This document establishes requirements, test procedures, assessment methods and acceptance criteria for operating rolling stock in open track. For pressure variations and slipstream effects beside the track, requirements and assessment methods are provided. For running resistance, assessment methods are addressed in this document. Load cases on infrastructure components due to train-induced pressure variations and slipstream effects are addressed in this document. For ballasted track test set-ups for ballast projection assessment are proposed.
The requirements only apply to rolling stock of the heavy rail system with maximum train speeds above 160 km/h and not to other rail systems. The document is applicable to all rolling stock and infrastructure in open air with nominal track gauges of 1 435 mm to 1 668 mm inclusive.

  • Standard
    60 pages
    English language
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This document gives guidelines for the cross wind assessment of railways.
This document is applicable to all passenger vehicles, locomotives and power cars (with a maximum train speed above 140 km/h up to 360 km/h) and freight wagons (with a maximum train speed above 80 km/h up to 160 km/h) and track gauges from 1 435 mm to 1 668 mm inclusive. For passenger vehicles, locomotives and power cars with a maximum train speed between 250 km/h and 360 km/h, a requirement to demonstrate the cross wind stability is imposed. This document is not applicable to light rail and urban rail vehicles.

  • Standard
    140 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document establishes aerodynamic requirements, test procedures, assessment methods and acceptance criteria for operating rolling stock in tunnels. Aerodynamic pressure variations, loads, micro pressure wave generation and further aerodynamic aspects to be expected in tunnel operation are addressed in this document. Requirements for the aerodynamic design of rolling stock and tunnels of the heavy rail system are provided. The requirements apply to heavy rail systems only.

  • Standard
    95 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document discusses:
-   economic aspects of ballast projection;
-   comparison of methods in France and Spain for rolling stock;
-   infrastructure assessment methods;
-   review of available literature;
-   next steps and recommendations regarding standardization and research.

  • Technical report
    108 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document establishes requirements, test procedures, assessment methods and acceptance criteria for operating rolling stock in open track. For pressure variations and slipstream effects beside the track, requirements and assessment methods are provided. For running resistance, assessment methods are addressed in this document. Load cases on infrastructure components due to train-induced pressure variations and slipstream effects are addressed in this document. For ballasted track test set-ups for ballast projection assessment are proposed.
The requirements only apply to rolling stock of the heavy rail system with maximum train speeds above 160 km/h and not to other rail systems. The document is applicable to all rolling stock and infrastructure in open air with nominal track gauges of 1 435 mm to 1 668 mm inclusive.

  • Draft
    4 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document gives guidelines for the cross wind assessment of railways.
This document is applicable to all passenger vehicles, locomotives and power cars (with a maximum train speed above 140 km/h up to 360 km/h) and freight wagons (with a maximum train speed above 80 km/h up to 160 km/h) and track gauges from 1 435 mm to 1 668 mm inclusive. For passenger vehicles, locomotives and power cars with a maximum train speed between 250 km/h and 360 km/h, a requirement to demonstrate the cross wind stability is imposed. This document is not applicable to light rail and urban rail vehicles.

  • Draft
    5 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document establishes requirements, test procedures, assessment methods and acceptance criteria for aerodynamics in tunnels and rolling stock in tunnels. Topics of aerodynamic pressures and loadings, aerodynamic resistance and micro-pressure waves are addressed.
Requirements for rolling stock with operating speeds equal to or above 200 km/h are provided for pressures generated in tunnel operation. Requirements for infrastructure with design speeds above 160 km/h or high blockage ratio or tunnels longer than 12 km are provided for pressures generated in tunnel operation. These requirements are not applicable to light rail and urban rail.
This document is applicable to all railway vehicles and infrastructure with track gauges from 1 435 mm to 1 668 mm inclusive.

  • Draft
    93 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard deals with requirements, test procedures and conformity assessment for aerodynamics on open track. Addressed within this standard are the topics of aerodynamic loadings and resistance to motion, while the topic of cross wind assessment is addressed by EN 14067-6.
This European Standard refers to rolling stock and infrastructure issues. This standard does not apply to freight wagons. It applies to railway operation on gauges GA, GB and GC according to EN 15273. The methodological approach of the presented test procedures may be adapted to different gauges.

  • Draft
    6 pages
    English language
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This European Standard applies to the aerodynamic loading caused by trains running in a tunnel.

  • Draft
    6 pages
    English language
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This European Standard deals with requirements, test procedures and conformity assessment for aerodynamics on open track. Addressed within this standard are the topics of aerodynamic loadings and resistance to motion, while the topic of cross wind assessment is addressed by EN 14067-6.
This European Standard refers to rolling stock and infrastructure issues. This standard does not apply to freight wagons. It applies to railway operation on gauges GA, GB and GC according to EN 15273. The methodological approach of the presented test procedures may be adapted to different gauges.

  • Standard
    50 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard describes physical phenomena of railway-specific aerodynamics and gives recommendations for the documentation of tests.

  • Standard
    14 pages
    English language
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This standard applies to aerodynamics for railway applications. It defines symbols and units used in formulae and calculations in the field of aerodynamics. The definitions given in this standard explain the symbols and classify the units.

  • Standard
    10 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document gives guidelines for the cross wind assessment of railways.
This document is applicable to all passenger vehicles, locomotives and power cars (with a maximum train speed above 140 km/h up to 360 km/h) and freight wagons (with a maximum train speed above 80 km/h up to 160 km/h) and track gauges from 1 435 mm to 1 668 mm inclusive. For passenger vehicles, locomotives and power cars with a maximum train speed between 250 km/h and 360 km/h, a requirement to demonstrate the cross wind stability is imposed. This document is not applicable to light rail and urban rail vehicles.

  • Standard
    143 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard applies to the aerodynamic loading caused by trains running in a tunnel

  • Standard
    35 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard deals with requirements, test procedures and conformity assessment for aerodynamics on open track. Addressed within this standard are the topics of aerodynamic loadings and resistance to motion, while the topic of cross wind assessment is addressed by EN 14067-6.
This European Standard refers to rolling stock and infrastructure issues. This standard does not apply to freight wagons. It applies to railway operation on gauges GA, GB and GC according to EN 15273. The methodological approach of the presented test procedures may be adapted to different gauges.

  • Standard
    45 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard applies to the cross wind assessment of railways taking into consideration the recommendations given in Annex M on the application of the standard (migration rule). The methods presented have been applied to passenger vehicles with a maximum speed up to 360 km/h and to freight vehicles with a maximum speed up to 160 km/h. This European Standard applies to coaches, multiple units, freight wagons, locomotives and power cars.

  • Standard
    124 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard applies to train-induced aerodynamic loading on open track caused by:
-   trains passing a permanent or temporary structure;
-   trains passing a person who is alongside the track;
-   two trains passing each other.
This European Standard applies to open air structures of any length and closed structures of a length less than 20 m enveloping the tracks. For closed structures enveloping the tracks that are longer than 20 m prEN 14067-5 applies.
For effects caused by cross winds, the aerodynamic phenomena are described in prEN 14067-6.
In addition, this European Standard applies to the resistance of motion for trains in open air.

  • Standard
    37 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard describes physical phenomena of railway-specific aerodynamics and gives recommendations for the documentation of tests.

  • Standard
    18 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard applies to the aerodynamic loading caused by trains running in a tunnel

  • Standard
    33 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard applies to train-induced aerodynamic loading on open track caused by:
¾   trains passing a permanent or temporary structure;
¾   trains passing a person who is alongside the track;
¾   two trains passing each other.
This European Standard applies to open air structures of any length and closed structures of a length less than 20 m enveloping the tracks. For closed structures enveloping the tracks that are longer than 20 m prEN 14067-5 applies.
For effects caused by cross winds, the aerodynamic phenomena are described in prEN 14067-6.
In addition, this European Standard applies to the resistance of motion for trains in open air.

  • Standard
    32 pages
    English language
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    1 day