of physical effects and chemical reactions that are associated with changes of mass.
This document can be used to determine the temperature(s) and rate(s) of decomposition of polymers, and to measure at the same time the amounts of volatile matter, additives and/or fillers they contain.
This document is applicable to measurements in dynamic mode (mass change versus temperature or time under programmed temperature conditions) or isothermal mode (mass change versus time at constant temperature).
This document is applicable to measurements at different testing atmospheres, such as separation of decomposition in an inert atmosphere from oxidative degradation.

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This document specifies a bending-vibration method based upon resonance curves for determining the flexural complex modulus E*f of homogeneous plastics and the damping properties of laminated plastics intended for acoustic insulation, for example systems consisting of a metal sheet coated with a damping plastic layer, or sandwich systems consisting of two sheet-metal layers with an intermediate plastic layer. For many purposes, it is useful to determine these properties as a function of temperature and frequency.

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This document describes a method for the accelerated conditioning of test specimens of polyamides and copolyamides. It is applicable to grades containing fillers and other additives, but not grades containing more than a mass fraction of 2 % extractables.
The equilibrium moisture content attained by this method is close to the equilibrium moisture content obtained in standard atmosphere 23 °C/50 %RH. The values of mechanical properties obtained after accelerated conditioning in accordance with this method can differ slightly from those obtained after conditioning in standard atmosphere 23 °C/50 %RH.

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This document specifies methods for determining the deterioration of plastics due to the action of fungi and bacteria and soil microorganisms. The aim is not to determine the biodegradability of plastics or the deterioration of natural fibre composites.
The type and extent of deterioration can be determined by
a)    visual examination and/or
b)    changes in mass and/or
c)    changes in other physical properties.
The tests are applicable to all plastics that have an even surface and that can thus be easily cleaned. The exceptions are porous materials, such as plastic foams.
This document uses the same test fungi as IEC 60068-2-10. The IEC method, which uses so-called "assembled specimens", calls for inoculation of the specimens with a spore suspension, incubation of the inoculated specimens and assessment of the fungal growth as well as any physical attack on the specimens.
The volume of testing and the test strains used depend on the application envisaged for the plastic.

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1.1    This document establishes a system of designation for ethylene-vinyl acetate thermoplastic material, which can be used as the basis for specifications.
1.2    The types of ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVAC) plastic are differentiated from each other by a classification system based on appropriate levels of the following designatory properties:
a)    vinyl acetate content;
b)    melt mass-flow rate;
and on information about the intended application and/or method of processing, important properties, additives, colorants, fillers and reinforcing materials.
1.3    This document is applicable to all ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers containing from a mass fraction from 3 % to 50 % (approximately 25 % molar) of vinyl acetate.
It applies to materials ready for normal use in the form of powder, granules or pellets and to materials unmodified or modified by colorants, additives, fillers, etc.
1.4    It is not intended to imply that materials having the same designation give necessarily the same performance. This document does not provide engineering data, performance data or data on processing conditions which can be required to specify a material for a particular application and/or method of processing.
If such additional properties are required, they are determined in accordance with the test methods specified in ISO 21301-2, if suitable.
1.5    In order to specify a thermoplastic material for a particular application or to ensure reproducible processing, additional requirements can be given in data block 5 (see 4.1).

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This document specifies the methods of preparation of test specimens and the test methods to be used in determining the properties of ethylene/vinyl acetate (EVAC) moulding and extrusion materials. Requirements for handling test material and for conditioning both the test material before moulding and the specimens before testing are given in this document.
This document gives procedures and conditions for the preparation of test specimens and procedures for measuring properties of the materials from which these specimens are made. Properties and test methods which are suitable and necessary to characterize EVAC moulding and extrusion materials are listed in this document.
The properties have been selected from the general test methods in ISO 10350-1. Other test methods in wide use for or of particular significance to these moulding and extrusion materials are also included in this document, as are the designatory properties specified in ISO 21301-1.
The methods of preparation and conditioning, the specimen dimensions and the test procedures specified this document are used in order to obtain reproducible and comparable test results. Values determined will not necessarily be identical to those obtained using specimens of different dimensions or prepared using different procedures.

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This document establishes the general principles and procedures to be followed when machining and notching test specimens from compression-moulded and injection-moulded plastics, extruded sheets, plates and partially finished or wholly finished products.
In order to establish a basis for reproducible machining and notching conditions, the following general standardized conditions are applied. It is assumed, however, that the exact procedures used are selected or specified by the relevant material specification or by the standards on the particular test methods. If sufficiently detailed procedures are not thus specified, the interested parties agree upon the conditions to be used.

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This document specifies a four-cavity mould, the type С ISO mould, for the injection moulding of small tensile bars measuring ≥ 60 mm × 10 mm × 3 mm (the type CW11 test specimen in ISO 20753).

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1.1    This document specifies the conditions for determining the tensile properties of plastic films or sheets less than 1 mm thick, based upon the general principles given in ISO 527-1.
NOTE       For sheets greater than 1 mm thick, the user is referred to ISO 527-2.
1.2    See ISO 527-1:2012, 1.2.
1.3    This document is not normally suitable for determining the tensile properties of
a)    cellular materials, and
b)    plastics reinforced by textile fibres.
1.4    See ISO 527-1:2012, 1.3.

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This European Standard establishes a system of designation for profiles made of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) intended to be used for building applications.
This part is applicable to light coloured and coloured PVC-U profiles, obtained by a mono-extrusion or a co-extrusion process, with or without a laminated foil or with a lacquered-coating.
It specifies test methods and test parameters.
This method of designation is intended to be used in product specification when the application is specified.
NOTE   It is recommended to use this method for the designation of PVC-U profiles for information related to technical literature of the manufacturer, not for the marking of the products.
Profiles for the management of electrical power cables, communication cables and power track systems used for the distribution of electrical power, profiles for windows or doors and profiles for guttering are not covered by this European Standard.

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This European Standard establishes a system of designation for profiles made of cellular unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-UE) intended to be used for building applications.
This part is applicable to light coloured and coloured mono-extruded PVC-UE profiles, co-extruded profiles consisting of a core made of PVC-UE and a skin layer of non-cellular unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
(PVC-U), and PVC-UE profiles with laminated foil or lacquered-coating.
It specifies test methods and test parameters.
This method of designation is intended to be used in product specification when the application is specified.
NOTE   It is recommended to use this method for the designation of PVC-UE profiles for information related to technical literature of the manufacturer, not for the marking of the products.
Profiles for the management of electrical power cables, communication cables and power track systems used for the distribution of electrical power, profiles for windows or doors and profiles for guttering are not covered by this European Standard.

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ISO 291:2008 sets out specifications relating to the conditioning and testing of all plastics and all types of test specimen at constant atmospheric conditions.
Special atmospheres applicable to a particular test or material or simulating a particular climatic environment are not included in this International Standard.

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ISO 8988:2006 specifies three methods for the determination of the hexamethylenetetramine ("hexa") content of phenolic resins:
a Kjeldahl method;direct titration with perchloric acid;potentiometric titration with hydrochloric acid.

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ISO 8987:2005 specifies methods for the determination of the B-transformation time of phenolic resins at a specified temperature and under specified conditions on a heated test plate.
Two methods are described, each with a different test plate:
Method A -- plate with depressions in the form of segments of spheres;
Method B -- flat plate without depressions.

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ISO 8619:2003 specifies a method for the determination of the flow distance of powdered heat-setting phenolic resins for production and control. With reference to tablet formation, test temperature and angle of inclination of the glass plate, measurement of the flow distance involves arbitrarily defined conditions.
The flow distance is dependent on the reactivity and melt viscosity of the resins. Rapid solidification and high melt viscosity shorten the flow distance.

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This method is suitable for cellulose acetate which does not contain additives, fillers, etc. which may interfere with the determination of viscosity. It is suitable for cellulose acetate having an acetic acid yield above 50 %. Cellulose acetate plasticized with dimethyl phthalate is moulded under specified conditions of temperature, pressure and time. After cooling, the moulding is ground up. The viscosity ratio of the ground material from the moulding and also that of the original cellulose acetate material are determined in accordance with ISO 1157. The percentage viscosity loss is calculated from the values of viscosity before and after moulding. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition ISO 1599:1975.

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Specification of two methods for the determination of chlorine: Oxidation of the test portion with sodium peroxide (method A) in a Parr bomb or with gaseous oxygen (method B) in a flask, followed by electrometric or volumetric titration of the resulting chlorides. Blank tests shall be carried out by using the same quanities of reagents as in the determination.

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This method is intended for cellulose acetate having an acetic acid yield of 54 % ± 2.5 %. It may also be applicable to other transparent plastics which are not strongly coloured and which can be moulded under the specified conditions. Two measurements of absorption, one at the red end and one at the blue end of the visible spectrum, are sufficient to characterize the absorption of light by the material. Describes the preparation of the material, two methods for the incorporation of plasticizers and die moulding of the test specimen. For the determination of the initial optical density, specimens given the smallest practicable amount of heating are used. The optical density at 25 mm thickness is calculated as the initial light absorption. The light absorption after further heating is obtained by similar measurements on specimens prepared using a longer period of heating during moulding.

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Liquids simulating fodd and beverages are placed in contact with mouldings of the sample material, under defined conditions. The formaldehyde content of the liquid is then determined and the quantity of formaldehyde extracted per unit area of content is calculated. Two spectrophotometric methods for the determination of formaldehyde in the liquid, using chromotropic acid disodium salt or acetylacetone as reagents, are given.

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This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the epoxy equivalent and is applicable to all epoxy compounds. In the case of epoxyamines, it is necessary to apply the modification specified in annex A.

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Specifies three chromatographic methods for the separation of phenolic resins into their component compounds according to molecular size or molecular weight and polarity: gel-permeation chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography on polar and on non-polar columns. Applies to phenolic resins that are soluble in the solvents and solvent blends used. This test is useful for characterization of products and for research.

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The method specified determines the percentage mass of moulding material that is transferred through two apertures in the punch of a disc mould during a moulding process carried out under defined conditions. It is intended only for production control and should not be used as part of a mandatory material specification.

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Gives a method for the determination of the miscibility of water with liquid phenolic resins depending on the conditions and on the degree of condensation of the resin. Replaces the first edition.

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Specifies a method for the determination of the primary, secondary and tertiary amine group nitrogen content of aliphatic or aromatic amine hardeners for epoxy resins.

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The principle of the method specified is measuring the heat flux supplied to a test sample as a function of time or temperature, while the test sample is subjected to a temperature schedule under a specified atmosphere. A reaction is marked by the release of energy from the sample, resulting in an exothermic peak in the heating curve. Integration of the recorded peak area as a function of time gives a measure of the energy of the reaction. Applies to phenolic resins with exothermic behaviour, such as resols or mixtures of novolaks with hexamethylenetetramine or other curing agents.

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Specifies the principles and procedures for evaluating the thermal endurance properties of plastics exposed to elevated temperature for long periods. The study of the thermal ageing is based solely on the change in certain properties resulting from a period of exposure to elevated temperature. The properties studied are always measured after the temperature has returned to ambient.

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Specification of a semi-quantitative method. The content of free ammonia in a moulded article is of importance, when corrosion of metal inserts or contamination in contact with the article has to be considered. Distillation of the aqueous extract from a powdered test portion, coloration of the distillate by reaction with Nessler reagent and comparison of the colour with that of standard matching solutions.

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Specification of a qualitative method of detecting the presence of free ammonia or other volatile bases in phenol-formaldehyde mouldings by the exposure of an indicator paper to the vapour from a moistened powdered sample. It may be used when the absence of free ammonia is a requirement.

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A semiquantitative method for the determination of the amount of free phenols in phenolic mouldings. Hot water extraction of free phenols from a powdered test portion, iodination of the water extract and backtitration of the excess of iodine with standard volumetric thiosulfate solution.

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Specification of a gravimetric method for the determination of the amount of matter that can be extracted by boiling acetone from a sample of finely divided phenolic moulding material. The extract is dried under controlled conditions and the mass of residue determined by weighing. The amount of acetone soluble matter (apparent resin content) is expressed as percentage by mass of the original test portion.

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Specifies a method for the determination of the reactivity of unsaturated polyester resins as characterized by the maximum temperature reached when heated with catalyst in a water-bath at 80 °C and by the time taken for the temperatur of the mixture to rise from 65 °C to this maximum temperature. As the test results depend very much on the conditions under which the test is carried out, these conditions are described in detail.

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Treatment of a test portion of resin with a given volume of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride previous neutralized to pH 7,0. After stirring and decanting, measurement of the potential difference existing between a glass electrode and a reference calomel electrode immersed in the liquid maintained at 23 °C and reading of this difference, expressed in pH units directly on th pH meter scale.

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The principle of the method specified is reacting a small amount of free acid present in a test portion of acid anhydride hardener or accelerator with rhodamine 6G to colour the test solution pink, measuring the absorbance of the coloured solution at a wavelength of about 510 nm using a spectrometer, determining the free-acid content from a calibration curve. The method is suitable for most anhydrides except for polyester and oligomeric anhydrides which may give too wide a scatter of results.

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Cancels and replaces the first edition (1989). Specifies a method for determining the exothermic reactivity of thermosetting liquid phenolic resins when mixed with an acid hardener under specified conditions. The results of the determination are used as a means of assessing the behaviour of the resin during processing.

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Important for applications in which such resins are used as impregnating materials. The principle is based on addition of an acetone/water mixture to a solution of the resin. The precipitate thus produced is allowed to settle, and the conductance of the suspension remaining above the resin is measured. The conductivity, expressed in microsiemens per centimetre, is then calculated from the measured conductance.

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  • Standard
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This document defines the general conditions for the determination of the reduced viscosity, intrinsic viscosity and K‑value of organic polymers in dilute solution. It defines the standard parameters that are applied to viscosity measurement.
This document is used to develop standards for measuring the viscosities in solution of individual types of polymer. It is also used to measure and report the viscosities of polymers in solution for which no separate standards exist.

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Specifies a method for the determination of the apparent density of a moulding powder or a granular material. The sample is pured through a specified funnel into a measuring cylinder of 100 cubiccentimeter capacity, the excess is removed with a straightedge and the mass of the contents is determinded by weighing. Expression of the apparent density in grams per millilitre.

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A test sample of 5 g is weighed into a weighing bottle and spread evenly over the bottom. The bottle is dried at 55 C. After 3 h the sample is remove from the open, cooled to room temperature and conditioned. The volatile matter is given as a percentage by mass.

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ISO 11358-1:2014 specifies general conditions for the analysis of polymers using thermogravimetric techniques. It is applicable to liquids or solids. Solid materials may be in the form of pellets, granules or powders. Fabricated shapes reduced to appropriate specimen size may also be analysed by this method.

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This International Standard specifies two test methods for determining the refractive index of plastics, namely:
Method A: a refractometric method for measuring the refractive index of moulded parts, cast or extruded sheet
or film, by means of a refractometer. It is applicable not only to isotropic transparent, translucent, coloured or
opaque materials but also to anisotropic materials. The method is recommended when great accuracy is
required. It is not applicable to powdered or granulated material.
Method B: an immersion method (making use of the Becke line phenomenon) for determining the refractive
index of powdered or granulated transparent materials by means of a microscope. Monochromatic light should,
in general, be used to avoid dispersion effects. The accuracy of this method is about the same as that of
method A. It is applicable to isotropic translucent, coloured materials but is not applicable to opaque materials
nor to anisotropic materials.
NOTE 1 The refractive index is a fundamental property which can be used for checking purity and composition, for the
identification of materials and for the design of optical parts. The change in refractive index with temperature may give an
indication of transition points of materials.
NOTE 2 The accuracy of method B is approximately the same as that of method A when an experienced operator uses the
method with extreme care (see clause 7).

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ISO 13000-2:2005 specifies the preparation of test specimens and gives the test methods applicable to semi-finished products of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).

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ISO 13000-1:2005 specifies the requirements for processed unfilled polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) products which may occur in several forms. The PTFE used to make the semi-finished product is described in ISO 12086-1 and, as provided in ISO 12086-1, may contain up to 1 % of a comonomer. The PTFE used to make the semi-finished product may be virgin, reprocessed or recycled resin. The addition of up to 1,5 % by mass of pigment or colorant is permitted. This part of ISO 13000 allows for four grades based on tensile strength and elongation at break. The semi-finished products can be as-processed (type P) or dimensionally stabilized (type S) and may also have specified electrical properties or other properties when they are required for an application.

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