This document specifies procedures and conditions to enable the heat flux in electrical surface heating systems to be determined relative to the medium differential temperature for systems. The determination of thermal performance electrical surface heating systems and their conformity to this document is carried out by calculation in accordance with design documents and a model. This enables a uniform assessment and calculation surface heating systems.
The surface temperature and the temperature uniformity of the heated surface, nominal heat flux density between electrical heated layer and space are given as the result.
The ISO 11855 series is applicable to water based embedded surface heating and cooling systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings[1]. The methods apply to systems integrated into the wall, floor or ceiling construction without any open-air gaps. It does not apply to ceiling mounted panel systems with open air gaps which are not integrated into the building structure.
The ISO 11855 series also applies, as appropriate, to the use of fluids other than water as a heating or cooling medium. The ISO 11855 series is not applicable for testing of systems. The methods do not apply to heated or chilled ceiling panels or beams.
[1]  ISO 11855-7 can also be used for electrical heated embedded systems.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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This document specifies procedures and conditions to enable the heat flux in water-based surface heating and cooling systems to be determined relative to the medium differential temperature for systems. The determination of thermal performance of water-based surface heating and cooling systems and their conformity to this document is carried out by calculation in accordance with design documents and a model. This enables a uniform assessment and calculation of water-based surface heating and cooling systems.
The surface temperature and the temperature uniformity of the heated/cooled surface, nominal heat flux between water and space, the associated nominal medium differential temperature, and the field of characteristic curves for the relationship between heat flux and the determining variables are given as the result.
This document includes a general method based on finite difference or finite element Methods and simplified calculation methods depending on position of pipes and type of building structure.

  • Standard
    65 pages
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This document establishes requirements for the installation of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems. It specifies general and uniform requirements for the design and construction of heating and cooling floors, ceiling and wall structures to ensure that the heating/cooling systems are suited to the particular application. The requirements specified by this document are applicable only to the components of the heating/cooling systems and the elements which are part of the heating/cooling surface and which are installed due to the heating/cooling systems.
This document is applicable to water-based embedded surface heating and cooling systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. The methods apply to systems integrated into the wall, floor or ceiling construction without any open-air gaps, but are not applicable to panel systems with open-air gaps which are not integrated into the building structure.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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This document allows the calculation of peak cooling capacity of Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS) – Type V according to ISO 11855-1, based on heat gains, such as solar gains, internal heat gains, and ventilation, and the calculation of the cooling power demand on the water side, to be used to size the cooling system, as regards, e.g. the chiller size, fluid flow rate.
This document defines a detailed method aimed at the calculation of heating and cooling capacity in non-steady state conditions.

  • Standard
    66 pages
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This document establishes a system design and dimensioning method to ensure the heating and cooling capacity of the radiant heating and cooling systems.

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    27 pages
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This document specifies the basic definitions, symbols, and comfort criteria for embedded radiant heating and cooling systems.

  • Standard
    35 pages
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The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for surface embedded heating and cooling systems installed in buildings, residential and non-residential (e.g. office, public, commercial and industrial buildings) and focuses on systems installed for the purpose of thermal comfort.
The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for water based heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled. It also specifies the use of other heating media instead of water, as appropriate.
The EN 1264 series specifies standardized product characteristics by calculation and testing the thermal output of heating for technical specifications and certification. For the design, construction and operation of these systems, see EN 1264-3 and EN 1264-4 for the types A, B, C, D, H, I and J. For the types E, F and G, see the EN ISO 11855 series.
The systems specified in the EN 1264 series are adjoined to the structural base of the enclosure surfaces of the building, mounted directly or with fixing supports. The EN 1264 series does not specify ceiling systems mounted in a suspended ceiling with a designed open air gap between the system and the building structure which allows the thermally induced circulation of the air. The thermal output of these systems can be determined according to EN 14037 series and EN 14240.
EN 1264-3 specifies the use in practical engineering of the results coming from EN 1264-2 and EN 1264-5.
For heating systems, physiological limitations are taken into account when specifying the surface temperatures. In the case of floor heating systems the limitations are realized by a design based on the characteristic curves and limit curves determined in accordance with EN 1264-2.
For cooling systems, only a limitation with respect to the dew point is taken into account. In predominating practice, this means that physiological limitations are included as well.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for surface embedded heating and cooling systems installed in buildings, residential and non-residential (e.g. office, public, commercial and industrial buildings) and focuses on systems installed for the purpose of thermal comfort.
The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for water based heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled. It also specifies the use of other heating media instead of water, as appropriate.
The EN 1264 series specifies standardized product characteristics by calculation and testing the thermal output of heating for technical specifications and certification. For the design, construction and operation of these systems, see EN 1264-3 and EN 1264-4 for the types A, B, C, D, H, I and J. For the types E, F and G, see the EN ISO 11855 series.
The systems specified in the EN 1264 series are adjoined to the structural base of the enclosure surfaces of the building, mounted directly or with fixing supports. The EN 1264 series does not specify ceiling systems mounted in a suspended ceiling with a designed open air gap between the system and the building structure which allows the thermally induced circulation of the air. The thermal output of these systems can be determined according to the EN 14037 series and EN 14240.
EN 1264-1 specifies system types and characteristics of water based surface embedded radiant heating and cooling systems.

  • Standard
    30 pages
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The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for surface embedded heating and cooling systems installed in buildings, residential and non-residential (e.g. office, public, commercial and industrial buildings) and focuses on systems installed for the purpose of thermal comfort.
The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for water based heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled. It also specifies the use of other heating media instead of water, as appropriate.
The EN 1264 series specifies standardized product characteristics by calculation and testing the thermal output of heating for technical specifications and certification. For the design, construction and operation of these systems, see EN 1264-3 and EN 1264-4 for the types A, B, C, D, H, I and J. For the types E, F and G, see the EN ISO 11855 series.
The systems specified in the EN 1264 series are adjoined to the structural base of the enclosure surfaces of the building, mounted directly or with fixing supports. The EN 1264 series does not specify ceiling systems mounted in a suspended ceiling with a designed open air gap between the system and the building structure which allows the thermally induced circulation of the air. The thermal output of these systems can be determined according to the EN 14037 series and EN 14240.
EN 1264-5 specifies the recalculation of values determined in EN 1264-2 for the system in question. It enables the conversion of the calculation and measurement results of EN 1264-2 into results for other surface orientations in the room, i.e. for ceiling and wall heating, as well as for the application as cooling surfaces, i.e. for floor, ceiling and wall cooling. The test results of EN 1264-2 are the basis of all calculation, whether or not the system in question is used for heating or cooling application.

  • Standard
    11 pages
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The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for surface embedded heating and cooling systems installed in buildings, residential and non-residential (e.g. office, public, commercial and industrial buildings) and focuses on systems installed for the purpose of thermal comfort.
The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for water based heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled. It also specifies the use of other heating media instead of water, as appropriate.
The EN 1264 series specifies standardized product characteristics by calculation and testing the thermal output of heating for technical specifications and certification. For the design, construction and operation of these systems, see EN 1264-3 and EN 1264-4 for the types A, B, C, D, H, I and J. For the types E, F and G, see the EN ISO 11855 series.
The systems specified in the EN 1264 series are adjoined to the structural base of the enclosure surfaces of the building, mounted directly or with fixing supports. The EN 1264 series does not specify ceiling systems mounted in a suspended ceiling with a designed open air gap between the system and the building structure which allows the thermally induced circulation of the air. The thermal output of these systems can be determined according to the EN 14037 series and EN 14240.
EN 1264-2 specifies hot water floor heating systems. The application of EN 1264-5 requires the prior use of EN 1264-2. EN 1264-5 specifies the conversion of the thermal output of floor heating systems determined in EN 1264-2 into the thermal output of heating surfaces embedded in walls and ceilings as well as into the thermal output of cooling surfaces embedded in floors, walls and ceilings.
EN 1264-2 specifies the boundary conditions and the test methods for the determination of the thermal output of hot water floor heating systems as a function of the temperature difference between the heating medium and the room temperature.
The thermal output is tested by a calculation method and by a measurement method. The calculation method is applicable to systems corresponding to the definitions in EN 1264-1 (type A, B, C, D, H, I and J). The measurement method gives guidance for systems not corresponding to these definitions. The calculation method and the measurement method are consistent with each other and provide correlating and adequate test results.
The test results, expressed depending on further parameters, are the standard specific thermal output and the associated standard temperature difference between the heating medium and the room temperature as well as fields of characteristic curves showing the relationship between the specific thermal output and the temperature difference between the heating medium and the room.

  • Standard
    41 pages
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The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for surface embedded heating and cooling systems installed in buildings, residential and non-residential (e.g. office, public, commercial and industrial buildings) and focuses on systems installed for the purpose of thermal comfort.
The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for water based heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled. It also specifies the use of other heating media instead of water, as appropriate.
The EN 1264 series specifies standardized product characteristics by calculation and testing the thermal output of heating for technical specifications and certification. For the design, construction and operation of these systems, see EN 1264-3 and EN 1264-4 for the types A, B, C, D, H, I and J. For the types E, F and G, see the EN ISO 11855 series.
The systems specified in The EN 1264 series are adjoined to the structural base of the enclosure surfaces of the building, mounted directly or with fixing supports. The EN 1264 series does not specify ceiling systems mounted in a suspended ceiling with a designed open air gap between the system and the building structure which allows the thermally induced circulation of the air. The thermal output of these systems can be determined according to the EN 14037 series and EN 14240.
EN 1264-4 specifies uniform requirements for the design and the construction of heating and cooling floor, ceiling and wall structures to ensure that the heating/cooling systems are suited to the particular application.
The requirements specified by the EN 1264 series apply only to the components of the heating/cooling systems which are part of the heating/cooling system. EN 1264-4 does not cover other elements which are not part of the heating/cooling system.

  • Standard
    19 pages
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This document specifies definitions, requirements and test methods for thermostatic radiator valves referred to hereafter as thermostatic valves.
This standard applies to two port thermostatic valves with or without pre-setting facility and thermostatic integrated valves with or without pre-setting facility for fitting to radiators in wet central heating installations up to a water temperature of 120 °C and a nominal pressure of PN 10.
This standard further specifies the dimensions, the materials and the connection details of four series of straight and angle pattern thermostatic radiator valves of nominal pressure ≤ PN 10.
This standard can be used as reference in a CEN/CENELEC Certification Mark System on thermostatic radiator valves.

  • Standard
    44 pages
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This European Standard describes the test method and the test installation for determining the thermal output of ceiling mounted heating surfaces according to the specifications of prEN 14037-1:2011, 3.3.2, 3.3.3 and 3.3.4.
This part applies to determine thermal output when chilled ceilings according to EN 14240 are also used for heating.
NOTE   Test results according to this part cannot be compared with results according to EN 14037-2 because great discrepancies are given at open ceilings, convective components and heating surfaces without upper insulation.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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This European Standard describes the test method and the test installation for determining the thermal out-put of pre-fabricated ceiling mounted radiant panels according to the specifications of EN 14037 1:2016, 3.3.1.

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    36 pages
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This European Standard describes the procedure to determine the rated thermal output (ΦD) and the mean surface temperature (trp) of pre-fabricated ceiling mounted radiant panels.
Pre-fabricated ceiling mounted radiant panels exchange heat mainly by radiation.
The test methods for determining the thermal output of pre-fabricated ceiling mounted radiant panels, as described in EN 14037 2:2016, give reliable results for comparing different products, but these results un-derstate the output obtained under real operating conditions.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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This European Standard defines technical specifications and requirements of free hanging prefabricated ceil-ing mounted radiant panels with an air gap between construction and the emitter (not embedded) fed with water at temperatures below 120 °C connected with a centralized heating supply source intended to be in-stalled in buildings.
The panels should be installed with an upper insulation.
The European Standard does not apply to independent heating devices.
The European Standard also defines the additional common data that the manufacturer has to provide to the trade in order to ensure the correct application of the products.
This European standard does not cover the performance of hanging accessories.

  • Standard
    32 pages
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This European Standard defines the technical specifications and requirements for the definition of the cooling capacity of pre-fabricated ceiling mounted radiant panels according to the specifications of EN 14037 1:2016, 3.3.1. The test according to this standard requires the measurement of the thermal output according to EN 14037 2:2016 of the model.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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This European Standard applies to the testing of the dry cooling capacity with no condensation of fan assisted radiators, convectors and trench convectors which are factory assembled or kits, i.e.
-   fan assisted radiators and convectors, provided the cooler has a dedicated fan or fans,
-   radiators and convectors without dedicated fan(s),
-   trench convectors with and without fan(s), provided the cooler and the fan(s) are dedicated.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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This European Standard applies to the thermal output testing of fan assisted radiators, convectors and trench convectors, i.e.
- fan assisted radiators and convectors , provided the heater has a dedicated fan or fans,
- trench convectors with and without fan(s), provided the heater and the fan(s) are dedicated,
- ventilation radiators and convectors.

  • Standard
    23 pages
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This European Standard defines the technical specifications and requirements of fan assisted radiators, convectors and trench convectors for permanent installation in central heating systems which are factory assembled or kits.
This European Standard covers fan assisted radiators and convectors fed with water at temperatures below 120 °C, supplied by a remote heating source.
This European Standard also applies for radiators and convectors according to EN 442-1 to determine their dry cooling capacity.
This European Standard does not apply to discrete heating appliances.
This European Standard also defines the additional common data that the manufacturer is to provide to the trade in order to ensure the correct application of the products.
This European Standard applies to the testing for the determination of thermal output and dry cooling capacity of
-   fan assisted radiators and convectors, provided the heater/cooler has a dedicated fan or fans;
-   trench convectors with and without fan(s), provided the fan(s) are dedicated;
-   ventilation radiators and convectors (only heating);
-   not fan assisted radiators and convectors (only cooling).

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This European Standard defines the technical specifications and requirements of radiators and convectors to be installed in heating systems in buildings including assessment and verification of constancy of performance.
This European Standard deals with radiators and convectors installed in a permanent manner in construction works, fed with water or steam at temperatures below 120 °C, supplied by a remote energy source.
This European Standard does not apply to independent heating appliances.
This European Standard also defines the additional common data that the manufacturer shall provide with the product in order to ensure the correct application of the products.

  • Standard
    38 pages
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This European Standard defines procedures for determining the standard thermal outputs and other characteristics of radiators and convectors installed in a permanent manner in construction works, fed with water or steam at temperatures below 120 °C, supplied by a remote energy source.
This European Standard specifies the laboratory arrangements and testing methods to be adopted, the admissible tolerances, the criteria for selecting the samples to be tested and for verifying the conformity of the current production with the samples tested at the initial test.
This European Standard also defines the additional common data that the manufacturer shall provide with the product in order to ensure the correct application of the products.
This European Standard does not apply to fan assisted radiators, fan assisted convectors and trench convectors and to independent heating appliances.

  • Standard
    78 pages
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This European Standard applies to detachable connections with outside threaded pipe G ¾ A in accordance with EN ISO 228-1. These are used in the field of heating and cooling emission systems at the following hydraulic connection points: connection between radiators or circuit distributors and the respective pipe. Another connection point, for radiators with integrated valve sets, is the screw connection to the connection fitting or to the screw connection itself.
This European Standard specifies the dimensions for the single and the double connection.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This European Standard defines the technical specifications and requirements of ceiling mounted hot water radiant panels, heating and cooling surfaces fed with water at temperatures below 120 °C connected with a centralized heating and/or cooling supply source.

  • Draft
    25 pages
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This European Standard describes the test method and the test installation for determining the thermal output of ceiling mounted heating surfaces according to the specifications of prEN 14037-1:2011, 3.3.2, 3.3.3 and 3.3.4.
This part applies to determine thermal output when chilled ceilings according to EN 14240 are also used for heating.
NOTE   Test results according to this part cannot be compared with results according to EN 14037-2 because great discrepancies are given at open ceilings, convective components and heating surfaces without upper insulation.

  • Draft
    18 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard describes the procedure to determine the rated thermal output (D) and the mean surface temperature (trp).
Ceiling mounted radiant panels exchange heat mainly by radiation.
The test methods to determine the thermal output of ceiling mounted radiant panels, as described in EN 14037-2, give reliable results for comparing different products, but these results understate the output obtained under real operating conditions.

  • Draft
    7 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard describes the test method and the test installation for determining the thermal output of ceiling mounted radiant panels according to the specifications of prEN 14037-1:2011, 3.3.1.

  • Draft
    35 pages
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This European Standard defines the technical specifications and requirements for the definition of the cooling capacity of ceiling mounted radiant panels according to the specifications of prEN 14037-1:2011, 3.3.1. The test according to this standard requires the measurement of the thermal output according to EN 14037-2 of the model.

  • Draft
    14 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard defines procedures for determining the standard thermal outputs of heating
appliances fed with water or steam at temperatures below 120 °C, supplied by a remote heat source.
This European Standard specifies the laboratory arrangements and testing methods to be adopted, the
admissible tolerances, the criteria for selecting the samples to be tested and for verifying the conformity of the
current production with the samples tested at the initial test.
This European Standard also defines the additional common data that the manufacturer shall provide to the
trade in order to ensure the correct application of the products.
This European Standard does not apply to independent heating appliances.

  • Draft
    70 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard defines the technical specifications and requirements of radiators and convectors
to be installed in central heating systems in residential buildings.
Radiators and convectors are components for installation in a permanent manner in construction works.
This European Standard covers radiators and convectors fed with water or steam at temperatures below
120 °C, supplied by a remote heat source.
This European Standard does not apply to independent heating appliances.
This European Standard also defines the additional common data that the manufacturer shall provide to
the trade in order to ensure the correct application of the products.

  • Draft
    14 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the procedures for evaluating the conformity of radiators/convectors to EN 442-1.  It specifies the procedures and methods for the initial evaluation and the controls required to maintain conformity.

  • Draft
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This European Standard specifies the boundary conditions and the prove methods for the determination of the thermal output of hot water floor heating systems as a function of the temperature difference between the heating medium and the room temperature.
This standard shall be applied to commercial trade and practical engineering if proved and certifiable values of the thermal output shall be used.
This European Standard applies to heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled. This Part of this European Standard applies to hot water floor heating systems. Applying of Part 5 of this European Standard requires the prior use of this Part of this European Standard. Part 5 of this European Standard deals with the conversion of the thermal output of floor heating systems determined in Part 2 into the thermal output of heating surfaces embedded in walls and ceilings as well as into the thermal output of cooling surfaces embedded in floors, walls and ceilings.
The thermal output is proved by a calculation method (Clause 6) and by a test method (Clause 9). The calculation method is applicable to systems corresponding to the definitions in EN 1264-1 (type A, type B, type C, type D). For systems not corresponding to these definitions, the test method shall be used. The calculation method and the test method are consistent with each other and provide correlating and adequate prove results.
The prove results, expressed depending on further parameters, are the standard specific thermal output and the associated standard temperature difference between the heating medium and the room temperature as well as fields of characteristic curves showing the relationship between the specific thermal output and the temperature difference between the heating medium and the room.

  • Standard
    44 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard is applicable to water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems in residential, office and other buildings, the use of which corresponds to or is similar to that of residential buildings.
This European Standard applies to heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled.
It also applies as appropriate to the use of other heating media instead of water.

  • Standard
    23 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard applies to heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled.
This document specifies uniform requirements for the design and the construction of heating and cooling floor, ceiling and wall structures to ensure that the heating/cooling systems are suited to the particular application.
The requirements specified by this Standard apply only to the components of the heating/cooling systems which are part of the heating/cooling system. This document excludes all other elements which are not part of the heating/cooling system.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard applies to heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled.
This document deals with the use in practical engineering of the results coming from part 2 and 5 and is applicable to floor-, ceiling- and wall heating systems, as well floor-, ceiling- and wall cooling systems.
For heating systems, physiological limitations are taken into account when specifying the surface temperatures. In the case of floor heating systems the limitations are realised by a design based on the characteristic curves and limit curves determined in accordance with part 2 of this Standard.
For cooling systems, only a limitation with respect to the dew point is taken into account. In predominating practice, this means that physiological limitations are included as well.

  • Standard
    19 pages
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This European Standard applies to water based heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled. Part 5 of this standard deals with the recalculation of values determined in Part 2 of this European Standard for the system in question, using it for floor heating applications. The recalculation method described in this part of the standard enables the conversion of the calculation and test results of Part 2 into results for other surface orientations in the room, i. e. for ceiling and wall heating, as well as for the application as cooling surfaces, i. e. for floor, ceiling and wall cooling. It has to be emphasised that the test results of Part 2 of this European Standard are the basis of all calculation. Therefore the use of this prove method is necessary whether or not the system in question is used for heating or cooling application.
This European Standard shall be applied to commercial trade and practical engineering if proved and certifiable values of the thermal output shall be used.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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    1 day

2012-08-02 EMA: WI transfered to CEN/TC 130 in accordance with Decision BT C69/2012.

  • Amendment
    15 pages
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This European Standard specifies definitions, requirements and test methods for thermostatic radiator valves (referred to hereafter as thermostatic valves).
This standard applies to two port thermostatic valves with or without pre-setting facility for fitting to radiators in wet central heating installations up to a water temperature of 120 °C and a nominal pressure of PN 10.
This standard further specifies the dimensions, the materials and the connection details of four series of straight and angle pattern thermostatic radiator valves of nominal pressure  inferior or equal to PN 10.
This standard can be used as reference in a CEN/CENELEC Certification Mark System on thermostatic radiator valves.

  • Standard
    38 pages
    English language
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    1 day

Definition of the test method for determining the thermal output of prefabricated ceiling mounted radiant panels fed with water at temperature below 120°C supplied from a remote source.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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    1 day

Definition of the test method and the test installation for determinating the thermal output of ceiling mounted radiant panels.

  • Standard
    32 pages
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    1 day

Definition of technical specifications and requirements of prefabricated hot water radiant panels fed with water at temperatures below 120°C supplied by a remote heat source and definition of the additional common data that the manufacturer shall provide to the trade in order to ensure the correct application of the products. The document does not apply to independent heating appliances.

  • Standard
    19 pages
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    1 day

Drafting of Annex ZA in relation to Mandate 129 (EC Directive 89/106).

  • Amendment
    9 pages
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This European Standard specifies the procedures for evaluating the conformity of radiators/convectors to EN 442-1. It specifies the procedures and methods for the initial evaluation and the controls required to maintain conformity.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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Drafting of Annex J concerning traceability of the thermal output measurement of radiators and convectors.

  • Amendment
    5 pages
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To add Annex H concerning the om values of a set of master radiators complying with EN 442-2.

  • Amendment
    3 pages
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    1 day